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Earthquake and Faults

Earths Earths Solid

Movement Structure
Simatic Crust Sialic Crust Love Waves
Consists of the ocean floor Consists of the
and is continents and is it appear only within the
made up of heavier igneous
made up of igneous and upper 32
rocks km of the crust
such as gabbro or basalt sedimentary rocks

Secondary Waves Primary waves Andrija Mohorovicic

The discoverer of Moho, Core Mantle Lithosphere
it vibrate tight angles to the observed the difference in
It vibrate by compression and
directions of motion, like the light expansion like the sound waves the travel time and depths of
They travel only through solids the Made up of a semiliquid It is defined as the solid,
They travel through liquids and It is the thickest layer at
solids waves. outer core and a solid rocky part of the Earth’s
about 2900 km
inner core crust


Colliding or Fracture or Transform

Spreading or Divergent plate
Types of movement movement
Boundary Plates move away from each other
Plate move toward Plate move sideways
each other These forming deformation of
Movement movement may result
They produces very deep cracks on the continents. No material is
in three surface feature
continental and oceanic plates. added on the crust. San
Andreas Fault in
These cracks give way allowing molten lava California is an example
to surface thus pushing the plates apart

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