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BASILA, Joseth A.

2TE1 - STS
Quiz #2 - Environmental Problems

1. Enumerate and describe the different environmental problems that the Philippines is
facing. 6 pts

The country right now is facing different environmental problems that are affecting everyone
living in the Philippines. According to the article, the environmental problems the country is
currently facing are problems of water pollution, air pollution, and waste products.

The rivers and lakes in the Philippines are said to be in a very serious state that resulted in
water pollution. Major rivers are affected by agricultural chemicals, heavy metals, toxic
substances, and many more. In rural areas, agricultural chemicals, mining operations, and
many more causes are affecting water quality.

The next problem is air pollution, mainly coming from two main sources, one is vehicles that are
mobile sources and the second is power plants and factories that are considered to be fixed

Lastly is the continuous peak of the volume of solid waste in the country. With the waste
disposal sites closing down because of their expense, there are also no appropriate disposal
sites built because of their expense.

2. Based on the article, what are the interventions that the Philippines is doing to
overcome, reduce, or mitigate the effects of these problems? 6 pts

Interventions that the Philippines is doing to overcome the environmental problems are said to
be a pressing task. Most causes of these environmental problems are coming from big
companies that produce wastes and chemicals that are bad for the environment, with that, there
are laws and bills made but not passed that is why the DENR (Department of Environment and
Natural Resources) has reviewed the former environment standards and emission standards.

Water pollution is said to be mostly caused by sewage discharge to a river or sea that comes
from factories, plant operations, and other companies. Improvements must be made so every
factory and plantation in the country needs to meet the effluent criteria, and penalties for
violating the criteria are made.
To deal with the air pollution problem in the country, privately owned vehicles that are more than
5 years are legally required to pass tests related to the cause of air pollution. For fixed sources,
before starting its operations it needs to pass the tests of DENR and needs to show pollution
and environmental standards, and assess pollution control requirements.

The Philippine government has plans on building proper disposal sites but the place where it is
planned to be put up has strong opposition from its local authorities and municipalities. There
are laws that are made for solid waste disposal but the country is still in need of proper disposal
sites, like toxic substances.

3. What are some reflections that you have after reading this article? 8 pts.

From the said problems and solutions of the government said above, my reflection, as well as
my realization of what is really happening in our country, made me think that we really need a
proper plan that can benefit everyone. There are solutions to this kind of problem but it is hard
to do because of other people, reason, and effect. All the said solutions are just helping
minimize the problem but it is not clearly the solution to it. My own realization is that, if there will
be a proper solution, for everyone in the country, urban and rural areas, and all corners of the
Philippines, the solution should be shared and let everyone be informed. The solution should
also benefit everyone, not just help remove the problem. Upon thinking of the solution think of
every bit of effect that can affect any living creature and nature.

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