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Test Bank for Global Marketing Contemporary Theory Practice and Cases, 1st Edition: Alon

Test Bank for Global Marketing Contemporary

Theory Practice and Cases, 1st Edition: Alon

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Chapter 7

Selecting International Markets

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When a firm makes a strategic decision to enter foreign markets and adapt to
international environments, _____________________ has occurred.

A. internationalization
B. globalization
C. standardization
D. market selection

2. After a firm decides it will expand internationally, its next step is to


A. hire a global sales force

B. locate specific market opportunities
C. decide which entry mode to utilized
D. determine the expansion strategy

3. Of the four Ansoff expansion strategies, the one representing the least risk is

A. market development
B. diversification
C. product development
D. market penetration

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any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part.
4. Tactics such as implementing more aggressive advertising and price discounts
are associated with ____________________________.

A. product development
B. diversification
C. market penetration
D. market development

True / False Questions

5. In the Ansoff matrix, only a market development strategy can pertain to


True False

Multiple Choice Questions

6. Morris is a sales manager for organizational software firm Cleveco. In checking

his e-mail he notes an inquiry from a firm in Dubai. His resultant sale in this
market reflects a ______________________, ___________________________
motive for internationalization.

A. reactive, external
B. reactive, internal
C. proactive, internal
D. proactive, external

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any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part.
7. When management believes that there are firm-specific assets that can be
exploited abroad, they will act on the basis of ___________________.

A. inactive
B. active
C. proactive
D. reactive

8. Market, resource, efficiency and strategic resource-seeking comprise the four

categories of __________________________.

A. product development
B. diversification
C. reactive internationalization motives
D. proactive internationalization motives

9. Roto-molder Inpack Corporation purchased Innovate Technologies, holder of a

patent for a quick-change mold adapter. Through its acquisition, Inpack is
seeking __________________________.

A. new markets
B. strategic resources
C. resources
D. raw materials

True / False Questions

10. Efficiency-seekers are usually firms that have been already established abroad.

True False

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Multiple Choice Questions

11. When Glove-Tex, a producer of protective rubber gloves, purchases a rubber

plantation in Malaysia, it exhibits a ______________-seeking motive for

A. strategic resource
B. distribution
C. resource
D. market

True / False Questions

12. The Roving Export Managers (ROV) deployed by the Israel Export Institute
represent a change agent associated with strategic resources.

True False

13. Removal of export barriers, but not investment barriers, serves as a motive for

True False

14. Generally speaking, the cost of information acquisition in foreign markets is far
more expensive than acquiring information in internal markets.

True False

Multiple Choice Questions

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any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part.
15. When the benefits of internalization outweigh its costs,
________________________ occurs.

A. foreign direct investment

B. licensing
C. franchising
D. contract manufacturing

True / False Questions

16. The idea that foreign entrants will employ the strategy needing the least product
adaptation is called similitude.

True False

Multiple Choice Questions

17. According to the Uppsala model of internationalization, firms first enter markets

A. that are psychically close to their home base

B. that are geographically close to their home base
C. without regard to the psychic distance of the market from the home base
D. without regard to psychic or geographic distance

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any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part.
18. The first stage in the International Product Life Cycle model involves

A. establishing manufacturing facilities in foreign markets

B. licensing production technology
C. exporting products specifically designed for foreign markets
D. exporting domestically-produced goods designed for the home market

True / False Questions

19. One critique of Vernon's IPLC model is that competitors are able to imitate
products more rapidly than the model presumes.

True False

Multiple Choice Questions

20. During the maturity stage of the IPLC,


A. American firms experience competition primarily from developing countries

B. products become more of a commodity and lose much of their competitive
C. American firms can retain their foreign market positions via exporting
D. foreign competitors experience difficulty producing the American product

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any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part.
21. The Uppsala model theorizes that firms internationalize by progressing through a
series of stages based upon _________________.

A. geographic proximity
B. government incentives
C. experiential learning and commitment of resources
D. level of domestic sales

22. By what motives was the 'born global' firm Infomedia driven to internationalize?

A. External, reactive.
B. Internal, proactive.
C. Internal, reactive.
D. External, reactive.

True / False Questions

23. Mattson and Hertz postulate that international networks are governed by the
market rather than by exchange relationships.

True False

Multiple Choice Questions

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any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part.
24. Global business relationships in which contracts and customers are highly
interdependent are ___________________ -based.

A. market
B. network
C. competitor
D. supplier

25. All of these scenarios represent options for network formation except

A. creating new relations to actors in networks

B. using existing contacts in order to connect to new networks
C. exploiting existing relationships in current networks
D. creating new networks in the country of expansion

True / False Questions

26. A central point in Network Theory is that the different processes within a company
cannot be explained without analyzing the company's method of

True False

Multiple Choice Questions

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any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part.
27. The cost of making an economic exchange is known as a(n)

A. transaction cost
B. change cost
C. economic cost
D. cost of doing business

28. When Hussein participates in a U.S. Department of commerce trade mission to

identify new distributors in Singapore, his travel and lodging are considered
________________________ costs.

A. search and information

B. bargaining
C. governance
D. monitoring

29. Golda is finalizing a distributor agreement with a new partner in Costa Rica. Her
attorneys have submitted an invoice for their work on the contract. Golda has
incurred a(n) _____________________________ cost.

A. search and information

B. monitoring
C. governance
D. bargaining

30. When RCA sold its proprietary technology for the product of color televisions to
Japanese companies, ______________________ was realized.

A. monitoring risk
B. trademark risk
C. production risk
D. dissemination risk

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True / False Questions

31. Dissemination risk occurs when control over an asset such as a brand name,
patent or knowledge is high.

True False

Multiple Choice Questions

32. According to transaction cost theory, a firm will tend to _____________________

when transaction costs are ______________.

A. produce abroad, low

B. export, low
C. export, high
D. exit the foreign market, high

33. Dunning's OLI model suggests three conditions are drivers of foreign market entry
mode, including _______________________, ________________________ and

A. ownership, licensing, investment

B. ownership, location, internalization
C. observing, locating, investigating
D. ownership, location, investment

True / False Questions

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any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part.
34. In the OLI model, ownership benefits derive from monopolistic advantages such
as economies of scale and managerial experience.

True False

Multiple Choice Questions

35. Raw material availability and a well-developed transportation system are

examples of ___________________ advantages according to OLI.

A. location
B. ownership
C. internalization
D. network

36. Protection of property rights and assurance of quality control are examples of
______________________ advantages.

A. both transactional and location

B. transactional
C. internalization
D. location

37. Colleen has determined that the four most critical elements of market demand for
wallpaper include age of housing stock, number of homes owned, savings rate,
and overall economic indicators. She uses these factors to construct a grid
determining potential for wallpaper purchases in several countries. She has
created a(n) ___________________.

A. APG grid
B. quadrant analysis
C. multiple factor index
D. OLI grid

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True / False Questions

38. The Boston Consulting Group matrix is more appropriate for selecting countries
for market entry.

True False

Multiple Choice Questions

39. The selection of one or a relatively few countries with the objective of intensive
market penetration is known as a ________________ strategy.

A. concentration
B. single market
C. diversification
D. competition

True / False Questions

40. SMEs with limited resources and limited competition may find a concentration
market strategy preferable.

True False

Multiple Choice Questions

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any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part.
41. The calculation that relates the value of investment in marketing to the revenue
generated is known as the ________________.

A. sales response function

B. transaction cost analysis
C. BCG model
D. multiple factor model

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Chapter 7 Selecting International Markets Answer Key

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When a firm makes a strategic decision to enter foreign markets and adapt to
international environments, _____________________ has occurred.

A. internationalization
B. globalization
C. standardization
D. market selection


2. After a firm decides it will expand internationally, its next step is to


A. hire a global sales force

B. locate specific market opportunities
C. decide which entry mode to utilized
D. determine the expansion strategy

This would not necessarily be a required activity depending on the mode of

entry selected for the process.

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any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part.
3. Of the four Ansoff expansion strategies, the one representing the least risk is

A. market development
B. diversification
C. product development
D. market penetration

Market development involves risk by virtue of the firm's financial investment in

tapping the new market, and the uncertainty associated with the endeavor.

4. Tactics such as implementing more aggressive advertising and price discounts

are associated with ____________________________.

A. product development
B. diversification
C. market penetration
D. market development

In this strategy new products would be used to increase revenue and

profits. Price discounting would not be a factor as newly-introduced products
are not ready to be discounted.

True / False Questions

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any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part.
5. In the Ansoff matrix, only a market development strategy can pertain to


While only a market development strategy fits the technical definition of

internationalization as the process of adapting firms to international
environments, it can be seen by Figure 7-1 that most example firms have
adopted all four Ansoff strategies at one time or another.

Multiple Choice Questions

6. Morris is a sales manager for organizational software firm Cleveco. In

checking his e-mail he notes an inquiry from a firm in Dubai. His resultant sale
in this market reflects a ______________________,
___________________________ motive for internationalization.

A. reactive, external
B. reactive, internal
C. proactive, internal
D. proactive, external


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any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part.
7. When management believes that there are firm-specific assets that can be
exploited abroad, they will act on the basis of ___________________.

A. inactive
B. active
C. proactive
D. reactive

This answer is incorrect because inactivity implies that no effort to

internationalize has occurred.

8. Market, resource, efficiency and strategic resource-seeking comprise the four

categories of __________________________.

A. product development
B. diversification
C. reactive internationalization motives
D. proactive internationalization motives

Product development activities are not categorized in these terms, so this

answer is incorrect.

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any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part.
9. Roto-molder Inpack Corporation purchased Innovate Technologies, holder of a
patent for a quick-change mold adapter. Through its acquisition, Inpack is
seeking __________________________.

A. new markets
B. strategic resources
C. resources
D. raw materials

Since Inpack is purchasing Innovate to obtain a patent, it is not necessarily

seeking new markets, but rather, a discrete technology, which is considered a
strategic resource.

True / False Questions

10. Efficiency-seekers are usually firms that have been already established



Multiple Choice Questions

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any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part.
11. When Glove-Tex, a producer of protective rubber gloves, purchases a rubber
plantation in Malaysia, it exhibits a ______________-seeking motive for

A. strategic resource
B. distribution
C. resource
D. market

Glove-Tex is not seeking a strategic resource in its purchase, but rather, an

ample and inexpensive resource for one of its main raw materials, rubber.
Remember that to be strategic, a resource must provide knowledge, patents
and/or skills embedded in human resources.

True / False Questions

12. The Roving Export Managers (ROV) deployed by the Israel Export Institute
represent a change agent associated with strategic resources.



13. Removal of export barriers, but not investment barriers, serves as a motive for


The removal of barriers such as banking and investment regulations in host

countries can also be a motivator for service institutions such as banks to
establish branches or affiliates abroad, which constitutes internationalization.

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any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part.
14. Generally speaking, the cost of information acquisition in foreign markets is far
more expensive than acquiring information in internal markets.



Multiple Choice Questions

15. When the benefits of internalization outweigh its costs,

________________________ occurs.

A. foreign direct investment

B. licensing
C. franchising
D. contract manufacturing


True / False Questions

16. The idea that foreign entrants will employ the strategy needing the least
product adaptation is called similitude.



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Multiple Choice Questions

17. According to the Uppsala model of internationalization, firms first enter markets

A. that are psychically close to their home base

B. that are geographically close to their home base
C. without regard to the psychic distance of the market from the home base
D. without regard to psychic or geographic distance


18. The first stage in the International Product Life Cycle model involves

A. establishing manufacturing facilities in foreign markets

B. licensing production technology
C. exporting products specifically designed for foreign markets
D. exporting domestically-produced goods designed for the home market

See Figure 7-5 for more clarification.

True / False Questions

19. One critique of Vernon's IPLC model is that competitors are able to imitate
products more rapidly than the model presumes.



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Multiple Choice Questions

20. During the maturity stage of the IPLC,


A. American firms experience competition primarily from developing countries

B. products become more of a commodity and lose much of their competitive
C. American firms can retain their foreign market positions via exporting
D. foreign competitors experience difficulty producing the American product

In the maturity stage, American firms experience competition from both

developed and developing countries, making this response incorrect.

21. The Uppsala model theorizes that firms internationalize by progressing through
a series of stages based upon _________________.

A. geographic proximity
B. government incentives
C. experiential learning and commitment of resources
D. level of domestic sales

The Uppsala model suggests that firms internationalize on the basis of

experiential learning and resource commitment as opposed to geographic

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any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part.
22. By what motives was the 'born global' firm Infomedia driven to

A. External, reactive.
B. Internal, proactive.
C. Internal, reactive.
D. External, reactive.

Box 7-2 discusses Infomedia's 'born global' status by stating that "Infomedia
was dragged into the world market by its customers," clearly an indication that
the firm was motivated on the basis of external (customers) and reactive
(dragged into the world market) factors.

True / False Questions

23. Mattson and Hertz postulate that international networks are governed by the
market rather than by exchange relationships.


Network participants are governed by exchange relationships rather than

through the market. Because many small companies do not have infinite
resources, network collaborations are seen as an important internationalization

Multiple Choice Questions

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any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part.
24. Global business relationships in which contracts and customers are highly
interdependent are ___________________ -based.

A. market
B. network
C. competitor
D. supplier


25. All of these scenarios represent options for network formation except

A. creating new relations to actors in networks

B. using existing contacts in order to connect to new networks
C. exploiting existing relationships in current networks
D. creating new networks in the country of expansion

This is one of the three ways that a company can form new networks during the
internationalization process.

True / False Questions

26. A central point in Network Theory is that the different processes within a
company cannot be explained without analyzing the company's method of


The core of Network Theory is that different processes within a company

cannot be explained without analyzing the networks that a company directly or
indirectly is a part of.

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Multiple Choice Questions

27. The cost of making an economic exchange is known as a(n)


A. transaction cost
B. change cost
C. economic cost
D. cost of doing business


28. When Hussein participates in a U.S. Department of commerce trade mission to

identify new distributors in Singapore, his travel and lodging are considered
________________________ costs.

A. search and information

B. bargaining
C. governance
D. monitoring


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any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part.
29. Golda is finalizing a distributor agreement with a new partner in Costa
Rica. Her attorneys have submitted an invoice for their work on the
contract. Golda has incurred a(n) _____________________________ cost.

A. search and information

B. monitoring
C. governance
D. bargaining

While Golda's travel to Costa Rica would fall into this category, her legal
expenses do not.

30. When RCA sold its proprietary technology for the product of color televisions to
Japanese companies, ______________________ was realized.

A. monitoring risk
B. trademark risk
C. production risk
D. dissemination risk

It is dissemination risk that is experienced when control over an asset such as

production technology is low. The loss of such assets carries a considerable
cost to the firm.

True / False Questions

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any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part.
31. Dissemination risk occurs when control over an asset such as a brand name,
patent or knowledge is high.


Dissemination risk occurs when control over an asset of this type is low and
consequently subject to adaptation by competitors.

Multiple Choice Questions

32. According to transaction cost theory, a firm will tend to

_____________________ when transaction costs are ______________.

A. produce abroad, low

B. export, low
C. export, high
D. exit the foreign market, high

A firm experiencing low transaction costs would not have a reason to produce
abroad to internationalize.

33. Dunning's OLI model suggests three conditions are drivers of foreign market
entry mode, including _______________________,
________________________ and ______________________.

A. ownership, licensing, investment

B. ownership, location, internalization
C. observing, locating, investigating
D. ownership, location, investment

Dunning's criteria include ownership (who is going to produce abroad), location

(where to produce) and internalization (why produce rather than license?)

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True / False Questions

34. In the OLI model, ownership benefits derive from monopolistic advantages
such as economies of scale and managerial experience.



Multiple Choice Questions

35. Raw material availability and a well-developed transportation system are

examples of ___________________ advantages according to OLI.

A. location
B. ownership
C. internalization
D. network


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any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part.
36. Protection of property rights and assurance of quality control are examples of
______________________ advantages.

A. both transactional and location

B. transactional
C. internalization
D. location

Transactional advantages are not an element of Dunning's OLI model, and

location would not necessarily protect either property rights or production
quality, so this answer is incorrect.

37. Colleen has determined that the four most critical elements of market demand
for wallpaper include age of housing stock, number of homes owned, savings
rate, and overall economic indicators. She uses these factors to construct a
grid determining potential for wallpaper purchases in several countries. She
has created a(n) ___________________.

A. APG grid
B. quadrant analysis
C. multiple factor index
D. OLI grid

See Table 7-4 for more information.

True / False Questions

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any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part.
38. The Boston Consulting Group matrix is more appropriate for selecting countries
for market entry.


The BCG matrix uses a factor of market share, which is not applicable for firms
just entering a market. In addition, market growth, the second BCG factor, is
only one indicator of a country's attractiveness. Therefore it is the GE matrix
that is considered more pertinent.

Multiple Choice Questions

39. The selection of one or a relatively few countries with the objective of intensive
market penetration is known as a ________________ strategy.

A. concentration
B. single market
C. diversification
D. competition


True / False Questions

40. SMEs with limited resources and limited competition may find a concentration
market strategy preferable.



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any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part.
Test Bank for Global Marketing Contemporary Theory Practice and Cases, 1st Edition: Alon

Multiple Choice Questions

41. The calculation that relates the value of investment in marketing to the revenue
generated is known as the ________________.

A. sales response function

B. transaction cost analysis
C. BCG model
D. multiple factor model


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any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part.
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