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At Pentecost, the disciples were filled .

with the Holy Spirit

and spoke in tongue

The crowd around was surprised at what they saw and

heard while others allege that the disciples were drunk,

Peter addressed
the crowd that it was too early to get drunk,

It was rather the

fulfillment of Joel’s prophecy that in the last days God would his spirit upon
all flesh,

Then their sons and daughters would prophesy, men would have
visions and old men dream dreams,

And those who would call upon the name

of the Lord would be saved,

He said Jesus was crucified by lawless men

according to the plan and foreknowledge of God.

But God raised Christ

from the dead, loosening Him from the pangs of death,

For the scripture

(Psalm of David) maintained that the Holy one’s soul would not be abandoned in
Hades, nor see corruption,

He said that when David died and was buried, his

tomb was still there.
Asa prophet, David spoke about the resurrection of

According to Peter, God raised up Jesus and exalted him at His

right hand,

Further, Jesus received from the Father the promise of the

Holy Spirit and poured it on the disciples,

Peter further declared that

God had made Jesus both Lord and Christ,

The crowd was cut to the heart,

asking Peter, “Brethren what shall we do?

Peter asked them to repent

and be baptized in the name of Jesus for the forgiveness of their sins,

And that the gift of the Holy Spirit was promised to them and later

Hence, they should save themselves from this crooked


The crowd responded favorably such that three

thousand people were baptized.

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