The Noun

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Before reviewing the nouns we need to break down some terms::

1. Connotation:
Connotation refers to the emotional or cultural associations that a word carries beyond
its literal definition. It's the additional meaning that a word carries based on how it's used
and the context in which it's placed. Connotations can be positive, negative, or neutral,
and they contribute to the overall tone and impact of language.
Example: The word "home" has a positive connotation, evoking feelings of warmth,
comfort, and security.

2. Denotation:
Denotation is the literal or dictionary definition of a word, the objective and factual
meaning it holds without any emotional or cultural associations. Denotation provides the
basic, straightforward understanding of a word.
Example: The denotation of the word "dog" is a domesticated mammal often kept as a
pet or used for various purposes.

3. False Cognates:
False cognates, also known as false friends, are words from different languages that
look or sound similar but have different meanings. These words can be misleading to
language learners because of their resemblance to words in their native language, but
they actually have unrelated or even opposite meanings.
Example: In Spanish, the word "embarazada" means "pregnant," not "embarrassed" as
it might be mistaken for by English speakers.

After understanding this, now we can make a review of the types of nouns:

Type of
Noun Explanation Examples
John, Paris, Eiffel
Proper Noun Names a specific person, place, or thing. Tower
Noun General name for a person, place, or thing. dog, city, book
Concrete Refers to physical objects and things that can
Noun be sensed. table, flower, car
Abstract Represents ideas, emotions, qualities, or love, happiness,
Noun concepts. freedom
Collective Refers to a group of people or things as a
Noun single entity. team, herd, family
It is formed by combining two or more Father-in-law, radio
Compound individual words to create a single, new noun wave, dwight
noun with a specific meaning. eisenhower
Attach to the nouns, pronouns have a relevant use in the language. They are used in
place of a noun, and used as adjectives too. They are classify in six parts: Personal,
Possessive, Demonstrative, Relative (whom-whose), Reflexive, (Interrogative) and
indefinite (all, the most).

• The personal pronouns are used to refer to persons:

First person: The person that speaks - Subject pronouns.
Second person: The person spoken to - Object pronouns.
Third person: The person spoken to - Possessive pronouns.

• The neuter pronoun is used to refer to objects, animals, concepts, or ideas that are
not specifically male or female. Neuter pronouns are especially useful when the
gender of the noun being referred to is unknown, irrelevant, or when talking about
non-living things.
Example: The sun is shining brightly, and it feels warm outside.

• The passive voice: The subject of the sentence receives the action of the verb
rather than performing the action. When using pronouns in passive voice
sentences, the pronoun used depends on the original subject of the active voice
Example: He writes the report. = The report is written by him. (n.d.). False Cognate. In Retrieved August 12, 2023, at

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