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Example Of Questions Of QnA Pbl Stem

1. Apakah keberkesanan produk ini dalam jangka masa yang panjang?

-Usage of zipper ( allows the sponge inside to be replaced and rejuvenate )

- We have tested it. The scent, although deteriorate, last for a month.

Since our product utilizes the usage of a zipper, this allows the nylon sponge inside of the strap to be
replaced or rejuvenated of its scent using sprays and so on. After some tests, we have concluded
that scent of the sponge, lasts for about a month.

2. Perbezaan antara produk lain dalam pasaran dgn produk kiters?

( amir bole refer presentation dgn bandingkan dgn air up )

-produk kita dia mcm adjustable dan sekian sekian

Dear judges, there are a few products on the market, which does possess striking resemblances to
our own. For example, the Air Up Bottle. The Air Up bottle functions similarly to our Got Your Nose
cup sleeve-like strap, where it utilizes smell as a flavouring enhancer for water. However, both thes
products differ, where the Air Up Bottle requires you to buy the whole bottle itself, which does come
at a higher price of over RM50, whereas our product is an easily adjustable strap, which can be
removed and used on different kinds of water bottles, as our product is also adjustable for different

3. Orang selsema mcm mana ek?

Unfortunately, just like how flu or blocked noses would cause a person to be unable to properly
smell food odours and taste the flavour of food or drink, the same concept can be applied for our
products. When a person’s nose is blocked, this blocks the food odours from being sensed by the
sensory receptors in the nose.

4. Cara promote?

We will implement the usage of social media and interactive apps such as Facebook, Instagram and
TikTok. These platforms are applicable for everyone no matter your age or gender. Thus, by
promoting it widely on social media, people from all over the country, or even the globe, are able to
receive the information and understand how our product works. Hopefully, drawing in their
attention to not only purchase our product, but to continue sharing it to others as well.

5. Sesuai untuk golongan mana?

Our product would definitely be suitable for people of all ages and genders. Our product brings
plenty of benefits regardless of whether you’re young or old, man or woman. As we’ve mentioned in
our presentation earlier, our product works to attract the general public, mainly students to drink
more water by recreating the flavour of soft drinks. This not only reduces the risk of diseases, but
also saves our money.

6. How does the experiment conducted?

Conducted on 10 students. 7 students rasa. 3 students tk rasa.

The experiments were conducted on 10 students in our school. They were provided a bottle of water
with our product scented with chocolate strapped onto it. Out of the 10 students, we found that 7 of
them were able to taste the chocolate flavour despite drinking plain water. However, 3 out of the 10
students were not able to taste that same flavour.

7. Cost?

The total cost of all the materials used to create 50 pieces of our product would be Rm41. That
makes it around 82 cents per product. If we want to gain profit from the sale of product, we would
sell each at a price of RM5. This not only makes it cheap and easily accessible for the general public,
but allows to gain a large sum of profit, which can be used to further innovate upon our project.

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