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Effects of Social Media on the Academic Performance of the

Selected Grade 11 Students at Our Lady of Sorrows Academy, Inc.

S.Y. 2022 - 2023

Jumawan, Kyle Christian S.

Panganiban, Judiel Clark B.

Rocafor, Zyanne T.

A Research Paper Submitted to Our Lady of Sorrows Academy

in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

PRACTICAL RESEARCH 1 (Qualitative Research)


S.Y. 2022-2023


1.1 Statement of the Problem………………………………………………………………...1

1.2 Significance of the Study…...............................................................................................1

1.3 Assumption of the Study………………………..………………………………………..2

1.4 Scope and Limitation………………………………………………………….................2

1.5 Definition of Terms……………………………………………………………………....3

Chapter 2: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE………………………………………..…..4


3.1 Method of Research……………………………………………………………………...20

3.2 Subject of the Study……………………………………………………………………...20

3.3 Description of the Research Instrument………………………………………………….21

3.4 Data Gathering Procedure………………………………………………………………..21


4.1 Result of the Study……………………………………………………………………….22


5.1 Summary of Findings…………………………………………………………………….26

5.2 Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………….27

5.3 Recommendation………………………………………………………………………...28


Chapter 1


Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of social media on the academic

performance of selected students at Our Lady of Sorrows Academy, Inc.

The researcher is looking for answers to the following question.

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of their:

1.1 Name

1.2 Age

1.3 Gender

2. What are the effects of social media to the student’s academic performance in terms of:

2.1 Use of social media

2.2 Time spent using social media

3. What are the positive and negative effects of social media on student’s academic


Significance of the Study

This research will assist students in being more informed about the consequences of using social

media. The research being conducted has significance for parents because it will inform them of

the effects of social media on their children. This research may help parents understand how to

help their children to control their social media usage and prevent distractions while studying.

The findings of this study can be used by the school to set regulations for the usage of social

media in the school compound. The study will provide academics with more information

regarding the effects of social media on students’ academic performance as well as how to avoid

the negative effects of social media. It can also be used for future studies. It will be helpful to

students and other researchers who are conducting the same research topic.

Assumptions of the Study

The study is expecting that the findings will assist students in gaining new knowledge while

using social media and enhancing their academic performance by looking for useful information.

The assumption of the study is that the negative effects of social media on students are

distraction and staying up late. Furthermore, the researcher assumes that social media is a

reliable and trusted source of information for student’s homework along with that it is easy to

communicate with others through social media platforms.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study focuses on the effects of social media on student’s academic performance. There are

fifteen (15) student participants, eight (8) of the respondents are achiever and seven (7) are non

achiever students from Grade 11 senior high school in Our Lady of Sorrows Academy, Inc. It

was conducted in May inside the school, during the last semester of the school year 2022 - 2023.

Definition of Terms
Academic performance - is the measurement of student achievement across various academic

subjects. Teachers and education officials typically measure achievement using classroom

performance, graduation rates, and results from standardized tests.

Collaborative learning - is a situation in which two or more people learn or attempt to learn

something together.

Declarative knowledge - is an awareness or understanding of facts.

Educational institution - is a places where people of different ages gain an education, including

preschools, childcare, primary-elementary schools, secondary-high schools, and universities.

GPA - High schools often report GPA (grade point average) on a 4.0 scale.

Innovatively - in a way that uses new methods or ideas

Social media - websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to

participate in social networking.



Social media is a communication, an endless number of internet-based tools and platforms that

increase and enhance the sharing of information. This simply indicates that the internet has made

communication, social interaction, and education a lot easier and more accessible. This new kind

of media promotes the sharing of information among internet users in general. Social media has

relevance not only for regular internet users but businesses as well (Brown, 2014). Social media

has indeed cut across all the faces of society given its speed, accessibility, and advancements,

transforming research, learning, communication, and most of all, better education.

As we are living in a networking era, the rapid growth of the internet has a high impact on the

development of the students with whom they interact and socialize. During this era,

communication was the most popular term. Today, the communication revolution brought us

together regardless of geographical boundaries. The internet offers a wide variety of

communication tools. Billions of people use facilities like search engines, web pages, e-mails, e-

journals, e-newspapers, conferencing, multi-media sharing, online newsrooms, social

networking, etc. Social media has good and bad outcomes for users specifically the students, it is

how they manage their time for studies and their wants to be always on the trend. It is a matter of

responsible use of social media.

The internet is today the most important source of information and the growing dimensions of

the use of social media by students cannot be underestimated. Another definition of social media

is that it is a communication channel that is very popular, extremely fast and broad, has proven to

be highly effective, as well as trusted by billions of people to share and discover content

concerning individuals, brands, information, entertainment, and know-how‟ (Dearborn, 2014).

One theme that all these definitions serve as the foundation for is that social media involves

some form of communication between individuals over the internet.

All of us are social beings and like to socialize. Social media are web-based tools that enable

people to create and share information, ideas, interests, and many other things by forming online

social communities and networks. Social media has entirely transformed the way we

communicate, bringing us closer than ever before. Social media on academic performance is the

technology that facilitates the sharing of ideas, thoughts, and information through the building of

virtual networks and communities. So that social media on academic performance plays an

important role in educational communities, social media is an important growth factor in the

world that we simply can’t access without the internet.

The concept of social media has transformed from a global sensation to a routine part of daily

life and has therefore become a significant tool globally for marketers and consumers to connect

with. Social media is a global phenomenon happening in all markets regardless of wider

economic, social, and cultural development.

Social media has transformed from a global sensation to a routine part of daily life and has

therefore become a significant tool globally for connecting.

Social media is a communication, an endless number of internet-based tools and platforms that

increase and enhance the sharing of information. This simply indicates that the internet has made

communication, social interaction, and education a lot easier and more accessible. This new kind

of media promotes the sharing of information among internet users in general. Social media has

relevance not only for regular internet users but businesses as well (Brown, 2014). Social media

has indeed cut across all the faces of society given its speed, accessibility, and advancements,

transforming research, learning, communication, and most of all, better education.

Social media has gained wider acceptability and usability and is also becoming probably the

most important communication tool among students, especially at the higher level of education.

As much as social media is viewed as having bridged the communication gap that existed.

Within social media facebook, twitter, and others are now gaining more and more. These

websites and social forums are ways of communicating directly with other people socially.

The main purpose of this study is to show the effect of social media on students’ academic

performance in both positive and negative aspects. Students use social media most of the time on

different accounts like facebook, messenger, and instagram, for different purposes, and that

affects them positively and negatively.

Without good collaborative learning, an educational institution cannot take advantage of social

media for improving academic performance. The study aims to determine the effects of the

growing use of social media variables on the academic performance of students. A view of the

relationship of variables of the study was the social media and academic performance affect each

other. It only means that when a student is on social media it has effects on the performance of

class activities and academic performance.

Social Media

Social media is then defined as any use of the internet, either web or application, to transfer

messages between one or more persons instantly without respect to geographical distance.

According to (Jamil, et al., 2020), social media is producing,

sharing, and collaborating content online, some social media platforms include facebook,

WhatsApp, Twitter, and Instagram.

Teenagers and young adults have especially embraced these sites as a way to connect with their

peers, share information, recreate their personalities, and showcase their social lives, and as a

result, a lot of students happily make use of these opportunities by spending an important amount

of their time to use various social media platforms.

Social media started when people started to communicate. Social means human society, as

interference of people and groups and word media is the medium of expression. Most forms of

social media are not digital. It generates a large number of inventions and social media is one of

the biggest inventions of technology, which is now the most popular and widely used. Social

media is a “technology that makes social communication easy and enables discussions among its

participants”. While in our study, the word social media is a web-based mobile application that

allows people or companies to make, interact with, and share new user-generated or current

material, in a digital environment. Students are consumers and producers of media.

Social media

Social media can also be defined as forms of communication through which users interact among

people in which they create, freely share, exchange, and discuss information, ideas, personal

messages, and other content about each other and their lives using a multi-media mix of personal

words, pictures, videos, and audio, utilizing online platforms while they are connected to the

internet (Mingle & Adams, 2015).

Research by (Lau, 2017) students examined the use of social media and social multitasking and

their effects on academic performance. He asserted that the use of social media for academic

purposes was not a significant predictor of academic performance. Whereas the use of social

media for non - academic purposes adversely predicts academic performance. (Ravizza,

Hambrick, and Fenn, 2014) reported that the use of the internet including social media for non-

academic purposes by students in the classroom was negatively associated with classroom

learning and performance.

It is not surprising that social media usage is one of the most common activities among children,

adolescents, and emerging adults. It offers youth a portal for entertainment and communication

and also it is becoming one of the main platforms for accessing information and news. This

encourages them to use social media not only for receiving and retrieving information, but also

for being online and connecting with others, and from being consumers and participants to

“presumes” which means that they consume and produce media on the social media platform

(Obar & Wildman, 2015).

According to (Wikipedia, 2013), academic performance is the outcome of education; it is the

extent to which a student, teacher, or institution has achieved their educational goals. Academic

performance also means the knowledge and skills that students have mastered in a subject or a

course. It’s a measure of how well students have performed in the various assessment items set

for them based on some educational criteria determined by professional educators (Yunlok,


Thus, performance is characterized by performance on tests associated with coursework and the

performance of students on other types of examinations (Amasuomo, 2017). Studies showed that

social media tools support educational activities by making interaction, collaboration, active

participation, information and resource sharing, and critical thinking possible (Ajjan &

Hartshorne, 2016; Mason, 2016; DeAndrea et al., 2018; Juncoet al., 2018; Junco et al., 2020).

Social media websites and applications are online environments where users contribute and

explore content primarily generated by fellow users. Social media tools have the potential to

build on the interactivity with additional features that are more learner-generated, collaborative,

and engaging” (Cheston, Flickinger, and Chisolm, 2013). Also, the majority of the students are

to communicate openly with their online friends and share information and any kind of

knowledge with each other. Also, students can have various chat communities or forums where

they can share information.

Furthermore, most of the respondents are using their time for academic purposes: doing research

work, having an academic discussions with their classmates, and preparing for an incoming

examination. Moreover, the students use social media to gather news and share ideas. The study

finds the impact of social media usage on the academic performance of students.

It shows that the students use social media to do academic work, get information about current

events, read the recent news, and many more.

Students also use it for their enjoyment and pleasure, such as watching movies, communicating

with their friends and relatives, and looking at funny media. It is also a way to unwind

themselves from academic stress. A direct relationship exists between social media usage and the

academic performance of students. However, the darker side of technological evolution has

resulted in such as the setback of real values of life especially among students who form the

majority of users interacting through the use of social networking sites.

Academic excellence or achievement plays an important role in an individual placement, be it in

education or employment opportunities. Due to this, many people are concerned with the ways

they can enhance their academic achievement. The focus on academic excellence which is also

significant worldwide has encouraged many studies about the conditions promoting it. The role

of academic achievement as one of the predictors of one’s life success and also in the aspect of

academic placement in schools to higher institutions as well as the level of employability in

one’s career is essential.


Social media Platforms

The most popular social media platforms are Facebook, Messenger, and Twitter user profiles

allow the user to communicate information with each other and allow users to build and maintain

relationships and encourage others to be a part of a community among students on online social

websites become popular. This in turn puts pressure on members of the faculty to use social

networking within the classrooms and outside the classrooms to connect with students.

There are many advantages for universities that can be gained by connecting with students

through social media relations. It is used to increase thinking and building of communication.

Research is done in which a graduate seminar is conducted for students to post weekly tweets in

discussions in the classroom. Twitter is used by students to connect. Students use twitter to

discuss the study material, connect with classmates, and organize study groups. co-workers came

to know that students who use twitter had superior GPAs and greater results as compared to other

groups. The invention of the smartphone has increased the usage of social media. It enables users

to access multiple social networking sites with just a few clicks.

Facebook has quickly become the social network site of choice by college students and an

essential part of the “behind the scenes” college experience (Selwyn, 2020). Researchers who

favor the use of facebook in education claim it can have a positive influence on students’ lives,
such as providing a way to contact classmates and instructors about course assignments or group



(Miloševic et al., 2018; Petrović et al., 2019). Others indicate that Facebook can harm academic

performance, leading to lower GPAs and less time spent on academic work (Skiera et al., 2015;

Junco, 2017; Kirschner & Karpinski, 2017). Characteristics noted in the literature which

recommend facebook as a tool that can contribute significantly to the quality of education are:

fostering positive relationships among students and encompassing student’s motivation and

engagement (West et al., 2018; Kabilan et al., 2019).

Facebook researchers claim that “the experience with communication technologies that teenagers

today possess must be tapped by educators and connected to learning objectives in schools”

(Fewkes & McCabe, 2017). Some departments have group chats on facebook and messenger

where they upload and share information peculiar to their courses e.g. test schedules, textbooks,

links, and during examinations information from research related to a topic, across all levels of

the departments. They concluded that twitter gave room for students to be involved in

discussions during class (back channel), and extend the dialogue outside of the lecture room.

To begin to understand how it can be used in an educational context, to maintain that instructors

should know how students use facebook and why it has become so popular. Twitter also

promotes social connections among students. It can be used to enhance communication building
and critical thinking. (Domizi, 2018) utilized twitter in a graduate seminar requiring students to

post weekly tweets to extend classroom discussions. Students reportedly used twitter to connect

with content and other students.


(Junco et al., 2018) Completed a study of students to examine the link between twitter and

student engagement and student grades. They divided the students into two groups, one used

twitter and the other did not. From the findings, they concluded that using twitter in

educationally relevant ways had a positive effect on student engagement. Their results suggest

that twitter can be used to engage students in ways that are important for their academic and

psychosocial development.

Twitter assignments promoted active learning by helping students relate the course material to

their own experiences both inside and outside of the classroom. They also found that twitter was

used to discuss material, organize study groups, post class announcements, and connect with

classmates. YouTube is the most frequently used social media tool in the classroom (Moran,

Seaman, & Tinti-Kane 2019). Students can watch videos, answer questions, and discuss content.

Additionally, students can create videos to share with others. (Sherer and Shea, 2020) claimed

that YouTube increased participation, personalization (customization), and productivity. (Eick &

King, 2018) found that videos kept students’ attention, generated interest in the subject, and

clarified course content.


Positive Effects of Social Media on the Academic Performance

Positive effect of social media on education social media gives a way for students to effectively

reach each other regarding class projects, bunch assignments, or for help on homework

assignments. Many of the students who do not take an interest consistently in class might feel

that they can express their thoughts easily on social media.

Teachers may post on social media about class activities, school events, and homework

assignments which will be very useful to them. It is seen that social media marketing has been

emerging as a career option. Social media marketing prepares young workers to become

successful marketers.

Access to social media provides the opportunity for educators to teach good digital citizenship

and the use of the internet for productivity. Useful information can be exchanged over social

networking sites. Social networking sites can allow teens to find support online that they may

lack in traditional relationships, especially for teens.

Social media has a positive influence on education, helping students improve their academic

performance. From helping students complete their assignments, understand difficult educational

material topics, and prepare for quizzes and exams, to improving their practical skills and finding


the right career opportunities, social media is playing a vital role in helping students stay on top

of their studies. Social media have advantages in academic performance as it helps the student to

remember what is happening in their class if they have a written task, or quiz by posting or

chatting on their group chat or pages. It has different performance tasks. Social media helps the

students to confirm through chat, call, video call, and text if their practice is still going on and to

know the area where their practices happen. On the other hand social media helps additionally to

get a higher grade they deserve.

Positive Effects of Social Media on the Academic Performance

Sharing knowledge provides an easy and effective way in which students can share knowledge.

Students can simply access the information, study, transform (if needed), and share.

Updating oneself they will have the capacity to know new things as and when it happens. This

causes them to refresh their particular information base. Positive effect of social media on

education can adopt its benefits to gain positive results in education.

Connectivity, the first and foremost benefit of social media is connectivity. People from

anywhere can connect with anyone. Regardless of the location and religion. The attractiveness of

social media is that you can attach with anyone to learn and share your thoughts.


Social networking provides various benefits to students and teachers. It is very easy to educate

others who are experts and professionals via social media. One can follow anyone to learn from

him/her and enhance his knowledge about any field. Regardless of our location and educational

background, we can educate ourselves, without paying for it.

Help you can impart your issues to the group to get help and energy. Regardless of whether it is

helping in terms of cash or in terms of pieces of advice, you can get it from the group you are

associated with.

Information and updates, the primary favorable position of web-based social networking is that

you refresh yourself on the most recent happenings around the world. More often than not,

television and print media nowadays are one-sided and do not pass on the genuine message. With

the assistance of web-based social networking, you can get the actualities and genuine data by

doing some exploration.

Negative Effects of Social Media on the Academic Performance

A negative effect of social media, spending more than two hours on social media could affect

your mood. If you're likely to report poor mental health including anxiety and depression at the

same time social media is the primary cause of cyberbullying the student can be bullied by

someone online anonymously.


According to (Petersen, 2018), there are many negative effects of using social media on

individuals such as mental health spreading untrue information and online bullying, and time

management, therefore social media could lead to student’s lack of focus on their academic

performance resulting in getting a lower grade and unhealthy lifestyle.

The negative effect of social media on education. Reduced learning and research capabilities

students are depending more on the information reachable easily on these social networking sites

and the web. This reduces their learning and research capabilities. Reducing in real human

contact the additional time the students spend on these online networking destinations, the less

time they will go through associating face-to-face with others. This decreases their relational

abilities. They won't have the capacity to convey and properly balance face-to-face with others.

Fascinating relationship abilities are critical to achievement in reality. Reduces command over

language use age and creative writing skills students generally utilize slang words or abbreviated

types of words on long-range interpersonal communication locales. They begin depending on the

PC language structure and spelling check highlights.


Negative Effect of Social Media

Cyber harassing, according to a report distributed the greater part of the students have progressed

toward becoming casualties of the digital bullying over the past. Since anyone can make a fake

record and do anything without being tailed, it has ended up being exceptionally straightforward

for anyone to spook on the internet. Dangers, terrorizing messages, and bits of gossip can be sent

to the majority to cause inconvenience and uproar in the general public.

Addiction, the addictive piece of online networking is awful and can have unique lifestyles that

irritate also. It can also waste an individual's time that could have been used for profitable tasks

and exercises.



Method of Research

The researcher used qualitative research in this study to conduct an investigation and to gather

answers from the respondents by asking about their perceptions or opinions on social media. It

provides an understanding of the opinions of the participants and perspectives on the research

topic. The data was gathered from senior high school students at Our Lady of Sorrows Academy,

Inc. Furthermore, purposive sampling is used by researchers to select a small portion of a

population for research purposes. Also, researchers used purposive sampling with non -

probability in the research process to determine the participants who are willing to speak about

their thoughts and perspectives on using social media. The research study conducted a survey

format based on questionnaires and organized interviews in order to collect data on senior high

school students and the effects of social media on their academics.

Subjects of the Study

The researchers selected 15 students as respondents to the research topic. All of our respondents

are Grade 11 senior high school students and all of them have nicknames because it’s

confidential. The age of the selected students is between 16 to 18 years old. The gender of the

respondents is nine (9) females and six (6) males. The researcher chose eight (8) achiever

students and seven (7) non - achiever students so that the researcher could see the difference in

their thoughts and opinion on the effects of social media on the students.


Description of Research Instrument

To acquire the necessary information from the students, a questionnaire was used in the research

study. It is supported by a cover letter that introduces the researcher, explains the purpose of the

research, and requests contributions in supplying the necessary information. The researchers

prepared ten (10) questions for the fifteen (15) participants. The questions are based on the

opinions and perspectives of the participants in social media. Furthermore, the questionnaire was

based on the effects of social media and usage of social media aiming to give the respondents

simple and relatable questions. Enable to get the possible results for the study that the researchers


Data Gathering Procedure

Questionnaires and interviews were the approaches used in the result. After receiving permission

from the research teacher to use the questionnaire, the researcher starts gathering the data from

the participants. In the beginning, the researcher asks the participants whether they consent to

have their interview filmed on camera or whether they do not, the researcher offers to use a voice
recorder instead. Before the interview even starts, the participants are given a chance to review

the questions so they are knowledgeable about the topic. While the researchers are conducting

the interview, one of the researchers is asking questions to the participants, and while they are

responding, another researcher is writing notes on what the participants are saying and another

researcher is recording audio or video. After collecting the respondent’s data, the researchers

analyzed it to come up with the study's findings.



Results of the Study

1. What social media platforms do you use the most when communicating?

According to the result of our survey, 10 out of 15 participants used Messenger the most when

communicating on the other hand, 3 out of 15 participants used Instagram and Messenger, 1 out

of 15 participants used Messenger and Facebook, and the other 1 out of 15 participants used

Facebook to have communication in others.

2. How much time do you spend on social media?

The results showed that just 4 out of 15 respondents reported spending at least 4 hours each day

on social media. The remaining 6 out of 15 students claimed to use it for between 3 to 6 hours, 4

out of 15 four claimed to use it for between 7 and 10 hours, and 1 out of 15 claimed to use it as

3. Does social media help you in your academic performance? In what way?

The research found that 13 out of 15 respondents answered "yes" since they can communicate

between students and teachers to find out what needs to be done. On the other hand, 2 out of 15

respondents mentioned it depends on the situation.


4. What are the negative effects of using social media for you?

According to the results of our survey, 6 out of 15 respondents claim that it leads to addiction,

while 3 out of 15 students claim that it makes them stay up late, and 2 out of 15 claim that it

results in online bullying. Furthermore, 1 out of 15 claims that it has an impact on mental health,

on the other hand, 1 out of 15 claim that it leads to too much social media use, and 1 out of 15

claim that it is time-consuming. Also, 1 out of 15 claim that it makes us compare ourselves to


5. Do your grades get higher with the help of Social media?

According to the respondents, 6 out of 15 pupils respond "yes," and 4 out of 15 respond "no,"

while 2 out of 15 responded "sometimes." However, 1 out of 15 students said it depends, 1 out of

15 said it helped them in the past but that they are now merely retaining, and 1 out of 15 of our

interviewees couldn't be heard.

6. As a student, what are the usual mistakes you commit on social media?
According to the survey's findings, 2 out of 15 students claim their classmates of backstabbing

and making judgments, and 2 out of 15 students claim they haven't done anything wrong while 1

out of 15 students warns others to think before clicking. Furthermore, 1 out of 15 said he/she

become addicted to social media and share offensive content, 3 out of 15 say their other students

of bullying, and 1 out of 15 say they send messages by mistake.


7. As a student, how important is social media to you?

According to the responses we received, 7 out of 15 students responded that social media is

important to them because they use it for communication. 6 out of 15 students said the same

thing but added that they also use it for searching. Furthermore, 1 out of 15 said that today's

youth rely on social media, and 1 out of 15 said social media is a part of people's daily lives.

8. For you, how come other students spend too much time on social media?

According to the results, 5 out of 15 students claim they spend time on social media because it

entertains them, while 4 out of 15 say they became used to spending time there, and 4 out of 15

state they became addicted. Additionally. 1 out of 15 claims that social media is a coping

mechanism, and 1 out of 15 say they spend time because they enjoy chatting.

9. Why is social media so popular among students?

Researchers discovered that 4 out of 15 students claimed social media was popular because it

was entertaining, while 2 out of 15 students claimed it was interesting, and 2 out of 15 students
claimed it was a part of their daily routine. Furthermore, 2 out of 15 students claimed they used

social media to express themselves, on the other side 1 out of 15 students used it for searching,

while 2 out of 15 students claimed it was popular because they used it for communication, and 2

out of 15 students claimed social media was popular for no particular reason.


10. In your own opinion, how will you avoid distraction while using social media?

According to the results of our survey, 10 out of 15 students stated that you need to set

limitations for yourself while using social media, and 3 out of 15 students claim that you need to

avoid using social media. Also, from 15 respondets, 1 said you need to change your mindset, and

1 out of 15 students stated that you should keep your gadgets away.



Summary of Findings

According to the findings of the study, grade 11 senior high school students communicate with

one another using social media platforms. Moreover, students used social media for both

educational and personal purposes on a daily basis. Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger are the

most common social media communications networks among students. These platforms are used

by students to share information and messages with their classmates, friends, and family


The significant finding of the study was that social media has positive as well as negative effects

on students, both of which are well demonstrated by the study. Also, through social media

students could assist in improving their academic performance by communicating or messaging

other students and teachers to find out what needs to be done so that they are not left behind.
On the other hand, the negative effects to Students that spend more time on social media for

enjoyment become more distracted, making it difficult for them to complete their assignments,

performances, and other tasks on deadline. Students who became addicted to and easily

distracted by social media stated that they had trouble focusing and remembering what they

learned in class discussions yesterday.


Also, social media is important to them since it allows us to contact those who live far away by

talking, calling, and messaging them. In terms of learning performance, students use social

media to search for information that is required, whether for school work or for non-academic



The conclusions of this research study recommend that you set limitations while using social

media so that you're able to focus in time on studying and completing schoolwork while

maintaining the time to use social media without being distracted or addicted. Distraction and

addiction to social media will lead to students struggling to accomplish their academic targets.

The results show that senior high school student’s usage of social media can have positive as

well as negative impacts on their academic performance. Students use social media on a daily

basis. The results of the study revealed that social media may have both positive and bad impacts

on students, depending on how they are used.

These include privacy invasion, academic distraction, consuming time, and other issues. As a

result, it's essential to encourage social media usage that is appropriate while also advising

students to put limits on how much time they spend on social media. In a joint effort, the school

and parents can give the resources students need and encourage them as they learn to balance


their time between social media and academic work. By realizing how social media affects

student’s academic performance, we can collaborate to make the classroom a welcoming place

for the children to study.


For Students, they should be encouraged to use social media appropriately and to limit their time

on social media to things that are needed. Students should concentrate on the essentials, such as

studying, doing productive activities, and spending time with family and friends. They should

focus on using social media to communicate with others, for academic purposes, and for other

important activities. They should also improve the way they organize their time as well as set

limitations by making a timetable that splits their entire day into different responsibilities such as

studying and using social media sites. Students should also know how to control their use of

social media to ensure they are able to concentrate on the activities they are doing and prevent

distractions. Furthermore, students may use a timer or alarm to monitor their time and create sets

for the day, which will assist them to accomplish what they want to achieve.
For parents, monitor and discuss your child's social media use. Parents should take a variety of

methods when it comes to guidance of their children's social media accounts, including time

limits, parental monitoring and guidance, and regular conversations about social media. As

previously stated, time limits can help teens with self-control and encourage moderate social

media use.


For Teachers, they need to be aware of the effects social media has on senior high school

students and collaborate with other staff members to establish regulations and guidelines for

using social media on campus.

Future researchers should conduct more studies on the effects of social media on student’s

academic performance. This might involve conducting questionnaires and interviews in order to

understand their perspectives and ideas on social media.



Alliyah, C.(....).Effects of Social Media to students academic performance.

Samuel, A. (2022).Effects of social media on the academic performance of undergraduates in

Prince Abubakar Audu University.



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Jubril,F.(2018).Influence of Social Media on Students’ Academic Performance as Perceived by

Undergraduate Education Students

Samarasinghe,S. & Thamali C.(2019).The Impact of Social Media on Students’ Academic



Vijay,K. & Komal,S.(2019).Effect Of Social Media On Academic Performance

Patrick,A.(2022).Impact of Social Media Affecting Student's Academic Performance using

Opinion Mining

Isaac,K. & Samuel,A.(2021).Prediction of social media effects on students’ academic

performance using Machine Learning Algorithms

Waleed,A. & Mohd,O.(2013). scholar Impact of social media use on the academic performance

among university students:A pilot study

Abolarin,S.(2022).Effects of social media on the academic performance of undergraduates in

Prince Abubakar Audu University



Research Instrument

Questionnaire and interviews




Greetings to everyone, we would like to introduce ourselves starting with Kyle Christian S. Jumawan,
followed by Judiel Clark B. Panganiban, and Zyanne T. Rocafor, we are from Grade 11 Senior High
School Students at Our Lady of Sorrows Academy, Inc. We would like to make a request to you, in order
to fulfill our requirements for the last semester to complete the subject of Practical Research 1, we would
like to invite you and join us to participate in part of our research study. You have the freedom of choice
whether you participate in the study or not, any choice you make will be respected by us. If you have any
concerns regarding our research study, please feel free to ask and speak; we will do our best to answer
them as thoroughly as we can. The entire information that we conducted will be kept private and secret.
The information and specific details you provide are only going to be available to members of the group.
Your responses will be securely coded secretly, and only those conducting the studies are permitted to
identify which numbers belong to the participants.


Your approval would be appreciated if you answer the questions below.




Interview Question Guide

1. Which social media platform do you use the most when communicating?

2. How much time do you spend on social media?

3. Does social media help you in your academic performance?

4. What are the negative effects of using social media platforms for you?

5. Do your grades get higher or lower because of social media?

6. As a student, what are the usual mistakes you commit while using social media?

7. As a student, how important is social media to you?

8. For you, how come other students spend too much time on social media?

9. In your opinion, why is social media so popular among students?

10. In your opinion, how will you avoid distraction while using social media?


FULL NAME: Kyle Christian S. Jumawan

ADDRESS: Brgy. Sta Lucia, Dolores Quezon


CONTACT NUMBER: 09198946266

LRN: 104833120207

Male, 17 years old 5 ft. 4 in. Single

14 February, 2006 61 kg Catholic


Our Lady of Sorrows Academy, Inc. ( 2023 )

( First year of Senior High School )

Strand – ABM ( Accountancy, Business and Management )

Biluhan High School ( 2018 – 2022 )

( Junior High School )

Child Formation Center of Sta. Rosa, Inc. ( 2012 – 2018 )

( Elementary School )

FULL NAME: Zyanne T. Rocafor

ADDRESS: Brgy. Sta Lucia, Dolores Quezon


CONTACT NUMBER: 09815153217

LRN: 108680140002

Female,16 years old 5 ft. 3 in. Single

31 July, 2006 50 kg Catholic


Our Lady of Sorrows Academy, Inc. ( 2023 )

( First year of Senior High School )

Strand – HUMSS (Humanities and Social Sciences )

Our Lady of Sorrows Academy, Inc. ( 2018 – 2022 )

( Junior High School )

Don Severo Felismino Elementary School ( 2012 – 2018 )

( Elementary School )

FULL NAME: Judiel Clark B. Panganiban

ADDRESS: Brgy. maligay, Dolores Quezon


CONTACT NUMBER: 09686800657

LRN: 136605130005

Male,16 years old 5 ft. 6 in. Single

15 September, 2006 75 kg Catholic


Our Lady of Sorrows Academy, Inc. ( 2023 )

( First year of Senior High School )

Strand – ABM (Accountancy, Business and Management)

Our Lady of Sorrows Academy, Inc. ( 2018 – 2022 )

( Junior High School )

Pascual Villanuueva Elementary School ( 2012 – 2018 )

( Elementary School )

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