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ISSN : 1019 - 0775 No.

276 | January 2022

Qasem Soleimani:
Iconic Martyr of the Century
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No. 276 |January 2022

Managing Director:
Muhammad Assadi Movahed

Editor: Dr. Mohsen Shojakhani

Assistant Editor: Mohsen Asadi Movahed

Executive Manager and Public Relations:

Maryam Hamzelou
Designer: Omid Behzadi

Advertising Office:
Magazine of ITF , Tehran
Islamic Republic of Iran

Tel: +9821-88934302
Imam Ali (as) is quoted to have said: “The comfort of life is in safety” 4 +9821-88934303
Fax: +9821-88902725
Supreme Leader on Martyr Soleimani 6
Martyr Soleimani Is a Role Model 12
Structurology of Martyr General Qasem Soliemani’s School of Thought 14 Email:
H.E. Hossein Amir-Abdollahian and Martyr General Soleimani 18
The Brief Biography of Martyr General Qasem Soleimani 24 Note:
How Do Others Remember Martyr Soleimani? 27 The views expressed by the writers/authors
of the articles, published in “Echo of Islam”
Testament of Martyr Major-General Qasem Soleimani 34
do not necessarily represent the views of
The Assassination of Martyr General Soleimani Was a Clear... 44 the Al-Huda International Cultural, Artistic
Martyr Soleimani is More Alive than Ever 46 and Publishing Institute, but are the personal
views of the authors themselves. The Al-Huda
Some Words from Martyr General Qasem Soleimani 47 Institute reserves the right/discretion to
The Aftermath of General Soleimani’s Martyrdom 50 amend, revise, edit, delete or scrutinize any
The Role of Haaj Qasem Soleimani and Abu Mahdi... 52 part or portion of the text as and wherever
deemed necessary.
People’s Status in Martyr Soleimani’s School of Thought 54

ِ‫رِفا ِه َّي ُة الْ َع ْي ِش ِفى االْ ْمن‬

Imam Ali (as) is quoted to have said:

“The comfort of life is in safety” 1
Hojat al-Islam Mohammad Asadi Movahed
Islamic Research Scholar and Managing Director of Al-Huda
International Cultural, Artistic and Publishing Institute
Talking about Martyr Qasem At the time when the ISIS
Soleimani is not an easy task; a forces had reached the borders
warrior from the Kerman region of Baghdad and were about to
of Iran who who devoted his life seize it and becoming a seri-
to safeguarding his nation and ous threat to Iranian borders
eventually achieved his long- and causing crisis by spread-
awaited desire of martyrdom. ing atrocities in Iranian border
It was during the Iranian provinces, Haaj Qasem Soleim-
Sacred Defense against the ani arrived in Baghdad, blocked lives are endangered.
Ba’athist invasion that Gen- their way, and forced them Commander Soleimani was
eral Soleimani demonstrated to retreat, and then liberated a self-made personality whose
his extraordinary qualities as Tikrit. He then went to Mosul enemies considered him to be
a revolutionary guard. At the and crossed the Iraqi border the most important obstacle to
time when the Ba’athist en- into Syria and liberated parts of the way of achieving their ille-
emy had occupied parts of the Damascus that were occupied gitimate goals, and the Iranian
Iranian territories, warriors like by ISIS. people considered him to be
Soleimani entered the scene, General Soleimani created the unknown national hero of
liberated their country, and a new school of defense and a hard days of the imposed war
brought victory to the Iranian new way of warring, which en- and sacred defense. He was
forces. After the imposed war, sured the legitimate rights of also considered a man of poli-
too, Martyr Soleimani defended the nations in the region and cies but not in the field of par-
the Iranian nation on another strengthened the independ- ty and political games. He was
front, by combating drug deal- ence of these nations. rather a man of policies on the
ers and becoming a nightmare Under the leadership of Com- battlefields, who, according to
for them. He served his people mander Qasem Soleimani, the many Western media, played
and ensured their safety and Resistance Front expanded and an important role in shifting the
security by being present wher- turned into a regional and glob- balance of power in the Middle
ever he was needed. Through al force; showing a new path to East. Even the Americans them-
the help of the people, he was the freedom-seeking nations. selves acknowledged his being
able to create security in many By the same token, he also the man of hard times and the
parts of the Islamic world. This proved that the Iranian nation is commander of the Middle East.
powerful commander defeated a great and humane nation and Mark Kirk, a US senator, had
ISIS in Iraq and Syria by mobiliz- a defender of peace and stabil- once stated - during General
ing the Iraqi and Syrian people ity in all parts of the world and Soleimani’s lifetime - that he is
and forming a national army in is ready to send its sons to stop everywhere and nowhere. Amer-
these two countries. the enemy wherever human icans were so apprehensive of

4 No. 276 | January 2022

Martyr Soleimani that every week so that the New York Times re- a very accurate move in educat-
some US media outlets, such as ferred to the assassination of ing the current Iranian genera-
the Washington Post and the New General Soleimani as a strategic tion and that of the countries
York Times, talked about his key defeat for the United States. of the Islamic world and, there-
role in the region. Undoubtedly, he can be re- fore, in line with its cultural
This shadow commander, ferred to as a man of the most duties and with the aim of in-
who, as admitted by the Associ- influential person in maintain- troducing this school as a pure
ated Press, did not wear a bul- ing stability and security in the Islamic model, Al-Huda Interna-
letproof vest on the front lines, Middle East. In fact, one of the tional Cultural, Artistic and Pub-
played such a decisive role in prominent achievements of lishing Institute has undertaken
exposing the US policies in the commander Soleimani was the to publish a special issue on him
region that the then-president suppression of ISIS, and paying in several foreign languages. It
of the United States called him attention to the greatness of is hoped that this special issue
a respectable enemy. this issue suffices talking about will be an effective move in in-
According to Der Spiegel, him. troducing this great man of the
Commander Soleimani had the Martyr Soleimani was a first- history of Islam and our beloved
ability to defeat any US opera- class, influential and universal Iran.
tion in the Middle East. His im- model in fulfilling missions and
portance was such that even his this was the cause of inspiration 1. Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-
martyrdom was another defeat for others. Introducing Martyr Kalim (Exalted Aphorisms and Pearls of
for the United States, so much Soleimani’s school of thought is Speech), Vol. 1, P. 389.

No. 276 | January 2022 5

Following is the full text of the speech delivered on
December 2020 ,16, by Ayatollah Khamenei, the Supreme
Leader of the Islamic Revolution, in a meeting with the
officials of the Marty Soleimani Commemoration Anniversary
and with the family members of that great martyr.

In the Name of Allah, the Be- ized commemoration ceremo- ful, vigilant and careful way. All
neficent, the Merciful nies for other great martyrs of of you should do your best. As
All praise is due to Allah, the the world of Islam, including our Sardar [Sardar Hussein Sa-
Lord of the Worlds, and peace the martyrs of defending the laami, the Commander-in-Chief
and greetings be upon our Mas- Holy Shrines. We could also re- of the Islamic Revolutionary
ter Muhammad, and upon his fer to the event that the hon- Guards Corps] mentioned, you
pure household, and may God orable family of our esteemed should pay attention that the
curse all their enemies martyr organized under the events related to our dear Sha-
First of all, I very much thank name of “The Soleimani School hid Soleimani be public events.
the brothers and sisters who of Thought”. All these are very In other words, it is the people
organized the Shahid (martyr) good, necessary and beneficial themselves who should cooper-
Soleimani Commemoration An- events and by Allah’s favor, they ate and show their creativeness
niversary and who also organ- should be pursued in a power- in various cultural areas, as they

6 No. 276 | January 2022

did so during the burial ceremo- those who were not expected to that was inclined to a particular
ny and other such events. We show their feelings for a revolu- denomination and that worked
should not confine the events to tionary figure. Why is that? It is against the Resistance and he
particular groups and orienta- because of this fact: he was the shared his thoughts with me
tions. embodiment of Iran’s and the saying: “According to what I see
What I wish to say about the Iranians’ cultural values. This is in the world of Islam – he men-
martyrdom of our dear Shahid really valuable. tioned the names of some coun-
Soleimani – I will never forget From another perspective, tries – a certain orientation is
his memory and that of Shahid he enjoyed a spirit of courage coming into being.” And after a
Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis (May and resistance. Courage and while, DAESH came into being!
Allah bestow paradise upon resistance are among Iranian He was a shrewd and intelligent
them) – is that the Soleimani qualities. Humiliation, retreat, person. When dealing with the
martyrdom is a historic event. passiveness and other such affairs in the countries where he
It is not a normal event that will negative qualities are the antith- was involved, he would act in a
be erased from historic memory. esis of our national sentiments. very wise and judicious manner.
That event was recorded in his- Those who claim to be national- I could easily feel this. Well, we
tory as a brilliant incident. Sha- ists, but who act in a weak and were constantly in contact with
hid Soleimani turned into the humiliated manner are self-con- one another about different
champion of the Iranian nation tradictory. He was the embodi- matters. He was shrewd. This is
and the Islamic Ummah. This is ment of courage and resistance. another Iranian quality. This is
a fundamental point. Iranians Everyone could see and witness another quality of our Iranian
are proud of themselves for the this in him. cultural assets.
fact that a man rose from a dis- We could equally refer to his He also exhibited a spirit of
tant village who turned into a acumen and intelligence. He self-sacrifice and love for human
brilliant personality and a cham- was very smart. There are many beings. He did not attach sig-
pion of the Islamic Ummah as a points about this aspect of his. nificance to this or that nation.
result of his endeavors and self- Long before its realization, he He loved all human beings and
edification. Later on, I will raise predicted the emergence of a he sacrificed himself for every-
two, three more points in this so-called religious orientation one. Moreover, he was a man
regard. of spirituality, purity and piety.
He is the champion of the Ira- He was really spiritual, pure and
nian nation because the people He is the mystical and he did not pretend.
saw in him their own cultural, Well, these are a collection of
spiritual and revolutionary as-
champion of valuable virtues and ethics. The
sets and values. While he was the Iranian na- people saw these in him and he
still alive and while he was pur- tion because embodied them. In the deserts
suing his work – in a very sim- and mountains of such and such
ple manner and without any
the people saw countries, he faced different
ostentation – the people would in him their own enemies and he embodied and
put up his photos on the street cultural, spiritual reflected the values of Iranian
and they would feel proud of culture. Therefore, he turned
him. And when he was mar-
and revolution- into the champion of the Iranian
tyred, it was not only revolu- ary assets and nation.
tionaries who commemorated values. On the other hand, we said
him. Rather, people from all so- that he was a champion of the
cial backgrounds showed their Islamic Ummah. Why? Because
sentiments towards him: even with his moves and ultimately,

No. 276 | January 2022 7

with his martyrdom – his mar-
tyrdom also complemented his
actions – he became the code
word for inspiration and for ral-
lying the Resistance front in the
world of Islam. In today’s world
of Islam, whenever some peo-
ple wish to resist in the face
of arrogant bullying, their role
model and their code word
is Shahid Soleimani. He is re-
spected and commemorated in
different countries. His photo is
put up here and there, his name
is chanted on every tongue and
they hold different occasions in
his memory. In fact, he taught
the people how to use the re-
sistance software and the fight-
ing paradigm and he promoted
them among nations. Well,
these are very important and
very sensitive roles. That is why
he is an outstanding personal-
ity and a champion icon in the
world of Islam.
Both during his lifetime and
with his martyrdom, he de-
feated arrogance. These are not
mere claims. These are facts
that have been proven. He de-
feated arrogance in his lifetime.
The reason being that the Amer-
ican president [Donald Trump]
once said: “We spent seven
trillion dollars in Iraq, but we
gained nothing.” He even had to
travel in the dark of night to pay
a visit to an American base in
Iraq. The whole world believes
that the US did not achieve its
goals in Iraq and Syria – in par-
ticular, in Iraq. Why? Who was
the agent behind their failure?
It was Soleimani who was the
champion. Therefore, he defeat-
ed them in his lifetime.

8 No. 276 | January 2022

He defeated them after his Of course, what happened fol- ered to the US and after that,
martyrdom as well. The burial lowing his martyrdom was the our brothers delivered another
ceremony that was organized in first hard slap delivered to the one. However, the harder slap is
Iran for him was really astonish- US. That great popular move- a software victory over the hol-
ing and unforgettable. The same ment was the first slap deliv- low power of arrogance. This is
is true of the burial ceremony in a hard slap that should be dealt
Iraq with the presence of mil- to the US. Our revolutionary
lions of Iraqis. They bid farewell Our revolution- youth and our religious person-
to his body in Najaf and Bagh- ary youth and alities should shatter America’s
dad: with the participation of hollow power with their deter-
millions of people! He as well as our religious per- mination and they should de-
Shahid Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis sonalities should liver another hard slap to it. This
were bid farewell. That ceremo- shatter America’s is the first slap. Another one is
ny and the following commem- to expel the US from the region.
oration events astonished the hollow power with This requires the determina-
soft war generals in the camp their determination tion of nations and the policies
of arrogance. The outstanding and they should adopted by the Resistance front.
and most influential generals in They should fulfil this duty. This
the soft war of arrogance were deliver another slap will be a hard one.
astonished to see that incident hard slap to it. Of course, these measures are
and they could not understand, different from taking revenge on
in any way, the great movement the assassin. The measures that
that defeated them. I referred to are related to ar-

No. 276 | January 2022 9

rogance and the US in their en-
tirety. Soleimani’s assassin and
those who issued the order will
pay the price. This is another is-
sue in its own respect. Of course,
according to a dear personal-
ity, even Soleimani’s shoes are
worth more than his murder-
ers’ head and even if his mur-
derer loses his head, Soleimani’s
shoes will still be worth more.
This is true, but after all, they
have done a wrong thing and
we should take revenge against
them. Both those who ordered
his assassination and the assas-
sins themselves should know
that we will take our revenge in
due time – at the proper time.
This is a good meeting that has
been decorated with the name
of Shahid Soleimani. Therefore,
I will issue three, four pieces of
advice, which are very impor-
First of all, I wish to advise the
officials of the country and our
dear people to become strong.
As our Poet from Khorasan said:
“Go become strong if you wish
to have the comforts of life”
[from a poem by Ali Akbar Azadi
Torbati]. You should become
strong both in the economy, in
science, in technology and in
military defense. You should
become strong. As long as you
are not strong, the enemies will
keep their greedy eyes on you.
They will transgress against you.
This is my first piece of advice,
which is one that I have always
offered. I myself will pursue the
issue as long as I am capable
of doing so and as long as God
gives me the blessing to pursue
it. Officials are also obliged to

10 No. 276 | January 2022

follow it. to pieces this unanimity and to lifting the sanctions is in the
Secondly, you should not trust destroy the nation. The officials hands of the enemy, but coun-
the enemy. This is my definitive of the country should do some- teracting them is in our own
word of advice. You should not thing to reinforce this unity. The hands. Is this not the case?
trust the enemy. You should not three branches of government We cannot lift the sanctions
trust this and that’s promises should work and cooperate to- on our own. It is the enemy
with the purpose of smoothing gether, in particular the heads who should do so. However,
the path of resolving the peo- of the three branches. If such we ourselves are capable of
ple’s problems and of building solidarity, unity and coopera- counteracting the effects of his
the future of the country. This tion are realized, national unity sanctions. Therefore, this takes
is addressed to officials. Such will certainly be strengthened priority and is the right course
promises are not made by good on a daily basis. Well, one can of action. We should follow the
people. They are made by bad negotiate. There are or might be latter more. Of course, I am
and malicious people and not certain differences. You should not saying that we should not
even one out of 100 promises resolve them through negotia- be after lifting the sanctions.
made by such individuals will be tions. You speak about negoti- If we are able to lift the sanc-
honored. ating with the world. Very well, tions, we should not delay it
You should not forget the en- how is one able to negotiate even for one hour. Of course,
mities. They showed enmity to- with the world but not able to there is a four-year delay. Since
wards us. You witnessed what negotiate with domestic forces? 1395, they have been intend-
Trump’s and Obama’s America You should negotiate with one ing to lift them all at one, but
did to you. Of course, their en- another and resolve the prob- until today, not only have they
mity is not confined to Trump lems. Some of the comments not been lifted, but they have
so much so that now that he is that we hear these days are a also increased. However, if we
not there, we say that their en- source of sowing discord, not can lift them in a correct, rea-
mity is over. This is not the case. unity. sonable, dignified, Islamic and
Obama’s US behaved in a nasty The fourth and the last point: Iranian way, we should do so.
way towards you too. They I have said this before as well, Nonetheless, you should not
were mean towards the Irani- but I wish to repeat it again: think too much about this.
an nation. The same is true of You should rather think about
the three European countries. counteracting sanctions, which
These three European countries I have said this is an issue in your hands as you
showed absolute disloyalty and before as well, but are capable of doing it. And
they showed their mean, two- I wish to repeat it you should follow the matter
faced and hypocritical face to again: lifting the and cooperate with one anoth-
the Iranian nation. This is the sanctions is in the er in a diligent manner. This is
second piece of advice. hands of the ene- my advice to you. I will support
The third piece of advice is my, but counteract- the officials of the country, but
that you should preserve na- ing them is in our own provided that they are commit-
tional unity. Our country needs hands. Is this not the ted to the nation’s goals.
unity: the Iranian nation’s unity. case? We cannot lift I hope that Allah the Exalted
On many matters, the Iranian the sanctions on our will bestow on all the officials of
nation has a unanimous voice own. It is the enemy the country the blessing to be
and a unanimous demand. How- who should do so. able to accomplish great feats,
ever, officials can destroy this. God willing.
It would be quite a feat on the Greetings be upon you and Al-
part of our officials to shatter lah’s mercy and blessings

No. 276 | January 2022 11

Martyr Soleimani
Is a Role Model
By: H.E. Dr. Mohammad Mahdi Esmaeili, Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance

Undoubtedly, every battle- man soul is bound to get pol- to successfully, nobly, and hon-
field is a scene of hardship and ished in the bargain and man orably pass various divine tests.
suffering. However, this field is gets closer to his heavenly and In other words, it is under such
also full of spirituality and pre- divine essence. circumstances that one gets to
cious lofty human values; if it is Certainly, being a role model be recognized and noticed as a
to defend a right and just cause. is a function of certain charac- respectable role model and ex-
Since there is no escape from teristics and one has to have an emplar for others.
struggle and war in preserving influential personality, be a man Having had many valuable
human dignity and honor and of lasting services, and be of traits and good qualities, Mar-
removing oppression, the hu- unity-creating presence in order tyr Haaj Qasem Soleimani was

12 No. 276 | January 2022

one of those rare human beings unity.
who have come to be transna- Therefore, Haaj Qasem
tional models. Soleimani sought to resolve this
General Soleimani was one of problem through cohesion and
the most religious, most faithful, unity, and the type of unity he
and most devout guards of the looked for was solidarity among
Islamic Revolution who worked all classes, religions, sects, and
for the establishment of reli- political groups. This is the sign
gious principles in society and of the great honor and lofty
the defending the lofty values of nobility of a brave commander
Islam before and after the vic- who never uttered a single word
tory of the Islamic Revolution of or sentence that could become
Iran. the source of discord and dis-
Martyr General Qasem sonance in Iranian society and
Soleimani was actively involved other Islamic countries.
in the battlefields of fire and Martyr Soleimani’s school of
blood for many years and de- thought is an anti-arrogance
spite his heartfelt faith in the school. A review of the practical
Shiite school of thought and the code of conduct of this popular
religion of Islam, he respected commander clearly reveals that
the religious thoughts and be- anti-arrogance is not possible in
liefs of others. Thus, just as he the absence of a powerful and
tried to liberate the Shiite ar- efficient weapon called unity
eas, he made a lot of effort and and cohesion.
sacrifices and displayed a lot of There is a reward for every
courage to ensure the safety of sincere task and the reward
the Sunni, Yazidi, and Christian of years of self-sacrifice, be-
areas of the region, too. ing present on the battlefronts
He used to frankly, honestly, and going from trench to
and clearly say: “Our society is trench, hope in divine grace,
our family”. He considered the and the abundant efforts in
existing differences to be a natu- humbly serving his Creator in
ral phenomenon and had easily the form of prayers and suppli-
accepted them, and it was as a cations - done privately to gain
result of this view that he fas- closeness to God Almighty - is
cinated millions of people and nothing except the honor of
made himself a beloved person- martyrdom, which is the art of
ality to his nation. the men of God.
The precious experiences he No other form of demise, ex-
had gained in the course of the cept martyrdom, would have
imposed war and sacred de- been worthy of Haaj Qasem
fense, in different countries of Soleimani and people like him.
the region, and in various re- The lofty personality of such a
sponsibilities vested onto him, devout servant of God Almighty
had taught Martyr Soleimani deserved the beautiful grace
that the greatest problem of Is- of martyrdom; the martyrdom
lamic society and Iran is lack of that became life-giving.

No. 276 | January 2022 13

Structurology of
Martyr General Qasem
Soliemani’s School of
BY: H.E. Hojjat al-Islam
Mohammad Mahdi Imanipour
President of Islamic Culture and
Relations Organization

14 No. 276 | January 2022

There are very few national heroes who have, during their lifetime, adhered to such virtues as
honor, courage, patriotism, and righteousness and displayed self-sacrifice to protect their home-
land, as a sign and symbol of the collective identity of their nation. For example, the history of Iran
has witnessed such personalities as Sattar Khan, Baqer Khan, Mirza Kuchak Khan Jangali, Re’is Ali
Delvari, and Amir Kabir who bravely fought to drive away the invaders from their homeland and
made exemplary efforts to bring honor, dignity, and independence to their motherland.
On the other hand, human history testifies that the martyrdom of great martyrs, like the martyrs
of the imposed wars on Iran - from the beginning of Islam to recent years - has been the source of
awakening for their nations; encouraging them to bravely defend themselves against the invading
Thus, the sacrifices made by the martyrs have been the source of many blessings, including the
revival of the serious determination and willpower of their people as well as creating awareness
about their undeniable divine and human rights.
Martyr Qasem Soleimani can undoubtedly be considered the source of many unique blessings;
both during and after his blessed lifetime. A close look at the history of the Iranian identity reveals
that like many truth-seeking and ideal-oriented martyrs, Sardar Soleimani was the exemplar of the
Qur’anic Verse “Among the faithful are men who fulfill what they have pledged to Allah: there are
some among them who have fulfilled their pledge, and some of them who still wait, and they have
not changed in the least”. 1

1 - Martyr Soleimani’s School

of Thought was an Evolved
It is quite obvious that every
product, both from the mate-
rial and spiritual point of view,
is the result of the evolution of
a general trend. Now, if we were
to agree that intellectual and
ideological trends, right from
their beginning to the end, are
subject to a definite path and
certain en-route stops, without
going through which the intend-
ed ends will not be obtained, it
can be concluded that the prac-
tical school of thought of Sardar
Soleimani is a complete and
evolved movement.
“Mujahidat” (divine struggle)
in its Qur’anic sense - that could
be perceived from various ha-
diths and exegesis on the Holy moving in the path of truth in acteristics.
Qur’an - indicates that being in order to perceive absolute truth
the path of God Almighty and call for possessing some of the 1-2 - The Interrelatedness of
above-mentioned unique char- the Concepts of “Struggle” and

No. 276 | January 2022 15

“Resistance” In order to survive, a new in- soon their hollowness and
The starting point of the tellectual or practical school of uselessness began to be man-
school of thought, of which thought must be able to remain ifested and, as a result, they
Martyr Soleimani is one of the on the right track over time and were gradually abandoned by
most prominent examples, it must not stop moving forward their fans.
is traversing the true path of so that it does not fall prey to The school of thought that the
closeness to God Almighty such plagues as shallowness, great and honorable martyrs
with absolute devotion and obscurity, and extinction, which were its flagbearers since the be-
sincerity, and this can only be are directly related to the pas- ginning of Islam and were carried
achieved through continuous sage of time. forward until the time of the rise
effort. Hence, struggle and en- The history of the emergence of Martyr General Soleimani is
deavor in the divine path is a of some revolutions and new of sufficient intellectual founda-
movement that requires “re- ideological-behavioral move- tions, among which mention can
sistance”. As a matter of fact, ments in each era shows that be made of justice and equality;
such a struggle is a perfect ex- many schools of thought such moral and humanitarian values,
ample of resistance and this is as “Communism”, “Socialism”, such as brotherhood and equality
what seems remarkable and “Marxism”, etc. experienced among the people and their equal
undeniable in the school of passionate and tumultuous be- rights to life; rebellion against the
thought of Martyr Soleimani. ginnings but began to face de- exploitation of the oppressed and
He spent many years of his hon- cline after some time. deprived; rejection of ideological
orable life fighting on the battle- The lack of generative and religious deviations that lead
fields against the deceivers and rational foundations and to hatred and violence among so-
political, religious, and ideological frameworks that could move cieties; struggle against supersti-
conspirators in the Islamic world, them forward and revital- tion; and resistance towards anti-
on the one hand - and their un- ize and evolve their essence ideological illusions and all kinds
thoughtful followers, on the oth- in line with “time and its re- of backwardness, reactionism,
er hand - without losing hope or quirements” resulted in the and mental instability, etc.
even taking a step back. Being collapse of these schools of The school that Martyr
equipped with the weapon of thought after a short life, and Soleimani began to re-read after
firm faith and reliance on the be- nearly 1400 years has strong and
nevolence of God Almighty, he al- sound intellectual foundations
ways maintained a forward-look- The starting point and is, therefore, indestructible
ing and far-sighted vision and it of the school of and far from stagnation. The
was the realization of such factors thought, of which concepts that form the theoreti-
that led him and his allies to vic- Martyr Soleimani cal foundations of this school
tory in the brutal war launched by is one of the most of thought constitute the ele-
ISIS and Western beasts against prominent exam- ments of human instinctive life,
the oppressed people of various ples, is traversing according to which the “soul”
religions and denominations in the true path of close- gets the power of liberation and
Islamic lands. ness to God Almighty ascension, and the “thought”
with absolute devo- begins to blossom and achieve
2 - Martyr Soleimani’s School tion and sincerity, depth. Furthermore, because it
of Thought Is Dynamic and Al- and this can only be is always alive and fertile in hu-
ways on the Move achieved through con- man beings, it does not take on
2-1 - The Condition for the tinuous effort. the color of vanity and does not
Survival of Intellectual-Practical suffer from forgetfulness and
Schools of Thought abrogation.

16 No. 276 | January 2022

3 - Martyr Soleimani’s School fulness and reason, and what the beginning of man’s creation
of Thought Enjoys Primacy of gets distanced from common and human history.
Theory and Stability in Purpose sense is doomed to destruc- That goal is the ultimate goal,
There have always been some tion. The ultimate goal of such and - like the soul of the school
intellectual and practical schools schools of thought is to ensure of thought of our great martyr - is
of thought throughout the ages man’s safety, health, growth, imbued with the pure essence of
that were based on genuine and development, and if there is monotheism, is original and pure
theories and hypotheses and any deviation in the essence of in its essence, and is free from
survived because of being re- this goal, in its true sense, it will the need to rely on theories or
sponsive to positivist methods result in a change in its original hypotheses constructed and pro-
while there were other schools structure and will disrupt the duced by the changing human
of thought that joined the histo- functionality of the components mind. Such a school of thought
ry as soon as they stopped being of the system and will disinte- has been founded since eternity
of any use to the requirements grate it. and its ultimate goal has been de-
of the time. Therefore, it can be concluded signed for “eternality” and, there-
What acts as the driving force that the school of thought in fore, it is everlasting.
in all philosophical, ethical, so- which martyrs, and especially
ciological, psychological, politi- Martyr Soleimani, played a role
cal, educational, etc. schools of with all sincerity, has a goal that 1. “َ‫مِـنَ ْالم ُْؤ ِمنِيـنَ ِرجَ ـا ٌل صَ دَ قُوا مَا عَ اهَـدُوا اللَّه‬
thought is the power of advanc- has remained unchanged (not ‫عَ َليْـ ِه َف ِم ْنهُـ ْم َمـنْ َقضَ ـى َنحْ بَـ ُه َو ِم ْنهُـ ْم َمنْ َي ْن َتظِ ـ ُر َومَا‬
ing forward as well as thought- only since 1400 years ago) from ً ‫” َب َّدلُوا َت ْبد‬, Surah Al-Ahzab, Verse 23.

No. 276 | January 2022 17

H.E. Hossein Amir-Abdollahian
and Martyr General
The followings are excerpts
from what H.E. Hossein Amir-
knowing Martyr Saoleimin may-
be from the early 1990s, when I
him was his religious spirit and
his humbleness in interacting
Abdollahian, the Minister of entered the Ministry of Foreign with others.
Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Re- Affairs, and it was at the very In my opinion, the most im-
public of Iran, had shared about beginning of my career that I got portant characteristic of Gener-
Martyr Qasem Soleimani in an to know him closely. You may be al Soleimani was that he strong-
interview. interested to know that the first ly believed in Velayat-e Faqih.
I have had the fortune of thing that really attracted me to Many times, in meetings where

18 No. 276 | January 2022

followed three important axes cial personality and character-
and three basic strategies, all of istics, but, unfortunately, less
which culminated in a key point than five percent of his mem-
and that was to promote the Is- oirs and thoughts have been
lamic world and revive Islamic revealed so far, and now we
civilization in the contempo- have realized what a national
rary world. The three important hero the American terrorist
strategies that Martyr Soleimani butchers and the Zionists took
pursued in his day-to-day en- from us.
deavors were: promoting the With the martyrdom of Gen-
Islamic world, fighting terror- eral Soleimani, a great vacuum
ism, and preventing the disinte- has been created in the re-
gration of Iraq and Syria, and he gion and we strongly feel his
has been decisively successful absence because one of his
in achieving all the three strate- brilliant characteristics was
gies. that he had a wide horizon
As regards fighting terror- and vision for the future, and
ism, Martyr Soleimani was I emphasize that his genius will
able to expose the complex continue to be manifested in
Zionist-US plan, which was the region for at least the next
funded by some Arab coun- five decades. There are many
tries, in a way that he could memories of Martyr Soleima-
explicitly announce that ISIS ni that prove this great com-
would be finished in the West mander is still present in the
Asian region in less than region and the country.
three months. And this im- I had a long meeting with
portant occurrence did take Martyr Soleimani in 2018,
place as predicted by him. which lasted more than 3.5
we may have been in the minor- There are many unknown hours. In this meeting, Gen-
ity, from the Ministry of Foreign things about the character of eral Soleimani said that one
Affairs and the Ministry of Infor- this national commander. Gen- of his concerns was about
mation and other departments eral Soleimani, has left behind some countries in the Persian
- while the majority of his col- many unforgettable memories Gulf, which will start a close
leagues were IRGC commanders of himself in the region, and relationship with the Zionist
and friends of the Quds Force - these memories of his and his regime in less than two years
we heard him say that we have unique way of operating con- and this is going to be gradu-
been fortunate to be able to tinue to play a role in the region. ally revealed to everyone.
work for the holy system of the This is the reason that dozens of During one of my trips to
Islamic Republic of Iran and this books have been written about Syria, some of General Soleima-
is a great honor. his role during the eight years of ni’s friends told me that in the
General Soleimani was a “dip- sacred defense, his fight against course of some of the opera-
lomat” in the true sense of the smugglers and miscreants in tions they carry out against the
concept. This statement may the eastern part of the coun- Zionist forces in the region, they
seem very strange to some peo- try, as well as the way he fought dream of General Soleimani
ple. How can a military general against terrorism and the agents who shows them the roadmap
be a diplomat? His work and co- of the Zionist regime. and tells them how the opera-
ordination at the regional level General Soleimani had a spe- tion is to be carried out.

No. 276 | January 2022 19

General Qasem
Soleimani: Iconic Martyr
of the Century child-molesting rapist pervert—
relayed the order to kill Gen.
Soleimani from Trump’s boss,
Benjamin Netanyahu, whose in-
telligence service had employed
Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine
Maxwell to obtain blackmail
material documenting Trump’s
criminal sex habits.
There are several reasons why
Hajj Qasem Soleimani’s martyr-
dom rises to world-historical
stature. The first, as already sug-
gested, is the emblematic evil
of his murderers. Just as Hus-
sein’s martyrdom was under-
lined by the evil of Yazid, Gen.
Soleimani’s death at the hands
of the most villainous cowards
imaginable creates a striking
chiaroscuro effect in which the
By: Dr. Kevin Barrett darkness of the forces of evil
emphasizes the bright, shining
Though the 21st/15th cen- ble. Soleimani was ambushed light of the martyr who stood
tury, like its predecessors, has by gutless drone operators who against them.
witnessed far too many mar- would need to wear adult dia- That same “moral chiaro-
tyrs, only one name is currently pers and leg irons if they ever scuro” shines a dazzling halo
rising to world-historical status: faced actual combat. Their even around Soleimani’s battle with
that of General Qasem Soleim- more cowardly commander- another avatar of sheer evil: the
ani, commander and inspiration in-chief who authorized the pitiless terrorists of Daesh (ISIS).
of the Axis of Resistance that is slaughter, a certain Donald J. The entire world, with the ex-
transforming the Muslim East Trump, had avoided the Viet- ception of Daesh’s Zionist and
and, with it, the world. On Janu- nam-era draft by claiming to American sponsors, cheered
ary 3, 2020, General Soleimani have a vague problem with his as the brave General repeat-
was murdered in the most odi- foot. Trump—a certified nar- edly helicoptered behind enemy
ously cowardly fashion imagina- cissist, sociopath, dullard, and lines to rally Kurdish, Iraqi, and

20 No. 276 | January 2022

Syrian forces fighting the head-
choppers and liver-eaters who
had sullied the good name of
Islam with their insane, drug-
addled, U.S.-mind-controlled
Due to his legendary courage,
General Soleimani was loved
and admired by nearly every-
one, including many of his ene-
mies. Even neocon-friendly Gen.
Petraeus, who was nearly driven
out of his mind by Soleimani’s
military and strategic genius as
they clashed in Iraq, reacted
ambivalently to the latter’s mur-
der, voicing barely-disguised ad-
miration as he admitted that the
martyred General had “played
his hand well.”
Indeed, in the long annals of
military history, it would be hard
to find a commander who, with
a level of courage that stunned
ally and enemy alike, contin-
ued to personally visit the most
sanguinary war fronts under cir-
cumstances of the most extreme
peril the way Hajj Soleimani did.
Obviously, Gen. Soleimani knew
he would almost certainly be
martyred. He was undoubtedly
surprised that it took so long.
From his extensive time on the
bloodiest fronts of 1980s Iran’s
imposed war against Saddam
Hussein’s aggression, to his bat-
tles with the biggest and nasti-
est U.S. and mafia-backed drug
gangs of Baluchistan, to his
front-lines on-the-ground lead-
ership of the many and vari-
ous struggles against the U.S.-
Zionist-Daesh axis of evil, Gen.
Soleimani should have, on the
basis of cold actuarial calcula-
tions, died hundreds if not thou-

No. 276 | January 2022 21

sands of times. His survival un- meeting, (Putin) wouldn’t have the daring, charismatic genius
til 2020 is so improbable it can committed to Assad the same of General Qasem Soleimani.
only be considered miraculous. way.” Indeed, the against-all-odds
The entire world, with the ex- Gen. Soleimani’s talent for in- career of Gen. Soleimani paral-
ception of Daesh’s Zionist and spiring Davids to rise up against lels the miraculous triumphs
American sponsors, cheered Goliaths and win was also evi- of the Prophet Muhammad
as the brave General repeat- dent in Lebanon and Syria. The (saw) and his allies against the
edly helicoptered behind enemy General’s advice and support formidably powerful Meccan
lines to rally Kurdish, Iraqi, and was an essential ingredient in oligarchy. The Qur’anic injunc-
Syrian forces fighting the head- the emergence of Hezbollah tion to resist evil and defend
choppers and liver-eaters who in Lebanon and the Ansarul- the good, and to fight with ut-
had sullied the good name of lah movement in Yemen. Both most exertion in the cause of
Islam with their insane, drug- groups seemingly came out God, trusting that He will help
addled, U.S.-mind-controlled of nowhere to strike devas- with unseen forces even on the
bloodbaths. tating blows against the twin most unequal battlefields, de-
General Soleimani’s legendary scourges of Zionism and im- fines and describes the career
charisma and optimistic can-do perialism, somehow winning of the martyred General. Such
attitude inspired his troops, his battles against vastly bigger, genuinely Islamic warriors have
allies, and even foreign heads of better-armed, better-funded been rare in most eras, and even
state. In 2012, the General met opponents. Lebanon’s defeat of more rare in ours.
Syria’s President Bashar al-As- Israel in the 33 Day War of 2006, Finally, any serious discus-
sad at the presidential palace in and Ansarullah’s defeat of the sion of Gen. Soleimani’s legacy
Damascus. At that moment, the Anglo-Zionist Empire’s proxies cannot ignore his stature as
plot against Syria, hatched by Zi- Saudi Arabia and the UAE, were the towering giant of the anti-
onist extremist Jeffrey Feltman, among the most unlikely David- Zionist struggle—the defining
author of the 2005 Hariri assas- vs.-Goliath triumphs in military clash of our time, which Sheikh
sination among other atroci- history. Such grossly improb- Imran Hussein among other es-
ties, was in full swing. General able victories might have been chatologists identifies with the
Soleimani told President Assad downright impossible without end times (akhir uz-zaman).
that Iran would offer him sanc- Virtually all Christians, as well
tuary if he wished to step down. as Muslim eschatologists, ex-
If, on the other hand, he wanted Indeed, the plicitly or implicitly identify Zi-
to fight, Iran would stand by its against-all-odds onism with Antichrist (Dajjal).
long-time friend. Inspired by career of Gen. But while Sheikh Imran Hus-
Gen. Soleimani, the Syrian lead- Soleimani paral- sein and other Muslims cor-
er chose to stay and fight a Da- lels the miracu- rectly argue that all people of
vid-vs.-Goliath battle against the lous triumphs of God must stand against the ly-
Zionist-American regime change ing, criminal, genocidal Zionist
the Prophet Mu- Antichrist, today’s deviant and
That uphill battle might have
hammad (saw) and misguided Christian eschatolo-
been hopeless had Gen. Soleim-
his allies against gists generally support Zionism
ani not paid a visit to Russian the formidably on the grounds that the more
president Putin in 2015. A Rus- powerful Meccan Antichrist prospers, the faster
sian witness to the encoun- oligarchy. Jesus will come back to defeat
ter says Putin was greatly im- him!
pressed by the Iranian General: The satanically-inspired bo-
“I can even say that without the gus Christians and bogus Mus-

22 No. 276 | January 2022

lims who fail in their duty to
wage jihad against the Zionist
Antichrist, neglecting to raise
their voices much less their
swords and allowing the geno-
cide of Palestine to proceed,
will have to answer to God for
their crimes of omission. To-
day, many of them can plead
ignorance: The Zionists have
grossly distorted history. They
have turned the entire main-
stream media into a menda-
cious propaganda factory, us-
ing the proceeds of their global
usury racket to brainwash most
of the world’s population.
But as the world gradually
awakens to the shocking truth
about the 20th-century world
wars, the Zionist assassina-
tions of the Kennedys and con-
trolled demolitions on 9/11,
the century-long terrorist gen-
ocide of the Palestinians, and
the enablement of these and
so many other crimes through
the establishment of the worst
criminal dictatorship in history
thanks to ubiquitous Zionist
usury, more and more citizens
of the world, whatever their
nominal national or religious
affiliation, will gradually come
to understand General Qasem
Soleimani’s heroic stature in
the struggle of good against
evil. A living legend in his own
time and an even bigger legend
just one year after his martyr-
dom, General Soleimani’s halo
will, Insha-Allah, continue to
shine ever-brighter, inspiring
millions to rise up against evil
and struggle in the cause of
Source: Tehran Times Daily

No. 276 | January 2022 23

The Brief Biography of
Martyr General
Qasem Soleimani
Early Life worker in order to be able to re- According to his brother, Sohrab
Martyr General Qasem Soleim- pay his father’s debt. After com- Soleimani, he soon became one
ani was born in the village of pleting his high school Soleimani of the main organizers of the anti-
Qanat-e Malek of the Iranian city joined the waterworks organiza- regime demonstrations in Ker-
of Rabor of Kerman Province on tion of Kerman as a contractor in man.
March 11, 1957. Coming from a the year 1975. After the Islamic Revolution
relatively poor agriculturist fam- In the course of the Islamic Rev- in 1979, and while working as a
ily, the young Soleimani moved to olution of Iran, he came to know a contractor for the waterworks
the city of Kerman at the age of cleric from the city of Mashhad by organization of Kerman, Martyr
11, after completing his elemen- the name of Reza Kamyab, a stu- Soleimani joined the Islamic Rev-
tary school, to continue with his dent of the late Imam Khomeini olutionary Guards Corps (IRGC)
high school studies and simulta- (ra), who introduced him to the as an honorary member. Before
neously work as a construction essence of the Islamic Revolution. the Iraqi imposed war he got him-

24 No. 276 | January 2022

self posted to Eastern Iran to join In the course of the Ba’athist leadership, the Quds Force helped
the struggle against the turmoil imposed war, he quickly earned strengthen the struggles of the
caused by certain Iranian Kurds. a reputation for bravery and rose Palestinian resistance. As a matter
Following the end of the rebel- through the ranks because of his of fact, it was Sardar Soleimani’s
lion, he returned to Kerman and role in the successful operations in activities alongside Martyr Imad
was appointed as the commander recapturing the lands Iraqi troops Mughniyeh, which made the re-
of the Quds IRGC headquarters in had occupied. In early 1982, Maj. sistance so strong that the Zionist
that city. Gen. Mohsen Rezaei, Command- regime failed to achieve its goals
er-in-Chief of the Revolutionary with regards to Palestine as well
Military Career Guards, appointed Sardar Qasem as Lebanon. It was due to the
Early in his career as a revolu- Soleimani as commander of the military advice provided by Gen-
tionary guard and after the sup- Sarallah Brigade while he was still eral Soleimani that the Hezbollah
pression of a separatist rebellion in his 20s. Having gathered suf- of Lebanon could withstand the
by some Kurdish elements he was ficient military skill through hard Israeli invasion in the year 2006,
appointed as the commander of work and devotion he proved to which came to be known as “The
the IRGC headquarters of West be a successful commander in 33 Days War” resulting in Israel’s
Azerbaijan Province. a number of operations such as defeat in achieving its objectives
Following Saddam Hussein’s in- Valfajr 8, Karbala 1, Karbala 5, Tak of invading Lebanon.
vasion of Iran on September 22, Shalamcheh, and several other
1980, marking the beginning of operations. War on ISIS in Iraq
the imposed war on Iran (1980– Meanwhile, he also engaged With the emergence of the so-
1988), Qasem Soleimani assem- in leading and organizing irregu- called Islamic State of Iraq and
bled and trained several battalions lar warfare missions deep inside Syria, (ISIS), a fundamentalist,
in Kerman with whom he joined Iraq that were carried out by the Salafi terrorist group, which com-
the battlefield in southern Iran Ramadan Headquarters. It was at mitted a large number of crimes
serving as the commander of the this point that General Soleimani in the name of Islam, and its rise
41st Division. During the course of established relations with Kurd- in different parts of Iraq and wide-
the eight years of sacred defense ish Iraqi leaders and the Shia Badr spread occupation of Iraqi terri-
war against the Ba’athist invasion, Organization, both of which were tory the Iraqi government asked
he was the commander of IRGC di- opposed to Iraq’s Saddam Hus- for help from General Qasem
visions Nasr-5 and Imam Reza-21, sein. After the war came to an end Soleimani who played a significant
respectively. In his early 20’s, he in 1988, Sardar Qasem Soleimani role in Iraq’s fight against ISIS, and
joined IRGC and served in different returned to Kerman and became his expert military advice provided
divisions and left behind invalua- involved in a war with miscreants resulted in the release of Baghdad
ble memorials with his comrades, who were instigated and directed and Erbil from the clutches of this
and finally became commander from outside the eastern borders terrorist group. Sardar Soleimani
of the Nasr-5 division to prove his of Iran. Prior to his appointment was described as the “linchpin”
capability and qualifications as a as the commander of the Quds bringing together Kurdish and Shia
vigilant commander. He always Force, he fought drug trafficking forces to fight ISIS, overseeing joint
remained committed to the princi- gangs, which smuggled opium operations conducted by the two
ples of the Islamic Revolution and from Afghanistan to Turkey and groups. As per existing evidence,
spared no efforts to materialize the then Europe through Iran. General Qasem Soleimani was in
aspiration of the revolution. The General Soleimani was ap- the Iraqi city of Amirli, which had
devoted commander also played pointed as the commander of been under siege for quite some
a significant role in many military the Quds Force by the Supreme time, proved to be the first Iraqi
operations and brought triumphs Leader of the Islamic Revolution town to successfully withstand an
to the Iranian side. in the year 2000. As a result of his ISIS invasion through the expertise

No. 276 | January 2022 25

provided by him. The defeat faced Serving at Imam Reza’s (as) working to eliminate Soleimani
by ISIS was the outcome of an Shrine for his sacred services in Syria and
unusual partnership of Iraqi and On his request, General Soleim- Lebanon.
Kurdish soldiers, which had come ani was also given the honor of In one of his interviews, he said
about through the efforts made serving the pilgrims to the holy the US and the Zionist Regime are
and advice by General Soleimani. shrine of Imam Reza (as), the much weaker to compete with
In 2012, Major General Soleim- eighth Shiite Imam, in the city of Iran›s military might which backs
ani helped bolster the Syrian gov- Mashhad since the year 2014. oppressed Palestinians and peo-
ernment during the Syrian Civil Soleimani received the Order ple in Gaza. Over a year before
War, particularly in its operations of Zolfaghar, which is Iran’s high- his martyrdom, Soleimani had
against ISIS and its offshoots. est military insignia in Iran, from even warned US President Donald
On Thursday, September 21, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Trump of escalating war with Iran
2017, and in the 40th-day cer- Revolution of Grand Ayatollah by stating: “You may start a war
emony the martyrdom of one of Seyyed Ali Khamenei. (with us) but it will be us who will
the defenders of the shrine, Sard- end it”.
ar Qasem Soleimani made an im- Martyrdom In his message of condolence for
portant announcement that the General Qasem Soleimani, who t the Martyrdom of Major General
so-called Islamic State of Iraq and was killed by a US airstrike or- Qasem Soleimani, the Supreme
Syria will come to an end in less dered by Donald Trump at Bagh- Leader of the Islamic Republic of
than three months. A prediction dad International Airport on Fri- Iran, Grand Ayatollah Seyyed Ali
that came true within the period day, January 3, 2020, was hailed Khamenei referred to him as the
specified by this Iranian general. as a hero in Iran. He was a brave, “living martyr of the revolution”.
In the operation to liberate Jurf charismatic, and beloved com- He was head of the Revolutionary
Al Sakhar, he was reportedly “pre- mander for his troops. Guards’ Quds Force, an elite unit
sent on the battlefield”. Some Shia Known as shadow commander that handles Iran’s overseas op-
militia commanders described for his indirect war against the US, erations. Having started his front-
General Soleimani as “fearless”— he had been on the US hit list for a line military career in the Iran-
one pointing out that the Iranian long time. The Zionist Regime and Iraq war during the early 1980s,
general never wears a flak jacket, Saudi Arabia were also allegedly Soleimani rose to prominence to
even on the front lines. Hadi al- become an indispensable figure in
Amiri, the former Iraqi minister Iran, playing an instrumental role
of transportation and the head of Several funeral cer- in spreading its influence in the
the Badr Organization, an official emonies were held Middle East.
Iraqi political party whose military for Major General Several funeral ceremonies were
wing is one of the largest armed held for Major General Qasem
forces in the country, highlighted
Qasem Soleimani Soleimani from 4 to 7 January
the pivotal role of General Qasem from 4 to 7 Janu- 2020 in some cities in Iraq and Iran
Soleimani in defending Iraq’s ary 2020 in some - including Baghdad, Karbala, Na-
Kurdistan Region against the ISIS cities in Iraq and Iran jaf, Ahvaz, Mashhad, Tehran, Qom,
terrorist group, maintaining that - including Baghdad, and his hometown Kerman. Owing
if it were not for the efforts made to his popularity among the peo-
Karbala, Najaf, Ahvaz,
and advice provided by General ple of Iran, the funeral ceremony
Soleimani, Heidar al-Ebadi’s gov- Mashhad, Tehran, of Soleimani in Tehran was the
ernment would have been a gov- Qom, and his home- largest in Iran since the funeral of
ernment-in-exile by then and that town Kerman. Grand Ayatollah Imam Khomeini”,
there would be no Iraq if General the founder of the Islamic Republic
Soleimani had not helped us. of Iran, in 1989.

26 No. 276 | January 2022

How Do
Abu Ali Hussein Dirani, Lebanese He was also a manifestation of the of all honorable people in Arab
writer and researcher living in school of religious ethics. Elaborat- and Islamic countries and had fas-
Australia ing on each of these aspects of his cinated the whole world.
International Conference on being requires writing a separate He was able to gain all the love and
Martyr Soleimani and New Is- book so that we can gain a glimpse affection of the people because he
lamic Civilization, February 2021 of the mystery of his being. was a sincere soldier and servant
All the Qur’anic verses come to No matter how knowledgeable of God Almighty and he was pres-
mind when we are talking about and learned a researcher maybe, ent wherever he was needed. It
Martyr Haaj Qasem Soleimani. one could still fail to understand was as if he was an angel whom
He was a symbol of the school of the profundity of the spiritual per- God had commanded to help pure
(divine) jihad and self-sacrifice in sonality Martyr Soleimani who Muhammadan Islam and the op-
the way of God in all its dimensions. had found his way into the hearts pressed and deprived people.

No. 276 | January 2022 27

Excerpts from Sayyed Hassan the cover, and the title of the come to the office, some of our
Nasrallah, Secretary-General of article was “The Irreplaceable men bring cameras and take pic-
Hezbollah, on His Last Meeting General”. I said to him that some tures. This time, Haaji (Martyr
with Martyr Soleimani of our friends who know the Soleimani) himself asked them
Despite being very busy in dif- United States well say that this to bring their camera and said:
ferent areas, Haaj Qasem was amount of media focus is a pre- “I want to take a photo with
very cheerful and always had a lude to assassination and he has Sayyed”. That is why there are
smile on his face. (The last time to be careful. pictures of us while praying,
I met him) His face was glowing Well, he smiled and said: “How standing, sitting, performing ab-
and I told other brothers that I nice! This is my dream”. Any- lutions, etc. But not all of them
was very worried for him. way, I asked him to stay over have been published. It was very
In our previous meeting, two or that night. He did not accept interesting that he insisted and
three weeks earlier, I had told and said that he would return asked the brothers to bring a
Haaj Qasem that the American to Damascus and wanted to see camera and take pictures in all
media had their focus on him. the brothers in Damascus and those positions.
I showed him one of the most would then go to Baghdad the This was my last meeting with
important American magazines, next day. him. I once again told him:
which had a picture of him on Usually, when the brothers “Please Haaji, do not go to

28 No. 276 | January 2022

Iranian pilgrims hostage near in spite of being engaged in an
Karbala. operation even for 3 days and
We considered it our duty to im- nights he would not sleep and
mediately inform Haaj Qasem would not abandon his night
Soleimani about the matter as prayers. Haaj Qasem’s night
he was the commander of the prayers were not confined to
team for the protection of the a simple ritual. It was accom-
Arbaeen pilgrims. He quickly panied by supplications, and I
monitored the movement of could see him reciting part of
ISIS forces and waited for them Abu Hamza Supplication and
with 20 of his best men. weeping in his night prayers; in
Haaj Qasem Soleimani’s men prostration or in qunut.
clashed with the ISIS forces,
which lasted for half an hour. Af- Serious Perseverance of the
ter the clash, I went to the area Martyr Haaj Qasem and Martyr
with my forces and saw with my Pourja’fari
own eyes that all the ISIL forc- Sardar Mohammad Ja’far Asadi
es had been killed except one In Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen,
who had been taken prisoner. and the whole region, in Paki-
Wearing a plain suit, Haaj Qa- stan, Afghanistan, wherever you
sem Soleimani turned to the ISIL go, you will see that the services
captive and said: “As you can of Haaj Qasem Soleimani have
see, I am not wearing a war suit. been very outstanding.
Woe to your people if my lead- Even if you go to the Balkans you
er, Sayyed Ali, orders me to wear can see Haaj Qasem’s services
military clothes”! have even been outstanding
there. In these 40 years, I have
Haaj Qasem’s Night Prayers not seen anyone more perse-
Hojjat al-Islam Sa’adatnejad, vering than him. He was not like
Imam Hussein University, Octo- many other people who would
ber 2020 say that the war is over now and
Ever since getting to know God it is time to rest. I am a witness
Almighty, the revolution and the that in the past 22 years he only
battlefront - until the time he slept 2 or 3 hours every night.
Baghdad, the situation is not passed away and irrespective of Another brother who was re-
good, it is worrying”. He replied: the situation he was in - Haaj Qa- ally very persevering and was
“No, I have to go. I have no oth- sem never missed night prayers. martyred was Mr. Pourja’fari,
er choice. I have to go because I I accompanied Haaj Qasem on whose services could never be
want to see the Prime Minister some trips. We would reach compensated for in this world;
and there are some important our resting place at about 2 or 3 but I am sure and have no doubt
messages that I have to convey am and I would go to sleep and that he will, with the grace of Al-
or hear… and there is no other wake up for morning prayers. lah, have a lofty position in the
way. I have to go to Baghdad But Mr. Safari (may his soul hereafter.
personally. rest in peace) who also accom- He usually offered his night
panied us in such trips told me prayer in Haaj Qasem’s house.
I Am Wearing a Plain Suit Now that Haaj Qasem had not slept Mr. Pourja’fari used to come
Abu Hassan, Chief of an Iraqi and had spent the night praying with a piece of rug in the back of
tribe and Commander of the and he wondered how he (Mar- his ca, he would spread it there,
Iraqi People’s Forces tyr Soleimani) would be able to engage in night prayers before
We were informed that a group handle his affairs the next day. the time for morning prayer, and
of 370 ISIS men intended to He did not get tired. God had would wait for Sardar Soleima-
launch an operation and take given him such a power that ni to come out and would then

No. 276 | January 2022 29

drive on to pursue their mis- threat of ISIS into an opportu- terms of moral characteristics,
sions. nity, and in Iraq, he organized he was a spirited revolutionary
If I want to say it correctly, I have more than 22 brigades of peo- guard with a lot of courage to
no doubt that Haaj Qasem spent ple alongside the Iraqi army. In confront the enemy.
two-thirds of his time outside his Syria, too, he mobilized more
home. That is, if we assume that than 60 or 70 thousand of its How Martyr Soleimani Solved
a month is thirty days, he was people and organized them into the Problem of a Zoroastrian of
out of home for at least twen- a powerful force to fight their Kerman
ty days. And a few hours of the enemies. This transformation Hojjat al-Islam Du’aei, the
other ten days of his were spent of threat to opportunity means Representative of the Supreme
praying at night; resting very lit- creating a lasting infrastructure Leader
tle. He was mostly in Lebanon, for the security and indepen- I have been told by a friend that
Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan or dence of nations. once when Haaj Qasem was to
another country attending to The hardships that Martyr Solei- take a flight from the Kerman
certain missions, and he truly mani had faced during his child- airport to Tehran. While on the
deserved martyrdom and that hood and adolescence, which bus, from the terminal to the
too at the hands of the cruelest have been published in his auto- plane, Mr. Soroushian, a Zoro-
and the worst evil people of the biography, and the experiences astrian personality of Kerman,
world. and tragedies he went through recognizes Haaj Qasem, goes to
during the course of the sacred him, touches him on his shoul-
He Would at Times Borrow defense had turned him into der, and tells him “We love you
from His Father a tolerant, patient, and resil- Haaj Qasem”. Here I must say
Hojjat al-Islam Asgari, the Imam ient figure. This God-pleasing that the Zoroastrians of Ker-
of Friday Prayers in Rafsanjan man and the righteous servant man are very popular among
He (Martyr Soleimani) lived a of God went through a lot of the people of this city and are
very simple life and even though physical and mental pressure respected for their honesty and
he spent many days attending throughout all these years. Yet, sincerity. They participate in the
to his missions abroad and in he would not waste his time mourning programs of Imam
dangerous situations, he never and would either recite the Hussain (as) and they even share
accepted any payment for these Holy Qur’an or engage in writing part of the expenses of these
missions. At times, he would something when being driven programs. Anyway, recognizing
tell me privately that his salary from one place to another. In Mr. Soroushian, Haaj Qasem
would not be enough for man- gets up, hugs him, kisses him
aging the expenses of his life. on his cheeks and they both sit
He would at times borrow from together. Haaj Qasem then asks
his father; when his father was
He (Martyr Soleim- him if he can be of any help and
alive. The last time he asked ani) lived a very Mr. Soroushian tells him that
me to calculate the amount simple life and even he is going to Tehran for a legal
of khums of his property the though he spent case. Haaj Qasem then asks him
amount was only three million for his mobile number and tells
tomans; which he paid. many days attend- him that he would ask one of
ing to his missions his friends to help him with his
Soleimani’s School of Thought abroad and in dan- problem. The next day someone
Means Turning Threats into goes to Mr. Soroushian, listens
Opportunities gerous situations, he to the details of his problem,
General Safavi of the Islamic never accepted any takes his documents, follows the
Revolutionary Guard Corps payment for these case, and resolves the problem.
In Martyr Soleimani’s school of One of the prominent advo-
thought, strategic management missions. cates of the Kerman court, Dr.
means turning threats into op- Anoushirvan Monshizadeh, told
portunities. me that on hearing the news of
Martyr Soleimani turned the Haaj Qasem’s martyrdom, Mr.

30 No. 276 | January 2022

Soroushian cried bitterly and and take pictures with them and presidential elections. He did
could not stop his tears. He then make them feel so happy as if not let me finish my sentence
added that he told him “You they had been given the whole and said: “You know my view”
are a Zoroastrian” and he (Mr. world. This is the difference be- and I responded by saying: “I
Soroushian) then narrated the tween an Iran General and an myself disagree and my answer
story and said: “In spite of his American one. to people who ask me about it
position, responsibilities, and
engagement, this man (Martyr
Soleimani) would sincerely lis-
ten to the problems of his Zoro-
astrian fellow-citizens of Kerman
and would do his best to resolve
their problem with the highest
level of sincerity and this is what
I will never forget.
This is one of the examples of
the characteristics of a human
being who had penetrated the
hearts of people with his deeds
and helped them (irrespective
of their beliefs) when he rec-
ognized that they deserve help
and support. (February 2020)

Photographs with the Children

of Nubl and Al-Zahra
Revolutionary Guard Com-
mander, Mahmoud Chahar-
Haaj Qasem was one of the first
people to come to Nubl and
Al-Zahra townships. He asked
me to accompany him to Nubl
and I agreed. We passed through
olive trees - I have the pictures -
then we sat in the car and went Haaj Qasem and Presidential is that General Soleimani is the
to Nubl. The people of Nubl and Elections president of several countries.
Al-Zahra who had lived under Hojjat al-Islam Ali Shirazi, the But I am just conveying peo-
seizure for many years could Representative of the Supreme ple’s request and I want to hear
not believe that Haaj Qasem Leader in the Sarallah Head- what you have to say about it”.
was among the Iranians paying quarters (narrated in the book: He replied: “Tell people, on my
a visit to their place. I do not “The Haaj Qasem that I Know”) behalf, that Soleimani is just a
know how and by whom they Presidential elections were soldier and nothing else.” I then
were informed about the news. close by and many people were, said: “What if the Supreme
They would come in groups and either by writing letters or in cy- Leader supports their view?”
ask where Haaj Qasem was. berspace, asking General Solei- He smiled - like always - and
They wished to see him and mani to run for the elections. said: “If the Supreme Leader
take pictures with him. On the Some people would contact me obliges me to stand for election
other hand, Haaj Qasem, too, and ask me about Haaj Qasem’s I will go to him and will not stop
would go to their houses, ca- view. I once went to him and pleading and begging to him in
ress their little children and give told him that many people are tears until he removes the ob-
them sweets and chocolates interested in him standing for ligation.

No. 276 | January 2022 31

must become prey to insecurity,
must be weakened, and must be
subjected to a rift among them.
Creating border disputes in the
region, causing religious rivalries
between Shiite and Sunni govern-
ments and nations, fanning ethnic
prejudices such as Pan-Kurdism
and Pan-Arabism, and providing
support to the regional reaction-
aries and terrorist groups were
some of the strategies resorted to
for creating insecurity in the West
Asian region.
To weaken security in West Asia,
the multilateral project of “creat-
ing takfiri terrorist groups” such as
Al-Qaeda and ISIS was launched
to re-engineer the situation in the
region; the project that was pur-
sued with the help of Saudi Ara-
bia and the Zionist regime. One
of the aspects of this project was
the change of geographical bor-
ders through the disintegration

A Note on Martyr
of Islamic countries, for the mate-
rialization of which national sov-
ereignty of the countries should

Soleimani’s School
be weakened and their territorial
integrity should be put in danger.
According to Western theorists,

of Thought
the disintegration of Iraq and Syria
and the division of these countries
into smaller territories was nec-
By: Mohsen Pakayin, Research Scholar of International Relations essary to ensure the security of
Israel, and a number of Western
Praising the path and views of rooted in his school of thought, measures had to be taken in this
Martyr Lieutenant General Qasem the practical dimensions of which regard.
Soleimani, Grand Ayatollah should be examined by the elites As a man of insight and by having
Khamenei stated on 27/1/2009: of Iran and the region. Following the perfect knowledge of Western
“Martyr Haaj Qasem Soleimani the collapse of the Soviet Union, policies, General Qasem Soleimani
should not be viewed as an indi- Western countries, led by the had come up with the theory of
vidual; he should be looked at as a United States, began the process “regional security” to prevent the
school of thought”. of “reengineering of the West implementation of the said pro-
The theory of “regional secu- Asian region to ensure security for ject. According to this theory, the
rity”, one of the most important the Zionist regime. As per this out- security of Islamic countries in
views of General Soleimani, was look, the countries of the region West Asia is interconnected and

32 No. 276 | January 2022

affects each other. In other words, Israel’s security. stabilized.
insecurity in Syria undermines se- As a leading figure of resistance The second point that Martyr
curity in Iraq, and insecurity in Iraq and a symbol of the confrontation Soleimani stressed upon was de-
would affect Iran’s security and so with terrorism, he sided with the fending the territorial integrity of
on and so forth. Sunni Palestinians in their 51-day West Asian countries. The United
General Soleimani come up with war with Israel and made the de- States had a plan to divide Iraq
the idea of forming “resistance” to feat of the Zionist regime possible into three parts: Kurds, Shiites,
provide security in West Asia and in the 33-day war with Shiite Hez- and Sunnis. Ever since the US inva-
to confront Western tricks and laid bollah forces. At the height of the sion of Iraq, there had been some
the foundation of struggle against Syrian crisis, he personally went talks about the secession and vio-
extremism and terrorism on the to the aid of Bashar al-Assad, and lation of that country’s territorial
basis of the strategy of “resist- when Baghdad was about to fall to integrity, and Martyr Soleimani
ance”. Haaj Qasem had, as a mat- ISIS, he reached the city by cross- believed that this regional threat
ter of fact, countervailed the strat- ing over the ISIL forces and led the must be confronted.
egy of Westerners - who sought anti-terrorist operation until the The third characteristic of Gen-
to divide the anti-Zionist front - by desired result was achieved. eral Soleimani’s theory was to
uniting the countries of the region General Soleimani was a diplo- unite all the countries of the re-
in the form of an “axis of resist- mat, a politician, and a theorist. gion in one axis, and this is what
ance”. Martyr Soleimani’s miracle He believed that the national se- he successfully made possible
was that he brought together the curity of no country could not be through the formation of the axis
six nations of Syrians, Lebanese, ensured in the absence of security of resistance.
Iranians, Pakistanis, Afghans, and for the whole region. He was a On the anniversary of the cow-
Iraqis under the flag of resistance. theorist who believed that Iran’s ardly and unfair assassination and
He formed the axis of resistance security depended on the secu- martyrdom of General Soleimani
by using the indigenous identity rity of its external borders and be- and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, one
and culture of each country (and lieved that Iran’s national security should ponder upon the impor-
not by imposing the Iranian ver- could not be ensured unless the tance of the strong regional alli-
sion of it). Hezbollah with Leba- entire region was secure. ance against the United States and
nese identity, Hashad al-Sha’bi In order to ensure the security the Zionist regime and the security
with Iraqi identity, and Zainebi- of the West Asian region and to of West Asian countries. General
youn, Fatemiyoun, and Haidari- make sure that the global arro- Soleimani’s ultimate goal was the
youn were created and developed gant powers cannot threaten the expulsion of American forces from
according to the national identity, stability and security of the region, the region, which began with the
tradition, and culture of their re- Martyr Soleimani stressed the fol- withdrawal of these forces from
spective countries. This is the rea- lowing several points. Afghanistan, and this goal will be
son that no factor has the ability to First, the national sovereignty of achieved after the expulsion of
eliminate these forces, and their countries must be respected. For the United States from Iraq and
influence is increasingly growing. example, when the United States Syria. And what the Supreme
By coming up with the theory of refuses to recognize a govern- Leader of the Islamic Republic of
regional security, General Soleim- ment formed by the votes of the Iran referred to as strong revenge
ani made every country sensitive people of Syria and acts against meant the expulsion of the United
towards its national security and the will of the Syrian people, it is States from the region and the lib-
that of its friendly neighbors, and, definitely against the security and eration of Al-Quds. This goal is not
as a result, the axis of resistance stability of that country. This is the unachievable and with its realiza-
defeated the plots of Western reason that made General Soleim- tion, the path will be paved for
powers for changing the geogra- ani defend the national sovereign- the realization of the new Islamic
phy of the region and ensuring ty of Syria and make sure that it is civilization.

No. 276 | January 2022 33

Testament of Martyr
Major-General Qasem
The following is the full text faith, exemplary courage, and mad is the Messenger of God. I
of the will and testament of passionate adherence to Wilay- testify that Ali bin Abi Talib and
Martyr General Qasem Soleim- at. May his soul rest in peace his immaculate children – the
ani, the Commander of the and drink from the fountain of twelve Imams – are our Infallible
IRGC’s Quds Forces who for- eternal bliss. Imams and that they are “Hujjat
merly led many operations of Allah” (God’s proofs).
during Saddam’s eight-year In the Name of God, the Be- I testify that the Day of Judg-
U.S.-backed war on Iran and neficent, the Merciful ment is true, the Holy Qur’an is
accomplished numerous other I testify to the main principles true, Heaven and Hell are true,
valorous achievements dur- of Islam. the questioning and answer-
ing his blessed life. His life was I testify that there is no god ing (on the Day of Judgment)
characterized by extraordinary but Allah. I testify that Muham- are true, and that Resurrection,

34 No. 276 | January 2022

God’s Justice, Imamate, and ting me smell their divine scent
Prophethood are true. – the mujahidin and martyrs on
this path.
Oh God, I thank You for Your Dear God, O All-Powerful, All-
blessings Mighty, and All-Merciful Pro-
Oh God, thank You for transfer- vider, I prostrate before You in
ring me from one loin to the next, gratitude and humbleness for
from one century to the next, and having helped me take the path
from one family to the next, until of Hazrat Fatimah (sa) and her
You bestowed on me the blessing progeny in the Shiite school of
to live during a time when I could thought – the true denomina-
see one of your most prominent tion of Islam – and for letting me
Friends who are close to and a shed tears for the children of Ali
companion of the Infallibles, Your bin Abi Talib (as) and Hazrat Fa-
righteous servant – the Great timah (sa). What a great bless-
Khomeini. And, I thank you for let- ing it is, your greatest and most
ting me be his soldier. If I did not precious blessing. It is a blessing
have the blessing to be the com- that contains light, spirituality,
panion of Your Great Messenger, and restlessness, in which there
Muhammad al-Mustafa (pbuh), is the most assuring peace of
and if I did not live during the pe- mind. It contains sorrow that
riod of the oppression of Ali bin is coupled with tranquility and
Abi Talib and his immaculate and spirituality.
wronged children, You helped me Dear God, I am grateful to You
tread the same path on which for giving me parents who were
they laid down their lives – which poor but pious, who loved the
is worth all the universe and its Household of the Holy Proph-
creatures. et of Islam, and who always
Oh God, I thank You that af- treaded the path of purity. I
ter your very righteous servant, beseechingly ask You to asso-
dear Khomeini, You put me on ciate them with Your Friends
the path of Your other righteous in Your Heaven and al-
servant – whose innocence even low me to meet with
surpasses his righteousness; a them in the
man who is the greatest sage of Hereafter.
Islam, Shi’ism, Iran and the po-
litical world of Islam today. This
man is dear Khamenei (may my
life be sacrificed for him).
Dear God, thank You
for allowing me to as-
sociate with Your best
servants, for giving me
the opportunity to
kiss their heav-
enly faces,
and for let-

No. 276 | January 2022 35

Oh God, I have Hopes in Your an ordinary bridge. Woe to me, purity. Accept me in a way that
Pardon as Your path (the bridge over I will be worthy of seeing You. I
Oh Dear God, Oh Wise and Hell), is thinner than a hair and do not want anything other than
Unique Creator, my hands are sharper than a sword. Nonethe- meeting You. Heaven for me is
empty, and so is my backpack. less, I harbor some hope that I being next to You, Oh Allah.
I rush to you without any provi- may not tremble and that I may
sions, hoping that You will treat find salvation. I set foot in Your Oh God, I have Been Left Be-
me to Your banquet of pardon sanctuary and circumambulated hind the Caravan of My Friends
and generosity. I do not have Your House (the circumambula- Oh dear God, it is many years
any provisions with me, for tion of the Holy Ka’bah). I ran now that I have been left behind
what provisions does a poor bare-footed in the shrines of a caravan. I have constantly sent
man need in the presence of a Your Friends and between the others towards it, but I myself
generous Lord? shrines of Hussein and Abbas. have been left behind it. You
My shoes are filled with the I bent and hugged my knees Yourself know that I have never
hope of Your Grace and Your in long trenches. And, I ran, been able to forget them. Their
Generosity. I have brought with jumped, crept, wept, laughed memory and their names always
me two closed eyes, which con- and made others laugh, cried echo, not in my mind, but in my
tain a treasure in addition to and made others cry, and fell heart and in my eyes with tears
their impurities. That jewel is and picked myself up in defense and sighs.
tears shed for Fatimah’s Hus- of your religion. I hope that you My dear God, my body is be-
sein, tears shed for the House- will pardon them (my legs) be- coming infirm. How could You
hold, and tears shed in defense cause of these jumping, crawl- possibly not accept someone
of the oppressed, the orphans, ing, and these holy shrines. who has been waiting at Your
and the innocent who were Oh God, my head, my wisdom, door for 40 years? My Creator,
caught in the claws of oppres- my lips, my nose, my ears, my my Beloved and my Love, I have
sors. heart, and all parts of my body always asked You to fill my heart
Oh God, I have nothing in my harbor the same hope. Oh most and my soul with the love of
hands. They have nothing to pre- Merciful, Compassionate God, You. Let me burn and die in be-
sent, nor do they have the pow- accept me and accept me in ing apart from You.
er to defend. However, I have My dear One, I have wandered
stored something in my hands, into deserts feeling restless and
which I am hopeful about, that Oh most Merciful, ashamed of being left behind. I
is a continuous movement to- Compassionate go from one city to another and
wards You. When I reached out God, accept me from this desert to the next in
my hands towards you, when winters and summers, because
I put them on the ground and
and accept me in I harbor hope. Generous God,
on my knees for Your sake, and purity. Accept me in my Beloved God, I have fixed my
when I carried weapons in order a way that I will be hopes on Your Generosity. You
to defend Your religion, these worthy of seeing You. know that I love You. You know
are the wealth that I carry in my I do not want anything that I do not want anyone other
hands and I hope that you have than You. Help me join You.
other than meeting
accepted them. Oh God, terror has engulfed
Oh God, my legs are frail and You. Heaven for me is my whole existence. I am not ca-
have no stamina. They do not being next to You, Oh pable of controlling my will. Do
have the courage to cross the Allah. not disgrace me. I ask You, for
bridge that crosses over Hell. My the sake of those whose sanctity
legs tremble even when crossing You have vowed to preserve, to

36 No. 276 | January 2022

join me to the caravan that has
come towards You before I see
the sanctity of these shrines be-
ing disrespected.
You, Whom I worship, my
Love and my Beloved, I love
You. I have seen and felt You
many times. I cannot remain
separate from You any longer. It
is enough. It is enough. Accept
me, but only when I am worthy
of You.

A Word with My Mujahid

Brothers and Sisters
My mujahid sisters and broth-
ers in this world, you who have
offered your lives for the sake of
God, risking your lives and put-
ting them on sale in the bazaar
of love, please pay attention.
The Islamic Republic is the cent-
er of Islam and Shi’ism. Today,
Husain bin Ali’s base is Iran. You
should know that the Islamic Re-
public is a sanctuary, and if this
sanctuary is preserved, others on religion, and those of you Mashhad, and the Holy Qur’an
will be preserved as well. If the who believe in it as Sunni Mus- will be damaged as well.
enemy destroys this sanctuary, lims and based on logic, should
no sanctuary – neither the sanc- know that you must refuse to A Word with My Iranian
tuaries belonging to Ibrahim nor abandon the tent of Wilayat, Brothers and Sisters
Muhammad – will remain. and without any discord among My dear Iranian brothers and
My brothers and sisters, the yourselves. This tent is the tent sisters, you honorable and glori-
world of Islam is constantly in of the Messenger of God. The ous people for whom I, and in-
need of leadership, one that is basis of the enmity against the dividuals like me, wish to sacri-
connected to and endorsed by Islamic Republic throughout fice our lives thousands of times
the Infallibles in terms of Islamic the world is for burning and de- – as you sacrificed hundreds of
law and jurisprudence. You know stroying this tent. You should thousands of lives for the sake
perfectly well that the purest re- go around it (like the circum- of Islam and Iran – you should
ligious scholar who shook the ambulation of the Ka’bah). I take care of the “Principles.” The
whole world and revived Islam swear to Allah, I swear to Al- Principles means “Wali-e Faqih”
– our great and pure Khomeini lah, I swear to Allah, if this tent (Guardianship of the Islamic
– stated that “Wilayat-e Faqih” is harmed, there will be no sign Jurist), in particular, that sage
is the only prescription for the of God’s House (Ka’bah), Ma- and that oppressed man who
salvation of this nation. There- dinah - where the shrine of the is imbued with religious piety,
fore, those of you who believe Holy Prophet is located – Najaf, jurisprudence, spirituality, and
in it as Shi’a Muslims and based Karbala, Kadhimiya, Samarra or religious understanding. Dear

No. 276 | January 2022 37

of self-sacrificing individuals
laid down their lives to shield
you, the Iranian nation, Iranian
soil, and Islam. They humbled
the biggest worldly powers. My
dear ones, do not become divid-
ed over the “Principles.”
Martyrs are the axis of dignity
and respect for all of us. They
have joined the vast ocean of
God, the Pure, not only for today
but for eternity. You should re-
gard them as great in your eyes,
hearts, and on your tongues, as
they truly are great. You should
familiarize your children with
their names and their photo-
graphs. You should look with re-
spect at the children of Martyrs
who are the orphaned children
of all of you. You should respect
their wives and their parents.
In the same way that you treat
your own children with leniency,
pay special attention to them
Khamenei should be very dear achievement of dear Khomeini
in the absence of their fathers,
to you. You should know that was that firstly, he applied Islam
mothers, wives, and children.
respecting him is like respecting to help Iran, and then, he put
You should respect your
the sanctities. Iran at the service of Islam. If
Armed Forces which are headed
Brothers, sisters, fathers, it were not for Islam, and if an
by the Wali-e-Faqih for the sake
mothers, my dear ones! The Is- Islamic spirit had not ruled over
of defending yourselves, your
lamic Republic is experiencing our nation, Saddam would have
religion, Islam, and the coun-
its most glorious period today. torn apart our country to piec-
try. Likewise, the Armed Forces
You should know that it does es like a wild wolf, and the U.S.
should respect, protect and sup-
not matter what the enemy would have acted in the same
port the nation, its honor, and
thinks about you. What did the manner as a rabid dog. How-
its soil, in the same way that
enemy think about your Proph- ever, Imam Khomeini’s accom-
they defend their own homes.
et? How did the enemies be- plishment was that he brought
As the Commander of the Faith-
have towards the Messenger of Islam to the help of this nation.
ful – the Leader of the Pious –
God and his children? What ac- He brought forth Ashura, the
said, “The Armed Forces should
cusations did they make about month of Muharram, the month
be a source of dignity for their
him, and how did they treat his of Safar, and Fatimiyah (the pe-
nation. They should be the cas-
immaculate children? The en- riod of mourning for Hazrat Fati-
tle and the refuge for the op-
emies’ reproach, censure, and mah (sa)) to help this nation. He
pressed and the people, and
pressure should not divide you. created revolutions within the
they should adorn their country.
You should know – and you do revolution. It is for this reason
know – that the most important that in every period, thousands
A Word with the Dear People

38 No. 276 | January 2022

of Kerman affection, and to innate nature heard every day, to which I was
I have a point to raise with than to political colors. I am ad- so attached, that gave me so
the dear people of Kerman, a dressing all of you who consider much tranquility like the voice
lovely people who made the me to be a part of you and as of the Quran did, and that I
greatest sacrifices throughout your brother and your child. considered being the greatest
the period of the 8-year Holy I ask you in this will to not source of spiritual support for
Defense and sacrificed great leave Islam alone in this period me was the voice of the children
generals and honorable muja- of time when it has been mani- of the Martyrs, which I would
hidin for the sake of Islam. I al- fested in the Islamic Revolu- listen to almost every day, and
ways feel humble before them. tion and the Islamic Republic. also, that of the Martyrs’ fathers
They trusted me for eight years Defending Islam requires intel- and mothers in whom I felt the
for the sake of Islam. They sent ligence and special attention. presence of my own parents.
their children to deadly battle- When it comes to Islam, the Is- My dear ones, as long as you
fields and difficult wars such as lamic Republic, sanctities, and are the mentors of this nation,
operations Karbala-5, Valfajr-8, Wilayat-e-Faqih in political mat- you should appreciate your value.
Tariqul-Quds, Fath al-Mobin, ters know that these are the Reflect and manifest your Martyrs
Bayt al-Moqaddas, and other colors of God; therefore, you in yourselves in such a way that
operations. And, they founded should prefer the colors of God whenever someone sees you,
a great and valuable army in to any other color. they feel as though the fathers
the name of and for the love and children of Martyrs are the
of our Infallible Imam, Hussein A Word with the Families of living images of the Martyrs with
bin Ali – the Tharallah Division. the Martyrs the same degree of spirituality,
That Division frequently made My children, my daughters power, and qualities.
the hearts of our nation and of and sons, children of the Mar- I beseechingly ask you to for-
the Muslims happy, working like tyrs, fathers, and mothers of the give and to pardon me. I was not
a sharp sword and erasing grief Martyrs, you shining lights of able to do what was necessary for
from their hearts. our country, and brothers, sis- many of you, or even for your mar-
My dear ones! Today, I am no ters, and loyal and pious wives tyred children. I ask for forgiveness
longer among you due to divine of the Martyrs! The voice that I and for you to pardon me.
destiny. I love you more than my I would like my body to be car-
father, my mother, my children, ried by the Martyrs’ children in
my sisters, and my brothers be- I ask you in this will the hope of receiving God’s at-
cause I spent more time with to not leave Islam tention, thanks to the touch of
you than I did with them, while alone in this period their pure hands on my body.
they were my flesh and blood,
and I was theirs. They accepted
of time when it has A Word with the Politicians of
for me to dedicate my life and been manifested in the Country
my existence to you and to the the Islamic Revolu- I have a short point to make
Iranian nation. tion and the Islamic to the politicians of the country,
I would like Kerman to remain Republic. Defending both to those who refer to them-
with Wilayat till the end. This selves as “Reformists” and to the
Islam requires intel-
Wilayat is the Wilayat of Ali bin “Conservatives.” What made me
Abi Talib, and its tent is the tent ligence and special suffer the most was that we usu-
of Fatimah’s Husain. You should attention. ally forget – or sacrifice – God,
sacrifice yourself for it. I am with the Quran, and values under two
all of you. You know that I paid circumstances. My dear ones, no
more attention to humanity, to matter what rivalry and conten-

No. 276 | January 2022 39

tion you have with each other, if ic Republic and what it has been ciety, rather than supporting be-
your actions, words, and debates founded on. This includes mor- havior - driven by negligence and
weaken religion and the Revolu- als, values, and responsibilities, emotions and for the sake of win-
tion in one way or another, you whether responsibilities towards ning the votes of people who have
should know that you will receive the nation or towards Islam. a transient feeling - that would
the wrath of the Holy Prophet 3. Employing pure individuals promote divorce and corrup-
of Islam and the Martyrs on this who believe in the nation and tion in society and would cause
path. You should set limits. If you who are the servants of it, not in- families to break apart. Govern-
want to stand together, the con- dividuals who evoke the memory ments are the main factor in both
dition for being together is agree- of former Khans, even if they are strengthening families as well as
ment over the Principles and ex- elected as a chairman in a very in causing families to break apart.
pressing them in an outspoken small village. If the Principles are acted on, eve-
manner. The Principles are not 4. They should establish a ryone will be on the path of the
lengthy or detailed (and therefore method, which includes confront- Leader, the Revolution, and the
not open to interpretation). The ing corruption and refraining Islamic Republic. Then, there will
Principles are comprised of a few from it, and also includes avoiding be a proper competition based
important tenets: a luxurious lifestyle. on these principles for the sake of
1. The first is believing in Wilay- 5. During their term of office in electing the most eligible person.
at-e-Faqih in practice. This means any position of responsibility, they
that you should listen to his ad- should consider respecting the A Word with My Brothers in
vice and act on his recommen- people and rendering services to the Revolutionary Guard Corps
dations and warnings as the true them to be acts of worship. And, and the Army
physician of religious laws and sci- they themselves should promote I wish to address a brief word
ence. A person who wishes to un- values, not boycotting them over in my dear, self-sacrificing broth-
dertake a certain responsibility in vain excuses. ers in the Islamic Revolutionary
the Islamic Republic should know Acting as the fathers of the so- Guard Corps and in the IRGC-like
that the main condition is having a ciety, they should pay attention to Army. You should set courage and
true belief in Wilayat-e-Faqih and their responsibility in the area of the power to manage crises as
acting on Wali-e-Faqih’s words. I cultivating and protecting the so- the main criteria for appointing
am not speaking about a “Burning commanders. Naturally, I do not
Furnace Wilayat” (This refers to a mention Wilayat, because Wilay-
narration from Imam Sadiq (as) Another point is at is not a part or a component
where he asked one of his follow- that you should of the Armed Forces, rather it is
ers to sit in a burning furnace, and gain a timely un- the basis for the survival of the
the follower immediately submit- derstanding of the Armed Forces. This condition is
ted to his order without hesita- enemy, his goals, inviolable.
tion.), nor a Wilayat due to law. and his policies, Another point is that you should
Neither of these two will solve the and then, you must gain a timely understanding of
problem of unity. Wilayat due to make decisions and the enemy, his goals, and his poli-
law is particular to people in gen- act promptly. If any cies, and then, you must make
eral – including Muslims and non- of these is carried out decisions and act promptly. If any
Muslims - but Wilayat in practice belatedly, it will have a of these is carried out belatedly, it
is particular to officials who wish major impact on your will have a major impact on your
to undertake the important affairs victory. victory.
of the country, an Islamic country
with all these Martyrs. A Word with the Religious
2. Having true faith in the Islam- Scholars and Honorable Reli-

40 No. 276 | January 2022

gious Authorities Khamenei greatly wronged and
I, a 40-year soldier in the field, alone. He needs your cooperation
would like to have a brief word and assistance, and you great per-
with the honorable religious sonages should direct the society
scholars and great Religious Au- with your statements, meetings,
thorities who cast light on soci- and support. If this Revolution is
ety and eradicate darkness, in harmed, then the situation will
particular Grand Religious Au- not even be like the time of the
thorities. Your soldier saw from cursed Shah. Even worse than
a watchtower that if the Islamic that, the Front of Arrogance will
Republic is harmed, religion and do its best to promote sheer dis-
what you have endeavored hard belief and deep deviation, which
to preserve and for which you cannot be reversed.
have made every effort to devel- I kiss your blessed hands (in
op expertise in will be destroyed. humbleness) and apologize for
This period is different from all these words. I would have liked
other periods. If they take control to make these statements in my
this time, nothing will remain of meetings with you in person, but
Islam. The correct path to take it was not meant to be.
is to support the Revolution, the Your soldier who kisses your
Islamic Republic, and Wali-Faqih hands.
without any reservation. You –
who are the source of hope for I Ask Everyone to Pardon Me
Islam - should not allow others to I ask my neighbors, my friends,
make you hesitate. and my colleagues to forgive and
All of you loved Imam and be- to pardon me. I ask the soldiers
lieved in his path. Imam’s path of the Tharallah Division and
was the path of fighting against the great Quds Force, who are a
the U.S. and supporting the Islam- thorn in the eye of the enemy and
ic Republic and the Muslims, who a strong fortification against it, to
are oppressed by the Arrogant forgive and to pardon me, in par-
Powers, under the flag of Wali-e- ticular those who helped me in a
Faqih. Even with my flawed mind, brotherly manner.
I could see that some vicious in- I cannot avoid mentioning Hos-
dividuals tried and continue to try sein Poor-Ja’fari who helped me
to persuade influential Religious well-intentionally, like a brother,
Authorities and religious schol- and whom I loved in the same way
ars in society into silence and that I love my own brother. I apol-
hesitation through the use of self- ogize to his family and to all my
righteous gestures and words. It is revolutionary and mujahid broth-
clear what the truth is. The Islam- ers who were bothered because
ic Republic, values, and Wilayat- of me. Of course, all the broth-
e-Faqih are the legacies of Imam ers in the Quds Force showed me
Khomeini (may God bestow brotherly love and helped me,
mercy on him). Therefore, they including my dear friend General
should be earnestly supported. Qa’ani, who tolerated me with pa-
I see Hazrat Grand Ayatollah tience and dignity.

The Assassination of Martyr
General Soleimani Was a Clear
Violation of International Laws
and Principles rorism force is strongly condemned
Seyyed Mohammad Ali Hosseini by the freedom-seeking and peace-
Former Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Present loving people of the region. This act
Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Pakistan was a clear confrontation with the
true wishes of the people of the
Qasem Soleimani who was cow- region in striving for peace and the
ardly assassinated by the US gov- fight against terrorism.
ernment in a blatant terrorist act. The apparent opposition of the
The people of our region do not United States to the wishes of the
forget the days when the black flag people of the region, which mani-
of Daesh (ISIS) were each day hoist- fested itself in the assassination of
ing somewhere in one of their cit- Martyr Soleimani, is condemned
ies and their vicious acts here and from a legal and international point
there were shuddering the hearts of view. In this regard, I would draw
of people. esteemed readers’ attention to
General Soleimani, who rightly some points.
played the most effective role in Article II of the United Nations
suppressing criminal groups, au- Charter explicitly prohibits the use
gured well in clearing terrorist em- of force as well as threatening to
bodiments like ISIS and Al-Nusra use force. In addition to being a
In an article published by local Front, and brought security and flagrant violation of the UN Char-
media, Seyyed Mohammad Ali peace to the nations from our ter, the martyrdom of Commander
Hosseini said that the anti-human region to Europe, was martyred Soleimani was also against the val-
action committed by the US was through a craven operation that ues of human rights and interna-
not compatible with any of the es- was directly ordered by the Presi- tional human rights provisions.
tablished legal provisions and was a dent of the United States of Amer- Violation of the right to life is pro-
clear violation of international laws ica. hibited under Article 3 of the Univer-
and principles. What follows are ex- Although in the Islamic school of sal Declaration of Human Rights and
cerpts from his article. thought, martyrdom in the way of Article 6 of the Charter of Civil and
The people of Iran are grieved God is a wish for any Muslim, and Political Rights Covenant. Therefore,
over the loss of a man, who was General Soleimani and his compan- the commanders and the agents of
highly acclaimed by the people of ions had a long-lasting fervor for it, this operation and the perpetrators
the region as a “liberator, hero, and the nature of the terror was prepos- of violation of this right should be
symbol of the fight against terror- terous. brought to justice and punished.
ism. The criminal act of the United In this terrorist act, the United
Today, we are approaching the States in depriving people of the re- States also violated the rules of dip-
martyrdom anniversary of General gion of a determined and anti-ter- lomatic and consular laws. Martyr

42 No. 276 | January 2022

Soleimani was a high-ranking Irani- groups. He also moved forward a than being against them.
an military official who was assum- tireless diplomacy to construct a The basic question that arises is
ing diplomatic responsibility during true consensus on sincere counter- that, which international rule or law
his last journey and was carrying a terrorism efforts. This is what made immunes the former US President,
political message for the officials of him a unique anti-ISIS and anti-ter- who explicitly took the responsibil-
the Republic of Iraq. rorist commander to the people of ity of the assassination, from pros-
Therefore, within the framework Iran as well as the people of other ecution and punishment? The fact is
of the Vienna Convention about dip- countries. that exemption of the person who
lomatic relations and “Convention This, of course, was not toler- gave the order of killing and those
on the Prevention and Punishment able for the United States that, per who implemented or facilitate it re-
of Crimes against Internationally se, was involved in the production, ceive from punishment is a serious
Protected Persons 1971”, in particu- nourishment, and support of ISIS. threat to peace and security, both in
lar, the trial and punishment of the In such a situation, the “Grand Pa- the region and the world, provides
perpetrator of this violation is nec- tron” of terrorists was expected (by a safe haven for the terrorists. In
essary. the terrorist groups) to do some- fact, the United States intends to
The second point that needs to thing! This was the reason that the threaten any potential movement
be elaborated on is related to the desperate US decided to physically that could possibly crop up in the
collective responsibility of all coun- eliminate the invincible command- future against ISIS and frighten any
tries of the region and the world er Qasem Soleimani; the Supreme robust force trying to make regional
to work as hard as possible to fight Command who played a decisive consensus to fight against terrorism.
ISIS. Abdication of responsibilities or and key role in fighting against ter- The important and final point
support to terrorists by some coun- rorism, defeating and suppressing relates to the responsibility, role,
tries not only doesn’t decrease the ISIS, strengthening the security of and duty of the governments and
responsibility of others but even the region and even Europe, and relevant organizations in showing
adds to it requiring those countries preserving the territorial integrity of timely, appropriate and effective
to shoulder a heavier burden. involved countries. response against such acts of terror-
Following the emergence of ISIS The third and most important ism. Indifferent and unresponsive
in the region, a huge wave of inse- point is about the legality of General reactions of governments to such
curity, instability, destruction, ter- Soleimani’s presence in the respec- acts of aggression would encourage
ror, and shameful crimes, rose by tive countries. The presence that the aggressors and will make terror-
this group in some parts of West was of a political and defensive na- ist acts appear to be normal. This
Asia and scattered districts of Iraq ture and was defined and agreed routine, in addition to undermining
and Syria that could lead to territo- upon with the host countries. and neutralizing the principles of
rial segregation of these countries. The brutal and brazen assassina- the United Nations Charter and the
This heinous intention concerned tion of this great martyr of Islam role of international institutions, will
the general public in the region who took place at a time when Com- further endanger and even scorn
urged international organizations to mander Soleimani was visiting Iraq the peace and stability of the world.
issue resolutions calling for collec- at the official invitation and request Thus, the path and memory of
tive efforts on the part of regional of the Iraqi government and was Commander Soleimani will always
countries against the atrocities cre- considered as a guest of their offi- remain in our minds and hearts.
ated by ISIS. cials. For sure, future generations will
Martyr Commander Soleimani By taking the responsibility for the be stronger and more vigilant, and
swiftly planned and made vigorous assassination of Martyr Soleimani, American actions will have a reverse
and intelligent endeavors to firstly, the former President of the United impact. Soleimani followers will
suppress the criminals of ISIS and States of America, Donald Trump, continue to defend the path of truth
Al-Nusra Front and secondly, pro- revealed the hypocritical nature of and struggle against falsehood. and
vide security to the countries that the US stance towards terrorists; struggle is not finished by a physical
were brutally attacked by these proving that it favors them rather omission.

No. 276 | January 2022 43

Martyr Soleimani
battle alongside the last Imam and
the last son of the Prophet of Islam
(pbuh); who will come and fights

is More Alive
with the enemies of humanity.
His struggle had different di-
mensions: political dimension,

than Ever
social dimension, military dimen-
sion, and geopolitical dimension.
He sought great jihad, but not
merely military and defensive ji-
Aleksandr Gelyevich Dugin had. He did not fight for worldly
(Russian Philosopher, Sociologist, and Political Analyst)1 affairs and rather, his jihad was a
like to share a few words about spiritual one. His goal was a spir-
General Soleimani. He was not itual one in essence. He fought for
a hero who fought only for his spiritual and metaphysical objec-
country, his homeland, and his tives and that is what made him a
motherland. He was not a human role model for many.
hero; he was loftier than that. He He was a religious and a di-
was a great personality who sac- vine man. Spirituality cannot be
rificed himself for the sake of his destroyed. He had a spiritual
people. He sacrificed himself for identity. Both he and Abu Mahdi
his leader. Al-Muhandis and their other mar-
He was a very amazing per- tyred friends were engaged in a
sonality. He was at the forefront spiritual battle. They were strug-
of the struggle and resistance gling for the reappearance (of the
against the Zionist regime. He Imam of Time). They are alive and
fought against modern and post- they will remain immortal in our
We should offer our condo- modern Western civilization. He minds, hearts, and souls. He was
lences to the relatives of Martyr fought against the Western ver- a Muslim, but we Christians con-
Soleimani and the people of Iran, sion of globalization advocated by sider him one of our own.
but I want to express my joy that the United States and its friends. We, the true Christians, and
Iran has raised such sons. Not only He was a friend of the Palestini- we, the true Muslims, are all on
in words but in his action, Soleim- ans, the Yemenis, the Syrians, the the battlefield and are fighting
ani testified about eternal life and Iraqis, but that is not all. a common enemy. We consider
one who testifies this cannot be Who was he (Martyr Soleim- him (Martyr Soleimani) our spir-
dead and annihilated. He is rath- ani)? He was a person who did itual hero. Human history is ap-
er more alive than ever. Martyr not give up his struggle against proaching that crucial moment
Soleimani sacrificed his life for his oppression until the end. He was (of reappearance of the awaited
religious beliefs and his homeland concerned about the poor and savior) and the enemies must be
and left this world beautifully. I needy. His enemies are the en- destroyed. And it is through spir-
do not agree with making a com- emies of the poor people. They itual power that victory can be
parison between life and death. are the people who fight for dark- achieved and General Soleimani
Martyr Soleimani lived an exalted ness. He was a person who fought paved the way for it.
life and sacrificed his life for his against the darkness. He was the
beliefs, Imam, and the interests of true representative of the justice- 1. Second International Conference on
his country and people. seeking people of the world. Martyr Soleimani’s School of Thought,
Dear Iranian friends, I would He had prepared himself for the February 2021.

44 No. 276 | January 2022

Some Words from
Martyr General
Qasem Soleimani
The seeds of self-sacrifice must be sown in so- the martyrs?
ciety How could one accept that someone puts his
We need to look and see what seeds are we sow- life in danger for me, my home and my honor,
ing in our society and how we educate our young my peace and comfort, and my position, and I
people in our universities. Dear professor, if our fu- hate him and do not love him? The seeds of self-
ture society is devoid of devoted and zealous youth, sacrifice must be sown among all those who are
no matter how wealthy it may be, this society will the cultural elites of our society and hundreds of
succumb to every attack, every movement, and thousands of our youth and teenagers are trained
greed. It is, thus, our national duty and our human by them. The seeds of sacrifice and self-sacrifice
duty to promote the spirit and culture of devotion must be sown so that the future of this nation will
and sacrifice in our society. How can anyone not love be of value.

No. 276 | January 2022 45

satisfaction as grace, blessing.

Excerpts from Martyr Soleim-

ani’s Speeches on Different Oc-
One of the most important
things that have an effect on
the purification of society is the
attitude and code of conduct
of its and managers. If a man-
ager’s thoughts and behavior
are reflected in his actions, i.e.,
they are the practical manifesta-
tion of the principles he states,
then they would be effective. If I
speak about something in public
but do the opposite in private, I
can never be effective.
A society, which is devoid of
self-sacrifice is a lifeless society.
Self-sacrifice does not merely
apply to giving one’s life, rather
self-sacrifice finds meaning and
value in all levels of society in
various dimensions, which gives
true meaning to the concept of
My good brother, if you do respect and honor (on that day), The main cause of America’s
not want to be in pain, be in I will not enter heaven without failures in our region is the
pain! you. lack of wise leadership and be-
Excerpts from Martyr Soleim- Dear Hossein, do not allow ing ruled by ignorant leaders.
ani’s letter to Martyr Hossein any other love to overcome the The main factor of the success
Pourjafari love of God Almighty and any of our nation during these 40
Dear Hossein, it is only on the other pleasure to overcome the years and the great progress
day of judgment that the truth pleasure of God Almighty under that has made today’s Iran the
of the value of one’s deeds is any circumstances. My good center and the main pole of
revealed and how beautiful it brother, if you do not want to the Islamic world, is its leader-
is when everyone is astonished be in pain, be in pain! The pain ship. The same Iranian nation
and you are happy and smiling. that makes the coolness of your was there 50-60 years ago. It
You will receive the reward for being into scorching heat, the was there during the Qajar era,
this tiredness when your family pain that makes the warmth it was there at the beginning of
and relatives need you and turn of one’s being defeat the inner the Pahlavi period, but because
to you. cold. My dear brother, not all there was no Imam Khomeini,
May God Almighty give you pains are real pain and not all this nation could not succeed.
the reward of martyrdom to you wings are real wing. There many The role of a manager is high-
my good brother for your jihad. pains that cure real pain. Entrust er than that of a speaker on the
I promise you that if I have any yourself to Him and consider his pulpit. If a manager becomes

46 No. 276 | January 2022

God-oriented, he is not selfish, in jihad and dies, he will die in tors that constantly affect the
he forgets himself. He considers one of the branches of hypoc- human personality. The root of
himself a servant of the nation. risy. And when asked how is it one’s endurance or hesitation
That is the reason that Imam possible the response was that: goes back to these two fac-
Khomeini (ra) said: “Do not call “Well, jihad may not be available tors. If one’s desires and ideals
him a leader, it is better to call to everyone but man must keep are limited to the worldly ones
me a servant. He did not exag- this feeling alive in his being.” they would hold him trapped in
gerate by making such a state- In one of the supplications, we worldly affairs. However, if his
ment. This was what Imam (ra) address Imam Husain (as) and wishes and ideals are transcen-
expected from the management say we wish we were in Karbala dental they will elevate his soul
of an Islamic society. and helped you. By making such and this is very important for
The code of conduct of a man- a statement we really preserve human personality.
ager has an effect on society. In this truth in our being. Brothers, Human willpower is a function
one way, a manager is the lead- Jihad is very important. It is the of human attachments, which
er of a community. A governor quality that polishes the human plays a pivotal role in willpow-
is not an ordinary person, the soul. er. If you want to understand
respected Friday prayer leader If a nation lacks an intelligent human beings and gauge the
is not an ordinary person, the leader, a wise, insightful, knowl- strength of their willpower, you
commander of the corps is not edgeable, and pious leader, it is have to look at their worldly at-
an ordinary person, the chief of bound to fail. Why did the Islam- tachments and see if the level
the police force is not an ordi- ic awakening in the Arab coun- of their attachments is high or
nary person. They have effects tries not succeed? The people of limited Attachment to transcen-
on society. Their management Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, etc. came dental subjects elevates man. If
is the same as the management on the scene, it was an Islamic you look at the lives and person-
of the sacred defense. How was awakening, but why could this alities of influential people, you
Martyr Bakri was martyred? Islamic awakening not turn into will see that quality. If you see
Where did he become a martyr? another Islamic revolution? The a person like Imam Khomeini
How many people were mar- main reason was that the mass- (ra) could make the impossible
tyred by his side? Well, when es were miles ahead of their possible, it is because he had
the approach to management leaders. In other words, the na- no worldly attachments. The
is like this, the entire society tions lacked leadership. Why Imam’s desires and ideals were
will become like the society we did the Muslim Brotherhood not worldly and low in essence
had during the sacred defense, collapse in Egypt? They had a and that is what made him suc-
and spiritually will spread in it. government, they established a ceed.
How can I, as a commander, be government, and they formed a
devoid of spirituality and expect parliament. But why did Egypt
society to have spirituality? not succeed? It was due to lack
Leadership is not just confined of effective Leadership. If a na-
to the top leader. We all have a tion lacks this factor, it will fail to
leadership role in our commu- succeed even if it has a world of
nity and if we want our society wealth at its disposal.
to become a resilient society, The factors that make a per-
the condition is that managers son build his personality are
must be compatible with such the ideals and goals he defines
an ideal society. for himself. They include desire
It has been narrated that if and willpower. Desire and will-
someone has not participated power are two important fac- Source: Islamic World Peace Forum

No. 276 | January 2022 47

The Aftermath of
and the US has peaked with the
US assassinating Iran’s top gen-

General Soleimani’s
eral in Iraq without the US getting
clearance for the fly over Iraq and
discussing the assassination plans

with Iraq’s officials. Trump did not
even consult his plans with his top
officials or the US Congress. He
reportedly consulted with Israel,
By: Ralitsa Trifonova & Marian Karagyozov the archenemy of Iran. “Donald
Trump started this cycle of escala-
Friday, January 3, 2020, Iran’s follow”. tion,” Slavin said. “If there is a war,
Major General Qasem Soleimani “Trump promised to end end- it is Donald Trump’s war.”
was assassinated near Baghdad’s less wars”, said the US Senator, Terrorism in any form or shape,
international airport by weapons Bernie Sanders, “but this action by individuals or states, is mor-
launched by US drones. General puts us on the path to another ally wrong and against interna-
Soleimani, the head of Iran’s elite one.” Other US Senators fear an tional law. Iraq’s Prime Minister
Quds force, is known for master- escalation of hostility due to the Adel Abdul-Mahdi said the men
minding the defeat of the Islamic US action. “I do not see any av- martyred were “major symbols in
State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). He enue or any way that talks could achieving victory against ISIS and
was feared by all Islamist terrorist begin again,” said the US Senator other Islamist terrorist groups”.
groups, not just ISIS but also al- Rand Paul “And I have been one He called the US attack that killed
Qaeda, al-Nusra, and others. in favor of talks. But I think, unfor- General Soleimani and Iraqi Mili-
Without offering any evidence, tunately, diplomacy is dead now tary Commander Abu Mahdi al-
the (former) US President, Don- in the Middle East with Iran.” Muhandis, an “aggression against
ald Trump, said that he ordered After 10 years of negotiation, Iraq.” Unfortunately, the UN Se-
the attack to prevent plots to the 2015 nuclear accord was curity Council is impotent in this
endanger the US troops and of- reached between Iran and the case for the US would veto any
ficials. “It was a stunningly stupid P5+1 (the US, the UK, Russia, decisions condemning the US ag-
and counterproductive move on France, and China - plus Germa- gression.
the part of the United States,” ny), known as the Joint Compre- Historically, the US involvement
said Barbara Slavin, director of hensive Plan of Action (JCPA). In in the Middle East has been disas-
the Future of Iran Initiative at the 2018, the former US President, trous for the people in the region.
Atlantic Council, a think tank, on Trump, unilaterally withdrew The penetration of the US, accom-
CBS (January 4, 2010). “And we from it against the advice of his panied by the British and the Rus-
are going to pay the price of this Secretary of State, his Secretary sians, into Iran in 1941, resulted in
for years to come and it makes it of Defense, and the European the starvation of thousands of Ira-
untenable for American forces to allies. He began economic sanc- nians. The US also masterminded
stay in Iraq”, she added. tions to dry out the Iranian ex- the 1953 coup against the first-
“We are waking up in a more ports and force Iranians into a ever democratically elected gov-
dangerous world”, said Amelie new negotiation. To the Iranians, ernment in Iran - to install back
de Montchalin, France’s deputy his actions were an economic war the Shah - causing the deaths and
minister for foreign affairs, on RTL against the nation. So, the ten- tortures of thousands of Iranians.
radio. China expressed high con- sion escalated and led to shooting Furthermore, bringing the de-
cerns and Russia condemned the down one another’s drones in the posed Shah into the US in 1979
assassination and warned that Persian Gulf. made Iranians feel that another US
“retaliatory strikes will certainly Now, the tension between Iran coup was underway and triggered

48 No. 276 | January 2022

the move to take over the US Embassy. The erwise, to the surprise of the
US supported Saddam’s war against Iran. US government and the ne-
It provided Saddam’s forces with the ele- oconservatives, the assas-
ment for chemical weapons and offered sination will mark the end
intelligence to Saddam’s forces. The use of of the US influence in the
chemicals on the Iranians was a clear vio- region, and perhaps the
lation of international law. For the last 40 world.
years, the US has used every means to de- There is no justifi-
pose the Islamic government of Iran. As a cation for violence.
sovereign state, it is surprising how cleverly There is neither
Iran has exerted its independence in the peace in war nor
face of continuous US threats. war in peace. Although
As for the Arabs, the US has continu- we cannot change his-
ously worked against them. It has sup- tory, we can learn lessons
ported the brutal Saudi regime since 1945 and be willing to begin to
that keeps secret trials, regularly beheads understand one another.
in public, commits crimes against human- Sometimes, we must agree
ity, and is responsible for the growth of to disagree, but at least be willing to
the Wahhabi sect that has been terroriz- hear other perspectives of a situa-
ing the world through Al-Qaeda, ISIS, Al- tion. Power, greed, and control
Nusra, Boko Haram, and other terrorist are behind all our mishaps.
groups. The US has collaborated with the From a historical perspec-
Saudis in bombarding the poor people of tive, what made, but also
Yemen, producing the “worst humanitar- broke every empire.
ian crisis”. “Peace cannot be
Against the Arab interests, the US was kept by force, it can
the first state that recognized Israel and only be achieved by
has been supporting it ever since with understanding,” said
billions of dollars in arms that has made Albert Einstein. If we
Israel the most aggressive and oppressive truly want peace,
regime in the region. Israel has invaded we must lead by ex-
neighboring Lebanon three times, at- ample. We must act
tacked Gaza repeatedly, and kept the Pal- responsibly, stand
estinians oppressed. In some of its strikes for freedom, true
against Gaza, the UN evidence suggests democracy where all
it may have committed crimes against can have a voice, and
humanity. With so much aid from the promote global peace.
US, Israel has little incentive to stop the These deplorable US
bloodshed, negotiate with the oppressed examples of invading,
Palestinians, and pursue peace with its attacking, and terroriz-
Arab neighbors. ing other countries are
The assassination of General Soleimani leading the world and
appeared satisfying to Donald Trump’s any prospects of peace
insatiable ego, trying to distract the at- into annihilation.
tention from his impeachment. To keep Source: Political Re-
some respect, it is time for the US to take flection Magazine
its forces and calmly exit the region. Oth-

No. 276 | January 2022 49

The Role of Haaj Qasem
Soleimani and Abu Mahdi
Al-Muhandis in Saving
Iraq from ISIS
Excerpts from the Memoires of Nouri al-Maliki, the former Prime Minister of Iraq

When Al-Hashd al-Sha’bi (Pop- supply us with helicopters and They removed all their support
ular Mobilization Forces) was tanks. They even stopped giving and stopped everything and in-
formed and when ISIS emerged us Hummer vehicles and refused stead began to provide support
and occupied Mosul and Al- to provide us with the equip- to terrorist groups affiliated with
Anbar provinces - of course, Al- ment required to fight terrorism; ISIS. We were stuck and did not
Anbar was not fully occupied and while they (the terrorists) were know who to turn to. We sent
only some parts of it had come equipped when certain special different commissions to Poland
under their occupation - America arms. We could not even get and Bulgaria and bought arms
forces were present in Iraq with the arms and the equipment we and equipment from them. But
all their helicopters, cannons, had paid them for. For example, would not give us the arms we
tanks, arms and ammunition, instead of giving us M1 Abrams needed on purchase and while
and the so-called set up to fight tanks, they would give us such we were engaged in a confron-
terrorism. This was when their tanks the range of the bullets of tation with ISIS they were just
stand towards us became abso- which was only 600 meters. This wanting to start the arms they
lutely clear. They refused to equip was the stand of Americans to- had sold us. On the other hand,
our forces and they refused to wards us. ISIS had emerged much more

50 No. 276 | January 2022

equipped than our forces. We would provide us with. Besides, under the control of these tribal
had tanks but it was not a war of there were some military experts forces and many battles took
tanks. that accompanied our forces and place on this road. Abu Mahdi
ISIS forces had managed to get Al-Hashd al-Sha’bi forces. had to open another way through
their hands on parts of our arms We bought many different gardens and orchards and pass
in Mosul but most of those arms weapons, equipment, devices, the tanks through them; the tanks
had fallen into the hands of Kurds. and drones that were used during that were able to reach Samarra
The same was the case in Kirkuk. the war, and Iran attended to our and besiege the bands that con-
However, even though Kurds needs. We even found ourselves trolled the road.
had taken those arms when ISIS in urgent need of Sukhoi war- In this way, the road was
forces headed towards them the planes and asked Haaj Qasem to opened and traffic began to flow
Kurds could not confront them. sell us Iranian Sukhoi warplanes through it. Then, with the sup-
It was when the Islamic Republic and we were sold 8 Iranian Sukhoi port and planning of Haaj Abu
and our forces simultaneously en- warplanes with the help of which Mahdi and Haaj Qasem, we went
tered the scene. Americans had t we could stop many sabotage to Amerli, which was under siege
a strongly negative stand and we activities of ISIS. for 90 days. The Al-Hash al-Sha’bi
were severely under pressure. I With the help of Haaj Qasem groups went to Amerli and man-
realized that I had no option but and Abu Mahdi (may their souls aged to drive away the hardline
to go to Russia and meet with be blessed) we could draw plans tribal forces who had this city un-
Putin. I asked him to give us arms and strategies. Abu Mahdi under- der their siege. The Amerli inhab-
and advanced fighter planes like took to clear the roads from ISIS itants are Shiite Turkmens, and
Mig-29 and Mig-35 and other force and ensure the safety of the the inhabitants of the surround-
required arms and the Russians road leading to Samarra. It was a ing villages were all Sunni extrem-
equipped us very quickly. very challenging and dangerous ists, known for their extremist his-
But the one who really helped task because the Samarra road tory. We finally managed to break
us and met our need for weap- was controlled by hardliners. I the siege of Amerli and make nor-
ons was Haaj Qasem (may God must say that it was not only ISIS mal life return to the people of
bless his soul). We would reach we were fighting with. There were this town. In short, it was through
an agreement about the type of also some local tribes, which were direct help and support provided
weapons and the next day they being used by ISIS. As a matter of by Haaj Qasem and Haaj Abu
would arrive in Iraq. We were not fact, ISIS took advantage of the Mahdi that we could make some-
given them for free, we paid for existing situation and instigated thing important happen and get
them. But the difference was that these tribes. rid of ISIS.
even though we bought weapon- The tribal rebels were the same Source: Jahanmard Periodi-
ry from other countries, we would Sunni tribal sheikhs and political cal, February 2020
not get them in time and in bulk. It figures who claimed they did not
was only Haaj Qasem who would know ISIS. In fact, our people were
supply us from the Iranian Army fighting us, and that too in a sec-
and Revolutionary Guards Corps tarian movement. Some of them
whenever we were in need and told me: In 1991, you launched
it was what he did that saved the an intifada against us, and we will
situation. He provided us with the launch an intifada against you in
required weaponry and equip- 2014.
ment and at the same time help Haaj Abu Mahdi (may God bless
us with his military experience his soul) reopened this road with
and strategies as well as the equip- great difficulty because all the cit-
ment that he and his commanders ies on the road to Samarra were Source: Islamic World Peace Forum

No. 276 | January 2022 51

People’s Status in
Martyr Soleimani’s
School of Thought
By: Dr. Sa’dollah Zarei, Faculty Member of Allameh Tabatab’i University1

He (Sardar Soleimani) had sev- conviction about this issue. He very few people were anti-revolu-
eral beliefs with regard to people. firmly believed that the people of tionary and he evaluated the rest
His first belief was that people Iran are religious and revolution- of the people within the context
are not counter-revolutionaries ary and that it was not as if they of loyalty to the Islamic Revolu-
and cannot even be counter-rev- were going to leave their revolu- tion. You have probably heard the
olutionaries. He spoke very com- tion under pressure. famous sentence of this Martyr
fortably and very firmly and with Sardar Soleimani believed that who said: Unveiled girls are our

52 No. 276 | January 2022

own girls, we should be warm and he would criticize ourselves. He ashamed. Haaj Qasem was such
compassionate towards them believed in people and would re- a personality with such character-
and distinguish between them peatedly say that our people are istics and this is how he encoun-
and the corrupt counter-revolu- very good and would, therefore, tered people.
tionary girls. He would also say in not feel ashamed if we went to Thus, he strongly believed that
our private meetings that we are his room and see that a young our people are good and believe
at fault, we are not attending to boy wearing tight jean pants had in the Revolution and the ruling
our responsibilities the way we come to see the Sardar. He would system and he, therefore, did not
should, we are not among people receive them warmly, hug them politically categorize people.
and this is the result. This is how and talk to them without feeling

No. 276 | January 2022 53

number and calls him and after in-
troducing himself he requests him
for his consent for the prayers he
had offered when in his house dur-
ing the course of the operation.
This man was very impressed by
this move that such a commander
had called him personally and re-
quested him for forgiveness.
Some people wonder about the
cause of Iran’s influence in Syria.
Well such a move would surely
have such an effect on those who
hear about it. As a matter of fact,
it reflects upon the belief that
The Principle of Serving People other human beings. people are God Almighty’s crea-
in Martyr Soleimani’s School of While appointing Malik al- tion and, thus, it is important to
Thought Ashtar as the governor of Egypt, have respect for them and be at
Sardar Soleimani believed that Imam Ali (as) described people their service. This stand of Martyr
these people would go to heaven in these words: “they are either Soleimani was rooted in the belief
before us and will have a loftier your brothers in religion or just that serving people is an honor
place. He had a spiritual outlook like you in creation”4 . This is how and in his view closeness to God
towards people. There is a hadith, Martyr Soleimani viewed people Almighty is only possible through
which says: “People are Allah’s and, of course, one has to kneel being close to human beings.
family”.2 There is also a verse in before this martyr to understand Source: Islamic World Peace
the Holy Quran in which God Al- the concept of humanitarianism. Forum
mighty says: “Who is it that will In the course of Abu Kamal oper-
lend Allah a good loan that He ation, which lasted for about two
may multiply it for him several- months, Sardar Soleimani man-
fold?3 This verse does refer to aged the affairs of the operation
God Almighty but to the people. from a house in a region that had
God wants to make clear that He been occupied by the terrorists.
is close to His servants. Based on Most parts of the house had been
such verses and hadiths, our Mar- destroyed and it did not actually
tyr Soleimani had a spiritual out- look like a house any more. After
look towards people and believed the operation he wrote a letter to
that people are closer to God Al- the owner of the house explaining
mighty than us and, therefore, it why he had to use this house and
Source: Islamic World Peace Forum
would be an honor to serve them. requested him to forgive him. He
He believed that serving people then placed the letter in between 1. Delivered at Imam Hossein Univer-
was serving oneself and if we want the pages of a copy of the Holy sity in August 2020.
to get closer to God we should be Qur’an and placed it on a niche 2 . “‫”الناس عیال الله‬
at the service of our people. He and then asked his Syrian men to 3 . “ُ‫َمنْ َذا الَّذِي ُي ْق ِرضُ اللَّ َه َقرْ ضًا حَ سَ ًنا َفيُضَ اعِ َف ُه َله‬
‫”أَضْ عَ ا ًفا َكثِيرَ ًة‬, Surah Al-Baqarah, Verse
considered the road to closeness find the owner. They told him that 245.
to God is through serving people being opposed to Bashar al-Assad ِ ‫”إمَّا أَ ٌخ َلكَ فِي الد‬,
4 . “‫ِّين َو إِ َّما َنظِ ي ٌر َلكَ فِي ْال َخ ْل ِق‬
and through the path of human- he had left for Turkey long back. See Nahj al-Balaghah of Imam Ali
ity and, thus, he felt closeness to He manages to find his telephone (as), Letter No. 53.

54 No. 276 | January 2022

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