2 May

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The Balochistan Sports Department is organizing the 34th National Games in Quetta in

collaboration with the Pakistan Olympic Association, with over 3,000 athletes expected to
compete in the nine-day event. The officials of various sports associations have pledged to work
with the Sports Department to make the National Games a success. The Balochistan Chief
Minister and Chief Secretary will be leading the Games' Management Committee. The officials
also requested sports equipment for the training camp, which the Director General of Sports has
assured will be provided soon.

The Joint Action Committee of Balochistan University has demanded the release of Rs1.11 billion
by June 2023 to address the university's financial crisis. The committee has also called for a
committee headed by the Minister for Finance, Balochistan, to be constituted with
representation from all university stakeholders. The university has been facing severe
educational, economic, and administrative problems due to the flawed policies of the Vice
Chancellor, according to the committee.

China's President Xi Jinping has given the green light to the most extensive Belt and Road
Initiative (BRI) transport project: a railway line between Kashgar in East Turkestan and Gwadar’s
Pakistani port on the Arabian Sea. The railway link will connect China's western region with the
Arabian Sea, bypassing the Strait of Malacca and reducing China's dependence on the South
China Sea. However, there are concerns regarding the project's enormous cost, security risks in
Pakistan, and the disputed Shaksgam Valley region.

During the British era, the Kohlu District of Balochistan was known for its vibrant culture,
including traditional dances and customs. The people of this region, mainly Baloch
tribes, proudly displayed their unique heritage through various art forms, which also
served to preserve their identity.
One of the most prominent dance forms in the Kohlu District during the British period
was the Chap, which was performed on festive occasions, celebrations, and gatherings.
This energetic dance saw participants move gracefully in circles while clapping their
hands and stomping their feet to the rhythm of traditional Balochi music.
The costumes worn during these dances were equally impressive, showcasing intricate
embroidery and bright colors that reflected the region's cultural richness. Men typically
wore long, loose shirts with baggy trousers, while women donned colorful dresses
adorned with mirrors, beads, and delicate embroidery.

In addition to dance, the Kohlu District was also known for its folk music, poetry, and
storytelling, all of which played a significant role in preserving the history and values of
the Baloch people. These art forms were passed down through generations, ensuring
the continuation of their unique traditions.
Despite the British influence in the region, the people of the Kohlu District managed to
maintain their cultural identity. They continued celebrating their distinct heritage
through dance, music, and other artistic expressions.

It is essential to acknowledge the grievances and frustrations of the Baloch population

in Balochistan and to work towards addressing them peacefully and constructively.
Losing young and educated Balochs like Shahdad and Ehsan is a tragedy. A critical issue
to ponder is why highly educated individuals like Shahdad and Ehsan Baloch felt that
joining the BLA was the only viable option. It is crucial to understand the political
context that has led to this situation and address the mistrust between the Baloch
population and the federal government. To prevent further loss of life and unrest
among Baloch youth, Pakistani authorities are prioritizing efforts to build trust and
address the root causes of the conflict in Balochistan. In this regard, the Pakistani
authorities, by promoting developmental projects like CPEC and organizing the 34th
National Games in Quetta in collaboration with the Pakistan Olympic Association,
address security concerns for the protection and safety of all citizens. The Pakistani
authorities believe that a peaceful and sustainable resolution to the conflict in
Balochistan will ultimately require a commitment to transparency, accountability, and
respect for human rights. By working towards these goals, Pakistani authorities can help
to create a more just and equitable society for all citizens, mainly preventing young
youth from joining terrorist organizations and preventing further loss of precious life.
General statement of the news/development then SM response and then the partisan
narrative of SM audience.

SM Analysis 262200 Apr

🔹 Top HTs

🔹 SM Analysis

1. CMR

a. COAS's official visit to China to discuss mutual security interests and mil coop was monitored on
SM. The coverage incl mainstream journalists and an ISPR stmt dispelling rumours about mil
procurement previously circulating on SM.

b. The SM aud praised the SFs for successfully neut two Ts in a firing incident in Tirah, Khyber Distt
and paid tribute to the martyrdom of Sepoy Waqas Ali Shah and Sepoy Basit Ali. The op resulted in the
rec of wpns and ammo.

c. NDU’s Professor Hassan Abbas's book "The Return of the Taliban" has generated heated
discussion on SM, alleging Gen (retd) Bajwa's involvement in Afg and Pakistan's role in India's return to
Kabul. According to excerpts shared by various accts, the Tbn’s FM Amir Khan Muttaqi met with Gen
Bajwa before requesting India to send back its diplomats and tech staff to Kabul. Furthermore,
Hidayatullah Badri, Afg’s current FM, secured his posn with Gen Bajwa's approval.

d. In response to Murad Saeed's call, PTI staged a protest in Swat against the insurgency in the
valley. The party's SM teams shared vis of the large turnout and amplified Murad Saeed's msg. However,
some journalists criticised Murad Saeed for not phy attending the protest.

e. Pak Army's efforts to clear expl from a damaged CTD bldg in Kabal earned widespread praise on
SM. The Army's experts and rescue teams have cleared 70% of the affected area while ensuring all nec
safety measures.

f. TLP has announced a long march on 11 May, while some PTI activists accused the estb of
manipulating the TLP to create unrest and delay upcoming elections.

g. Fol the surfacing of an audio clip, former CJP Saqib Nisar def himself by calling it a "theft" and
casting doubt on its auth. Meanwhile, PMLN criticised current CJ Atta Bandial for not addsd the leak,
alleging that Saqib Nisar was plotting against PMLN and its ldrship, implying both CJPs have a soft corner
for IK.

2. Eco. The Pakistani rupee has maint its stability against the US dollar, aprc by 0.03%. Local
media outlets widely reported this news, garnering significant attn from the domestic aud.
3. IR

a. After Indian govt rejected Pakistan's request for a bilateral meeting b/w FMs BB and S Jaishankar
on the sidelines of the upcoming SCO FMs' meeting, PTI ldrs hurled accusations at FM over SM for
pursuing the "Bajwa plan" against India and Israel.

b. The Pakistani govt efforts to evac its citizens from Sudan, amidst clashes b/w the mil and para-
mil gp have been commended. 37 Pakistani nationals have been evac to Jeddah, KSA as part of the
ongoing evac plan.

4. IS

a. The Tbn has reportedly killed an IS militant believed to be the "mastermind" behind the 2021
SBs at Kabul's intl airport that killed 13 U.S. tps and numerous civs during the chaotic U.S. evac of the cty.
This news has been widely circulated by SM users in Afgh and Pakistan.

b. CTD Kci’s announcement of arresting two TTP Ts involved in murders and extortion at the behest
of TTP’s Afg ldrship failed to draw attn on SM.

c. PPP’s Dr. Amjad Ali Khan, tweeted photos showing alleged TTP militants riding MCs in Swat
during the day. The photos generated concerns despite police and mil’s denial of their presence in the

d. Mohsin Dawar's visit to NWD was widely covered by NDM SMTs however, failed to draw much
response from general aud.

e. SNOs officials have been propagating an anti-state narr fol an FIR lodged against their reps for
taking out a rally in MPK against abductions, forced conversions, and CPEC.

f. BLA Media Hakkal rel a publication called "Shari" commemorating the first anniversary of the
Baloch female SB, Shari Baloch. The 27-page booklet incl msgs and writings by Shari Baloch, shedding lt
on her life and experiences.

g. BSNs proliferated that un-ident motorcyclists allegedly attk a MI operative in Tbt.

5. FIP.

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