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I. Setting
A story of Happens at the Sea, Forest and Jungle.
II. Characters
Round Characters

1.Tong-Tong is the main protagonist and undergoes significant

transformation and personal growth throughout the story, making him a
round character. He starts as a small and humble crab but gains wisdom
and insight as his journey progresses.
2.Pagong-Pagong is a round character, exhibiting wisdom and serving as
a mentor figure to Tong. While he imparts valuable lessons, his
interactions with other characters and his role in the story.
3.Langgam-Langgam, the diligent and, represents hard work and
cooperation, He maintains these qualities but gains depth through his
interactions with other characters and his role in the story.

Flat characters:
1.Matsing-Matsing is a flat character, consistently embodying
opportunism and cunning behavior without significant change or
2.Leon-Leon is primarily a flat character, symbolizing strength and
power but not undergoing significant change in the narrative.

Static Characters:
1.Buwaya-Buwaya remains a static character throughout the story,
representing corruption and abuse.
III. Plot
Preposition: Tong, a young crab, embarks on a quest to locate a banana
bud to treat his ailing father. Along the trip, he interacts with several
other creatures, including a crocodile, a monkey, and a tortoise.
Rising action: Among the difficulties that tong and his new pals face is a
pack of dishonest creatures that want to take the banana bud for
themselves. In addition. Tong must face his own anxieties and
Climax: Finally, Tong and his buddies come to the tree where the
banana blossom resides. They have to fight the corrupt creatures one
last time.
Falling action: The conflict finishes with Tong and his companions
winning. After picking the banana blossom. Tong returns to his father,
who is now healthy.
Denouement: The forest’s other creatures laud Tong as a hero
Together, he and his companions enjoy a happy ending. However, Tong
felt that he had a duty to fulfill: he was in charge of making the chaotic
jungle a more pleasant environment, In order to establish a new way of
life for the forest’s animals, he the made the decision to rule the forest
alongside his new companion, the monkey.

I Theme
Ethical Behavior
-To value morality and honestly in oneself. This topic emphasizes the
principles of integrity and honestly, which are shared by all cultures and
periods of history

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