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The Prophets
Of Allaah


‫ٔابو ٕابراهيم هارون بن ساجد الرحمان‬

The Mission of the Prophets

Indeed calling to Allaah was the mission of all the Messengers and their followers, in order to
bring the people out from darkness and into the light, from unbelief (kufr) to true Faith (Eemaan),
from shirk to Tawheed, and from the Fire to Paradise.

Allaah says in the Qur'aan:

‫} َو َلق َْد ب َ َع ْثنَا ِفي ك ُِّل ُٔا َّم ٍة َر ُسولًا َٔا ِن ُا ْع ُب ُدوا ال َّل َه َوا ْجتَ ِن ُبوا‬

َّ ‫ُوت فَ ِم ْن ُه ْم َم ْن َه َدى ال َّل ُه َو ِم ْن ُه ْم َم ْن َحق َّْت َعلَ ْي ِه‬

{ ‫الضلَا َل ُة‬ َ ‫ال َّطاغ‬

Meaning: And verily, We have sent among every Ummah (community, nation) a Messenger
(proclaiming): "Worship Allaah (Alone), and avoid Tâghût (all false deities, etc. i.e. do not
worship Tâghût besides Allaah).

Then of them were some whom Allaah guided and of them were some upon whom the straying
was justified. Soorah an-Nahl (16): Aayah 36

Shaikh ‘Abdur-Rahmaan ibn Naasir as-Sa’dee (rahimahullaah) said that:

''He- the Most High- informs that His proof has been established upon all of the nations; and that
there was no earlier or later nation except that Allaah raised a Messenger amongst them, and that
all of them were agreed upon a single call and a single Religion; and it is the worship of Allaah
alone, with no partners being ascribed to Him.

َ ‫} َٔا ِن ُا ْع ُب ُدوا ال َّل َه َوا ْجتَ ِن ُبوا ال َّطاغ‬
{ ‫ُوت‬

“meaning: (commanding them ): worship Allaah Alone and avoid the false objects of worship”:

So the nations divided, in accordance to whether they responded to the call of the Messengers or
not, into two categories:

{ ‫} فَ ِم ْن ُه ْم َم ْن َه َدى ال َّل ُه‬

“meaning: so from them were those whom Allaah guided” :

So they followed the Messengers, in knowledge and action.

َّ ‫} َو ِم ْن ُه ْم َم ْن َحق َّْت َعل ْي ِه‬

{ ‫الضلَا َل ُة‬

“meaning: and from them were those for whom misguidance was made binding”:

So they followed the path of misguidance. '' 1

. Taken from “Tayseerul-Kareemir-Rahmaan fee tafseer Kalaamil-Mannaan” of Shaikh ‘Abdur-Rahmaan
ibn Naasir as-Sa’dee. Translated by Aboo Talhah Daawood ibn Ronald Burbank

Prophets ‫ صلوات الله عليهم‬Mentioned in the Qur’aan

1. Âdam ‫ا ٓدم‬ 2. Idrîs ‫ادريس‬ 3. Nûh ‫نوح‬

4. Hûd ‫هود‬ 5. Sâlih ‫صالح‬ 6. Ibrâhîm ‫إبراهيم‬

7. Lût ‫لوط‬ 8. Ismâ`îl ‫اسماعيل‬ 9. Ishâq ‫اسحاق‬

10. Ya`qûb ‫يعقوب‬ 11. Yûsuf ‫يوسف‬ 12. Ayyûb ‫ٔايوب‬

13. Shu`aib ‫شعيب‬ 14. Mûsâ ‫موسى‬ 15. Hârûn ‫هارون‬

16. Dhul-Kifl ‫ ذو الكفل‬17. Dâwûd ‫داوود‬ 18. Sulaimân ‫سليمان‬

19. Ilyâs ‫إلياس‬ 20. AlYasa` ‫اليسع‬ 21. Yûnus ‫يونس‬

22. Zakariyyâ ‫زكريا‬ 23. Yahyâ ‫يحيى‬ 24. Îsâ ‫عيسى‬

25. Muhammad ‫)صلى الله عليه وسلم( مح ّمد‬

1. Name the Prophet who built the ark?

2. For how many years did this Prophet call his people to
Tawheed (The Oneness of Allaah)?

__ __ Years

3. Name the Prophet who was swallowed by a big fish?

4. What means of transport did Yûnus use, in order to run

away (i.e. camel, horse, ship)?

5. Name the Prophet who spoke when he was a baby in a

6. What was his mother's name?

7. Name the Prophet who was given control over the Jinns?

8. Name the Prophet who used to praise Allaah along with

the mountains and the birds?

9. Name the Book given to this Prophet?

10. What did Allaah make soft for him to bend?

11. Name the Prophet who Allaah made with His two

12. What did Allaah teach this Prophet?

13. Name the Prophet who was sent to Pharaoh?

14. What did Pharaoh claim he was?

15. Name the Prophet whose father used to make idols?

16. What was the name of his father?

17. Name the Prophet who Allaah taught the interpretation
of dreams?

18. What was the name of his father?

19. Name the Prophet who called upon Allaah for a Child.
Then Allaah gave him a son called Yahyâ?

20. What was the sign given to this Prophet?

21. Name the Prophet who Muhammad (‫)صلى الله عليه وسلم‬
met in the 4th heaven?

22. Name the Prophet who could heal a person that was
born blind by Allaah’s Permission?

23. Name the two sons of Prophet Ibrâhîm?

24. To whom did Pharaoh say: "Set up for me a lofty tower,

in order that I may look at the Ilah (God) of Mûsâ.."

25. Name the Prophet who killed Jalût (Goliath)?

26. About whom did the ants say: "O ants! Enter your
dwellings, lest S______ and his hosts should crush you,
while they perceive not?

27. Name the Prophet who is the Last Messenger of Allaah?

28. Which miracle of the Prophet (‫ )صلى الله عليه وسلم‬is the
Speech of Allaah, revealed from the heavens?

29. Name the companion who was the most beloved to our
Prophet Muhammad (‫?)صلى الله عليه وسلم‬

30. Name the first wife of our Prophet Muhammad

(‫?)صلى الله عليه وسلم‬


1. Nûh 2. 950 years 3. Yûnus {Jonah}

4. Ship 5. Îsâ {Jesus} 6. Maryam {Mary}

7. Sulaimân 8. Dâwûd {David} 9. Zabûr (Psalms)

10. Iron 11. Âdam 12. Names of everything

13. Mûsâ 14. God 15. Ibrâhîm

16. Aazar 17. Yûsuf 18. Ya`qûb {Jacob}

19. Zakariyyâ 20. He would not speak for 3 days. 21. Idrîs

22. Îsâ 23. Ismâ`îl & Ishâq 24. Hâmân

25. Dâwûd 26. Sulaimân 27. Muhammad

(‫)صلى الله عليه وسلم‬
28. The Qur'aan 29. Aboo Bakr 30. Khadeejah

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