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Pa ec cas ae ere ie ee ee See ee eet eee ee] fs the mani tet to the covery and integration of haere eet] reer] Senet apc nenoant eer etn ee ie ee ies actors nc ying nm pamereme aran rao tw 2-1 Mh RONDO CAMERON - LARRY NEAL A CONCISE eONe Nite HISTORY OF THE WORLD From Paleolithic Times to the Present FOURTH EDITION wd 4 tnt sey Pro oped © 159, 193,197,203 Os Cnet rs Contents LstorRgwes “1, Introduction: Economie History and Feonomic Development Desslogent nd Underdvelopment (Growth Deeapment and Pres 8 Dominant f Eoocans Deepen 9 Prodacton and Prt /2 ‘he Loge of Eoomamic Growth 16 ‘even 18 Economics andthe Fimegese a Cieion 25 ‘Te Emon Fonda fea 29 Trade al Develop ithe Meienanan Wold 32 Esonome Achievement an Limi of Ancient Chiization 57 = 4 Keonomie Development in Medieval Europe 44 Rural Scie Paterno Stig” 4 ope Espns 3 ‘The Revival of Uwe Life $9 Commercial Curent andTchngens 6 Ina! Tecnology adhe Oris of Mechanic Power 68 ‘The Cris ofte Mees onan 72 |4.Non-Westen Economies on the Eve of Western Expansion ‘Te Otoman Ene 80 Em Ava 82 ica a TheAmeren 91 © 5. Europe's Second Logic 94 opuaon and Levels of Living Exploration Drone 98 ‘Oveseas Expansion and he Feedback Europe 10 The ree Revlon 125 AgclialTectlogy and Prodactviy 10 Initial Teshlogy aed Prodoctity 13 “rade, Tad Rots and Comer Organ 179 “6 Remomie Nationalism and Imperialism 128 Meranilisn: A Misnomee 128 Spin and Spunish Amesea 152 Persea 139 (Con Eaden and None Bare 41 Catenin ce 146 ‘Te Prosi nero th Nehnds 150, “Petamestry Colbert in Brin 154 1. The Dawn of Modern Industry 160 (Coarse of Modernity 16 ‘The nar! Revlon: Aimer 163 Prats an Conon of ndstiaation 164 Todt Tecbnloy al lnoaton 172 Regional Viren 180 Seca Aspects of Ear ndsiizaton 183 ‘8. Econame Development inthe Nineteenth Century: Basie Determinants 18? Population 187 Rewsen 192 ‘TheDeelopment a Dison o Teslagy 192 ‘heappiatoneScent 05 ” “he tte Pamewerk 205 «8 Patterns of Development The Early Industealizers 219 ‘he United Sues 224 Bale 227 10, Pater of Development: Latecomersand No-Shows 244 Swizedand 245 The Asto-Hangaran Epi 252 Inge Rein 388 Ate Strateie Sectors 270, nme snd Banking 276 ‘heRoleuttheSiae 245 12. The Growth ofthe World Economy 290 ‘Brain Ope fr Fie Tre 290 ‘The “Great Depression” and the Return wo Protection 205 The lterstonl Gold Standard. 98 Inertial Migration and Ivetment 30 The Reval et Wevere lope, 307 nan agro 316 13, Overiew of he World He yy inthe Twentieth Century 317 Popoltion 317 ‘Technology 225 Insitions 331 mal tts ermational Economie Disaegration 839 ‘The Bzonomic Consequences of Weed Wart 539 EZuromic Consus ofthe oie 2 ‘Toe Get Citation, 129-90 Rial temp Recnstocion 292 ‘The Rssan Revoltons andthe Sot Union 356 Ezonomie Aspects of Word War) 359, 15, Rebuilding the World Economy, 145-73 362 Phasing forthe Postwar Bsonany 26? ‘The Marshall anand Econom "Miss" 366 The En of High Grow) as ‘he imergene ofthe Soviet Bie 7 ‘The Tava th hind Word 38 ‘The Opin he Brpean Union 282 * 16, The World Economy a the Beginning of the ‘weniy-Frst Century 887 ‘Tee Colla ofthe Svist oe 380 ‘The volo ofthe aropean Union 397 LUmisio Growth? 398 Ante Bibtiogpty 408 Index 407 2 a 23 a 35 a 3 a5 sa List of Figures Relsionship erseen population nd epost ‘anova Cane pings ‘Grek and Phenician colonization ‘The Roman Empire—H174.0 Ronan aga Sepvi, Spa Amey manor Taeteny weve plow Cysts of Nother aly 1200 ‘The metieval economy ti peak iting pcre of he Vin May biting) Meshnil clok roth ofthe Onan Epi 1307-1683 ‘The Mongol Emp and its pr bot 1300 Io, bout 680 Mayan emple Portuguese discoverer tite ceaary Ponupuese crock ss rey 66 a 1 146 18 m0 4 ey 4 34 os or wos ee Paes rl yas af dcove—Fieenth and “Transhumance rots Spin ‘The Dutch stip Sco Fogger “The Rik” pie of Cares V Expahion fhe Jews Cond an i weigh Dutch mechan (Dsl Berd) (Cole pneson in Non Ari 1763 Engi indy 1700 pe tts ‘Theat ents in gland angie e170 Costs nigh ‘Thetis over he Seven River ‘The Newcomen engine Engi nny 180 Population dns in Eaope, 1750, 1914 Stas lacometie Steamboat othe Rhine Rive Indes of Europe's GNP Harenting whet in Neb ‘The Cocker wks t ering egim Perea production fea, 20-1913 Percapia consumo fea, 120-1913, ‘The Rab indole Coal consumption percapits, 1820-1913, Sisal weve, 1850 ‘Swessh sl aout 186 no hn 1 192 66 v1 14 Is 20 ~0 us a1 mt na na ns i m2 13 is 1st et sane Pes Pron an consumo of ca, 820-1918 Indy nays Raia bor 1918 “The Europe ofthe ade wets tout 1871 Indes of nal volume expr of Eagan counties Regional dst of wed we 1913 Disb of orsign nvesmens in 19 ‘The parion of Als 10 1914 nei in Ain an te Paco 116 ‘Thin Wor shieyow Range of practi pest for comet and “nercocnetal rave 1825-2000 ors int nsermbyie econ alps 1929-82 ‘The econo recvery nd growth f western Europe. 1988-71 “Toe ccoomi ropes of majo cman during hotlzain, 1971-98 B RESSER BEE. ae 0-401 List of Tables (GDP per Capita 3 Indctors of sonomic Deslopent 6 Pelton of gud and Wale ad Get Bia ise Growth of opuaion 19 “The Growth of Rata an A Literacy of Sete Counties as Primary Soho! Enrolment aes 215, its f Grow of Oupt and Labor Prosi ‘in Genmany, 1870-1913 2a 131 Weed Population by Comtnens a8 132 CrelBinhané Dent Rates| 30) 133 tafe Moraiy, Seed Coes 20 164 Life Expectancy at Bi in Seb Counties zm 135 Urban Population 2 136 World Primary Energy Production, 196 Rs 187 Pralaton of Eesti, 199) m0 18 World Tre dps ad Espns) 113 an 1999 m Preface Within aprach of te ex mins in 201 Rondo Cameo comple 0 dacs crake but comprehensive como histry ofthe word. With hs eh ‘aly ang inthe sommes 200, mer, at ot one iso a Pete. Atal cto senme morc than waar he ay FRvisos he ha de in he third eto 1 was ashe odo the mses Wak 0 repre is fourth don, My revision imped ot the went ce Een Decent 000 were never sen Ronde se ay on Jamar 2 ia is seventy a abltionw eing ome of te most costoplan of Amen econo ist sians_ withing peor nthe Une Kingdom Face German, ral ‘ndJapan ad sring a vce present oe teen! Eso History ‘Sian Rondo Cameron sapere he vert soe of Europes eng ‘Sooomi ran along Gl! Trlla Spi, Richard Til a Geman, nt Frain Meal in Seiten. Keown among cmon strato hs trtoing werk on the ro ancl ston promting he ead ‘estaleation nd isnstece on theese cota of ister progress e verti ati hls oer a the especie ks of ely pelo owt, mal resus, aston sexta oben ‘ens nd he mie aypnon Whi hve edo manatees wing leant ajecinty ft cortez Rondo, sia Gai tsk te ‘ec took ints teen rst nothsen gangs andi wed were “Tushout he care Ron need eh service ter cy 0 isprofenaltesss anesopomihiorn, nerebe seed ascot Jou lof Eso: His abn reside ot Esoomic istry Associaton. Dt ‘hom soyprtf the lb Scan Foundations expec is Lamba Fe tows ogra. Ate stings anal viatare Woes Wal Ron was mated tend) economics with the pal at ough Deter underage lind coomomiedevlopmen we ck noi war in he tre. Ts Dok was con (Shisttal dectdwta rand en, dt am hoor wo comin tin th ext ‘siesta, "Tank 0 first o Rano fr his ole over he yeas adi responsive stn conve ome he eset om So myo is etaomi so- "aw calinguy fsa to the cio cie ad aseton hi wack by Ke ‘MeLeo the ial erat Oxford Unversity Press. Two anys fers have a Pre alg sharpen the restain of my pes nd ovis, while Pl Donel the econrmes era Oxford, acu ints inthe pdt tarts Sooner sso HISTORY OF THE WORLD Lay Ned i Introduction: Economic History and Economic Development Wy re some maton chan the ps? Thi sony simple ution i Fete ate het fee ofthe wrk st rns comenpesy robes ha ‘Tumeven commie deveapment Only war and pace, pplton presale ‘net slay and she if hema aca ses i= ine mapatde, Because of unequal economic develope ers and as ‘Fé fave oud arn goverment ad mary dtr hve frived whole maton pla ier ad my india Fie personal ee rmand even hive Milos hive ded meal ad nnecsayo a ‘ion, maar, and seae-—not tease Toe and her FsOUCES Were valle fo oc thy soul te dred 0 thoe in need. The Une ‘Stes and several eter wey nats havc expend ins ols wel {eked tony svt tolerate eights np ese varied ef. fers thicome gap orc de ltely wall uber fase aoe a the ‘ast mary of poverty ess bt pow wide er Ye “the utatn apa fe proc Mme nos ar ih and es Poot, sty do nt th prone at th eds and polis ht ve mae he thes Te Infact acts ave sn mie not nance witout sig ‘ose The plo far oe complied tan tapers th sre Inthe fi pace thre inno general rome on which eas wee eps forthe Iibherincome the meses. Scond, even f eh aprermosex eis tno mes cra ht sar meted and poles woul roc the sae ess tie diferene georptical atar an hrc cumstances of ay sowie Clin ations aa alagh uch such has Pen Seve 1 he ble. ‘Shou sod sist havent praca thar of conor lopment ha ‘Soperatonlly flan oral pce "Tare arin pach sy of sonic deelomen—fntely ot maaly exch The her appack employe nhs bok des Reta {peticing sneer ppl thy of conic eslement ‘fet src nas can loi ther paces canst on Be ois fe [row ening oul eves of development A comet Sagnis of he iis Shiv poblem does ot nisms nates peeiption bet both {lagnncomecan scary bpeto remedy te ple Seco tsi i stances of growth dine the pant he isl ppc as he end ‘nent eranmic lope endacey rame cvrhefcay ode. Sebi of price pies osc cet pensar mond an td objectty and aio house Poleyaersand th sts exes, fl wht espns of proponng tnd inplmeting ace fr evelopment eee en batons historia ass the soa of poles wth ato hat "Becotempeay tation unos cforhsyelerothes corem, Sich antaeconsins dbl ily athe est pice oe who ae por the pat arent alii een ait Soon iit) dees te wor my of mat lng hn era te Hebi ls ‘stnpon on ei ll see ny fond Sach std reveal ow ay iis wt histo pengactve tome he spams lem fracas “Tis tok ster oan iodine stay of ath emo ty and econo developmen cpt howe, eded tbe comechnsive net se There oem valid esa foie sty pt fen st pte on ‘eban t solvng contemporary paca pens fora compete Ses 1 the rte of ssn development he mes ty nd sri ‘mst he employed wl ni sera sey fhe soon eveapmest of ‘unkind om presi imes othe pes crn “ison hoy gh lghed. Ath some historians eve tr fence he fos sea To temselves” “os ep en Yo spec questions pn ty the snl who ‘ts wth hem: posing sch etn incatbl involves pes sc, anscous ee prnscon espe nso aa sys voluea ths andi oma some ase cones to ue he ahequntana Development and Underdevelopment 1m 198, he average (prep ann inom: free of he Und Sites seat S100, Norway th mnt prenpers coun in oe aud {0 more tha $26,000. ef an to mca fo puehsing mer rt) For west Ere who he neg st 2200. The ried ‘Stes and western Europe together conta at over I pera of he ws poe lao bt arcouet or ener Se perc a he wos meue erence If ‘se a Japan, Cad, Asta an Nest Zain alae te woe igh Income india anomie he Rabe et ove Ia pen fo popula ‘to nel 77 pet ference sos domestic prod in pursing wer panty ols) Ther area equ utero the ihe ani a they arcompesed ily of waren sch Hog Kon ah Singur the ‘a Galforsaesrsal sins oncenatingon none ander all which ‘tert the demands othe indore world Clete ey ih prea mdi: oe Haran Ez Depa s {income ito cet mor intl eum oi way to provi impor: ‘Ah ter exec, er apt income in Sema Lean, caret the woes wet camy, an abut S25 er eta score Tac Wa at 880 (shch italy sto estan in 993), $2,200 nda aS 09 Banks nthe Pope's Republic Cha, bh cote mare tan one thf he we pln, per apa ince eve to about $3.35, Pe ata income ‘South Amen raged om 1124. Artin whichis eect doa tS inte —toS2245 9 Blo Tabe ss eet preoptic oa ep ‘seaive samp of atone 1 9 her wt of Se ations in which er pita incomes were lowe than S76, a onl inet tre re he sea none was Be ‘wcon $740 al 9, The maton in ths 0 berets are aru Feed ta "poon ow icine” ad “edeclpe (or ephemitialy,“ks {Evlopdorucclping) reais cane hiow comes eye Fre bt why ae they underdeveloped? ‘Sst of pr ape nse ae a st, rae meen fhe eel feo ssc elope nthe st ple ey ron apis. Moree fr uber of xi ann, inertial compar ico ae epi t ‘ene, Bt hearer eases designe and enero haa hough ee glo compretensv, ae more papi. Tate 1 preset ner ‘tes angi om how asap zen mig expec ove ho ea SStocommunste with so eal o ater lice Ae 3 omnes igh ‘eas, Me eet ranges from fry tine ers in th reve ems cc meta ama Sooke aay ed ams oF nln EME ENN LF, ston of Ac, Ain ad Lan Arie, wisi lover seven ya ST ese Europe tn Nh Ame, Mot oft ence expe ty ch Sherratt meray por ote tate ies est ‘aig heathen ane Pe in he wey ato ‘ited Suse a ppny 0 cole pr yaa i Atl ‘ao 35 Cor eh 19a Blt LAI fa, 200 Nop over S30 ger nee more merc ems free 100 ple Ute Str 76 pager ai 30 Fett cy 9 tage rte ns et a 16 rte wor a ee Growth, Development, and Progress Inna dese the es goa deo: ed pores ae eqn sedan they wr gmoyeun For ee pc tone tee ‘Sy odin among en, rented ac sonata ss ‘or th di ns Bk sx ann tl pt fotrand sven peed ya hrs nnn dca hut fs beer men pros dn at Py, hl of sede sn ‘ier aoa win ocr fn comeyty dnl ecm. is “reo iu fr saa Shear apc toe ns Be tveencomte ep when sleepy cea Caer sum The payments vetoed ot Ree nae tm atl rc (ONP For me dns nk ke ile thee cme con pn th ago sso So fet in th some eto Ahn mln da at ae pos ey cn sect nay ce cen was ea tate doen wl rio th Bao ct ans wher ta edict eed oe gl oman Bags Set er Growth in tl upto ter sane inp ofits of W0-om ae sometimes with 2 eta ervedas sein gue Consicion might eof wood sone bat Wes ‘noe fiero mand wate ith cate Noe no window. aaah! rot Sth ole into sre a chmaey, Thee mt be aany bugs ere Sleek equipment tin winter the noc een she he living gore ‘ibe fy Viluges wer noma eed be cy of tear bh po ‘deaversappy adc teil erp ali frog or sy, Unless he mater bane cnn chapel (or smetines even id gl ‘hur wld complete the vile coe 'So'moch fer the ypehteal mane In fa asios wee endless. Aough the ial might taveteen one man ne ile frequent Goe man ecogd sever ila. que single ile waded among to ae ‘enor Sometines te pest jets ofthe mir dnt He ile a a, atin satere hanes ever hate farted. Te wo lt ps of le Inet were ost fen cud ines fete orld ere he man "al oom of ogni ex er nied fre mt lat Meena sin epi wouter rnc at of al th lee els ks with old dling, ype Raman ies ese oso ‘he Mie Apes In ree whee anon wanted en th ee a ‘Wer sch the eran penal eter Germany and even Ean estes ‘te ode oak theo clinate eran an esing itt nn cs. {i bt tent, manoiin ws where the si tue tines td tac fnscof ontan for ean mall grad, tos Inpee ie, br inlcale Rural Sacety “hoe woe vars gation sol ts within he al popation. aefally| {Eychpe hey offends nich, characters est elaborated u th intabn elf wno th verge of hese) costo thee ede” ‘ach with sgn dy. Th od proved pret and mained oer the Sly lke rth pital well feces an tps bred 0 P- or tnt higher andr itl me phy. the ods oe the ery Peed nth pant wos Sigicy, own dulled et ven ge ah ‘racy atau the lve cenay a ent hy coms sable cea ‘Sey mre mcs thn ter ads or eg. “ring cleat the older in tert ese which probly ut Tor ls han 5 pen of he tal opine prispe Fe acl Foraging ote ing the apex dwn tough ent pode theo ‘Sling th ac tn fc th suo wn crn morecompliced. man n= Diesel sever mano ao alle onces and thas wee acl ass of Imre hon Ineo aes onal cen king igh be anal eae Shor with apes o prance No apis, omens fe “ely edo quel nd sie which ae vente fetal age Some "The cll ene, the nly oe hat arnt Nalopcly el perpen in rip tn abou n practi wae sometins ileret at) alc ‘ne unre scalpnatiosInthe ist ae thre wash Bint bee the replay Lethe tuna nds), wo tre foe rir Heo ‘Septem, he seul hg estan shape) opis ‘noe diy inh io recom ately Mle Aesth pla ley el ree petit ea he slr ley grove withthe evn of town if andthe cms aping om he oth enary ena when Babs ass played important oles iy wel igh if, eso. ih ‘heh eglran scalar ks dicts xsd, ed om he ol a he indi nring the ls The pooner ss aol amos were fen Js "ne wi or ta the appropri sino ecto aos oe the time hey tok yer whee ne fk coud ately nie meen Par ied ral fic ma maser The opprtanty oeverea mo ity nase pear within techn an sal cy eer at much ss tan hat fered by he me Esch th yest population Sirens in ats exited Bray speak ing tre were tro cope thee cata wee mots ‘Gc and dss of sry td eer eed win em, Cel ve, Sich sev under the Renn Expt rally ou nl by the ith tay lsh nly remsning lve were th tol lhe ret oles On the hr nde Cs of eens posts an nat farmers to stl unr te Roman Enpac, was decd smo the so serie trove Tl fee meni a mve mmo vile oni oct i ose ld em iron ntie to my wal hi fs permison—were Fai mong the mca any Ate sae ime te power ofthe ods as ‘como Dement ie Maa Eup » ine Ses were tthe propery oftheir mass, ba arp eb, ht tour he so Lo igh en og ue ensin pers of et ote the Fess cairns wheter nomial fc svi weld on sce eure pc bythe “com of he mana” and orl ty decay ‘dec eth English copy). "Two geen Yemeni the social stu of the peasy are perce trough he Mile Age andcary mantis kes csely ad with tte evoon ofthe man Fo te ler Roman Eine t aout he tah ‘eventh cent ie an olipatons of he exten Seaman a slaves Sto preselcloeran lnr opt The, fr shu he etn et othe French Revlon, progr clan ote serie estos (nt cesar iy eooomic exci) oa rein in he withering say oe non sero in some seas of ween Earp ih es al pe a ot at ‘Miner Europe, where acontuy evan cccomed) Patterns of Stability “The orzizon of work nthe mance involved miss of csomary ooperaton tou oncom, with vey ie scope el nave. The mnt porta op fron mere plowing sowing, an veing, ich woul ave als ll Fame o the wile Beato he pe ld syste pd th at hat id ‘idl psa’ stp were scaled Bought the hte ok to Be tndetalen in conan Meme. inte hee, whch were alg moma he ‘ost rte plow ten eid ort even ela neh ie pans ly ‘ned ort ocr any mone al), coopeaen was ei, Hare ing wa as done corn tlw hint pac onthe se “The place of reson i he metal rai Semory avd somsidery| from one eon anther Teint mgr anton a ea a ‘ten thet common a he, wr ound never ft of ape Oe J Ins ncadorss asin norpwestem Eee ad i Rusa om a he eth cet donkeys and ms ned pic in sre Fane Span ‘ster bflaoes unpre of ly. sen nie ae nme, cosine ‘ily gan an ay, were dle, an were cin oe wich cc thet Prealence Mik cavs ere coune, neceway treo mai hypo "serv mer for ter and che an nest ions mee so wed "Satan he “Cele ine” f Europe (Beitan. Wale, lad sn Seo Tandon the are of maori economy wher agai wa it raced. seminoma tribes vd st exchsely by ied te In Scandal ‘tbo, cspecally Norway an Sweden, sk aking wan re pert an ila, Inthe pial mania rss pouty cals sep, an sie mre ie oe thereat poets a ssp fr we) nd nonaly fote eris hy cab tok raising wa dfn set oll eis H nas ms ten poetical in athe Ero, none mcier lima povi eter ata res The age forest eso ve proved ore fora a ‘Sl forse Inthe oth, n arse with Metre hima, sek a: ‘oun pss fr the ping and sume, Someines th peage of th che ‘aged arco elds and overran nthe moms contd de. Mont peut were ekg to perorm sme ab sre otha demesne, sich npr ok presen over work irown spe. The xen nd. time nde othe sol tats oth pea he te os eae: vas ‘teas forsale men heldseltense nl xc ano Eh ant mip own a coy or london pene se ih sel es ‘ould ean or ie work, peas the er dys wes on teaver, {cone with eco deve Wosen spun aman wove ch eer nthe os ‘trp et eatazes a ion wer eserves in los ose Begining thee centy agree rneen Jeveopd ast sabe ‘eth ethers sores abr eves cme 0 mY ent rest sn money ania Kind, Se of the wre caleted na elt be ‘it—asheeporafe chsken thm fretample in addon nwa money ‘ensd pests tne by bi eo at is marin The mate an vo of ese ‘acon reson Fhe centr England he tal of esa ee Places it may five exceeded even tha igure Peasins were alo ciged ose he Fens mil ners, and oven, for whch hypo, ad were abet the fd ie (a esate othe read were semis sujet © royal tation a well Pesan whos tenures were oo malo spp ay, at fers more prosperous flow pean) or which thy received Wages denoted inmoney ag the seta payne as feet in Kd! id characte by pial une, ene utes of ven, dling ‘omer vy an ceopatonaSecalzatin and peimive pectin te Dien Alogi nt socal esgnd mand soil aby ad on ty an sopprd spas population ow bt tla eve vin Apa Cry nthe to idol Initatve and hence to Inova, he em ‘eto etapa cans hat need roc) and stud popaton ‘oth tsar the aes Fs on exec Fores of Change “The mst mp anovaton a mira acral acces he satan fate couse proton fete clase wo-ouse lation of Mederancan ictonotsheny shed pow (ig) ole of mers at ae Tela anvaio tem ep nnatnteaesnd ei Tec wecoune ation wih ls we pated illo io sgn esau ey wed elem a ped he ih nd gy me of be Mederma Batt Peto Rone exten! w nese Eee Sted sew len ped Foun3-2. Thy wh pop Thi plo. cabo tig he dep am ‘ian cnn ih in fw ‘esos ip etn yes Bae te The Gal an aris Germanic tes pened ima on rer ‘tle; whom they planed el crops iy sed shan cng fo et ‘hegre mn ing ot econ son theo tee dele Te Roman ugh th hone oc ots a er owt leo pence te hey neha fren Europ; coeseqent they ‘vst snd oy hil with ade tal dingy ad idl thc ee. Tere more fori ss othe pais and valley "The exact lac and dae of gin fhe bay whl plow itil a mater for ete my have ened Gas the Fans, if 0 ot ely ed isk ogre aged mee roams thn ack rang. Hs we eg ‘Sherer oth danish oni oth coperie nate of Gtvaton inthe annem. ake he Tier, simpler Reman plow the ‘ose plow was capa of reking an wing the han clay a oasis toes Earp, wich made new resources halal se Tn the ater hte of woes Europe he rave yas of fow alos iste taco wer vmecesary Moro. te deeper sails cold ‘oe near pall on hi nates eel if he cops pated in them wee Sane. The tc stage of repartee ota cer in ath ‘imran oth ater rt fhe eighth cena: he besiege eleven “Sem ws wel pc hgh ets Earope- A pil ain sresavping cop rb, ssn psn crbens) whith woul behaves {thc smnr en auume sowing of beste the icp bea rs, ch ‘ould hares the flowing emma an ear of allow 1p este toh sa Ts an pater, bone hal any vations. cs ton a evr adtanage. The mot Fndamenal ws he Increned pty of he or nen hay of arabe aoe hid toe cul be plod in ond crop. Kalo pou are ie pr nifabor {capt theses calla hts plo eam seficen for 1 aes nero eure tation ould wok 10 aces dc hea tat, eating {rene pray of 30 pace ate othe rope scaly gown, The ie. eure ato, wi al an sing soving a sea ewok move) Ove theyeo:aluredeed hn of aie ath er of cop fe bse ‘say, wht recon plat the pein. Fl wih more and wale {orton eo ms pil node De nd re varied pln i ver Ahleetegsen maton Avareal ote peste hs cote en ed ‘wherever sian weather cndions wee avr he deve cen Has [ngs ne hough non Pace the Law Cotes, western Germany. and ‘ato Engl nthe Meieranean ea onthe er nls prance wos ‘enon the sea two cone ston eed in pene er fore ‘Sop shrine onary, gh eth the prowh of urn demand ep Silly nore aly. mach and isthe ny fete as nen over oa Ines catvaion of comme rps making genous we of ub mane lores wee tfc ua for plowing tte he et cory Party ths was “ater of cot hones were ore ctperiveta real once consume mee ens ed and wee dean he wl 0-0 fr bth Wate a aso Bacio ws alu on ult eo, foe he Mle Ape the ares orbs ws nae nach ay tht cats the ht interes tithing, ths edcing ts evens da anil, Sometime before Ie tents centr he col, esd ont hss sald, as ice in western Erope, roby fr Ana Su flea th fact of se ings was ao inodiced.topracliirhooses which were more este han the of een Themefr he te of horses dats or wing st uring prea bu witty rpncing nena fom Thee wa questo te ‘pk sprint he se was bth stomped fase than theo, On te ‘hrm cont more reed fd hss eure strstr ri) and teu, Contemporary author cles tht he ld ae ach on treo four oem Bucs te cfu es ech ott apo fore depended on aie econ kan a ws pata nde co ran ciceaas Fra tEgSMLRE etic) splot ens see a ‘il oot mst reas whee the twocue roto sarined tea of oo el mst he mow of th Alsieranson bs aio, the se th nt fe Plow a to he slic lng o kop the anally mpyed ad ‘Senlyprecve to make hi worth his hep. Tae, bane shay ws oninedosothem Franc, Fn, prt of Cerin aed Engh bt ed mpl replace suenenen nt ars (Hoes ne a ae in sts fe ‘mBiopeepecily Ran, bt ins erent yom fava an with same ‘ht sire rests Thess ack ft oe pert conmspeeenc eee The we of nes er plowing and the tse rut and hele plows Sie ‘fico, one est woe song the mt pdtv geal the Me Tn ation thee major inmvations, medieval erika exper nt finns nd ingronemcts Ava esa ow sores py a Provemens in mln was me plefl and cheaper in meal Ep ani the ancient Meera: ination tof se fv hgh sa and ‘aps found nts se npr implements at oly inte on et fing eae of wld plows pacing the ode tof Medenanen plows, ba so imsuch mpl an bon, ptsherks an especily ac Sli epg {rin were ied and he ste wasnt oct a The aro od {etre up cls, seth te sue ofthe wand somectinesave ee habon cn nancies deni as ingrowth on para we ‘arte wiespeal Th vale animal mar fo Feriing he il neon ow, bt mor ini treet re ool an come In diy the prac of martin (ing chalk rine othe si cena tei oer {alo Ks of i ache aston of pat ter In te thie th ey. uo mescaline che ofan mang wing er Stover pa and oer roger ln) we devised Hn ce ree te Fey ofthe soll Sue oguentptber with th se fv tp nd lover as oer rps ines raring an ence sry mang ae po ‘Stleointedaces our coune an even mare complet ens neon tesive clan ‘Oncca alo speak ofinovton nen othe cop grown and veak ned Aough th scene of ents wt fr in he fre, even snp peasants Ke ‘hy soul grow as ars te i cos, sep with ger wool by ce Facing, Orth course the Mle Apes number cope wre noe inno, ely ise an specially cata Rye whic eam he stad ‘ead ran rich of more an ester Eup, wasn ssc BOW, ‘ata acet is Mach he same cn if, val oa bare pow ‘ed eno, Pe, ean, lei ll reise grown eae are wily “ied an more cormon with he ste optics or elatio, ths o Sing more arian ld ts, Many aren ssa and rats rm “Mtteranean nd even faa Avia were esi i nen ars rove arts fe nts mere bine y thee fein. probe {yan Arbor Moorish wit. Pom Matin Spin and sutra Eo. eas Ime of ton, apa cae, i nd mtg whch ecame stale rp in ie Polley anew Ty. Mabry Woes nde ‘tug of sk wor lo cameo nr aly yw of mc an By anne ‘Slut Lacking bth oiver and wine, nth Bares ered 7 ae ‘cl fr ian hop for berth the growth fee indus, th dean for ‘Ned arson ander natural Jess incense al eon pe ‘Sls comply nthe pods poring toons ros tide. Nosngls explanation cx rhe cots vans eth echoes hd prota For soe rns the ination ay ve een merely oa ts own inorder the imate let ma to make mr ficient Ove eld scarcely chris mail agree bt ie peace ‘roth insta, eral or copa rap ieied eyed ‘roots ta uly Beef fom them. This cee Franson wae Diesiference betwee ncn nd mera acl, Sir th mcton ‘oem rope spsiaizacon nthe fdato oaths refed bath he exience ‘tices andthe silty of he salto to respond tthe, Wher ded orth dest consurpion of he cltters forsale wan consumes 4 ‘tera for poming nto hose cones ae indie Bh sing i Comes and moe verified camel of podctin an stn, Pence of ‘mic develepmant The most sing eters of development ower ase ‘roo population nts ensues he fier a the pel xp Son of European zation Burope Expands Numeral acura in etbising metal population i oto he question, bat ‘he pepulton of westem Europe at about 100. has ee usb estimated a 1 millon 15 milion pepe (For hs prone westeraEurape maybe eed 1 Contng of orthr Hay, Fate, Bena the Getta Feel Refi, Switzerland. he United Kingdon eld ond Denmark.) The pation of Che ‘an Faron ther tha te Byzantine Epic) hs eta the ao lf Norway Smee. of ster Earp, and he Chesan poplin he er San perl roby abut 18 on 20 ion (Tes gs py 2 ‘tcl ier ems foe west rope tas othe est of he oie fina precy the ar of manorial sonny spel rr aly nd porter ric, ht the popation doses wre rent, being te {seems ceniy the poplin wes Euope was poly betwen $3 mi tina 0 mio, nth of Earope swe btn al nd 7 malin I westem Euoe he growth ante atu alm ctl ont ree {ewer migration ftom wesc Eape andthe Congest coneron of wor ‘Chri pops pd ec he "Whit meee esti of sah ances in population? The material ‘uon ob wtal oplton an cance of cae than eth es, Irie ih ate nso the death rat fl th plato ows Pai viene from weve Burpe wel snopes a ote atone. peda rian societies Soget tht role ith and ath ates were in the cin of 38 {oO per thon pr year (Aino Soh at ofS sth thre were ve bio deaths dng the year foreach 00 pool alive at the mip ot he year) Harman ols estimate ha he pyslecal maim ih rate andr ‘hemos aversion, 500 5 ut in a sch igh tra arly eater Tce claim forthe deh tear of 1,00 wld tne eal deeracton othe poplin nt ne 230 chen 900 might seca or ry sort peri dr serfs or pcs oh ne fete ith at exceeds the death sy nl tes per thos —fo ean Tera of 38 or agains eth eo 8 er 37th ming rat of opin Incase wold bet pre per year which esis ope the roi pled byte exe give xc Ife asset be population o Europe was abe fling ef the th cetyl Baws the and seventh), ald ‘Scour evel te cordon th determined (eas the he ‘ral inte death)? The mos ily explanation heer mish ‘uae ore bl, and more varied fn sip. Dra fm igh a ‘ton sre ven ints pore counte su sdb sil Eee 1 well Rot an unlempurshed popaaion, whether tec of infil Catrina ran ealnced di, re siceptb tdhese ans ste oe ‘sede. The cen in pica peat eae fe ese taxon and eter improvement in arculua!ehraory cul ely acon fr & Sit ecient average death a, Wich ase for many ear, wo being abut seicant em poplation.Farhermore kth we ave a em idee for ithe average bth at may tae cen hy wel Wella ‘ed pret aes ily oar ety chien with ger chase of Ving the ats fancy and veal emo ecusanes ye ‘urapd ever manages hee longer eid Rea eri. ‘Oe faciors ay have en are tthe oth ppt, a thee ence fess compling slr wacaean pilage were ss itn and de. Ssaciv the seca oe would have nce th et a ity "howe in eon pation, Went itl shot meal rai ad tay habit draw ay coolio thf, the mance ad se ‘sap pew pity ses ae ionth ceniy pos amit ator tn vucing the death nite. The clint in narra Eup aga hae toad stglytewoon te tnh ad fouronh css, tut if ote iataence his ‘hangs woul hve heen fet manly though gree greta prc. In Sor is he art we sul nen jor imgrtance ering Be {roof oplcon, ad inprovemens in arc chcogy were ly Sponsor is Ho dhe rend ppsin dt isl, an in wt ies pre ‘ied ters di enage? Thre as abel ae pte ne "in popu we wil tur is poplton and itso: Baal acon fhe nl poplin, sty le han als sey he sowing ‘owns. Moc te ger art esis in agricul, siting itn al ‘ways Fina, the avenge denny of ese stlement nsec. New hd was {een cent nd epithe ft a ofthe fen sentry te erage Szof pos msredved sore ilies hal ofind place st they hn sated Stood and more pat frmetly id and use and as cated. AL ‘he beginng ofthe th coma Wiles in northwestern Europe and even me {ern and ea) were wily seater, With age ct ogi est ‘waslan netwolf of rts at recamton o hat {ved in by Earpea coli n Ameria ter entre, man md o ing {fee Landen cuitaton Asia fot was anerakn organ pean. {rom he ea Pans, Zzld af Helland Most of thes oslraton eet. ‘ere made ath eaton. rien th the pemastn, pet ds nw ‘Shins he ane yt trac neler for he dae wk fling Su recumatin, the ods were equal obliged to renounce the pose of ‘este anand labs oh tr Th tetas Bea et "The movement 1 ce ores and ek arses an ther wastelands was: couraged ant diely sisted by sevral eins orders, tah the Cirlan ‘nf mony, Foden leven cetry. the Cheats lowed lipo exe ct, hard work nl Wha om he worl. Tey e {abla heirabeys inthe wiloscs ander ther ens to mang tho ‘ically ron niting pesos iy thers oat wth ie Wor, Ur Aertel of Barada St Berard, wha one dri 2 ‘sw ptr hues pelted hgh ance, German a EnglanBy 1153 ‘Til of 28 caper angel erp othe Yorks was Slane Ply, European elton expand gengrpically tacoma it ae sunbers he pal icrpraton of Stina nt European coca td copy ia dle! ater hea didnt nels 9 migration of pope nos feced posi of Earp tts, We can also regard the Norn rest ‘fla na dexic mater sag Earp he vas ect as h ‘hess of th san onl and ly fn the Mostn, he Dron ach ‘Owen of Geman ers ncn Bap, un east of al the ets ‘high rank dete Malas oh othe Pyrenees in he ight ce up, ad few miniscule Christan Ringold at in he motnanos ater ‘epotefrmoethan 00 ys laa zation ocd epee Fao he eri pein The Mash mainly Mos inhi we kl toe sysem and ade soe Spa one of he won posers aes of Europe ‘Tecan Cordova, asthe lest tin arope wes of Consatinpe s ‘le om he ancient word ote emerging cvizin of Ee "The Cian econgunt of he pena pt oer anes i the th ety copie withthe rool Eoopemppeltion aby thence. {tyne ofthe pela wasn Chistian han The retonguce ook on 3 ‘Sang character a many fhe nh ok pat ae fo orth he Frrenen The inglom Pot ores wa crested y Bape kits ‘Tosuppethem ad see the wasted tert tenga rea nore {arr etorged he mittn of thers an tne o apa he ‘manorial system The toa ance of eri leet fo that ‘ten France, was tt hsp ths nna however: aeons were Inc ut heen ea a yy ht va es cn than ‘hers mania or cme Mochrie whieh Fe CaN op ‘dion was abe o maaan Inthe ater of helen ct when the Cit song of Spin an Pera wasn al sing and De Wilia of Normand accent aed tir cmb King of Ena ter Nan wart dodo ao Sic {nd wer emg fo the Minis: fre wax cone th Mas Ti Sih been port othe Byrantine ce tsi cost ye Nera wowed a nent ano te Warns. Fors ine ier scams with its medley of Grek Ars, an Norma clement sts om othe ‘ot prnpros rin Eope, Norma rm Sia wes nth ly Pera the most striking cident ofthe co ty of eval Eaope asthe German epansin so what om Plan, Cech Hong, Ro in ty Sai tribs employing pte arcuate song wah ban Inga pater, Aris al bon at of Charest nh th ‘ory invading Magyar conquered pig it 9055 Geman foes deisel ‘tet he Magyar afer which he at ete down the cena Hangin sm and Asis was ctl y coon rom Bavaria German vse 90 Sequel convened be Hungarians an western Sa he Roman chee he {German Holy Roman cnperors user tc uoveriny over mich of eae Ea ‘ope Ao the mill of helen cet —tht sot bande eas ar ‘He bepaing ofthe demas uping the Went German ons ean ‘rating catarl acrns he Elbe Rive so wt became estar Geary, ‘eng oe dpacng the native Wen (Slav) poplin tthe flog cen ty aferthe devastation wrought yom Menai th ras andthe hc a ‘ung and Plan ited Garman sees in th tar, ranting hen a. ‘ous mmiesadallowing tem ving thei own eal accom sao. ily in te hte cette Teton Knights wee charged with conging, CCrstansing (nd ice Germann) desl pga a of Ps uc The clin hy vant rein was accompa in seer ways bt mich itive ardent oem a econo puting India called wet, ‘shox incon a lite at fs mars el ete develop mae cont ‘ri guano or eal alr ex lage roo ages pe ps tow. They thn toured the mae advanced, densely Stl pars of Eu ‘special wera Garay a the Low Cours torr cloms, For set. Holland and Fades who had experience In ding and ling were preteed ‘Whore fore hao be le or land elated, poss om Westalia and Sony remit. Tow ling sane a er were ao eed. ‘te clnzton las evsaged moony pret gira stereo retort mart towne Terral ster rot with hehe aril fro Serato and th me ance prices hat men with Ret Ineo teh ney an ing pues tobe lod sal after he apse of ‘snp numberof ea wh ty ma han pete) at he al ore land fewerburens and pate role tha te repos ro wich they came Lessors ws ese ger llmers flan thn cet esas seis they st dom andes eadnin te village ey ena bt ee hey sld ih and melon to epee proces Religws nes filly the Ciera nd of couse he Tene Kaighs, were aso ved ia expat ‘Soo. The Tee Kips funded manera owns and cis, cling Rig, Mel ad Koieters and engaged hemes crea mie ‘Ths overcomes ofthis json maybe samme vp asa iftson ‘of more advanced ecology, pica cen in poplin hgh atl tdaninersicatonof namic ati Asean the mit th teeth er ‘ty gan wa en hipped rom Bren the Law Canis nd Elan vin Dlr ot only of ain but oo maa se der vw mat Fly {gh incomouence gre pond th purely conomi phe he Gea “The Coes hehe Geran ps othe Esc mt ell ina pres svorppic expansion of Earopesn civilization; he cataton ws mere comple, Pope Uta aoc th fsa ia 1085, gve soe of ies Es rope overppeltio” and witht th italy 2 owing ppulina pe ‘sien Barca woul! have been abe tomtom mliry mcd ‘sonomicetote Crises represen, Sigficaly theca ered ih {he lng sear epson ofthe fare cnt its rowing ono ‘dei pie or areas undertake he Cra, ever the aera It th roof tae and puto, Not only wa exer onan and ‘ply the eoaing ais, ut tonpsy ingests by Chris in he esc Medieranea opened up se sourcs of spy and ne markt fr West mer chats snot, wa one lee hat the Cras wee espn ‘ive haley oesued forth Cras Bega at ey ee Init sled os exten ad cota gt ‘The Revival of Urban Life “Te tan popition ad pun wo deci even el teal of Roe: Ds he ‘Gey Mie Ages a morber Euope my an ts were aloe aot: Saher remained slow sels hosing ew ay ores iis {irene They doth apes rhe edly suru ‘Guy eel rom the own eter. Lang-dtance ae wat cofned Trl 1 xy oo incding aves destined For he cours fh wd pose full bt sca al egos gent were foreign Syrians and Jens, who were sane peal prec an pases y the easter Tay abough he tes seed an shank rng he ens of inason an pil: the tan ton ingered. Htor th ever centy Hain pole, ‘tml ndeconom cont ith he By anne Ep (ander th seven cn. ta. wih anc vlzaton) were asst as song han thos Wt ate opin cites were hn in = pont ct tris tee Ie ‘rehire sianed Eade oor sndbackvrd Wes posta om WB "hy poi bey and ewes. Amal, Naples, Gata ante pets leah outer al penis, whch ataine tpi aio Consainpl at wre uy in a to nly peed sp ‘ulaton, were the principal err een the sich an ith ener. ie cally fed othe ea and martin tae bythe Ltd inva of thes em, wie ito om is agra nr desoped py br earpPan and Genoa were str foed theses defend themselves "aint Ml adr inthe enh ceny he cuneratack wos masse a they soo fond tems in corm ofthe eire wer Noes, ‘Uti roman inthe pet ies bt Was ot cefoed Y he rlog “Toc Lanta Toc pine omed te mata meron of Venice, Geos, and Pty mee lo mon the mt fer gc eins fst on, ‘hang to ie ance ut leno Rome With he nese of ical po ‘oc ad te roth poplin these, many pests gto theuan centers oldandnen.wherethey tk apne occpuin comic nd Indo Min ashe outage Lary, Pence Ts bu ‘ere werner, salle a uly sting (P33, The inert be ‘ecto and coum nantes. The ant pie the tls poplin rope tens bt coe tee the ew tun tants provided ger marl feet produce of the cou Use te pressure of make faces he manorial 5 tem, deg for ra sistency, Nopant ster. As ety a th ah erry eat abr services were ei pled hy one rents: sty fev Feudal lads opal th demesne land comercial farmer The tpn els ofthe monoral sm wre broken op, coc an sje ‘hele ue nelving gan ad hey waning any of he Dew 5-3. Chyna 2 ‘wail emp ee wt dle vi pd ia ter feeb ancl tnd tm a a {ASW hae see he ors fhe ely em mae w poison pope Some ins and ter ret el st tet ene oe oe batt exigenis furan goverment be demand ef rca sds ot omens by ter fea sect a ahve the ptr wey et of ‘ics i easly inthe el racy cts a cote hig are succulents ted ote. ometines th he eer Secling er soca nbs mghtauscgne nae oa een ey te wh i hy ome vay sua te fo ep tar ‘enorme eal cout nie te velty socio tec ot oe ee calls comes hy bargin with hee eal veo oe hanes of rsd c fought he rhe ej Axara USS Mian won ee ‘Bm forc fs, In aly, moreover, nie the pars f Fare, the ees ‘tot song eno ese te power oc ered) sarong coh ‘Prism oe Gc Rowan i.e of eet cation Am otal teh of th Titer nthe eet etary eens os whos lesa i fhe omnes In 117 eau of Lombard cies deed he aris Ihe Emperor Fer arbre cof tr oso and indepen ewe in Europe ban development began at ad as ess ine tan in sorter yo tl tes rent Lo Course Rel, a {cats tore Franc, Provence sn Catan hots Gea nd ‘lsc Eau ven ui iw plan withthe ithe wees With ow ‘explo thy neve erasers consented athe estes aor ty Soveat hy dant suseed to cry th sane extent n wining aonomy oi ‘pendence el rites Ate endothe hon ceiry, when Ni fia poplton of ome 200, he populais of Ven, Fleenc, r Geod ich weeded 1000, stn of eral te ain ts ped om 2.000 {0 S000, fw cies in wotbem Europe could each the ier Fie ar whic ‘Sit the tins ftp ase get our commer and fas ow al mney cy ve equa Nia sh popula, thos sme dats population encoded S000 As teas 137 the ppt of aml way aes tn 35.00 4 00 nd st of Coop, by are ares ‘hy Germany, was ou he ae te only eon ht could once with ort yn er of ran deve pent asthe other iw Cane expsily ann an ra ANN ‘Ghent esc acl shat 0,0 nbn ah ening theo teenthcentary tc hn polation 8 bole may fave costed aoa one id ‘te al, spyoniately th sae in oto ly Thre are erie 1S well Nov ony de thet wo ss ve he Ingest poplin tht ‘cl eis wares he pete nope To ict was the mast ‘anced an ire a th conte he st inporant commer and ins ‘iat ceters The gueston tray hen move ois ad wh 0 cm tnewe and indy cane hte bo ple fo th on he lao id the ‘Soc ftom ae, nth cept crave makes mals he ‘tvntrst per pron ata dt? Terecan be dite aber tothisques undone, re were exiles Bat theft tha ‘Sua wavy mores a race inthe nt towns and hs than nthe open Sumy opsots a npoianrolfer ban ean td ma Keni refs never io comsiger the develope td me fhe he ‘neha in rater Jal Commercial Currents and Tebniques “The mos peng and potable ae was no dot ht which snd he oomerci eval etwesh inane Lov Even ele the ns ae ‘hiro, tee ad een use by Este mecha bringing My 2008 w0 ‘Wiser outs Ate ths Tian ook carps nary gos spices rm a a est 1th Moluccas sk an prcelaf China ead fom the Byrne Em pir pesos stoner, eter gone dominate vent omen ‘es br natn tee wee sch uly soos as alr fom Asia Minoan exon rom Sy In tbe oposte deton wet common cl of wool sd =m {er rr norte Europe, malware rm cots Ep a Lory a het "fom Venice. The Vedas tad wad wie Byzantine pi om he ey fe innings of hi str. bt ty sect a faire place the ter part 0 the “event contr in tr for dai the Sl Trav esl, hyd ite acest al prs of the emp without payment of cots des ahr lates preg a aed eves othe emp owe meta “Meanwle Geno and Ps, Rving ven he Muli ro Co Sa “tina descendadon th stamgol a North Ais ltd andes ‘eval favorable esr ton tig and merchants Sobnegcny Geman de fend Ps for andapted maser ofthe western Modierancan and balled ence for cont othe Eat During th rasa tein ces cone inva iesied the pesctaton of be Levan ey extn son nd ‘specials epelives fom Alena log the Pasa bd Sin cas, esa Minor Gres te suture of Constantinople, al rnd te sso fs Black Sarthe Cet hzond. Genes ship tlton otc aed ‘he Casi Sea al Pesin Gel Theil fe king of ese an eal ‘ref the Canasta the lian poston inthe Eten l= ns made wes wih vas and Tt ed cote “bee ‘specie extension f the Est tae hat wre om hemi ‘hineatho the miourconth etary was that with Chin During ht peti the ‘Mongol Emp. the most extensive lab! emp themed as ever see sce ‘ro Hungary and Poland Yo the Pacifl- The Mongol ale spate of th se ‘ptations weaned Chesian minnie and Weser ae Agi alas ltt th rade. wih exten in Peking ther Chien ty wel a ‘da Merhansanobeoks desi the erates ove ough Taken, “te rai” Pas ys hgh he In Osean get eta an gave wef hin 1 wht meta woud be demand Mars Pos c= ut of hi ventas wan one othe isthe seen Europe "Ah ther nf the Meierancan tae wae a Wicd pcs ete any pod ote Esty ef core bu te important es the Tens wer tet grainsupis rom Sy. Tal wa argu ow exc ines sf wara backade, pce fe the vl fh ii ce lan cas In a ‘hon ter eriay commis ich tt dried eh, neo chee sd de fruits moved om eos pied poucton or tempera sup 0 hee ‘thc or temporary Jefe In spit othe lave) slow communeatins ‘et merchants ad athe mrt sat kh ecive demand cd mt po et se foro. Alieh te peat ain pts dominated hs tae lo hy shared it mor ress wily, with Catalan Spanish, Povey, Nabe, ad een Matias oe Fi'3). “Theorem sesh es busy thn the Meiteranan pew steal ini i : i |: i é portncin the Mii As. eh cy Me Aesth Fins a cn sh prin Sil care fhe slendr ome of tale he Nh Ses case sl wp th states Aste atc ame mere promt ey wer ase th San Sivan atin rN Ags eB Ge ing cermin the Hama aay cy lhe Hest Legh ae eo ooh asl No “The Hath nly ns 20 ado, ws fr sleet hat fh Lng of Dew sethantes mary yrs rma capers ‘enn Geman mechan nici Woe ope te maa" tan unten” ich pdm tba rnc rman ean ‘wel eas al since ting nes Inbando e“Sxant Sue sibs aman ncaa som hse oat an overt scary 18, Sar aa col etd Brg n Bergen, Norway. Vidya ean Gland tee nt aac wel a nth tang yo Novgorain Rawe Rig Mel nd Dini sng ier wero Goan ts cashed econ inde Ticino cr pinnae on ee commer proce y Gono nib Ba rnd oe ing i ing acne Noha “Arent teeth cet pal eto proton wo tec ing det fal Sy, Te mt fase es ‘issn wine wth sealant th Pes wen Shy dpc sly on opt wen Engh an te Balan icone inreninghy vps sone po th ih wh Law Goures Farrah nage Pc sgl tp gh en ne orth ting wir lid fa Mile for ie a anspor eel me expen an ant y wae ‘his wnt nancon peur ac fr hte eed he ier cousin cg were tened Taso rth epee of scan pr te nas Tete ic As cso wane {at excepont in thea ts marty ad oto Europe ee Sil has eer al wth Germany ah LCase Btn ‘ncn sip Sensational ger he ate oh Sentech ohne sev spac ne sth coy hen tober Medora th Nth Ses hardly Peta Forts enan tr eat Api pes (emer Stal. Sino Beran Me Conic and ho) wet ne hey alice ton he Seo ‘Giri pte coo aus Fa nd ta ose ld thre psd pt en nde an grove th tn fo hh ey charge aah comp of ae te Lop the ese, SBE evel Regs babes ey ton ee ees of Shek S Bora dp tht cass bay seth tales. 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