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First Semester 2020/ Living in the IT Era Module 2 Midterm - Page | 1

First Semester 2020/ Living in the IT Era Module 2 Midterm - Page | 2

Topic 1: Role of Information Technology in our daily lives

It is a recognized fact that the application of Information Technology (IT) in our daily life has
changed dramatically over the past couple of years. Information technology is used in every sphere of
life like agriculture, education, medical and banking industry. Businesses are investing heavily into
new technological trends as well as offering businesses the chance to operate more effectively through
the application of information technology. Let’s look at the example of communication as it has
definitely changed the way of our daily life. Many years ago we used to communicate via writing but
now we communicate by using information network like telephone, mobile phone, internet etc. The
application IT has changed considerably as we can now communicate via text message, email and
communicating via instant messaging on MSN messenger, Facebook and even in the form of Tweets on
Twitter. So, it has significantly changed the world’s communication over time.
IT has changed tremendously over the years especially in the computing field. Nowadays, more
or less every household has an iPod or computer or some Apple related product. We know have cloud
computing, as well as Virtual servers. Long have the days of needing your own server to run things. You
can now involve in online outsourcing. Staying in the east you can work in the west and earn a large
amount of dollar. It has brought a new dimension in the field of education. We can get any type of
information staying at home when we need. The famous books of the world are available and easily
accessible via internet. Every day we are now getting new and new information with the help of
information technology. IT is now used in E-banking system. We can perform our banking activities via
online. At present, IT has also turned a tremendous effect in the field of treatment. Information
technology in the modern world has evolved so much that you can enjoy it in all the places. Think
about cars with satellite navigation built in, think about climate control, and think about digital displays
within your vehicle- these all have been possible by information technology.
It has even changed the way we buy things. Long have the days gone that you needed a cash
machine or ATM to withdraw cash and purchase everything with cash. Now, you can purchase using a
PDQ machine/ Chip and Pin machine or credit card. It has definitely made our lives so much easier.
IT has introduced the internet system and turned a new era in the field of E-commerce. E-
commerce is a system of buying and selling goods through online. With extremely busy lifestyles and a
lack of time, E-commerce has changed the way we purchase things. It has changed so much that
businesses are forever investing in online strategies from online shops to Search Engine Optimization
and Search Engine Marketing strategies.
As you can see, the application of information technology in our daily life has definitely changed
the way we live our lives. Long have the days we communicated solely face to face. Long have the days
we needed to invest in servers for our business. The application of IT has definitely changed the way of
agriculture, education, medical, banking industry as well as the way we lead our lives.

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Topic 2: Enhancement of the quality of life

Is the most noticeable facet of attaching it so closely with this daily lives but it seems as if were
ignoring the problems that it's bringing along with the much-needed enhancement. For example, The
Global positioning system (GPS) is a global navigation satellite system that provides location, velocity
and time synchronization. Which was actually developed for military-use but eventually it became an
integral part of our daily lives by means of car navigation system. Precisely the same GPS system is now
being utilized by terrorists and in other illicit activities which clearly task the dark aspect of having
information technology accessible. The most pragmatic yet optimistic side to presenting information
technology at hand is less consumption of your time and a much better quality of life. For instance, we
can reach out to our family and friends residing a long way from us through cellular phone, internet,
computer and web cameras. It is worthy of mentioning here that each sphere of work and analysis is
rolling out and excelled in this point in time due to technological advancement. Technology has
provided every sphere with a chance to make their work a lot easier and organized. For example,
spheres such as entertainment have become so significant in our daily lives because of Multimedia
which revolves around many scientific widgets like the satellite system. The main reason as to the
reasons information technology has become so proximately attached to our day to day lives is the
actual fact that our daily lives now revolve around the technology and we feel incomplete or void with
no it around us.
In talking about it under communication, one of the key forms of communication in 21st
century is the mobile phone. They have infiltrated the planet, both young and old now take part in the
use of cellular phone on a daily basis, though it is popular amongst young adults. Without its presence
we feel that a significant part of our own usual life is lost or we are not in pace with today's world,
from recent studies, an average teen would send about 42 text messages, receive and makes cell
phone calls of about 120 minutes daily and in essence spends half your day fidgeting with a mobile
phone. A typical day in the life span of a teenager would be centered on mobile phones, TV and the
internet using the metaphor relating to food, this might be considered a "balanced diet". Even 4 years
ago, 50 % of the 12-to-19-year-olds offered themselves good grades for focusing on how to handle
hardware and software. Today, four out of five young people utilize a PC. During the last 4 years, the
margin between children in the utilization of computer systems has been halved; meanwhile, 79% of
females and 87% of boy's declare that they use a computer at least one time a month in their free time
(see JIM-Studie, 1999). Specifically in the age band of 14- and 15-year-olds, female computer users are
available nearly as often as their male counterparts. In addition, 60% of children record they have
repeatedly used a Laptop or computer, and 30% record they have repeatedly used the web.

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Topic 3: Information Technology in: Agriculture, Education, Medical
and Banking Industry

Information Technology in Agriculture

One of the potential clarifications for this reduced yield is the ignorance of farmers about
advanced agricultural techniques in the developing countries since 1970. The impetus of digital
technology in the modernization of agricultural practices has been determined by various studies.
Whereas the particular bases of technology acceptance depend on the setting and type of technology,
usual features recognized in academic and observe fictions comprise of education, wealth, tastes, risk
preferences, complementary inputs and access to information learning. Among all these, the role of
asymmetric and expensive information has received the highest attention. Agriculture extension
services have been started by government and international institutions to overcome the information
failures regarding technology implementation. A unique opportunity to spread information by public
and private collaboration is provided by rapid development of ICT’s in developing nations. Increased
efficiency, reduced costs and enhanced productivity determines the role of ICT’s in agriculture.
Development of information and focus of systems should be on new challenges addressed from
deregulation and globalization of agriculture sector (Samah et al., 2009).

Informational Needs of Farmers

Access to reliable, timely and relevant information can help significantly and in many ways to
reduce farmer’s risks and uncertainty, empowering them to make good decisions. However, whether
or not this access leads to an impact often depends on issues related to markets, institutions, policies
and resource availability. Several studies have shown that wide availability and multiple sources of
information have not significantly changed farmers’ behavior towards new technologies and
information – a fact that is often attributed to lack of knowledge or understanding of farmers’
perspectives and needs on the part of information providers.

Classification of IT’s in Agricultural Sector

Even in if farmers are generally having a great knowledge of room conditions and significant
practical knowledge or expertise of exploiting to environment to get the best out of it but they still
require appropriate and novel information gathered from research and development to tackle with
harsh weather and diseases (Correa et al. 1997).

o Traditional IT →It includes radio, television and print media. Based on their educational
requirements, different countries can take advantage of radio and television in terms of
informal education. Television is acknowledged as the most important medium for
communicating with the rural populations of developing countries (FAO, 2001). For valuable
transmission of agricultural technology to the agricultural community, TV seems to be an
effective means of mass media. Presently, it is one of the most valuable tools available for
communication. Teaching techniques comprising audio-visual seems to be the most effective.
According to Carpenter (1983) coupling of audio – visual can change the human behavior and
eventually improved farmers learning skills. It is having the capability to spread the information
to large number of audiences and highly divers and geographical area where personal contact is
not possible (Calvert, 1990). Radio is another important device of mass media and is an
effective communication tool. The initial experiments of ICT in agriculture in India after
independence started with radio. Programs in local languages were broadcasted with the help

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of a network of All India Radio (AIR) stations has been playing considerable role since many
decades in improving agriculture by bringing latest technological information related to
agriculture and other allied subjects to the farmers. Recently with the relaxation in licensing
policy related to broadcasting rules has received a new motivation in India. This type of
communication has proven to be very handy tool in socio-economic development at initial

o New or Modern IT → It includes internet, portals, mobiles, community radio, video, digital
photography and call centers. Internet services, in conjunction with exiting and more widely
used communication media such as rural radio, will enable the broadest enhancement of
information and communication resources for rural people. For example, national or regional
agricultural market information systems or extension information systems hosted on the
Internet can be excellent information sources for the staff of rural radio stations throughout a
region or nation. Using information on current market prices broadcast by rural radio stations
(including national variations and international figures), farmers can negotiate better prices
from local buyers. Improved horizontal communication and improved information resources
can improve the quality of the decisions and interventions that impact upon rural people. Apart
from it, selling or buying online began to become popular in the world. However, it’s most
important role remains communication, and the internet has provided us with an ideal
opportunity to do so.

Information Technology in Education

Computers are playing an important role in the information age. They deeply impact in many
areas, undoubtedly, in the area of education to improve the quality of learning as well as teaching.
Various resources and technologies have been used to improve the quality of the education system.
Prospective teachers, as well as teachers in-service, must aware about the impact of computers in the
field of education as well as their subject area to make learning effective. This will help teachers to
know the integrated technologies helps in their classroom teaching. This paper will discuss the various
usage of computers which make effective learning as well as a teaching process.
This is the era of Information Technology (IT). Nowadays, every aspect of our life is connected
to IT. But, it impacts significantly in the field of education to make the learning process interesting as
well as successfully. Before computer is not use rapidly in the education system but now computer and
its technology almost use in every educational institution across the world. According to Sahin and
Thompson, there is frequent use of the technology in the various fields such as research, marketing,
business, banking, administration, etc. but the frequency of IT use is not much in an education system.
But, today, use of IT in an education system has been received more attention for improving the
standard of learning as well as teaching. Various resources such as computer, internet, broadcasting
technologies are being used to improve the education system. In early days, teacher were not much
aware of the need of bringing IT as an essential part of their day to day activities, Moreover, it was
impossible to do study in foreign universities without going over there. But, today’s scenario is
completely changed. IT makes it possible by using various technologies such as online education,
distance education, Computer Aided Courses etc. in the field of education. No doubt, computers have
become essential for everyone in every field. Teachers now started using technology like smart classes,
LCD projectors, EDUCOM, Laptops, memory sticks in their classroom to make effective learning

Benefits of IT in Education

o Can improve the student learning and basic skill area.

o Increases retention of the students.
o Effective and adequate teacher learning is an integral element of the successful learning

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Distance Learning

Computer has become an important part of every walk of life such as on campus, at home and
in office. Computer and related technologies have been used in distance learning through various ways
such as Teleconferencing, video-conferencing, audio graphic, Teletext, video text, multimedia and
hypermedia, e-books, online database, online discussion, on-demand call in course. Virtual classrooms
play an important role in distance learning. Students can raise their doubts and teachers can provide
the solutions without going to one’s place.

Benefits of Distance Learning

o Cost effective
o Independent of time and place
o Quality education through results access from mass product of course material
o Simultaneously a lot of students can be benefitted

Computer – Aided Learning

Today, computers have improved the quality of teaching and enhance the learning process with
the help of various tools such as multimedia projector, PowerPoint presentations etc. Traditional
methods of teaching can be monotonous, boring and students start getting frustrated. But information
technology makes learning process more interested through games, animated graphics etc.

Benefits of Computer – Aided Learning

o Interest and motivation

o Compatible learning style
o Individualization
o Optimal use of learning time
o Immediate feedback
o Error analysis
o Repetitive practice
o Pre-determined to process syllabus

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Information Technology in Medical Field
Information Technology (IT) is the application of computers and telecommunications
equipment to store, retrieve, transmit and manipulate data, often in the context of a business or other
enterprise. Today information technology is used in wide range of fields and one of the upcoming fields
is of Medical Science, which is known as Health Information Technology (HIT).

Health Information Technology (HIT)

Is the application of information processing

involving both computer hardware and software that
deals with the storage, retrieval, sharing, and use of
health care information, data, and knowledge for
communication and decision making. HIT, technology
represents computers and communications attributes
that can be networked to build systems for moving
health information. Health informatics tools include
computers, clinical guidelines, formal medical
terminologies, and information and communication
systems. It is applied to the areas of nursing, clinical
care, dentistry, pharmacy, public health, occupational
therapy, and (bio) medical research.
Specialized university departments and Informatics training programs began during the 1960s
in France, Germany, Belgium and The Netherlands. Medical informatics research units began to appear
during the 1970s in Poland and in the U.S. Since then the development of high-quality health
informatics research, education and infrastructure has been a goal of the U.S., European Union and
many developing economies.

Use of Information Technology in Medical Education

With the development in IT, there has been a significant change in medical education all over
the world. The changes is that majority of the medical students are computer literate these days. New
information on medical topics is readily accessible via the Internet and handheld computers such as
palmtops, personal digital assistants (PDA). Information Technology can assist medical education in
various ways such as in college networks and internet. Computer-assisted learning (CAL), Virtual
reality (VR), Human patient simulators are some options. With the help of college networks and
Internet, the medical students as well as the teachers may stay in contact even when they are off
CAL is considered as an enjoyable medium of learning and very
suitable for conceptually difficult topics. Interactive digital materials for study
of histopathology, anatomy and heart sounds are used widely. Development
of anatomical three dimensional atlases of various internal organs using
computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging are very illustrative
and help the students to understand the subject matter clearly.
Information technology has been very helpful to the healthcare
sector. One example of a significant advancement that IT has provided to
hospitals is the development of electronic medical records (EMR). This
technology can convert medical information into a single database. Not only
does this technology reduce paper costs, it allows healthcare providers to
access pertinent patient information such as medical history, medications, insurance information, etc
with just the click of a mouse.

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Information Technology in Banking Industry

Information Technology (IT) has evolved over time and has changed the way business is
conducted. The way people conduct business has been made easier and more efficient. IT has opened
many doors for new technologies that are used within business and for individual use; the Banking
sector is of no exception. Mobile banking is the fastest growing channel of banking as a result few
people are walking into bank branches nowadays. Banks now need to remain relevant by catering to
the needs and expectations of the customers and to the technology advancements. By providing better
services and products customers are able to utilize. The role of IT in the banking sector can be divided
into two categories: Communication and connectivity, and individual and business transactions. IT
enables for sophisticated products to be developed with better frameworks, execution of dependable
strategies and help with communication so to connect with people from different countries, businesses
across the globe, geographical distance and diverse markets.

Information Technology in Banking Industry

Banks and financial institutions are now offering many services that benefit their potential and
current customers in many ways. The management has now seen that with the technology they have
to keep up with the times in order to keep the customers happy and interested in their products. IT has
also brought about stiff competition wars within the industry. IT also aids the employees of the bank as
well as the banks and financial institutions themselves. Operations are now automated making life
simpler and easier. Telecommunication Mobile Operators, Internet Service Providers (ISPs), computer
hardware manufacturers, software developers, mobile device manufactures and the operating
software manufactures have all assisted in the giving the banking sector the much needed boost.
Mobile devices meet the following criteria, having light operating software (mobile phones, smart
phones, tablets and Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) and being portable.

Mobile Banking

Mobile banking is the act of making financial

transactions on a mobile device (cell phone, tablet,
etc.). This activity can be as simple as a bank sending
fraud or usage activity to a client’s cell phone or as
complex as a client paying bills or sending money
abroad. Advantages to mobile banking include the
ability to bank anywhere and at any time.
Disadvantages include security concerns and a
limited range of capabilities when compared to
banking in person or on a computer.

Automated Teller Machine (ATM)

The ATM is a technology in use world over.

The ATM assists in customers being able to cash out
money at any time when they need cash, thus
replacing the human teller. A unique PIN number is
used to identify the customer which is provided by
the bank, the customer is to change this number to
their own preferred number for security reasons. To
use this service the customer has to have a bank
account, debit or credit and PIN number. Money can
be withdrawn from anywhere in the world. If
withdrawn from another country or ATM a service charge will be issued for each transaction. The
following are facilities available to the customer at the ATM; check their account balance, withdraw
cash, mini statement print out, PIN change, money transfer with linked bank accounts, pre-paid mobile
top-up and credit card payment.

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Internet Banking

One of the older technologies, where the aim of

mobile banking was to go paperless. A customer
accesses their bank account online by using and active
Internet connection and is able to access the account
balance enquiry, make payments, funds transfer,
international money payments, create and update
standing order and direct debit payments and check
recent transactions. The customer accesses the website
via a personal computer or laptop and the account
information can be accessed from anywhere in the
world. The following services can be accessed online; account balance enquiry, fund transfer among
the accounts, create and update standing order and direct debit payments, remittance, account
overview, account history, loan repayment, refill prepaid card and password change.

Video Teller Machine (VTM)

A new and innovative service available through the
banks. A customer is remotely connected to the customer
service representative via the VTM for all banking
transactions. VTM offer all branch banking services to the

Secure Short Messaging Service (SSMS)

SSMS banking is used for customers to send and receive text messages
on their mobile phones. Banks keep records of the customers mobile number,
the customer is able to make enquires on their bank account. A customer has
to register their mobile number to utilize the SSMS Banking service through
the bank. The bank also sends the customer messages of each transaction that
has occurred on the account. The customer will also be aware of the any
transactions they did not make. A transaction is achieved by sending an SSMS
to the Mobile Banking Service assigned number. The structured SMS has to
have a tag word which the bank provides. The SMS service interacts with the
customer as the customer responds. Unlike SMS, which is “store and forward”.

Benefits of Information Technology in Banking Industry:

• Globalization: Information Technology has brought the world closer and allowed for information to
be shared easily, quickly and effectively. Allowing for transactions to be performed regardless of where
an individual or businesses are located. Information Technology has broken down geographical
boundaries making the global village so small.
• Communication: Information Technology has made communication easier, quicker, cheaper and
more efficient. People are now able to communicate with each other from anywhere around the
world. For example through video conferencing, email, texting, instant messaging, social networking,
radio on the go, television on the go, voice calls and VoIP.
• Cost Effectiveness and Operational Excellence: Automation of processes for individuals and
businesses means our daily lives have been transformed. Our daily lives have been made so much
easier and economically effective. Cost effectiveness gives rise to profits realized and better pay for
employees. Making daily lives easier and less strenuous working conditions. Transactions are achieved
in the less amount of time compared to the days before automation. Fewer errors are made by the use
of IT.
• Bridging the Cultural Gap: People from different nationalities and cultures are able to communicate
amongst themselves and this allows for exchange of views and opinions which could better their lives,
increase awareness and decrease prejudice.

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• Longer Working Hours: Business hours are extended from the normal Monday t0o Friday and 8-5
working days. The business is virtually open 24 hours and 7 days a week. This applies to all businesses
around the globe. The extended hours allows for business transactions to be conducted from
anywhere and anytime of day. People are now allowed to purchase anytime and anywhere.
• Creation of New and Exciting Jobs in the Field of IT: Creation of new and interesting jobs within the
Information Technology field. For example, would have computer programmers, system
administrators, system analysts, technical specialists of hardware and software, web development,
computer engineering and network administration.
• Business Intelligence: IT in banking gives competitive lead amongst other rivals. Crucial and essential
information obtained will be used in making strategic business decisions. Information attained from
competitors, individuals, business environment, internal operations and business partners.

Problems of Information Technology in Banking Industry

Mobile banking customers are at great risk of receiving fake SMS messages and scams from
hackers and scammers. The loss of a person’s mobile device often means that the customer’s
information can be accessed unlawfully. Gaining access to customer’s mobile banking PIN and sensitive
information. In order to have better experience with mobile banking customers need to have access to
more Modern mobile devices such as Smartphone, PDA’s and tablets. From the literature attained on
Mobile Banking Adoption there are several key problems that were stated in the research. There are
various problems customers face when using mobile banking. The problems being:

• Security and Risk: Mobile customers are susceptible to scammers. A customer receives a fraudulent
email or SMS from a sender posing as a bank or financial institution. Requesting for the customer to
send their bank account details. If and when a mobile device is stolen the customer is at great risk.
Most customers automatically set their devices to save their personal information leaving the
customers vulnerable to scammers. As consistent with Chitungo and Munongo [6] customers of mobile
banking are uncertain with issues such as loss and theft by hacking thus discouraging the customers to
adopt mobile banking.

• Compatibility: Banks offer the mobile banking services to all customers, some customers are limited
to the number of services offered as they do not have compatible devices, consistent with research
conducted by Al-Jabri and Sohail [3]. Thus the customer is limited to several services only with the
constraint of the type of mobile they have. Mobile applications designed can also be exclusively
available to certain mobile phone brands.

• Cost: The cost of mobile banking occur if the customer does not have a compatible device, though if
the customer does have a compatible device they may still incur data and text messaging costs. Extra
costs for mobile banking service, for software.

• Scalability and Reliability: The banks need to ensure that mobile banking systems are working for
customers to access the service from anywhere and anytime. There can be loss of customer confidence
if mobile banking services are not met continuously, found to be consistent.

• Application Distribution: Customers would expect that the mobile application would be updated,
upgraded and downloads being available. On the other hand, there are numerous issues to ensure that
the upgrade, update and downloads are implemented successfully.

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