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New Approach to High School


Grade 9-12

Practice Multiple Choice Examination

More than 300 items

Ahmed Buseri (Asst. Prof.)

Dedicated to my Daughter Fileber Ahmed

January 2010
Bale Robe, Ethiopia
University Entrance- Mathematics (A.B) Mathematics for Grade 9-12

1. For any two sets A and B, ( A  B) is equal to

A. B/A C. A

B. B D. A/B

2. If A= [-1, 1] and B= [-2, 0), the A/B is equal to

A. (-1, 0] C. (0, 1]

B. [0, 1] D. [-1, 0]

3. If A  B   1, 0, 1and B  C  2,  1, 0, then B   A  C  is equal to:

A. 0,  1 C. 0,  1, 2

B.  1, 0, 1 D.  1, 0, 1, 2

4. Let A  d , e, ef  . Which of the following statement is true about A?

A. ef   A C. ef   A

B.  f   A D. e  A

5. Let A  1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3 and B  1, 2,1, 2, 3, 2, 3, then which

of the following statements is true?

A. A/ B has only one element C. A  B  1, 2

B. 1, 2, 3 B D. 1, 3  A

6. For sets A , B and C, if AUC  x : x  Q,2  x  4 and

B  C  x  Q : 1  x  5, then what is  A  B  C ?

A. x  Q : 1  x  5 C. x  Q : 1  x  4
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B. x  Q : 1  x  4 D. x  Q : 1  x  5

7. In a certain school, there are 500 students. The numbers of members of

Mathematics and Physics clubs are 100 and 180 respectively. If 42

students are members of both clubs, what is the number of students that

are neither members of Mathematics club nor members of Physics club?

A. 304 C. 220

B. 395 D. 262

8. Which of the following sets is finite?

A. { x : x is integer less than 10}

B. { x : x is a real number between 0.5 and 0.6}

C. { x : x is a rational number between ½ and 1/3}

D. { x : x is a whole number less than 10, 000}

9. Given sets A and B such that A = {1,{1, 2}} and B= {2, {1, 2}}.

Then what is AB ?

A. {1, 2} C. 

B. {{1, 2}} D. {1, 2, {1,2}}

10. If ( A / B)  B  A , which of the following is always true?

A. B    C. B  A

B. A  B D. A  B

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11. If A  B  1,2, A  B  1,2,3,4,5, then the symmetric difference of A and

B is equal to:

A. 1,2,3,4,5 C. 1,2

B. 3,4,5 D. 1,3,5

12. For any sets A and B, which of the following is NOT true?

A. ( A / B)  ( A  B)  A C. ( A / B)  ( B / A)  ( A  B) /( A  B)

B. A /( A  B )  A / B D. A  ( B / A)  A

13. The number of subsets of the set {x: x is an even integer and  1  x  3 } is

A. 32 C. 4

B. 8 D. 2

14. Let A  1, 2,3,3 and B  

1 , 3,2,3, then B / A is equal to

A. 
1 , 3,2 C. 3,2

B. 1 D. 

15. In a given universal set  , let A and B be sets. The simplified form of

( A  B)  ( A  B ) is:

A. A  B C. 

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B. A  B D. 

16. Let A, B and C be sets such that A  C   and B  C. Then A( B / C ) is

equal to

A. A  B C. B

B. A  C D. A

17. In a class of 50 students, 15 play foot ball only, 10 play both football and

basket ball and 5 play neither football nor basket ball. How many

students play basket ball?

A. 25 C. 20

B. 30 D. 10

18. For any sets A and B, which of the following is NOT true?

A. A  ( B / A)  A C. ( A / B)  ( B / A)  ( A  B) /( A  B)

B. ( A / B)  ( A  B)  A D. None of the above

19. If A   2,1,0,1,2 and B  ( x, y) : x  A, y  Aandx  y  A, then of the

following is NOT true?

A. If x  A , then ( x, x)  B C. If ( x, y )  B , then ( y, x)  B

B. If x  A and y  A , then ( x, y )  B D. If ( x, y )  B , then y  x  A

20. If A  B and B  C for sets A, B and C, which of the following is

necessarily true?

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A. A  C  C. B  ( A  C )  

B. A  C  D. A  C  

21. If A is the subset of B, then which of the following is always true?

A. A  B  A C. A / B  

B. A  B   B  D. A  B  B

22. Suppose A, B and C are sets such that A  B  C with

C  0, 1, 2, . . ., 9, C  B  2, 3, 5, 7and A  0, 4, 8.

Then which of the following is true?

A. B contains exactly six elements

B. C  A =The set of one digit odd integers

C. Every element of B  A is an even integer

D. Every element of C  A is prime

23. Out of 85 football players 20 play neither the national team nor the major

clubs. If 30 of the players play for the national team and 15 play for both

the national team and major clubs. What is the number of players

playing for the major clubs?

A.25 C. 45

B. 40 D. 65

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24. If A={ x : x is a non-negative integer and x 3  x }, then the number of

proper subsets of A is:-

A. 3 C. 1

B. 7 D. 4

25. On the set of integers Z, let  be the binary operation defined by

a  b  a  b  2 . Which of the following is true about the operation  ?

A.  is a non-commutative binary operation

B. 0 is the identity element of Z with respect to 

C. -3 is the inverse of 7 with respect to 

D. (1  3)  (3  1) = 4

26. The operation  on the set s  a, b, cis defined as shown by the table

below. Which of the following is NOT true about  ?

 a b c
a c b a
b a c b
c a b c

A. b  c =c  b

B. (a  b)  c = (b  c)

C. Every element of S is the inverse of itself with respect to 

D.  is commutative

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27. Which of the following statement is NOT true about binary operation 

defined on the set of rational numbers as a  b =2a + 2b-1?

A.  is commutative C.  is associative

B. 3  5 = (-2)  10 D. There is no identity element for 

28. For a  Q and b  Q each of the following are associative binary

operations on Q EXCEPT:

A. a  b  2b  1 C. a  b  a  b  1

B. a  b  3ab D. a  b  ab

29. Let the operation  and  be defined on the set of real numbers by:

a b  and ab  (3a  b) 2 . What is the value of (2  6)(4  2) ?

A. 8 C. 169

B. 376 D. 121

30. The operation  on the set a, b, c is defined as shown in the adjacent

table. Which of the following is not true?

 a b c
a a b c
b b c a
c c a b

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A. a is the identity element for the operation 

B. b is the inverse of itself

C.  is a binary operation on a, b, c

D. The operation  is commutative

31. Let  be a binary operation defined on the set S  a, b, cby the table

given below. Which of the following is a correct statement about  ?

 a b c
a c b a
b c a b
c a b c

A. S has no identity element with respect to 

B.  is commutative

C. b is the inverse of a

D. a is the inverse of c

5 4( x  3) x 2( x  1)
32. What is the solution set of    ?
3 3 3 3

1 
A.   C. 5
5 

1 
B. 3 D.  

33. Which of the following is the solutions et of the equation

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xx  1  5x  x2x  1  x  1x  2 ?

1  1 
A.   C.  
3 2

 1  1
B.   D.  
 3  2

6  4x 2x  4
34. Which of the following inequalities is equivalent to   1 x ?
5 4

A. x  C. 4  6x  20  20x

B. x  D.  6x  20x  14

35. If x  2 , then which of the following is rational number?

x (x ) x3
2 3
A. 3

1 1
4 2 3 2
x (x ) (x )
B. 5
x x4

( x 2 y 2 ) 1  (3 xy) 2
36. Which of the following is equal to ?
2 33  2 ( xy  2  x  2 y )

1 1
A. C. 
x  y3
x  y3

9 8
B. D.
2( x  y 3 )
9( x  y 3 )

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37. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. 1.5  0.5  C. 0.4  0.2  0.08

B. 0.6  0.6 4 D. 4.6  2.3  2.3

38. If a  1.323323332... ; b  0.101101110... and  27 , then what is the
ac  bc

value of c ?

1 33
A. C.
33 100

B. 0.3 D. None of the above

39. The simplified form of 11  2 30 is:

A. 6 5 C. 6 5

B. 5 6 D. None of the above

40. Which of the following is an irrational number between 0.04 and 0.05?

32 2 1
A. C.
100 10

3 1
B. 0.045 D.

a c
41. If and are two equivalent rational numbers, such that a, b, c, d  0 ,
b d

then which of the following is NOT necessarily true?

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a c
A.  1 C. ad  bc
b d

B. ac  bd D. None of the above

42. If x is a real number, which of the following is necessarily true?

A. x3  x x C. 3
x 2 3 x3  x

B. 3
x3 x6  x 2 D. 3
x6  x

43. Which of the following expressions is a perfect square?

A. ( x  1) 2  ( x  1) 2  x 2  1 C. ( x  1) 2  ( x  1) 2  2 x 2  2

B. ( x  1) 2  ( x  1) 2  2 x 2 D. ( x  1) 2  ( x  1) 2

44. Which of the following is NOT true?

1 2
A. 1. 0 3  1.00 3 C. 
5 11

3 5
B.   D. 6.05  6.05
4 7

45. Let a, b, and c be real number, then which of the following is

necessarily true?

A. For each a   , there is b   such that ab  1.

B. If a  b and c  0 , then ac  bc

C. If ac  bc , then a  b

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D. If a is a rational number and b is an irrational number then

ab is an irrational number.

46. Let a, x, y be real numbers, a  0 , and p be a natural number. If

x  a p  a  p and y  a p  a  p , then which of the following is true?

A. x 2  y 2  4a p C. x 2  y 2  2a p

B. x 2  y 2  4 D. x 2  y 2  2 E. None of the above

47. Which of the following name can correctly be applied to the function

f ( x)  x 2 ?

A. Constant function C. Linear function

B. Absolute value function D. Quadratic function

2 5
48. Which of the following is equal to
2 5

A. 2 C.  9  4 5

B. -9 D. 9  4 5

49. Which of the following is a rational number?

2 5 5
A.  20 C.  2  

B. ( 3  2)  (2  3 ) D. (1  7 ) 2  (1  7 ) 2

50. Which of the following expressions is NOT a perfect square?

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A. (m  1) 2  2n(m  1)  n 2 C.  x 2  3 x  3

2 1
B. 25b 2  60ab  9a 2 D. y 2  y
3 9

51. The range of the function is f ( x)  4 x 2  2 x  1 ?

5 1
A. (, ) C. (, )
4 4

5 1
B. ( , ) D. ( , )
4 4

 a 1 a  a 1
52. The simplest form of    is
 a 1 a  1 a 1

a 1
A. C. 1
1 a

B. D. -1
a 1

53. What is the factor form of x 5  x 4  6x 3 ?

A. x 2 x 2  x  6 C. x 3 x  2x  3

B. x 3 x 2  x  6 D. x 3 x  2x  3

54. For any real number a , which of the following is always true?

(a  1) 3 4  ( 2a ) 2
A.  a 2  2a  1 C. 4
a 1 a2 1

 1
B. a 0  1 D. a 2


55. If a   , then the simplified form of 3

125 20a 2 is

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A. 10 a C. 10 5 a

B. 10a D. 10 5a

56. The simplified form of x when x  0,1 is:

1 1
A. C.
x 1 x 1

1 1
B. D.
1 x x 1

2 3 3 2
57. When Simplified is equal to
2 3

A. 6 C. 5

B. 5 6 D.  6

5 2
58. When the denominator of is rationalized it gives:
5 2

3  2 10 3  2 10
A. C.
3 3

7  2 10 7  2 10
B. D.
3 3

59. When the quotient 9.3  10 5   3  10 2  is written in standard notation it

will be

A. 3.1  10 7 C. 3.1  10 3

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B. 3.1  10 3 D. 3.1  10 7

60. When  pq  yx 2   px  qy 2 is factorized, the result is

A.  pq  xy pq  xy C.  px  qy  px  qy 

B.  p 2  y 2 q 2  x 2  D.  p 2  y 2 q 2  x 2 

61. The simplified form of  126 is equal to:
7 2 2

A. 4 1  14  C.  2  3 14

B. 2 2  14  D. 2 14  4

62. Which of the following is possible value of z for which 4 x 2  12 3x  z 2 , is

a perfect square?

A. 6 3 C. 27

B. 3 3 D. 2 3

52 3 1
63. If x  , then x  is equal to
52 3 x

13 5 3
A. C.
27  20 3 26 3

6 74
B. D.
17 13

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64. If a and b are real numbers such that a  b  0 , then which of the

following is true?

A. a 2  ab  a 2 C. 0  1

ab b
B. b  0 D. 1
2 a

2 3 3
65. Which of the following numbers is equal to  ?
3 2 3 2

A. 3 C.
2 3

B. 3  6 D. 3  3 6

66. Which of the following is an irrational number?

A. ( 3  2 ) 2  2 6 C. 3.020020002

B. 4 8 D. ( 2  3 2 )(3 2  2 )

67. Which of the following statements about numbers is true?

A. The product of two prime numbers is odd.

B. For a positive integers x, if x is not an integer, then x can be a

rational number.

C. The product of two irrational numbers is irrational.

D. The product of a rational and an irrational number can be rational

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 343 y 6
68. Which of the following is equal to 0.01 2 3

7y2 7y2
A.  C. 
10 100

7 10 y 2
B.  7 y 2 D. 

ab a 2ab
69. For a  b ,   2 is equal to
a  b b  a a  b2

b b
A. C.
ab ab

B. D. None of the above

70. If a and b are non-zero real numbers such that a  b  c , then which of

the following is always true?

A. ab  c C. a  c

a ab bc
B. c D. 
b 2 2

71. Which of the following sets does not represent the set of all real numbers?

A. The set of all non-terminating, repeating decimals

B. The set of all decimal numbers

C. The set of rational or irrational numbers

D. B and C

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a c
72. If a , b , c and d are integers such that b  0 , d  0 ,  , then which of
b d

a c 
the following is necessarily in the interval  ,  ?
b d 

ad  bc ad  bc
A. C.
bd 2bd

cd ac
B. D.
bd 2db

73. If u and v are real numbers and u  v  0 , then what is the simplified form

u  v u 2  2uv  v 2
of ?
uv u2  v2

A. u  v C. 1

B. D. u  v

74. Which of the following is not a perfect square?

A. a 2  4ab  4b 2 C. (a  2) 2  8a

B. a 2  2a  2 D. a 4  6a 2  9

75. If x and y are real numbers such that x  y , then what is the simplified

x3  y3 x 2  xy  y 2
form of  2 ?
x y x  2 xy  y 2

A. ( x  y ) 2 C. x 2  y 2

1 1
B. D.
( x  y) 2 x y

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76. The expression 3

343  28 is equal to

A. 14 C. 7 2

B. 7 D. 14

77. For a  b  0 , let x  a  b and y  a  b . Which of the following is

x2 y2  ax2 y
equal to ?
x2  y

A. a  b C. a  b

B. a  b  2 ab  a D.

78. What is simple name for ( y 3  2 y 2  y  2)  ( y  2) ; y  2 ?

A. ( y  1) 2 C. ( y  2)( y 2  1)

B. y 2  1 D. ( y  1)( y  2)

2 2
 1  1
79. What is the simplified form  x     x   ; x  0 ?
 x  x

A. x 2  C. 4x

B. 4 D. x 

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1 1

1 x y 1
80. If x  2 and y  , then  is equal to
3 y 1 3y
1 
x y x

A.  C.  1

6 6
B.  D.
5 5

81. Which of the following is true?

3.6  0.125 6
A.  75 C.  2.16  1
0.025  0.24 13

B. 1.456  10 2  0.1456 D. 0.45  0.4 5

82. Which of the following is the solution set of the inequality 2x  5  2 ?

 3 3 
A.   ,    ,   C. 
 2 2 

 7 3 
B.  D.   ,    ,  
 2 2 

 3x  0.5 y  6
83. What is the solution set of the system of equation? 
 2 x  y  4  2 y

A. (1,6) C. (1,6)

B. (2,0) D. (6,1)

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84. Let Q be the set of rational numbers

Z be the set of integers and

S be the set of irrational numbers.

x 
Let t  S such that t  Z . If for any real numbers x, w    t  , then

t 

which of the following is NOT true?

A. If x  Q , then w  Q C. If x  Z , then w  Q

B. If w S , then x  S D. If x  Z , then t 2 w  Z

85. The solution set of the inequality 2  5x  7 is

9 9
A. (,1)  ( , ) C. ( , )
5 5

9 9
B. (1, ) D. (, )  (1, )
5 5

86. The solution set of the inequality 3  1  2x  7 is:

A. (,3) C. [3,1)

B. (1, ) D. (1,3]

87. The solution set of the inequality y  3  1 is:

A.  3,0 C.  4,3

B.  ,2   2,  D.  4,2

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3 x  ay  7

88. If the simultaneous equation  has exactly one solution, then
2 x  5 y  b

which of the following is true about the values of a and b ?

A. a  and b is any real number

B. a  and b is any real number

C. a  and b  7 only

D. a  and b  7 only.

89. Suppose that a and b are constants, and (3, -1) is a solution of the system

ax  by  16
of equations  The value of a is equal to
 bx  3 y  0

A. -1 C. 5

B. -9 D. 1

90. The solution set of  6  11x  3  3 is

 9   9 6
A.  x :   x  0 C.  x :  x 
 11   11 11

 9 6  9 
B.  x :  x  D.  x :   x  0
 11 11  11 

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91. Entrance tickets for a theatre cost 3 Birr for adults and 2 Birr for children.

If a family purchased 7 tickets for a total of cost 18Birr, how many

children were there?

A. 2 C. 5

B. 4 D. 3

92. The solution set of the inequality 2x  1  5 is:

A.  / (-2, 3) C.  /  2,3

B. [-2, 3] D.  2,3

93. The solution set of the inequality

2 x  5  3  4 x is
2 3

3 3
A. ( , ) C. (, )
2 2

9 9
B. (, ) D. ( , )
2 2

 x  ky  5
94. If the system of equations  has no solution, then the value of
2 x  y  9

k is:

A. 2 C.

B. -2 D. 

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95. If 5 p  3q  4 and 3 p  2q  10 , then p  q is equal to

A. -4 C. 4

B. D. 0

x y x y
96. If the equation     2 z     z is solved for z provided that
y z   y x  

xy  0 , then z is equal to:

 2 x  y  x y
A. C.
x x y

y y x y
B. D.
x y x y

97. If a, b, and c represent three different digits from 1 to 9 then what is

the greatest possible value of ?

A. 2 C. 1

B. 3 D. None of the above

98. If 6 more than one-half of a number is two-thirds the number, then what

is the number?

A. 18 C. 24

B. 36 D. There is such a number

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99. Meron bought 7 pens and 10 pencil for 22 Birr and Seada bought, similar

10 pens and 5 pencils for 17 Birr and 50 cents from the same shop. What

are the respective price of a pen and a pencil in Birr?

A. 1.10 and 1.40 C. 1.50 and 0.50

B. 1.00 and 1.50 D. 1.40 and 1.22

100. What is the solution set of x  2  2  1 ?

A. 2 2  1,1  
C. 1  2 2 ,1 

B. 2 2  1,1  
D. 2 2 ,1 
x y z x y
101. If   , then what is the value of ?
3 3 10 4x  z

1 5
A. C.
2 3

B. 7 D. 4

102. Three pencils and 2 rubbers cost 40 cents, and 2 pencils and 5

rubbers cost 67 cents. What is the cost of one pencil?

A. 11 cents C. 6 cents

B. 10 cents D. 5 cents

103. Which of the following is the truth set of the inequality x  3  2 ?

A. 1,5 C. x : 5  x  1

B. x : 1  x  5 D. x : x  5or5x  1

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104. If f ( x)  and g ( x)  x  1 , then which of the following is true?
1 x

A. The domain of g  f x  x / x  1

B. The domain of  f  g x  x / x  1

2x  1
C. g  f x  
1 x

D. g  f  5 

105. Given f ( x)  ax  b, g ( x)  x 2  2 x and  f  g 2  1,  f  g  1  1 ,

which of the following is NOT true?

2 x 3  3x 2  14 2x  7
A. f ( x) g ( x)  C. f x  
9 9

B.  1   D.  f  g 0  3
g  27

3 3x
106. If f ( x)  and f  g ( x)  , then which of the following is true
x 1 2 x

about g (x ) ?

2 6
A. g ( x )  C. g ( x) 
x 2 x

B. g ( x)  D. g ( x)  3 x
x 1

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107. If f ( x)  x  and g ( x)  x , then which of the following is true?

A. Domain of f  g is x : x  0 C. f    f  x 
 x

2x 2  1
B. Domain of g  f is x : x  0 D. f x   g x 2
 

108. If A = 0,1,2,4,5, B= 0,1,2,3 and R is a relation from A to B such

 
that R  ( x, y ) : y  x  1 , then what is the range of R?

A. 0,1,2 C. 0,1,2,3

B. 1,2,5 D. 1,2,3

109. Let R  ( x, y) : y  3x  1 be a given relation. Which of the following

is not the inverse of R?

 
A. ( x, y) : y  3x  1
C. ( x, y ) : y  ( x  1)
 3 

B. ( x, y) : x  3 y  1 D. ( y, x) : x  3 y  1

110. Which of the following functions is an odd function?

A. f ( x)  x 3  7 C. f ( x)  x 3 ( x  1)

B. f ( x)  x  1 D. f ( x)  x 2 ( x  x 3 )

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111. Suppose y  f (x) is symmetric with respect to the origin. Which of

the following is true about f (x) ?

A. f is even C. f ( x)  0

B. f is odd D. f is a reflection of itself on the x-axis

112. If f  (3,2), (0,4), (1,2), (1,5) and g  (1,3), (0,1), (2,4), (1,7), (2,0),

then which of the following is true?

A. ( g  f )( 3)  2 C. ( f  g )( 2)  0

B. f  g  (1,2), (0,5), (1,7) D.  2 f  g  (1,7), (0,9), (1,17)

3 3
113. Let f be a quadratic function such that f (0)  and f ( 1)  and,
4 4

f ( )  0 . Which of the following is true?

A. f ( x)  2 x 2  2 x 

B. f ( x)   x  x2

C. The axis of symmetry of the graph of f is the line x 

D. f ( x)  x 2  x 

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114. Which of the following is an increasing function?

A. f ( x)   x 3  2 C. f ( x)  x 4 ; x  0

B. f ( x)   x 2 ; x  0 D. f ( x)  x5

115. If a  1 and (a  1) x  (a 2  1), then two which of the following set

does x belong?

A.  ,1 C.  , a  1

B. a  1,  D. 

116. If  1  a  1, then what is the number of solution of the quadratic

equation ax 2  2 x  a  0

A. 0 C. 1

B. 2 D. Infinite

117. The length of a rectangular plot of land is 5 meters longer than its

width. If the area of the plot is 300m2, what will be its perimeter?

A. 35m C. 90m

B. 60m D. 70m

x 1
118. The domain of f x   is
x 1

A.  ,1  1,  C.  ,1

B. [1, ) D. (,1]  1, 

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If g x   2 x  3 and f  g  x   , then f x  is equal to

4x  9

A. f x   C. f x  
1 1
2x  3 2 x  15

B. f  x   D. f x  
1 1
2 x  15 2x  3

120. If f ( x)  4x  5 and ( f  g )( x)  x , then what is g (x ) ?

4 x
A. g ( x)  C. g ( x)  4 x  5

1 5 5 x
B. g ( x)  x D. g ( x) 
4 4 4

121. Which of the following functions has exactly one zero?

A. f x   x 2  4 C. f x   x 2  1

B. f x   x  32  1 D. f  x    x  52

122. Which of the following is false about the quadratic function

y  2x  3  5 ?

A. Its graph is symmetric with respect to the line x  3

B. y  5 for every x in the domain

C. Its graph has a vertex  3,5

D. Its domain is the set of real numbers

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123. Which of the following is true about the function f x   x 2  3x  1 ?

3 5
A. One of its zeros is

B. Its graph is symmetric about the line x 

C. f x  0 for 1  x  2

5 
D. The range of the function is  ,  
4 

124. If the vertex of the parabola represented by the graph of the equation

3 1
f ( x)  2 x 2  bx  c is at  ,  , then the value of b is
2 2

A. -5 C. 5

B. -6 D. 6

125. A farmer wishes to use 240 m of fencing to enclose a rectangular

region and subdivided the region into two smaller rectangles as

shown in the figure below. What is the maximum possible area of

the enclosed region?

A. 3600m2

B. 3200m2

C. 2400m2

D. 1225m2

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126. Which of the following the NOT a property of y  x ? 3

A. The graph is symmetric with respect to the origin

B. The graph is decreasing

C. f (ab)  f (a) f (b)

D. Its range is 

127. Which of the following functions is strictly increasing in the interval

  
 ,  ?
 2 2

A. g ( x)  Sinx C. h( x)  Cscx

B. f ( x)  Cosx D. k ( x)  Cotx

128. The power function f ( x)  x 4 is symmetric with respect to

A. the line y  x C. the line y  0

B. the line x  0 D. the origin

129. Which of the following does NOT represent a power function?

A. C.

B. D.

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130. A rocket fired up wards travel according to the equation

S (t )  864t  16t 2 .Where S (t ) is height (in feet) after t seconds. How

many seconds does it take for the rocket to reach maximum height?

A. 54 C. 18

B. 27 D. 9

131. A rectangular field bounded on one side by a river is to be fenced in

the remaining three sides using a fencing material covering a length

of 200m as shown in the figure below. What is the maximum area of

the rectangle that can be fenced?

A. 5000m2

B. 1000m2

C. 2000m2

D. 10,000m2

 1 
132. The inverse of the relation R  ( x, y ) / y  x  2 is:
 3 

A. ( x, y) / x  3 y  6 C. ( x, y) / y  3x  6

 
B. ( x, y) / y  3x  2
D. ( x, y ) / x  y  2
 3 

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133. What is the domain of a relation R , given by

R  x, y  : y  x 2  1 and y3 
A.  1,3 B.  2,2 C.  2,2 D. [1,3)

134. Let R  x, y  / y  4x  6, x  1 and y  0. What element of R makes

f x, y   x  y maximum?

A. 1 2 ,4  3
B.  ,0 

C. 1,2 D. 1,0

135. If R  x, y  : y 2  x  1, then which of the following is true?

A. 3,2 belongs to R

B.  1,0 belongs to R

C. The domain of R is the set of all real numbers

D. The range of R is the set of all real numbers

136. Let A  0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. If

R  x, y  : x  A, y  A, and x  y is odd , then which of the

following statements is NOT true?

A. If x, y   R, then  y, x  R

B. If x, y   R, and  y, z   R, then x, z   R

C. If x, y   R, then x 2

, y2  R

D. None of the above

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137. Give the function f ( x)  ( x  2) 2  1, which of the following is NOT


A. f is neither even nor odd function

B. f :   [1, ) is a one to one correspondence

C. f is symmetric about the line x =2

D. f is decreasing on (,2)

138. If f ( x)  x 2  3 and g ( x)  4  x 2 , then which of the following is


A. Domain of f  g is  C. Domain of is [-2, 2]

B. ( f .g )( x)  x 2 4  x 2  3 D. g  f  

139. If f ( x)  3x  2 and f ( g ( x))  5  3x 2 , then g (x ) is equal to:

A. 5  x 2 C. 1  x 2

B. 1  3 x 2 D. x 2  3

 1
 x  1 , ifx  3

140. Given functions f ( x)  x 2  x  3 and g ( x)   , then
 x 2  1, ifx  3

( g  f )( 2) is equal to

A. 26 B. 82 C. D. 3

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141. Let f ( x)  3  x  5 . Then f 1 ( x) is equal to

A. x 2  2 C. ( x  3) 2  5

B. x 2  3 D. ( x  3) 2  5

142. If f ( x)  ax  b, and f  f ( x)  4x  1, then which of the following can

be a possible value of b ?

A. -2 B.  C. -1 D. 3

143. Let f x   x  1 and g x   1  x , then  f  g 1.01 is equal to

A. 0.02 B. 0.2 C. 0.11 D. 0.09

144. Which of the following is an onto function?

A. f :    defined by f ( x)  x 2

B. g :    defined by g ( x)  x  1

C. h :    defined by h( x)  2

D. k :    defined by k ( x)  3 x

 3x  1, if x  3
  3
145. If f ( x)   x 2  2, if  2  x  3 , then what is f    ?
 2 x  3, if x  2  2

1 11 21
A. B. 0 C.  D. 
4 2 4

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146. If R is a relation given by R  ( x, y) / y  9  x 2 andy  2 x  1, then

which of the following is the domain of R 1 ?

A. [-7, 5] C. (-4, 2)

B. [-4, 2] D. (-7, 5)

147. Which of the following functions is neither even nor odd?

A. f ( x)  x 4 C. g ( x)  x  1

B. h( x)  2x 2  3 x D. k ( x)  x 5

2x  1 for x 1  1  x for x  1
 
148. If f ( x)   and g ( x)   , what is
3 x  2 for x 1  x  2 for x  1
 

the value of ( f  g )( 3) ?

A. Undefined C. -12

B. -8 D. -9

149. Let f :    be defined by f ( x)  2 x ,and

let g :    be defined by g ( x)  3 x  1 . Which of the following is

NOT true?

5 1
A. f  g is a one-to-one function C. ( f 1  g 1 )( x)  x
6 3

B. ( g  f )( x) is an on to function D. None of the above

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150. Which of the following is not a function?

 1, if x is a rational number

A. f ( x)  
0, if x is an irratioanl number

B. ( x, y) : y 2  x  1  0

 1 
C. ( .3), ( 2 ,3), (0,3)
 2 

D. ( x, y) : x is your classmate and y is his / her father 

151. If R  ( x, y) : y  0,2 y  x  8, then at what point does the expression

y  3x attain a minimum value in R?

A. (-8, 0) C. (8, 0)

B. (0, 4) D. (14, 0)

152. Let g ( x)  3x  1 and ( f  g )( x)  9 x 2  6 x  1 . Which of the following

is a possible definition of function f ?

A. f ( x)  9 x 2  1 C. f ( x)  3x 2  2

B. ( x)  x 2  2 D. f ( x)  x 2  1

153. The vertex of the parabola whose equation is y   x 2  2 x  3 is at

A. (1, 4) C. (1, 2)

B. (1, 3) D. (0, 3)

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1 1
154. The solution set of the equation  is
6 x6

A. {1} C. {6}

B. {1, 6} D. 

155. If x 2  2(c  1) x  8c  1 is a perfect square, then what is the value of c ?

A. 0 and 6 B. 0 and 3 C. -6 or 0 D. -6 or 6

156. Which one of the following is NOT true about the graph of the

function f ( x)  ax 2  c, a  0?

A. It is symmetric with respect to the line x  0

B. It is parabola which opens up ward if a  0

C. It lies above the X-axis for all a  0

D. It is a parabola with vertex 0, c 

157. What is the solution set of 2 x 2  x  6  0 ?

A. { x : x  -2 or x  3/2} C. { x : -2  x  3/2}

B. { x : x  -2 or x  3} D. { x : -2  x  3}

158. The range of the function f ( x)  4 x 2  2 x  1is

5 1
A. (, ] C. (, ]
4 4

5 1
B. [ ,  ) D. [ ,  )
4 4

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159. A gravel path is to be formed around a rectangular pond dimensions

4m by 9m. If the path must have the same width all the way round,

and there is gravel which covers an area 48m2, how wide should the

path be?

A. 1.5 m C. 3.4 m

B. 8 m D. 5m

160. The set of all values of x for which the graph of the quadratic

function f ( x)  2 x 2  6 lies above the x-axis is

A. (, 3 ]  [ 3 , ) C. (,3)  ( 3 , )

B. [ 3 , 3] D. (3, 3 )

161. A garden set 180 plants in rows. Each row contains the same number

of plants. If there were 40 more plants in each row, the gardener

would need 6 fewer rows. How many rows were there originally?

A. 8 rows C. 9 rows

B. 7 rows D. 6 rows

162. What is the solution set of the inequality 4 x 2  4 x  1  0 ?

C.  / 1,2
1 1
A. (, )  ( , )
2 2

1 1
B.  D. ( , )
2 2

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163. If k is constant and the equation x 2  2 x  k  0 has at most one real

roots, then what is the minimum value of k ?

A. 1 C. 0

B. -1 D. Does not exist

164. What is the product of the roots of 5 x 2  7 x  6  0 ?

A. -30 C. 

6 7
B.  D.
5 5

165. If the roots of the equation 2 x 2  7 x  4  0 are  and  , then the

1 1
value of  is
 1  1

A. 0 C. 11/5

B. -9/5 D. -11/5

166. The graph of g ( x)  ( x  2) 2 , can be obtained by shifting the graph of

f ( x)  x 2 two units in the direction of

A. negative x C. negative y

B. positive x D. positive y

167. One of the roots of the function f ( x)  x 2  2kx  12 is 3. What is the

other root?

A. -3 B. 3 C. -4 D. 4
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168. A rectangular farm land has a perimeter of 82 meters and an area of

420 square meters. The length and width of the rectangle in meters


A. 27 and 14 C. 30 and 11

B. 21 and 20 D. 31 and 10

169. 5 years from now a boy’s age will be 2 times the square of what it was

5 years ago. How old is he now?

A. 7 years C. 7 years

B. 3 years D. 8 years

170. Let r1 and r2 be the roots of 7x2+6x+c = 0. If r1  2r2 , then which of

the following is NOT true?

8 8
A. c  C. r1 .r2 
7 49

2 2
B. r2  D. r1  r2  
7 7

171. If a and b are the roots of x 2  3x  2  0 , what is the value of

a2  b2 ?

A. 5 C. 10

B. 13 D. -13

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172. If x 2  px  1  0 has two unequal real roots, then which of the

following is true about p ?

A.  2  p  2 C. p  2 or p  2

B. p  2  p  2 D. p  2  p  2

173. The solution of the inequality x 2  x  6  0 is:

A.  3,2 C.  ,3  2, 

B.  D. None of the above

x3 1
174. What are the values of x which satisfy the equation  0?
x2 x2

A.  1 6 C. 3 or -1

B.  1 5 D. 1 or -3

175. The area of a rectangular garden is 51m2. The length of the garden is

m longer than width. What is the width of the field?

A. 6m C. 7.5m

B. 6.5m D. 8m

x2 1
176. Which of the following is the solution set of the inequality 0
x2 1

A.  / 1,1 C. 

B. x : 1  x  1 D. x : x  1orx  1

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 
177. If In ABC , a = 8cm , c= 12cm and m B   30 , then the area of the
 

triangle is:

A. 24sq. cm C. 9

B. 12 3 sq. cm D. 48 sq. cm

178. The angle of elevation of the top of a mountain from the bottom of

building 90m high is 600. If the angle of elevation of the top of the

mountain from the top of building is 450, how high is the mountain:

A. 45(3  3 )m C. 30(1  3 )m

B. 120 3m D. 45(3  3 )m

179. Let  be an angle such that sin   d . Then which of the following is

NOT true?

 
A. cos(   )  d C.    n , then d =1
2 2

B.  1  d  1 D.   n  n z , then d=0

180. Csc ( ) s equal to

2 2
A. C.
3 2

B. 2 D. 

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181. What is the reference angle of  575 0 ?

A. 550 B. 350 C. 750 D. 1450

182. Which of the following angles is NOT conterminal with 600?

7 5
A.  B. -6600 C. 7800 D. 
6 3

183. Which of the following is NOT true about the graph of f t   S int ?

A. It has no sharp corner

B. It crosses the horizontal axis more than once

C. It rises higher and higher as t gets larger

D. It is periodic

 2 3
184. If the point  ,  lies on the terminal side of angle  in

 3 3 

standard position, which of the following is true?

 3
A. Csc  C. Cot  2

 6 3
B. Sec  D. Cos  
2 2

185. If x is an acute angle and tan x = 3, then what is the value of Cosx ?

A. 10 C.

3 1
B. D.
5 5

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186. In which of the following intervals are both the

Sine and Cos ine functions decreasing?

  5    3 
A.  ,  C.  , 
4 4  2 2 

  5   
B.  ,  D.  ,  
2 4  2 

187. Suppose cos  0.8 and , then tan  is equal to

4 4 3 3
A. B.  C. D.
5 5 5 4

188. Sin (430) is equal to:

A.  sin 20 C. sin 70

B. cos 20 D. cos 20

 3
189. What is the minimum value of sec x in the interval ( , ) ?
2 2

A. 1 C. -1

B. 2 D. No minimum value

190. Which of the following is true?

A. sin  cos   sin 2  0 C. 1  cot 2   csc 2 

B. cos 2  2 sin 2   1 D. cos 2  1  2 cos 2 

191. 3 tan 930  sin 1200  cos1410 equals

A.  3 B. 0 C. 3 D. 2 3

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192. If   190 , then which of the following is true about the signs of

sin  and tan  ?

A. sin  is negative and tan  is positive

B. sin  is positive and tan  is negative

C. both sin  and tan  are positive

D. both sin  and tan  are negative

193. From the top of a 10 m high building, a man observed two cars at

angles of depressions 300 and 450 due east. How far apart are the two

cars in meters?

A. 10  C. 10 3  10

B. 10  D. 10 3  10

194. The angle of elevation and the angle of depression of the top of

building from the foot and the top of a tower are 300 and 450

respectively. If the building is 20 meters high, then what is the

height of the tower?

A. 20(1  )m C. 20 3 m

B. 20(1  3) m D. 40 m

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195. The complementary angle of 642336 is equal to

A. 25.51 C. 252636

B. 2423636 D. 25.61

196. Which of the following is equal to tan x for all values of x?

1 sin(  x )
A. C.
cot( 1) cos x

sin x
B. D. tan(  x)
cos(  x)

197. If Csct  0 and Sect  0 , to which quadrant does the angle belong?


B. I D. IV

198. Which of the following statements is NOT true about function

f x  Cost ?

A. Its graph intersects the line y  t

B. It is increasing on the interval  ,2 

7 
C. Its graph intersects the t axis at   ,0 
2 

  
D. It forms one cycle in the interval  , 
 2 2

199. Which of the following angles is co terminal to -13700?

A. -200 B. 200 C. -700 D. 700

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200. Which of the following is true?

A. Cos360 0     Cos C. tan   90 0   tan 

B. Sin   180 0   Sin D. tan 360 0     tan 

201. Let A and B be co terminal angles in standard position. If

mB     radians, and 0  mA  2 , then what is the measure


of angle A in radians?

2 
A.   C.
3 3

4 5
B.   D.
3 3

202. Which of the following is true about the graph of y  tan x ?

A. x   is a vertical asymptote

B. y  is a horizontal asymptote

C. It is increasing on 0,  

  
D. It is decreasing on   , 
 2 2

203. Which of the following angles is co terminal with   120 0 ?

19 14
A.  B. C.  480 0 D. 850 0
6 3

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204. The exact value of Cos  is

1 3
A. 0.866 B.  0.866 C.  D. 
2 2

205. If  is a second quadrant angle in standard position and its terminal

side lies on the line y  2 x , then what is the value of Sec ?

A.  5 C.

B. 5 D.

206. Which of the following is NOT equal with the rest?

A. sin 215 C.  sin 145

B. cos( 55) D.  cos125

207. Let p stands for " 2 is an irrational number " and let q stand for "2 is

an odd number ",then which of the following has truth value "true"?

A. p  q C. p  q

B. p  q D. q  p

208. Which of the following numerals is even number?

A. 12three C. 103seven

B. 122 five D. 221 four

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209. What is the product? 12 three  242  five

A. 3415Eight C. 1805Eight

B. 2521Eight D. 3445Eight

210. If p, q and r are statements p, q and r have truth value "False",

then which of the following statement ahs truth value "True"?

A. p  q  r C. p  q  r

B. q   p  r  D.  p  q    p  r 

211. If 54 x six  x06ten , then the value of x is

A. 3 C. 5

B. 2 D. 4

212. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. 35six  6ten  210six C. 2002  fivex  403 five  1044  five

B. 32 four  23 four  121 four D. 32 five  42 four  2444 five

213. If p, q and r are propositions such that  p  r   q  p has

truth value "False", then which of the following has truth value


A. r  p C. r

B. q D. p  q

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214. Which of the following numerals succeeds the numeral 99TT Eleven ?

A. 99T 9Eleven C. 9T 00Eleven

B. T 000Eleven D. 9T11Eleven

215. What is the base ten equivalent of 301 four ?

A. 17 C. 47

B. 45 D. 49

216. Which of the following numerals is equal to

T 0twelve  E1twelve  50twelve  ?

A. 411twelve C. 401twelve

B. 114twelve D. 141twelve

217. 322 five  3 five is equal to

A. 104 five C. 103 five

B. 102 five D. 101 five

218. Which of the following numerals is the base ten equivalent

of 205.3six ?

A. 77.5 C. 77.3

B. 77.6 D. 77.2

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219. The negation of "5>7 or 2 is prime " is

A. 5> 7 and 2 is prime C. 5  7 or 2 is not prime

B. 5  7 and 2 is not prime D. 5>7 or 2 is not prime

220. If  p  q   r is false then the values of p , q and r respectively are

A. F, T, F C. F, T, T

B. T, F, F D. T, F, T

221. The base ten equivalent of the number 214.3six is

A. 82.3 C. 83.3

B. 82.5 D. 83.8

222. 26eight  43eight is equal to

A. 2041eight C. 1382eight

B. 1402eight D. 1342eight

223. What is the digit a if 1a 4seven  323 five

A. 6 B. 5 C. 4 D. 3

224. In base twelve, let T and E represent ten and eleven respectively.

Which of the following is equal to 3T1twelve  1E 2twelve ?

A. 1TE twelve C. 20 E twelve

B. 1T 9twelve D. 199twelve

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( )
225. Which of the following is the characteristic of log 400

A. -4 C. -2

B. -3 D. -1

226. What is the simplified form of log 81 2 ?
( )

10 3
A. C.
3 10

20 10
B. D. 
3 3

227. If log 2x  log 82  2 log 2 3 , what is the value of x ?

3 3
A. C.
2 2

2 2
B. D.
3 3

228. Which of the following is not true about f ( x)    ?

A. If x >0, then 0, f ( x)  1 C. The range of f is (0, )

B. If x  0, then f ( x)  1 D. f is increasing function

229. log 04.5 is equal to

1 1
A. B. C.  2 D. 2
2 2

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230. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. If 0  a  b  1, then a x  b x for x  0

B. If 0  a  b  1, then a x  b x for x  0

C. If a  0, then the graph of y  a x is the mirror image of the graph

of y    in the y-axis.

D. If a  b  1, then a x  b x for x  0.

231. If a, b and x are real numbers, then which of the following

statements is true?

A. If a  b, then a x  b x for all x

B. If a x  b x , for x  0, then a  b

C. If 0  a  b  1 , then a x  b x for x  0

D. If a  1 and 0  b  1, the a x  b x for all x

232. If log y  0.7690 and log x  1.2310 , then which of the following is

NOT true?

A. y  100 x

B. The mantissa of the logarithm of the number xy is 0.5380.

C. The mantissa of the logarithm of the number y 2 is 0.4620

D. The characteristics of the logarithm of the number is -2.
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233. Given that log 5  b , then log 54 is equal to

 b  1 
A. 2  C. 2  1
1 b  b 

 b   1
B. 2  D. 21  
 b 1  b

234. Which of the following is the solution of the

equation log (2x 2)  log 2x  3 ?

A. -2 and 4 C. 1 7

B. 1 7 D. 1 7 and 1 7

235. Which of the following is not true about the function f ( x)  1  3 x ?

A. Its y-intercept is 2 C. It is increasing function

B. Its range is (0, ) D. for x  0 , 1  f ( x)  2

236. Which of the following is the inverse of the function f ( x)    ?

C. g ( x)  log 3x 
A. g ( x)   log x

B. g ( x)  log 3(  x ) D. g ( x)  log 3x

The solution set of log 2x  log 4x  2 is


A.  2 C.  2,2

B. 2 D. 4

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238. The number of a bacteria colony was 100 at certain time. If each

bacterium breaks into two after one hour, then how many bacteria

are there after 5 hours?

A. 1000 C. 3000

B. 3,200 D. 4000

If log 2x  2 and log 64

y  2, then log y  log x equals to
yx 4y

A. 0 C.

13 1
B. D. 
6 6

240. Given log 5  0.6990 , the mantissa of log 0.05 is

A. -2 C. -1

B. 0.3010 D. 0.6990

241. Suppose m  a y , n  a z and n  m t . Then t is equal to:

log na
A. C. log ma log na
log ma

B. n log ma D. log mn log nm

242. If log a4  2.4 , then log 64a is equal to

A. 1.25 C. 0.4

B. 2.5 D. 3.6

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243. If log 2  b , then log (40.05) is equal to

b 1 1
A.  C.   b
2b 2

B. D.  (1  4b)

244. The solution set of the equation log 8x  log 8( x  2)  is

A. 4 C. 

14 
B.   D. 2

The solution set of the equation ( 5 ) x (5 x 1 )  0.2 is


 1
A. 2,  C. 0,2
 2

 1
B. 0,  D. 0
 2

246. Which of the following is true if 0  a  b  1 ?

A. a x  b x for some x  0 C. a x  b x for all x  0

B. a x  b x for some x  0 D. a x  b x for some x  0

247. Let f ( x)  log x1 , then which of the following is true?


A. For each x  (0.1) , f ( x)  0 C. f is decreasing function

B. The domain of f is (, ) D. y=0 is an asymptote to the graph of f

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248. If 2 x  3 y for positive real numbers x and y, then which of the

following is true?

A. x  y  1 C. x  y

B. x  y D. x  y

249. The solution set of log 4x  log (4x1)  2 log 34 is

9 
A. 2 C.  
8 

 9
B. 4 D. 4, 
 8

 
2 
 ( 0.027) 3  0.125 
 
250. Given log 2 00.3010 and log 3  0.4771 , then log  
is equal to

A. 0.5043 + (-2) C. -1.4057

B. -2.5943 D. 0.5943

251. Let 2  a 0.35 , 3  a 0.55 and 5  a 0.82 (Where a  0 ). If a x  10 , then the

value of x equals

A. 10.7 C. 10 1.07

B. 107 D. 0.107

252. If 8 x  16 y , then is equal to

3 1 4
A. 2 B. C. D.
4 2 3

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253. If log 2a  x , then log 8 2 a is equal to

x 3x
A. C.
3x  3 x2

x2 6x
B. D.
x 1 x 1

254. If 10 2.1  101.8  ( 5 2 ) x , then what is the value of x ?

A. C. 4

B. 3 D. 6

255. Given that log 2  0.3010 and , which of the following is true?

A. log 1  0.1505 C. log 30  4.771

B. log 5  0.7781 D. log 4  0.6020

Let a>1. If log 8a  0.09 and log a 9  0.04 , then which of the following is

equal to log 6a ?

A. 0.11 C. 0.13

B. 0.05 D. 0.17

257. Which of the following graph ahs at least on point of intersection

with y  log 2x ?

A. y  2 x C. y  x

B. y  x 2 D. y  2  x

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258. If t 3
2 12
, where t>1, then what is the value of t?

A. 2 C. 2 4

B. D. 4

Let a  1. If log 8a  0.09 and log a 9  0.04 , then which of the following

is equal log 6a ?

A. 0.11 C. 0.13

B. 0.05 D. 0.17

260. Let f x   log x1 . Then which of the following is true?


A. For each x  (0,1), f ( x)  0

B. The domain of f is  , 

C. f is decreasing function

D. y  0 is an asymptote to the graph of f

261. If log 20  1.3010 , then which of the following is NOT true?

A. log 20
 1.3010 C. log 4000  3.6020

B. log 0.2  1.6990 D. log 40  2.6020

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262. The solution set of log 3x  log 9( x  24)  log 93 is equal to

A. 3 C.  27,3

B.  3,27 D. 27

263. Suppose log 72  a and log 57  b . Then log 07.002 is equal to

A. 3a  3b C.  2a  3b

B. 2a  3b D.  3a  3b

264. Which of the following is the solution set of the

5 x 9
equation 3 x2
 27  ?
 3

A.  2,3 B.  2 C.  D. 0,5

265. If log 5.24  0.7193, then which of the following is true?

A. log 5.24   719.3 C. log 5.24

 0.35965

B. The characteristic of log 0.0524 is -3 D. log 0.524524  2.1386

266. Which of the following statement is true about the function

y  log ax ?

A. Its range is the set of all real numbers

B. the X-axis is its horizontal asymptote

C. It is increasing for 0  a  1 .

D. For a  1, the graph is above the X-axis

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267. If the variance of a population of 20 data values is 12, what is its

standard deviation?

A. 144 C. 0.6

B. 24 D. 2

268. If 99 people have a mean income of Birr 400, how much is the mean

income increased by the addition of a woman with an income of Birr


A. Birr 411 C. Birr 412

B. Birr 410 D. birr 413

269. The average (mean) score of a student in five subjects is 55. If the

scores in four of the subjects are 48, 52, 60 and 70. What is the mean

deviation of the scores in the five subjects?

A. 8 C. 6.4

B. 6 D. 2.5

270. Which of the following is NOT true about the probability of an event

E? A. If E is a sure event then p ( E )  1

B. If E is an impossible event, then p ( E )  0

C. If E is a non-empty event, then p ( E )  0

D. If E is not a sure event, then p ( E )  0.9

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271. A three digit number starting with 2 is formed using digits 1, 2, 3, 4.

If repetition of digits is not allowed, then which of the following

formulas is the appropriate formula to calculate the number of such


C (4,3)
A. C ( 4,3) C.

P (4,3)
B. P(4,3) D.

272. Two fair dice are thrown once. What is the probability of getting the

sum of the numbers on face up is 7?

A. C. 0

7 1
B. D.
36 2

273. The variance of numerical data is

A. the square of the median

B. the square of the standard deviation

C. the square of the mean

D. the square of the mean deviation

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274. A librarian would like to arrange 15 books in a row. A better method

he has to use to find the number of all possible ways is:

A. Principle of combination C. Product Rule

B. Principle of permutation D. Sum Rule

275. In a final examination a student took five examinations and scored

56, 75, 60 and 48 in four of the subjects. If his average score is 63,

what was his score in the fifth subject?

A. 76 C. 0

B. 63 D. 8

* Below is given the frequency distribution function V:

V 1 2 3 4 5

f 6 5 4 3 2

Answer question 276 & 277

276. The median of the population function is:

A. 6 C. 2

B. 5 D. 1

277. What is the population variance?

A. 4 C. 2.1

B. 3 D. 1.75

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278. A pair of fair dice is tossed. What is the probability of not getting a

sum 5 or 9?

2 7
A. C.
9 9

8 1
B. D.
9 9

279. If 1, 2, 3, 1 are the values of four members of a population function,

then which of the following is NOT true about the population?

A. The range of the population values is 2

B. If 3 is added to each value of the population, then the new

standard deviation will be increased by 4.

C. 50% of the population values are greater than both the median &

the mean vales.

D. The variance of the population values is

 Question number 280, 281& 282 refers to the following population distribution

function X

V -1 -2 1 4

f 5 2 3 6

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280. The median of the population function X is

A. -2 C. 4

B. 1 D. None of the above

281. The variance of the population function X is

47 3
A. 5 C. 2
64 8

B. 1 D. None of the above

282. The range of the population function X is

A. 4 C. 5

B. 6 D. None of the above

283. What is the mean deviation for the set of data 3, 3, 6 correct to

two decimal places?

A. 1.33 C. 2.00

B. 1.41 D. 0.00

284. What is the probability of a sure event?

A. 1 C.

B. Un known D. 0

285. If Cn,3  56, then which of the following is the correct value of n ?

A. 6 B. 9 C. 8 D.7

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286. The following data lists the age of eight students 12, 14, 13, 18, 14,

17, 13, 14. Which of the following is true about the data?

A. The least frequent variate is 13

B. The largest variate is 14

C. The range is 15

D. The height frequency is 3

287. There are 3 green, 5 yellow and 7 red cards of the same size, shape

and shuffled properly. If three cards are drawn at random, what is

the probability that they are green, yellow and red?

1 1
A. C.
35 5

3 3
B. D.
13 91

288. What is a sample space?

A. a repetition of random experiment

B. a number of successes in experiments

C. the set of all possible outcomes of an experiment

D. a subset of the possibility set of an experiment

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289. A bag contains 3 fresh and 5 spoiled oranges of equal size. If three

oranges are to be drawn at random from the bag, what is the

probability that at least one of oranges is fresh?

15 45
A. C.
28 56

15 23
B. D.
56 38

290. A jar contains 3 red and 5 green balls identical in all aspects except

color. If two balls are drawn at random, then the probability that

the two balls drawn are NOT green is?

15 5
A. C.
28 16

9 3
B. D.
14 28

291. The mean score of 40 students was found to be 72.5. Later on, it was

observed that the score of one of the students was recorded as 68

instead of 60. What should be the correct mean score?

A. 64.5 C. 72.5

B. 72.3 D. 72.7

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292. What is the total number of natural numbers that can be formed

using the digits 1, 2, 3 and 4, if no digit is repeated in any of the

numbers formed?

A. 16 C. 32

B. 24 D. 64

293. In a pack of ten books, there are geometry books while the rest are

books on algebra. If three books are drawn at random, what is the

probability that one of them is a geometry book and the others are

books on algebra?

2 21
A. C.
21 40

7 21
B. D.
10 100

 2
294. In the expression of  x 2   ,what is the fourth term?
 x

A.  80x C.  40x 4

B. 10 x D. 80 x 2

5 2 
295. What is the coefficient of  x  y  ?
2 5 

A.  C. -56

B.  350 D. -14
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296. Two six faced fair dies are thrown once. What is the probability that

the difference of the two numbers shown up is 1?

1 5
A. C.
6 18

1 5
B. D.
3 36

297. From two male and three female students a committee of three

students is to be formed. What is the probability that one of them is


3 3
A. C.
10 5

3 1
B. D.
20 3

298. Which of the following is NOT a part of descriptive statistics?

A. measuring average of a quantitative data

B. describing the data in chart or frequency table

C. making inference about a population from a sample of the


D. measuring dispersion using rules like standard deviation of a

quantitative data.

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 1
299. If the six term in the binomial expansion of  x   is a constant,
 x

then what is the value of n ?

A. 18 C. 10

B. 15 D.5

x 4 
300. The constant term in the expression of    is
2 x3 

A. 7 C. 72

B. 128 D. 64

The end

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1. In a regular hexagonal pyramid, each side of the base is 6 cm and the lateral

edge is 8 cm. What is the volume of the pyramid?

A. 54 3 cm3 C. 108 21 cm3

B. 36 21 cm3 D. 6 21 cm3

2. ABCD is a parallelogram with AB = 7 cm, and AD = 8 cm. If m(DAB)  60 0 ,

what is the length of the diagonal AC?

A. 13 cm B. 113 cm C. 15 cm D. 57 cm

3. In the figure below, BC  AC and CD  AB and m(ABC )  30 0 . If BC = 6

cm then, what is AC + AD + DB?

A. 6 cm

B. 6( 3  1) cm

C. 6 3 cm

D. 12 3 cm

4. In the figure below, ABC is a right angled triangle (right angled at C).If

CD  AB , AC = 5 cm and CD = 4cm, what is the perimeter of ABC ?

A. 12 cm C. 20 cm

50 16
B. cm D. cm
3 3

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5. In ABC , AB  AC and m(A)  20 0 . If D is a point on AC, such that

m(DBC )  60 0 , which of the following is NOT true?

A. AD  DB

B. m(BDC )  40 0

C. ADB is Isosceles

D. BD  DC

6. In the figure below, if AB  AC , and BD bisects ABC , then x  y is equal


A. 1700

B. 1000

C. 2300

D. 2600

7. If the edge of a cube is cm long, what is its total surface area?

1 2 1 3 2
A. cm B. cm 2 C. cm D. 4cm 2
4 16 2

8. What is the lateral surface area of a regular square pyramid of height 6 m if

its base edge of length 16 m?

A. 192 m2 B. 320m2 C. 512m2 D. 576m2

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9. The area of the upper and the lower bases of frustum of a pyramid are 3 sq.

units and 12 sq. units respectively. If the volume of the frustum is 42 cubic

units, then what is the height of the pyramid?

A. 12 units B. 9 units C. 6 units D. 15 units

10. In the following figure, AB  BD and ED  BD . Which of the given

additional conditions is NOT sufficient to conclude that ABC  EDC ?

A. a(ABC )  a (EDC )

B. AB  ED

C. BC  DC

D. AB  CD

11. In the following figure, AB // DC , DC , KC  KC , KD and KC are extended

to E and F respectively such that DE  CF , which of the following is true?

A. ADE  ADK

B. DKC  DFC

C. EKC  FKD

D. AEK  ABK

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12. The length of a rectangular plot of land is 5 meters longer than its width. If

the area of the plot is 300 m2, what will be its perimeter?

A. 35 m B. 60 m C. 90 m D. 70 m
  
13. In the following figure, m( ABC )  m( FEC )  m( DCE )  90 0 ; AB = 6 cm; FE =

4 cm and BE = 12 cm, then which of the following is NOT true?

A. ABD  EFD

B. DC = 2 cm

C. DCE  BCD

D. CE = 4 cm

14. In the figure below AB  AC , DB  DC and m(BDC )  2m(A) . If

m(A)  70 0 , what is m(B ) ?

A.200 C. 550

B. 250 D. 350

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15. In ABC , let D be on AB and let E be on BC such that BAC  BED. Then

which of the following is true?

A. BAC  BDE C. BAC  EBD

B. ABC  EBD D. ABC  DBE

16. A right prism has a rectangular base of length L and width W units. If its

height is h units long, then the lateral surface area of the prism is

A. 2h(L + W) C. LW +2h(L + W)

B. 2L(W + h) D. 2(LW + Lh +hW)

17. A hemisphere is extracted from the top of a right circular cylinder wood of

height 5 units and base radius 3 units. If the hemisphere has the same radius

as the base of the cylinder, then what is the volume of the remaining object

in cubic units?

A. 9 B. 39 C. 27 D. 15

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18. In the figure below, if AE  CD and the sides are measured in cm, then

what is the area of the figure?

A. 10 cm2

B. 8cm2

C. 12cm2

D. cm2

19. In the figure below , let l be the perpendicular bisector of AB at M, and P

be a point on l not on AB . Which of the following can be used to show that

AMP  BMP ?

A. LA Theorem



D. HA Theorem

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20. The following is a proof of the sine law based on the figure shown. CD and

BD are merely constructed to help in the proof. C denotes ACB .

Steps Justification

1 BD = a sin Sin (BCD ) = BD

( BCD )

2 BD = c sin A BD
Sin ( A) =

3 A sin ( BCD ) = Transitivity of

c sin A equality

4 a c -----------

sin A sin C

What is the justification for the 4th step?

A. Sines of supplementary angles are equal

B. m(BCD )  m(C )

C. BCD is an exterior angle

D. Sines of complementary angles are equal

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21. The following is a proof to establish the theorem that says ″If a leg and

acute angle of one right angled triangle are congruent to the corresponding

parts of another right angled triangle, then the two triangles are congruent ″

ABC and FED , have right angles at B and E respectively.

Steps Justification

1 AB  FE AB = FE = 4 cm

2 A  F Given

3 B  E Both are right angles

4 ABC  FED Steps 1, 2, 3 and ----------

What are the justification for the last step?

A. AAS Theorem C. Hypotenuse – Acute (HA) Theorem

B. SAS Postulate D. Leg – Leg (LL) Theorem

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22. What is the area of an isosceles triangle it its vertex angle is 120 0 and base

18 cm

A. 27 3 sq. cm B. 54 sq. cm C. 54 3 sq. cm D. 81 3 sq. cm

23. For ABC , shown below if AB<BC<AC, then which of the following

statement is true?

A. m(B)  m(C )

B. m(A)  m(C )

C. m(B)  m(A)

D. m(A)  m(B)

24. The regular pyramid in the figure above has square base of dimension 5 m

by 5 m. If the edge EB makes 450 with the diagonal DB , what is the volume

of pyramid?

125 2 3
A. m C. 125m3

125 3 3
B. 25m3 D. m

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25. In ABC , the perpendiculars from the mid-point M of the side AB to the

other sides are congruent, and m(CAB)  40 0 . What is m(BCM ) ?

A. 500

B. 400

C. 1000

D. 600

26. In the figure below, BC // FE and AB // CD . If BC = 12, CD = 4 and ED = 5

units, then AB is equal to

A. 5.6 units

B. 7.4 units

C. 9.4 units

D. 9.6 units

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27. A right pyramid, with a rectangular base of length 8 m and width 6m, has a

13 m long lateral edge. What is the volume of the pyramid in cubic meters?

A. 208 B. 192 C. 64 10 D. 160

28. A water tank is in the shape of a frustum of a right circular cone with radii

of bases 8 m and 4m. If its slant height is 5 m, then what is the capacity

(volume) of the tank in cubic meter?

A. 112 B. 128 C.  D. 64

29. In a figure below, ABC  ABD and CB  DB . Which of the following is

NOT true?

A. m(CEB)  m(DEB )

B. BCE  BDE

C. BD  BE

D. DE  CE

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30. If a, b, and c are the lengths of the sides of a triangle the, which of the

following statement is NEVER true?

A. a = b = c B. a + b = c C. a + b > c D. a2 + c2 = b2

    
31. In the figure, m( BDE )  30 0 , m(CDE )  40 0 and BAD  CAD . If m( ACD )  x ,

then which of the following is necessarily true?

A. 10 0  x  30 0

B. 0 0  x  30 0

C. 30 0  x  40 0

D. 10 0  x  40 0

32. In the figure, AB  AC, AD  BC and BE  AC . Which of the following

statement is true?

A. ABD  ABE

B. AEB  CEB



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33. If in ABC , BAC is obtuse, then which of the following is true?

A. The altitude drawn from B meets segment AC .

B. The altitude drawn from C meets segment AB .

C. The altitude drawn from A meets segment BC .

D. The circumference lies in the interior of the triangle.

34. If R is 1800 rotation about the origin and y  x  4 is an equation of a line

L, then which of the following is the equation of the image of L under R?

A. y  2 x  4 C. y   x  4

B. y  2 x  4 D. y  x4

35. A rhombus of side length 14 units has a diagonal whose length is equal to

either of its sides. What is its area in square units?

A. 196 3 C. 98 3

B. 196 D. 98

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36. In the figure, the cords AC and BD intersects at E in the circle. O is the

center of the circle. If arc AB is 450 and m( AEB)  34 0 , then which of the

following is the measure of arc CD?

A. 680

B. 90

C. 230

D. 38

37. What is the volume of a cube whose diagonal has length 4 cm and makes

300 with its adjacent edge as shown in the figure below?

A. 24 3 cm3

B. 8 cm3

C. cm3
3 3

D. 12 3 cm3

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38. If ABCD and EFGH are two parallelograms, then which of the following

statements is NOT necessarily true?

 
A. If BC  EF , CD  GH and A  E , then the parallelograms are congruent.

B. If AC  EG , Bˆ  Fˆ and ABˆ C  EGˆ F , then the parallelograms are


C. If AC  EG , BD  FH and AB  EF , then the parallelograms are


D. If AB  EF , BC  FG and the parallelograms have equal area, then they

are congruent.

39. The diameter of the base and height of a circular cone are found to be a

and 2b units long respectively. What is the formula for the volume V of the


2 1
A. V  a 2 b C. V  a 2 b
3 6

1 4
B. V  a 2 b D. V  a 2 b
3 3

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40. What is the volume of a frustum of a cone whose radius ®, of its larger base

is twice that of the radius (r) of its smaller base and with height x  y  3 y ?

A. 10r 2 y

B. 20r 2 y

C. 5r 2 y

D. 4r 2 y

41. In the figure below ABCD is a parallelogram, where DE  BF . Which of

the following statements is NOT true?

A. EGC  FGA C. EG  FG

B. AG  CG D. CGF  CBF

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42. Which of the following is the statement of the converse of the isosceles

triangle theorem? A. For an isosceles ABC , if AB  BC , then A  C . B.

For an isosceles ABC , if AB  BC , then the angle bisector of B bisects

AC . C. For an isosceles ABC , if A  C , then AB  BC . D. For an

isosceles ABC , if the angle bisector of B bisects AC then AB  BC In the

following figure, ABC  ACD , AD = 4 cm and DB = 12 cm. What is the

length of AC ?

A. 8 cm

B. 9 cm

C. 10 cm

D. 6 cm

43. In ABC , let m(A)  30 0 , m(B)  120 0 and BC = 9 cm. Then what is the

length of AC in cm?

A. 6 3 C. 18 3

B. 9 3 D. 36 3

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44. In ABC AB= 21, BC = 14, and m(B)  60 0 , what is the length of AC ?

A. 7(13  3 3 ) C. 7 7

B. 7(13  6 3 ) D. 7

45. In the figure below let k  CD . Using the fact that ADB and CDB are

right angled we get the following:

c 2  (b  k ) 2  h 2
 (b  k ) 2  (a 2  k 2 )
 b 2  a 2 2bk
 . . .

Which of the following expressions can not be given as the next for c 2 ?

A. b 2  a 2  2ab cos 

B. b 2  a 2  2ab cos 

C. b 2  a 2  2ab cos 

D. b 2  a 2  2ab sin 

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46. If in the figure, AB and CD bisects each other at O, then which of the

following is NOT necessarily true?

A. AOC  BOD

B. OC  OB

C. AC // BD

D. m( ACˆ D)  m(ODˆ B)

47. In the figure, AD  AF and ABˆ C  ACˆB . Which of the following is NOT

necessarily true?

A. CDA  BFA

B. BEF  CED

C. BGC is isosceles.

D. BCD  CBF

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48. In the figure, ABCD is parallelogram E, F, G and H are mid-points of AB ,

AD , BC and DC respectively. Which of the following is NOT necessarily


A. The lines EF and GH are parallel.

B. ABF  CBH

C. Area of CGH  area of ABCD.

D. AEF  CDB

49. If in the circle shown below, O is its center and PQ = OP = 4 cm, then

which of the following is NOT true?

A. Area of OPQ is 4 3 cm2

12  
B. The perimeter of the shaded region is cm

C. Area of the shaded region is ( 2  3 3 ) cm2

D. Area of the sector determined by the arc PRQ is  cm2

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50. The figure below represents a frustum formed from the base of a right

circular cone with diameter of base 18 cm and height 12 cm. If the ratio of

the heights of frustum and the cone is 1 : 2 , which of the following is the

volume of the frustum?

A. 228 cm3

B. 336 cm3

C. 183.5 cm3

D. 384 cm3

51. In the figure below, m(BAE )  m(EDC ) . If O is the circle containing the

points A, B, and C, then which of the following is true about the point D?

A. It lies on the circle O

B. It lies inside the circle O

C. It lies outside the circle O

D. None of the above

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52. In ABC , the degree measure of its angles are x, y and z. If x + y = z, then

ABC is necessarily

A. Scalene B. Isosceles C. Right angled D. None of the above

53. If in the figure l1, l2, l3 and l4 are lines with l3 // l 4 , then which of the

following is NOT necessarily true?

A. x  z

B. z  y

C. m(AOC )  180 0  y  z  x

D. m(AOB )  y  z

54. The sum of the angles marked a, b, c, and d in the figure is

A. 2200

B. 2400

C. 2600

D. 3600

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55. Let P and Q be two regular polygons of n sides such that the ratio of the

area of P
perimeter of P to the perimeter of Q is 1: 3. What is the ratio ?
area of Q

A. 1:3 B. 3:1 C. 1:9 D. None of the above

56. A circle is circumscribed about a square whose side is 8 cm long. What is

the area of the portion of the circle that is outside of the square?

A. 16(4   )cm 2 C. 32(  2)cm 2

B. 8(  2)cm 2 D. None of the above

57. Which of the following pairs is the result of the reflection of (4, 1) with

respect to the line y  x  1 ?

A. (0, 5) B. (-3, 4) C. -4, 3) D. (-1, 8)

58. A regular square pyramid is cut by a plane parallel to the base so that the

plane bisects the altitude of the pyramid. If the slant height of the pyramid

is 12 units and its lateral edge is 13 units long, then the volume of the

frustum in cubic units is:

175 119 175 119 2275

A. B. 325 C. D.
6 74 6

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University Entrance- Mathematics (A.B) Mathematics for Grade 9-12

59. If the radius of a sphere is doubled, what happens to the surface area?

A. It becomes four times as large as the original surface area.

B. It becomes eight times as larger as the original surface area.

C. It is also doubled.

D. It is increased by four square units.

60. Given that ABC  PQR , which of the following is necessarily true?

A. BAC  QRP B. AC  PQ C. BCA  PRQ D. AB  QR

61. In the figure, AC  EB , AD  EC and AF  EC . Which of the following is

not true?

A. DAC  ECB C. BAD  BEC

B. BC  BF D. AB  EB

62. In parallelogram ABCD, AB = 8 units, BC = 7 units and m(ABC )  1350 .

What is the area of the parallelogram in square units?

A. 28 2 B. 28 C. 14 2 D. 56

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63. In the figure below, ABC is equilateral triangle. If B is a point which

bisects AD , then m(ACD) is equal to:

A. 1200 C. 600

B. 900 D. 300

64. A glass in a shape of a frustum of a right circular cone has slanted height

10 cm and bases of radii 3cm and 9 cm. What is the volume of the glass in

cm3 ?

A. 192 B. 204 C. 240 D. 312

65. The volume of a pyramid that has a height of 8 m and a rectangular base of

dimension 6 m by 4 m is: A. 576 m3 B. 192m3 96m3 D. 64m3

66. In the figure below AD and BC intersects at E. If AEB  CED and AE = x,

BE = y, AB = 7.5, DE = 4, CE = 2 and CD = 5, then x 2  y 2 is equal to:

A. 6 C. 45

B. 36 D. 7.5

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67. For the right angled triangle given below, BC = 18 cm, and m(A)  30 0 ,

then how long is AC ?

A. 18 3 cm C. 32 cm

B. 18 2 cm D. cm

68. An isosceles triangle has base side 10cm long and a vertex angle of 60 0 .

How long is the altitude from the vertex angle?

10 5
A. 3 B. 3 C. 10 3 D. 5 3
3 3

69. Given ABC with AB = 30 units, AC = 22 units and BC = 18 units, then

CosB is equal to:

11 54
A. C.
15 37

3 37
B. D.
5 54

70. In ABC , m(A)  30 0 , m(B)  450 and BC = 12 units. Then how long

is AC?

A. 12 2 units B. 6 2 units C. 6 6 units D. 12 3 units

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Answer for odd numbered questions

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