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List of the Twelve Apostles (John)

Simon Peter,
Thomas (called the Twin),
Nathanael of Cana in Galilee,
the (two) sons of Zebedee,
and two others of his disciples were together.
John 21:2

Five are named; two are unnamed.

Matthew Mark Luke

1 Simon Peter (Barjona) Simon Peter (Barjona) Simon Peter (Barjona)

2 James (Barzebedee) Andrew (Barjona) Andrew (Barjona)

3 John (Barzebedee) James (Barzebedee) James (Barzebedee)

4 Andrew (Barjona) John (Barzebedee) John (Barzebedee)

5 Philip Philip Philip

6 Bartholomew Bartholomew Bartholomew

(Nathanael?) (Nathanael?) (Nathanael?)

7 Matthew (Baralphaeus) Thomas (Didymus) Levi (Baralphaeus)

8 Thomas (Didymus) Levi (Baralphaeus) Thomas (Didymus)

9 James (Baralphaeus) James (Baralphaeus) James (Baralphaeus)

10 Thaddeus (Judas) Lebbaeus (Judas) Simon (the Zealot)

11 Simon (the Canaanite) Simon (the Canaanite) Judas (brother of James)

12 Judas Iscariot Judas Iscariot Judas Iscariot

(Barsimon) (Barsimon) (Barsimon)

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