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Sample Detailed IDEA Exemplar in English 2

A. Content Standards
Demonstrates understanding of the relationship of phonetic principles of Mother
Tongue and English to decode unknown words in English(CG p. 22)

B. Performance Standards
Analyzes pattern of sounds in words for meaning and accuracy (CG p. 22)
Ably reads and spells out grade appropriate regular and irregular words in
English (CG p. 22)

C. Learning Competencies/Objectives (Write the LC Code for each)

Match sounds with their corresponding letter patterns (oi, oy)- En2PAIIIc-
e.6.2 ❖ Match the picture to its correct letter patterns (oi, oy)

❖ Identify words with diphthong /oy/

❖ Complete the sentences by choosing the correct word with diphthong /oy/
❖ Show appreciation in reading and writing words with diphthong /oy/

II. Content: Diphthongs /oy/

A. Learning Resources
1.Teacher’s Guide pages: English 2 pp. 38-39
2. Learner’s Materials pages: 310-313
3. Textbook pages:
4.Additional Materials from Learning Resource (LR) portal:
B. Other Learning Resources:
Video-Jolly Phonics Oi Song: The Sailor Met Upon the Sea, pictures, cut-outs of a
tree, fruits, and 2 baskets, activity sheets, show-me board, story problem
Integration: Math, Music Establishing structured routine to help learners
experience a structured and predictable
III. PROCEDURES (Explicit Teaching) environment throughout the teaching learning
(Before starting the lesson, ask learners the things they need to do so that learning
takes place.)

A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson

Use I do (teacher), We Do (teacher and pupils), and You Do ( pupils) in singing the
song “The Sailors Met Upon the Sea” in the tune of “Old Mc Donald”.

The Sailors Met Upon the Sea

The sailors met upon the sea

/Oi/, /oi/, /oi/, /oi/, /oi/
They found some oil
Way down deep
/Oi/, /oi/, Ship ahoy!

Talk about the song.

Ask: What is the song all about?
What word or sound was repeatedly mentioned in the song?

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

Say: Based on the song, what do you think will be our lesson for
today? Why do you think it is necessary to learn these words?
Today, you shall learn more words with the same sound that you heard from the
song, the /oy/ sound. This will enrich your vocabulary as Grade 2 learners.
DEVELOPMENT: Giving clear instructions before conducting the activity to guide
learners on specific purpose and avoid misbehavior.
B. Presenting examples/instances of the new lesson
Say: Listen attentively and observe how I will do the activity so that you will be able to
understand better on what to do to the other activities.
Activity 1: Let’s pick word fruits!
NOTE: Prepare a big tree made of cartolina or felt paper and card-like fruits (depending
upon the tree and fruits known to the pupils).
Paste the picture to the fruit and its name to the other half.

Read and analyze the story problem. Answer the questions that

follow. Story Problem:

Mother gave Troy two (2) baskets. She told him to pick word-fruits from their garden
and put them according to the basket where they belong. Mother requested him to
count the number of word-fruits in each basket and their total number after picking

1. How many baskets did mother give Troy?

2. What did mother request Troy to do after picking word-fruits?

Say: Let us help Troy in picking word- fruits and count with him after puting them in their
proper baskets.

Note: Put the fruits
together so pupils
could not see what is

Cut outs (flashcards) for word fruits.


oil boil foil

point toys enjoy
boy y

voice joy

I do (Modeling) before conducting the activity allows learners to focus on clear

Pick a word fruit and read its name. behavioral expectations, thus avoiding misbehavior.
Illustration of giving clear instructions

Show the word to the pupils and read the word with you.
Let the pupils read alone.
Place the word fruit inside the basket.
We do (Guided Practice)
Call a pupil to pick a word fruit and read its name.
Guide the pupil in showing the word to his fellow pupils and read the word with
him/her. Guide the pupil to let his/her fellow pupils read alone.
Guide the pupil to place the word fruit inside the basket.

You do (Independent Practice)

Call pupils to take turn in doing the same activity as previously shown from the Guided

How many word-fruits are there in the oi basket? Help Troy in counting
them. How many word-fruits are in the oy basket? Help Troy in counting
them. How many word-fruits are there in the two (2) baskets?

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1

Let the pupils read the words in basket A and basket B in small
groups. 1. What letters do the words in basket A have in common?
2. What sound do oi produce?
3. What letters do the words in basket B have in common?
4. What sound do oy produce?
Say: Words with /oy/ sounds are called diphthongs.
Ask: What are diphthongs?


E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2

Activity 2 how to do their task. Let them act or answer their
TDAR (Think, Discuss, Act, Reflect) Strategy Group Illustration of giving clear instructions before conducting
pupils according to their ability level. Tell each group
the activity allows learners to focus on clear behavioral
to think of the task given to them. Let them discuss
expectations, thus avoiding misbehavior.

Let them reflect on how they were able to finish their task.
(Constantly move around from one group to another to ensure that all members in the
group participate and monitor leaner behavior. Praise learners with the accomplishment
of their work. Redirect misbehavior as the need arises during the conduct of activities
without disrupting the whole class). Group 1: What sound do I make?
Creating lessons and providing opportunities that are relevant
Provide positive reinforcement through moving around
to students’ abilities and interests allow them to work with
during the conduct of activities and redirect misbehavior
each other through engagement/differentiated activities. These
as the need arises.
also create a space where they are free to share their thoughts
and ideas and build relationships with each other.
Say the name of the picture with your group. Connect the
dot of the picture to its correct letter sounds.


Group 2: Hear me right!


Read each word with your group. Check (/) inside the box if you hear a
diphthong /oy/, cross out (x) if you don’t.

son soy
coin 1. car 2.
3. 4. 5.


Group 3: Which word completes me? Read the sentences with your
group. Supply the sentence with the correct word.

1. Ben likes to ( join, joy, coin ) the basketball game.

2. He has a loud ( foil, boil, voice).
3. The girls ( point, toil, coil ) to the stars.
4. The children ( enjoy, join, point ) flying their kites.
5. There is ( soil, foil, oil ) in the pan.

Group 4: Look for me please!

Read and understand the situation. Encircle all the words with diphthong /oy/.

Roy lost his coinbox his uncle had given him for his birthday. He asked his friend
Joy to help him find it. She looked upstairs while he searched downstairs. Finally,
he found it under the couch. They were overjoyed to have his coinbox again!
Setting clear expectations guides learners on
how to behave during activities to achieve
How many diphthongs are there in the short story? _____________
expected outcomes.
Rubrics for Group Performance

Criteria 10 pts 8 pts 6 pts

( Excellent) (Very Satisfactory) (Satisfactory)

Delivery Well-prepared Well-prepared Somewhat

Captured all Captured most prepared
details of the details of the Captured few
presentation Clear presentation details of the
voice Clear voice presentation
Hard to hear

Correct responses 4-5 pts 2-3 pts 0-1 pt

Teamwork All members Most of the Some of the

performed their members members
tasks performed the performed their
Clear evidence of tasks Adequate tasks
teamwork evidence of Little evidence of
teamwork teamwork

F. Developing mastery (Leads to Formative Assessment 3)

Process the activities done by each group using the following questions:
1. Were you able to answer your task correctly?
2. What did you do to finish your task?
3. Were you able to follow classroom and activity rules in the conduct of the
activities? Asking about their behavior during activities make them realize the
4. What words are commonly used in your activities? consequences of following and not following classroom and activity
5. What do we call these words? rules and procedures.
6. What are diphthongs?
G. Finding practical application of concepts and skills in daily living
Big Group Sharing
Read the situation, then answer the questions that follow. Share your answers to
the big group.
Big group
sharing creates positive sauce costs Php12.00?
reinforcement by creating an environment to build positive
relationships with each other and respect 1. What is asked in the situation?
one’s thoughts and ideas. 2. What are given in the situation?
Your mother gave you Php50.00 to buy her a bottle of 3. What will you do to get the answer?
oil and a bottle of soy sauce. At the store, the store
4. What is the answer?
keeper asked you how much change will he give you
5. What are the words with diphthong from the
if the bottle of oil costs Php23.00 and the bottle of soy


H. Making generalizations and abstractions about the

lesson What sound do “oi and oy” produce?
What do we call to the words with /oy/ sound?
What are diphthongs?
Words with oi and oy produce /oy/ sound.
Words with /oy/ sounds are called diphthongs.

Let pupils sing what they have learned in the tune of BINGO.

Oi oy /oy/
Oi oy /oy/
Oi oy /oy/
Diphthongs are their names o!
I. Evaluating learning
1. Which of these pictures has a letter pattern of “oy”?

A. B. C. 2. What letter patterns do the

following pictures show?

A. oi B. oy C. ow

3. Which word can you hear the diphthong /oy/?

A. lot B. plan C. soil

4. Which word completes each sentence?

Ben is a good ______.
A. boy B. noise C. voice

5. I will ______ the water to make it hot.

A. boil B. coil C. soil

J. Additional activities for application or remediation
List words with diphthong /oy/ that are not mentioned from the lesson using word


1. I learned that ___________________________________

2. I realize that ____________________________________

Prepared by:
Principal II
Patabog Elementary School
Mulanay District II
Division of Quezon

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