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Once upon a time, there was a man named Henry … II. He had all the patience of a
caffeinated squirrel on sugar rush! He was working for a company which relies heavily on
rapid-response so much that even a sloth on vacation would think they needed to step up
their game. He was the type of worker you would find taking a quick catnap during working
hours. Whenever his employers addressed this issue, he would make a swift denial and
claim that he hadn’t been slacking off.

One day, as he was wolfing down a quick bite at his desk faster than a hungry
vacuum cleaner, his boss approached him like a stealthy snack inspector on a secret
mission . “Henry…II,” she said with a brisk nod, “we have a critical project that needs your
expertise. It's the fast track to bring success for our team, we need you to lead it”

Henry II’s big blue eyes sparkled like a kid grinding candy on Christmas morning.
This project was his golden opportunity to score a swift stack of quick buck and flaunt his
talents.He grabbed the challenge with gusto and dove right into the task

As the days whizzed by, Henry..II was knee-deep in the project, so engrossed that he
could barely spare a wink for his own eyelids, let alone take a quick catnap. His
determination for rapid response meant he often worked late into the night, surviving on
nothing but more quick bites.

One evening, after a day at the office that felt longer than a slow-motion snail race,
Henry II reached his breaking point and decided he just couldn’t handle it any longer. He
needed a quick cat nap to recharge. He plopped his noggin onto his desk, desperately
yearning for a brief oasis of relief. His boss walked by and, with a swift denial of his plea for
rest, said, “Henry, we need your rapid response now more than ever”

Henry realized he had lost his balance in the quest for speed. He took a step back,
reassessed his priorities, and asked for help from his colleagues. Together, they rallied to
meet the project’s demands, and Henry learnt that success didn’t always mean sacrificing
sleep and sanity.

When all was said and done, they unleashed a rapid response that made
expectations blush, and the company did the fortnite griddy. But Henry..II? Oh boy, did he
learn a lesson! He realized that life’s not just about zooming in the fast lane at work: It’s also
about embracing the “self-care spa” lane.

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