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Text of Resolutions passed by the

General Council of the Theosophical Society

Freedom of Thought
As the Theosophical Society has spread far and wide over the world,
and as members of all religions have become members of it without
surrendering the special dogmas, teachings and beliefs of their re-
spective faiths, it is thought desirable to emphasize the fact that there is
no doctrine, no opinion, by whomsoever taught or held, that is in any way
binding on any member of the Society, none which any member is not
free to accept or reject. Approval of its three Objects is the sole condition
of membership. No teacher, or writer, from H. P. Blavatsky onwards,
has any authority to impose his or her teachings or opinions on members.
Every member has an equal right to follow any school of thought, but
has no right to force the choice on any other. Neither a candidate for any
office nor any voter can be rendered ineligible to stand or to vote, because
of any opinion held, or because of membership in any school of thought.
Opinions or beliefs neither bestow privileges nor inflict penalties.
The Members of the General Council earnestly request every member
of the Theosophical Society to maintain, defend and act upon these
fundamental principles of the Society, and also fearlessly to exercise the
right of liberty of thought and of expression thereof, within the limits
of courtesy and consideration for others.

Freedom of the Society

The Theosophical Society, while cooperating with all other bodies
whose aims and activities make such cooperation possible, is and must
remain an organization entirely independent of them, not committed to
any objects save its own, and intent on developing its own work on the
broadest and most inclusive lines, so as to move towards its own goal as
indicated in and by the pursuit of those objects and that Divine Wisdom
which in the abstract is implicit in the title ‘The Theosophical Society’.
Since Universal Brotherhood and the Wisdom are undefined and
unlimited, and since there is complete freedom for each and every member
of the Society in thought and action, the Society seeks ever to maintain
its own distinctive and unique character by remaining free of affiliation
or identification with any other organization.

VOL. 144 NO. 4 JANUARY 2023

Presidential Address 5
Tim Boyd
Universal Brotherhood: The Need of the Hour 20
Deepa Padhi

The Hidden Side of The Theosophist—II 24

Mary K. Neff
The Gift of Gratitude 32
Cary Gardner
On Courage: Om Tat Sat—I 35
Margaret Bove
International Directory 40

Editor: Mr Tim Boyd

Note: Articles for publication in The Theosophist should be sent to: <>

Cover: Echium candicans, the Pride of Madeira, native to the island of Madeira and the Canary
Islands, is also known as the “Tower of Jewels”. Its essence is said to enhance, among other
positive feelings, the sense of the profound in the silence, and the feeling of self-acceptance.
Taken on the California coast by a long-term member of the TS in America.
This journal is the official organ of the President, founded by H. P. Blavatsky on 1 Oct. 1879.
The Theosophical Society is responsible only for official notices appearing in this journal.

Founded 17 November 1875
President: Mr Tim Boyd Vice-President: Dr Deepa Padhi
Secretary: Ms Marja Artamaa Treasurer: Ms Nancy Secrest
Headquarters: ADYAR, CHENNAI (MADRAS) 600 020, INDIA
Adyar Library and Research Centre:
Theosophical Publishing House: //
Editorial Office:, Website:

The Theosophical Society is composed of students, belonging to any religion in

the world or to none, who are united by their approval of the Society’s Objects,
by their wish to remove religious antagonisms and to draw together men of goodwill,
whatsoever their religious opinions, and by their desire to study religious truths
and to share the results of their studies with others. Their bond of union is not the
profession of a common belief, but a common search and aspiration for Truth.
They hold that Truth should be sought by study, by reflection, by purity of life,
by devotion to high ideals, and they regard Truth as a prize to be striven for, not
as a dogma to be imposed by authority. They consider that belief should be the
result of individual study or intuition, and not its antecedent, and should rest on
knowledge, not on assertion. They extend tolerance to all, even to the intolerant,
not as a privilege they bestow but as a duty they perform, and they seek to remove
ignorance, not punish it. They see every religion as an expression of the Divine
Wisdom and prefer its study to its condemnation, and its practice to proselytism.
Peace is their watchword, as Truth is their aim.
Theosophy is the body of truths which forms the basis of all religions, and
which cannot be claimed as the exclusive possession of any. It offers a philosophy
which renders life intelligible, and which demonstrates the justice and the love
which guide its evolution. It puts death in its rightful place, as a recurring incident
in an endless life, opening the gateway to a fuller and more radiant existence.
It restores to the world the Science of the Spirit, teaching man to know the Spirit as
himself and the mind and body as his servants. It illuminates the scriptures and
doctrines of religions by unveiling their hidden meanings, and thus justifying them
at the bar of intelligence, as they are ever justified in the eyes of intuition.
Members of the Theosophical Society study these truths, and theosophists
endeavour to live them. Everyone willing to study, to be tolerant, to aim high, and
to work perseveringly, is welcomed as a member, and it rests with the member to
become a true theosophist.

4 The Theosophist Vol. 144.4, January 2023

Presidential Address

Presidential Address
To the 147th International Convention of the Theosophical Society, Adyar
(In-person & on Zoom from 31 December 2022 to 4 January 2023)

IT is a joy to warmly welcome all the delegates present at Adyar and online at this
147th International Convention, especially since after four years we are once again
hosting an in-person Convention in our campus, particularly now with several recently
renovated beautiful gardens. Let us now turn to those Great Ones whose
compassionate care and blessings our Society has been enjoying during all these
years. Please rise:
May those who are the embodiments of Love Immortal
bless with their help and guidance this Society,
founded to be a channel for their work.
May They inspire it with their Wisdom, strengthen it
with their Power, and energize it with their activity.
It is a pleasure to declare this 147th Annual Convention
of the Theosophical Society (TS) open.

In order to give us time to complete we have not been idle. The renovations
the renovation of Leadbeater Chambers at LBC are completed, new classroom
(LBC), in 2019 the Indian Section was buildings have been constructed at both
gracious enough to host the event at their the Olcott Memorial Higher Secondary
Headquarters in Varanasi. A month after School (OMHSS) and at the Adyar Theo-
the end of that Convention the world shut sophical Academy (ATA), the boys’ hostel
down because of the global pandemic. All at OMHSS is up and running, across the
of our work in progress halted and our campus we have upgraded and installed
focus at Adyar turned to protecting the new gardens (Library building, Admin
health and safety of our workers and building, LBC, entrance gate, and most
residents. It would be fair to say that we notably the Medha Gautam Garden in
did a good job. With only one resident front of the Headquarters building). The
contracting the virus during the peak of New Quadrangle complex is nearing
Covid activity, Adyar was one of the completion of its extensive renovations.
safest places on the planet. One of the buildings at the Social Welfare
During the time that the pandemic was Center was demolished and is also near-
raging, we were planning. In the three ing completion.
years since the advent of the pandemic Probably the most significant develop-

Vol. 144.4, January 2023 The Theosophist 5

Presidential Address

ment during this past year was the signing The motivation for the lease arrange-
of a long-term lease for the Damodar ment was to utilize the land for the
Gardens corner of the TS campus. For highest benefit to the TS. The lease will
the past 80+ years the 14-acre plot of provide a significant and necessary finan-
land has been the home to successive cial support for the work of the TS for
first-class educational efforts. For the years to come. It will also be a valuable
first 40 years The Besant School, founded addition to the educational and cultural
during the administration of George life of the larger community.
Arundale, occupied the space. The next The highlights mentioned above might
40 years was The School run by the appear to relate solely to externals —
Krishnamurti Foundation India. In June buildings, gardens, income streams, but
of this year we signed a long-term lease we need to look deeper. Annie Besant
arrangement for the construction of a described Adyar as the “Masters’ home”.
high level private school with the Shiv It is a place of power and presence passed
Nadar Trust (SNT). The arrangement down to us for the use of future gener-
took a full three years to finalize. ations and for the benefit of humankind.
Although the TS has no involvement in If you value something, it should show
running the school, one of the more in how you treat it. It has been our view
difficult aspects of the process was that this place should be maintained with
finding a partner whose ideals and ethos respect. Outwardly our touch should
would be compatible with ours — a call forth a beauty in our surroundings
fully vegetarian campus, ecologically reflective of the inner beauty of those
respectful, alcohol and dissection free, who work through this place and this
integrity in business operations, and so movement. Our thoughts and actions
on. All of these requirements are the should seek to uplift and maintain this
norm for SNT across the numerous space for future generations and as yet
schools they operate in India. unknown uses.
* * *
The Work around the World
In AFRICA, the East and Central World at the Threshold of Change” with
African Section, composed of four coun- the option for members to participate on-
tries, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, and site or online. The guest of honour was
Zambia, had some members joining the Navin B. Shah, chairman of the Pan-African
online talks organized by other Sections, Theosophical Federation. The keynote
but most could not because of high cost of address was delivered by me. Prof P.
infrastructure and internet connectivity. The Krishna gave a public lecture on “Free-
49th annual convention was held in April dom from the Self” and Charlton Romero
2022 at the Nairobi Lodge, on “The on “Papillon: On the Wings of Change”.

6 The Theosophist Vol. 144.4, January 2023

Presidential Address

Attendance in Lodge meetings in during the summer with only a short break
South Africa was low due to Covid-19. at the end of the year. Lodges returned to
Since August there were visitors in face-to-face meetings. A summer school
Johannesburg and Pretoria but no new was organized in January on “Spirituality
members. The website was revamped to and Self-Transformation — How do we
advertise Theosophy, announce Lodge create an opening to renew ourselves and
programmes, and attract new members. live fully?” It was a beautiful experience
Meditation classes are planned at several after two years with no on-site activity. A
Lodges, including weekend retreats. The winter school on “The Path of the Theo-
focus is on HPB’s Voice of the Silence. sophist” was held in July at the San Rafael
Reading material was sent to members Theosophical Center. The National Meet-
each month. ing was held in Río Cuarto on “The Mis-
West Africa faces serious financial sion of the TS through Time”, with at-
challenges, and measures are being taken tendance from all over the country. Four
to attract new members and retain them books were printed in Spanish during the
via social media, by placing short write- year and one is under publication.
ups on the main issues of life and how There are three Centres and five Bran-
Theosophy addresses them. The Annual ches in Bolivia, carrying out fraternal work
Convention that has not been held since focusing on study, research, and dissemi-
2017 will take place in December 2022 nation. The National Library was offi-
and it will concentrate on strategies to cially inaugurated in September. Most of
energize the Section. Three new members the books were inherited from Boris de
joined the Section in 2022. Zirkoff via his disciple, Dora Crespo.
In the AMERICAS, the TS in The TS in Brazil has 33 Lodges and 24
Central America consists of the Teotl Study Groups. Despite the restrictions im-
Lodge and the Blavatsky Study Centre. posed during the pandemic period, virtual
Courses were conducted on The Secret work brought satisfactory results in terms
Doctrine by HPB, At the Feet of the of the dissemination of Theosophy and
Master by J. Krishnamurti and Light on the addition of 82 new members. National
the Path by Mabel Collins. The study was and international events were held such
broadcast on Facebook. An introductory as the 41st Theosophical Summer School
course on Theosophy was conducted, and in a hybrid format on “Karma and Re-
conferences and discussions on Radha generation — Lessons for the Present
Burnier’s Human Regeneration were held. Moment”, as well as the 28th International
The TS in Argentina continued disse- Theosophical School and a Winter Semi-
mination of Theosophy using online plat- nar on “Paths to the Encounter of the Self”,
forms. Facebook following went up from both with 139 attending. The virtual format
15,000 in 2021 to 35,000 in 2022. The facilitated worldwide participation and
Virtual Study Group continued its work access to international speakers with

Vol. 144.4, January 2023 The Theosophist 7

Presidential Address

live translation. Study groups, meetings, line to other cities. Different theosophical
and other events continued mostly online books and subjects were studied. The
with some Lodges and Study Groups online activities of the Inter-American
resuming their on-sight meetings. Sophia Theosophical Federation and Spain were
magazine’s 94th issue came out after 20 followed. Several introductory courses
years of circulation. A website is being were held for newcomers, who later be-
developed to enable the new theosophical came active members of the TS and
school project. serious students of Theosophy. Online
In Canada, the preparatory work for meetings were held weekly with talks by
the website, a Facebook page and You- special lecturers, worldwide TS members,
Tube channel was done to introduce and other spiritual/esoteric societies. The
theosophical teachings to new people and quarterly magazine, Selección Teosófica,
train members all over the country. The completed issue #409 and was made
Annual General Assembly and Conven- available globally. Gabriel Burgos Suarez
tion were held online. A seminar on A. E. writes weekly about a topic of interest for
Powell’s The Solar System was conducted. the students of Theosophy; 48 texts have
In Chile, in-person activities resumed been published so far in the Colombian
for members since September 2021. “Basic Theosophical Pamphlet.
Theosophy” courses for newcomers and There are four Lodges in Costa Rica
non-members were conducted. After five and despite the pandemic the member-
classes the attendees had the option of ship rose by six. The Lodges promoted
joining the TS. The motto for the year was the study of books, delivery of lectures,
“Compassion, Inner Work to Life”. Com- and online international memorial day
memoration of official TS celebrations celebrations, facilitating global speakers and
was done in-person and online. The three attendance. An “Introductory Course on
lodges continued their work basing their Theosophy” was held online too. A new
studies on First Principles of Theosophy quarterly magazine, Sîla — Revista costa-
by Jinarajadasa, The Key to Theosophy rricense de Teosofía was born and two
by HPB, and The Science of Yoga and issues were published.
Self-Culture by I. K. Taimni. Some mem- Though studies in Lodges and other
bers gave voluntary presentations on onsite activities in Cuba were affected,
different subjects. The national public interchange of information and theo-
conference was held in August 2022. A sophical studies continued via WhatsApp
members-only study group was focused groups, Facebook, and some in-person
on The Secret Doctrine. Some members activities could also be held. The online
joined the Spanish courses of the School quarterly, Revista Teosófica Cubana, was
of the Wisdom at Adyar. published without interruption. The Annual
The study groups in Bogotá, Colom- Convention was held in January on “The
bia, broadcast their weekly activities on- Yoga of Beauty”. Official commemora-

8 The Theosophist Vol. 144.4, January 2023

Presidential Address

tions of the TS were celebrated. The Dharma, and Duda were published.
Summer School was held in July, on the The two lodges in Peru conducted
theme, “Returning to the Great Sources”. their studies, celebration of important days,
The studies were suspended during the and public talks online. Sixteen public
month of August and each Lodge offered talks were held during the year. Two cour-
a public conference about different theo- ses were offered: “Basic Course of Theo-
sophical teachings on Saturdays. In Au- sophy” in November and “Basis of Eso-
gust a special celebration honoured the teric Philosophy” from February to April.
70th anniversary of of Lodge Devenir. Most meetings in Puerto Rico were
Members in the Dominican Republic held online. The Agency offers a Sunday
participated in the commemoration of conference on varied themes related
the official dates with the Inter-American to Theosophy. The Lodges studied The
Theosophical Federation. About 40 stu- Seven Dimensions of Man by Pablo
dents attended the online introductory and Sender and Self-Culture by I. K. Taimni.
advanced courses in Theosophy offered Members also participated online, in
using the Socratic methodology. In Novem- seminars by Gaspar Torres Martinez from
ber, Gabriel Burgos gave a talk, “Life Krotona and the lnter-American Theo-
After Death”. Seminars were held on sophical Federation.
“The Keys of Inner Knowledge” and “The In the United States, there were many
Awakening of the Consciousness” in Octo- discussions about the best options to
ber. “The Maturity of the Soul: Fulfilling expand outreach and achieve goals among
the Purpose of Life” was facilitated by the Section, Lodge and study centre leaders.
Isaac Jauli and Enrique Reig. Weekly In-person meetings have resumed along
Healing Rituals were performed. Cons- with the online option. Speeches, lectures,
truction of a center for theosophical study workshops, classes over a month, study
was started in October on land donated groups, and so on have gone online, some
by a family of Theosophy students. streamed on YouTube, adding up to
The Mexican Section has 12 lodges about 5,000 participants during the year.
and 4 study groups which meet once a The AV department produced about 185
week. Thrice a week, two Lodges and a new video programs on Theosophy and
study group hold public talks. Intense related subjects, available through the
work on dissemination of Theosophy website, YouTube channel, Facebook
was done via the <> page, and Vimeo channel. The TSA site
website, two Facebook pages, <teosofia. <> had almost 30,000 hits and
blavatsky> and <teosofiamx>, and three <> had around 40,000
YouTube channels, Teosofía en México, page views per month by 15,000 users. A
Sección Mexicana de la Sociedad data storage tape library was imple-
Teosófica, and Sociedad Teosófica en mented to store backups of all documents
México. Also, the magazines, Teotlsofia, in the Section. The Olcott Memorial

Vol. 144.4, January 2023 The Theosophist 9

Presidential Address

Library reopened to the public in Sep- of greatest growth as a result of dissemin-

tember. Quest magazine carries articles ation by the Singapore Lodge. It had
focusing on theosophical content, and weekly Lodge meetings and conducted
Section activities. TPH in Wheaton pro- “A Course in Theosophy” twice last year
duced 16 audiobooks available through for popularizing Theosophy and the in-
Amazon/Audible. The Prison Program duction of new members. The Lodge was
continued with over 500 completions focused on a Chinese website, a public
since its inception. blog, Asia Theosophy, with over 1,000
The Branches in Uruguay studied followers, a Facebook account, an online
The Secret Doctrine and Principles of bookstore, book translation, and video
Learning by J. Krishnamurti. Regular lectures in Chinese and Chinese subtitling.
video exhibitions and group discussions “A Course in Theosophy” was broadcast
were done. A shared, online library with in Chinese. The Selangor Lodge in
Spanish books and magazines was main- Malaysia was open every Saturday to
tained. No public conferences were organ- members and the public. Members took
ized, and members were invited to attend part in online meetings of the Philippines.
conferences organized by the Inter- The second half of 2021 in Australia
American Federation and other Spanish- was still severely affected by the Covid-
speaking countries. The Association 19 restrictions. In 2022 there was a new
conti-nued to focus on three lines of sense of optimism and a gradual revival
activity: collection of tickets for donating of activities across the Lodges, Branches,
wheel-chairs, collection of plastic caps and Groups. The Australian membership,
to donate to animal shelters, and Chi including the many volunteers involved
Kung classes for a healthier and more in committees and subcommittees have
comprehensive life. striven to keep the mission of our Society
In Venezuela the lodges meet weekly alive and well despite the many challenges
and half an hour of meditation for peace of the past two years. In April 2022, the
is held in every meeting. The two Study first School of Theosophy since 2019 was
Centres studied the following books conducted at the Springbrook Retreat
online every week: The Bhagavadgîtâ by Centre in Queensland. Linda and Pedro
Annie Besant and Swami Vivekananda, Oliveira presented the classes, which con-
Quantum Physics and Emotions by Ana templated selected verses from The Voice
Belén López Solano, The Mahabharata, of the Silence. Planning for the annual
and The Secret Doctrine. Australian Convention to be held at St
In the ASIA-PACIFIC region, East Mark’s College at the University of Ade-
and South-East Asia consists of four laide in January 2023 is underway. This
countries: Singapore, Malaysia, Japan will be the first national Convention to
and Myanmar. Although there is no be held since 2020.
physical presence in China, it is the area The book, The Practice of Theosophy

10 The Theosophist Vol. 144.4, January 2023

Presidential Address

in Bangladesh, was published in October Truth”. The 98th Easter Conference was
2020. Some members of the TS in Ban- held in April on “From the Known to the
gladesh joined the online activities of Unknown”. White Lotus Day was ob-
Adyar, the Philippines, India, and others. served in May. There were no in-person
The Lodges in Bangladesh organized workshops or study classes. The Hima-
joint meetings of the members. layan Study Centre, Bhowali, could con-
Admission fees and annual dues from duct only two camps during summer due
members were abolished in India to en- to travel restrictions. The Young Indian
courage youth membership. The evolu- Theosophists Group organised 50 on-
tion of online communication during line sessions. Adyar Day was celebrated
Covid-19 enabled around 132 programs in February. The website <theosophy-
such as lectures, discussions, seminars,> gives Section information and
and so on, and better attendance, espe- details of upcoming programmes. The
cially from young members. The publish- TOS rendered services directly to needy
ing of the monthly Indian Theosophist communities this year. Voluntary work
was started in the Hindi language also, was better than earlier years. Both physical
increasing the readership in north India. and online events were conducted.
The Dr Radha Burnier Award for “Theo- All the events of the TS in Indonesia
sophist of the Year” went to U. S. Pandey, continued via online.
President of UP & Uttarakhand Federa- In New Zealand, there were meetings
tion. The 130th National Convention was focused on exploring Theosophy, Science,
held online last December presided by Dr and Meditation themes. The annual con-
Deepa Padhi and inaugurated by me. Dr vention was replaced by online seminars,
Annie Besant’s 174th birth anniversary every Sunday from January to April and
was celebrated in October 2021 with June to July, with several international
Linda Oliveira speaking on “Annie Besant presenters, on “Science and the Ancient
and the Way of the Warrior”. The second Wisdom/Theosophy”. The School of Theo-
annual “Dr Radha Burnier Lecture” was sophy was held in August on “Exploring
done by Dr Deepa Padhi also in October Meditation Practice and the Science of
on “Radha Burnier and Practical Theo- Self Realization”. Immersion Weekends
sophy”. The North India Study Class was happened in September on “Everything
organized online for three days also in Arises and Everything Passes”. Branch
October with me speaking on “Personal- seminars focusing on core areas of
ity and the Inner Life: Tuning the Soul’s Theosophy continued. Several members
Instrument”. The 146th Foundation Day received scholarships to attend national
was celebrated online last November on events. “Theosophy in Today’s World”,
“Wisdom: The Inspiration of Founder’s an online course comprising seven short
Challenge”. Adyar Day was observed video lessons exploring theosophical pers-
on-line in February on “Theosophy and pectives, was available free : <>.

Vol. 144.4, January 2023 The Theosophist 11

Presidential Address

TPH, Auckland, published Initiates, Ini- group). They also get the German Adyar
tiations, and the Path, Bible Allegories magazine published thrice a year.
Unveiled, and Poems of Bliss, all by Geo- The Lodges in Belgium continued
ffrey Hodson and Mystical Christianity, publishing newsletters and organising
an ebook on Theosophy World. Theo- meetings, online and in-person. National
Sophia continued to be popular worldwide. activities included White Lotus Day,
The Philippine National Convention Founders Day, Adyar Day and Annie
was held online in November , on “Living Besant Day. Study groups discussed works
the Theosophical Life in the World from Besant, Krishnamurti, Taimni, Bar-
Today”. The THEOxSophia talks started borka, and Aryel Sanat on a regular basis.
in February and take place every month, Healing and peace meditations were con-
with short talks followed by discussions. ducted in cooperation with Belgian TOS.
The TOS meets monthly to inspire and Dr Barbara Hebert, General Secretary,
exchange ideas in the service area. Regu- USA, gave a talk in June on “Theosophy
lar online joint Lodge meetings continued in Action: Dealing with Life’s Difficulties”.
monthly with international participation. In England and Wales, there were 28
There were FreeSpace Youth Center acti- online Sunday-evening lectures attracting
vities, monthly guided meditations, and an average of 50 people, including non-
community yoga too. The Russian Wis- members. Prof. Ravi Ravindra addressed
dom School included speakers from the the first actual meeting at the head-
Philippines with translation into Russian. quarters on the Yoga-Sutras of Patanjali.
Some Lodges also conducted online acti- An online monthly Link meditation
vities. Regular issues of The Theosophical during full moon was happening since
Digest, The Philippine Theosophist, and September. The Lodges and Centres
Peace Ideas continue to be published. continued to hold public meetings and
The Singapore Lodge was given license private study groups, some online and
to print a few Geoffrey Hodson books. some hybrid. The 39th Congress of the
Online classes change to in-person next European Federation (EFTS) took place
year. Service activities like feeding pro- after a gap of two years at the University
grams and calamity assistance continued. of York on “Healing Oneself, Healing
The propagation work continued via the the World”. The three International
website, Facebook, and YouTube. Officers of the TS participated — Marja
In EUROPE, the three Lodges in Aus- Artamaa and Nancy Secrest in person,
tria offered weekly lectures on subjects and I online — as well as delegates from
based on classical theosophical teachings across the world, including young mem-
and related subjects. Lectures are regularly bers. The event was live-streamed and can
placed on the TS Austria website. In July– be viewed on YouTube. Another event was
August some members attended the sum- the Spring Conference on “Tranquillity
mer school of the German TS (Hartmann and Transformation”. The Trans-Pennine

12 The Theosophist Vol. 144.4, January 2023

Presidential Address

Conference took place after a gap of and online meditation sessions attracted a
two years entitled “Madame Blavatsky; core of interested participants. Members
The Light Bringer”. The newly styled participated in-person in a silent retreat on
quarterly magazine, Esoterica, came “Discovering Happiness through Freeing
out in September. Oneself of Fear” in April. Founders Day,
The main event of the year in Finland Adyar Day, and White Lotus Day were
was the summer school in Kreivilä in July, celebrated. Online studies with the Belgian
with Pablo and Michele Sender, USA, on and Spanish members on the Mahatma
“The Masters of Wisdom and the Path of Letters continued. A study group on fun-
Discipleship”. The Summer School had damental theosophical teachings for new
guests from Estonia, Sweden, Ireland, and members was launched in 2021. National
Italy. Other events were a course on Convention on “How to Grow Spiritually
“Music, Meditation, and Health” and a in a Changing World?” took place in June.
symposium, “Love Unites”. In Estonia, Online presence includes Facebook, You-
the Annual Winter Seminar was held in Tube and weekly e-newsletters. “Editions
Tartu in January and the Autumn Study Adyar” ships theosophical and spiritual
Camp in Aegviidu in August. The inter- books in French globally. The library was
national convention was held online. opened to the public in October. Their
Members from Finland and Estonia magazine Le Lotus Bleu had ten issues.
participated in the Youth Gathering at The Southern and Northern Meetings
Naarden in June and the European Con- in Germany took place again without
gress in York. Public lectures continued Corona. The main event was the Summer
every Sunday throughout out the year School in July with lectures on the First
excluding the Christmas season. The li- Stanza of Dzyan. The program had many
brary was open on Sundays. Young mem- facets: talks on “The Work of Jesus Christ”,
bers and friends continued regular meet- “The Pineal Gland — Our Third Eye”,
ings in Helsinki and online. the Mahabharata as an example of the
TOS in Finland organized a spring causes of war, “The Mysteries of an
festival to raise funds to support the Olcott Afterlife”, and “The Constitution of the
Memorial High School, the Social Welfare Inner Man” by H. P. Blavatsky. Study
Centre, and the Boys’ Hostel at Adyar. Tri- groups also took place on “The Stanzas
weekly Newsletters, a Facebook page, of Dzyan” and on “Tarot as the Hero’s
and the quarterly Teosofi magazine com- Journey — a parable for man’s journey
municate with members and friends. The through life”. The magazine, Adyar, is
Letters from the Masters of Wisdom, First published thrice a year. A special publica-
Series, by C. Jinarâjadâsa, was published tion of the translated Convention 2021
in the Finnish language, including audio talks is planned for December 2022.
material on Soundcloud. Till April 2022 only online joint Lodge
In France bi-monthly hybrid courses meetings were held in Greece. Since May

Vol. 144.4, January 2023 The Theosophist 13

Presidential Address

2022 hybrid meetings were held in Athens.> website. In May the 15th
The TS official commemoration dates All- Ireland Theosophical Convention on
were celebrated online. On White Lotus “Thought-Power and its Higher Potential”
Day, there were speeches on HPB’s life and was held in Dublin.
passages were read from the Bhagavad- In-person activities were restarted in
gîtâ and The Light of Asia. The quarterly Italy. The website, <>,
magazine, Ilisos, is published regularly. atttracted many visitors. Presence on
Annie Besant’s and C. W. Leadbeater’s, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and so on,
Talks on the Path of Occultism, vol. III, was well-structured and informative, in-
was published in Greek. A new Lodge, cluding TOS updates. The YouTube chan-
Hyperion, was formed in September 2022. nel does live-streaming and host recording
There is one operating Lodge in of events. The monthly e-newsletter co-
Hungary and monthly meetings are vers 4,500 subscribers. The Young Theo-
held. They have started disseminating sophists’ group is active. The TOS pro-
Theosophy in Slovakia and the Hungarian- motes projects in Italy, Ukraine, et al.
speaking areas of Romania and Transyl- The books published were Education as
vania. The TOS supported the Ukrainian Service by J. Krishnamurti, Invisible
refugees. It also operates a Virtual Healing Helpers by C. W. Leadbeater, and I Am
Group. There were fifteen public lectures. — Life impersonal by Joseph Benner. The
The YouTube video “The Hidden Side 107th Congress was held in June in
of Our World” offers over a hundred Vicenza on “Theosophy and Spiritual
lectures and has 2,300 registered mem- Masters”. The Ascona Theosophical Seminary
bers. Three new audiobooks were published. was organized in March, in collaboration
Many contemporary theosophical articles with the European Federation and the
were translated to Hungarian. Information Swiss Agency on “There Is No Way to
and help was provided to members on Peace; Peace is the Way”. Two editions
building contacts around the world. Prac- of the introductory course on Theosophy
tical Spirituality, by John Sell, is being and the TS were organized during 2022
published in Hungarian. with 70 participants. A recurring event,
Members in Ireland had weekly on- “Wednesdays with the TS”, aiming to
line meetings with study notes, messages, improve the contact with the outside
and quotations from inspiring texts. They world, had the participation of a hundred
could join TS programmes online, receive people over 18 meetings during the year.
e-magazines, and had access to the re- The TS in the Netherlands works
gular communications from Adyar, Euro- closely with the International Theo-
pean School of Theosophy, TS in Philip- sophical Centre (ITC) in Naarden, the
pines, Krotona, TS in Ukraine, and the “European Home” of the TS. All national
Russian TS. Thirteen new members activities have been on the theme “Explor-
found the Society through the <theosophy ing the Powers Latent in Humankind”,

14 The Theosophist Vol. 144.4, January 2023

Presidential Address

the third Object of the TS, since 2019: A regular newsletter was published and social
“Working with Energies” in October 2021, networks used to reach the larger public.
“Death as Part of Life” in February, and An all-Russian online lecture series con-
“Life after Death” in April. “The Super- tinued successfully with 51 meetings dur-
natural” will take place in October. In June ing the year, including 10 with international
the International Seminar was held at speakers. It began with a project called
ITC Naarden on “Exploring Powers “Reading H. P. Blavatsky’s Articles
Latent in Humankind” as also the Silent Together”. A meeting was held with TS
Retreat, “Spiritual Powers in Humankind”, Ukraine themed “On the Way to Peace”
with Trân-Thi-Kim-Diêu. The website in April, showing concern about the war.
<> helps members and The 10th All-Russian Theosophical Confer-
general public with information. A bi- ence was held in April. The weekly online
monthly newsletter is mailed to more than meditation course “Theosophy and Life”
1,000 subscribers. In September a special continued. A new monthly project, “Musi-
book, Zijn is (Being Is), by Jaap Vos, artist cal Meditations”, with classical music and
and graphic designer, was published. elements of astrology was started. The
Theosofia, the quarterly magazine, has Russian translation of The Theosophist
articles and activity summaries of magazine is published regularly. In July
Lodges and centres. “Wisdom School 2022”, a joint event with
In Norway, Stroemmen, the local TS in the Philippines was held, dedicated
group, and Dharma Lodge held a lecture to the Gurus of Humanity and the Spiritual
series related to the course programme Way. The Theosophical Forum in Smolensk
from “Theosophical World Resource had a Nature summer camp in June. The
Centre”, divided into twelve lectures. first theosophical meeting in Moscow was
There are some individual members too. dedicated to the New Year. In November
Some of the studied topics included the 2021 the National Congress was held on
Three Objects of the TS, the Constitution “The Importance of Theosophical Fellow-
of Man, John of the Cross, Sacred Geo- ship”. Over 400 new videos were up-
metry in Dreams, Reincarnation, Death loaded to the channel <
and After Death, and The Upanishads. Theosophy>. Other social networks
The traditional commemorative days include Facebook, Vkontakte (Russian
were celebrated in Portugal and regular version of Facebook), and Telegram.
fortnightly activities continued both online The membership in Scotland remained
and in-person by Lodges and Study constant despite challenges. Public meet-
Groups. These sessions included tradi- ings were resumed and attendance at
tional public talks, panel discussions, public meetings became normal in res-
and group discussions on a wide variety ponse to a varied and interesting pro-
of themes. The website continues to be gramme covering subjects related to
a good reference for interested persons. Theosophy such as “Quantum Physics

Vol. 144.4, January 2023 The Theosophist 15

Presidential Address

and Human Consciousness”, “The Spir- bookshop in Stockholm operates thrice

itual Dimension to Performance Art, Astro- a week with a summer break. The Face-
logy, Alchemy, Sacred Geometry”, and book group and the website, <teosofiska
“The Powers Latent Within”.>, continue to be active, as
Slovenia, with 4 Lodges and 2 Study well as the new YouTube channel. The
Centres, continued their work online so Section supports a school project in Goa,
that members from all Lodges could India, called “Mango Tree”, for children
attend the 32 meetings which were held. from the slums.
All Memorial Days were celebrated online The European Theosophical Seminar
viz., Annie Besant’s birthday, Foundation in Ascona, Switzerland, was held after
Day and Adyar Day. The White Lotus Day a gap of two years on “There Is No Way
celebration was the first opportunity for to Peace. Peace is the Way” in March,
the members to meet physically. The partnering with Italy. Lectures, discus-
magazine Theosophical Thought is now sions, and a Q&A session were presented.
in digital format and the website is Internet activities include articles on
<>. Ticino’s blog/magazine <>,
In Spain, basic courses were conduc- Facebook <>,
ted and texts made available in Spanish. and Twitter <>.
Several Branches combined study with The Italian theosophical magazine and
meditation and retreats. The TOS did the books, The Fire of Creation (Van der
active service. Annual activities included Leuw) and Annie Besant’s The Disci-
silent retreat, Iberian days, and summer pleship Trail were distributed free. The
school. The 15th Silent Retreat was held Groups met weekly online and have
online in December with 75 participants resumed monthly in-person meetings.
on “The Secret Keys to Spiritual Books such as Self-Culture by Taimni
Growth”. The Iberian Days (Jornadas and J. Krishnamurti’s The First and Last
ibéricas) were hosted by Portugal in April, Freedom, among others, were studied.
on “Who Are We?” with a hundred In spite of the war, theosophical work
participants from Portugal, Spain and continued in Ukraine. All Branches held
other Sections. Their Section’s centenary meetings and classical theosophical liter-
was celebrated during the Summer School ature was studied. In November, the 18th
with 70 in attendance. National Convention on “Cycles of Aware-
The free quarterly magazine, Tidlös ness” took place online. “Herald of Light
Visdom (Timeless Wisdom), continued Day”, the 191st birth anniversary of HPB,
in Sweden. Activities included study was celebrated in August. From October
groups, lectures, member gatherings, to March the lectures, “Ancient Wis-
and commemorations of international TS dom for the Curious”, were uploaded on
dates. The summer school was held near YouTube. The Facebook page, active
Stockholm on “To Live in the Now”. The since 2016, has over 2,000 subscribers.

16 The Theosophist Vol. 144.4, January 2023

Presidential Address

A School of Lecturing Skills was started were added to the collection. Providing
to encourage young lecturers and improve access to document copies via post was
existing lecturers of the Society. A new started. Homage was paid to Mrs Parvati
Telegram social network was established Gopalaratnam, former Librarian, who
to attract more audience. Scientific Group passed in August.
was active during the year. Two issues About 162 students in the Adyar
of the bilingual (Ukrainian-English) e- Theosophical Academy (ATA) from
magazine Theosophy and Science were Nursery to Grade 5 were back with much
published. The e-magazine, Svitoch, had enthusiasm in the campus, transitioning
six issues. An e-newsletter and the web- from online to in-person class work. A
site, <>, continue. A joint priority was maintaining the connection
project with Russian theosophists for the with Nature, as an integral part of school
translation into Russian and e-publication life and attending various workshops.
of The Theosophist continues. TOS acti- Celebration of Learning was the first major
vities included assistance to refugees, event. Grades 1 to 4 showcased their learn-
internally displaced persons, residents of ing in geography, art, history, environ-
territories liberated from occupation, mental conservation, ecology, languages,
children, disabled people, the wounded in and nutrition, enthralling visitors by their
hospitals, and animals. Weekly healing confidence and ease. Guests picked up
rituals are conducted, as also a weekly several copies of the Zentangle Birds
specially designed ritual to help the souls Calendar, Nature Journal Log, a collection
of the people killed in the war. A group of poetry titled “Rhythm, Rhyme, and
for psychological help works via Tele- Reason”, all done by the students. The
gram. Group meditation is also held. new academic year (2021-2022) began in
At the International Headquarters in January by celebrating the school’s third
Adyar, the Adyar Library and Research birthday, being held on campus for the
Centre has a long history of Eastern and first time. The festivities took place under
Western cultural studies and research in the Banyan tree with a recital of poems, a
philosophy, science, religion, and art. special birthday song in Tamil, and a
Fulfilling the vision of Col. Olcott, its dance performance. On India’s 75th
founder, the Centre hosts a collection of Independence Day, students put together
magnificent, old palm-leaf manuscripts. a number of performances including a
Currently, the main activity is digitizing mime on the freedom movement and a
and enabling easy access to scholars. song on what the term freedom means. A
Brahma-vidyâ — The Adyar Library number of field trips, a student exchange
Bulletin, vols. 85 and 86, and Adyar program, interactions on waste manage-
Library Series nos. 129 to 134 were pub- ment, soil health, and composting were
lished during the year, 1,000 books were other highlights of the student experience.
accessed and catalogued, and 1,200 books The Academy is building classrooms

Vol. 144.4, January 2023 The Theosophist 17

Presidential Address

for Grades 5 and 6 for the coming year. Centre reopened in March. New admis-
Though the Blavatsky Museum re- sions were done in June and classes
mained closed, the “Dr Maria Montessori resumed. The 12 new students from poor
Collection” was revised and rearranged backgrounds were taught cutting, tailor-
for occasional visitors. A long-felt need ing, embroidery, and so on. Emblem bags
was satisfied with a collection of digitized were made for Convention use.
texts and catalogues offering greater For prospective students of the School
insight into the displayed items which of the Wisdom, a set of suggested reading
include the Mughal and Rajput paintings, material is available on the TS website
and the Indian Renaissance canvasses, in English and Spanish: “The School of
all from the Venkatachalam Collection. the Wisdom” by Jinarâjadâsa and Radha
More research on them is on the cards. Burnier, “An Unending Path” by me,
The Olcott Education Society (OES) “Freedom of Thought and Freedom of
continues to support the following acti- Society”, “Freedom of Thought: Is
vities: At the Olcott Memorial Higher it Essential?” by Linda Oliveira, “Why
Secondary School the 75th Indian Inde- Freedom of Thought?” by Pedro Oliveira,
pendence Day was celebrated by distri- “What is Truth?” by H. P. Blavatsky, and
buting prizes to the toppers in the 2021 others. During the year, all activities were
public examination. Sixth graders went to organized online with free attendance.
see the parade of vehicles at the Light Though programmes were meant for
House in Chennai. Class 12 students were members, around 10% of non-members
given career guidance by students from attended. There were seven courses in
Jain College. Awards were presented to English, each with six to eight classes of
seven talented students recognized at the two hours each. In October 2021 Linda
South Indian level in the areas of martial and Pedro Oliveira conducted classes on
art, memory, and dance. A software pro- “The Voice of the Silence: Inner Prepa-
gram, MI Kids, that improves students’ ration for the Bodhisattva Path.” Ven.
ability to speak and read reopened in Olande Ananda Thera talked on “Mind-
February after Covid-19. It catered to fulness in Daily Life” in November, and
35 children, who were given food and conducted a 3-month meditation class on
taught rhymes, the alphabet, picture colour- “Keep on Being”. In January, P. Krishna
ing, etc. Parents were apprised ofchildren’s spoke on “Right Living in Modern So-
safety and hygiene. The HPB Hostel was ciety”. Vic Hao Chin gave classes on “An
open in December and on a regular basis Introduction to the Ageless Wisdom” in
from June, with 10 students of the School. July. Radha Raghunathan taught “The
The Hostel was shifted closer to the Fundamentals of Advaita Vedanta” in
School for their safety and close monitor- two parts during August-September.
ing. Breakfast and dinner were provided The Spanish classes started in Febru-
by the hostel. The Vocational Training ary with Esteban R. Langlois conducting

18 The Theosophist Vol. 144.4, January 2023

Presidential Address

classes on “Theosophy in its Sources: The Theosophical Order of Service

the Great Teachings of Esoteric Phil- (TOS) is present in 36 of the 59 coun-
osophy through the Religions and Phil- tries where the TS is active and has
osophies of Antiquity”. In March, several outreach avenues. The links
Ricardo Lindemann taught “Yoga-Sutra <> and
as the Science of Self-Knowledge”. <> pro-
Finally, Juliana Cesano gave a three-month vide information. Though physical meet-
meditation class focusing “Meditation: ings have resumed online talks and meet-
Why and How According to Different ings continued due to their convenience.
Traditions”. Joma Sipe, from Portugal, Ironically, this has allowed us to reach
designed a beauti-ful completion certi- many more people than localized, physi-
ficate for students attending 80% of the cal programs did. TOS online programs
classes, and explained its symbolism. were presented by India, the Philippines,
A worldwide team worked to update the Argentina, the USA, Ukraine and Adyar.
website, manage the student list, organize The major area of activity this year was
translators, and hosting, make the ban- the assistance to refugees from Ukraine.
ners, and so on. The outpouring of help, good wishes and
During the last Convention in Decem- financial support was overwhelming.
ber 2021, the Surendra Narayan Archives Assistance was also given to flood victims
made a presentation on “Adyar Archives in the Assam region in India. The TOS
— One Hundred Precious Years”. The India set up a Young Theosophists TOS
rich history of the Archives was narrated group in Odisha region and opened a
using visual media. In February, during charity shop there. Assistance with various
the anniversary meeting, two of Fritz women’s issues, educational and scholar-
Kunz’s rare audio recordings were played ship efforts and youth involvement re-
for the audience. About 93 spool tapes main central issues for many groups
have been digitised for sharing world- worldwide. Most are also active in ani-
wide. Enquiries and requisitions were mal welfare. Almost all countries have
received from around twenty scholars healing groups.
for documents and photographs. TIM BOYD
Perfection is not the prize in a race where we compete for the winning; it is
a prize that belongs to every one of us sooner or later, earlier or afterwards,
according to our will and our effort; but sure alike for us is that perfection
that shines above our heads today. We also will accomplish it and share it; and
then to a younger, an infant humanity, we will bring the strength of conscious
divinity, and feed it with the bread of life.
Annie Besant, “The Ideals of Theosophy”, Lecture delivered at the
36th TS Annual Convention, Varanasi, India, 30 December 1911

Vol. 144.4, January 2023 The Theosophist 19

Universal Brotherhood: The Need of the Hour

Universal Brotherhood:
The Need of the Hour

IN the hymns of the Rigveda one finds Source, Consciousness, the one source
the concept of Universal Brotherhood: from which everything emerges. That
Let us move together, one absolute Consciousness is the originat-
Let us come to know our minds ing point and the culminating point of
together, all beings and things.
Let us share like sages of the past, We know we are not physical bodies
That all individuals together may enjoy having souls or consciousness, but con-
the Universe. sciousness having physical bodies. I am
Unite our intentions, a soul or consciousness, so are you, and
Let our hearts be inseparable, so is everyone. Therefore, in this sense,
Our minds as one Mind, there is no “other”. The Maha Upanishad
As we truly know one another, states:
Become One. ayam bandhurayam neti
Universal Brotherhood is the key gananâ laghuchetasâm
concept of Theosophy and forms the udâracharitânâm tu
first Object of the Theosophical Society vasudhaiva kutumbakam
(TS). It is best expressed in the Universal This means, “this is my friend, the
Prayer composed by Dr Annie Besant, other is not”, which is the thinking of a
the second international President of the narrow-minded person. For those who
TS. If one understands this prayer in its are magnanimous, the whole world is
true sense, one realises Universal but one big family.
Brotherhood. The last two sentences of What scientists were talking about
the prayer read: as the global village in the 20th century,
May each who feels himself as one with our ancient sages had believed millennia
Thee, ago, as one cosmic family.
Know he is therefore one with every other. In 1880, Mahatma Koothoomi wrote:
Here, “Thee” refers to the One Divine The term “Universal Brotherhood” is no
Dr Deepa Padhi is international Vice-President of the TS and President of the TOS, Odisha Region,
India. Excerpt from her “Radha Burnier Memorial Lecture”, slightly modified and condensed, delivered
at the 131st National Convention of the Indian Section at Varanasi on 21.10.2022.

20 The Theosophist Vol. 144.4, January 2023

Universal Brotherhood: The Need of the Hour

idle phrase. Humanity in the mass has a ronmental imbalance, and pandemics are
paramount claim upon us. . . . It is the only the major challenges facing the whole
secure foundation for universal morality. world today.
If it be a dream, it is at least a noble one for The Russia-Ukraine war is a burning
humankind: and it is the aspiration of the example that even with the advancement
true adept. (The Mahatma Letters, ML-4) of science and technology, people are
fighting each other knowing fully well the
Madame H. P. Blavatsky has said: “It
dreadful global consequences. Each one
is because there is one soul common to
of us is responsible for such wars, misery,
all men [and women], that brotherhood
destruction, and disharmony that take
. . . is possible. Bring men [people] to rest
place because of our greed, competi-
on that, and they will be safe.” It was her
tiveness, and hunger for power. Why is
belief that there is a divine power or this happening? Because we are doing
consciousness in every man which rules what we should not be doing. Humanity
his life. is now facing the “Duryodhana (of the
Krishna says in the Bhagavadgitâ: Mahabharata) Syndrome”. Duryodhana
“There is nothing whatsoever higher than expresses his weakness by saying: “I know
Me, O Dhananjaya. All this is strung in what is good and right (dharma), but
Me, as clusters of gems on a string.” I have no inclination for it. I know what
(7.7) There lies an inherent bonding of is bad and wrong (adharma), but cannot
divine kinship among human beings, resist it.”
among all other living creatures, like At present, most people are suffering
animals, plants, and inanimate things from this syndrome because they have
like earth, water, air, minerals, and so on. become spiritually bankrupt. People in
If this brotherhood is accepted uni- general do not know who they are, where
versally, most of our social evils, global they have come from, where they want to
conflicts, and crises will disappear. go, and how they should interact and
Diversity is the essence and beauty of behave with others in this interconnected
life. We are spiritually one but physically world. It is high time, they are aware of
many and different. all these and learn how to live globally
At present we are living in such a and peacefully with others. Theosophy is
globalized world that, in one day, one the right knowledge (Ageless Wisdom)
can have breakfast in one country, lunch and the Theosophical Society is the right
in another country, and dinner in still forum to impart this knowledge to
another. Through the advancement of spiritually ignorant people.
science and technology, the world has First of all, we have to accept the fact
become a global village. But unfortu- that there is diversity in Nature’s creations
nately, in spite of globalization, war, and we need to discover unity in diversity.
terrorism, racism, gender inequality, envi- Everyone has their own way of living.

Vol. 144.4, January 2023 The Theosophist 21

Universal Brotherhood: The Need of the Hour

From a practical standpoint, we have no outbreak in the city of Wuhan, initially

right to judge a person on the basis of infected eighty-thousand people, but
their attire, the way they look, the way more than 228 countries got affected and
they speak, the way they live their life. six-hundred million people were in
One should not have any problems with isolation in their homes due to the disease.
persons who are in a living-in relation- Because of the interconnectedness, the
ship, gays, or transgenders. They too are whole world suffered from the dreaded
human beings and have the right to live disease. At the same time, because of
in this world as per their choice as long the feeling of brotherhood, people sur-
as they do not harm others. We have no vived through the invention of vaccines
right to judge them. Similarly, people and the untiring effort of doctors, and
from different religious beliefs have health and frontline workers. Disasters
their own ways of living and doing and pandemics often remind us that
rituals and prayers. We should not say we all belong to one planet as brothers
anything negative about them. We need and sisters.
to accept others as they are. Acceptance The Law of Karma also has a role in
and tolerance are essential qualities for brotherhood, as it proves that one cannot
peaceful co-existence. harm another without harming oneself.
Theosophy speaks of the need for We need to be conscious of our thoughts,
human beings to rise above humanity and words, and actions, so that we do not
extending fellowship to plants, animals, create negative Karma through them.
even to the inanimates, because every Sometimes the question arises regarding
created thing and being partakes of how to know the difference between good
the same essence — the Universal Con- and bad Karma. To me, good Karma is
sciousness. We should know that all that which is created when we do good
things and beings in the universe are to others or help others selflessly, and
interconnected and interdependent. bad Karma is that which is created when
However small and insignificant they we do harm or hurt others directly or
may be, they should not be ignored. If a indirectly for some selfish purpose.
tiny ant meets a premature death, it will All our external crises are nothing but
disturb the balance of the entire cosmos. different facets of the fundamental inner
All living forms in Nature live by col- crisis, which, as Fritjof Capra says, is “a
laboration, cooperation, accommo- crisis of perception”, and therefore needs
dation, and exchange. Our happiness a change in our vision, thought, and
and peace is interconnected with that values. What is this crisis of perception?
of others. It is the narrow and wrong belief of the
Recently the Covid-19 pandemic individual about himself and the world
taught the world that one cannot remain around him. For example, out of arro-
safe if others are at risk. The coronavirus gance, human beings think that they are

22 The Theosophist Vol. 144.4, January 2023

Universal Brotherhood: The Need of the Hour

the highest creation having intelligence, awakening to the experience of inter-

and that other life forms exist only for connectedness.
their enjoyment. This is an erroneous Man is a part of the whole cosmic
perception. And with this perception and order which runs by its own dynamics.
belief, man has been exploiting Nature for Being intelligent, man has to serve the
his own interest to maximise his comforts, whole, both animate and inanimate,
luxuries, and pleasures of life. because by serving the whole, the part is
In the present scenario, we feel the taken care of. The whole does not get
need of Universal Brotherhood more be- meaning from the parts but, the parts get
cause of the increase in social evils like meaning from the whole.
violence against women and children, Therefore, to think and care for the so-
religious intolerance, wars, and so on. called “others” is to think and care for
Similarly, there should not be any man- oneself. We can have a peaceful life if
made division between rich and poor, only we allow others to live in peace. In
educated and uneducated, higher and other words, “live and let live” should be
lower social status, and so forth. All the guiding principle for our day-to-day
should be treated alike, as we are all life in the present times.
essentially one. It is high time that we With the development and advance-
change our narrow, individual percep- ment of science and technology in the
tions, thoughts, and values. material world, if people cultivate, at the
Often a question arises: Can universal same time, spiritual values within them-
brotherhood be attained? I would say, selves like altruism, compassion, love,
yes. Transformation of an individual empathy, tolerance, acceptance, and
at the inner level can transform society on so on, then there will be peaceful co-
a larger scale. Therefore, we must focus existence of all living forms and Uni-
on our own self. This should start with versal Brotherhood can be achieved.
ourselves as individuals, and our families. Humanity cannot be served without
It should manifest in every action of ours cultivating these virtues.
in relation to other members of our This is what the Mission Statement
family. Gradually we need to expand of the TS aims at, as approved by its
ourselves, our consciousness, to include General Council: “To serve humanity by
our neighborhood, then our country- cultivating an ever-deepening under-
men, then the whole of humanity, and standing and realization of the Ageless
ultimately embrace the whole of Nature, Wisdom, spiritual self-transformation,
animate and inanimate. It will be an and the unity of all life.” ²
The beauty of genuine brotherhood and peace is more precious
than diamonds, or silver, or gold.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

Vol. 144.4, January 2023 The Theosophist 23

The Hidden Side of The Theosophist — II

The Hidden Side of The Theosophist — II


HE [Master Morya] fills two pages with book-post. The coarse paragraph in the said
answers to three correspondents: “J. K.”, article . . . comes directly under that law.
“Mr Joseph Wallace”, and “Miss Chandos 5. THE THEOSOPHIST, devoted to Oriental
Leigh Hunt (Mrs Wallace)”. A summary Philosophy, Art, Literature, Occultism,
of the first will illustrate: Mesmerism, Spiritualism and other scien-
“J. K.” — Your letter headed, “Under ces, has not pledged itself to reproduce bur-
which ‘adept’ Theosophist?” will not be pub- lesque parodies or circus-clown poetry.
lished, for the following reasons: 6. THE THEOSOPHIST publishes only articles
1. Personal abuse of the editor, however written and sent by gentlemen.
amusing to the latter, does not interest Another “Brother” who sometimes
the general reader. took part in the work of THE THEOSOPHIST
2. Our journal is not concerned with, and was Djwal Khul, then an Initiate, now a
carefully avoids everything of a political Master. The December 1881 issue had
character; therefore such vilification as a reviewed Wm. Oxley’s Philosophy of
low and vulgar abuse of Russia . . . cannot Spirit; and in March 1882, Mr Oxley
find room in its columns. replied in a letter to the Editor, on which
3. For that same reason, we must decline Master KH remarks:
to allow the author of “The Adeptship of The article is penned by the Manchester
Jesus Christ” to soothe his ruffled feelings seer — Oxley. Having received no reply to
by expatiating upon “the political object” his summons to KH, he criticizes — mildly
of the Theosophical Society. so far — the utterances of that “Internal
4. British and American laws having pro- Power”, for which new title I feel rather
vided against the violation of the postal obliged to him. At sight of the gentle
enactments intended to secure the purity rebuke, our blunderbuss Editor failed not
of the mails, the Journal would risk paying to explode. Nor would she be soothed un-
the penalty for sending indecent matter by til Djwal Khul, with whom the famous

Ms Mary K. Neff (7 Sep. 1877–10 Dec. 1948) was a long-term member of the TS in America, a lecturer,
and historian. After teaching for 15 years in Akron, Ohio, USA, she traveled in India, learning Hindi and
Urdu, followed by 8 years in Australia. Originally published in The Theosophist, Oct. to Dec. 1923 issues.

24 The Theosophist Vol. 144.4, January 2023

The Hidden Side of The Theosophist — II

review was concocted, (one by the way Mr T. Subba Row reviewed Oxley’s book
which, seen by you, ought never to have “from the Esoteric and Brâhmanical
been permitted to see the day by you) , standpoint”, and Mr Oxley, when reply-
was authorised, under the safe nom de plume ing to this second review, made the rather
of “Reviewer”, to answer (by correcting astounding statement in the September
some of his blunders) the Seer, in a few 1882 issue:
innocent footnotes.1
For instance, I have had three visits by the
1. “What says that living Representative, astral form of the venerable Koot Hoomi,
Koot-Hoomi (whether a mortal man or an through a sensitive whose linguistic organ-
Internal Power matters not for my present ism was used by the astral form to speak
purpose)?” to me, first in Bengali and then in my own
language. On the last occasion, I enquired,
2. Of the bits which “ought never to have
“Are you conscious of your connection
been permitted to see the day”, perhaps
with your physical organism, which I pre-
these are two:
sume is now in India; because in your last
“Even the name of the living Koot-Hoomi, visit you said that if you could succeed in
a purely Aryan, Samsk·t name, and one more- maintaining the consciousness all the way
over mentioned at length in the ‘Padma back, then certain results would follow? My
Purana’, which gives it as one of the thirty- reason for asking this question is this: an
six §shis who were the authors of Sm·ti, account is recorded of the visit you made
was for a considerable time regarded as a to Mr Eglinton,2 and that this was in
non-Aryan name . . . And people who re- accordance with pre-arrangement, and
fuse to believe even in a living man, their the evidence seems to point to the
own countryman, unless that man exhibits conclusion that you were conscious at
himself for their delectation in the maidans both ends of the line.”
and bazaars, are still less likely to open their
The reply was: “In my first visit I was not
arms to a ‘Mahatma’ of Western origin, who,
successful; in the second hardly more so;
to boot, controls an English medium . . .” and in the present one it is still doubtful.”
“The suggestion that the Mahâbhârata “How so? Is it more difficult in a sub-
might prove to be the last Book of the Wars jective form to me to maintain a continued
of Jehovah, as reference in the Hebrew consciousness, than it was to project your
Scriptures, ‘where a Book or Books which astral form and solidify the same for the
are not found in the Canon’ is distinctly time being, when you appeared to Mr
made in Numbers XXL, 14, is novel and Eglinton on board the SS Vega?”
might prove to contain more truth than is The significant answer came: “The two
now generally supposed.” cases are different. In the one case, it was
But the matter did not end with these a matter of efflux, and in the present it is one
“innocent footnotes”. In the May issue of influx.” And then followed an expla-

Vol. 144.4, January 2023 The Theosophist 25

The Hidden Side of The Theosophist — II

nation I need not repeat. The state- 1. Whomsoever Mr Oxley may have seen
ment may come that this was the work and conversed with at the time described,
of some vagrant. it was not with Koot-Humi, the writer of
the letters published in The Occult World.
There is a footnote appended by Mme
Blavatsky as editor: 2. Notwithstanding that my Master knows
We feel extremely sorry to acknowledge the gentleman in question, who once
that Mr Oxley was right in his foreboding. honoured him with an autograph letter,
thereby giving him the means of making
Far from pretending to be informed of all
his (Mr Oxley’s) acquaintance, and of
the doings and actions of our venerated
sincerely admiring his intuitional powers
Brother Koot-Hoomi, and notwithstanding
and Western learning — yet he has never
our surprise — since the language given is
approached him, whether astrally or other-
certainly not that of the Koot-Hoomi we wise; nor has he ever had any conversation
all know — we were preparing to allow with Mr Oxley; nor could he under any
the above extraordinary statement to be circumstances, even had there been such
published without comment, when we conversation, have expressed himself in
received the following from our Brother’s the terms now imputed to him.
favourite Chela.
To guard against all possible misap-
Then follows the Chela’s statement on prehension of this kind in the future, my
behalf of Master KH: Master will undertake to hold no com-
munication henceforward with any me-
I am commanded by my beloved Master, dium or seer, without authenticating that
known in India and in the Western lands communication by means of three pass-
as Koot-Humi Lal Singh, to make in his words which shall be made known to
name the following declaration, in answer Messrs A. O. Hume, President Olcott, and
to a certain statement made by Mr Oxley A. P. Sinnett, Vice-President of the Simla
and sent by him for publication. It is “Eclectic Theosophical Society”; so that
claimed by the said gentleman that my they may be enabled to declare explicitly
Master Koot-Humi that my Master cannot be the author of
(a) has thrice visited him “by astral form”; any statement attributed to him in which
and they do not find these words,
By order,
(b) that he had conversation with Mr
Oxley, when, as alleged, he gave the latter GJUAL-KHOOL * * *
certain explanations in reference to astral
bodies in general, and the incompetency One might suppose this precaution
of his own Mâyâvi Rupa to preserve its unnecessary, that the Masters had naught
consciousness simultaneously with the to do with seers and mediums; but this was
body, “at both ends of the line”. Therefore not so. True, Master KH says:
my Master declares: In those days, you [Sinnett] were yet

26 The Theosophist Vol. 144.4, January 2023

The Hidden Side of The Theosophist — II

hesitating to see in Occultism or the “Old for all of you, you did not watch very
Lady’s” phenomena anything beyond a keenly while he was guided to place paper
variety of Spiritualism and mediumship. envelope between the leaves of a book and
For the first time in my life [toward the when he laid it upon the table, or you
end of 1880], I had paid serious attention would have seen something very interest-
to the utterances of . . . “media”. . . . M. ing for science. . . . Your memory is not
knew all about them; but since I had never good. Have you forgotten the agreement
had anything to do with any of them, they made at Prayag [Allahabad], and the pass-
interested me very little.3 words [sic] that have to precede every genu-
ine communication coming from us? 6
But on the other hand, in 1883, he
declares: In April 1882, a whirlwind burst
Suffice then for me to say that “Ski” [the upon the devoted Theosophical Society
“guide” of Mrs Hollis-Billing] has more (TS). The first great controversy in
than once served as a carrier and even a which the infant TS had engaged took
mouthpiece for several of us.4
place in America between the Spi-
ritualists and the Theosophists, and as
And HPB, on 21 July 1882, writes: Master KH says:
KH and M. and the Chohan say that the The battle kept raging hot and fierce to the
Imperator of his [Stainton Moses’s] early very day of departure. . . . Ransack the
mediumship is a Brother, and I will assert Spiritualistic literature, if you will, till the
it over and over again; but assuredly the year 1877. Search and find in it, if you can,
Imperator of then is not the Imperator one single word about occult philosophy,
of today.5 or esotericism. . . . This was the first war cry.7
As late as 1884, Master M. gives an The second skirmish took place in India
amusing and satirical account of a séance in 1882, when the split occurred between
which Sinnett attended in Piccadilly, over the TS and the Arya Samaj. In America
old S.’s mouldy bookshop; and reminds the Founders had been the attacking party,
him of the above pass-words (sic): in India they were attacked. It was the
Spooks worked remarkably well, nothing alliance with the Samaj that had drawn
abashed by my presence, of which neither them to Hindustan, and “Dayanand
W. E[glinton] nor his bodyguard knew stamped the movement with the impress
anything. My attention was attracted by of Aryan nationality”; 8 but it was not
their forging HPB’s handwriting. Then destined to last. Of course, the real cause
I put aside my pipe and watched. Too much of disruption was the ambition of Swami
light for the creatures coming from a Dayanand to figure as head of both
Piccadilly street. . . . Poor entranced wretch. Societies, and his jealousy of the growing
. . . His astral ticks fabricated that letter of fame of the TS in India; but the ostensible
mine through means of their own. . . . As cause, the second “war cry”, was the

Vol. 144.4, January 2023 The Theosophist 27

The Hidden Side of The Theosophist — II

nature of God — Personal God, or and no more for the Vedas. They came
Abstract Principle of the Universe; and to India as students, but have set them-
for some time THE THEOSOPHIST was much selves up as teachers, by establishing a
concerned with “P.G.” and Dwaitism, or Society of their own (!?) which has proved
Adwaitism. In this philosophical battle, the no practical good to India.
Regent of India, Master Jupiter, took up The reader should also know that Swamiji
the cudgels for his Society, in an article was never a Fellow of the TS (!!!) nor ever
in the Supplement of the June THEO- expressed a desire to be one. The only
SOPHIST, entitled “A Mental Puzzle” and relation which he suffered to have been
signed, “One of the Hindu Founders of made consisted in his accepting to be their
the Parent Theosophical Society, Tiru- Instructor in the Vedas.
vallam Hills, May 17”. He opens with a
very telling contrast of statements made
in “the last two numbers of Pandit Daya-
nand’s organ — The Ârya — and aban-
dons them to the readers in the hope that
someone may be able to solve this men-
tal puzzle”. The following will serve
as specimens:
Ârya of April 1882
The Founders of the Society (our esteemed Adyar (circa 1882)
Brothers and allies) are the first and
staunchest champions of the Vedas and In a footnote all the particulars of the
the ancient philosophy of Âryavarta. Swâmi’s joining the TS, with dates of
his diploma and initiation, are given;
The Society is the most powerful ally that also places and times of his public
the Aryan religion and science have at meetings with the Founders and his public
the present time in the West.
speeches supporting the TS. The ground
Therefore the cause of the TS is the cause being thus cut away under the feet of this
of the Arya Samaj, and every insult offered argument, next the philosophical basis
to the former our esteemed Brothers and of it is shown to be caused by a con-
allies, the Founders of the TS is equally tradiction of their position on the part
painful to the latter. of the Samajists, not the Theosophists,
Ârya of May 1882 in another clever contrast taken from
The alliance between the Ârya Samaj their journal:
and the Theosophical Society has been The Vedas teach us that our thoughts,
broken off because the head Theo- words and deeds are the authors of our
sophists are new converts to Buddhism fate and of our future state. There is no

28 The Theosophist Vol. 144.4, January 2023

The Hidden Side of The Theosophist — II

stern deity punishing innocents, or an the next THEOSOPHIST , and sign himself
overmerciful one forgiving sinners. — “A Ley Chela”.
The highest aspiration of a Yogi is God, To which HPB added, before send-
and they who have no faith in a God, as ing it on to Mr Sinnett:
defined in the Vedas, which contain all
the sublime doctrines of Yoga Vidyâ, can And now he [KH] must needs precipitate
here too! Very much obliged to him anyhow,
never become Yogis.
one trouble less on my shoulders. Found
The Master ends his long and telling the precipitation on opening the wrapper.9
article with the assertion that:
In due course, Mr Sinnett replied
The PARABRAHM of the Vedantins and to HPB:
the ADI-BUDDHI of the northern Bud-
I began to try to answer N. D. K[handa-
dhists are identical. Both are Abstract
lavala]’s letter at once, so that if KH
Principles, or non-entities, Moksha and
really meant the note to appear in this
Nirvana being their immutable states;
immediately “next” THEOSOPHIST for Au-
hence the re-absorption of the human spark gust, it might just be in time. But I soon
of Parabrahm, or Adi-Buddhi, called by got into a tangle. Of course, we have
the vulgar “soul” — into the Parent Flame received no information that distinctly
whence it proceeded — an end so eagerly covers the question now raised, though I
sought for under the synonymous terms suppose we ought to be able to combine
of “Moksha” and “Nirvana”. bits into an answer.10
In THE THEOSOPHIST of October 1881, Evidently he could not “combine
there had appeared an article on “Death, bits” satisfactorily; for he returned the
by (the late) Eliphas Levi”; and in July MS. to Mme Blavatsky with a postscript:
1882, Mr D. Khandalavala of Poona,
As you may want to print the letter in this
put some questions on seeming discrep-
number, I return it herewith, but hope that
ancies between the teachings of Levi
this may not be the case, and that you will
and those given in Fragments of Occult
send it me back again, so that I may duly
Truth. At the foot of this letter, when it
perform my little task with the help of a
reached the editor at Bombay by post, few words as to the line to be followed.10
were the words:
And she received it with the humor-
Send this to Mr Sinnett. Having now ous stricture:
received all the necessary explanations
from me, he will not refuse me the Why you sent me back the MS. of Khan-
personal favour I now ask him. Let him dalavala is more than I can tell. KH says
enlighten his brother-theosophists in his you do know and have to know, and that
turn, by writing an answer to this for it is only your viciousness that prevents

Vol. 144.4, January 2023 The Theosophist 29

The Hidden Side of The Theosophist — II

you from admitting that you do know but T. Subba Row, B.A., B.L., F.T.S. ∴ ∴ ∴
won’t tell. To tell truth, it is not KH who Derbhagiri Nath, F.T.S.
says so, but I know he must think so, and S. Ramaswamier, BA, F.T.S.
that’s the same thing. However, he carried Ouala K. Deb, F.T.S.
it off in disgust with you, I feel sure of it. Nobin K. Bannerjee, F.T.S.
Good Bye. T.T. Gurudas, F.T.S.
Nobody’s H. P. Blavatsky11 Bhola Deva Sarma, F.T.S.
And it was the Master who finalised S. T. K. . . . Chary, F.T.S.
the matter, as is shown by his remark to Gargya Devi, F.T.S.
Sinnett: Damodar K. Mavalankar, F.T.S.13

. . . when I wrote for you the materials for In August 1882, Master KH wrote to
your answer to Mr Khandalavala’s letter Mr Sinnett:
that you had sent back to HPB.12 To reconcile you still more with Eliphas,
I will send you a number of his MSS. —
The letter and the answer thus furnished
that have never been published, . . . with
were published in the November issue
of 1882, and called “Death Immor- my comments all through.14
tality”. It is interesting to find that the However, the MSS. went instead to
answer is introduced by three stars in Mr Hume, who translated them from the
the form of a triangle. When one looks French for THE THEOSOPHIST; for when
through the early issues of the journal Mr Sinnett reminded the Master,
with seeing eyes (as in the case of the
Memo: At convenience to send APS those
folio edition of Shakespeare, know-
unpublished notes of Eliphas Levi, with
ing the cyphers), secrets are revealed:
∴ for a Master; ∴ for an Initiate; even annotations by KH,15
the degrees of Initiation being some- the Master replied:
times marked, as when in THE THEOSOPHIST
Sent long ago to our Jakko friend [Hume,
of September 1882:
of Simla].16
We, the undersigned, the “Accepted” and He later wrote: “In the forthcoming [Novem-
“Probationary” Hindu Chelas of the
ber] THEOSOPHIST, you will find a note or
HIMALAYAN BROTHERS, their disciples
two appended to Hume’s translation of
in India and Northern Cashmere, respect-
Eliphas Levi’s Preface, in connection
fully claim our right to protest against
with the lost continent.”17
the tone used in the above article and
There are really a number of footnotes
the bold claims of H.X. chela etc.
attached to the article, which is called
(Signed) “Gleanings from Eliphas Levi: Extracts
DEVA MUNI ∴ ∴ from the Introduction to the Dogme de
PARAMAHAMSA SHUB TUNG ∴ ∴ ∴ la Haute Magie”. The notes are of great

30 The Theosophist Vol. 144.4, January 2023

The Hidden Side of The Theosophist — II

interest; for even in such terse form the

Master throws a penetrating light into
abstruse questions on dim old myths of
the Magi, Atlantis, the god Pan, and so
on; as an illustration:
Cupid, the god, is the seventh principle, or
Brahm of the Vedantins; and Psyche is its
vehicle, the sixth principle, or spiritual soul.
As soon as she feels herself distinct from
her “consort” — and sees him — she loses
him. Study the “Heresy of Individuality”,
you will understand. Initiation in the Eleusianian Mysteries
(To be continued) (Wikimedia Commons)

Endnotes KH says that the names in capitals are those of

1. The Mahatma Letters, pp. 274–5. the confidential chelas of the Chohan himself and
that the “Protest” was published by his order.
2. Not the Master himself, but one impersonating
him by his consent and to carry out his purpose — 14. The Mahatma Letters, p. 134. Master KH once
a long and complicated story. remarked of Levi’s book: “No wonder you think
3. The Mahatma Letters, p. 426. it cloudy, for it was never meant for the uninitiated
reader. Eliphas studied from the Rosicrucian
4. Ibid., p. 417.
MSS. (now reduced to three in Europe). These
5. Letters of H. P. Blavatsky to A. P. Sinnett, p. 22. expound our Eastern doctrines from the teachings
6. The Mahatma Letters, pp. 431, 432. of Rosencreuz, who, upon his return from Asia,
7. Ibid., pp. 272, 271. dress them up in semi-Christian garb, intended
as a shield for his pupils against clerical revenge.
8. Ibid., p. 416.
One must have the key to it, and that key is a
9. Letters of H. P. Blavatsky to A. P. Sinnett, p. 364. science per se. Rosencreuz taught orally. St
10. The Mahatma Letters, pp. 125, 126. Germain recorded the good doctrine in figures and
11. Letters of H. P. Blavatsky to A. P. Sinnett, p. 28. his only cyphered MS. remained with his staunch
friend and patron, the benevolent German Prince
12. The Mahatma Letters, p. 189.
from whose house and in whose presence he made
13. The article referred to is “C. C. M[assey] and his last exit — Home.”
Isis Unveiled,” by “H.X.” [A. O. Hume], who
states, among other opinions, that he considers it 15. Ibid., p. 144.
a “sin on the Masters not to communicate all the 16. Ibid., p. 156
knowledge they possess to the world”. Master 17. Ibid., p. 156.

Vol. 144.4, January 2023 The Theosophist 31

The Gift of Gratitude

The Gift of Gratitude


GRATITUDE lies at the heart of the are enriched by our teachers who make
spiritual quest. We must stretch out to it possible to read, speak, write,
the vantage point of the immortal soul calculate, and sing. In fact, there is
to glimpse the gravity. The debt we owe nothing about us that cannot be linked
to our preceptors is profound. We should to a source greater than our personal
all be devoted children of Mother Earth. self. Gratitude awakens joy.
Humanity is on an immense pilgrim- Gratitude is the recognition that
age, one that goes back millions of years. each one of us participates in a vast chain
There is a trailhead, there are sign posts, of being. A chain of being so pervasive,
campsites, and a destination. We have that it defies description and transcends
the sun, moon, and stars to help guide words. In the light of these connections,
us along the way. But the journey is to appreciate the contributions of others
impossible without guides who have to one’s own life is in a sense a prere-
walked this way before. It is for them quisite to walking the Path. Gratitude and
that we owe the most profound gratitude. discrimination are the two walking sticks
Their experience of the journey, the of the Spiritual Path. And with each
maps they provide, their warnings of progressive mile upon the path, gratitude
danger, the preparatory disciplines, and increases, devotion deepens, and the
a clear vision of the goal, all make it pilgrim soul naturally discovers an ever-
possible for humanity to climb toward expanding sense of the self. One begins
its evolutionary destination. to see oneself in others and others in one-
There is a joy and lightness for those self. The spiritual sojourner is drawing
whose hearts are filled with gratitude. a larger circle blurring the lines between
Why is this? Where would we be without what we call “the self” and what we
parents? What would life be like without erroneously call “the other”. Gratitude
friends? Our homes come from the trees is central to this process.
and minerals of the earth. Our food There is another word we use for
comes from the sacrifice of plants and gratitude which has lost its luster and
animals that live here with us. Our minds is widely misused, and that is Love.

Mr Cary Gardner started studying Theosophy in 1974. Since then he has been participating and speaking
at several ULT and TS Lodges, and guiding theosophical study sessions from his California home.

32 The Theosophist Vol. 144.4, January 2023

The Gift of Gratitude

Gratitude is an expression of love. One of the Voice to borrow the language of

of the reasons the heart of gratitude is The Voice of the Silence. The analogy of
joyous is because this state of mind parenthood only gives us a glimpse. The
signifies a rapport, a union of sorts, Mahatma Letters are very clear on this
between the self and the other. The point. Enormous sacrifices are in order
loathsome mask of separative con- for any real Guru to take on a chela, or
sciousness has been revealed. How we disciple. For this reason the student must
think of ourselves is critical. Theosophy be ready, preconditions have to be met.
teaches us: “All that we are is a result Our teachers are essentially those who wait.
of what we have thought.” Our evolv- So, they provide us with the steps that
ing conception of the self is central to lead to this distant goal of universal self-
the alchemy of internal transformation. consciousness. “If you would know us
We are not our names. We are not our study our philosophy. If you would serve
bodies. We are not our likes and dislikes us serve our humanity.” This is the invi-
and we are not our selfish desires. We are tation. The philosophy of the Wisdom
much much more than this. Persona means Tradition, of Theosophia, is synthetic, uni-
mask. We are immortal souls. The soul versal, impersonal, and both Imminent
refers to wholeness, completeness, and Transcendent. It is both incredibly
fullness, and connectedness. When we simple and enormously complex at the
love, we transcend divisions and move same time. But above all it is transfor-
a little closer to the no-ownership sense mative. We have the Bhagavadgitâ, The
of the self within. And this is why it is so Sermon on the Mount, The Tao Te Ching,
important to raise our children with a The Dhammapada, The Golden Verses,
sense of gratitude for all that is given to The Golden Rule, the Kaballah, just to
them. And we can only do this by setting name a few. In our cycle we have The
a good example ourselves. Secret Doctrine, The Voice of the
It is with immense love that we are Silence, Light on the Path, Letters
given the teachings concerning walking That Have Helped Me, all shedding
the Path. Adi Shankara reminds us that much needed light upon life’s journey.
the Great and Peaceful Ones, “having We have much to be grateful for. Much
crossed the ocean of embodied existence, more than we can possibly use in a single
freely aid all those who seek to cross it”. lifetime. So, the burden lies with us and
We all know the sacrifices a parent not our teachers.
makes in raising a child. The sleepless If we have oriented our thought and
nights, the skinned knees, the emotional directed our mind to appreciate what we
struggles abound. How much more pro- have been given, we cannot help but feel
found are the sacrifices made on our overwhelmed. It is natural to want to
behalf by Spiritual Parents, members of give back, to make a contribution, to
the Guardian Wall, soldiers in the Army stand up and be counted. This mental

Vol. 144.4, January 2023 The Theosophist 33

The Gift of Gratitude

posture, if sustained, leaves little room states: “So shalt thou be in full accord
for the petty desires of the personal with all that lives; bear love to men as
consciousness. Gratitude erodes the though they were thy brother-pupils,
coarseness of selfish desire. It dismantles disciples of one Teacher, the sons of one
separateness. When we do the math we sweet mother.” We are on the path to-
cannot fully reciprocate the kindness, gether. We can learn so much from each
there is too much to account. So, we pay other. We can gain so much encourage-
it forward as best we can, seeking out ment from each other. We owe a debt of
those who need encouragement, a smile, gratitude to our fellow students as well
a hand all along the way, knowing full as to our teachers. The good works of our
well that our work in this regard is a sisters and brothers in the noble theo-
fledgling effort to say thank you for what sophical task of making this world a
we ourselves have been given. better place should inspire us to do better
If our heart aches for the pain and and to do more.
suffering of our fellow man there is no So today we take the time to show our
shortage of ways to serve. Service takes gratitude. Devotion is rooted in gratitude.
a multitude of forms, but for the student And if we are wise we will take the time
of Theosophy service always includes every day and eventually every moment
high ideas, noble ideals, purified motiv- to be grateful. It should become a way
ations. The life-changing ideas of Theo- of life, a mental posture of the soul, signs
sophia are difficult to share if they are not of a life well lived. We should lean into
reflected in our conduct. They are best the idea of gratitude. Although it may seem
shared not so much by words but by simple, gratitude is the light that leads the
embodiment. Teacher to the student, the student to
Why do we respect the work of the the Teacher.
Mother Teresas, Mohandas Gandhis Gratitude is a state of grace, a rapport
and Martin Luther Kings of this world? and a communion with the Self within.
Because they made every effort to em- The Teacher is not really outside of us
body the very ideas they espouse. The — that is an illusion we are taught —
people in our lives who have made the but in a mysterious way, permanently
most profound influences are generally and unshakably resides within. Krishna
those people of integrity who live by what tells us in the Bhagavata Purana: “The
they say. It is important to note that noble SELF within is the Guru par excellence.”
heroes and great teachers never claim in- So let us follow the advice recom-
fallibility. The wisest amongst us readily mended by Mr Rogers, that beloved
admit to error. Nevertheless a cynical teacher of pre-school children on TV for
world hungers for noble examples of so many years, to take a silent minute
humility, selflessness, and magnanimity. to honor those, as he would say, who
The Voice of the Silence exquisitely “loved us into being”. ²

34 The Theosophist Vol. 144.4, January 2023

On Courage: Om Tat Sat — I

On Courage: Om Tat Sat — I


THE definition of “courage” according teries) by Francis Thompson (1859–1907)

to the Oxford English Dictionary is: are relevant here:
“ability to face danger; intrepidity; Designer Infinite!
bravery; valour; determination to act on must Thou char [burn] the wood
one’s beliefs.” Ere Thou canst limn [paint] with it? . . .
With immense sorrow on a physical Is my gloom, after all,
level, enveloping in empathy and suffer- Shade of His Hand outstretched
ing the heart centre of Mother Earth and caressingly?
all humanity, the question arises: “Why
this continual pain, physical, emotional, Nothing is born without loss. All pains are
mental? Why the continual suffering pangs of birth. Life is a transition and a
inflicted on humankind?” learning. A quotation from Alfred Lord
Although difficult to accept on a Tennyson (1809–1892) reads:
physical level, in Reality, the “suffering” That life is not as idle ore,
is PURE, UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, be- But iron dug from central gloom
cause by suffering we learn and grow [darkness],
spiritually. If daily life is easy and ordi- And heated hot with burning fears,
And dipt in baths of hissing tears,
nary, no significant progress is made;
And battered with the shocks of doom
every day is apathetic without any signi-
To shape and use.
ficant change.
The soul knows the exact nature of the When the opportunity arises and the
various tests and trials necessary for its decision is made to reincarnate, the soul
particular growth before incarnation in a takes the bull by the horns and decides to
physical body, and patiently waits for the face new experiences in order to progress
right circumstances to present themselves, along the path of perfection, not for per-
that is, country, race, sex, family, religion sonal satisfaction but with pure altruism.
(or no religion), and so the learning pro- The soul knows that the ultimate goal of
cess begins. A few lines from the “Hound incarnation is purification and illumi-
of Heaven” (or the Guardian of the Mys- nation, illumination for a purpose —
Margaret Bove Sturman, member of the TS since 1986, practises alternative medicine in Naples, Italy.

Vol. 144.4, January 2023 The Theosophist 35

On Courage: Om Tat Sat — I

to be eventual vessels of service ready for existence, the real meaning of life
to collaborate in the Divine Plan. on Earth, is not ‘getting’ and ‘having’,
The greatest courage of all and of every but ‘giving’ and ‘serving’.” (Light of the
human being derives from the prenatal Sanctuary: The Occult Diary of Geoffrey
innermost centre and is the decision of the Hodson, p. 279.)
soul to reincarnate in a physical body with In moments of solitude and peace, a
all the risks involved. The Great Ones, radiant sunset, a calm sea, a place of
exquisite Beings of Light and Love, the beauty in the midst of Nature, when our
essence of kindness, understanding, and thoughts are in the clouds, wondering
sensibility, have already undergone the who we are, what is the reason for all this,
experience as superheroes undergoing all where are we going and what are we
kinds of initiations and supreme tests. seeking; in these moments of serenity and
Think allegorically of the courage in security, we may have a glimpse of our
the symbol of Jesus being crucified. The real purpose in life, hidden deep within
pilgrimage of life itself is from Bethlehem our hearts, the purpose that could be the
to Calvary. How many of us are willing theosophical password “to live for others”,
to undergo only a few of the experiences to enter into their turmoil of pain and in-
of initiation and to be ready to have all security, to comfort, to heal, to help within
and everything against? It is not a ques- our utmost possibility.
tion of the fear of failure but being afraid These are the true aspirations and what
to TRY. In one of his letters Master Koot our soul is yearning for — the peace that
Hoomi (KH) encourages the reader not passeth understanding in forgetting self
to give up easily, and says specifically and the realization that we are ONE. This
“TRY” three times. is the ultimate goal when viewing the
When beginning the initiatory beautiful sunset, the blue sea, Nature in
process and referring to the ancient all its splendour. In this silence we find
Celtic mysteries, humans can be likened the music of the soul and we know that
to hares. Hares are known for their our purpose on Mother Earth is, as said
courage. They live on the Earth and are by Master M., “to serve humanity” and
one of the few animals that are not afraid be available as vessels of rescue to our
of fire, which is Love. They leap through fellow men.
fire in a forest and do not run away, even When we go beyond time to our ori-
if they die. These are the qualities ginal pristine state, entering another
necessary to begin a conscious process dimension, indeed we know we are ONE
of initiation. Are our hearts and souls and that our ashes of ages ago and of
ready for this wonderful gesture? From numerous past incarnations are mixed
a practical point of view, what is the use together to be remodelled with the ashes
of being on this planet if we do not do at of who could have been our previous
least something worthwhile? Quoting close relations, fathers, mothers, sisters,
from Master Morya (M.): “The purpose lovers, and so on. Therefore some of the

36 The Theosophist Vol. 144.4, January 2023

On Courage: Om Tat Sat — I

ashes for our future incarnations will and ignorance, war is sheer foolishness!
possibly be those of our present family In February of each year, on the day
and friends and so-called enemies, who after the Carnival called Ash Wednesday
are not our enemies at all, but part of us. in certain Christian countries throughout
So if we go to war we are fighting against the world, a religious ceremony is per-
ourselves and perhaps our previous loved formed when ashes are placed by the
ones — it is our heart fighting against priest between the eyes of the members
our own liver, in other words, fighting of the congregation — a reminder of
against ourselves. what we were and what we will be.
In a seminar, the late Radha Burnier, Quoting from the Bible, Genesis, 3:19:
our much-loved former International “In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat
President, said that “it was not easy to find bread, till thou return unto the ground;
the ashes for the birth of the Buddha”. How for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou
many really pure ashes are to be found? art, and unto dust shalt thou return.” This
We are also linked to beggars, tramps, could be interpreted that after a lifetime
criminals, perverts, robbers, slanderers, of hard work and suffering, one returns
even murderers, who could have within to the ground as ashes, the place of origin.
them a part of the ashes of our previous With second sight (the so-called
incarnations. Maybe, in the past, we were Third Eye), one can SEE how all is
not as respectable as we appear to be today joined together by the etheric nadis.
H. P. Blavatsky (HPB) said in the
and made many mistakes; therefore we
Three Fundamental Propositions that
should not judge anyone because pro-
bably in our past incarnations we made
the same, if not worse, mistakes that we
think we see in others.
Think of those we love deeply in this
incarnation and the heartbreaking idea
of losing them. In past incarnations, deep
love in all kingdoms was the only really
positive reason for living, even going back
to prehistoric caveman times. As our
ashes are all mixed together, the people
fighting against each other throughout
the world today are possibly fighting,
killing, and maiming those they loved
in previous lives — mothers, fathers,
children, lovers, and so forth, because we
are linked irrevocably together with our
ashes. We are ONE and always will be ONE.
Apart from being self-inflicted cruelty The shared aura of the family

Vol. 144.4, January 2023 The Theosophist 37

On Courage: Om Tat Sat — I

“there is no dead matter or space in hold Eternity in our hand in ecstasy,

the etheric”. together with the One who will under-
We are linked as human beings stand the sounds of the “music of the
and also to all other kingdoms — animal, spheres”, and the dance of Shiva embraces
mineral, vegetable. The delightful vege- us in One Eternal Whirl of Beauty and
table kingdom where, according to Balance, hugging us with the heart
second-sight information, the fairies are and caressing our brows with soft,
“tipsy with delight to be looking after the soothing serenity. But we are “strangers
flowers” and the heroic trees are capable in paradise” and the sweet mystery of
of destroying themselves in order to save life is still to be revealed.
other trees. The flowers and the trees are The spiritual evolution of the 6th root
here already expressing their inherent race will arrive eventually and part of
love, which is the basis of creation. The the mysteries of life and death will be
starry heavens, the solar system, and common knowledge — the third eye
the planetary spheres are all mani- will be open, giving inner sight, and we
festations of Great Spiritual Lives and will communicate and reproduce telepa-
the interrelation between them is as real thically. It is a shame that we cannot see
and effectual as the relation between the unity of all and everything now! There
members in the human family. would be no more wars. OM TAT SAT
Ideally, with a 6th root race evolution, (Om is the sound of Brahman or the
knowing that we are all part of ONE ultimate reality, Tat is the mantra of Shiva,
mixed-ash family, we could trust, com- and Sat is the mantra of Vishnu, which
municate, comfort, uplift, and love each can also be interpreted as truth.)
other with the same lack of boundaries If, at any time, we feel a sense of failure
and spontaneity that we have with our or inadequacy on the physical plane, not
present close family and friends. Friends having attained to our life expectations,
are said to be flowers in life’s garden, reflecting and despairing on our weak-
having attained to the highest level of nesses or mistakes, we can restore our
evolution in the vegetable kingdom. sense of worth by remembering our pre-
In loving ourselves as Divine Beings, natal gesture to reincarnate with the very
knowing we are Divine Beings, is found best of intentions. Mistakes in past lives,
the joy of being in harmony with all and also during this lifetime, were necessary
everything, because ourselves are them- in order to grow and we are not the same
selves. How wonderful the blissful, as we were. It takes courage to admit
indescribable feeling of being in love mistakes, to be humble, and to apologise.
with every man and woman in the world Admitting one’s weaknesses is already
knowing that we are a part of them and taking the right path to resolving them with
they are a part of us. These are the the knowledge that planet Earth is not yet
moments when time ceases, when we a sacred planet and it is easy to deviate.

38 The Theosophist Vol. 144.4, January 2023

On Courage: Om Tat Sat — I

A guilt complex is to be avoided and Il Signore è lungariello, ma non è scor-

excluded. Live joyously and peacefully dariello (“the Lord takes a long time, but
in the NOW as implacable karma will does not forget”) could be perceived as
adjust every situation. Karma can be an intuitive and subconscious know-
eliminated in many ways, sometimes ledge of karma. All world leaders should
without even noticing, just perhaps re- have knowledge of karma. The saying,
membering a bad or particularly good day “reaping what one sows”, could also be
(because there is also good karma). The interpreted as karma. “Whatsoever a man
Buddhist monks, when difficulties occur, soweth, that shall he also reap” (the Bible,
sing songs of praise and thanks, knowing Galatians, 6:7). “All sufferings of man
that karma is being dissolved. are due to the suffering he has inflicted
Karma is not accepted or known by on others under the Law of Cause and
the majority of the population for various Effect”, which is karma. (Light of the
religious and other reasons, however, Sanctuary: The Occult Diary of Geoffrey
the saying of the Italian Neapolitans, Hodson, p. 405.)
(To be continued)

The only tyrant I accept in this world is the “still small voice” within
me. And even though I have to face the prospect of being a minority of
one, I humbly believe I have the courage to be in such a hopeless minority.

Non-violence and cowardice are contradictory terms. The first is the

greatest virtue, the latter the greatest vice. The first springs from love,
the latter from hate. The first always suffers, the latter would always
inflict suffering. Perfect non-violence is the highest bravery. This conduct
is never demoralising; cowardice always is.
Mahatma Gandhi

Vol. 144.4, January 2023 The Theosophist 39


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Some issues of The Theosophist are now available online and can be read and/or downloaded from:
Edited by Mr Tim Boyd, ‘Olcott Bungalow’, The Theosophical Society, Adyar, Chennai (TS),
Published by Mr S. Harihara Raghavan, ‘Arundale House’, TS, and Printed by Mr V. Gopalan, ‘Chit Sabha’, TS, at the
Vasanta Press, TS, Besant Garden, Besant Avenue, Adyar, Chennai (Madras) 600 020, India, on behalf of the President, The Theosophical Society.
A presentation featuring the astral plane and the “dream-world” with descriptions
of different entities that inhabit it as well as other fascinating and
useful information for the interested student.
L. J. Bendit
A collection of three articles that describe man's eternal search for the laws of his own
life as well as the universe he inhabits, and assert that, though modern branches
of science declare this a slow and painful process, this knowledge has always
been available to the serious seeker and in great depth and detail.
Duncan Greenlees
“Jesus taught that there is one God . . . who loves us dearly and will give us all we need
if we trust in Him. . . . Through prayer we can draw close to him and know his ceaseless
love for us; as we forgive others we can know the serenity and joy which come when our
sins are forgiven and we are at peace with God.” The fourth of the World Gospel series.
C. W. Leadbeater
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short the thread of life, but rather an angel bearing a golden key”,
unlocking for us the door into a fuller and higher life than this.


Carlos Perez Menendez
Adapted from a course that examines the foundations of Theosophy, looking at its
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It brings out the potential of Theosophy to transform lives and improve the world. The
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