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Relevant SDGs CURRICULUM AREAS: Exploration of Elements in Nature

Subject: Science
Form 2 Science
SDG 6: Ensure Justification:
availability and SDG 6 was selected since the water supply situation for Malaysia has changed from one relative abundance to one of scarcity. River water contamination is a major
sustainable issue in Malaysia due to urbanization and modernization and has a damaging impact on the quality of water supply (Afroz & Rahman, 2017). Owing to high
management of water population concentrations, industrial operations and industry around towns and cities, rising water use, increasing water contamination, increasing disputes over land
and sanitation for all use and climate change, water management is becoming increasingly comprehensive and complicated. Any new development of water sources to meet the ever-
increasing demand of environmentalists and conservationists faces severe inspection at about the same time.

(200 words)

What competences 10Cs:

encompassing 1. Communication – Students will be able to synthesize and transmit ideas when completing the water-borne diseases table online.
knowledge, skills, 2. Critical reflection – Students will be able to critically reflect upon personal and social behaviour towards water conservation and transform to
more pro-environmental behaviour.
attitudes/values and/or
3. Constructing knowledge - Students will be able to construct new knowledge of clean water through the use of bubble map.
capacities are developed
through the suggested Sustainable justice:
activity? 1. Social Justice – Every student has equal opportunity to do the suggested activities.
2. Environmental Justice – Every student has equal responsibilities towards sustainable environment.

6 pillars of learning:
1. Learning to know – With this activity, students will be able to know the concept of clean water, water treatment processes and water borne
2. Learning to do – With this activity, students will be able to complete a concept map of clean water and table of water borne diseases as well as do
practices towards water sustainable.
3. Learning to give and share – With this activity, students will be able to share their opinions on the five most polluted rivers in Malaysia and the
best solutions to solve water pollution caused by different types of pollutants.
The relevant units in Water and Solution 5.3: Water purification and water supply
syllabus (Form 2 Science) 5.3.1: Demonstrate the water purification method.
 Carry out activities to produce clean water using the methods of boiling, filtration, purification, chlorinatoin and
5.3.2: Solve problems in getting water supply for daily life usage.
 Find information or brainstorm and create a multimedia presentation on how a country without water can provide
water supply by recycling water, collecting water from fog and collecting water from the sea (Reverse osmosis).
5.3.3: Build a model and communicate about water supply system
 Find information about different stages involved in water supply system: filtration, oxidation, coagulation,
sedimentation, filtration, chlorination and fluoridation
5.3.4: Justify water sustainability as a key to healthy living
 Discussion and evaluation on the following:
o Awareness about water content that is safe to consume.
o The effect of water pollution on living things and environment based on real cases such as mercury
poisoning in Minamata Bay, Japan.
o River pollution and River Cleaning Method
o The individual role to ensure the sustainability of water.
Green Technology for 4.3: Waste and Waste Water Management Sector
Environmental Sustainability 4.3.1: Explain socio-scientific issues in the waste and waste water management
(Form 4 Science)  Gather information and conduct multimedia presentation on:
o socio-scientific issues in the waste and waste water management
o contributing factors to socio-scientific issues in the waste and waste water management.
4.3.2: Justify the application of green technology to overcome socio-scientific issues in the waste and waste water
 Gather information and conduct multimedia presentation on:
o application of green technology to overcome socio-scientific issues in the waste and waste water
Sustainability of the Environment 3.2: Environmental Pollution
(Form 5 Science) 3.2.2: Study the water pollution level from domestic waste
 Measure the Biochemical Oxygen Demand, BOD as a water pollution parameter for different water samples.
3.2.3: Create and design a purification method for contaminated water using green technology.
 Use effective microorganisms to treat contaminated water.

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