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Challenges and Opportunities in the Age of Growing Technologies

AI has entered a new era where it's growing really fast and becoming a big part of

our daily lives. Think about things like virtual helpers, chatbots, and those suggestions

you get on streaming sites. AI is everywhere now, subtly guiding us and influencing our

decisions. The documentary shows how AI uses lots of data to guess what we like, make

our experiences better, and help companies make more money. In the Frontline

Documentary (2019) called "In The Age of AI," we see how AI is affecting the choices we

make as consumers. It's also bringing in a new era of technology and innovation. But with

this power come some important ethical issues, like people losing their jobs, invasion of

privacy, controlling what we do, and affecting the world in big ways.

The documentary talks about a big ethical worry: people losing their jobs because

of AI. As AI gets better, some folks are afraid it'll replace human workers in many

industries. This not only puts jobs at risk but also raises questions about how people and

communities will make money (Cox, Josie. 2023, April 18).

Another big ethical issue with AI is privacy. AI programs collect and study personal

information to give us recommendations and ads. But this constant watching and data

use can mean we have less control over our privacy. Corporations and governments

might misuse this info, which isn't good for us (Wang, Z., & Chen, J. 2022).

AI can shape what we do and what we think, which can be both good and bad. It

can give us personalized stuff, but it can also manipulate us. The documentary shows

how AI can make us stay in our own bubbles, believing the same things and not hearing
other views. This can divide us and hurt our democracy (Pew Research Center. 2023,

June 21).

The problems with AI aren't just local. AI's global effects raise questions about

fairness and access. When only a few big companies and countries control advanced AI,

it can make inequalities between places and communities worse (TechCrunch. 2019,

January 23).

As AI changes jobs, we should help people learn new skills. Programs and training

can help people adjust to new kinds of work. Companies should tell us how their AI works

and what they do with our data. They should also be responsible if their AI messes up.

Governments and groups that make rules should make clear guidelines for AI. These

rules should cover privacy, how AI works, and what happens to jobs. Better privacy laws

and more control over our data can help with privacy worries. Companies should also use

AI in ways that don't invade our privacy. Most importantly, people who make AI should

think about ethics from the start. This means fixing biases in AI, making sure it can't trick

us, and having a diverse team of people working on it.

"In The Age of AI," shows us that AI can change a lot of things, but it also brings

up some big ethical questions. It could cost people their jobs, invade our privacy, control

what we do, and affect the whole world. To make sure AI is a good thing, we need to

make rules, be open, teach people new skills, protect our data, think about ethics, and

work together worldwide. That way, we can use AI's power while keeping our values and

our society safe in this new era.


Cox, Josie. (2023, April 18). AI anxiety: Will artificial intelligence replace your job? BBC Worklife.


Pew Research Center. (2023, June 21). The best and worst of digital life in 2035.



TechCrunch. (2019, January 23). The World Economic Forum warns of AI's potential to worsen global

inequality. TechCrunch. https://techcrunch.com/2019/01/23/world-economic-forum-warns-of-

Wang, Z., & Chen, J. (2022). Artificial intelligence and machine learning in environmental science: A

journey through the literature. Environmental and Sustainable Development, 1(1), 1-11.


WEEK 4: SUBSETS OF AI. (2023). Retrieved From.


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