Chapter 1 b1

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Power outages or interruptions are among the foreseeable scenarios that

teachers and their students may experience amid distance learning. If there is

a power outage, even for a moment, the loss of power can be detrimental.

Several files could become inaccessible, or worse, deleted permanently.

(Jonathan Castillo September 25, 2020.

This is a serious concern for all camiguingnons, most specially students at

camiguin polytechnic state college, who rely on electronic devices for their

studies. That’s why we conducted this research that aims to introduce the

design, development, and innovation of mini wind turbine as an alternative

energy source to meet the needs for electricity in the event of power outage.

The majority of the components needed for the construction of a mini wind

turbine can be found in your home or are available as scrap. Other inexpensive

supplies include PVC pipes and other recyclables, damaged electronic

appliances like ceiling fans.

This research focuses on building the small wind turbine that aims to

converts wind energy into electricity by utilizing the aerodynamic force of the

rotor blades, this conversion of aerodynamic force to generator rotation and

can generates electricity from 50 to 190 DC volts which is then connected to a

battery to store energy, that could light up a bulb with 3 to 5 watts. also

capable of charging mobile devices.


The following research is conducted in order to address the issues raised in

this study: (a) to present the unique features of the model and its capabilities.

And further present the processes to ensure that the equipment is used

properly in terms of; a.) maintenance and safety precautions, b.) operating

principle; c.) and the installation of the model.

Statement of the Problem

This research aims to provide answer to the following question:

1. What are the models structural, components and functional

2. What steps are taken to ensure that the model is used properly in terms


a.) Maintenance and safety precautions

b.) Operating principle;

c.) And the installation of the model

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The study's focus is only on the goal of developing a model, which is design,

development and innovation of mini wind turbine as an alternative energy

source to meet the needs for electricity in the event of power outage. However,

the scope of work on such a project went beyond planning and designing

different aspect of concern.

Significance of the study

This study is expected to benefit the following:

Students. This study is intended to every student who rely on the use of

electronic devices for their studies, to give an alternative source of energy in

case of power outage. The project study may be used and improve by the

students for their own concept and works in the future.

Researchers. The study's result will serve as proof of their success and pride

in having created such a project.

Community. Each individual in the neighborhood can benefit from the

utilization of the micro wind turbines as a backup energy source in the event of

a power outage. An eco-friendly energy source is wind. The environmental

impact of using wind energy is lower than that of many other energy sources.

The community's health will also benefit from decreased environmental


Future Researchers. The findings of the study may be used by other

researchers who will be carrying out related investigations may use the study's

findings, particularly in searching for more resources that might enhance the

model for their project study.

Definition of Terms

Direct Current - a flow of charge that does not change direction. Direct
current is produced by batteries, fuel cells, rectifiers, and generators with

Electric Motors - A class of devices that convert electrical energy into

mechanical energy, usually using electromagnetic phenomena.

Generator- a mechanism that transforms mechanical energy (motive power)

into electrical energy for use in an external circuit.

PVC Pipe - This stand for polyvinyl chloride, which is made from a material

that is a combination of plastic and vinyl. The pipes are durable, not easy to

damage and have a long service life.

Metal Tube- Composed of metallic elements or alloys and designed for specific

industrial applications. It is stronger, more robust and better suited for

structural applications and high-pressure fluid flow.

Revising – the process of changing and adjusting some components of a device

after testing to ensure effective and efficient operation.

Tools and equipment – these are the resources that can be found anywhere,

most commonly in the shop where the project was built, and have the

capability to of performing operations and assembling project parts.

Functionality – the quality of being suited to serve a well effectively

Try-out/Testing – it is the method of determining whether the apparatus

works as expected.


Historical Background of Wind Power Source

A NASA wind turbine program to develop utility-scale wind turbines starts.

“This research and development program pioneered many of the multi-

megawatt turbine technologies in use today, including: steel tube towers,

variable-speed generators, composite blade materials, partial-span pitch

control, as well as aerodynamic, structural, and acoustic engineering design

capabilities. The large wind turbines developed under this effort set several

world records for diameter and power output. (Zachary Shahan 1975)

Wind turbines have currently been installed throughout the world, both

onshore and offshore, thanks to Charles F. Brush (1849-1929), an American

scientist who, in 1887, built what is said to be the first automatic wind turbine

to generate electricity. Then, in 1899 the Danish scientist Poul la Cour (1846-
1908) improved the wind turbine when he discovered that building it with a

small number of rotor blades gave better results and increased the production

of electricity. His design is considered to be the first modern wind generator.

(Ruth Barrientos Díaz 08 November 2019).

Aesthetic of Wind Turbine

All wind turbines convert the kinetic energy created by the wind into

mechanical power. Their propellers are architecturally engineered to capture

the highest amount of energy from the wind. When the seized wind power is

converted to electricity through the generator, it can provide power to your

household lights, electric heating, appliances, and more. (YGRENE FEBRUARY

7, 2020)

Small 12V wind turbine generator is capable of producing alternate energy

through wind, the Bridge rectifier and controller rectifies the energy came from

wind turbine generator and regulator-battery charger circuit helps 12V/4.5Ah

SLA battery to get charging, then Step-up inverter circuit produce high voltage

AC enough to operate home appliances. (KYNIX NOV 27, 2017)

These small wind turbines sit on top of your roof, just like solar panels would.

Putting them on the roof gives them the best height to take advantage of the

wind blowing over your house. They’re usually cheaper to install than

standalone turbines. But since they’re not as big, they tend to be less powerful,

usually generating 1-2kW. (AMIMEE TWEEDALE MAY 7, 2021

Application of Small Wind Power Source

Home wind turbines can be installed and static, or they can be portable.

While all are suitable for land, not all are made for marine applications. The

best wind turbine for your situation depends on its intended use as well as

which features matter most for your applications. (JENNA RYAN MAR 31,


Wind turbine needs to be connected to a generator to produce electricity. Most

generators are direct current (DC), which means that to use one to provide

household current you'll need to connect the generator to a power inverter to

produce the alternating current (AC) that household appliances use. (WIKIHOW

STAFF DEC 27, 2021)

Since the wind speeds increase with altitude, a small wind turbine is mounted

on a tower. The higher the tower, the more electricity the wind system can

generally generate.
Relatively small investments in a higher tower height can lead to very high

returns on electricity generation. For example, raising a 10-kilowatt generator

from a 60-foot tower to a 100-foot tower increases the overall system cost by

10%, but can produce 25% more electricity. (HARESH BAMBHANIYA SEP 15,


A small wind generator which can be installed on a balcony or on the roof,

capable of providing electricity to store in accumulators in order to power, for

instance, domestic utilizers such as the video surveillance system when we are

away from home and we cut off the main power. ((VITTORIO LOSCHIAVO May

13, 2019).

The most frequently quoted papers and articles are on the current study,

which elaborates on the background history of wind power. Design,

development and innovation of mini wind turbine as an alternative energy

source. The cited literature by the researcher also offers thorough and

instructive details about this investigation. Thanks to the researchers' and

authors' prior contributions of knowledge and research data, technical

descriptions and the researcher’s backgrounds are better appreciated.

Chapter 3


Conceptual frameworks

The study consisted of phases:

Phase I involves creating, innovate, and building the model, and Phase II

involves putting the model to the test by determining how it works.

The conceptual model as shown in the phase I is the system approach on

input-process-output. Below is the schematic diagram.

The supplies and materials, tools and equipment used, as well as alternative

ideas from related literature and studies, constitute input.

The process includes device design modification, tryout/testing, and innovate.

This cycle is completed when the following acceptability criteria are met:

a.) Functionality

b.) Distinct Features

Input Process Output

 Alternative
theories • Designing
drawn from
design and the
studies and • Building
new innovation
literature and try-
of mini wind
turbine, using
 Supply and g
materials motor models

 Tools and • Innovate

Fig. 1 conceptual framework of the study


The criteria are judged by peers, instructors and device end users
particularly students finally, the output is the completed design and innovation
of mini wind turbine. The validation aspect of the study is accomplished in
Phase I by: 1. Actual testing to studies or end users. Or 2. By soliciting the
advice of technology instructors, as well as electrical or electronics experts in


(The device’s effectiveness)

Actual testing
• Functionality
• Features

Fig. 2 schematic diagram for phase II

The schematic diagram considers performance validation: the profile of
respondents and the effectiveness of the device. These performance validations
are discussed in detail below:
Years of teaching, electrical/electronics, or working in a company or industry
are all strong candidates for determining perceptions of the device's
effectiveness. These technology experts with extensive experience in their field
should be aware of the difficulties encountered by users, particularly
technology instructors, and thus be able to determine whether the device is
useful to the user.

Another factor influencing perceptions of the device's effectiveness is the

educational background of CPSC students studying electrical/electronic or
engineering. Their knowledge of electrical skills may have been obtained
through formal schooling or through practice and experience.
The device's effectiveness was determined by the following criteria:
a.) Functionality
b.) Distinct features

Development of the project

The project development includes the project profile, supplies, materials

required, tools and equipment used, construction procedures, and try-out and

a.) Profile of the project

The small wind turbine is an innovation over a standard or large wind

turbine this model has smaller scale turbine blades that are usually 1 to 1.5
meter, the frame of the turbine is the structure that houses the rotor,
generator, and tail. The diameter of a turbine's rotor determines the amount of
energy it will produce. The "swept area," or the amount of wind intercepted by
the turbine, is defined by the rotor's diameter. The tail keeps the turbine
pointed in the direction of the wind. The mini wind turbine is capable of
producing 50 to 190 AC volts of electricity at their optimal wind speed. which is
then connected to a battery to store energy, that could light up a bulb with 3 to
5 watts. also capable of charging mobile devices and can power small

The researcher can provide users with a system package that includes all of the
components required for your specific application. The following components
may be included in a residential grid-connected application:

 Charging controller
 Battery for storage
 An inverter (power conditioning unit)

b.) Supplies and Materials

The majority of the supplies and materials required for the construction are
made from recyclable and unused appliances. Only the model's main
components, such as the generator, batteries, charging controller, and inverter,
has cost.

Table 1 show the, unit name and description, unit cost and total
Cost of the materials used in realizing the project.

Table 1
Bill of supplies and materials


1 Pc PVC-pipe
1 pc Stand fan
1 pc Damage stand fan
1 pc Ceiling fan
100 cc Solvent cement
1/4 ml epoxy
1 pc Spray paint
c. Tools and Equipment

table 2 shows the tools and equipment used in the construction of mini wind
turbine and their perspective function.

Tools and its function.

Pliers Use for gripping something

round like pipe or rod, twisting
wires and cutting wire.
Soldering iron It supplies heat to melt solder
so that it can flow into the joint
between two work pieces.
Scissors For cutting various thin

Welding machine A device used to join materials

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