Environmental Engineering - C1

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Science and
About the Lecturer

• Engr. Jonathan Jared J. Ignacio

• Education:
• Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical Engineering
• Master of Science in Environmental Engineering
and Management
• Bachelor of Science in Petroleum Engineering
• Years of Teaching Experience: 3 years
• Years of Research Experience: 6 years
• Number of Published Scopus-indexed Articles: 6
• h-index: 4
Lecture 1 Topics

• What is environmental science?

• What is environmental engineering?
• How does Environmental Engineers
and Environmental Scientists work
• Environmental Systems Overview
• To compare environmental
science and environmental
• To understand different
environmental systems.
Reminders During
the Lecture

uthe disciplines of biology, chemistry, and

physics (and their subdisciplines of
microbiology, organic chemistry, nuclear
physics, etc.) are focused on a particular
aspect of natural science.
uScience is systematized knowledge derived
from and tested by recognition and
formulation of a problem, collection of data
through observation, and experimentation.
uSocial science-study of people and how they
live together as families, tribes,
communities, races, and nations;
uNatural science-study of nature and the
physical world.

uapplies mathematics and science to utilize

the properties of matter and sources of
energy in the solution of problems of
environmental sanitation.
uit is concerned with engineering problems
in the field of public health.
uis not concerned primarily with heating,
ventilating, or air conditioning, nor is it
concerned primarily with landscape
uHistorically, environmental engineering has
been a specialty area of civil engineering.
uis the application of science and
engineering principles to protect
and enhance the quality of the
environment - air, water, and land
resources-to sustain the health of
humans and other living organisms.
• Protect the health and well-being of
the public by minimizing the release
and impact of pollutants into the air,
land, and water.
• Professionals in the field have studied
chemistry, biology, mathematics, and
engineering sciences.
• They work each day to design control
the treatment systems that reduce or
limit the negative effects that humans
have on the many ecosystems of the
How does
Engineers and
Scientists work

This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY.

How does Environmental • u“Scientists discover things and engineers make them work.”

Engineers and • uFrom an educational point of view, environmental engineering is founded

on environmental science.

Environmental Scientists • uEnvironmental science and, in particular, quantitative environmental

science provides the fundamental theories used by environmental engineers

work together? •
to design solutions for environmental problems.

uIn many instances the tasks and tools of environmental scientists and
environmental engineers are the same.
How does Environmental
Engineers and Environmental
Scientists work together?
• uEarly in the 20th century, a dam was built
to provide water for cooling in a power
• uThe impact of the dam on the oxygen in
the river and its ability to support fish life
was not considered.
• u The migration of salmon in the river was
not considered. To remedy the problem,
environmental engineers and scientists
designed a fish ladder that not only provided
a means for the fish to bypass the dam but
also aerated the water to increase the
dissolved oxygen.
uThe environmental scientists
provided the knowledge of the
depth of water and height of the
steps the fish could negotiate.
uThe environmental engineers
determined the structural
requirements of the bypass to allow
enough water to flow around the
dam to provide the required depth.

How does Environmental

Engineers and Environmental
Scientists work together?
• https://theconstructor.org/water-resources/types-fish-
Fish Ladder ladders-fishways/33911/
How does Environmental
Engineers and Environmental
Scientists work together?

uStorm water from city streets was

carrying metal and organic
contaminants from the street into
a river and polluting it.
uAlthough a treatment plant could
have been built, a wetland
mitigation system was selected to
solve the problem.
uThe slope of the channel through
the wetland was designed by the
environmental engineers.
Wetland Mitigation System
How does Environmental
Engineers and Environmental
Scientists work together?

The provision of limestone along the channel

bed to neutralize the pH and remove metals
was determined by the joint work of the
environmental scientists and engineers. The
selection of the plant material for the
wetland was the job of the environmental
How does Environmental
Engineers and Environmental
Scientists work together?

uA highway rest area septic tank

system was being overloaded during
holiday weekend traffic.
u Rather than build a bigger septic
system or a conventional wastewater
treatment plant, an overland flow
system in the median strip of the
highway was selected as the
Overland flow system
uThe engineering system
to move the
wastewater from the
rest area to the median
strip was designed by
the environmental
uThe slope of the
overland flow system
and its length were
jointly determined by
the environmental
scientist and engineer.
The grass cover was
selected by the
How does Environmental Engineers and Environmental
Scientists work together?
Environmental Systems Overview
The Earth as an
uThree Environmental
• Water Resource
• Air Resource
Management System
• Solid Waste Management
Water Resource
Management System

•Water Supply Subsystem:

•The nature of the water source commonly
determines the planning, design, and
operation of the collection, purification,
transmission, and distribution works.
• The two major sources used to supply
community and industrial needs are
referred to as:
• surface-water and;
• groundwater

The following factors have been found to influence water
consumption in a major way:

1. Climate
2. Industrial activity
3. Meterage
4. System management
5. Standard of living

An extension of the water supply resource system.

Water Resource
Management System

•Water Disposal Subsystem:

Safe disposal of all human wastes is
necessary to protect the health of the
individual, the family, and the community,
and also to prevent the occurrence of
certain nuisances.
To accomplish satisfactory
results, human wastes
must be disposed of so

u1. They will not contaminate any drinking water supply.

u2. They will not give rise to a public health hazard by being
accessible to insects, or other possible disease carriers that may
come into contact with food or drinking water.
u3. They will not give rise to a public health hazard by being
accessible to children.
u4. They will not cause violation of laws or regulations governing
water pollution or sewage disposal.
u5. They will not pollute or contaminate the waters of any bathing
beach, shellfish-breeding ground, or stream used for public or
domestic water supply purposes, or for recreational purposes.
u6. They will not give rise to a nuisance due to odor or unsightly
Air Resource Management System

•Air Resource Management:

•The balance of cost and benefit for
obtaining a desired quality of air
•Air resource management programs
are instituted for a variety of
•air quality has deteriorated and there
is a need for correction, and
•the potential for a future problem is
Two Important aspects
of air resource vs.
water resource:

•QUANTITY: Whereas engineering structures

are required to provide an adequate water
supply, air is delivered free of charge in
whatever quantity we desire.

QUALITY: Unlike water, which can be
treated before we use it, it is impractical
to go about with a gas mask on to treat
impure air or to use ear plugs to keep out
the noise.
Solid Waste Management System

uIn the past, solid waste was

considered a resource, and we will
examine its current potential as a
uGenerally, however, solid waste is
considered a problem to be solved
as cheaply as possible rather than
a resource to be recovered.

https://thumbs.dr eamstime.com/b/solid-w aste-management-steps-processing-disposal-outline-diagr am-labeled-educational-gar bage-sor ting-segr egation-system-

A simplified block
diagram of a solid waste
management system.
Multimedia Systems

• •Three lessons have come to us from our

experience with multimedia problems:
• •it is dangerous to develop models that
are too simplistic
• •environmental engineers and scientists
must use a multimedia approach and, in
particular, work with a multidisciplinary
team to solve environmental problems.
• •the best solution to environmental
pollution is waste minimization—if waste
is not produced, it does not need to be
treated or disposed of.

uAlthough pollution problems will remain

with us for the foreseeable future, an
overriding issue for the continuation of our
modern living style and for the
development of a similar living style for
those in developing countries is the
question of sustainability.
Homework: Case Study

• Form a group comprising of 2-3 members.
• Review the case presented in the succeeding
• Produce a 90-second creative video reflecting
your interpretation of the case.
• Present the video during the class session.
• Complete a case analysis using the provided
• Submit the case analysis according to the
given instructions.
Case study
• Luis Bardenpho, a seasoned chemical engineer, contributes
his expertise to a prominent diversified company situated
along the East Coast. Over the last couple of years, he has
stood as the sole technically adept member within a citizens’
group dedicated to pollution control in his city.
• Recent developments within the committee have seen some members initiate a
campaign to pressure the city authorities into prohibiting the sale of detergents
containing phosphates. Their motivation stems from reports in media sources, detailing
the detrimental effects of phosphates. However, Bardenpho holds the belief that such a
ban would be misdirected.
• He endeavors to clarify that while phosphates have been criticized for contributing to the
eutrophication of the Great Lakes, his city's sewage directly discharges into the ocean
from the sewage treatment plant. He also contends that no concrete evidence exists
showcasing the negative impact of phosphates on the ocean. Moreover, he
acknowledges the existence of conflicting theories regarding the effects of phosphates,
even in the context of the Great Lakes. Some theories implicate nitrogen or carbon
instead of phosphates and caution that certain phosphate substitutes might prove more
harmful than beneficial.
• Leveraging his background in chemical engineering, Bardenpho has
provided valuable guidance to the group, offering pragmatic solutions
for tackling various pollution challenges. He has even extended his
assistance to smaller enterprises in devising and procuring pollution
control equipment. (It's worth noting that his own facility effectively
manages both air and water pollution.) As a result of his proactive
involvement, Bardenpho has earned a commendable reputation
within the pollution-control committee.
• Adding another layer to his argument, Bardenpho highlights that the
majority of phosphate in the city's sewage originates from human
waste rather than detergent. Despite his well-reasoned arguments,
the proponents of the "ban phosphates" initiative remain steadfast in
their stance. In a progressively emotional meeting, some committee
members go so far as to accuse Bardenpho of employing delaying
tactics to safeguard his employer, who, they point out, maintains a
subsidiary involved in detergent chemicals. This accusation places
Bardenpho in a dilemma.
• He firmly believes that his perspective is grounded in logic
and not influenced by his employer's tangential association
with detergents—a connection that is relatively minor and
unrelated to Bardenpho's specific facility.

• The question now arises:

what course of action
should he pursue?
OPTION 1: Align with the "ban phosphates" camp: By offering tacit
support, Bardenpho can maintain his influence within the group for
matters of greater significance, even if the ban's impact is minimal.
This approach safeguards his influence and positions him for
meaningful contributions in the future.
OPTION 2: Engage in a staunch opposition to the proponents of the
ban: Based on his conviction that their perspective lacks scientific basis
and is unjust, Bardenpho could vigorously contest their proposal. This
path could lead to potential consequences such as his expulsion from
the committee or the committee's fragmentation as an effective entity.
OPTION 3: Step down from the committee: Bardenpho might consider
resigning from his committee role, choosing to convey his side of the
story to the local media. This action would enable him to share his
perspective without being constrained by committee dynamics.
OPTION 4: Explore alternative options: None of the above options
might fit Bardenpho's situation perfectly. He could consider alternative
paths that allow him to maintain his integrity and contribute positively
without necessarily adhering strictly to the provided options.
• Ultimately, the decision rests on Bardenpho's assessment of his
priorities, principles, and the potential impact of his chosen course of
Thank you for
Should you have any concerns or questions regarding our
topics or class requirements, please do not hesitate to
visit me during consultation hours or email me at
See the announcement on Blackboard for more details.

Engr. Jonathan Jared J. Ignacio

Chemical Engineering Department

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