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Computers & Security 131 (2023) 103293

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A survey on indoor positioning security and privacy

Yerkezhan Sartayeva∗, Henry C. B. Chan
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: With rising demand for indoor location-based services (LBS) such as location-based marketing, mobile
Received 30 June 2022 navigation, etc., there has been considerable interest in indoor positioning methods as well as their secu-
Revised 9 May 2023
rity and privacy. Current survey papers on indoor positioning methods mainly focus on positioning accu-
Accepted 9 May 2023
racy, whereas discussion on security and privacy considerations is limited. While there are survey papers
Available online 12 May 2023
on the security/privacy of LBS, they mainly focus on the services rather than the positioning methods.
Keywords: On the other hand, various survey papers on Internet of Things security/privacy mostly address device
Indoor positioning security and system security. To fill the gap and complement the aforementioned survey papers, we conduct a
Indoor positioning privacy systematic and comprehensive survey on indoor positioning security and privacy, focusing on the po-
Location-based services sitioning methods. In particular, we provide the following contributions. First, based on general search
Collaborative positioning (using the systematic PRISMA approach) and specific search, we study related papers published in recent
Non-collaborative positioning
years with the aim of addressing three research questions. Second, to facilitate the survey and study, we
Wireless networks
categorise the positioning methods into non-collaborative methods (i.e., proximity-based, geometric and
fingerprinting methods), collaborative methods (i.e., mobile proximity-based and mobile geometric meth-
ods) and others (combining multiple technologies/methods). Third, for each method, we give an overview
of the method and discuss its security and privacy issues. Last but not least, we highlight some future
research directions and work on indoor positioning security and privacy. In particular, there is a need to
conduct more research on collaborative positioning methods, including their security and privacy issues.
© 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

Abbreviations used in the paper: AES, Advanced Encryption Standard; APIT, Ap- Location-based services (LBS) are now widely used and con-
proximate Point in Triangle; AoA, Angle of Arrival; AoD, Angle of Departure; BLE,
Bluetooth Low Energy; CAB, Concentric Anchor Beacon; CFO, Carrier Frequency Off-
tinue to grow in popularity (Jiang et al., 2021; Liu et al., 2019b; Up-
set; CS, Ciphered Sequence; CSI, Channel State Information; DoS, Denial of Service; haus et al., 2021). LBS is a collective term for online services that
ECDH, Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman; ECDSA, Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algo- rely on users’ geographical data, i.e., their location (Bettini, 2018).
rithm; EDS, Encryption and Decision Server; EIPS, Encrypted Indoor Positioning Ser- They can be used in various domains, which include marketing
vice; FHE, Fully Homomorphic Encryption; GAEN, Google and Apple Exposure Noti-
(Banerjee et al., 2021; Shieh et al., 2019), healthcare (Sen and Ma-
fication; GC, Garbled Circuit; GNSS, Global Navigation Satellite System; GPS, Global
Positioning System; HMAC, Hash-based Message Authentication Code; IMU, Inertial hapatra, 2019), navigation (Tiemann et al., 2020) and more. One of
Measurement Unit; IPS, Indoor Positioning System; k-NN, k-Nearest Neighbours; the main issues with LBS is protecting users’ locations from ma-
LBS, Location-Based Services; LPPM, Location Privacy-Preserving Mechanism; MAC, licious parties, including service providers themselves. Users may
Message Authentication Code; MANET, Mobile Ad Hoc Network; MAP, Maximum a not want to disclose their location or at least an association of
Posteriori; MIMO, Multiple Input and Multiple Output; MLE, Maximum Likelihood
Estimation; MMSE, Minimum Mean Squared Error; MTAC, Message Time of Arrival
their identity with a location to third parties, therefore, it is crit-
Code; PDR, Pedestrian Dead Reckoning; PHE, Partially Homomorphic Encryption; ical to make sure that this information is not abused. Many sur-
PPS, Privacy-Preserving Summation; RF, Radio Frequency; RFID, Radio-Frequency veys have been written on the protection of user locations, e.g.,
Identification; RPI, Rolling Proximity Identifier; RSA, Rivest-Shamir-Adleman; RSSI, the works of Jiang et al. (2021) and Liu et al. (2018a), but they
Received Signal Strength Indicator; RTT, Round-Trip Time; SHA, Secure Hash Al-
do not discuss how security of the localisation process itself is en-
gorithm; SLAM, Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping; SOCP, Second-Order Cone
Programming; STS, Scrambled Timestamp Sequence; TDoA, Time Difference of Ar- sured, especially in indoor environments. GPS-based (Global Posi-
rival; TWR, Two-Way Ranging; ToA, Time of Arrival; ToF, Time of Flight; UWB, Ultra- tioning System) outdoor localisation is performed locally, meaning
wideband; VLC, Visible Light Communication; WSN, Wireless Sensor Network; WiFi, that the user’s location is not disclosed to third parties, but this is
Wireless Fidelity. not the case in indoor positioning systems because they rely on a

Corresponding authors.
different localisation infrastructure (Boutet and Cunche, 2021). GPS
E-mail addresses: (Y. Sartayeva), (H.C. B. Chan). cannot be used for indoor localisation because of poor signal pen-
0167-4048/© 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Y. Sartayeva and H.C. B. Chan Computers & Security 131 (2023) 103293

etration and a high degree of obstructions indoors (Kunhoth et al., the majority of papers found during literature review focused on
2020). Hence, this survey will only cover indoor localisation. De- them. However, we still present a summary of existing works on
spite its steady growth in popularity (Zafari et al., 2019), security the security and privacy of other positioning systems, which in-
and privacy are rarely considered in works on indoor positioning, clude multimodal/hybrid systems, where we define “multimodal”
with priority given to accuracy (Tiku and Pasricha, 2019). This is as positioning that involves a combination of different communi-
understandable because accuracy is critical in LBS (Nessa et al., cation technologies and/or methods. In general, we classify indoor
2020), i.e., LBS assume location data supplied to them is correct. positioning methods into two categories: collaborative and non-
In addition, incorporating security and privacy preservation into in- collaborative, where the former involve cooperation between lo-
door positioning systems (IPSs) poses an additional computational calised and unlocalised nodes in localisation, while the latter only
burden on participant nodes that is impractical because of their rely on the network infrastructure for positioning. Please note that
resource constraints. However, accuracy can also be compromised we use “mobile” and “collaborative” interchangeably because we
as a result of security and privacy attacks, such as data tamper- assume that in collaborative positioning, targets and anchors can
ing, node capturing and more, as will be discussed throughout the move.
paper. The negative repercussions of low localisation security in
the context of indoor localisation could range from minor incon- 1.1. Contributions
veniences, like guiding a student to the wrong classroom, to more
severe issues, like hospital staff failing to locate a medication for In summary, the contributions of this survey paper are outlined
a patient in critical condition on time (Tiku and Pasricha, 2019). as follows.
In this survey, it is assumed that a separate server (IPS server) is • A unique survey paper on indoor positioning security and privacy.
responsible for localisation, i.e., not a server that provides LBS. If Most survey papers on indoor positioning systems focus on ac-
LBS provision and indoor localisation are the responsibility of the curacy and performance but do not take security and privacy
same server, it does not mean that the server’s security measures into consideration. Although there are surveys on security and
for location privacy protection are sufficient for secure localisa- privacy of location-based services, they focus on the services
tion. When it comes to protecting information about user locations, rather than the positioning methods. This survey paper aims to
privacy preservation mechanisms for this purpose have been cov- fill the gap and complement the previous survey papers. To the
ered extensively in LBS privacy surveys, e.g., by Chen et al. (2017a), best of our knowledge, this is the first survey paper that pro-
Jiang et al. (2021), Liu et al. (2018a). This survey will focus on vides a comprehensive survey on the security and privacy is-
methods used for securing ways in which locations/positions are sues for indoor positioning methods.
estimated. That means, unlike the previous surveys, our focus is on • An overview of the most recent works on secure indoor localisation
the security and privacy of indoor positioning methods, which is methods. Indoor positioning is a swiftly evolving field with new
not covered by the previous surveys. To the best of our knowledge, works published frequently, so it is important to stay up-to-
this survey paper should be the first or among the first to provide date with recent developments in the field. The majority of pa-
a systematic and comprehensive survey on the security and pri- pers covered in this survey were published in or after 2017. To
vacy issues for indoor positioning (i.e., focusing on different types identify these papers, the systematic Preferred Reporting Items
of positioning methods). Our work should complement the previ- for Systematic Review and Meta Analysis (PRISMA) approach
ous surveys. (Liberati et al., 2009) was used.
Indoor positioning is different from outdoor localisation in • Security and privacy of major indoor positioning methods. A ma-
that it cannot rely on GPS because of poor signal penetration jor contribution of this paper is to categorise the positioning
in buildings (Kunhoth et al., 2020). In addition, according to methods into two types: non-collaborative positioning meth-
Laoudias et al. (2018), Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) ods (i.e., proximity-based, geometric and fingerprinting meth-
receivers have high energy consumption requirements, which is ods) and collaborative positioning methods, and study the se-
draining on battery-powered devices such as smartphones, and curity and privacy issues of each method, including possible so-
require up to a few minutes to capture sufficient satellite sig- lutions.
nals, which is undesirable for time-critical applications. Given that • Future research directions and work. Last but not least, we high-
people spend the majority of their time indoors (Davidson and light future research directions and work on indoor position-
Pich, 2017) and a rising demand for indoor positioning, especially ing security and privacy. In particular, there should be more re-
in disaster management, it is hard to overstate the importance of search work on collaborative positioning methods.
indoor positioning. A wide variety of alternative technologies are
used for indoor localisation, which include Bluetooth Low Energy 1.2. Organization
(BLE), ultra-wideband (UWB), Wireless Fidelity (WiFi), Visible Light
Communication (VLC) and more. Achieving high accuracy in indoor The rest of the paper is structured as follows. Section 2 gives an
settings is difficult because of the heterogeneity of indoor spaces, overview of the related work/surveys. Section 3 presents some mo-
frequent rearrangement of objects and obstructions, which ham- tivational cases studies and the research framework for the survey.
per communication between localisation devices, and signal noise Sections 4 and 5 discuss more specific security and privacy issues
caused by these obstructions, which is hard to model. The security related to individual non-collaborative and collaborative methods,
of IPSs is dictated by their infrastructure and positioning mech- respectively. Section 6 discusses directions for future work on in-
anisms, and a wide variety of these exist because no one solu- door positioning security and privacy. Section 7 gives concluding
tion satisfies all applications. One of the most popular positioning remarks and summarises key insights.
methods is fingerprinting because of its high positioning accuracy
(Alhomayani and Mahoor, 2020), and most works on secure indoor 2. Related work/surveys
localisation discuss solutions for fingerprinting-based systems, but
papers for other methods can be found as well. This survey will be During the literature review, we considered survey papers on
structured based on the most common localisation method cate- three major topics: indoor positioning, location-based services and
gories presented in Fig. 1 and will discuss their corresponding se- IoT security. The work of Holcer et al. (2020) is most related to
curity and privacy issues and possible solutions. Please note that this survey as they also conducted a review of papers on loca-
this survey primarily covers RF-based positioning methods since tion privacy in IPSs. However, 70% of the papers covered by the

Y. Sartayeva and H.C. B. Chan Computers & Security 131 (2023) 103293

Fig. 1. Indoor positioning methods.

survey employed WiFi fingerprinting, i.e., security and privacy of tecting location privacy. Most do not focus on indoor localisation,
other positioning methods were not covered in-depth. Most survey but Chen et al. (2017a) included a section on the security of non-
papers on indoor positioning cover the positioning methods with GNSS positioning systems. Despite this, the authors did not cover
little discussion on security and privacy. While there are survey pa- the security and privacy concerns inherent in the localisation pro-
pers on location privacy, they have limited coverage on positioning cess itself. They discussed ways in which to protect location data,
security and privacy specifically, i.e., they assume that the underly- not considering potential security and data leakage issues during
ing positioning methods are secure. There are more survey papers location estimation. Similarly, Liu et al. (2018a) provided a general
on IoT security. However, their focus is also not on positioning se- overview of location attacks, adversaries and privacy preservation
curity and privacy. Table 1 gives an overview of the surveys related mechanisms, which partially overlaps with the issue of secure lo-
to this paper. From the table, it can be seen that there is a strong calisation because data used to obtain a location should be pro-
need for a survey paper on indoor positioning security and privacy. tected as well, so perhaps privacy preservation mechanisms em-
ployed for location privacy could be used in this case as well.
2.1. Indoor positioning Jiang et al. (2021) conducted a comprehensive review of privacy
preservation methods in LBS, assessed their limitations and viabil-
In terms of indoor positioning surveys, many works have been ity and found that cryptography-based methods provide the high-
published in recent years, some focusing on the use of machine est level of security and utility but are also highly computationally
learning (Alhomayani and Mahoor, 2020; Li et al., 2019b; Nessa expensive.
et al., 2020; Roy and Chowdhury, 2021), some on UWB-based
systems (Ridolfi et al., 2021; Shi and Ming, 2016), others on 2.3. IoT security
smartphone-based systems (Davidson and Pich, 2017; Subedi and
Pyun, 2020). However, they either do not discuss security and pri- Finally, with regard to IoT security surveys, security and pri-
vacy issues and solutions related to indoor positioning at all or vacy in the IoT sector in general has been thoroughly investigated
simply cover them briefly and mention that more research needs in recent years because of the considerable growth in the use of
to be done in this regard. For example, Zafari et al. (2019) included IoT devices. According to Mohanta et al. (2020), existing security
security and privacy in their IPS evaluation framework and argued protocols cannot be applied to IoT systems because they have dif-
that one of the reasons why IPSs are not adopted on a large scale ferent security vulnerabilities. The authors described security at-
is because of privacy. They explain that the reason behind the diffi- tacks in IoT systems and presented an overview of solutions based
culty of incorporating security and privacy measures in IPSs lies in on artificial intelligence, machine learning and blockchain technol-
the energy constraints of participating devices, meaning that util- ogy. Machine-learning-based solutions mostly focused on identify-
ising conventional distributed or centralised key-based systems in ing security issues, while blockchain was mainly used for identity-
IPSs is infeasible. However, in order to encourage more research in based issues such as authentication, authorisation and trust man-
this direction, surveys are needed to give researchers an overview agement. Since IoT devices are not as computationally powerful
of current issues and existing solutions. as more sophisticated devices like smartphones and PCs, one of
the most critical considerations in IoT security is the computa-
2.2. Location privacy in LBS tional complexity of security interventions. In addition, since IoT
networks are highly extensible, scalability should be considered
Surveys on location privacy in LBS are closer to the area of this as well. These insights are useful for context as IPSs are part of
survey’s interest as they cover issues and solutions specific to pro- the IoT realm. However, the scope of IoT security surveys, e.g., by

Y. Sartayeva and H.C. B. Chan Computers & Security 131 (2023) 103293

Table 1
Overview of related surveys from the literature.

Reference Summary Survey category Remarks

Holcer et al. (2020) This survey analyses existing works on indoor Indoor positioning privacy 70% of the papers they analysed
positioning privacy and provides a classification employed WiFi fingerprinting, i.e.,
of location privacy preservation mechanisms. security and privacy preservation
methods of other positioning
approaches were not covered
Alhomayani and Mahoor (2020) This survey reviews works on deep learning for Indoor positioning Limited discussion of indoor
fingerprinting. positioning security and privacy. Most
surveys mention it as a future
research area rather than discussing
specific problems and solutions.
Li et al. (2019b) This survey covers papers on outdoor and indoor
localisation based on machine learning.
Nessa et al. (2020) This survey discusses the latest machine learning
tools for indoor positioning such as for reduction
of noise and fusion.
Roy and Chowdhury (2021) This survey gives an overview of machine
learning techniques adopted in existing indoor
positioning systems.
Shi and Ming (2016) This survey studies recent works on UWB-based
Ridolfi et al. (2021) This survey focuses on UWB-based collaborative
Subedi and Pyun (2020) This survey is on smartphone-based IPSs and
mostly focuses on fingerprinting.
Davidson and Pich (2017) This survey describes indoor positioning methods
for smartphones.
Zafari et al. (2019) This survey provides a comprehensive overview
of the latest works on indoor positioning systems
and technologies.
Chen et al. (2017a) This survey is on the security and privacy of LBS Location privacy in LBS Location privacy in LBS is different
for IoT, where both indoor and outdoor systems from location privacy in IPSs because
are covered. The authors list issues and solutions the localisation process itself is not
and focus on both technical and legal aspects. inherently secure.
Liu et al. (2018a) This survey gives a general overview of location
privacy attacks and protection mechanisms.
Jiang et al. (2021) This survey provides a detailed discussion of
location privacy preservation mechanisms in LBS.
Mohanta et al. (2020) This review article lists security and privacy IoT security These surveys discuss IoT security in
issues of IoT systems and presents solutions from general rather than focusing on indoor
the literature based on machine learning, positioning.
blockchain and artificial intelligence.
binti Mohamad Noor and This article reviews existing works on IoT security
Hassan (2019) between 2016 and 2018.
Neshenko et al. (2019) This article compares different IoT surveys and
provides a taxonomy of IoT vulnerabilities.
Hassija et al. (2019) This survey discusses security threats of IoT
applications as well as existing and emerging
technologies for addressing them, focusing on fog
computing, edge computing, blockchain and
machine learning.
Al-Garadi et al. (2020) This article surveys machine learning and deep
learning methods for supporting and enhancing
IoT security.

Al-Garadi et al. (2020), Hassija et al. (2019), binti Mohamad Noor present some motivational case studies or examples to illustrate
and Hassan (2019) and Neshenko et al. (2019), is too wide for IPS why IPS security and privacy are important and then, based on
security and privacy, i.e., they do not focus specifically on secure findings from the related work and case studies, we set out the
localisation. research questions and research framework of this survey.
Overall, it is evident that there is little work on indoor position-
ing security and privacy issues and solutions, so this paper aims to
3.1. Case studies
address this gap and complement the previous survey papers.
3.1.1. Asset localisation
3. Case studies and research framework Suppose that A is a patient at an intensive care unit in a hos-
pital. His condition has just got worse, and he is in need of a life-
Our overview of related work suggests that previously, re- critical medication. The nurse responsible for retrieving the med-
searchers have focused on location privacy in LBS and improving ication searches for the location of the medication in the hospital
accuracy in indoor positioning. However, security and privacy of database and finds that it has been misplaced. Then she opts to use
IPSs in general and positioning methods in particular are equally the hospital’s medication localisation system based on BLE, which
important since the underlying localisation process itself is not has been recently hijacked by B, who shuffled the BLE beacons.
inherently secure and privacy-preserving. In this section, we first As a result, the system directs the nurse to an incorrect location,

Y. Sartayeva and H.C. B. Chan Computers & Security 131 (2023) 103293

leading to A’s premature death due to untimely medical interven- study solutions to tackle the issues with the aim of developing
tion. The same problem (i.e., leading to wrong locations/positions) secure and privacy-preserving indoor positioning methods for LBS
might apply to other scenarios such as the localisation of people in with minimal impact on other performance metrics like accuracy
burning buildings, positioning of assets in warehouses and more. and computational cost. Since indoor positioning systems are rising
in demand, their security and privacy issues are becoming more
3.1.2. Contact tracing pressing, as not only are they crucial for protecting user data, but
In general, whenever users consent to their data being collected they also directly determine the accuracy of indoor positioning,
by a service provider, this implies that the service provider will not which has been the primary evaluation metric for indoor position-
use the data in ways users did not consent to, e.g., revealing their ing systems. In other words, even if one develops an extremely ac-
identity. A study by Narayanan and Shmatikov (2008) revealed that curate indoor positioning system, if measures are not taken to pro-
even with an anonymous dataset of movie ratings collected by Net- tect data used for positioning, the adversary can easily manipulate
flix, it is possible to de-anonymise records associated with a user the data and thus compromise the system’s accuracy. Furthermore,
identity if one knows some information about the user. Similarly, the adversary can gain valuable insight into users’ locations just
in contact tracing, there is a risk of de-anonymisation. For exam- from this intermediary data used as input for the positioning al-
ple, suppose that users A and B have a contact tracing app run- gorithm, allowing him/her to track the victim, lead the victim to
ning in the background on their phones, and they come close to wrong locations, etc.
each other. Even if the users’ identities are protected, with enough
data from other people’s submissions, it may be possible to de-
3.3. Research framework
anonynomise A and B or infer that they were in proximity to each
other (Cho et al., 2020). As a result, A and B could be tracked by
To address the research questions formulated in Section 3.2, the
malicious parties without prior consent.
PRISMA research framework (Liberati et al., 2009) was adopted.
Four databases were used for collating sources for literature re-
3.1.3. Shopping mall navigation
Suppose there is a shopping mall that allows its customers to
navigate the mall using a WiFi-fingerprint-based indoor position- 1. Scopus (
ing system that was designed by a contractor C. Whenever cus- 2. Google Scholar (
tomers need to be localised, they use their smartphones to collect 3. IEEE Xplore Library (
fingerprints from nearby access points and send them unencrypted 4. ACM Digital Library (
to C’s server. This means that, for every customer that sends their
fingerprints to the server, C is able to gain access to their loca- Various search strings were used for searching papers in the
tion through its fingerprint database and will thus be able to use core databases, such as: “indoor AND (locali∗ OR positi∗ ) AND sys-
this sensitive information for its own purposes, e.g., unsolicited tem AND (secur∗ OR priv∗ )”. Only journal articles and conference
location-based marketing. papers in English related to indoor localisation security or pri-
vacy and published between 2017 and 2022 were included. Em-
3.1.4. COVID-19 QR code check-in pirical studies with experimental results and survey papers rele-
Suppose there is a restaurant R that requires its customers to vant to at least one research question were considered. A total of
scan a QR code before entry to make sure their presence in the 1342 records was found after combining search results from all
restaurant is recorded for COVID-19 control. One day an adversary databases, 956 records remained after removing duplicates, and
replaced the QR code at the entrance of the restaurant with the 58 papers met the inclusion and eligibility criteria and passed the
QR code of a hospital H with a high number of COVID-19 cases. quality assessment.
No one noticed the change since the adversary also replaced the Based on the papers found and other related studies, the fol-
QR code label with R’s name. However, from that day forward lowing sections will present the survey in detail. Fig. 2 gives
the restaurant’s customers were falsely recorded as visitors at H, an overview of the survey framework and Table 2 highlights
meaning they could be labelled as close contacts of infected indi- the key issues to be discussed in the subsequent sections. Basi-
viduals in the hospital, even though they were never there. cally, security and privacy issues identified during literature review
have been categorised by positioning method type, i.e., proximity-
3.2. Research questions based, geometric, fingerprint-based, collaborative proximity-based
and collaborative geometric. Fig. 2 depicts the classification sys-
Based on the review of related work and the aforementioned tem for indoor positioning security and privacy that was developed
case studies, it is evident there is an urgent need to investigate based on issues identified during the literature review. It is a two-
security and privacy preservation methods for indoor positioning tier system, where the first tier is the overall issue category, i.e.,
systems, and the following research questions can thus be formed: confidentiality, integrity, authenticity or other, and the second tier
RQ1. What are the major indoor positioning methods and how is the entity that an issue pertains to, e.g., jamming attacks target
can they be categorised? Fundamentally, we need to identify the communication links, whereas malicious node attacks target net-
major indoor positioning methods. Furthermore, it is important to work nodes. The list seeks to present the major issues. Based on
study how they can be categorised. This aims to establish the foun- the list, the most vulnerable part of the indoor positioning pro-
dation or framework for subsequent studies. In particular, it facil- cess is its communication links, and most attacks are related to in-
itates the identification and study of relevant security and privacy tegrity issues. Table 2 gives an overview of which issues are appli-
issues. cable to which method type and which broad category they belong
RQ2. What are the security and privacy issues for each method? to, i.e., confidentiality, integrity, authenticity or other. It is evident
As was mentioned previously, security and privacy issues for in- that the privacy of the different parties involved in the localisation
door positioning methods are not well covered in existing survey process is under threat in almost every method type, but existing
papers. There is a need to conduct a more comprehensive survey studies focus more on client privacy. Signal attacks are also appli-
to identify these issues. cable to every method type, but some are more resilient than oth-
RQ3. What are the possible solutions to tackle these security ers. For example, detection of malicious nodes is more difficult in
and privacy issues? In relation to RQ2, there is also a need to collaborative systems.

Y. Sartayeva and H.C. B. Chan Computers & Security 131 (2023) 103293

Fig. 2. Indoor positioning security and privacy issues.

Table 2
Positioning methods vs. security and privacy issues applicable to them. Abbreviations in the top row: P - proximity-based, G -
geometric, F - fingerprinting, CP - collaborative proximity-based, CG - collaborative geometric.

Issue category Issue name P G F CP CG

Confidentiality User location privacy (during localisation)    

Database privacy     
Reference node privacy    
Wireless eavesdropping     
Traffic analysis attack     
User location privacy (after localisation)     
Integrity Database corruption     
Distance estimation attacks    
QR code replacement 
Jamming attack     
Replay attack     
Data tampering     
Authenticity Malicious node attacks     
Collusion attack    
Other Replaying QR codes 
Resource draining  

Table 2 is also related to the motivational case studies or down step-by-step. Potential solutions from the literature are also
examples presented before. For example, the Asset Localisation covered. Please note the following assumptions:
case study demonstrates how geometric indoor positioning can
• The server-to-target channel is over the Internet, and Internet
be subject to authenticity and integrity issues. The case study in
security is not covered in this paper.
Section 3.1.2 relates to confidentiality issues in collaborative po-
• The database-to-server channel is also over the Internet.
sitioning, while the QR code case study serves as an example of
• Operations that happen locally, e.g., only on the server’s side
integrity and authenticity issues in proximity-based positioning in
or only on the target’s side, are assumed to be safe. Of course,
line with our framework in Fig. 2. Finally, the shopping mall case
they could be compromised by malware injection and adver-
was given to illustrate confidentiality issues in fingerprint-based
sarial attacks on the localisation software or the decoded input,
but server and mobile security are beyond the paper’s scope.
Please note that we only list security and privacy issues that are
4. Non-collaborative positioning methods the most relevant to the indoor positioning methods in question,
i.e., we do not argue that there cannot be overlaps. A matrix of
This section describes non-collaborative indoor positioning which attacks are applicable to which methods can be found in
methods and discusses their security and privacy issues, broken Table 2.

Y. Sartayeva and H.C. B. Chan Computers & Security 131 (2023) 103293

Fig. 3. Proximity-based indoor positioning illustration.

4.1. Proximity-based methods

4.1.1. Overview
The most basic type of indoor positioning is to assign a target’s
location to a nearby reference point or object with known coordi-
nates. This is referred to as proximity-based positioning, meaning
that one or more reference points or nodes closest to the target
are used to estimate its rough location. Some of the most com-
mon proximity-based indoor positioning methods are landmarking,
closest neighbour and centroid localisation. They are similar in that
they rely on the presence of reference points or nodes with known
coordinates, but they differ in either the way they process these
coordinates or the nature of the reference nodes. This section gives
an overview of the aforementioned proximity-based indoor posi-
tioning methods, and the next section will discuss their security
and privacy issues collectively.
Landmarking. Proximity-based localisation is the simplest po-
sitioning method, whereby the location of the target is deduced
to be the location of the closest reference node in its range. A
reference node does not have to be a transmitter. QR code land-
marking is the simplest instance of proximity-based positioning,
whereby the user simply scans the nearest QR code, which con-
tains the coordinates of the location where the QR code is. It has
found widespread use in recent years in contact tracing due to
the COVID-19 pandemic to provide snapshots of people’s locations,
meaning that QR code landmarking on its own is not capable of
tracking people in real-time. However, QR code landmarking can
also be used for more precise positioning. For example, Li and
Huang (2018) designed an IPS where targets were equipped with Fig. 4. General workflow of proximity-based indoor positioning.
special cameras with a depth sensor so they could estimate dis-
tances to nearby QR codes, which had their coordinates encoded
in them, and run trilateration to localise themselves. Thus, the au- tion is delegated to a server, which queries a database to obtain
thors combined landmarking and trilateration in one system. the locations of reference nodes. Since there are more parties in-
Closest neighbour method. The closest neighbour method is an- volved in localisation, this variation is less secure but may be the
other proximity-based localisation method whose working mech- only option for some IPSs. Fig. 4 gives a more detailed workflow of
anism is very similar to landmarking except that here, reference proximity-based positioning for both variations. The closest neigh-
nodes are transmitters. For example, in most cases, these reference bour method is usually used for use cases where room-level po-
nodes are beacons. Fig. 3 gives an illustration of the closest neigh- sitioning accuracy is enough, i.e., when the owner of the system
bour method. The target receives signals from all reference nodes simply wants to know if someone is in proximity to some refer-
in its range and selects the location of the closest node as its own ence node in the network, e.g., a shop in a mall. Proximity is usu-
location estimate. In the client-side variation of this method (the ally estimated using the Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI),
blue arrow in the figure), the target estimates its own location lo- i.e., the stronger the signal, the closer two devices are to each other
cally, which poses fewer security risks since the target’s location (Hata, 1980).
is not communicated to external parties. In the server-based varia- Proximity detection acts as the basis of contact tracing (please
tion of this method (the red arrow in the figure), location estima- see Section 5.1.1 for an overview of contact tracing) but has its

Y. Sartayeva and H.C. B. Chan Computers & Security 131 (2023) 103293

Although this method is more accurate compared to the closest

neighbour method, it still ranks lower compared to other position-
ing methods, i.e., geometric, collaborative and fingerprinting-based
methods. A slight improvement to centroid localisation would be
to take the weighted average of the reference nodes’ locations,
assigning higher weight to nodes that are closer (Orujov et al.,
2018), but the accuracy of weighted centroid localisation is still
low (Subedi and Pyun, 2017).

4.1.2. Security and privacy threats

This section delineates common security and privacy threats of
proximity-based methods, seeking to give an overview of the se-
curity and privacy issues of these methods as a whole, and is-
sues more specific to these methods will be discussed once to
avoid repetition. Landmarking’s weaknesses are mainly related to
QR code validity and misuse, whereas the other two methods’ is-
sues lie in the reference nodes and communication links.
QR code replacement. This issue relates to QR code landmarking,
whereby the adversary simply replaces the original QR code with
another one containing malicious content or an incorrect location.
This attack is hard to detect unless the landmarks are constantly
Fig. 5. Trilateration example. monitored. Focardi et al. (2019) report that security threats stem-
ming from malicious content stored in QR codes include phishing,
malware propagation, SQL injections, QR code counterfeiting and
own security and privacy challenges. For example, according to more.
Buccafurri et al. (2021), even performing proximity testing is a vi- When it comes to solutions, QR codes can be secured us-
olation of privacy in social networks because two people are not ing encryption, but schemes proposed in the literature score
supposed to know that they are close, i.e., proximity tests must low on usability because of high computational overhead.
be performed in such a way that the identity of neither party is Focardi et al. (2019) evaluated four usable QR code cryptographic
revealed. The authors proposed the use of k-anonymity in grid- methods: RSA (Rivest–Shamir–Adleman) (with 1024, 2056 and
based proximity testing to preserve user privacy. Many privacy- 3072 bits), Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA, with
preserving contact tracing schemes can be found in the literature, 256 bits), Hash-based Message Authentication Codes (HMAC) (with
e.g., by Järvinen et al. (2018), Ye et al. (2018) and Zhu et al. (2018), SHA-256, SHA-384 and SHA-512 (Secure Hash Algorithm)) and
but this sort of proximity detection is different from proximity- AES-128 (Advanced Encryption Standard), i.e., both symmetric and
based positioning because it is performed between mobile nodes asymmetric cryptographic schemes were tried. In open environ-
whose locations are not disclosed. ments, using asymmetric cryptography for QR codes would be dif-
The accuracy of proximity-based positioning depends on the ficult since it would require a sophisticated public key infrastruc-
distance between reference nodes, but, in general, the accuracy ture like the one for the HTTPS protocol. However, in a closed en-
is much lower compared to other methods since location esti- vironment, QR code readers can be configured to recognise select
mates are discrete, i.e., this method does not take into account certificates. The authors found that digital-signature-based QR code
how far away from the reference node the target is. It would decoding took 20–30 ms, which is orders of magnitudes slower
seem that increasing the density of reference nodes would lead than symmetric-scheme-based decoding methods, meaning that
to an increase in positioning accuracy, but Ng et al. (2018) inves- incorporating an extra layer of security for QR code verification
tigated the relationship between the number of reference nodes should not be problematic. Another attack in QR code landmarking
and positioning accuracy and found that accuracy goes down after is physical QR code corruption. This attack is much easier to detect
the reference node deployment density reaches a certain thresh- since QR code scanning will simply not yield meaningful results or
old; in their study, the best results were achieved with a den- will simply not work, so in this case it would be recommended
sity of 5 beacons/m2 . Low accuracy is compensated by low cost, to allow users to report corruption cases through the localisation
which stems from the fact that the number of reference nodes application and also physically shield QR codes from tampering.
required for positioning can be as low as one, whereas in geo- Replaying QR codes. Another security issue relating to QR code
metric methods, there is a requirement on the minimum num- landmarking is location faking, whereby users scan a QR code cor-
ber of anchors needed for positioning, which is three for multi- responding to a certain location but are actually not there. This can
lateration (Zafari et al., 2019), two for multiangulation (Hou et al., occur if users take a picture of the QR code or generate their own
2018) and four for TDoA-based (Time Difference of Arrival) locali- QR code with the same data and use it elsewhere.
sation (Krishnan et al., 2018). In addition, localisation accuracy of One way to address this problem would be to use digital QR
proximity-based localisation can be higher with a higher number codes, update them regularly and include the validity period ( p
of reference nodes if they are spaced out, which is not necessarily minutes) within the QR codes. This would ensure that users can-
true for geometric methods (Heurtefeux and Valois, 2012). not fake their location for more than p minutes. A more reliable
Centroid localisation. As an extension of the closest neighbour solution, which does not require dynamic QR codes, would be to
method, a more accurate approach to localising an object based on verify the QR code location with the user’s GPS coordinates. Since
the coordinates of neighbouring reference nodes is to take the av- this verification can take place locally, it should not impose addi-
erage of their locations, which is referred to as centroid localisation tional security concerns. The two interventions can be combined
(Kluge et al., 2020). The setup of reference nodes in this method for extra security.
is similar to the one illustrated in Fig. 3, except that all reference Resource draining. This attack is related to proximity-based posi-
nodes contribute to the final location estimate instead of simply tioning methods where reference nodes are transmitters, i.e., cen-
being disregarded, as is done in the closest neighbour method. troid localisation and the closest neighbour method. It involves the

Y. Sartayeva and H.C. B. Chan Computers & Security 131 (2023) 103293

To address this problem, receivers could be set up in the in-

door space such that they collect measurements from the reference
nodes periodically and send the data to a server, which will run a
malicious node detection algorithm and send alerts to the system
owner in case there is some suspicious behaviour in the network.
This is similar to a spoofing detection system by Wu et al. (2020a),
where a monitoring infrastructure was deployed to analyse BLE
packets and detect anomalous packets based on “cyber features”,
namely, the advertising pattern, operation state, and physical fea-
tures, which include the advertising interval, the carrier frequency
offset (CFO) and RSSI. CFO can be used to uniquely identify wire-
less devices due to imperfections in their radiofrequency circuits,
while RSSI values can be used to uniquely identify the locations
of wireless devices because RSSI values collected around the same
location tend to be similar.
According to Wu et al. (2020a), most legacy BLE devices do
not support firmware upgrades and thus cannot be updated to
support encrypted communication, meaning a separate spoofing
Fig. 6. Visual guide to multiangulation using AoA (adapted from Hou et al. (2018)’s
detection system may be needed, but modern BLE devices, have
their own in-built authentication scheme, which is described by
Zhang et al. (2020b). There needs to be a way to protect the ad-
dress of a BLE device from unauthorised access during broadcast-
adversary introducing many additional reference nodes and mak- ing, and this can be achieved with the help of the Identity Resolv-
ing them transmit signals to the target, overwhelming it and slow- ing Key (IRK), which is a secret key shared between two devices.
ing it down (Chan and Chung, 2021). BLE devices have two types of addresses, public and random, and
In terms of solutions, since disabling these additional nodes is there are two types of random addresses: static and private. The
out of the system’s control, it is only feasible to detect resource public device address comprises two parts, each consisting of 24
draining and physically remove the extra nodes. Sharma and Ku- bits, where the first part is the company ID and the second part
mar Joshi (2019) designed an adaptive policy to detect resource is the ID assigned by the company. For the static random device
draining by measuring energy consumption at individual nodes address, it is generated randomly and remains unchanged during
and checking if it exceeds a certain threshold. Of course, the target each power cycle. For the private random device address, it can be
could simply count the number of beacons that it receives pack- updated for each connection. The private random device address
ets from, but if malicious beacons impersonate legitimate beacons has two subtypes: a resolvable private address (RPA) and a non-
by stealing their credentials, this is not possible. Another solu- resolvable private address, where the former is responsible for en-
tion would be to simply count the number of incoming packets suring privacy in BLE communication. RPA is generated as follows
and disable positioning if this number exceeds a certain threshold. (Zhang et al., 2020b):
Even though the number of reference nodes in the target’s vicinity
can be unlimited in proximity-based positioning, there should be a RPA = Hash(N rand, IRK )||N rand, (1)
reasonable bound on the reference node density, which should be
specified by the system designer. where Hash is a hash function and Nrand is a random number.
Malicious node attacks. This threat also applies to methods The receiving device can only decode the sender’s address if it has
where reference nodes are transmitters (i.e., this threat relates to access to the IRK used to generate the RPA. Since this is a more
step 1 in Fig. 4). Since these methods rely on communicating with advanced security feature, it may not be available in all BLE de-
reference nodes, it is crucial that the reference nodes are trustwor- vices, so, depending on the system, an external spoofing detection
thy and send correct data. If the target is responsible for its lo- infrastructure may be needed.
calisation, it needs to make sure that the incoming data is coming Jamming attack. Jamming attacks are also relevant in po-
from legitimate nodes, e.g., by cross-checking with a local database sitioning methods that rely on wireless communication.
that comes packaged with the localisation software. However, an Osanaiye et al. (2018) define jamming as a form of the De-
adversary could steal a node’s ID, introduce a new transmitter with nial of Service (DoS) attack, whereby the adversary transmits a
the same ID and even remove the legitimate node from the net- high-range signal and thus deliberately injects noise, disrupting
work. If the target observed the behaviour of all reference nodes, communication channel between two devices. Jamming can also
it could identify anomalous behaviour over time, but this is hard to be unintentional and be caused by other factors such as ferromag-
do in one-shot localisation. In other words, the first major issue is netic interference and collision. This physical-layer-level damage is
reference node authentication, where a reference node refers to a more difficult to address and remains an open problem. Multipath
network node with known coordinates. Another issue applicable to fading is a major problem of indoor positioning, whereby the
beacons is reshuffling, whereby the adversary simply swaps refer- signal undergoes complex transformations as it travels towards the
ence nodes, so location estimates are no longer correct (Chan and target, such as reflection, refraction and diffraction, and modelling
Chung, 2021). these changes is extremely difficult due to their stochastic nature
Solutions for reference node attacks discussed in (Zafari et al., 2019).
Section 4.2.2 are hard to apply in proximity-based positioning Solutions to jamming attacks have been extensively covered in
due to its one-shot nature and the simplicity of reference nodes. the literature, so a brief summary will be given in this paper.
Usually, malicious node detection involves the analysis of the Pirayesh and Zeng (2022) provided a comprehensive survey of jam-
consistency of data passed between nodes, but in BLE-based ming attacks and possible countermeasures in wireless networks,
positioning, for example, beacons are used as reference nodes, and including WLAN, BLE, RFID and ZigBee networks, which are appli-
they cannot communicate with each other since they only support cable to indoor positioning. Anti-jamming techniques they suggest
transmission (Jeon et al., 2018). include

Y. Sartayeva and H.C. B. Chan Computers & Security 131 (2023) 103293

• channel hopping — switching data exchange between two de- target (this threat also relates to step 1 in Fig. 4). The signal could
vices to another channel (Djuraev et al., 2017) if one channel be intercepted by an adversary, modified and sent to the intended
has been jammed, recipient of the message, and this is referred to as the replay attack
• spectrum spreading — transmitting the signal over a larger (Alrababah et al., 2017). In the context of proximity-based position-
bandwidth than necessary, which increases resilience against ing, the adversary could modify data packets sent by the reference
signal interference (Chapman et al., 2015), nodes, e.g., modifying their locations or IDs, which would make the
• MIMO-based (Multiple Input and Multiple Output) jamming target obtain an incorrect location estimate or fail to obtain one al-
mitigation, which is based on filtering out the noise out of the together because of the wrong IDs, respectively.
signal, One of the simplest ways to address this issue is to include a
• channel coding — detecting and correcting bit errors in the sig- timestamp in the original packet and verify whether the difference
nal (Faruque, 2016), between the time at the receiver and the timestamp at departure
• MAC layer strategies, which involve adjusting the data rate and is within an acceptable range (Sharma and Hussain, 2017), e.g., an
power control of wireless devices to prevent jamming, RFID-based object tracking system by Anandhi et al. (2019) im-
• jamming detection schemes, plemented a timestamp-based approach to prevent replay attacks.
• learning-based techniques, i.e., using deep learning to optimise However, this method requires clock synchronisation between all
hardware design to minimise the risk of jamming. devices in the network, which is difficult to achieve because of de-
vice heterogeneity. There are other ways to detect replay attacks
Interested readers are referred to the original survey for more
suggested by the authors, such as attaching sequence numbers to
details on jamming attacks and possible countermeasures.
data packets and making sure a consecutive order is maintained in
Relay attack. In methods where proximity detection is per-
the packets the target receives, receiver authentication protocols,
formed with the help of transmitter-based reference nodes (steps
whereby the sender only sends its packets when the receiver is
2S and 1C in Fig. 4), it is possible for the adversary to relay sig-
authenticated, etc., but these methods cannot be used with bea-
nals coming from distant nodes, making them believe they are
cons since they are not capable of performing complex computa-
closer than they actually are, and this is referred to as the relay
tions and can only act as transmitters.
attack (Tu and Piramuthu, 2020). The relay attack is similar to the
Another solution suggested in the literature is the use of
replay attack in that they both involve a message being passed
authentication. According to a survey of authentication mecha-
through the adversary, but in the former, the adversary does not
nisms in IoT networks conducted by Alrababah et al. (2017), au-
modify the message and simply relays it to deceive two devices
thentication protocols typically rely on the presence of a server.
about their distance from one another, whereas in the latter, the
Based on their literature review, they broadly classified authen-
adversary’s goal is to falsify the data exchanged between the two
tication techniques against replay attacks into the following cat-
egories: (1) hashing the Message Authentication Code (MAC) of
Relay attacks remain an unsolved problem in indoor position-
the sender, (2) asymmetric encryption, (3) timestamp-based, (4)
ing. According to Tu and Piramuthu (2020), they are difficult to
symmetric encryption with a shared secret key. For example,
detect, and RFID/NFC-based applications are especially vulnerable.
Feng et al. (2017) proposed an authentication scheme for resource-
They conducted a literature review of extant works on solutions
constrained IoT networks where clock synchronisation across all
to relay attacks and found that the use of ambient conditions and
devices is difficult to achieve, with a novel challenge-response
distance bounding were the main defense mechanisms proposed
scheme based on session key agreement, which achieves mutual
by researchers. Distance bounding protocols are implemented at
user authentication, so that legitimate nodes reveal the identity of
the physical layer and are thus non-trivial to integrate in a wire-
malicious nodes and reject their packets. Their scenario is simi-
less network as they require special hardware. They are discussed
lar to proximity-based positioning networks because beacons are
in more detail in Section 4.2.2. Moreover, the implementation de-
also constrained in their computational capabilities and energy
pends on the communication technology, e.g., WiFi, BLE, UWB, and
consumption. To minimise the computational burden on resource-
using different types of data. Wang et al. (2019a) evaluated four
constrained nodes, the scheme proposed by the authors requires a
of them in terms of security: average RSSI, round-trip time (RTT),
powerful gateway node, which is responsible for detecting replayed
GPS coordinates and lists of WiFi access points detected by two
messages. A problem with this configuration is that this gateway
devices that claim to be in each other’s range. They established
node will be a single point of failure and can also be attacked by
that these features were resilient against relay attacks, meaning
the adversary, but gateways are more difficult to attack compared
that these measurements should be similar if two devices are close
to beacons.
to each other, and a similarity threshold can be calculated before
Reference node privacy. In closest neighbour and centroid meth-
localisation to detect anomalous measurements. For example, even
ods, which rely on transmitter-based reference nodes, the privacy
though RSSI values fluctuate significantly, at 1-meter distance, they
of reference nodes may need to be preserved, which is discussed
range within a stable interval. However, a fake anchor node can
in Section 4.2.2 (steps 3S and 2C in Fig. 4). It would seem that con-
simply transmit incorrect location information but produce real
cealing the locations of anchor nodes is redundant, but, first, it de-
inter-node signal measurements, i.e., be at the same distance as
pends on the application requirements and, second, disclosing the
it claims to be. In this case, the target should not rely on loca-
locations of anchor nodes can give the adversary an additional ad-
tion data provided by reference nodes since they can always be hi-
vantage in compromising the network, e.g., the adversary can pin-
jacked, so a solution here would be to either have reference node
point the anchor nodes more easily or impersonate the positioning
locations embedded in the localisation software or ask a less vul-
server by tricking target devices with its ground truth anchor loca-
nerable entity, i.e., a database server, to provide them. In addition,
tion knowledge, that is, if anomalous server behaviour detection is
Pietrzak (2020) proposed a cryptographic approach to addressing
integrated in the client-side localisation software. However, based
replay and relay attacks in contact tracing protocols called “delayed
on the previous discussion on replay attacks, since reference nodes’
authentication”, which is based on comparing timestamps between
locations can be corrupted by the adversary on their way to the
the sender and the receiver.
target, it is not recommended to retrieve reference node locations
Replay attack. Another issue related to centroid and closest
from reference nodes.
neighbour methods is the security of the signal as it travels to the

Y. Sartayeva and H.C. B. Chan Computers & Security 131 (2023) 103293

Fig. 7. Geometric-method-based positioning illustration.

4.2. Geometric methods Multilateration. One of the simplest and widely applied geo-
metric methods is called multilateration, which is based on find-
4.2.1. Overview ing a set of coordinates that produces distances to anchor nodes
Geometric methods refer to indoor positioning methods that that are as close to the real reported distances to corresponding
collect geometric data from a fixed number of anchor nodes anchor nodes as possible. This can be conceptualised as follows
(please see Fig. 7 for an illustration), such as distances or angles (Duong and Thi, 2021):
at which the signal departs or arrives, that allows them to infer ⎧
the positions of target nodes. Fig. 7 shows three anchor nodes, but ⎪
⎪ ( x − x1 )2 + ( y − y1 )2 = d1
the number of anchor nodes varies depending on the method. Sim- ( x − x2 )2 + ( y − y2 )2 = d2 (2)
ilar to the proximity-based methods’ diagram (Fig. 3), the red ar- ⎪
⎪. . .
row shows the sequence of operations for server-based position- ⎩
( x − xn )2 + ( y − yn )2 = dn
ing, whereas the blue one is for the client-based version, i.e., when
positioning happens locally, in which case the locations of anchor where (x, y ) are the coordinates of the target in 2D space, (xi , yi )
nodes are sent to the target from the anchors themselves or can are the coordinates of anchor node i, di is the distance between the
be sent from the database to the target. Most geometric meth- target and anchor node i and n is the number of anchors, which
ods are range-based, meaning they rely on inter-node distance es- should be at least three (Fig. 5 illustrates an example of trilatera-
timation. Their distinguishing feature is that they rely on anchor tion).
nodes whose positions must be known. Geometric methods are This non-linear set of equations is usually transformed into lin-
more flexible than fingerprinting because they usually do not rely ear form and is formulated as a least squares optimisation prob-
on an external database. Instead, positioning is performed based on lem, the solution to which is (x, y ) = (AT A )−1 AT b (Alanwar et al.,
received signal characteristics, e.g., RSSI, Angle of Arrival (AoA), An- 2017):
gle of Departure (AoD), etc., and both the target and the position-
ing server can be responsible for converting this data to a location (x, y ) = arg mint=(x,y)∈R2 ||At − b||2
⎡ ⎤
estimate. If positioning is performed on the client-side, as in GPS, 2 ( x2 − x1 ) 2 ( y2 − y1 )
then it is more secure because the data is not shared with any ex- A=⎣ .
.. ⎦
ternal entities. However, the data exchanged between anchors and
2 ( xn − x1 ) 2 ( yn − y1 ) (3)
the target can be intercepted, so it should be protected. One way ⎡ 2 ⎤
of doing this is using encryption, but there must also be a way x2 + y22 − d22 − (x21 + y21 − d12 )
of verifying whether the encrypted information has not been tam- b=⎣ ..

pered with by the adversary. Some of the most commonly used
x2n + y2n − dn2 − (x21 + y21 − d12 )
geometric indoor localisation methods are multilateration, multi-
angulation and TDoA-based positioning. Compared to fingerprint- Multiangulation. Multiangulation also relies on anchor nodes
ing, these methods are more lightweight and can be run on the and requires that their locations are known, but instead of dis-
client-side but are typically delegated to the server-side because tances, it is based on the angle the signal departs or arrives with,
these methods usually rely on a database of the locations of all depending on whether AoD or AoA is used, respectively. At least
anchor nodes, which is stored on a server (Alanwar et al., 2017). two nodes are needed to localise the target using the following set

Y. Sartayeva and H.C. B. Chan Computers & Security 131 (2023) 103293

of equations (Hou et al., 2018):

tan θa = ya −y
xa −x
yb −y (4)
tan θb = xb −x

This set of equations is based on Fig. 6. AoAs are θa and θb if an-

chor nodes act as transmitters, otherwise, AoAs are βa and βb be-
cause of tan’s periodicity. The system of equations is solved for the
coordinates of the target, i.e., (x, y ). Not all technologies support
AoA/AoD, and, similar to distance estimation, AoA/AoD estimation
is also subject to error because of signal interference in indoor set-
tings and other factors (Lehtimaki, 2018).
TDoA-based localisation. TDoA is similar to multilateration in
that it also relies on solving a matrix of equations based on Eu-
clidean distance between the target and anchor nodes, but it is
predicated on the idea that the difference in signal travel time be-
tween the target and node i and signal travel time between the
target and node j is proportional to the difference in distance from
the target to nodes i and j. This can be expressed as a matrix of
equations as follows (Wu et al., 2019):
|d(i,target ) − d( j,target ) | = c|ti − t j | =
= | (xi − xtarget )2 + (yi − ytarget )2 −
− (x j − xtarget )2 + (y j − ytarget )2 |
for each i ∈ {1, ., n}, j ∈ {1, ., n}, i = j
where c is the speed of the signal, di,k is the distance between
nodes i and k, (xi , yi ) are the coordinates of node i, ti is the time
the signal takes to travel between the target and node i and n
is the total number of anchor nodes. ti is also called the Time
of Flight (ToF), which can be calculated using different techniques
such as Two-Way Ranging (TWR) and Time of Arrival (ToA). The
system of equations is solved for xtarget and ytarget to obtain the lo-
cation of the target. The accuracy of this method depends on inter-
node distance estimation accuracy, i.e., di,k , as well as the accuracy Fig. 8. General workflow for geometric algorithms.
of ToF estimation. In addition, some ToF estimation techniques re-
quire precise time synchronisation across the network (Carotenuto
et al., 2020).
to steps 1S and 1C in Fig. 8). Privacy-preserving indoor localisation
4.2.2. Security and privacy issues and solutions literature usually focuses on protecting the localising agent as well
This section gives an overview of the security and privacy issues as the target, but protecting the locations of the anchor nodes may
related to geometric positioning methods and provides solutions also be necessary (Alanwar et al., 2017), e.g., to minimise the risk
from the literature. These attacks relate to the entities involved of giving an additional advantage to the adversary. The importance
in the positioning process, which are illustrated in Fig. 7. The fig- of anchor node privacy is more apparent in collaborative position-
ure shows there is a fixed number of anchor nodes with known ing because targets can also become anchors after being localised,
locations, similar to proximity-based methods, but the way these and this is discussed in Section 5.2.2.
locations are processed to obtain a location estimate is more com- A few works can be found in the literature that present so-
plex with geometric positioning. Geometric methods also support lutions to the issue. For example, Alanwar et al. (2017) trans-
server-side positioning, in which case, apart from the target and formed multilateration into privacy-preserving polyhedra-based lo-
the anchor nodes, security and privacy threats related to the IPS calisation, whereby each anchor’s ranging circle is represented by
server as well as the database server should be addressed. Anchor a polyhedron instead of the anchor’s location and ranging dis-
nodes are vulnerable to malicious node attacks but they can be tance, which is constructed by calculating the normal vectors of
different from those in proximity-based positioning and are thus each polyhedron’s facets. Thus, no sensitive information is revealed
discussed in this section, along with the privacy of anchor nodes. about the anchor nodes because the position of a polyhedron in
Replay attacks are also relevant in geometric positioning, and we the 2D space is unknown and is defined by a vector of offsets,
assume that anchor nodes in geometric methods are also not ca- which is encrypted. The target’s location is obtained by finding
pable of performing complex computations required for authenti- the intersection of multiple polyhedra received from the anchor
cation, so solutions discussed in Section 4.1.2 are also relevant to nodes. The use of computationally expensive encryption-based pri-
geometric methods. Since indoor positioning involves the commu- vacy preservation can be avoided by using a form of information
nication of multiple entities, communication links between them hiding called Privacy-Preserving Summation (PPS).
must also be secured, so the jamming attack and distance estima- Another example is the work of Shi and Wu (2018), who de-
tion attacks are discussed in this section as well. Multilateration composed the least squares formulation of TDoA-based localisa-
and TDoA are range-based, meaning that they rely heavily on the tion (for both active and passive localisation scenarios) into ba-
veracity of distance estimates to anchor nodes, which can be com- sic summation form and used PPS to hide anchor and target lo-
promised by the adversary, and possible remedies to this problem cations without encryption. According to the authors, this method
are discussed here as well. does not have a negative impact on accuracy but does not provide
Anchor node privacy. Equations (3) and (5) show that geometric sufficient privacy protection and has a high communication over-
methods rely heavily on anchor node locations (this issue is related head.

Y. Sartayeva and H.C. B. Chan Computers & Security 131 (2023) 103293

Fig. 9. Fingerprinting overview: the offline phase.

Jamming attack. Data-layer security can be ensured using cryp- ifier underestimate the distance from itself to the adversary
tographic methods. However, these measures are not resilient (Cremers et al., 2012).
against physical layer attacks, which depend on the nature of the • Distance fraud: the prover acts as an adversary and tries to
signal. Examples include introducing physical obstacles between make the verifier underestimate the distance to the prover
two devices, deliberate ferromagnetic interference and more. An- (Singelee and Preneel, 2005).
other variation of signal interference is corrupting the signal it- • Terrorist fraud attacks: the prover acts as an adversary and con-
self, making it difficult to decode. This can be accomplished with spires with another adversary to make the verifier underesti-
jamming attacks, whereby the adversary deliberately reduces the mate the distance to the prover (Desmedt, 1988).
signal-to-noise ratio by overwhelming the communication channel • Mafia fraud: an adversary tries to make the distance between
with electromagnetic interference, thus disrupting or stopping sig- the verifier and the prover shorter (Desmedt, 1988).
nal transmission altogether (Hymlin Rose and Jayasree, 2019).
These attacks are a variation of one problem: compromised
Regarding security measures for jamming attacks, these could
ranging. However, there are many distance estimation techniques,
be taken at the hardware level but are expensive and dif-
e.g., based on RSS, ToF, Channel State Information (CSI), PDoA, and
ficult to implement (Pestourie et al., 2019). For example,
they are not equally resilient to distance estimation attacks. For
Pirayesh et al. (2021) proposed a ZigBee receiver resilient to ra-
example, ToF-based estimation is resilient against the amplify at-
dio jamming attacks that can decode the signal despite the noise.
tack, as opposed to RSS-based estimation (Avoine et al., 2018). Se-
Other physical layer solutions were briefly covered in Section 4.1.2.
curity aspects specific to each distance estimation technique are
Since geometric methods are more sophisticated compared to
discussed in the next section. The relay attack is common to many
proximity-based methods, more rigorous solutions to the jamming
distance estimation techniques and involves the adversary intro-
attack can be considered. For example, Li et al. (2019a) suggested
ducing a fake node between two nodes that are not within each
the use of a multi-voting system, whereby localisation is per-
other’s range and relaying data between them, leading them to
formed with the help of all access points instead of relying on indi-
consider the other to be closer than it actually is. This way, the ver-
vidual nodes, where each vote is given a weight. Hymlin Rose and
ifier mistakes the attacker to be the prover since it assumes that
Jayasree (2019) designed a jamming detection technique based on
being connected to a device means it is the prover (Wang et al.,
sensor node clustering and timestamp analysis. If the timestamp
exceeds a certain time limit, transmission is re-launched through
One way to address distance estimation attacks is to use dis-
an alternative route. Jamming protection depends on the type of
tance bounding authentication to make sure that distance esti-
data that needs to be derived from the signal.
mates are realistic. Distance bounding algorithms vary depending
Distance estimation attacks. Multilateration and TDoA are range-
on the communication technology because they are implemented
based methods, meaning that their accuracy is directly determined
in the physical layer and thus require special hardware support
by the accuracy of inter-node distance estimations, which can also
(Tippenhauer et al., 2015), but the original distance bounding pro-
be compromised by the adversary. Tippenhauer et al. (2015) listed
tocol proposed by Brands and Chaum (1994) will be presented here
the following inter-node distance estimation attacks (a prover is a
to give an overall idea of distance bounding. Suppose P is a prover
device sending the signal and a verifier is the receiving device):
and V is a verifier. First, V selects a nonce m, and then P sends a
message c to V bit by bit, where each bit is represented as ci , at
• Distance hijacking: the prover does not have malicious inten- time tisP . V receives ci at time tirV , calculates ri = ci  mi and sends
tions but is manipulated by an adversary to make the ver- it to P at time tisV . In turn, P receives ri at time tirP . These val-

Y. Sartayeva and H.C. B. Chan Computers & Security 131 (2023) 103293

ues are recorded until the bilateral bitwise message exchange is tance estimation is more secure compared to RSSI-based dis-
complete, at which point V reveals m to P so that P can calculate tance estimation because it relies on signal travel time esti-
dmax = maxi (tirP − tisP )/2v, where v is the speed of signal propaga- mation, which cannot be controlled by the adversary since the
tion and dmax is the maximum distance a bit took to travel be- signal cannot travel faster than the speed of light (Leu et al.,
tween P and V . This generates a threshold that defines which dis- 2020). However, even though time-based distance estimation
tance estimates are considered valid, i.e., if the threshold is ex- raises the bar for the adversary, it is still susceptible to other
ceeded, the estimate is less likely to be trusted. Of course, the attacks.
threshold could not be completely accurate as maximum distance Time-based distance estimation is vulnerable to the Cicada at-
estimation may not capture the true maximum, so the accuracy tack, in which the attacker predicts the preamble and payload
depends on message length. In addition, this definition assumes data with 99% accuracy, leveraging systems that rely on deter-
that the processing delay at V is negligible, i.e., tisV − tirV <  , but if ministic signaling with predefined data, continuously sends a
this assumption is dropped, the adversary can operate with a lower “1” signal to the verifier at a higher power than the prover,
processing delay, producing valid distance estimates. According to meaning the attacker’s signals arrive earlier, making the veri-
Tippenhauer et al. (2015), wireless signals travel at extremely high fier believe these signals are part of the legitimate stream of
speeds, so a delay on the order of microseconds can allow the ad- bits from the prover and thus making it underestimate the dis-
versary to act within a window of approximately a couple of hun- tance. To prevent this attack, the use of predefined data during
dred meters. distance estimation should be avoided to reduce the degree of
Liu et al. (2018b) state that noise inherent in wireless commu- predictability.
nication indoors can be leveraged to prevent the adversary from Another security issue related to time-based estimation is early
detecting communication between two devices, thus precluding detect and late commit attacks, where the attacker takes advan-
communication link attacks altogether. To do this, a node should tage of the robustness of modern UWB receivers and transmits
convert its traffic into low-rate traffic with a degree of randomness random signals until he/she can learn the pattern of the symbol
and a long duration, so that the probability of detection by the if it is long enough and commit to transmitting correctly pre-
adversary is reduced. However, this method is not foolproof and dicted bits (late commit). Bits can be predicted correctly even
has issues such as determining a practical privacy rate. Accord- before receiving the entire message (early detect) (Clulow et al.,
ing to Singh et al. (2017), it was believed that only short-range 2006). To prevent these attacks, symbol lengths should be as
communication can be secure because transmitters are limited in short as possible so that the attacker does not have enough
their output power, and that is why UWB ranging is more secure time to learn the pattern. Ranganathan and Capkun (2017) re-
compared to other types of ranging, i.e., because of its short port that even a symbol length of 32 ns can allow the attacker
pulses. The shorter the symbol lengths, the higher the resilience to lower the distance estimate of the verifier by 10 m.
against distance shortening attacks, but this comes at the cost of In terms of solutions from the literature, Leu et al. (2020) pro-
lower ranging capability, i.e., the signal reach is lowered. However, posed a secure ToA-based ranging scheme that uses Message
a modulation scheme proposed by the authors was shown to Time of Arrival Codes (MTAC), which is a triple of probabilis-
achieve secure ranging without compromising UWB’s ranging tic polynomial-time algorithms (Gen, Mtac, V r f y ) that is used
performance at longer distances, meaning that longer-distance to verify whether a message arrival time has been tampered
ranging can also be secured. with. Other security measures adopted for ToA estimation are
Method-specific attacks. As discussed above, there are differ- Scrambled Timestamp Sequence (STS) and the Ciphered Se-
ent methods for distance estimation purposes, such as RSSI-based, quence (CS), which are expected to become part of the IEEE
phase-based and time-based. This section discusses security is- 802.15.4z standard, according to Stocker et al. (2020). The au-
sues specific to each method. As was mentioned previously, correct thors also state that these measures are also often coupled
inter-node distance estimation is critical to the positioning accu- with distance bounding. The accuracy of ToA-based distance es-
racy of geometric methods. timation is contingent on the precision of clock synchronisa-
tion across all IPS participants, which should be performed se-
• RSS-based distance estimation. According to Avoine et al. (2018), curely as well using a shared key for a three-way secure hand-
RSS- and AoA-based distance bounding protocols are among shake, as discussed in the authors’ work. As for TWR, according
the least secure ones because the adversary can increase to Leu et al. (2020), TWR-based ranging has in-built distance
the signal strength, which is known as the amplify attack bounding, but since it hampers the scalability of UWB-based
(Ranganathan and Capkun, 2017), or construct special anten- positioning, TWR is becoming a less popular choice in favour of
nae to fabricate incorrect measurements. Ranganathan and Cap- techniques like ToA, which do not have in-built distance bound-
kun (2017) confirm this and elaborate that RSS-based distance ing. Physical layer security considerations for TWR-based dis-
estimation is vulnerable to amplify attacks, whereby the adver- tance estimation for other communication technologies might
sary simply amplifies the signal at the transmitter, making the be different, e.g., Schepers et al. (2021) gave suggestions for
receiver believe it is closer to the transmitter than it actually is. WiFi fine timing measurement.
To address this issue, intrusion detection should be performed. • Angle-based data. Angle-based data like AoA and AoD
• Phase-based distance estimation. Phase-based distance estima- mainly suffer from estimation noise. To address this issue,
tion is also susceptible to relay attacks, whereby the attacker Abdelaziz et al. (2016) designed an MLE-based (maximum
intercepts communication between two devices, captures the likelihood estimation) AoA estimator under the jamming
prover’s signal and, after a certain delay, forwards it to the ver- attack based on the CSI matrix, which is not supported by
ifier such that the phase difference rolls over the maximum smartphones. However, more work is needed on the security
value (2π ), making the verifier believe it is in proximity to vulnerabilities of AoA- and AoD-based positioning.
the prover, even though it could be more than 50 m further
(Ólafsdóttir et al., 2017). Data tampering. Data tampering refers to changing data used
• Time-based distance estimation. Stocker et al. (2020) state that for localisation. To understand this problem, one suggestion would
it has recently become popular to investigate the use of time- be to consider data tampering in wireless sensor networks
based distance estimation in UWB-based positioning systems (WSNs), which are similar to IPSs in that they rely on wire-
because of its better security potential. ToF- and ToA-based dis- less networks and also need to localise their nodes. According to

Y. Sartayeva and H.C. B. Chan Computers & Security 131 (2023) 103293

Huang et al. (2021), data tampering is a significant issue in WSNs bottleneck and allowing the adversary to access data directed
because one of their primary goals is to minimise the consumption through the network (Dutta and Singh, 2019).
of their limited resources, which include bandwidth, memory and • On-off attack: configuring malicious nodes such that they send
energy, which comes at the cost of increased security risks. Since wrong data intermittently, i.e., not all the time, to reduce the
indoor positioning systems are typically wireless, data tampering probability of detection (Nasution et al., 2020).
poses a security threat to them as well. Malicious parties typically • Newcomer attack: a malicious node previously excluded from
tamper with base stations’ data, leading them to make incorrect the network changes its identification number and re-enters
inferences or decisions. Since WSNs are left unattended, they be- the network as a new node (Chen et al., 2017a).
come attractive targets for adversaries. • Conflicting behaviour attack: malicious nodes send partially cor-
One solution to data tampering is to adopt a fault diagnosis rect information, e.g., correct identifier but wrong location
algorithm based on sensor measurements (Zhang et al., 2018b), (Hu et al., 2018).
which, in the context of indoor positioning, would be data such • Sybil attack: a malicious node disguises itself under different
as RSSI, AoA, AoD, ToF, etc. Majority voting was shown to be an identifiers to escape discovery (Mishra et al., 2019).
optimal fault detection strategy in WSNs (e.g., Muhammed and • Spoofing attack: a malicious node forges its identity to compro-
Shaikh, 2017), and, since it only uses local sensor measurements, mise the network, e.g., by launching DoS attacks (Pinto et al.,
does not consume much energy. Majority voting is predicated on 2018).
the fact that sensor measurements of neighbouring nodes are sim-
ilar, so if every node exchanges its sensor data with its neighbours In terms of solutions, one approach is to identify malicious
and calculates their similarity scores, it can compute the num- nodes and ignore their data. Yessembayev et al. (2018) proposed
ber of neighbouring nodes that its sensor data is consistent with a method for identifying malicious nodes by analysing incoming
and divide it by the total number of neighbours. Let this propor- data, clustering their readings and finding outliers. A more ad-
tion of consistent nodes in the neighbourhood be p. A node is vanced approach for spoofing detection was proposed by Guerrero-
marked as normal if p exceeds a certain threshold theta ∈ [0.5, 1]; Higueras et al. (2018), who trained different machine learning
other nodes are flagged as faulty. This can also be done in indoor models to detect whether a UWB-based localisation network for
positioning using fingerprints, e.g., RSSI fingerprints. However, as autonomous robots had been compromised by a DoS attack or
was discussed in Section 4.1.2, inter-node signals can be disturbed spoofing based on signal measurements from beacons collected by
with physical interference, thus generating false positives, mean- robots. Arul Selvan and Selvakumar (2019) also designed a mali-
ing that legitimate positioning network nodes can be flagged as cious node detection algorithm but for mobile ad hoc networks.
faulty, which would be a dire problem for positioning targets since Another way to detect malicious nodes is to check for the pres-
they are the primary users of the positioning system but could be ence of redundant nodes, and an overview of duplicate node detec-
banned from the positioning framework. tion methods can be found in Numan et al. (2020)’s work. Accord-
Muhammed and Shaikh (2017) provided a taxonomy for WSN ing to them, redundant node detection methods vary depending
fault detection methods and broadly classified them into three cat- on the network architecture, and centralised approaches are less
egories: centralised, distributed and hybrid. Since the proportion effective but also less computationally expensive compared to dis-
of compromised nodes to the total number of nodes is typically tributed methods. One example of a centralised redundant node
very small, distributed methods are generally preferred, and they detection method, originally designed by Brooks et al. (2007), is
are further categorised into neighbourhood-based (majority voting, by means of random key distribution, whereby each node gets
majority weight), statistic (time-series analysis, descriptive statis- assigned a random key, and if some nodes’ keys exceed a cer-
tics, Bayesian statistics), probability (Bayesian), self-detection, soft tain threshold value, they are discarded. In general, centralised ap-
computing (machine learning (clustering or a neural network)) and proaches rely on collecting data from all nodes and sending it to
cloud-based methods. More details pertaining to each method can a base station, which checks node IDs for duplicates. An example
be found in the original paper. of a decentralised redundant node detection approach is PRCD by
Malicious node attacks. Indoor localisation systems rely on a net- Pan et al. (2019), whereby the network is divided into clusters, and
work of devices that exchange signals via a variety of different one node in each cluster is picked as the cluster head, which is re-
communication technologies, such as WiFi, BLE, infrared and ultra- sponsible for detecting nodes with duplicate IDs.
sound, and usually these networks are wireless. Both wired and Usually, security methods in wireless networks are high-level
wireless networks suffer from many security vulnerabilities, and and mainly rely on encryption, meaning that node identity is ver-
IPSs are no exception. Since all positioning systems rely on the ified based on the sender’s ID in the received packet, but the ad-
communication of network nodes, be it targets or anchor nodes, it versary can steal legitimate nodes’ IDs and send seemingly valid
is integral to ensure that these nodes are not compromised and can packets. Node authentication based on digital signatures could be
be trusted because they directly influence positioning accuracy. In implemented to address this issue, but in recent years, physical-
the case of geometric methods, for example, if some anchor nodes layer-level security of wireless signal transmission has drawn more
are taken over and configured to transmit incorrect measurements, attention from researchers because data-layer protection assumes
positioning results will be incorrect. Major network-related secu- that the signal traveling between two devices is legitimate. The
rity pitfalls applicable to indoor positioning are listed below: idea behind this is that random perturbations in the signal are
leveraged to authenticate nodes in the network, i.e., a likelihood
of the random perturbations corresponding to a certain node is
• Node capturing attack: reprogramming existing network nodes calculated after a training phase, like in fingerprinting. According
to exhibit malicious behaviour (Kaur and Saxena, 2017). to Bai et al. (2020), RF-fingerprint-based authentication schemes
• Replication attack: creating a replica of a legitimate network are highly resilient as it is extremely difficult to modify physical
node (with the same identification number) and adding the RF signal features in a short time but feature variations are very
replica to the network (Kaur and Saxena, 2017). small and thus require sophisticated algorithms for feature extrac-
• Wormhole attack: a low-latency link is established between two tion and authentication. Similarly, Hua et al. (2018) recently pro-
malicious nodes, confusing legitimate nodes about the actual posed an authentication approach for WiFi access points based on
distance between one another; the majority of the network identifying access points by their CFOs derived from the CSI ma-
traffic is thus directed through the malicious nodes, creating a trix, which are unique and difficult to manipulate.

Y. Sartayeva and H.C. B. Chan Computers & Security 131 (2023) 103293

Fig. 10. Fingerprinting overview: the online phase (this figure is connected to Fig. 9).

4.3. Fingerprinting tained with D and a location l obtained with D should not exceed
a distance threshold ρ . Client privacy is defined as the inability to
4.3.1. Overview distinguish between a random location and an actual user location
According to Zafari et al. (2019), fingerprinting refers to an of a user in polynomial time.
indoor positioning method that involves collecting signal mea- Most papers on fingerprint-based IPS security and privacy adopt
surements between the target and network nodes and mapping the so-called “semi-honest server” model, meaning that the server
them to a location in a database of signal measurements collected follows the protocol honestly but is still curious about users’ loca-
beforehand based on measurement similarity. It consists of two tions. However, Yang and Järvinen (2018a) argue that existing mod-
phases: an offline phase and an online phase. In the offline phase els for privacy-preserving IPSs underestimate the power of the ad-
(Fig. 9), the indoor space is mapped with equidistant reference lo- versary, which motivated them to devise a new formal unilateral-
cations, and at each location, signal measurements are collected, malicious security model for IPSs based on WiFi fingerprinting.
which creates a unique signature for that location. In the online The unilateral-malicious setting is weaker than the fully malicious
phase (Fig. 10), measurements are collected from the signal travel- model but stronger than the traditional semi-honest model.
ling between the target and network nodes and compared against
fingerprints in the database prepared in the offline phase. The ba-
sic assumption of this method is that signal measurements around 4.3.2. Security and privacy issues and solutions
a reference location are similar, so if the target collects signal mea- Based on literature review, the majority of works on indoor po-
surements that are similar to a reference location of the offline sitioning security and privacy discuss issues in fingerprinting-based
fingerprint database, it can be predicted to be there. One popular systems. Many papers have focused on fingerprint privacy, which
type of signal measurement is RSSI, which measures the strength is related to preventing the positioning server from gaining access
of the signal when it arrives at the receiver, which could be a net- to the target’s location, both implicitly (during localisation) and
work node, such as a WiFi router, or a target, e.g., a smartphone. explicitly (after localisation). This section discusses major security
The closer the target is to a certain node, the higher the signal and privacy issues related to fingerprinting found in the literature
strength (Hata, 1980), which means that signal strength readings based on the flowcharts in Fig. 9 (offline phase) and Fig. 10 (online
will be higher for certain network nodes in a certain location and phase). Note that other attacks, which were discussed in the pre-
lower for others, creating a unique fingerprint. vious sections, namely, malicious node attacks (Section 4.2.2), may
This method’s performance relies heavily on the presence and also be applicable to fingerprinting. The focus of this section is to
quality of the offline database, and most security threats associ- discuss fingerprinting-specific security and privacy issues.
ated with this method try to target this weakness. In terms of data User location privacy (during localisation). Since fingerprinting al-
privacy, emphasis is often placed on user privacy, but the protec- gorithms usually run on a server, user location privacy preserva-
tion of the fingerprint database should also be ensured because the tion is especially important in fingerprinting. In the literature, LBS
owner of an IPS may not want to disclose reference locations and servers are generally regarded as a malicious party (e.g., Jiang et al.,
data about network nodes to other parties. The former type of pri- 2021; Liu et al., 2018a), and the same extension can be made to IPS
vacy shall be referred to as “client privacy”, and the latter shall be servers since there is also no guarantee that they will not abuse
named “server privacy”. According to Yang and Järvinen (2018a), positioning data. Localisation could be delegated to the client side,
a system is said to be server-secure if the adversary cannot gen- making it more secure since data needed for localisation does not
erate a database D that can provide the same mapping between have to be exchanged with external parties, but this would im-
online fingerprints and locations as the real database D in polyno- ply that, for database-based methods such as fingerprinting, the
mial time. In other words, the distance between a location l  ob- client would need to be given access to the database, which can
be large and would go against the server privacy principle, which

Y. Sartayeva and H.C. B. Chan Computers & Security 131 (2023) 103293

states that server-side data should not be disclosed to external par- versary can corrupt the entire database by simply sending special
ties. Assuming that fingerprints can be transmitted to the server fingerprints, e.g., all-zeroes.
safely without any perturbation, they should be concealed from To address the problem of invalid fingerprints, either provided
the server so the server cannot associate a user’s identity with a deliberately or by error, automated outlier detection can be im-
location but can still send a location estimate to the user such that plemented, which can be accomplished using the Hampel filter,
he/she is the only one able to access it. k-Nearest Neighbours (k-NN) (distance-based outlier detection),
One way to protect indoor positioning data is to use local differ- sparsity-based outlier detection (Khalajmehrabadi et al., 2017) and
ential privacy, as was proposed by Kim et al. (2018). Local differen- other schemes, e.g., Li et al. (2020) or Yu et al. (2019). The same
tial privacy is a data protection approach used during data collec- method can be applied to robot-based crowdsourcing. In general,
tion, which involves carefully injecting random noise into the orig- outlier detection is predicated on the fact that fingerprints col-
inal data and sending perturbed data to a data collection server. lected around the same reference location tend to be similar, so
Formally, this can be defined as follows: if a clustering algorithm is applied to the offline database, out-
liers can be detected as fingerprints that are farthest from cluster
P r[A(vi ) = O] centres. To detect tampering after database construction, Tiku and
≤ e , (6)
P r[A(v j ) = O] Pasricha (2019) suggest running sanity checks on the database by
calculating its checksum and comparing it to the original check-
meaning that a randomised algorithm A is said to satisfy  - sum. As for outlier detection in the online phase, i.e., during posi-
differential privacy if and only if the probability that A will re- tioning, Guan and Harle (2018) proposed a method for doing this
turn the same output O for all pairs of the sender’s data vi and based on localisability evaluation to improve positioning accuracy
v j does not exceed a certain threshold e . Because this method as one-shot fingerprints may not always be representative of the
relies on noise injection, localisation accuracy is compromised as target’s location. Their method facilitates the evaluation of online
a result (Shi and Wu, 2018). Selective obfuscation is also pred- fingerprint quality and determining when to stop scanning.
icated on noise injection but assumes that network nodes are Anchor node security. Other than the offline fingerprint database,
fully abiding and do not disclose their noise values to other another major source of vulnerability of fingerprinting is its an-
nodes, which may not be the case if they are configured to ex- chor nodes. When collecting fingerprints during the offline phase,
hibit malicious behaviour by the adversary (Alanwar et al., 2017). it is assumed that signals coming from anchor nodes are legiti-
Zhao et al. (2018b) combined differential privacy with k-anonymity mate, i.e., the signal measurements for generating the fingerprints
for location data protection, which is efficient but the latter cannot are accurate. This would mean that it would be difficult to de-
be used if there is only one user. Some systems may need to com- tect whether certain fingerprints correspond to their actual lo-
bine fingerprints of a different nature, and Zhang et al. (2022) pro- cations while performing outlier detection on offline fingerprints
posed a differentially private fusion method for WiFi and BLE fin- since the adversary could have configured anchor nodes to trans-
gerprints using differentially private graph Laplacians with noise mit incorrect measurements. For example, the adversary can take
injection, which also comes at the cost of lower positioning accu- over some anchor nodes, make them transmit signals at a higher
racy. Another solution is the use of homomorphic encryption, i.e., power during the offline phase, creating an illusion of proximity
performing computation on encrypted fingerprints, and this is dis- to anchor nodes that are not actually close and then re-configure
cussed in the database privacy section. To make sure localisation them back to their original transmission power during the online
results are only accessible by the intended recipients, an authenti- phase, which would lead to incorrect location estimates.
cation scheme is needed, such as the one proposed by Yoo and Bar- To prevent this from happening, one solution is to evaluate
riga (2017). They added a certificate authority for issuing pseudo- the trustworthiness of access points when constructing finger-
certificates and private keys to users for anonymous authentication prints to filter those that have been hijacked or broken. Note that
Database corruption. One of the major security threats of finger- this method also accounts for accidental failure of anchor nodes,
printing is database corruption, which refers to any activity that i.e., damage does not have to be deliberately inflicted by a ma-
compromises the quality of data in the database. Fingerprinting licious party. This is useful in unsafe environments, e.g., during
performance largely relies on the quality of its database, so ensur- earthquakes. For example, Luo et al. (2018) designed a system
ing the quality of the data and its integrity is crucial to ensure that analyses RSSI values collected from access points and up-
high accuracy. However, data quality and integrity can be com- dates the fingerprint database with trusted fingerprints, so the
promised, either deliberately or because of other factors like en- database is dynamic. They observed that RSSI values fluctua-
vironmental noise and human error. Possible causes of database tion of compromised nodes is higher compared to normal nodes.
corruption are listed by Chen et al. (2017a). Some indoor position- Wang et al. (2021) adopted a similar approach in their system,
ing systems delegate the task of database construction to users via where they maintain a dynamic fingerprint database by selecting
crowdsourcing, e.g., as was done by Santos et al. (2021), but they the most reliable access points based on confidence intervals.
are usually not trained in how to collect fingerprints and may not Alternatively, the collecting device can keep a local database of
be inclined to invest their time into producing high-quality mea- ground truth anchor node coordinates, calculate the distance from
surements, so human error is a significant factor. To address the itself to each anchor node and verify whether the distance esti-
problem of human errors, usually robots that travel along a pre- mate is consistent with the signal readings received from the an-
programmed path can be used to collect fingerprints, as was done chor nodes. If a certain threshold is exceeded, the collecting de-
by Luo and Hsiao (2019) and Kolakowski (2021), for example. Of vice can send an alert to the system owner with the identities of
course, robots can also be attacked, but robot security is beyond the suspicious nodes. Impersonation attacks are also a major issue,
the scope of this paper. Another major threat in crowdsourcing whereby the adversary can introduce new nodes to the network
is that the adversary may intentionally manipulate the measure- and disguise them as legitimate anchor nodes by stealing other an-
ments and send incorrect data to the database, e.g., wrong map- chors’ IDs.
ping between MAC addresses of network nodes and RSSI values. If One way to protect the database from invalid inputs com-
the adversary continuously sends corrupted measurements to the ing from adversaries is authentication, meaning that the database
server, the entire database will be compromised, lowering locali- should be configured such that it does not accept inputs from non-
sation accuracy. Yang and Järvinen (2018b) revealed a variation of registered devices. According to Tiku and Pasricha (2019), a typ-
this attack called the chosen fingerprint attack, whereby the ad- ical fingerprinting database stores three pieces of data: MAC ad-

Y. Sartayeva and H.C. B. Chan Computers & Security 131 (2023) 103293

dresses of network nodes, coordinates of reference locations and preserving solutions using Paillier encryption were provided by
signal readings for each location. The IPS server should make sure Zhang et al. (2020a) and Hu et al. (2022). Another optimisation de-
that signal readings come from nodes registered in the database, signed by Richter et al. (2018) is based on quantising RSS values to
and security methods discussed in Section 4.2.2 can be used to en- reduce the computational overhead and minimise loss in position-
sure this. ing accuracy.
Database privacy. As discussed previously, protecting the finger- User location privacy (after localisation). Since this paper focuses
printing database from external parties is also important. Even if on the security and privacy issues directly related to the posi-
the adversary does not tamper with the data, simply revealing the tioning process, more emphasis is made on user location privacy
data can raise security/privacy issues because the database may during localisation, but an overview of location privacy-preserving
contain sensitive data. Most papers on privacy preservation mecha- mechanisms (LPPMs) will still be provided here. Location privacy
nisms for indoor positioning focus on user location privacy preser- in location-based services is important because users’ locations
vation, but fingerprint database privacy is also significant as the must be protected against unauthorised access, including the LBS
adversary could use it to localise other users by intercepting their server.
localisation queries and finding matches for the fingerprints in the In their survey, Jiang et al. (2021) broadly classified LPPMs into
database. Yuan et al. (2018) demonstrate how an adversary can re- four categories: (1) privacy-policy-based, (2) obfuscation-based,
cover the original database in a WiFi-based IPS by pretending to (3) cryptography-based and (4) cooperation- and caching-based.
be a regular user, issuing localisation queries from many different Privacy-policy-based mechanisms rely on obtaining consent from
locations, averaging them and recording them. They show that the users on privacy policies that constrain the LBS provider and other
resulting database can be constructed with a high degree of simi- parties in their access to location data. Obfuscation-based mecha-
larity to the original database. The adversary can then incorporate nisms rely on hiding the mapping between a user’s identity and
fake WiFi routers into the network to impersonate existing nodes his/her location by such means as cloaking, differential privacy,
and use the database to configure their transmission power such mix zones, dummy locations and path confusion. Cryptography-
that localisation results issued by the IPS server are altered. based mechanisms (e.g., space transformation, private information
To protect the database from unauthorised access, the database retrieval, multiparty computation) hide sensitive information us-
as well as online fingerprints can be protected by means of encryp- ing encryption rather than injecting noise in the data, as is done
tion (Wang et al., 2019b). However, to ensure double-blind locali- in obfuscation-based mechanisms. LPPMs from the last category
sation, i.e., where the privacy of both the server and the client are operate by minimising communication with untrusted parties by
preserved, the fingerprinting method must be revised such that it means of caching historical data and using it for future LBS queries.
works on encrypted data. According to Yang and Järvinen (2018b), Overall, these LPPMs are similar to those for user location pri-
this can be achieved using fully homomorphic encryption, Pail- vacy during localisation, meaning that these can be extended to
lier homomorphic encryption (PHE) (e.g., Alanwar et al., 2017; Li work on data not just in fingerprinting, but also in other position-
et al., 2016), Yao’s Garbled Circuit (GC) (e.g., Hussain and Koushan- ing methods, to prevent the server from gaining access to raw lo-
far, 2016) or the combination of Paillier encryption with GCs, cation estimates. However, this would require amending the meth-
which are computationally expensive and difficult to implement. ods so they can work with obfuscated or encrypted data, meaning
Researchers have put more extensive effort into optimising PHE, more research should be done on this.
which is a probabilistic cryptography scheme that relies on the ad-
dition of two encrypted values and the multiplication of the ci- 4.4. Others
phertext by the plaintext, which are presented next (Alanwar et al.,
2017). 4.4.1. Overview
Dsk Epk (a )  Epk (b) = Dsk Epk (a + b) = a + b, Non-collaborative indoor positioning methods are not limited to
(7) the three categories discussed before. In recent years, the use of
Dsk a  Epk (b) = Dsk Epk (a × b) = a × b,
multiple technologies in the same IPS has been gaining attention
where Dsk is a decryption function with a secret key sk, E pk is an as the combined strengths of these technologies can further en-
encryption function with a public key pk, a and b are plaintext val- hance positioning accuracy. The main focus of this survey is on RF-
ues,  denotes encrypted value addition and  denotes multipli- based technologies for indoor positioning because this is currently
cation of a plaintext value by a ciphertext value. These operators the mainstream approach. Nevertheless, this section still provides
can be extended to be used on matrices as well. The security of an overview of security and privacy issues applicable to positioning
this scheme is based on the Decisional Composition Residuosity as- systems that make use of non-RF technologies or combine different
sumption (Paillier, 1999). technologies and/or methods (i.e., multimodal positioning meth-
As mentioned earlier, these operations are impractical for ods). Please note that certain solutions presented here are not nec-
real-time positioning. One optimisation method was suggested essarily related to indoor positioning directly, especially for vision-
by Wu et al. (2020b), who used a BayesNet-based partitioning based approaches, because there are limited papers on the security
method, whereby the fingerprint database was divided into par- and privacy of multimodal positioning.
titions and stored on different devices. BayesNet was used to iden- Indoor positioning technologies can be classified into
tify which cluster the target’s fingerprint belonged to, and then the following categories (this classification was inspired by
localisation was performed using that partition and secure multi- Brena et al. (2017)’s work): light-based (e.g., VLC, infrared), sound-
party distance calculation, thus reducing the computational cost. In based (e.g., acoustic sound, ultrasound), RF-based (e.g., RFID, WiFi,
another system named PILOT, Järvinen et al. (2019) proposed out- BLE, UWB, ZigBee) and communication-free technologies (e.g.,
sourcing computationally expensive operations to two semi-trusted computer vision, IMU, magnetic field). They can also be combined
non-colluding third parties and using custom circuits depending on to support multimodal positioning, which is a challenging area for
the distance metric. Similarly, Nieminen and Järvinen (2021) pre- future research. In terms of context, it is necessary to also describe
sented a privacy-preserving indoor positioning system where both two localisation modes that are distinguished in the literature:
the service provider and the client were protected and where passive and active, where the former means that localisation is
they demonstrated that, with a number of optimisations, the use performed by the localisation network, while the latter means that
of Paillier encryption and GCs was practical, which is consistent localisation happens on the client-side, i.e., the target is responsi-
with Yang and Järvinen (2018b). Other recent mutually privacy- ble for its own localisation (Zafari et al., 2019). These modes are

Y. Sartayeva and H.C. B. Chan Computers & Security 131 (2023) 103293

applicable to most communication technologies, and security and services, there needs to be a way to connect backend associations
privacy issues depend on the localisation mode. Next, a summary with actual clients.
of individual communication technologies in the context of indoor Another vision-based solution was proposed by
positioning will be provided. Zhao et al. (2018a), where cameras with single-pixel colour
sensors were used to remove contextual information about the
• Light-based technologies. Light-based communication technolo- target such as colour, shape and size and only give the system
gies make use of light as a means of communications, whose access to the centroid of the object. However, again, the prob-
nature varies depending on where it appears on the electro- lem of individualised localisation remains. User identity privacy
magnetic spectrum. They have relatively high positioning ac- preservation can also be achieved using seismic signals caused by
curacy but cannot penetrate walls so can only be used for footsteps, as was done by Chen et al. (2017b), who used machine
room-level localisation (Zhuang et al., 2018). Similar to other learning to distinguish footsteps from noise and employed TDoA to
technologies, they are based on the transmitter-receiver model, pinpoint the origin of the seismic signal. This type of localisation
whereby a receiving device derives positioning data from light may not be suitable for all LBS since location estimates are not
emitted by a transmitter such as an infrared LED. associated with individual targets. These technologies can be com-
• Sound-based technologies. Sound-based communication tech- bined with other indoor positioning technologies for multimodal
nologies include acoustic signal and ultrasound, where the for- positioning and better privacy, which is a promising research area
mer is within the audible spectrum. Similar to light-based tech- to explore.
nologies, they are only applicable to room-level positioning as Another concern related to user identity privacy is the privacy
sound cannot penetrate walls and also operates based on the of ambient sound, e.g., voices, music, etc. Carter et al. (2020) also
transmitter-receiver model, except that here the carrier of posi- raised this issue in the discussion of their system based on ultra-
tioning data is sound. sound, which requires users to use microphones on their smart-
• RF-based technologies. The advantage of these technologies is phones. Such systems can work in the background and thus record
that they are imperceptible, unlike the previous two categories, sensitive data. The authors argue that as long as the sensitive data
meaning that they cannot be perceived by human senses. In ad- is not communicated with external parties, i.e., stays on the user
dition, they can penetrate walls, making them a popular choice device, this configuration should not pose privacy issues. To add
for indoor positioning. However, they are also subject to ferro- an extra layer of privacy, the sound data should be stored in pro-
magnetic interference, leading to low positioning accuracy. cessed form, as suggested by Bahle et al. (2021), so that it cannot
• Communication-free technologies. These are technologies that do be converted into its original form.
not rely on inter-device communication but can nevertheless be User location privacy (during localisation). Another solution to
used for indoor localisation, such as IMU, computer vision and the user identity privacy issue is to switch to active localisation
magnetic field sensing. by letting the target collect information about its surroundings
and then submit it to the server for localisation if necessary, e.g.,
4.4.2. Security and privacy issues with computationally heavy computer vision models, but that way
In this subsection, we discuss selected examples of security the server gains access to the location of the target. For exam-
and privacy issues of the other methods (i.e., non-RF-based po- ple, Gu et al. (2017)’s system combines magnetic and WiFi fin-
sitioning methods) as well as multimodal positioning methods. gerprints and requires users to capture pictures of their surround-
Basiri et al. (2017) assessed the level of privacy of different com- ings and download a subset of the fingerprinting database from
munication technologies and argue that the highest level of privacy the server based on the images so that localisation can be per-
is achieved when the amount of communication in the network is formed locally. However, submitting pictures of a user’s surround-
minimised and when localisation is performed on the client-side, ings is also a violation of privacy unless the pictures are encoded
as is done with GPS. The lowest level of privacy is when locali- such that the server cannot deduce the user location, as is done by
sation is performed by a third party and is then sent to the client, Dusmanu et al. (2021), for example.
e.g., localisation using surveillance cameras. Therefore, the network One solution for location privacy preservation in image-based
architecture plays a significant role in the security and privacy of localisation for robots was proposed by Geppert et al. (2022),
IPSs, meaning that client-side localisation should be encouraged which can be extended to other indoor positioning scenarios. In
and can itself be a privacy preservation measure. This section lists their solution, multiple servers were employed, where each stored
issues specific to other methods, as defined in Section 4.4.1. a certain dimension of the map of the space, meaning that the
User identity privacy. Some IPSs gain access to more sensitive client needed to submit localisation queries to each server and re-
information due to the architecture and technologies they use. For construct its location locally. This ensures that no server can gain
example, in vision-based device-free positioning, user identity is access to the client’s location.
revealed to the server through images. One way to address this Another viable solution is to convert images captured at the
problem was proposed by Santo et al. (2017), who designed a target into a privacy-preserving representation, as suggested by
device-free indoor positioning system, whereby the target did not Dusmanu et al. (2021), who developed a new image representa-
carry any tags or devices to participate in the localisation process. tion method based on mapping a descriptor point P in a vector
Instead, infrared cameras with embedded infrared LEDs were in- space S to an affine subspace of S that passes through P . The au-
stalled in the room to detect reflections off of markers attached to thors suggest their approach poses a marginal computational bur-
walls when a person passed through. Fingerprinting-based and ge- den and strikes a balance between accuracy, privacy and computa-
ometric positioning methods were then employed using these re- tional overhead. This is similar to using encrypted fingerprints to
flected signals to localise the person. The cameras can filter out protect users’ location privacy, so this approach can be generalised
visible light, meaning that the privacy of the person was preserved. to other communication technologies, i.e., not just vision-based po-
The authors achieved an accuracy of 30 cm on average with fin- sitioning.
gerprinting. This is a promising solution but may be problematic Finally, as was mentioned previously, one more privacy-
for delivering location-based services since the system must know preserving measure to undertake is to minimise communications
which device requested its services. Every detected entity can be in the IPS and perform localisation on the client side, e.g., as
assigned an ID and remotely monitored by the system adminis- was done by Li and Rashidzadeh (2019), who used acoustic signal
trator, e.g., nurses in an elderly care home, but for location-based for fine positioning and BLE for coarse positioning, and Qiu and

Y. Sartayeva and H.C. B. Chan Computers & Security 131 (2023) 103293

Fig. 11. Collaborative positioning example. The network consists of m anchor nodes and n agent nodes.

Mutka (2017), who used acoustic signal to correct location esti- sociated with them have not been discussed in the literature. In
mates generated with dead reckoning. Both of these are examples this section, we discuss some common collaborative positioning
of multimodal positioning. If the IMU is embedded in the client algorithms as well as the potential security and privacy issues
device, e.g., a smartphone, then PDR can be said to be a privacy- of these methods. In general, the aforementioned classification
preserving method as long as its measurements are not shared of non-collaborative indoor positioning methods can be extended
with external parties. to collaborative methods, especially for geometric and proximity-
Indoor space privacy. Another entity whose privacy may need based methods, but extension of the fingerprint method requires
to be preserved is the indoor space itself, e.g., in a military site more studies. In the following discussion, we refer to collaborative
or a private property. This issue is relevant to IPSs that make proximity-based methods as mobile proximity-based methods be-
use of computer vision since cameras can capture more sensi- cause IPS network participants are assumed to be in motion, and
tive information such as people’s faces, license plates, etc., unlike the same applies to collaborative geometric methods. We approach
other indoor positioning technologies. In the model training phase, collaborative IPS networks as a hybrid of mobile ad hoc networks
Yonetani et al. (2017) designed a privacy-preserving approach to (MANETs) and WSNs because nodes in these networks are mobile,
train visual learners using images containing sensitive information. just like in MANETs, but unlike in MANETs, data routing in collabo-
Models are first trained locally on each device containing training rative IPSs is not a major issue, although it may also be considered
images, and then they are encrypted and sent to a central server, in the future. In general, for positioning purposes, we assume that
which aggregates all models using homomorphic encryption with- every node simply broadcasts its data to its neighbours. Every node
out the need to reveal the weights of the original models. This is equipped with both a transmitter and a receiver and is powerful
approach is only applicable to the training phase. In the predic- enough to localise itself (in a decentralised architecture). Fig. 11 il-
tion phase, Speciale et al. (2019a)’s method can be used, i.e., where lustrates an example of collaborative positioning.
there is a need to conceal images of the environment supplied to
the server for localisation. They transformed the indoor space from 5.1. Mobile proximity-based methods
a 3D point cloud to a 3D line cloud to protect the appearance of
the indoor space from the server. However, this method does not 5.1.1. Overview
address the problem of concealing images submitted as part of lo- We define mobile proximity-based positioning methods as
calisation queries from the server, so Speciale et al. (2019b) pre- those where localisation of IPS participants relies on proximity de-
sented a similar privacy preservation mechanism for image-based tection without relying on ranging. In this category, we focus on
localisation, whereby 2D points in localisation query images are contact tracing as an example of mobile proximity-based position-
converted into 2D lines, precluding the server from being able ing. Even though it relies on proximity detection, its aim does not
to deduce objects in the images. Shibuya et al. (2020) discussed lie in obtaining the exact position of a target with the help of its
that these methods are too computationally expensive for continu- neighbours. Positioning of each node can be done using GPS, if
ous localisation, so they proposed their own approach for privacy- available, but contact tracing aims to capture snapshots of nodes
preserving visual SLAM. Based on this discussion, RF-based tech- a target has been close to. In other words, contact tracing is fo-
nologies seem to be better for user identity privacy protection cused on the neighbourhoods of nodes rather than on their exact
since they do not deal with sensitive data like sound or images. positions, but this is still considered a special instance of indoor
However, for systems that rely on indoor maps of RF signal data, positioning.
additional measures may need to be taken to protect the maps Contact tracing has risen in popularity in recent years due to
from the IPS server itself since it is considered honest but curious. the COVID-19 pandemic. It refers to the process of tracking the
spread of a disease by detecting whether healthy individuals have
5. Collaborative positioning methods been in contact with infected people long enough to catch the dis-
ease (Braithwaite et al., 2020). A general overview of contact trac-
Collaborative positioning methods are a relatively new research ing is given in Fig. 13. Contact tracing can be combined with QR
area, and, according to Pascacio et al. (2021), security issues as- code landmarking, which is described in Section 4.1.1, but other

Y. Sartayeva and H.C. B. Chan Computers & Security 131 (2023) 103293

tracing is centralised) and other users. Not all protocols con-

sider sharing data with central authorities a violation of privacy,
however (Bock et al., 2021). This means that contact tracing
protocols must preclude third parties from being able to track
people’s location history, which implies hiding the identity of
people in proximity.
• Infection Status Privacy. To avoid stigma associated with conta-
giousness (Williams et al., 2021), the identity of infected indi-
viduals should also be protected from regular users. Of course,
infected individuals must report their status to the contact trac-
ing system, but infected people should have control over who
their status is shared with. For example, some protocols au-
tomate the exposure notification process by not revealing the
records of infected people to health authorities, but this comes
at the cost of more false positives (White and van Basshuy-
sen, 2021).
• Compromised Proximity Detection. RSSI is a measure of signal
strength and has been widely used for proximity detection
in COVID-19 contact tracing (Manohar et al., 2020). However,
Bahle et al. (2021) report that RSSI is not always an accurate in-
dicator of proximity because it can penetrate through physical
barriers and generate false positives in exposure notifications, is
affected by ferromagnetic interference in metal enclosures and
varies significantly, e.g., RSSI values are different when a per-
son’s phone is in his/her front or back pocket because the hu-
man body can absorb radiofrequency signals. False positives can
also be generated through relay attacks, whereby the adversary
relays signals between remote users to make them believe they
are close to each other, so relay attack considerations are also
applicable to contact tracing.

5.1.3. Contact tracing protocols

With the aim of addressing the aforementioned security and
Fig. 12. General workflow of mobile geometric positioning. privacy issues, this section discusses major contact tracing pro-
tocols currently used in practice. Localisation security in contact
tracing depends on the system architecture, i.e., whether position-
localisation methods, such as GPS-based localisation, can be used
ing takes place on the client-side or the server-side. Contact trac-
as well. User locations are not exchanged between network partic-
ing protocols can be broadly classified into two categories: cen-
ipants to preserve privacy.
tralised and decentralised. In decentralised systems, localisation is
performed locally, i.e., by the target device, minimising the risk of
5.1.2. Security and privacy issues
leakage. In centralised systems, a central authority is responsible
Challenges related to contact tracing are mainly related to min-
for detecting possible instances of contagion and notifying the peo-
imising the number of false positives while preserving the privacy
ple affected. The choice between the two depends on the cultural
of users’ locations and infection status. These issues will be dis-
norms of the country a protocol is adopted in. For example, Sin-
cussed in this section so that parallels can be drawn to mobile
gapore, China and South Korea adopted centralised contact tracing,
proximity-based positioning in general.
which ensures privacy only with respect to other parties but al-
• Location Privacy. The first major concern in contact tracing is lows health authorities to have access to users’ data because they
to ensure that users’ locations are protected from third parties, are assumed to be honest and trustworthy. Another approach, used
which include a healthcare authority’s server (in case contact by European countries, focuses on the development of contact trac-

Fig. 13. Contact tracing example.

Y. Sartayeva and H.C. B. Chan Computers & Security 131 (2023) 103293

ing apps with full privacy (i.e., no exposure to any party except the is re-generated n = (24 × 60 )/l times a day based on a secret
user him/herself) (Bock et al., 2021). The advantage of the former key SKt , where t denotes a day and l is the epoch length,
approach is that it allows the central authority to supply poten- as follows: E phemeralID1 ||E phemeralID2 || . . . ||E phemeralIDn =
tially infected people with more detailed information, e.g., the ex- P RG(P RF (SKt , broadcast key )), where P RG is a stream cipher,
act time of exposure, but this comes at the cost of less privacy. suggested to be AES-CTR, and P RF is a pseudo-random function,
This paper does not seek to validate either form of contact trac- suggested to be HMAC-SHA256 (Vaudenay, 2020a). Each device
ing but will instead give a brief overview of popular contact tracing broadcasts its ephemeral ID to other users in proximity for l min.
protocols found in the literature for both variations, with more em- The IDs of users in proximity are recorded locally on users’ phones
phasis on decentralised protocols. Even though, similar to contact for 14 days. If a user tests positive for COVID-19, he/she obtains
tracing protocols, collaborative systems can also be centralised and approval from the health authority and anonymously uploads
decentralised (Pascacio et al., 2021), analogous to LBS servers, IPS his/her secret key SKt to the backend server, which, in turn, broad-
servers are assumed to be “honest but curious”, meaning that they casts the secret key to all users so that their smartphones can
should not have direct access to user data. We suggest that future calculate the ephemeral IDs of the infected individual based on
collaborative positioning systems take these protocol designs into SKt and determine the risk of infection. The secret key is updated
account to integrate similar (or better) security and privacy con- daily as SKt = H (SKt−1 ), where H is a hash function.
siderations in them. In another variation of DP-3T (unlinkable variation), extra pri-
Centralised protocols. One prominent example of centralised vacy is ensured at the cost of more storage space required on
contact tracing protocols is TraceTogether, which was adopted in the client side. For each epoch i, each smartphone generates an
Singapore and involves two entities: the users and the Ministry of ephemeral ID by drawing a random 32-byte seed seedi , feeds
Health (MoH) (Tang, 2020). When a user A registers in the system it to a hash function H and truncates the output to 128 bits
for the first time, he/she sends his/her phone number NUMi and so that the ID fits in the BLE data packet, i.e., E phemeralIDi =
a pseudonym IDi to the MoH, which stores the tuple (NUMi , IDi ) T RUNCAT E128 (H (seedi )). Seeds for all epochs as well as the IDs of
in its database and generates an encryption key K for the user. users in proximity, stored as hashes H (E phemeralIDi ||i ), are pre-
MoH then determines time intervals [t0 , t1 , ., tn ], and at the begin- served locally for 14 days, similar to the lightweight variation of
ning of each such interval tx , MoH sends T IDi,x = Enc (IDi , tx ; K ) to DP-3T. If a person receives a positive COVID-19 result, he/she can
A, where Enc is an encryption function. In the sensing stage, each choose which records to upload to the backend server and loads
user will broadcast his/her T IDi,x to everyone in his/her range for (i, seedi ) pairs corresponding to the time of contagion. The server
the time interval [tx , tx+1 ) and record incoming T ID j,x from other then populates a Cuckoo filter F with H (T RUNCAT E128 (H (seedi ))||i )
people, along with the signal strength. If a user k gets infected, for each record of the infected person and sends this filter to all
he/she must report it to MoH and share all (T IDk,x , T ID j,x ) pairs users so that they can determine if they have records of the in-
with the authority for all relevant j and x, so that MoH can decrypt fected person in their local storage.
each T ID j , extract the phone numbers of potentially infected peo- Vaudenay (2020a) conducted a privacy analysis of DP-3T and
ple (NUM j ) and contact them. Tang (2020) argue that TraceTogether established that it creates more privacy threats than it solves.
requires Singapore citizens to place extra trust into the authorities There are three communication channels in DP-3T: app-to-app
as they will have more information on users’ mobility; however, channel, server-to-app channel and app-to-authority channel. The
only infected people have to share their details. If the infection rate last two can be secured using standard public-key cryptography.
is low, this may not be much of an issue, but, as the authors sug- However, the app-to-app channel, i.e., the BLE communication
gest, eventually the number of infections will rise, and the author- channel, is difficult to secure, is vulnerable to false alert injec-
ities will have access to much more data. Bell et al. (2020) pro- tion attacks and can allow the adversary to track people through
posed an improvement to TraceTogether by using message-based deanonymisation. False alert injection attacks that cannot be ad-
protocols and additively homomorphic encryption to protect user dressed with cryptographic solutions are listed as replay of re-
privacy from the government. leased cases, replay and relay attacks. In the replay attack, the
A similar centralised protocol called ROBERT (Castelluccia et al., adversary collects a pool of the ephemeral IDs of infected peo-
2020) was proposed by Inria and Fraunhofer AISEC for the Pan Eu- ple and broadcasts some IDs from the pool to victims, notifying
ropean Privacy-Preserving Proximity Tracing (PEPP-PT) scheme in them that they were in close contact with people who had tested
Europe, where, instead of a phone number, the central author- positive for COVID-19. To mitigate this attack, it is suggested to
ity is allowed to map long-term pseudonyms pseudoU to users’ incorporate device authentication into the protocol by generating
ephemeral IDs ei , which allows the authority to reveal the iden- MAC tags for ephemeral IDs based on timestamps and a challenge
tities of infected people based on their ephemeral IDs through a for verification. However, this would be inconvenient as devices
trapdoor τ . This means that if someone gains access to a trapdoor would have to communicate with each other instead of just broad-
τ , he/she can trace back multiple ephemeral IDs to the original casting their IDs. In a relay attack, the adversary is positioned be-
people they belong to (Vaudenay, 2020b). There are a number of tween the victim and an infected individual and relays messages
other centralised contact tracing protocols suggested in the litera- between the two, resulting in the victim receiving a notification
ture. Further details can be found in Vaudenay (2020b)’s work. that he or she is a close contact of a person infected with COVID-
Decentralised protocols. DP-3T, which was developed by 19. To address this problem, a distance bounding protocol could
Wang et al. (2019a), is considered a state-of-the-art privacy- be used but it is difficult to implement in a mobile ad hoc en-
preserving COVID-19 contact tracing protocol that was adopted vironment. Distance bounding is discussed in Section 4.2.2. Based
in the European Union. It is based on a decentralised architec- on Vaudenay (2020a)’s report, privacy-preserving contact tracing is
ture with three parties: the users carrying devices that support still an open research area, with the most significant vulnerabil-
BLE communication, a health authority that collects positive ity lying in insecure communication channels of localisation tech-
COVID-19 test reports voluntarily submitted by users and in- nologies, such as WiFi and BLE. Incorporating privacy preservation
forms users about close contacts, and a backend server, whose into contact tracing protocols would require making sacrifices that
sole responsibility is communication, meaning it does not do make the contact tracing experience inconvenient for users.
any processing on user data. DP-3T is based on BLE signal Another privacy-preserving contact tracing system called
exchanges between user devices, which are anonymous. Each Google and Apple Exposure Notification (GAEN) framework was
device is identified by an ephemeral pseudo-random ID that developed as a result of a joint effort by Google and Apple

Y. Sartayeva and H.C. B. Chan Computers & Security 131 (2023) 103293

(Google, 2020). It provides an API that Android and iOS develop- tions, i.e., not just in collaborative positioning. Based on inter-node
ers can use to implement their own contact tracing applications. distances and the coordinates of anchor nodes, MLE seeks to esti-
It also utilises BLE for proximity detection and randomly generates mate the coordinates of agent nodes by minimising the difference
device IDs (called Rolling Proximity Identifiers (RPI)) using Tem- between actual vs. estimated inter-node distance measurements,
porary Exposure Keys (TEK) every 10–20 min to prevent tracking. taking noise into account as distance measurements have a certain
User devices silently exchange their IDs, which are encrypted us- margin of error, which is assumed to follow a known distribution,
ing AES-128, via BLE and record them in local storage. The sys- such as a Gaussian distribution. The associated optimisation prob-
tem periodically cross-checks local records against the list of IDs lem is solved by iterative methods such as gradient descent. One
of COVID-positive people. In case of close contact with an infected of the challenges of MLE is that its search space is non-convex and
individual, the system generates an exposure notification on the af- non-linear due to the complex nature of indoor signal propagation
fected person’s phone, where exposure detection runs in the back- patterns, so convergence to global optima is difficult to achieve.
ground, meaning it does not have to be open. The TEKs of infected The performance of MLE depends on the initial estimates, so one
people are uploaded to a diagnosis server along with their corre- solution is to run multiple MLE instances with different initialisa-
sponding Exposure Notification Interval Numbers (ENIN). An ENIN tion settings, meaning this method can be implemented in a dis-
is the number of the time interval when a TEK started to be valid. tributed manner. It can also be coupled with simulated annealing
According to Raskar et al. (2020), the GAEN protocol has been to escape local optima, but proper initialisation remains an issue.
widely adopted around the world because it circumvents issues as- To simplify the search space, researchers have proposed using con-
sociated with Bluetooth running in the background. However, it vex relaxation techniques, which relax the MLE problem statement
does not disclose the location and exact time of exposure. The at the cost of potentially higher error.
authors proposed a privacy-preserving method to augment GAEN Convex relaxation. Vaghefi and Buehrer (2015) distinguish two
with global context, i.e., allowing developers to implement apps convex relaxation techniques: semi-definite programming (SDP)
that also record the GPS locations of users and store them locally and second-order cone programming (SOCP) and their combina-
so that they can later be disclosed to people who received ex- tion. They reformulate the MLE problem statement such that the
posure notifications without revealing the identity of the infected search space becomes convex, which increases positioning error
person. They also derived a time estimate of exposure based on but also significantly increases the likelihood of converging to a
ENIN. This reduces the number of false positives since users can solution that is reasonably close to being optimal (Buehrer et al.,
assess the likelihood of infection given location and time informa- 2018). SOCP tends to be less accurate than SDP but is less compu-
tion. tationally expensive.
Message passing. According to Buehrer et al. (2018), in message-
5.2. Mobile geometric methods passing-based algorithms, each unlocalised node is treated as a
random variable with a known prior distribution, whose poste-
5.2.1. Overview rior distribution is predicted based on inter-node message passing
There is a wide variety of mobile geometric methods, but about their relative positions. This way, an agent node does not
overall, their common goal is to optimise an objective function have to have at least three anchor nodes in its range to localise it-
such that the locations of all unlocalised nodes are as close to self because it can simply wait for its neighbours to be localised,
the ground truth as possible, and their distinguishing feature which is not the case with non-collaborative geometric methods,
from proximity-based methods is that they are range-based such as trilateration. Assuming that the positions of agent nodes
(Ridolfi et al., 2021). The cooperative nature of these methods lies a priori are independent of each other and that inter-node mea-
in the exchange of inter-node distance estimates and locations surements are conditionally independent, then the joint posterior
between neighbouring nodes, meaning that eventually distances probability distribution of agent nodes’ locations can be calcu-
and locations are propagated throughout the network, assisting lated using Bayes’ theorem. Agent node locations are then inferred
the localisation of nodes that do not have a sufficient number of based on minimum mean squared error (MMSE) (Kudoh et al.,
localised nodes around them. Unlocalised nodes are referred to 2017) or maximum a posteriori (MAP) probability (Sun et al., 2017).
as “agent nodes”, and localised nodes are called “anchor nodes”. Ihler et al. (2005)’s study showed that the minimum number of
Please refer to Fig. 11 for an illustration of collaborative positioning anchor nodes required for belief-propagation-based collaborative
based on geometric methods and please refer to Fig. 12 for its positioning is three in order to achieve a unique solution.
general workflow. Other methods. The list of collaborative indoor positioning meth-
Li et al. (2018) gave a comprehensive overview of collabora- ods is not limited to the three described before, and this sec-
tive indoor positioning algorithms and classified them into four tion briefly discusses some of them.
broad categories: MLE, convex relaxation, message passing and
other methods. An overview of these algorithms will be given in • Multidimensional scaling (MDS). MDS is used to represent sam-
this section. As these algorithms operate under some common ples in a d-dimensional space based on a dissimilarity matrix
principles, security threats in cooperative positioning will be dis- between these samples (Di Franco et al., 2018). In collaborative
cussed in a broad context, meaning they will not be broken down positioning, entries in the dissimilarity matrix denote pairwise
by algorithm type. In fact, mobile geometric methods and their se- distances between all nodes in the network, i.e., both agent and
curity/privacy issues are still in their early stages of development. anchor nodes, which are assumed to be the ground truth, and
More work is required in this area (see the future work section). MDS finds node locations that fit the dissimilarity matrix with-
Note that although there is relatively little related work on the se- out taking anchor nodes’ locations into account. Other optimi-
curity/privacy issues inherent in mobile geometric methods, collab- sation methods can be used to adjust MDS outputs to fit anchor
orative IPSs based on geometric methods are similar to mobile ad nodes’ locations. MDS is usually implemented to be centralised
hoc networks (MANET) and WSNs. Hence security and privacy con- (Saeed et al., 2019) but can be designed to run in a parallel or
cerns discussed in this section are also drawn from the literature distributed manner.
on MANET and WSN security and privacy. • Outer-approximation. Mendrzik and Bauch (2019) define outer-
Maximum likelihood estimation. According to Vaghefi and approximation as a type of range-free collaborative positioning
Buehrer (2015), MLE is a method for finding the parameters of a whereby all nodes broadcast their data, e.g., ID, location, trans-
probability distribution and is used in a wide variety of applica- mission power, etc., to their neighbours, i.e., nodes their signal

Y. Sartayeva and H.C. B. Chan Computers & Security 131 (2023) 103293

can reach. Each node then estimates its location by finding the justed such that another objective is to maximise the number of
intersection of the ranges of its neighbours, which could be of distance constraints that are satisfied. However, maximising con-
different “shapes”, e.g., circles (CAB), triangles (APIT), etc. For straint satisfaction may not guarantee correct results if the adver-
example, in the Concentric Anchor Beacon (CAB) method, each sary takes over the majority of the network and adjusts distance
node transmits a signal that contains its ID, location, transmis- measurements to fit his/her desired positioning configuration.
sion power and the maximum distance the signal can travel Malicious node attacks. One major problem with inter-node
at different transmission power levels, creating concentric cir- communication is verifying the identity of neighbouring nodes to
cles, and then each node averages the locations of the intersec- identify malicious nodes, which was discussed in Section 4.2.2.
tion points of the three farthest nodes in its range and thus However, in collaborative positioning, this problem is more nu-
estimates its own location (Singh and Khilar, 2017). The Ap- anced as neighbouring nodes do not have to be anchors, i.e., they
proximate Point in Triangle (APIT) method is similar to CAB in are not registered in a database of legitimate nodes. Malicious par-
that it is also based on reducing the possible area where the ties can easily become part of the network and broadcast incor-
target could be, but this is done by finding all possible trian- rect data to neighbours, compromising the positioning accuracy
gles formed by network nodes and filtering out those that do of the entire network. That said, all malicious node attacks de-
not contain the target (Jain et al., 2017). Then the centroid of fined in Section 4.2.2 are applicable to collaborative positioning
the overlap of these triangles is taken as the location estimate. networks because they are also based on inter-node communica-
These methods are not very popular because they come with a tion, namely, Sybil, newcomer, node capturing, replication, worm-
number of limitations such as requiring either a dense network hole, on-off, conflicting behaviour and spoofing attacks, it is just
of nodes or nodes with high communication ranges so that they that these nodes are not static, and any node can be an anchor
can reach neighbouring nodes. node. In this case, however, more emphasis should be put on min-
• DV-Hop. This method is based on calculating the minimum imising the number of false positives in order to not frustrate le-
numbers of hops to reach an unlocalised node from a localised gitimate users.
node. Each node stores a table of minimum number of hops to A potential solution in this case would be to implement an
its neighbours, and an average distance between two adjacent anomaly detection strategy in the collaborative positioning method
nodes is calculated (hop size). This distance is then multiplied itself to identify inconsistencies and blacklist users that send
by the number of hops to estimate the distance between two wrong data, e.g., checking if measurements have a reasonable
remote nodes (Cui et al., 2018). amount of noise based on the assumed noise distribution. For ex-
ample, Thanigaivelan et al. (2016) proposed an internal anomaly
5.2.2. Security and privacy issues detection system where each node monitors data coming from its
Pascacio et al. (2021) reviewed works on collaborative indoor neighbours and learns normal behaviour from the derived infor-
positioning published between 2006 and 2020 and found that se- mation. This can be coupled with a supervised machine learning
curity and privacy issues in these works were not discussed, de- approach, whereby the identities of malicious nodes are known
spite the fact that collaborative systems are especially vulnerable. and legitimate nodes learn to detect abnormal inputs in an offline
To the best of the authors’ knowledge, security and privacy issues phase, similar to fingerprinting. However, the adversary could tar-
of collaborative systems have not been covered in the academic get nodes strategically to compromise those that determine the lo-
literature, and we seek to address this gap. Collaborative position- cations of the rest of the nodes such that the network cannot re-
ing networks are similar to MANETs in their communication na- cover, even after anomaly detection. One solution here would be to
ture because MANET nodes do not require a central base station prepare backup nodes in advance, run a malicious node detection
and can operate independently because they are equipped with algorithm for mobile ad hoc networks, such as those proposed by
both a transmitter and a receiver (Abdel-Fattah et al., 2019). Even Gao et al. (2018), Gomathy et al. (2020), Kukreja et al. (2018), and
if two nodes are not in each other’s communication range, they activate the backup nodes temporarily, until compromised nodes
can still communicate via other nodes. Similar to the previous sec- recover from adversarial attacks. Of course, backup nodes would
tions, we will go through the general workflow of range-based col- incur additional costs, but it is better than having the entire net-
laborative positioning, which is presented in Fig. 12, and discuss work disabled. Similarly, Liu et al. (2019a) suggested the use of
potential security and privacy issues. Other than the attacks listed confidence intervals to isolate compromised nodes and then only
below, data tampering (Section 4.2.2), jamming (Section 4.2.2), re- rely on anchor nodes, and Nguyen et al. (2021) proposed a sim-
lay (Section 4.1.2) and replay (Section 4.1.2) attacks are applicable ilar secure localisation method, whereby particle swarm optimi-
to collaborative positioning. We will also give suggestions for pos- sation was used to obtain a confidence interval of where un-
sible solutions, but more rigorous research is needed to address localised nodes could be based on the RSSI noise distribution
these issues and provide a comprehensive picture of other poten- and then utilise a trilateral detection method to detect compro-
tial problems. mised nodes that exceeded a certain consistency threshold. Pinto
Distance matrix construction attacks. Most collaborative IPSs et al. (2018) designed a method based on k-NN and k-means
are range-based (Ridolfi et al., 2021), meaning that they rely on clustering of RSSI measurements to detect imposter nodes dur-
inter-node distance estimation, similar to other range-based meth- ing spoofing attacks, even if the imposter node and the legitimate
ods like trilateration and TDoA. However, dependence on inter- node are positioned close to one another. The premise of their ap-
node distance measurements in collaborative indoor positioning is proach is that shadowing will cause different changes in RSSI mea-
higher because agent nodes are dependent on each other, meaning surements of the legitimate and malicious nodes, even if they are
that the accuracy of one cluster of nodes influences the accuracy in proximity.
of other clusters. Thus, physical signal interference (Section 4.1.2) Relying on node authentication to identify malicious nodes
as well as inter-node distance estimation (Section 4.2.2) attacks would be infeasible because distributed collaborative positioning
are applicable to collaborative positioning. Other than distance does not presuppose there is a database of trusted nodes, mean-
bounding, which is difficult to implement, a potential solution here ing that communication links cannot be assumed to be safe before
would be to design an algorithm that detects inconsistent distance communication starts. Even though node authentication schemes
measurements and adjusts them such that they align with the rest for mobile nodes exist (e.g., Kim and Song, 2017), new nodes could
of the nodes, e.g., with multidimensional scaling. In other words, enter the network and request to be localised any time. That said,
the objective function of collaborative positioning could be ad- secure device-to-device communication should still be explored.

Y. Sartayeva and H.C. B. Chan Computers & Security 131 (2023) 103293

For example, Zhang et al. (2018a) proposed an SVM-based device ing, whereby each localised node periodically checks how much its
authentication method based on RF fingerprinting. Another option location has changed over small periods of time and advertises it-
is to have a database of nodes with their reputation scores and self as a faulty node if the change in its coordinates exceeds a cer-
let unlocalised nodes only rely on nodes with minimal history of tain threshold. It should then find the last few packets in its dy-
malicious behaviour. This can be accomplished using blockchains, namic table, decrease the trust scores of the senders of these pack-
e.g., She et al. (2019) designed a blockchain trust model for iden- ets in its table and advertise them to its neighbours so that they
tifying malicious nodes in WSNs based on a smart contract that can rely on more trustworthy localised nodes. If the interval be-
evaluates the credit score of each node based on the processing tween location verification checks is sufficiently small, each node
delay, forwarding rate and its state, but since there is no routing should not be able to move from its previous location further than
in collaborative positioning networks, the forwarding rate would a certain distance. However, the adversary could hijack nodes and
have a different meaning, i.e., it would just consider the ratio of disable location verification. Yaseen et al. (2018) discuss how IoT
the amount of sent data to the amount of received data. In their network participants are mobile, and their numbers are growing,
solution, a WSN was divided into clusters, and a sink node (sn) so, unlike WSNs, it is impractical to let base stations be responsible
was allocated to each cluster to serve as its head to collect data for malicious node detection. They suggested the deployment of
from sensors in the cluster and send it to the base station, which fog nodes, which are solely responsible for keeping track of nodes’
was responsible for publishing the smart contract. Each sn acted trustworthiness.
as a certificate authority and a verification node and participated User location privacy. In centralised collaborative positioning,
in consensus voting on which nodes should be identified as mali- the user location privacy problem is similar to that in server-based
cious. In this architecture, nodes are assumed to be static, which non-collaborative positioning, since localisation is performed on
is not the case with collaborative positioning nodes, so a hybrid “an honest but curious” IPS server. In the context of distributed
blockchain-based trust management protocol needs to be designed, collaborative positioning systems, however, the user location pri-
i.e., it should be adapted to mobile nodes but should not require vacy problem is more dire because unlocalised nodes rely on the
routing. For example, this protocol could be combined with one locations of their neighbours, which could be malicious, so no
proposed by Lwin et al. (2020) for MANETs, which is based on a node in the collaborative positioning network can have access to
lightweight Delegated-Proof-of-Trust (DPoT) consensus algorithm, any other node’s raw location. This problem is similar to user lo-
but it requires routing between nodes for them to achieve consen- cation privacy issues both during and after localisation. In order
sus. to protect their identity, nodes can use pseudorandom IDs that
Wireless eavesdropping attack. Eavesdropping on the packets are regularly updated, similar to contact tracing protocols. How-
broadcast by collaborative positioning network nodes is a prob- ever, Kalantar et al. (2018) tested MAC randomisation that is in-
lem because each node broadcasts its own location. Neighbouring built in smartphones to protect user privacy and found that the
nodes do not have to know the ID of the node from which the MAC update frequency was low enough to allow for device track-
location packets come from, e.g., if they use multilateration. How- ing, violating location privacy. Kang et al. (2018) made use of
ever, knowing the ID of a node would be needed for authentica- Ephemeral IDs in Eddystone BLE beacons to prevent spoofing and
tion, meaning nodes cannot be trusted blindly since they could tracking.
send wrong location data. This issue can be resolved with encryp- To protect the privacy of each node’s location, obfuscation-
tion, e.g., WPA3 in WiFi (Kohlios and Hayajneh, 2018), ECDH-based based privacy preservation mechanisms can be utilised. In collab-
(Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman) Bluetooth v5.2+LE Secure Connec- orative positioning, obfuscation-based privacy preservation applies
tions (Lounis and Zulkernine, 2020), etc., depending on the com- randomised transformations on sensitive data before it is sent to
munication technology. Destiarti et al. (2017) designed a secure a central authority so that it can solve an optimisation problem
communication scheme specifically for mobile indoor collaborative based on the obfuscated inputs. Obfuscation is then inverted on
localisation systems, where messages were encrypted using AES- the output to retrieve the optimal solution, but a downside of
128, message authentication was ensured using MD5-based HMAC this method is that it can only be used in centralised networks,
and the AES key was encrypted with RSA-2048. A major vulnera- i.e., a single central node should be responsible for optimisation
bility of this scheme is the exchange of the RSA key pair, which (Shoukry et al., 2016). Han et al. (2017) proposed a general so-
can be intercepted (Marqués et al., 2021). Another important con- lution to privacy-preserving distributed constrained optimisation
sideration in message transmission is the nature of the data to be based on gradient descent, whereby the privacy of all participating
transmitted, meaning that none of the nodes should reveal their nodes is preserved without the need for a centralised entity us-
raw locations to one another since any node could be malicious. In ing differential privacy. The authors explain that the problem with
other words, location privacy should also be catered for, which is aggregate-node-based optimisation is that the adversary could in-
discussed later in this section. tercept data as it travels towards the aggregator, which is sensitive
Traffic analysis attack. In collaborative positioning networks, the and should be protected from malicious parties. Their method is
adversary can collect packets and analyse them to construct the based on injecting noise into the public signals where the noise
trajectories of nodes and derive their IDs (Jiang et al., 2019). To magnitude is a function of how sensitive the projection operation
address this problem, Ward and Younis (2019) proposed the use is on the optimisation constraints. The downside of this method is
of distributed beamforming to achieve base station anonymity in that the objective function must be Lipschitz continuously differ-
WSNs. A similar technique can be applied in collaborative posi- entiable and convex, which is not the case in collaborative posi-
tioning, whereby the adversary is misguided by fake packets trans- tioning (Buehrer et al., 2018). Moreover, differential-privacy-based
mitted by nodes in its proximity so that it loses track of the privacy preservation comes at the cost of lower positioning accu-
node of interest. More elaborate designs are needed to combat the racy because the positioning algorithm must run on perturbed data
issue. (Shoukry et al., 2016).
Collusion attack. In a collusion attack, multiple nodes conspire Another cluster of solutions is based on homomorphic cryp-
to advertise false positioning data while validating each other as tosystems, which can operate on encrypted data without the abil-
legitimate nodes, so that unlocalised nodes obtain wrong location ity to decrypt it (Armknecht et al., 2015). Fully Homomorphic
estimates (Nguyen et al., 2021). One solution here would be to let Encryption (FHE) is too computationally expensive to be practi-
each node maintain a dynamic table of packets and their senders cal (Armknecht et al., 2015), so Partially Homomorphic Encryp-
and implement continuous location verification to detect tamper- tion (PHE) has been adopted instead, but it is limited in the range

Y. Sartayeva and H.C. B. Chan Computers & Security 131 (2023) 103293

of mathematical operations it can perform over encrypted data. 6. Directions for future research
Shoukry et al. (2016) state that PHE provides strong privacy guar-
antees without sacrificing the quality of the output of the op- From the above study, it can be seen that most current work is
timisation algorithm, which is joint mobile node localisation in related to non-collaborative positioning, focusing on the conven-
the case of collaborative indoor positioning. They designed a PHE- tional approaches. In fact, studies on fingerprinting security and
based privacy-preserving protocol for quadratic programming that privacy are the major focus. While there are other methods, more
involves multiple parties with sensitive data, where privacy from research work needs to be conducted in general. There are also
colluding agents is guaranteed with zero-knowledge proofs. Their other emerging technologies or areas, and this section discusses
protocol also aims to protect the data from the untrusted cloud high priority and emerging areas for research in indoor position-
server, meaning that it can only be used in centralised collabora- ing security and privacy. The suggested directions have been de-
tive systems. Additionally, localised nodes can be treated as tem- rived based on the analysis of issues identified during literature
porary anchor nodes, and their privacy protection was discussed in review, which are presented in Tables 3 and 4. In summary, confi-
Section 4.2.2. Marqués et al. (2021) proposed a privacy-preserving dentiality issues are related to the privacy of different entities par-
location sharing scheme for BLE advertising that makes use of ticipating in localisation, and current privacy preservation mecha-
anonymous attribute-based credentials based on zero-knowledge nisms in IPSs are either too computationally expensive or are not
proofs as well. This is the first study that presented a fully decen- strong enough. Integrity issues are related to the safety of position-
tralised privacy-preserving collaborative positioning system with ing data and are underexplored. Authenticity issues, on the other
BLE. hand, have started receiving increasing attention from researchers
with novel solutions such as those based on blockchains. For fu-
5.3. Others ture work, in general, we suggest the following research directions
in the order of priority: (1) conducting more study on collaborat-
Collaborative indoor positioning methods are also not restricted ing positioning, including security/privacy issues; (2) studying the
to mobile proximity-based and mobile geometric positioning use of AI and machine learning to enhance security/privacy of the
methods. They also include mobile fingerprinting-based posi- existing methods; (3) exploring multimodal/hybrid methods, in-
tioning, mobile multimodal/hybrid positioning and more. We cluding the related security/privacy issues (4) enhancing the secu-
categorise these methods as “others” in Fig. 1 since there are rity/privacy of existing methods (e.g., overcoming their limitations).
limited works on their security and privacy. Some examples found Note that some of these directions are inter-related as well. The
in the literature are summarised in this section. following presents further discussion on the suggested research di-
An example of multimodal mobile proximity-based positioning rections.
is the work of Bahle et al. (2021), who fused BLE RSSI with sound
for more accurate proximity detection. To preserve user privacy
6.1. More study on collaborative positioning
and not expose human conversations recorded during sound sam-
pling, the original sound was processed into a 200Hz feature vector
As mentioned above, compared to non-collaborative position-
with no detectable speech and stored locally on the user’s phone.
ing methods, the development of collaborative positioning meth-
Their experimental results demonstrated an 80% improvement in
ods is still in its infancy stage. With the advent and popularity
contact detection because sound is not prone to ferromagnetic in-
of powerful smartphones, study on the security/privacy issues re-
terference and is not negatively affected by people moving around.
lated to collaborative positioning is a big research area. One di-
They were also able to successfully detect physical barriers to re-
rection to explore is the use of blockchains for node trust man-
move false positives.
agement in collaborative localisation to address authenticity issues
A more complex multimodal system was developed by
discussed in the survey. Many indoor positioning methods work
Sadhu et al. (2021), who designed CollabLoc, a collaborative multi-
under a distributed or decentralised environment. That means,
building localisation system based on WiFi, geomagnetic field,
conventional solutions (e.g., centralised solutions) cannot be used.
sound, light and cellular networks that utilised onion routing to
Hence, blockchains provide a possible solution to handle some of
protect intermediate parties from obtaining information about the
the security/privacy problems in collaborative positioning methods,
signal’s route. The authors also made sure that collaboration be-
where anchors can change, and thus, their trust values should be
tween nodes was not based on proximity because this would vi-
updated regularly. For example, to prevent malicious nodes from
olate the neighbours’ privacy. The suggested solution was able to
joining a decentralised network, a blockchain can be used to keep
achieve a positioning error of approximately 1 m.
track of valid nodes. Furthermore, blockchains can be employed to
Another promising solution was designed by Yin et al. (2020),
protect data integrity in a distributed environment effectively such
who developed a federated learning framework for privacy-
as smart homes, IoT healthcare systems, etc. Second, research on
preserving cooperative localisation. In their system, each mobile
mobile fingerprinting for collaborative positioning is limited. This
terminal collects its own fingerprints to create a training dataset
is a challenging research topic due to the dynamic nature of col-
and trains a deep learning model for location inference locally. The
laborative positioning. It may involve new system design with ad-
weights of models trained on individual mobile terminals are then
vanced security techniques.
encrypted and aggregated on a server using homomorphic encryp-
tion to create a global model, which is then shared with all mobile
terminals for client-based localisation. The authors suggest that 6.2. AI and machine learning to enhance security and privacy of
model training is a computationally expensive process, but it only existing methods
happens in the offline phase. They claim that running the model
for location inference is cheap. Another important research direction is to further study the use
As for vision-based positioning, Zhao et al. (2020) devel- of artificial intelligence in general and machine learning in partic-
oped a framework for indoor localisation where the feature ular for enhancing the security and privacy of indoor positioning
map was divided into a grid, and visual cues were processed methods. For example, they can be employed for detecting ma-
locally for positioning. According to the authors, the frame- licious nodes in all methods and outliers in offline fingerprints.
work can be extended to support cooperation between edge They can also be used to detect data tampering (Muhammed and
nodes. Shaikh, 2017) and jamming (Arjoune et al., 2020). Researchers

Y. Sartayeva and H.C. B. Chan Computers & Security 131 (2023) 103293

Table 3
Indoor positioning security and privacy issues and solutions related to confidentiality and integrity found as a result of literature review.

Category Issue name Solutions Relevant studies

Confidentiality User location privacy (during localisation) Node authentication; differential privacy; encrypted Kim et al. (2018); Yoo and
fingerprints; privacy-preserving optimisation methods; Barriga (2017); Zhao et al. (2018b)
homomorphic cryptosystems; k-anonymity; secure
multi-party computation
Database privacy Paillier homomorphic encryption; Garbled Circuits; federated Alanwar et al. (2017);
learning; secure multi-party computation Hu et al. (2022);
Järvinen et al. (2019); Nieminen and
Järvinen (2021); Wu et al. (2020b);
Yang and Järvinen (2018b);
Zhang et al. (2020a)
Reference node privacy Adjusting the design of the positioning method, e.g., Alanwar et al. (2017); Shi and
Alanwar et al. (2017); Shi and Wu (2018) Wu (2018)
Wireless eavesdropping Encryption Kohlios and Hayajneh (2018);
Lounis and Zulkernine (2020)
Traffic analysis attack Circulating fake packets in the network to confuse the Ward and Younis (2019)
User location privacy (after localisation) k-anonymity; differential privacy; homomorphic encryption Han et al. (2017); Jiang et al. (2021);
Shoukry et al. (2016)
Integrity Database corruption Outlier detection; automated fingerprint collection; regular Khalajmehrabadi et al. (2017);
sanity checks based on checksum verification Li et al. (2020); Yu et al. (2019)
Distance estimation attacks Distance bounding; using more reliable distance estimation Abdelaziz et al. (2016); Brands and
techniques, e.g., time-based Chaum (1994); Leu et al. (2020);
Liu et al. (2018b)
QR code replacement Digitally signed QR codes Focardi et al. (2019)
Jamming attack Channel hopping; spectrum spreading; MIMO-based jamming Hymlin Rose and Jayasree (2019);
mitigation; channel coding; MAC layer strategies; jamming Li et al. (2019a);
detection schemes; learning-based techniques; multi-voting Pirayesh et al. (2021); Pirayesh and
systems Zeng (2022)
Replay attack Timestamp verification; assigning sequence numbers to Anandhi et al. (2019); Sharma and
packets; node authentication schemes Hussain (2017)
Data tampering Fault diagnosis based on sensor measurements, e.g., majority Muhammed and Shaikh (2017)
voting; attaching MAC tags to messages

Table 4
Indoor positioning security and privacy issues and solutions related to authenticity and other attacks found from the literature review.

Category Issue name Solutions Relevant studies

Authenticity Malicious node attacks Blockchain-based trust score systems; malicious node Arul Selvan and Selvakumar (2019);
detection systems; node authentication schemes; digital Bai et al. (2020); Brooks et al. (2007);
signatures; physical-layer-level node authentication Guerrero-Higueras et al. (2018);
Hua et al. (2018); Liu et al. (2019a);
Nguyen et al. (2021);
Numan et al. (2020);
Pan et al. (2019); Pinto et al. (2018);
Thanigaivelan et al. (2016);
Yessembayev et al. (2018)
Collusion attack Location-based tampering detection; a separate system for Yaseen et al. (2018)
monitoring nodes’ trustworthiness
Other Replaying QR codes Update QR codes regularly and include a validity period in
them; client-side GPS-based location verification
Resource draining Monitoring energy consumption on reference nodes; Sharma and Kumar Joshi (2019)
monitoring the number of incoming packets

should explore how to make their adoption practical, e.g., reduc- Most current papers focus on WiFi-fingerprinting-based methods,
ing computational costs and strengthening security/privacy guar- indicating that WiFi fingerprinting is the most promising position-
antees. Federated learning is also a promising new area of re- ing approach. However, WiFi fingerprinting may not suit all appli-
search in indoor positioning, whereby the privacy of training data cations, especially as hybrid solutions are rising in popularity due
is preserved (Yin et al., 2020). For example, it can be employed in to the fact that they make up for the weaknesses of individual
the offline stage of fingerprinting, where fingerprints are crowd- communication technologies. In addition, some systems combine
sourced, to protect the privacy of fingerprint collectors. It can also multiple positioning methods, which might have different security
be utilised in centralised cooperative localisation, whereby unlo- and privacy issues, so how the interplay of different issues can be
calised nodes submit their measurements to a central server for addressed also needs to be investigated. On the other hand, the
location inference without revealing their identity to anyone, in- use of multiple technologies/methods can actually be leveraged to
cluding the server itself. enhance the security/privacy of a system because they can be used
to verify each other’s results. For example, if a system combines
6.3. Multimodal and hybrid indoor positioning system security and UWB and BLE for better accuracy and performance, the two com-
privacy ponents can also be used independently for localisation, and their
estimates can be compared to detect discrepancies and, thus, intru-
From the previous study, it can be seen that there is a shortage sion. Of course, the adversary can compromise both UWB and BLE
of studies on security and privacy measures for multimodal and components of the system, but this will be harder to achieve (e.g.,
hybrid IPSs, especially those that employ collaborative positioning. difficult to provide consistent incorrect results from both compo-

Y. Sartayeva and H.C. B. Chan Computers & Security 131 (2023) 103293

nents). In other words, multimodal positioning can be employed problem, requiring further studies. Last but not least, we have also
for cross verification purposes. highlighted some future research directions and work.

6.4. Addressing the weaknesses of existing methods Declaration of Competing Interest

Existing security and privacy preservation mechanisms for IPSs The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
have significant limitations, so researchers should focus on ad- cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to
dressing them. For example, researchers should investigate how to influence the work reported in this paper.
optimise the trade-off between positioning accuracy and privacy
and how to reduce the computational burden of existing solutions CRediT authorship contribution statement
so that they can be used on less powerful nodes like beacons. In
addition, since many indoor positioning methods are range-based, Yerkezhan Sartayeva: Conceptualization, Visualization, Writing
more attention should be paid to enhancing inter-node distance – original draft. Henry C. B. Chan: Methodology, Project adminis-
estimation techniques, e.g., how to make distance bounding more tration, Writing – review & editing, Supervision.
accessible or investigate whether there are other distance verifi-
Data availability
cation methods that are not hardware-specific. Security and pri-
vacy should not be an afterthought when it comes to IPS design.
No data was used for the research described in the article.
New positioning methods may need to be engineered altogether.
Promising solutions include optimisation methods that can oper- Acknowledgements
ate on encrypted data, e.g., homomorphic encryption, as well as
the use of privacy-preserving technologies such as infrared cam- This work has been supported by the Hong Kong Ph.D. Fellow-
eras. ship Scheme of the Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong.

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learning using doubly permuted homomorphic encryption. In: 2017 IEEE In- The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU). His research interests include net-
ternational Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), pp. 2059–2069. doi:10.1109/ working/communications, Internet technologies, and computing education. He has
ICCV.2017.225. conducted various research projects and co-authored research papers published in
Yoo, S.G., Barriga, J.J., 2017. Privacy-aware authentication for Wi-Fi based indoor a variety of journals. He was the Chair (2012) of the IEEE Hong Kong Section and
positioning systems. In: Batten, L., Kim, D.S., Zhang, X., Li, G. (Eds.), Applica- the Chair (20 08-20 09) of the IEEE Hong Kong Section Computer Society Chapter.
tions and Techniques in Information Security. Springer Singapore, Singapore, He was the recipient of the 2022 IEEE Education Society William E. Sayle II Award
pp. 201–213. for Achievement in Education and of the 2015 IEEE Computer Society Computer
Yu, N., Zhao, S., Ma, X., Wu, Y., Feng, R., 2019. Effective fingerprint extraction and Science and Engineering Undergraduate Teaching Award. At PolyU, he has received
positioning method based on crowdsourcing. IEEE Access 7, 162639–162651. four President’s Awards and seven Faculty Awards. Under his supervision/guidance,
doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2951406. his students have received many awards.
Yuan, L., Hu, Y., Li, Y., Zhang, R., Zhang, Y., Hedgpeth, T., 2018. Secure RSS-
fingerprint-based indoor positioning: attacks and countermeasures. In: 2018
IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS), pp. 1–9.


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