The Theosophist Vol 144. No. 1

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Text of Resolutions passed by the

General Council of the Theosophical Society

Freedom of Thought
As the Theosophical Society has spread far and wide over the world,
and as members of all religions have become members of it without
surrendering the special dogmas, teachings and beliefs of their re-
spective faiths, it is thought desirable to emphasize the fact that there is
no doctrine, no opinion, by whomsoever taught or held, that is in any way
binding on any member of the Society, none which any member is not
free to accept or reject. Approval of its three Objects is the sole condition
of membership. No teacher, or writer, from H. P. Blavatsky onwards,
has any authority to impose his or her teachings or opinions on members.
Every member has an equal right to follow any school of thought, but
has no right to force the choice on any other. Neither a candidate for any
office nor any voter can be rendered ineligible to stand or to vote, because
of any opinion held, or because of membership in any school of thought.
Opinions or beliefs neither bestow privileges nor inflict penalties.
The Members of the General Council earnestly request every member
of the Theosophical Society to maintain, defend and act upon these
fundamental principles of the Society, and also fearlessly to exercise the
right of liberty of thought and of expression thereof, within the limits
of courtesy and consideration for others.

Freedom of the Society

The Theosophical Society, while cooperating with all other bodies
whose aims and activities make such cooperation possible, is and must
remain an organization entirely independent of them, not committed to
any objects save its own, and intent on developing its own work on the
broadest and most inclusive lines, so as to move towards its own goal as
indicated in and by the pursuit of those objects and that Divine Wisdom
which in the abstract is implicit in the title ‘The Theosophical Society’.
Since Universal Brotherhood and the Wisdom are undefined and
unlimited, and since there is complete freedom for each and every member
of the Society in thought and action, the Society seeks ever to maintain
its own distinctive and unique character by remaining free of affiliation
or identification with any other organization.

VOL. 144 NO. 1 OCTOBER 2022

Experience and Integration of the Powers Latent in the Human Being 5
Tim Boyd
Compassion and the First Object of the Theosophical Society 10
Pradeep Gohil
Can Karma Be Eliminated? 16
Pablo Sender
HPB’s Diagram of Meditation 23
Reincarnation, Karma, and Relationships 30
Wayne Gatfield
The James Webb Telescope and Synchronicity Between
Our Brain and the Universe 32
Vipin Shah
Imagining a New World: Overcoming Mind Paralysis,
Reinvigorating Originality 36
Tim Wyatt
Theosophical Work around the World (Spanish Section Summer School) 39
International Directory 42

Editor: Mr Tim Boyd

Note: Articles for publication in The Theosophist should be sent to: <>
Cover: One of the first breathtaking images from the James Webb Telescope. Reminiscent
of Vermeer, but carrying news of the origins of the universe. Photograph courtesy of NASA,
ESA, CSA, and STScI. (See relevant article on p. 32 of this issue.)
This journal is the official organ of the President, founded by H. P. Blavatsky on 1 Oct. 1879.
The Theosophical Society is responsible only for official notices appearing in this journal.

Founded 17 November 1875
President: Mr Tim Boyd Vice-President: Dr Deepa Padhi
Secretary: Ms Marja Artamaa Treasurer: Ms Nancy Secrest
Headquarters: ADYAR, CHENNAI (MADRAS) 600 020, INDIA
Adyar Library and Research Centre:
Theosophical Publishing House: //
Editorial Office:, Website:

The Theosophical Society is composed of students, belonging to any religion in

the world or to none, who are united by their approval of the Society’s Objects,
by their wish to remove religious antagonisms and to draw together men of goodwill,
whatsoever their religious opinions, and by their desire to study religious truths
and to share the results of their studies with others. Their bond of union is not the
profession of a common belief, but a common search and aspiration for Truth.
They hold that Truth should be sought by study, by reflection, by purity of life,
by devotion to high ideals, and they regard Truth as a prize to be striven for, not
as a dogma to be imposed by authority. They consider that belief should be the
result of individual study or intuition, and not its antecedent, and should rest on
knowledge, not on assertion. They extend tolerance to all, even to the intolerant,
not as a privilege they bestow but as a duty they perform, and they seek to remove
ignorance, not punish it. They see every religion as an expression of the Divine
Wisdom and prefer its study to its condemnation, and its practice to proselytism.
Peace is their watchword, as Truth is their aim.
Theosophy is the body of truths which forms the basis of all religions, and
which cannot be claimed as the exclusive possession of any. It offers a philosophy
which renders life intelligible, and which demonstrates the justice and the love
which guide its evolution. It puts death in its rightful place, as a recurring incident
in an endless life, opening the gateway to a fuller and more radiant existence.
It restores to the world the Science of the Spirit, teaching man to know the Spirit as
himself and the mind and body as his servants. It illuminates the scriptures and
doctrines of religions by unveiling their hidden meanings, and thus justifying them
at the bar of intelligence, as they are ever justified in the eyes of intuition.
Members of the Theosophical Society study these truths, and theosophists
endeavour to live them. Everyone willing to study, to be tolerant, to aim high, and
to work perseveringly, is welcomed as a member, and it rests with the member to
become a true theosophist.

4 The Theosophist Vol. 144.1, October 2022

Experience and Integration of the Powers Latent in the Human Being

Experience and Integration of the

Powers Latent in the Human Being

I SHOULD begin with a disclaimer: phenomena associated with spiritualism

I am President of the Theosophical and mediums were the subject of daily
Society (TS), an organization which has newspaper reporting in cities throughout
a long history in the exploration of the the US. On deeper investigation many of
latent powers of humanity, and of the as the supposed phenomena were shown to
yet unexplained laws. However, I claim be fake, but a significant number were
no expertise. I do not deny exposure to irrefutable. An initial aspect of the TS’s
the workings of some of the powers within work was to address these phenomena, to
us, neither would I deny some personal provide grounding in the Ageless Wis-
exploration, but I have little formal train- dom tradition, and stem the tide of the
ing or academic certification in such fanciful “explanations” and theologies that
fields. It is also my habit to encourage in were being manufactured by believers.
myself and others the openness and fresh- I was first attracted to the Ageless
ness of mind that accompanies seeing Wisdom tradition that the TS represents
things for the first time. To the mind of the through a gentleman who was highly re-
beginner there are many options. garded for a developed clairvoyant ability.
The TS had its beginnings in the Like me, many young people were at-
powers that are latent within the human tracted to him. I did not come to him for
being. It is an organization that was foun- that, but rather because he was a person
ded in 1875. Since then the third of its who had demonstrated profound wisdom
three Objects has been: “To investigate in terms of the inner life as well as how to
the unexplained laws of Nature and the live outwardly. He never emphasized the
powers latent in the human being.” In the psychic or clairvoyant component; it was
late 1800s an important focus for this in- just something that came with the package.
vestigation was the widespread occur- I found myself in a setting where many
rence of spiritualistic phenomena. Mes- of the people surrounding this man we
sages were being received from people came to call “The Old Man” were either
who had died, objects were being materi- attracted by his clairvoyance, or who were
alized from seemingly thin air, apparitions, themselves quite psychically sensitive. My
levitations, a whole range of inexplicable upbringing had not exposed me to any of

Vol. 144.1, October 2022 The Theosophist 5

Experience and Integration of the Powers Latent in the Human Being

this, and so to step into this milieu was self, and then form your own opinions.”
both fascinating and challenging. On one of these occasions there was a
In the early 1970s there was a wave of woman who was quite well known as a
Eastern gurus arriving on the American psychometrist. She would take a physical
shores, and many, mostly younger object that someone carried with them, a
people, found themselves turning their ring, a set of keys, and so on. As she held
attention in that direction. For the first it and focused she would be able to see
time people were hearing a more expan- and accurately speak about characteristics
sive vision of latent powers. As is natural and activities of the owner. Seeing her in
to the human population, there are a cer- action that night I was impressed with her
tain percentage of people who have ge- level of vision, but very unimpressed with
nuine, awakened, or awakening abilities to her level of discretion and kindness. For
see or hear things beyond the normal range example, she was given one lady’s ring
of perception, often to foresee things. and started to talk about something very
Some of these younger people found their private, clearly not a subject for a group
way to Bill Lawrence, the Old Man. of strangers. She went into inappropriate
Often he would make the point: “Don’t and salacious details of this woman’s
believe that you’re crazy because your personal business. It turned out to be 100
possibility for perception is different from percent accurate, but inappropriate for
others. These things are real. But also do what we would think of in a normal
not make the mistake of believing that this moral sense.
is some special gift that sets you apart On another occasion there was a con-
from the rest of humanity, because it isn’t. versation going on with a woman who was
It’s real, but don’t get caught up in it. a very well-known psychic. During the
These same “powers” and more are sleep- meeting she and I never interacted. At the
ing in everyone. Given the proper culti- time, I was a university student and there
vation they appear, but to force their was a paper I had been struggling to com-
growth can be a tragic mistake.” plete which was overdue for submission.
In the Chicago area there were a num- Somehow I just could not get it together.
ber of people with highly developed abil- As we were leaving I shook the lady’s
ities of this sort. Most were very much hand and said: “Goodbye. It was nice
aware of him. On a couple of occasions meeting you.” She looked at me and said:
he called a number of these people with “Why are you waiting to hand in that
various psychic and healing abilities paper?” And added: “It’s one of the best
for a meeting at his home, which was papers you have ever written!” When I
where a number of us lived at that did finally submit it, sure enough, it was
time. Before these meetings took place the highest grade in that class.
he would talk to us: “While these peo- What is the value of experiences such
ple are here just observe for your- as this? What do they do for us? What

6 The Theosophist Vol. 144.1, October 2022

Experience and Integration of the Powers Latent in the Human Being

does it really mean? We have experiences We function on this energetic level

of all types all the time, but what is the perhaps even more so than the physical.
factor that separates any normal expe- We are also creatures of thought. With the
rience from something that actually dawning awareness that we are energetic
becomes integrated into our being, that beings, possibilities to link ourselves
moves us toward transformative experi- with deeper powers open up. Healing is
ence. Do we have any level of partici- one of them.
pation in the process, or do things just Over the course of the meetings with
happen to us? psychics and healers one of the things
This is my interest particularly be- I did observe was that not all, but many
cause of this Ageless Wisdom tradition, of the people who had these highly de-
which says that each one of us is res- veloped powers were uneducated. They
ponsible and can be proactive in our own did not have the formal educational train-
unfoldment. We make choices. Whether ing that might have shut them off from
we like to think that is true or not, we are their potential. They had not been trained
continually choosing. If we choose to sit to believe that the capacities that were so
at home and interact with no one, we have natural to them did not exist.
made a choice, and conditions follow One evening the Old Man invited a
from it. So how do we choose? Is it even profound healer, a lady named Evelyn,
of interest to us that we have deeper to come to one of the meetings. Many of
potentials that are as yet unrevealed, the healers and psychics were deeply
but which can be? This is something religious. For her, like many of these
we need to decide for ourselves and people, if you asked what was the source
act accordingly. of her healing power, she would say it
A strong emphasis for the Old Man was was a gift from God, or Jesus. Very few
that healing is one of the sleeping powers had any insight into ideas of energy,
within us. It is resident in everyone. For or the multidimensional nature of the
some, it just pours forth with little effort, human being.
but for others it is something that can be Late that night Evelyn had worked on
developed. If we ever get to the point a couple of people, when suddenly the
where we recognize that we are not merely Old Man stood up, left the room, and went
physical, but energetic beings function- out to the front porch. Later he said that at
ing on many levels, a pathway to effective that moment he did not know what made
healing opens for us. him go outside. A car pulled up in front
We are all completely familiar with of the house next door and the neighbor
the bodily levels. We experience a variety stepped out. He asked her: “Miss Jones,
of sensations in the body — painful, are you feeling well?” And she answered:
pleasurable, neutral. But everybody has “I’m feeling so sick. The day after tomor-
emotions — sadness, happiness, anxiety. row I’m due to go into the hospital for

Vol. 144.1, October 2022 The Theosophist 7

Experience and Integration of the Powers Latent in the Human Being

surgery.” He invited her to come inside. magnify the effect we have for uplifting
When Evelyn saw her she imme- others. It is not good enough just to live
diately put her hand on the lady’s belly. our 70, 80, 90 years and to leave this world
Then she started to describe what she was having merely taken up space during our
seeing. She said: “I see a hole in your time here. A major part of our reason for
stomach! It’s bleeding.” Then she said being here is to contribute to the well-
in a commanding voice: “In the name being and happiness of others.
of Jesus, I see it closing!” After a few What is it that assists in integrating
minutes of this she pronounced Miss experiences that can lead us to a broader,
Jones as healed. In those days they were less separative view of the world? I have
operating on bleeding ulcers. On the known a number of people who have had
appointed day for her surgery she insisted an NDE, or Near Death Experience. One
that she have an exam prior to the opera- of the common features of the experi-
tion. After the exam the doctors were ence is the “life review”. It may take a
uncharacteristically confused and diag- second, or even less, but the person sees
nosed her condition as “a spontaneous their entire life in perspective and in
remission”. I knew that lady for thirty review: the things they were right and
years after that, and she never missed an wrong about, the people they helped or
opportunity to talk about this experience, harmed, and the distilled, essential char-
for her it was “a miracle”. acter of the life just lived, all flow across
Healing is one of the latent powers the screen of the mind. When people return
that are readily available to anyone, even from that experience, invariably they find
if not at the level of Evelyn. However, that there are changes in their priorities.
balancing physical distress is only one I know people who have had com-
of the forms that healing takes. There are plete changes of life and moved along a
people that we find ourselves drawn to path that they would not have anticipa-
in times of difficulty, not for their verbal ted as a result of this near-death vision
advice, but for their presence. Just being of their life.
around them instills a sense of ease and There is a hierarchy of experience in
strength to carry on. Connection to the terms of the degree to which they inte-
present moment and a sense of peace are grate into our personality and its behav-
also powers. iors. Profound experiences, such as an
When most people talk about powers NDE, or even normal experiences to
the tendency is to look to clairvoyance, which we give focused attention can
seeing the future, seeing or hearing at a affect us deeply.
distance, seeing auras, but there are other For example, the Zen (Chan) tradition
powers of equal or greater significance — in Buddhism arose from a wordless teach-
deeper powers in terms of their capacity ing by the Buddha. His disciples had
to influence the way we live our lives, and gathered to hear him preach, but instead

8 The Theosophist Vol. 144.1, October 2022

Experience and Integration of the Powers Latent in the Human Being

of speaking, the Buddha simply held up factor, or catalyst that transmutes mere
a white flower and gazed at it. Kaºyapa, knowledge into a power with universal
one of his disciples, understood the mean- application. What we think of as know-
ing of this “flower sermon”, and Buddha ledge can be more accurately described
signaled his understanding with a smile. as “love-deprived knowledge”. It can be
In this way the Buddha’s teaching about as harmful as it is helpful.
reality was transmitted to Kaºyapa and Knowledge infused with the quality
on to future generations, not through that we describe as “love” changes its
words, but by direct experience. nature and use. The addition of love
We tend to focus on the value of transforms to a perception of reality in
knowledge and we also tend to restrict which we are not the separated, iso-
what knowledge actually is. Most of us lated, contentious, competitive indivi-
think of knowledge as data and its duals that we accept ourselves as being.
permutations — systems of thought. All of our ordinary activity confirms
Out of that we develop a subset that we that we are separate. Love confirms
use in the world. There is a missing the opposite. ²

Enquirer: And what about the third object [of the Theosophical Society],
to develop in man his latent spiritual or psychic powers?

Theosophist: . . . Our duty is to keep alive in man his spiritual intuitions.

To oppose and counteract — after due investigation and proof of its
irrational nature — bigotry in every form, religious, scientific, or social,
and cant above all, whether as religious sectarianism or as belief in
miracles or anything supernatural. What we have to do is to seek to
obtain knowledge of all the laws of Nature, and to diffuse it. To encourage
the study of those laws least understood by modern people, the so-
called Occult Sciences, based on the true knowledge of Nature, instead
of, as at present, on superstitious beliefs based on blind faith and authority.
Popular folklore and traditions, however fanciful at times, when sifted
may lead to the discovery of long-lost, but important, secrets of Nature.
The Society, therefore, aims at pursuing this line of inquiry, in the
hope of widening the field of scientific and philosophical observation.

H. P. Blavatsky
The Key to Theosophy

Vol. 144.1, October 2022 The Theosophist 9

Compassion and the First Object of the Theosophical Society

Compassion and the First Object

of the Theosophical Society

AT a time when millions of people on Simply put: “The purpose of human life
this Earth are suffering in many ways, is to serve and to show compassion and
compassion is the need of the hour. It leads the will to help others. Until he extends
to service and service is an ingredient of the circle of his compassion to all liv-
theosophical life. Compassion has two ing things, man will not find peace for
components. First, it means to put oneself himself.”
in another person’s shoes and ask: “If I 3. Alfred Montapert, an American
were that person, how would I feel?” It author, was always full of compassion
involves developing an awareness of the for animals. He said: “Animals are reli-
suffering of others, which means to able, many full of love, true in their
embrace the “Golden Rule” — treating affections, predictable in their actions,
others as you desire to be treated yourself grateful, and loyal. Difficult standards for
and responding appropriately. . . To do people to live up to.” He also said: “The
nothing in such circumstances is not what monument of a great man is not of
the Theosophical Society (TS) teaches as granite, or marble, or bronze. It consists
compassion. Below are a few quotations of his goodness, his deeds, his love, and
on this virtue: his compassion.”
1. Albert Einstein, one of the great- 4. Thomas Merton, who was an
est scientists in the world, said: “Our task American monk, once said: “The whole
must be to free ourselves by widening our idea of compassion is based on a keen
circle of compassion to embrace all living awareness of the interdependence of all
creatures and the whole of Nature and living beings, which are all part of one
its beauty.” another and all involved in one another.”
2. Dr Albert Schweitzer, a renowned 5. George Washington Carver, an
medical missionary who won a Nobel American agricultural scientist, wrote:
Peace Prize, believed in the principle of “How far you go in life depends on your
“reverence for life” and the religious and being tender with the young, compas-
ethical imperatives of helping others. sionate with the aged, sympathetic with

Mr Pradeep Gohil is the President of the Theosophical Society in India.

10 The Theosophist Vol. 144.1, October 2022

Compassion and the First Object of the Theosophical Society

the striving, and tolerant of the weak and ness and expect nothing in return. For
strong. Some day in life you will have example, if you see someone on the street,
all of these.” and that person requests some change,
6. Mahatma Gandhi once said that give it to him. Give a donation to an
the simplest acts of kindness are by far organization that is feeding hungry peo-
more powerful than a thousand heads ple, give your clothes to the needy, or
bowing in prayer. donate money for educating a poor child.
We live in a world lacking in com- Finally, compassion means to believe in
passion. The sad reality of humanity is the dignity, respect, equality, justice for
that the vast majority of people ignore everyone. It means to live peacefully
the suffering of others. Perhaps many and avoid engaging in violent behaviour.
turn a blind eye for their own survival. We can agree or disagree and still live
Witnessing the suffering of another can peacefully.
evoke raw emotion of fear or sadness or Compassion involves “feeling for
repulsion. Too often people are detached another” and is a precursor to empathy,
or wilfully blind. We often learn com- the “feeling as another” capacity for
passion only after we have undergone better person-centred acts of active
some sort of suffering — perhaps ex- compassion; in common parlance active
periencing sickness, accident, job loss, compassion is the desire to alleviate
marriage breakdown, illness, death of a another person’s suffering. Compassion
loved one, prejudice, discrimination, is not pity, or attachment, or simply
social scorn, bad luck, and so on. wishful thinking. We can distinguish
Without compassion we can easily compassion from empathy and altruism.
descend into a state of war. We would Empathy is the emotional experience of
continually witness the wicked deeds another person’s feelings. It is in a sense,
of the Holocaust, the detonating of the an automatic mirroring of someone
atomic bomb, the 9/11 episode, the pre- else’s emotion, like crying at a friend’s
sent situation in Afghanistan, Ukraine, sadness. Altruism is an action that
and so forth. The Dalai Lama stated it benefits someone else. When asked what
best: “Love and compassion are neces- Theosophy is in a nutshell, the co-
sities, not luxuries. Without them human- founder of the TS, H. P. Blavatsky
ity cannot survive.” (HPB), answered: “Altruism.” It may or
On a general level, compassion means may not be accompanied by empathy or
to have genuine concern for all, not just compassion. Although these terms
for our own tribe. Most people are com- are related to compassion, they are not
passionate towards members of their own identical. However, compassion often
family, but are blind or indifferent to the does, of course, involve an empathetic
suffering of others. Compassion also response and an altruistic behaviour.
means to practice random acts of kind- The more one person knows about the

Vol. 144.1, October 2022 The Theosophist 11

Compassion and the First Object of the Theosophical Society

human condition and associated experi- of compassion. It may also have the ability
ences, the more vivid the route to iden- to induce feelings of kindness and for-
tification with suffering becomes. Identi- giveness, which could give people the
fying with another person is an essential ability to stop situations that have the
process for human beings, which is even potential to be distressing and occa-
illustrated by infants who begin to mirror sionally lead to violence.
the facial expressions and body move- Individuals with a higher capacity or
ments of their mother as early as the first responsibility to empathize with others
days of their lives. Compassion is recog- may be at risk for “compassion fatigue”
nized through identifying with other or stress, which may happen to pro-
people, the knowledge of human behav- fessionals and individuals who spend
iour, the perception of suffering and a significant amount of time respond-
transfer of feelings. ing to information related to suffering.
The compassion process is highly Very often it is lack of suitable distress
related to identifying with the other per- tolerance which gets people fatigued in
son because sympathizing with others is compassion activities. People can alle-
possible among people from other coun- viate the sorrow and distress by doing
tries, cultures, locations, and so on. The some self-care activities on a regular basis.
role of compassion as a factor contributing Improving consciousness helps to
to individual or societal behaviour has guide people to recognize the impact and
been the topic of continuous debate. In circumstances of past events. After peo-
contrast to the process of identifying with ple learn the experience from the situation
other people, a complete absence of in the past, they are able to find the
compassion may require ignoring or dis- courses of compassion fatigue in their
approving identification with other people daily life. The practice of non-judg-
or groups. Earlier links have been estab- mental compassion can prevent fatigue
lished between interpersonal violence and burn out. There are some methods
and cruelty, which leads to indifference. that can help people to heal compassion
This concept has been illustrated through- fatigue. People should do physical ac-
out history — the Holocaust, Genocide, tivity, eat healthy food, create good
European colonization of the Americas, relations with others, enjoy interacting
and so forth. with others in the community, write a
The seemingly essential step in these journal frequently, and sleep enough
atrocities could be the definition of the every day.
victims as “not human” or “not us”. The There are several factors that reduce the
violent and cruel activities conducted likelihood of someone willing to be com-
throughout history have only been re- passionate to another. These include lia-
lieved, minimized, or their damaging bility, competence, deservedness, empa-
effects overcome through the presence thic capacity, self-focused competitions,

12 The Theosophist Vol. 144.1, October 2022

Compassion and the First Object of the Theosophical Society

anxiety-depression, being overwhelmed, named after Maharaja Jam Saheb. From

and inhibitors in various social structures ancient times, the message of India has
and systems. been vasudhaiva kutumbakam (the world
There is a great story of compassion. is a family) and so people are instilled with
When Hitler invaded Poland and started the sense of compassion. Indians pride
World War II, 500 Polish women and themselves to be brave, tolerant, compas-
200 children were put on a ship to save sionate, and genuinely humanitarian.
them from the German invasion. The Another story of compassion has to do
captain was told to take them to any with HPB. She had reached the port of
country where they can get shelter. The Le Havre in France on her way to the US
last thing they heard from their families in June 1873. She saw a lady with two
was “if we survive, we will meet again.” children weeping bitterly. The lady’s
The ship was refused entry by many husband had sent money to her from the
European and Asian countries. Finally, US but she had gotten bogus tickets from
after many days of wandering in the sea, a crooked steamship agent who had dis-
the ship reached India. They arrived at the appeared. She was penniless in a strange
port of Bombay. But the British Governor city. Madame Blavatsky went to her agent
also refused entry to the ship. and exchanged her first-class ticket for
The news soon reached the Maharaja steerage tickets for the lady, her two
of Jamnagar, “Jam Saheb” Digvijay Singh, children, and herself. She travelled in the
and he was overwhelmed with compas- crowded discomfort of inferior accom-
sion. He allowed the ship to dock in his modation with the lowest fare in the ship.
kingdom of Jamnagar. He not only gave This is truly an excellent example of
shelter to the 500 women but also made compassion.
arrangements for the free education of the The first Object of the Theosophical
200 children in an Army School. These Society (TS) and its Mission Statement
refugees stayed in Jamnagar for nine years are both in a way connected to compas-
till the end of World War II. They were sion. The first Object is the foundation
well taken care of by Jam Saheb, who of the belief and practice of the TS: “To
regularly visited them. He was fondly form a nucleus of the Universal Brother-
called Bapu by them. hood of Humanity, without distinction
Later on, all these refugees returned to of race, creed, sex, caste, and colour.”
their own country. One of the children of The word “humanity” here can be ex-
these refugees later became the Prime tended to all forms of life like animal,
Minister of Poland. Even today, the bird, insect, fish, and plant life. Some even
descendants of those refugees come to say that it covers all matter, like stone
Jamnagar every year and remember and clay also. When there is a feeling
the Maharaja with gratitude. In Poland, of brotherhood, compassion is natural.
many roads in the capital of Warsaw are The Mission Statement of the TS says:

Vol. 144.1, October 2022 The Theosophist 13

Compassion and the First Object of the Theosophical Society

“To serve humanity by cultivating an ever- at the ten things we need to do to live a
deepening understanding and realization compassionate life:
of the Ageless Wisdom, spiritual self- 1. Educate ourselves about what it
transformation, and the Unity of all Life.” means to be compassionate. There are
It is interesting to see how the Mission many ways, such as studying other reli-
Statement is connected to the first Object gions, reading theosophical literature,
of the TS and how both are connected to learning about spirituality and what the
compassion. They first aim at offering a Buddha, Jesus the Christ, Confucius,
space for people to come together and Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Mother
search for Truth, regardless of any external Teresa, and the Dalai Lama have to say
differences. Their practice is a concrete about it.
recognition of humanity’s common es- 2. Develop empathy and become
sential nature and origin. This is what aware of the suffering in the world. We
encourages us and leads to compassion, can learn by watching films or television
which in turn appreciates external dif- or online videos and by reading poetry,
ferences as something that enriches our novels, newspapers, and magazines.
human experience instead of being a 3. Look at our own world. Charity
source of intolerance and war. begins at home. How does our family
HPB wrote: “Social differentiations, nourish us? Is there compassion in the
the result of physical evolutions and workplace? Are our friends toxic? Do
material environment, breed race hatred they embrace a similar moral code and
and sectarian and social antipathies that compassionate view of humanity?
are insurmountable if attacked from the 4. Develop compassion for ourselves.
outside. But since human nature is ever- Each of us has a dark side. Being kind to
identical, all people are alike open to ourselves by not blaming ourselves for
influences which centre upon the human things we cannot control.
‘heart’, and appeal to the human intui- 5. Become mindful of the suffering
tion. And as there is but one Absolute in our families, friends, community, coun-
Truth, which is the soul and life of all try, and the world. In other words, we must
human creeds, it is possible to effect a become aware of other people’s suffering.
reciprocal alliance for the dissemination 6. Realize that we do not know every-
of that Truth.” This is why it is said that thing and that our way is not necessarily
compassion is linked with the first Object the best way. Too often we fail to under-
of the TS. stand other cultures, religions, views, and
Based on my observations and life perceptions. Instead, we gaze at others
experiences, I am not sure that human- who are different through our ethnocentric
kind is hardwired for compassion. It is lens. We too often believe that our way
not an inherent human attribute. Com- of life is superior.
passion must be learned. So let us look 7. Take action and help those who

14 The Theosophist Vol. 144.1, October 2022

Compassion and the First Object of the Theosophical Society

are suffering. We must discard the ethno- drive out evil and only love can
centric view and also discard the sense overcome hatred. We must learn to see
of moral superiority. Instead, we must sorrow in our enemies. The supreme test
embrace compassion as the highest of of compassion is to love our enemy.
virtues. We must practise random acts 10. If we observe and contemplate our
of kindness, offering help to anyone who own suffering, such as illness, financial
crosses our path and is suffering. problems, death of loved ones, job loss,
8. Embrace the Golden Rule: “Do not marriage breakdown, and so on, it can
do to others what you would not like them educate us on compassion.
to do to you.” One cannot become a compassionate
9. Love our enemies even though it person within a month or even a year.
is not easy. It is best to ignore them. Not However, if one practises the aforemen-
to seek to defeat and humiliate them. This tioned ten steps, I am sure it will lead to
will only create hatred and the desire for great spiritual progress to become com-
revenge. Instead, we must strive to under- passionate and achieve the first Object
stand and befriend. Only goodness can of the Theosophical Society. ²

That there is in the order of manifested existence not a whit more pain
and misery than is absolutely necessary for the ends of the highest
evolution, follows directly from the law of Justice and Compassion —
the law of Karma and the moral government of the Universe. That
each act of self-sacrifice on the part of evolving human monads
strengthens the hands of the Masters and brings reinforcement, as it
were, to the Powers of Goodness, will also be made plain ere we are
things of the past — at least to a great many of the present race.

From The Doctrine of the Heart

Extracts from Indian friends’ letters, with a foreword
by Annie Besant, Theosophical Publishing House,
Adyar, Chennai, 1920

Vol. 144.1, October 2022 The Theosophist 15

Can Karma Be Eliminated?

Can Karma Be Eliminated?


IN the religious world, there are basically the past, and each action in the present
two models to explain our actions and will produce its effects in the future.
their effects. One is that of a God who The Theosophical Society was the
judges our deeds. Good actions are first organization to spread the idea of
rewarded, while bad ones (sins) entail karma widely and systematically in the
a punishment. This God that judges and West, outside academic circles. In fact,
administers punishments and rewards, this teaching is part of a fundamental theo-
however, can pardon sins if there is repen- sophical concept — that of personal res-
tance in the doer or for other more in- ponsibility. According to Blavatsky,
scrutable reasons. this topic is one of the fundamental
H. P. Blavatsky (HPB), however, propositions upon which The Secret
argued that the teaching of remission of Doctrine is based:
sins takes away the idea of personal The pivotal doctrine of the Esoteric phi-
responsibility: losophy admits no privileges or special
gifts in human beings, save those won by
We believe neither in vicarious atonement,
their own Ego through personal effort and
nor in the possibility of the remission
merit. (The Secret Doctrine, vol. 1, p. 17)
of the smallest sin by any god, not even
by a “personal Absolute” or “Infinite”, Although forgiveness of sins is possible
if such a thing could have any existence. in the “God model”, once we deal with
What we believe in, is strict and impartial karma as a universal law, “forgiveness of
justice. (The Key to Theosophy, Sec. 11, effects” is impossible. In the theosophical
“Periodical Rebirths”) view, the karmic effects cannot be erased
The strict and impartial justice that on behalf of anybody, not even on that of
an enlightened being:
HPB mentions is called “karma” in Eastern
religions. It is the law of cause and effect He [the Master] is himself under the inex-
by which everything that happens to a orable law of Karma, which no one from
person is the result of actions performed in the Zulu savage up to the highest archan-

Dr Pablo Sender is a scientist, educator, and student of the spiritual traditions of humanity, especially
those of H. P. Blavatsky. He resides and works at the Krotona Institute of Theosophy in Ojai, CA.

16 The Theosophist Vol. 144.1, October 2022

Can Karma Be Eliminated?

gel can avoid — and [even] he has to assume and effect are never disconnected. This
the great responsibility of the causes cre- would be like a person that may have
ated by himself. (Collected Writings, acquired a parasite when he was a child,
vol. 7, p. 243) but the effects appear only later in life,
when the conditions of the body are
To understand this, we need to keep
vulnerable enough.
in mind the difference between the
characteristics of human and natural No fatalism
laws. Human laws are artificial and The fact that we cannot avoid the
arbitrary. In some cultures, the punish- karmic effects does not mean that karma
ment for stealing is to spend some time is a fate which cannot be changed. Al-
in jail, while in other cultures thieves though the effects of causes produced
get their hands cut off. Both punishments cannot be undone, they can be counter-
are imposed arbitrarily, since the cause balanced by creating a new set of causes.
(stealing) has no direct connection As Mahatma KH stated:
with the effect (the chosen punish-
ment). Moreover, the punishment can Your acts in the past . . . cannot be oblit-
be avoided if the person escapes, if there erated, for they are indelibly stamped upon
is not enough proof, if the judge is corrupt, the record of Karma, and neither tears nor
and so forth. repentance can blot the page. But you have
Natural laws do not work in this way. the power to more than redeem and balance
Causes and effects are always connected, them by future acts. (C. Jinarâjadâsa,
or rather, are the manifestation in time Letters from the Masters of the Wisdom,
of a single event. For example, let us sup- series 1, letter 20)
pose that we eat more than we should, and Just as we can cure a disease, we can
an hour later we feel the consequences. change our karma. However, just as a
What are these? We do not get unrelated given disease can only be cured by the
effects (like pain on our leg); we get appropriate treatment, the right kind of
indigestion, because this is the normal action is necessary to counterbalance a
effect of having eaten improperly. The particular effect . Let us come back to our
resultant pain is not a punishment assigned previous analogy. If we regularly get sick
by an external force, but the natural result as a consequence of bad eating habits, the
and consequence of overeating. natural way to change the effect is to learn
This is the general idea behind karma. to eat well. The cause (bad eating), the
Everything that happens is the natural effect (poor health), and the new cause
result and consequence of actions we (healthy eating) that will eventually over-
performed. Sometimes the effects of an come the undesirable effect, are all
action may take a long time (even life- naturally related.
times) to bear fruit. But even then, cause Now, we could also nullify to some

Vol. 144.1, October 2022 The Theosophist 17

Can Karma Be Eliminated?

extent the effects of bad eating in a more These two sets of causes will eventually
artificial way, as by taking a pill. The manifest, producing an even more difficult
taking of a pill is not directly connected condition.
to the original cause (bad eating habits) The same can be said of other methods
and so, although the pill can produce a purported to erase karmic effects, such as
quicker effect to relieve the digestive bathing in the Ganges river, putting one’s
problem, the action of taking a pill will faith in a Guru, chanting a mantra, or do-
not solve the problem of bad eating. In ing different visualizations. As said be-
addition, the taking of a pill will produce fore, in order to counteract the karmic
its own side effects. We may be relieved effects produced by previous causes, we
from a stomach ache, but the chemicals need to create a new opposite cause of
in the pill will affect our body in other equal nature.
ways. The same happens at the level of None of the practices just mentioned
karma, as illustrated in the following can possibly work, since there is no causal
simple example.1 Let us say there is a relationship between these activities
stingy person, always selfishly accumula- and the original action that generated
ting things. This will produce a future the karma. At best, these practices could
frustrating condition of experiencing block the effects temporarily; at worst,
scarcity. The natural way to change the they will further complicate the karmic
karmic effects of this condition would be situation.
to develop a generous attitude. The idea that these unrelated practi-
Now, there are some “tricks” that this ces can be effective is based on a belief
person can use to relieve the immediate that a) suffering is merely a punishment
karmic effects of his stinginess, as in the which can be eliminated without con-
case of the pills and the stomach ache. sequences, and b) there are supernatural
He could try to use the power of thought agencies that can break universal laws.
by means of affirmations and decrees to This view, as we have seen, is common
“force” the circumstances to bring what in the “God model”, but is incompatible
he wants. If other conditions allow it, with the “natural law model”. The con-
this may actually produce a result, fusion comes when people raised with-
and he may acquire the desired objects. in the God model (whether in the East or
Thus, by the introduction of a new cause the West) adopt a different view (the
(thought-power), he may momentarily natural law model) but still remain con-
block the effects of an older cause. But ditioned by the ideas absorbed in their
this, far from erasing the karmic effects upbringing.
of stinginess, will worsen the situation. What most people do not realize is that
To the effects of his lack of generosity, if the karmic effects could be cleared up
he would be adding the effects of using by these methods, the purpose for the very
a universal force for selfish purposes. existence of this law would be defeated.

18 The Theosophist Vol. 144.1, October 2022

Can Karma Be Eliminated?

It would be like a judge who condemns prayer, visualization, the grace of a guru,
a person for stealing, while forgiving and so forth. HPB frequently pointed
somebody else who did the same thing out that this idea is the very cause of the
because the latter bribed him. What kind moral degradation of our culture. She
of justice would that be? If by bathing in wrote that this view
the Ganges, visualizing a violet flame, and . . . clashes not only with every conceivable
so forth, we could really get rid of non- view of justice and logic, but which, if
related causes, then karma would verily analyzed, leads us to our moral perdition,
become the law of universal injustice. The checks the progress of humankind, and
vast majority of humanity that does not — positively making of might, right —
have the opportunity or knowledge to use transforms every second human being into
these methods would still be condemned a Cain to his brother Abel. (The Key to
to uselessly suffer effects that could very Theosophy, Sec. 11, “The Difference be-
easily be relieved. tween Faith and Knowledge; or, Blind
In the natural law model, suffering is and Reasoned Faith”)
not a punishment — it is the natural result
of a wrong action. It has an educational Permanent Atoms
purpose, since this is the way we learn Maybe a brief exploration about the
which actions are in harmony with the way cause and effect are naturally related
nature of the cosmos and which are not. may help us to better understand how
If not for the stomach ache, we would karma works. As we said, causes and
keep eating, caught up in the pleasure of effects are really the same. From a deeper
our mouth, until irreversible damage is point of view, the karmic effects are not
caused to our digestive system. Thus, by external things that happen to us because
means of the karmic law, human beings of what we did. The cause is what we
can discern the right action — that which are, and to stop producing undesirable
is in tune with the nature of the whole. karmic effects we have to change our-
The possibility of being released from selves. The teachings about permanent
the consequences of our past actions by atoms and skandhas can help us see
special dispensations would imply that this more clearly.
suffering is not really necessary. This Theosophical literature postulates
would make God, or the cosmos, point- that our personal self is composed of
lessly cruel. But perhaps more import- three dimensions: physical, emotion-
antly, the idea of erasing karmic effects al, and mental. Accordingly, we have not
acts against the development of personal only a physical body, but also subtler
responsibility. It is very convenient to emotional and mental bodies. When a
believe that we can obliterate the con- person dies, these three bodies dissolve
sequences of our wrong actions without one after the other and all the “particles”
much sacrifice, whether by confession, (whether physical, emotional, or mental)

Vol. 144.1, October 2022 The Theosophist 19

Can Karma Be Eliminated?

that formed them scatter, except for one we will naturally find difficulties to enter
“atom” of each body, which are called into relationships with loving people.
“permanent atoms”. The occult “atoms” This is one of the mechanisms behind
are not those known by modern science, what is being proposed in this article —
but rather, the ultimate particles of the the karmic experiences a person will go
physical, emotional, and lower mental through in life are produced by what the
planes.2 These permanent atoms remain person is, and not by an external agency
linked to the reincarnating soul through imposing certain situations as a form of
the whole cycle of incarnation. punishment. How can we change our fate?
Every experience we go through dur- Only by changing ourselves. We have to
ing our life, every single action, feeling, learn to feel love for others, to apply our
and thought in which we have engaged, thoughts not exclusively to fulfil our
is transmitted to the physical, emotional, own desires, but to benefit others, and to
and lower mental permanent atoms res- actually perform loving actions. In this
pectively, and stored there as a vibra- way, we are learning to be loving and
tory power. This is a kind of “memory” “training” our bodies and the permanent
that records the tendencies to vibrate in atoms in them to vibrate in response to
a particular way in response to the ex- love. The physical permanent atom will
ternal world, regardless of whether these be affected by loving actions, the emo-
responses were appropriate or not. tional by feelings of love, and the mental
Once our three bodies dissolve in the by loving thoughts. No artificial external
post mortem processes, the permanent means will do this for us.
atoms remain dormant, united to the soul.
When the new mental, emotional, and Karmalessness
physical bodies begin to be formed for a When most people talk about ways to
new incarnation, these atoms are re- balance out or erase karma, they usually
awakened and their vibratory power mean their “bad” karma. Although we
attract mental, emotional, and physical commonly may talk of good or bad
material to reproduce bodies of the same karma, there is no such thing. We could
general type as the ones the person had say that there is pleasant and unpleasant
at the end of his/her last life.3 karma, but neither pleasant means “good”
Thus, the new personality is a con- nor unpleasant “bad”. This confusion is,
tinuation of the previous one, and the soul in fact, at the root of many of our problems.
has to resume its work at the point that If a person is addicted to a substance that
was left at the end of the previous life. is making him sick, we would agree that
Thus, if some of us were selfish in pre- it is good for him to undergo some type
vious incarnations and our permanent of rehabilitation.
atoms do not know how to respond to The experience can be very trying and
love, our character will be unloving, and produce no little amount of suffering, but

20 The Theosophist Vol. 144.1, October 2022

Can Karma Be Eliminated?

after the person overcomes the addic- piness, we are within the reach of suffering
tion, he is freer and healthier than be- and sorrow. But when we perform actions
fore. No intelligent person would say because they are the right thing to do
that the rehabilitation was something (regardless of whether they bring joy or
“bad” for the person, just because it was sorrow), we rise above the realm of plea-
painful. Asking that the unpleasant karma sure and pain and dwell in that “peace that
does not manifest in our lives is like the passeth understanding”. Thus, as one
addict asking not to go through the ceases to act based on the desires and
rehabilitation. If we fully understand fears of the personal ego, this illusory
how harmful the addiction is and co- entity gradually vanishes, and along
operate with the process, the rehabilita- with it does the chain of causes and ef-
tion will be faster and less trying. But there fects produced by it. This is the foun-
is a certain amount of suffering that will dation of what is known as “karma yoga”,
be inevitable, although it can be borne which leads to the transcendence of
with dignity and confidence when based personal karma.
on a real understanding of the process.
Both pleasant and unpleasant karma Final words
are equally links of the chain that keeps To answer the question that we asked
us tied to the eternal fluctuation between at the beginning — whether karma can
joy and sorrow. A saying goes that, in be eliminated — theosophical literature
the chain of karma, unpleasant causes indicates that it cannot. However, karma
are like an iron link, while pleasant causes can be changed and, eventually, its ma-
are a golden link. Both are part of the nifestation on the personal plane can
chain. This is why the Buddha said that be transcended.
pleasure and suffering are the two wheels Understanding the law of karma can
of the same cart. be very important to correct false con-
As long as we are looking for pleasure ceptions that give rise to mistaken atti-
or comfort we are bound to also expe- tudes. Once we understand that the ex-
rience suffering, because we are acting periences, whether pleasant or unpleasant,
at a level where pleasure and suffering have a purpose; that we cannot escape
are possible. But there is a state of con- the unpleasant effects by using tricks or
sciousness that rises above this polarity. shortcuts; and that the only way to change
Although this state is sometimes des- our future is by learning and growing from
cribed as one of bliss, this denomination all experiences; we can then drop the idea
may be misleading, because it may bring of karma from our minds.
the idea of a glorified form of pleasure, We do not need to burden our brain by
which it is not. thinking what kind of causes we may have
Whenever we do something with the generated in the past, what effects may
motivation of gaining pleasure or hap- come to us, or how we could neutralize

Vol. 144.1, October 2022 The Theosophist 21

Can Karma Be Eliminated?

them. With the peace of mind that a deep We can be confident that this attitude
understanding of the law of karma brings, will produce the right results, and that the
we can concentrate our sight on the suffering that we may have to face will be
present — on doing our best in each a helper and teacher in our journey search-
situation — and in fostering inner growth. ing for Truth. ²

1. In order to get a basic understanding of this law, we need to examine simple models, just as
scientists do in their laboratory. But we must remember that, since every part of the universe is
connected to the whole and affects the whole, the karmic interplay of causes and effects is extremely
2. Since the mental body is formed with matter of the lower sub-planes of the mental plane, it does
not really have a permanent “atom” but, rather, a permanent “unit” made of a combination of atoms.
To make our analysis simpler we will refer to it as “permanent atom” along with the ones for the
emotional and physical bodies.
3. However, it is necessary to keep in mind that the process of formation of the bodies is a
complex one, and the permanent atoms are not the only kind of karmic influence affecting it.

Painful karma may well be faced with a joyful heart, as a thing to

be gladly worked through and done with; it is better to have it
behind us than before us, and every debt paid leaves us with less
to pay. Would that the world knew and could feel the strength that
comes from this resting on the Law! Unfortunately to most in the
Western world it is a mere chimera, and even among theosophists
belief in karma is more an intellectual assent than a living and fruitful
conviction in the light of which the life is lived. . . .
Belief in karma ought to make the life pure, strong, serene, and
glad. Only our own deeds can hinder us; only our own will can
fetter us. Once we recognize this truth, the hour of our liberation
has struck. Nature cannot enslave the soul that by wisdom has
gained power, and uses both in love.

Annie Besant (1 October 1847 – 20 September 1933)

Karma, Conclusion

22 The Theosophist Vol. 144.1, October 2022

HPB’s Diagram of Meditation

HPB’s Diagram of Meditation


Wisdom as to the Field and the Knower of the Field, that is the Wisdom.
Bhagavadgitâ, XIII.3

WE are concerned with approaching that step which leads towards the acqui-
HPB’s Meditation Diagram in such a way sition of virtues — logic demands that we
that our mind is led to the discovery of follow this direction in reading the diagram.
logic. This logic proceeds from an 3. Among the interblending passions
inclusive and penetrating view. Its dis- and virtues, there is an axis around which
covery brings to the mind the quality of the entire transmutation takes place.
attention which is needed to deal with This axis is represented by the first
meditation, its process, and its outcome. Acquisition, (that is, the first, reading from
Therefore, the diagram should be seen as right to left):
a whole, without focussing on any of its The Perception in all embodied beings of
parts in particular. Limitations only.
Herein lies the clue to the whole dia-
I. Looking at the diagram in this way, gram and its centre, as this point contains
one can discover a few points which the modus operandi of the transmutation
can be stated as follows: from passions into virtues. This trans-
1. The whole diagram is the summar- mutation cannot take place unless the
ised description of a process. This process condition of perception of limitation —
is a continuous movement of conscious- that is, seeing the unreal in all embodied
ness from Unity towards identification with beings — is fulfilled.
Space and Time. Therefore, the first Acquisition can be
2. We should read the diagram from compared with the well-known verses
right to left, that is, from “Deprivations” to from the Buddhist Diamond Sutra:
“Acquisitions”. Although it is stated that Stars, darkness, light,
“passions and virtues interblend”, since the A phantom, a dew-drop, a cloud,
deprivation of passions can be considered A dream, a lightning-flash, a bubble;
as a step in the alchemy of transmutation, This is how all things should be seen.

Ms Trân-Thi-Kim-Diêu, Chairman of the European Theosophical Federation, lectures internationally on

Theosophy, and is also former General Secretary of the Theosophical Society in France. From Insight, 2.’17.

Vol. 144.1, October 2022 The Theosophist 23

HPB’s Diagram of Meditation

What images could better represent mind gets stuck in and used to incorrect
limitation in Space and Time than a light- ways of thinking. One such incorrect
ning-flash and a bubble? Perception of that way of thinking is associating consistency
limitation relativizes the world of appear- and substance with what in reality is
ance, that is, the realm of forms. Conse- neither consistent nor substantial. Mate-
quently, this perception lessens the impact rialism originates in the lack of right vision
of that world upon our mind by inculcat- of the whole. Right vision of the whole
ing into it, to some extent, non-attachment means that things, ideas, and people are
to what happens to us during that period ordered in one’s mind and that each of
of time which we call our existence. them is accorded its own right value — a
Due to the materialistic way of life, value which does not prevail by taking
which tends to become generalized, the precedence over the value of Truth,

24 The Theosophist Vol. 144.1, October 2022

HPB’s Diagram of Meditation

which is Oneness. Right vision of the be defined except with them. The Unity
whole and perception of limitation in all referred to here is unity of what is visible
forms act as a synergetic pair of forces and conceivable. Consciousness experi-
helping to bring about the encing the conception of Unity lets itself
transmutation from passions to virtues. be pervaded by Unity. The latter, as an
4. The diagram starts with: inherent quality of the substance of Space,
flows unceasingly and, in so doing, cre-
First conceive of UNITY by Expansion
ates Time by its movement. Expansion in
in Space and Infinite in Time
Space which is boundless — is never-
and the last Note on Acquisitions refers ending. And Time which is bound to
to the conception: Space is therefore infinite as long as
consciousness is expanding in Space.
I am all Space and Time.
The first statement of the diagram
Both indicate that, in the last stage of gives the right start, so to speak, to the
the process summarised in the diagram, meditation. This means that the start-
there is interblending between the con- ing point of meditation has to be Unity,
ception of Unity, which means knowing boundless, as conceived in Space, and
theoretically, and being “I am”, which is infinite, as conceived in Time.
knowing actually. This blending of con-
(Either with or without self-identification)
cept and reality — although lasting only
an instant, might be the actual realisation This hint is rather ambiguous, but
of the Self through the recognition of the it is perhaps useful to note that actual-
Self by the Self. ly it is difficult to conceive with self-
5. The same note ends with: identification or to identify oneself
when there is conception. This point is all
Beyond that . . . (It cannot be said).
the more important since at the end of the
Obviously, this refers to what is un- diagram there will be conception — but
known and unknowable. with self-identification — referred to as
“I am all Space and Time”.
II. Following those remarks — which
Then meditate logically and consis-
are first glimpses — let us now con-
tently on this in reference to states of
sider the diagram according to the
chronological unfoldment of con-
sciousness as it reveals: Then the normal state of our conscious-
ness must be moulded by:
First conceive of UNITY by Expansion
The terms “logically and consistently”
in Space and Infinite in Time
exclude the possibility of any dreamy state
Space and Time are determining di- of consciousness. On the contrary, they
mensions of manifestation, which cannot suggest a highly awake and active level,

Vol. 144.1, October 2022 The Theosophist 25

HPB’s Diagram of Meditation

where there is an energetic action which that the constant mode of functioning in
sustains the dynamic conception of Unity Deprivations is NEGATION. But saying
as described above. The sustaining of such “I am without . . .” still means “I am”. So
a state of consciousness is part of medi- there is inevitably self-identification,
tation itself. although NOT with the state of con-
sciousness which is present, even though
The state of consciousness during defined by Deprivations. The self-
the process described by the diagram identification here refers necessarily
is defined as “must be moulded by” to what is in the background of con-
which is stated next: sciousness during the whole process,
. . . must be moulded by: starting from the first step, which is Unity.
DEPRIVATIONS and ACQUISITIONS (Furthermore, self-identification at this
stage of evolving consciousness happens
Reading from right to left: independently of the first step.)
• Sensation with “gluttony, lust, leads to simplified points as follows:
etc”, can be assimilated with physical • The Perception in all embodied
and emotional passions. beings of Limitation only. This point
• Personality with “vanity, remorse”, is the “dynamo” of the whole diagram,
and being the axis of transmutation from
• Possessions with “greed, selfish- passions into virtues. Another state-
ness and ambition”: both can be as- ment could be suggested: Perception
similated with mental passions. of the Unreal .
• The distinction between Friend • Criticism without praise or blame
and Foe is a kind of sclerosis in is equivalent to clarity of mind.
relationship. If this Deprivation is actual, • Continued attempt at attitude of
it results “in absence of anger and bias. mind to all existing things, which is
(Replaced by judgment.)”, according to neither love, hate nor indifference.
the diagram. Another way of putting it This is not different from equanimity.
is: a quiet mind capable of discrimination. • Different in external activity to
• Separations and Meetings, As- each, because in each the capacity
sociation with Places, Times and alters. Mentally the same to all. The
Forms: All of these can be assimilated foundation of this attitude is awareness.
with attachment. • Equilibrium and constant calm.
• Futile longings, Expectations, Sad Greater ease in practising the “virtues”
memories, Broken-heartedness. All which are really the outcome of wis-
these states can be assimilated with mental dom; for benevolence, sympathy, jus-
projections. tice, and so on, arise from the intuitive
The Note on Deprivations shows identification of the individual with

26 The Theosophist Vol. 144.1, October 2022

HPB’s Diagram of Meditation

others, although unknown to the per- not with the state of consciousness at
sonality. This entire attitude and such that moment. When consciousness is
action are the outcome of Intelligence. moulded by Acquisitions, which are
• Perpetual Presence in imagination mostly an attitude of mind or quality of
in all Space and Time is not different consciousness at that time, there is no
from sustaining awareness of the all- self-identification.
pervading Principle. Then the conception I am Space and
• From this originates a substratum Time completing the Acquisitions, points
of memory which does not cease in out that there is again self-identification.
dreaming or waking. Its manifestation But here identification is that of con-
is courage. The Buddhist tradition calls sciousness experiencing a state which is
this substratum of memory Alaya, which unity with Unity itself shaped in Space
is the Universal Soul. Awareness of this and Time. The evolving process can be
state of Alaya or Alaya-Vijñâna is said summarised as a “cycle of meditation”
to make reminiscence of the past possible. that points towards a totally open and
• With memory of universality all new situation in the last part of the Note
dread vanishes during the dangers on Acquisition which reads:
and trials of life. The vanishing of dread “Beyond that . . . (It cannot be said).”
resulting from this memory is non-self- From here on, what happens cannot
conscious fearlessness. be said. But what is it?
The Note on Acquisition states Examining once again the whole
that it is completed by “the conception diagram could perhaps bring more
‘I am Space and Time’”. Here again, there insight. As has been said, the diagram
is self-identification, although during summarises a process of consciousness
the entire stage of Acquisition self- moving from unity (with or without self-
identification has been absent. identification) towards Unity, neces-
If one looks at the diagram as a sarily with self-identification (“I am
whole, following the movement of Space and Time”). The whole process
consciousness, one can observe that, of consciousness evolving from diverse
starting with the first step, “either with states to the stage of identification with
or without self-identification”, conscious- Space and Time could be matched with
ness keeps up this mode during the the experience of what is called “the
second step, where there is “meditating Field” in the thirteenth discourse of the
logically and consistently on Unity in Bhagavadgitâ.
reference to states of consciousness”. Up to the stage of a substratum of
When consciousness is moulded memory — which is Alaya — one could
by Deprivations or the constant refusal say that “the Knower of the Field” has
to think of the reality of passions, there been watching without interfering or
is necessarily self-identification, but identifying with the level of experience.

Vol. 144.1, October 2022 The Theosophist 27

HPB’s Diagram of Meditation

This condition remains until the last which is here boundless Space and
stage of the cycle of meditation, when infinite Time — seems to be the last
the conception “I am Space and Time” state which consciousness can actual-
emerges within the Field. At that ly KNOW. Here ends the domain of
moment, consciousness merges into the knowable.
the object of its experience. There is “Beyond that . . .”, that is, beyond
fusion of the Knower with that which Space and Time, “(It cannot be said)”,
is known in a transcendent quality of according to the Note in the diagram.
consciousness which is referred to as Nevertheless, the thirteenth discourse of
Wisdom (Prajñâ). In other words, the the Bhagavadgitâ reads as follows:
Knower of the Field is then merged with THAT, the Light of all lights, is said to
the Field, which is the Field of experience be beyond darkness; Wisdom, the Object
of consciousness. This Field, being all of Wisdom, by Wisdom to be reached,
things, all beings, includes actually the seated in the hearts of all. (Verse 18)
field of the human psyche where con-
sciousness experiences inwardly. Without and within all beings, immovable
and also movable; by reason of His subtle-
When the field of experience is Space
ty imperceptible; at hand and far away is
and Time — as is the case in the last
THAT. (Verse 16)
stage of the cycle of meditation con-
cerned — self-identification means that So, beyond what is embodied, felt, and
consciousness which is experiencing experienced, beyond Space, Time, the
Space and Time, as a continuum, merges Field and the Knower of the Field, beyond
into that continuum. The fusion of the consciousness of all things, but dwelling
Knower of the Field with the Field — in the heart of everyone, what is THAT?

28 The Theosophist Vol. 144.1, October 2022

HPB’s Diagram of Meditation

Is not the whole process of meditation one cannot but bow in one’s innermost
simply meant for discovering THAT heart. And still, out of a sense of
which is unknowable and nameless? wonder and bliss, the same impossible
At the threshold of what is beyond question remains:
Space and Time, as nothing can be said, “What is THAT?” ²

All of us have to get rid of our own Ego, the illusory, apparent self,
to recognise our true Self, in a transcendental divine life. But if we
would not be selfish we must strive to make other people see that
truth, and recognise the reality of the transcendental Self, the
Buddh[a], the Christ, or God of every preacher.

The Mahachohan
The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett,
chron. ed., Appendix II, p. 478.

Vol. 144.1, October 2022 The Theosophist 29

Reincarnation, Karma, and Relationships

Reincarnation, Karma,
and Relationships


WHY are we attracted to one person after many years — perhaps centuries?
and not another, and what does it mean to How many strange dramas of love, loss,
fall in love or to have a truly meaningful and eventual reunion are being enacted
rapport with someone? It is not hard to on this stage?
understand that, in our world, relation- There is certainly a beauty that cannot
ships are more often than not very shal- be put into words behind the outward
low and often fall apart. Let us explore restraints of our conditioned life. We can
the subject on many levels, touching upon hardly imagine the depths that true re-
that experience which leads to a true lationships can reach. But if we take the
communion with our fellow human beings wider view that an understanding of rein-
and which survives the illusion we call carnation and karma gives us, then the
“death”. We will also look at the much possibilities in our lives become limitless.
maligned word “love” to see if we can It is said that the eyes are the windows
extricate it from countless mistaken no- of the soul, and an old Indian book of
tions that have arisen in people’s minds. aphorisms says: “When eyes with eyes
Firstly we need to realise that it is commingle, what do words avail?” Some-
impossible to separate the whole matter of times the book of life seems to be con-
relationships from the twin laws of Karma tained in the eyes. Perhaps it is there that
and Rebirth, but there are ways to come we can discover the true history of an in-
to terms with relationships in the here dividual. Certainly the essence of experi-
and now, and to enrich one’s life as a result ence shines out from these orbs of light.
of the insights gained from our contact There are ways to communicate that
with those around us. have no need of clumsy words. In fact, in
Why is it that some people we meet for most cases, words can actually prevent the
the first time are like old friends? Could it maturing of a relationship. It is often
be that they are old friends returning to us observed that elderly couples who have

Mr Wayne Gatfield is President of Bolton Lodge of the Theosophical Society in England, a

National Speaker, author of many theosophical articles, and editor of the North Western Federation
journal. Reprinted from Circles magazine, Spring 2005.

30 The Theosophist Vol. 144.1, October 2022

Reincarnation, Karma, and Relationships

lived together for most of their lives do ship built on thin air or, worse still, through
not talk to each other very much. They merely sensual or financial considera-
have a silent communion. The cynic may tions. This is a mockery of the true dignity
conclude, “That’s because they have run of the human being.
out of things to say”, but this is true only There is however a hidden ground of
to a certain extent. When we run out of being that unites us all. This is left out of our
words we have to go deeper if we are to education system and therefore out of
continue the relationship; either that, or society in general, particularly in the West.
we drift apart. A main occupation today So beguiling is the illusion perpetuated by
is in “finding the right partner”. So let us Western nations, that Eastern countries are
begin to look at partnerships. now eager to follow the path of soul obli-
Once more we meet the problems of vion. The greatest failing of the mate-
paucity of feeling brought about by an rialistic system is its belief in only one life,
inadequate education system. Two people the father of countless ills . . . in fact, in
may feel physically attracted to each other all its ideologies — whether political,
and be vaguely aware of something more, social, or religious. This then, is the root
but are unable to “access” their deeper cause of the general worldwide turmoil
feelings because their higher emotions have at the moment.
not been allowed to develop. Therefore the The rise in crime, particularly murder,
attraction remains merely on a physical and is the result of our being educated in the
lower emotional level and eventually the belief that “once he is dead, he is dead”.
relationships disintegrate, no matter how There is no mention of the law of cause
seemingly close at the beginning. and effect. If people came to realise
So by the time they have been married, scientifically that action and reaction are
had children or lived together for a while, equal and opposite, they would think
all that remains is an empty shell where once twice about brutally killing a fellow human
the seeds of a real affinity existed. The words being for a petty sum of money. Although
of the marriage ceremony are totally empty many scientists are taking a wider view, it
if their inner meaning is not taken on board. will be some time before these ideas
How many people today go so far as to try become generally accepted. Let us not
to uphold their marriage vows to the letter? become complacent; things may get worse
Most are questioned on the grounds of being before they get better. Everyone has a part
sexist or antiquated. This may be so, but an to play, and it is up to each of us, indi-
intelligent awareness of the meaning of these vidually and collectively, to help speed
vows is more important than a relation- things on. Then life will get better. ²

There can only be a relationship between human beings

when we accept what is, not what should be.
J. Krishnamurti

Vol. 144.1, October 2022 The Theosophist 31

The James Webb Telescope and Synchronicity between Our Brain and the Universe

The James Webb Telescope and

Synchronicity between Our
Brain and the Universe
Twinkle, twinkle little star!
How I wonder what you are.
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky . . .
Jane Taylor, “The Star”

IN December of 2021, a highly advanced evaluation that our universe is expanding

telescope was launched. It was placed one at rapid speed and it consists of innu-
million kilometers above the Earth. The merable galaxies expanding and moving
purpose of this telescope is to provide rapidly from each other. Even Einstein’s
images of the space going back virtually theories did not predict this phenomenon.
to the beginning of the universe. The data Here we are in a universe that took birth
it will reveal will be a quantum jump in 14.5 billion years ago, expanding ever
our understanding of the cosmos we since, and this expansion also will have
inhabit. To achieve this distinction we to come to an end. Its sheer vastness is
have to understand the vast array of awe-inspiring to humanity from child-
problems it had to overcome. Starting hood, when they glance at the night sky
from Galileo’s telescope, which revealed and see the abundance of stars which
to the world that we live on a spherical are merely those of our galaxy. What lies
Earth, not at the center of the universe, outside it, how far can we go back in time
there was a progress in telescopes for to observe the universe, and what mys-
several centuries. Humankind had teries lie in the known universe?
found a tool which would now reveal un- Without powerful telescopes and the
known mysteries in the sky, giving us ingenuity of the human mind we would
deeper insights. not have made any headway. The Earth
In the later 20th century Hubble’s tele- is littered with thousands of powerful
scope provided a groundbreaking re- telescopes, but they all have limitations.

Mr Vipin Shah is a member of the Nairobi Lodge of the TS in East and Central Africa.

32 The Theosophist Vol. 144.1, October 2022

The James Webb Telescope and Synchronicity between Our Brain and the Universe

To observe deep space we have to place nothing short of a miracle of human in-
the telescope outside the Earth to minimize genuity to capture what occurred a few cen-
aberrations and distortions caused by turies after the creation of the universe.
its atmosphere. (See cover image and its caption on p. 3.)
Furthermore when we begin to look Jane Taylor, an English author of the
deeper into the past we have to detect lullaby “The Star”, published in 1806
absolutely weakened light. The journey (see the verse at the top of the title page
of light from the earliest galaxies began of this article), captured the imagination
as outbursts of extremely powerful gamma and awe of humanity as a whole, who
rays. As the energy of light rays begin to from the earliest ages was left wondering
diminish with time and distance over what existence is all about. Humankind
billions of years, the rays begin to acquire has been studying the complexities of
larger wavelength and a considerable space, and the earliest stargazers had
weakness which is beyond human capa- identified and named the distant stars to
city to observe without specialized tele- also learn how this knowledge could be
scopes, and this is where the James Webb used in navigation. We have had to learn
telescope comes in. important lessons about where we fit in
Infrared light is extremely sensitive this great plan of the cosmos.
to heat, hence the requirement to keep Hard knocks would teach us over
the telescope at a temperature of almost time that we are nowhere in the center
absolute zero (-223 degrees centigrade). of this universe. The journey began with
This weakened infrared light has to be a difficult lesson that this universe is not
magnified several folds through highly eternal, it had a beginning and it will
sensitive glass mirrors to create the have an end. We may have come into the
image of the light that had left billions world from our mother’s womb, but the
of years ago. To achieve such a feat large real womb that sustains us is the universe,
sums of money are required, so taxpayers since its progressive journey from the
need to be convinced that this is well- “Big Bang” fourteen billion years ago.
spent money to acquire rare knowledge This womb is governed by rock-solid
for us and for future generations. This laws of physics and experiences forces
is where a far-sighted statesman in the US in Nature which our minds are incapable
called James Webb appeared in order to of imagining.
organize funding for this NASA project. The supernova is a vast collapsing
This project whose planning began in star, millions of times bigger than our
1990, and was delayed for ten more years, sun, and it creates the very elements that
was at last launched in December 2021 our body is made of. The dying star is
and began to send photographs of the where gravity “goes mad” and sucks up
images whose light had left over thirteen everything, including light. All this
billion years ago. The photographs are leads us to what the spiritual dimensions

Vol. 144.1, October 2022 The Theosophist 33

The James Webb Telescope and Synchronicity between Our Brain and the Universe

of the cosmos are and our existence in it. Is the universe destined to lay the ground-
One question arises: “Is the universe con- work from the fundamentals of its creation,
scious?” Some of the best minds of the from which biological life will have to
world are questioning whether the cosmos emerge, or is biological life a by-product
has an inner life similar to our own. of its existence? To date we have no
Three decades ago, a renowned evidence of life anywhere else in the
scientist, Roger Penrose, introduced the universe; however, if the universe is
key element of “pansychism” with his teeming with life, are we to conclude the
theory that everything has conscious- raison d’etre for its presence is to be the
ness, which is rooted in the statistical womb, sustenance, and expansion of
rules of quantum physics as they apply biological life?
in the microscopic spaces between neu- However, we have conclusive evidence
rons in the brain. The vast network of that the building blocks of biological life
human neurons, all tied to create a con- (chains of amino acids) were transported
scious being has eerie similarities to the to this planet from meteors from outer
vast number of galaxies and stars existing space. On this flimsy evidence we can
under the command of the laws of physics. take the liberty of putting a claim that
This has also been defined as an eminently the universe could be teeming with life.
scientific worldview, in the sense of a way Or if we go now to a spiritual platform,
of viewing reality that accords with and Buddha, from his enlightened state, said
embraces what science reveals. that the universe exists, that it is teeming
This idea was taken a step further in with living things, however it should not
2006 by physicist, Bernard Haisch. He divert us from the ultimate goal of
proposed that the quantum fields that achieving the Nirvana state. We can go
permeate all empty space produce and on a wild-goose chase to understand the
transmit consciousness, which then emer- mysteries of the universe or take a path
ges in any sufficiently complex system to liberate ourselves from the cycles of
with energy flowing through it. To put this births and rebirths.
to the test, one of the hallmarks of life is In other words, we have our severe
its ability to adjust its behavior in response limitations in comprehending the mys-
to stimulus. Tests conducted on stars, with teries of the universe and existence. The
their own peculiar stimuli towards their purpose of the Buddha’s life was to un-
surroundings, in principle show that some derstand the suffering around him, not
purely physical, biological, or organic an enlightened state that takes him away
systems may also be conscious. from that path. Yes, science with its un-
Let us look at the synchronicity be- compromising logic, technological pro-
tween the human brain and the universe. wess, and mathematical beauty, can lay
We are conveniently placed as the “obser- in front of our eyes this magnificent
ver” and the universe is the “observed”. knowledge of our universe. However,

34 The Theosophist Vol. 144.1, October 2022

The James Webb Telescope and Synchronicity between Our Brain and the Universe

Werner Heisenberg, in his “principle of bringing this amazing photograph (see

uncertainty” challenges us to accept the cover of this magazine), we have also to
severe limitations of our existence, that despair that these scientific tools are only
beyond our five senses we have absolutely an extension of our five senses. That we
nothing to apprehend the mysteries of need to go far beyond to grasp an under-
the universe and existence. It is a strange standing of our existence, and that is where
coincidence that the Buddha had also we need to open the only door left for us
given us the same message as far back — the door of “spirituality” — the only
as 2,500 years ago. door, it seems, that can ponder over
As we rejoice in our species’ capability this mysticism when science will have
to garner this tremendous achievement of reached its limitations. ²

"When the real nature of things becomes clear to the meditating

Bikshu [Buddhist monk], then all his doubts fade away, since he
has learned what is that nature and what its cause. From ignorance
spring all the evils. From knowledge comes the cessation of this
mass of misery, and then the meditating Brahmana stands dispelling
the hosts of Mara [demon or death] like the sun that illuminates
the sky."

Mahatma Koot Hoomi

The Mahatma Letters to A. P. Sinnett, Letter No. 88 (ML-10)
Quotation of the Buddha, 1st Khandhaka, the Mahavagga,
From the Vinaya Pitaka (Buddhist canon)

Vol. 144.1, October 2022 The Theosophist 35

Imagining a New World: Overcoming Mind Paralysis, Reinvigorating Originality

Imagining a New World: Overcoming

Mind Paralysis, Reinvigorating Originality

ORIGINAL thought is a rare and exotic not having to think for themselves.
commodity. It should be prized and Thinking requires effort, and it can be
cherished. More often than not it is often dangerous, too.
trashed, or ignored, or ridiculed. Here we We should elevate the mind and all
have the history of the ages. its stupendous powers to a status higher
New ideas frighten people. So do new than we have ever imagined before. By
ways of stating old ideas. They are definition, having an esoteric perspective
resisted, often violently. Sinister, dark on the world necessitates a high degree
forces at work on this planet — exoteric of free thought and expression, as well
and esoteric — employ this fear and doubt as non-conformity. The occult perspec-
to impede human progress. They despise tive is usually diametrically opposed to the
progress and always want to maintain the conventional or prevailing wisdom pre-
stasis and status quo. Despite implac- sented by science, religion, or politics.
able opposition, however, many History shows us that the prevailing
original thoughts and new ideas do wisdom is nearly always wrong.
smash through the barriers eventually. In the past, indulging in dangerously
How many people have even one ori- radical explanations of oneself or the
ginal idea in their lives? Very, very few. cosmos could get you killed. Look at
Most people simply copy and regurgitate Giordano Bruno, or Socrates. These days
the ideas and opinions originated by free speech can still earn you a death
others they believe to be more know- sentence at the hands of primitive re-
ledgeable or powerful, usually those in ligionists or political fanatics. Engaging
control. Many people are sheep, which in freedom of expression can also see
are ignorant and only capable of slavish you punished in many other ways. Even
conformity. They are never innovators the jails of the so-called Western demo-
or originators. Sheep are very proud of cracies incarcerate those with undesirable

Mr Tim Wyatt is a national speaker of the Theosophical Society (TS) in England, member of its
Board, and Secretary and Conference Organiser of Leeds TS. He is also an author of books on the
spiritual life. See: <>.

36 The Theosophist Vol. 144.1, October 2022

Imagining a New World: Overcoming Mind Paralysis, Reinvigorating Originality

words or opinions. At no time in human We have imagined this world and now
history has the need been greater for fresh we need to imagine an alternative. If we
ways of thinking which stretch the human remake it with the mindsets and thought
imagination beyond the confines of the processes we employed to create our
physical world. present environment, then nothing at all
Not many people are aware of the fact, will change. We will have another plun-
but our thoughts directly create the world dered and impoverished planet based on
we live in. Thoughts are the template and a fetish for wealth, greed, self-interest,
invisible building-blocks of the physical human and planetary exploitation, and
world. Look more closely at this highly mass control by tiny elites.
defective world we have produced. It The new world needs to be mentally
precisely mirrors the mass, myriad reconstructed from the deepest subter-
thoughts employed in its creation — ranean depths of our imaginations. For this
from the aspirations of its main archi- to happen, our imaginations need to be
tects down to the sweat of the armies of unshackled from their bonds, paroled from
builders. And that whole mindset has their self-imposed prisons, and let free to
been based upon an almost exclusively roam unhindered along the highways and
materialistic paradigm and worldview. byways of the Earth.
This is a world of ownership, division, We need new ideas, new thoughts,
conflict, and inequality in which par- and new intentions for this new world.
ticipants will go to any length to ascend We need originality, not a cut-and-paste
the greasy pole of power which gives us solution. For this to succeed we need to
sway, influence, and success. achieve a critical mass so that these new
This view goes something like this: ideas can explode into the world with
There is nothing beyond the physical. the power of a split atom. Does this not
If I cannot see it, touch it, taste it, feel it, mean that the majority of humanity has to
smell it, and test it to destruction in an embrace themselves first?
atom smasher or test tube, it simply does Thankfully, this is not the case. Had
not exist. Anything else is just imagina- it been so, then the ideas of a few brave
tion, as if imagination were just another (usually persecuted) individuals down
optional extra to bolt on to our everyday the ages would never have taken hold.
consciousness. As if it had no validity and Initially, at least, change emerges from
could just be condemned as idle day- individuals and small groups. It takes
dreaming or wishful fantasy. As if imagi- only a surprisingly small proportion of
nation were not the most powerful tool we any population to effect real and im-
possess in our not inconsiderable armoury. mediate change. It has always been that
Imagination is the biggest challenge — way. This is the power of occult focus.
and threat — to the material world. It is It is sometimes suggested that it only
our best ally and asset in overturning it. takes the square root of one per cent of

Vol. 144.1, October 2022 The Theosophist 37

Imagining a New World: Overcoming Mind Paralysis, Reinvigorating Originality

any population to produce significant try economically, culturally, politically,

change. If we take the global population socially, and environmentally. They
as 7.5 billion people then the square root would succeed because they would be
of one per cent of that is only 8,660 indulging in a major act of white magic.
people. A tiny figure — the equivalent of Small numbers of people can have a
a small town. In my own country, Britain hugely disproportionate effect. Military
(which has a little under one per cent of planners know this. They are aware that
the world’s population), that would be a handful of highly-trained special forces
around eight hundred people. can have a more destructive or strategic
Focused with fresh ideas and suffused effect than an entire battalion of soldiers
powerfully enough with a common aim, if used in the right way. This is a spiritual
these eight hundred people could act as war and those of us who wish to remake
the vanguard in transforming this coun- this world are warriors. ²

Creativity is seeing what others see

and thinking what no one else ever thought.
I have no special talent.
I am only passionately curious.
Creativity is contagious.
Pass it on.

Albert Einstein

38 The Theosophist Vol. 144.1, October 2022

Theosophical Work around the World

Spanish Section Summer School Organising Team (fr. l. to r.): Victoria Rodrigo, member of the Section
Exec. Com. (EC); Angels Torra, General Secretary (GS); Alfonso Bayona, EC member; Clarisa Elósegui,
President, Bhakti Branch and former GS; Carmen César, former GS; Trân-Thi-Kim-Diêu, Chair,
European Federation; José Tarragó, Arjuna Branch President and former GS; Ana María Torra,
Secretary and right hand of the GS, and editor of Sophia, the Spanish Section magazine

Presentation of the new Alaya Branch Charter (fr. l. to r.):

Jesús Iglesias (member of the Spanish Section EC; María del Mar Castilla;
Angels Torra (GS); Raquel Fernández; Pedro Castañeda, President of Alaya Branch

Vol. 144.1, October 2022 The Theosophist 39

Theosophical Work around the World

Attendees at the 2022 Spanish Section Summer School held in Barcelona

40 The Theosophist Vol. 144.1, October 2022

Theosophical Work around the World

Theosophical Work around the World

Spanish Section – Summer School 2022 was willing to give the closing address.
Mrs Angels Torra Burón, General During these days, the Section also
Secretary of the Section, reports that their paid homage to the several Presidents who
annual Summer School was held from 21 guided the Section throughout its history,
to 26 August 2022 in Sarrià University bringing back their good work to the col-
Residence building in Barcelona. lective memory. We looked to the future,
This was the first face-to-face meeting as well as to the esoteric meaning of the
after two years of the Covid-19 pandemic. dates related to the centenary in its origin
On this occasion we also celebrated the and in the present.
Centenary of the Section, founded in Of great interest was the presentation
Madrid on 2 February 1922. This does of the symbolic meaning of HPB’s seal,
not mean that Theosophy began in Spain comparing it with the seal of the TS. Next
on that date. It was actually in 1889 that was the presentation of the Charter of
Francisco Montoliu and José Xifré be- “Alaya”, a new Branch in Seville. Its
came the first Spanish members of the President, Pedro Castañeda, gave an
London Theosophical Society (TS). Their excellent speech and was then presented
Diplomas were signed by H. P. Blavatsky with the Branch Charter in the presence
herself! Thirty-two years later the of the European Federation President and
Spanish Section was established. others present.
We were honored that the international We closed the School session by in-
President, Tim Boyd, could join us on voking the beacon of the Ageless Wisdom
the first day of the School, giving the inaug- teachings to guide us against all odds and
ural address. Also we appreciated that the wishing that we may continue to learn
President of the European Federation of along the journey and seize every moment
the TS, Miss Trân-Thi-Kim-Diêu, who of it, as they are opportunities to keep
was present throughout this unique event, perfecting ourselves. ²

Teaching is the true work of our Society, the purpose for which it
came into existence. What the world needs is a sane and vital
presentation of the Ancient Wisdom. Most expositions of Theosophy,
despite their enunciation of root principles, are shallow because they
don’t touch the springs of human life and experience, and are not
addressed to the human heart.
Geoffrey Hodson
From Illuminations of the Mystery Traditions

Vol. 144.1, October 2022 The Theosophist 41


Date Section General Secretary, etc. Address Magazine Email address

1947 Africa, East and … Mr Narendra M. Shah … PO Box 14525. 00800, Westlands, … The Theosophical Light
Central Nairobi, Kenya
1909 Africa, South … Mr Desmond Chapman … 31 Streatley Ave, cnr.Lothbury Ave, Auckland … The South African Theosophist
Park, Johannesburg PO Box 91523
1956 Africa, West … Dr K. A. Tutu … PO Box 720, Accra, Ghana … The West African Theosophist
1929 America, … Mrs Beatriz Elisena … Colonia Universitaria Norte, Calle Julio
Central * Martinez Pozas Mejia, Poligono, E-7 Mejicanos,
San Salvador, EL SALVADOR
1920 Argentina … Mr Esteban Langlois … Pje. Florencio Balcarce 71, Buenos Aires (1405) … Teosofía en Argentina
1990 Asia, East and … Mr Chong Sanne … 540 Sims Avenue, No. 03-04 … Newsletter
Southeast † Sims Avenue Centre, Singapore 387 603
1895 Australia … Mr Stephen Mcdonald … Level 2, 162 Goulburn St., Surry Hills, NSW 2010… Theosophy in Australia
1912 Austria * … Mr Albert Schichl … Oberbaumgarten 25, 4204 Haibach im Mühlkreis … Theosofie Adyar
2013 Bangladesh † … Mr Subrata Chowdhury … Urban Gardenia, Flat 5B, House 45A,
Road 3A, Dhanmondi, R/A Dhaka 1209
The Theosophist

1911 Belgium … Mrs Sabine Van Osta … Place des Gueux 8, B1000 Brussels … Le Lotus Bleu
1965 Bolivia † … Mrs Maria Luisa Cabrera … c/Valdivieso Nº 541 Cochabamba … Revista Teosófica Boliviana
1920 Brazil … Mr Sergio Carvalho de Moraes,Jr … SGAS Quadra 603, N. 20, … Sophia
CEP 70200-630 Brasilia (DF)
1924 Canada * … Mr Robert Béland … 1120 Chemin de la Rivière, Val David, . … The Light Bearer
P.Q., Canada J0T 2N0
1920 Chile * … Mr Victor Aguayo … Casilla 11 Sucursal Paseo Estacion, … Revista Teosófica Chilena
Estacion Central, Santiago
1937 Colombia † … Mr Armando Motta Zapata … Carrera 6, # 56-40, Bogotá (Chapinero Alto) … Selección Teosófica
1997 Costa Rica † … Mrs Cecilia Calderón … San José, 1350, Costa Rica
2007 Croatia p … Mr Darko Majstorovic … Siget 11, 10000 Zagreb, Republic of Croatia … Teozofija
1905 Cuba … Mr. Fidel Carrazana Macías … Apartado de Correos 6365, La Habana 10600
1987 Dominican Rep. † … Mrs Magaly Polanco … Calle Santa Agueda 1652 Les Chalet Col
San Juan Puerto Rico Apartado 23 00926
1888 England … Mrs Jenny Baker … 50 Gloucester Place, London W1U 8EA … Esoterica
Vol. 144.1, October 2022

1907 Finland … Mr Janne Vuononvirta … Teosofinen Seura, Vironkatu 7 C 2, Fin 00170, … Teosofi
1899 France … Ms Maxence Ondet … 4 Square Rapp, 75007 Paris … Le Lotus Bleu
1902 Germany … Mrs Manuela Kaulich … Hauptstr. 39, 93138 Lappersdorf … Adyar
1928 Greece … Dr Alexandros Bousoulengas … 25 Voukourestiou St., 106 71-Athens … Ilisos
1907 Hungary † … Mrs Adrienne Nagyiday … H-1085 Budapest, Horánszky u. 27. fsz. 10 … Teozófia
1921 Iceland … Mr Haraldur Erlendsson … PO Box 1257 Ingolfsstraeti 22, 121 Reykjavik … Gangleri
1891 India … Mr Pradeep H. Gohil … The Theosophical Society, Kamachha, … The Indian Theosophist
Varanasi 221 010
1912 Indonesia … Mr Widyatmoko Nekara … Dsn. Parelegi no. 21, RT 02/ RW 09, … Theosofi
Desa Purwodadi, Kecamatan Purwodadi,
67163 Pasuruan, Jawa Timur
1919 Ireland * … Mrs Marie Harkness … 97 Mountsandel Road, Coleraine, UK BT52 1TA …
1954 Israel p … Mrs Bracha Elron … PO Box 9114, Ramat-Gan, Israel 5219002 … Or
1902 Italy … Mr Antonio Girardi … Viale Quintino Sella, 83/E, … Rivista Italiana di Teosofia
36100 Vicenza
Vol. 144.1, October 2022 1997 Ivory Coast * … Mr Pierre-Magloire Kouahoh … Yopougon, 23 Rue Princesse … Sophia
B. P. 3924, Abidjan 23
1919 Mexico … Mrs Juana Leonor Maldonado Ruíz … Ignacio Mariscal 126, Col. Tabacalera
Mexicana, Mexico, D.F. 06030
1897 Netherlands, The … Mr Wim Leys … Tolsraat 154, 1074 VM Amsterdam … Theosofia
1896 New Zealand … Mr John Vorstermans … 18, Belvedere Street, Epsom, Auckland 1051 … TheoSophia
1913 Norway * … Mr Audun Solberg … Knapstadveien 8, 1823 Knapstad
1935 Orlando p … Mr Carl Metzger … 1606 New York Ave. Orlando, Florida,
32803-1838, USA
1948 Pakistan † … … Jamshed Memorial Hall, M. A. Jinnah Road, … The Karachi Theosophist
opp. Radio Pakistan, Karachi 74200
1925 Paraguay p … Sr. Blas Osvaldo Añazco López … Eligio Ayala Nro. 1.833 e/ Mayor Fleitas y Gral.
Aquino Asunción
1924 Peru † … Mr Julio Pomar Calderón … Av Republica de Portugal 152, Breña, Lima 5 … Búsqueda
1933 Philippines, The … Mr Charlton Romero … Corner P. Florentino and Iba Streets, … The Philippine Theosophist
Quezon City, Manila
1921 Portugal … Mr Carlos Guerra … Sociedade Teosófica de Portugal, … Osiris
Rua José Estêvão, 10 B, 1150-202 Lisboa
1925 Puerto Rico † … Mrs Magaly Polanco … Apartado 36-1766 Correo General. … Heraldo Teosófico
The Theosophist

San Juan, Puerto Rico 00936-1766

2012 Qatar p … Mr Lijo Joseph . . . Crewing Officer, Teyseer Services Company
P.O. Box 2431, Doha
2013 Russia † … Mr Alexey Besputin … 159-52, Novomytischinsky prospekt, . . . Teosoficheskoe Obozrenie
Mytischi, Moscow region, 141018 (The Theosophical Review)
1910 Scotland * … Mr Gary Kidgell … Christine Gear 32 Newmains Road … Circles
Kirkliston Edinburgh EH29 9AL
1992 Slovenia * … Mrs Irena Primc … Kajuhova UI 9, 3000 Celje … Teozofska Misel
1921 Spain … Mrs Angels Torra Buron … Av. Vall d’or, 85-87 … Sophia
08197 - Valldoreix(Spain)
1926 Sri Lanka † … Mr D. A. L. Wanigasekera … 146 Anderson Rd, Dehiwala, … The Sri Lanka Theosophist
1895 Sweden … Mrs Birgitta Skarbo … Karla Plan 5 B, 11460 Stockholm … Tidlös Visdom
1910 Switzerland † … Mr Andrea Biasca-Caroni … Via Collina 19, 6612 Ascona, CH-6612 … The Lotus
1997 Togo * … Mr Kouma Dakey … S.O., A.R.T.T., BP 76, Adeta
2013 Ukraine … Mrs Svitlana Gavrylenko … Office 3, 7-A Zhylianska St., Kiev 01033 … Svitoch
1886 USA … Dr Barbara B. Hebert … PO Box 270, Wheaton, IL 60187-0270 … The Quest
1925 Uruguay * … Mrs Ema Ma. de Souza Leal … Javier Barrios Amorín 1085,
Casilla de Correos 1553, Montevideo
1925 Venezuela † … Mrs Nelly Nouel … Romualda a Socarrás, Edif. de Oro
Piso 12, Apto. 122 – Caracas
1922 Wales * … Mrs Julie Cunningham … Bryn Adda, Brynsiencyn, Llanfairpwll, …
Anglesey, LL61 6NX UK
Date refers to the date of formation * Regional Association † Presidential Agency p Lodge attached to Adyar

The Council of the European Federation of National Societies: Chairperson: Miss Trân-Thi-Kim-Diêu, 67 Rue des Pommiers, F-45000 Orleans, France.
Inter-American Theosophical Federation: President: Mr Enrique Reig, And. Nte 17 Villa Las Americas, San Andres, Cholula, Puebla, Mexico.,

Indo-Pacific Theosophical Federation: President: Mr Gerard Brennan, 42 Melbourne Street, Concord, 2137, Sydney, Australia.
Pan-African Theosophical Federation: Chairman: Mr Navin B. Shah, P.O. Box 14804.00800, Nairobi, Kenya. <>. Phone no.: +254 733-935525.

(Effective from 1 September 2013)



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Vasanta Press, TS, Besant Garden, Besant Avenue, Adyar, Chennai (Madras) 600 020, India, on behalf of the President, The Theosophical Society.
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