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Text of Resolutions passed by the

General Council of the Theosophical Society

Freedom of Thought
As the Theosophical Society has spread far and wide over the world,
and as members of all religions have become members of it without
surrendering the special dogmas, teachings and beliefs of their re-
spective faiths, it is thought desirable to emphasize the fact that there is
no doctrine, no opinion, by whomsoever taught or held, that is in any way
binding on any member of the Society, none which any member is not
free to accept or reject. Approval of its three Objects is the sole condition
of membership. No teacher, or writer, from H. P. Blavatsky onwards,
has any authority to impose his or her teachings or opinions on members.
Every member has an equal right to follow any school of thought, but
has no right to force the choice on any other. Neither a candidate for any
office nor any voter can be rendered ineligible to stand or to vote, because
of any opinion held, or because of membership in any school of thought.
Opinions or beliefs neither bestow privileges nor inflict penalties.
The Members of the General Council earnestly request every member
of the Theosophical Society to maintain, defend and act upon these
fundamental principles of the Society, and also fearlessly to exercise the
right of liberty of thought and of expression thereof, within the limits
of courtesy and consideration for others.

Freedom of the Society

The Theosophical Society, while cooperating with all other bodies
whose aims and activities make such cooperation possible, is and must
remain an organization entirely independent of them, not committed to
any objects save its own, and intent on developing its own work on the
broadest and most inclusive lines, so as to move towards its own goal as
indicated in and by the pursuit of those objects and that Divine Wisdom
which in the abstract is implicit in the title ‘The Theosophical Society’.
Since Universal Brotherhood and the Wisdom are undefined and
unlimited, and since there is complete freedom for each and every member
of the Society in thought and action, the Society seeks ever to maintain
its own distinctive and unique character by remaining free of affiliation
or identification with any other organization.

VOL. 144 NO. 3 DECEMBER 2022

Cycles and Longing 5
Tim Boyd
The Hidden Side of The Theosophist—I 8
Mary K. Neff
The Mystery of the Ego—II 15
Raghavan N. Iyer
Daily Steps towards Brotherhood—II 20
Pavel Malakhov
Fragments of the Ageless Wisdom (The Dhammapada) 28
The Olcott Panchama Free School—II 29
Geetha Jaikumar
Convention Program (31 Dec. ‘22—4 Jan. ‘23) 35
Theosophical Work around the World (Italy and Recent Appointments) 39
International Directory 42

Editor: Mr Tim Boyd

Note: Articles for publication in The Theosophist should be sent to: <>

Cover: “Illuminated” painting with light computer effects on black card, with gold ink pen
and crystals by Portuguese artist/poet Joma Sipe, inspired by texts from H. P. Blavatsky’s
Isis Unveiled, original edition, 1877. (See corresponding text for this image on p. 7 of
this issue and <>.
This journal is the official organ of the President, founded by H. P. Blavatsky on 1 Oct. 1879.
The Theosophical Society is responsible only for official notices appearing in this journal.

Founded 17 November 1875
President: Mr Tim Boyd Vice-President: Dr Deepa Padhi
Secretary: Ms Marja Artamaa Treasurer: Ms Nancy Secrest
Headquarters: ADYAR, CHENNAI (MADRAS) 600 020, INDIA
Adyar Library and Research Centre:
Theosophical Publishing House: //
Editorial Office:, Website:

The Theosophical Society is composed of students, belonging to any religion in

the world or to none, who are united by their approval of the Society’s Objects,
by their wish to remove religious antagonisms and to draw together men of goodwill,
whatsoever their religious opinions, and by their desire to study religious truths
and to share the results of their studies with others. Their bond of union is not the
profession of a common belief, but a common search and aspiration for Truth.
They hold that Truth should be sought by study, by reflection, by purity of life,
by devotion to high ideals, and they regard Truth as a prize to be striven for, not
as a dogma to be imposed by authority. They consider that belief should be the
result of individual study or intuition, and not its antecedent, and should rest on
knowledge, not on assertion. They extend tolerance to all, even to the intolerant,
not as a privilege they bestow but as a duty they perform, and they seek to remove
ignorance, not punish it. They see every religion as an expression of the Divine
Wisdom and prefer its study to its condemnation, and its practice to proselytism.
Peace is their watchword, as Truth is their aim.
Theosophy is the body of truths which forms the basis of all religions, and
which cannot be claimed as the exclusive possession of any. It offers a philosophy
which renders life intelligible, and which demonstrates the justice and the love
which guide its evolution. It puts death in its rightful place, as a recurring incident
in an endless life, opening the gateway to a fuller and more radiant existence.
It restores to the world the Science of the Spirit, teaching man to know the Spirit as
himself and the mind and body as his servants. It illuminates the scriptures and
doctrines of religions by unveiling their hidden meanings, and thus justifying them
at the bar of intelligence, as they are ever justified in the eyes of intuition.
Members of the Theosophical Society study these truths, and theosophists
endeavour to live them. Everyone willing to study, to be tolerant, to aim high, and
to work perseveringly, is welcomed as a member, and it rests with the member to
become a true theosophist.

4 The Theosophist Vol. 144.3, December 2022

Cycles and Longing

Cycles and Longing


IN the first chapter (Proem) of The Secret us individually. Every day we wake up
Doctrine (SD) H. P. Blavatsky (HPB) in the morning, every night we go to
makes a couple of important statements. sleep. Sleeping and waking links with
One of them consists of three fundamental the broader cycle of the Earth’s rotation
propositions. Her assertion is that a clear on its axis resulting in day and night.
apprehension of these three fundamental Within our own body there are circadian
ideas is a prerequisite for an understand- rhythms, our “biological clock”, that
ing of the overarching occult system of correlate with this greater cycle of day
thought. In brief the fundamental pro- and night. From the physiology of the
positions are: body’s organs right down to the
(1) The one Absolute reality, said to individual cells, there are interlinking
be unthinkable and unknowable. daily rhythms. Seasons come and go,
(2) Periodicity, or the cyclic nature and come again.
of everything. The idea of pointing our attention in
(3) Karma and Reincarnation “the this direction is that the process of
obligatory pilgrimage for every Soul . . . consideration links us with the greater
through the Cycle of Incarnation (or body of Ageless Wisdom teachings. We
‘Necessity’) in accordance with cyclic tend to think of these cycles as repetitive.
and karmic law.” It is the nature of cycles that they repeat.
I would like to examine the second Sometimes we become fixed in our
of these Propositions, which relates to understanding such that we see day and
“periodicity”, more familiarly called night, or sleeping and waking, as an
“cycles” — in Nature, within ourselves, ongoing fixture of reality.
and cycles of consciousness. The fact that The ancient Greek philosopher, Hera-
something is described as “fundamental” clitus, made the statement that “No man
or as a “law” should be more of a motiv- ever steps in the same river twice”, for the
ation for us to ask questions than to sit reason that each time we put our foot in
back and accept. the river not only are the waters composing
What is it about cycles that make them the river not the same, but the person
so fundamental? Anyone who gives even stepping into the river has changed. This
the slightest attention to this matter will idea of cycles should cause us to think of
be very familiar with cycles as they impact change. Although they are repetitive,

Vol. 144.3, December 2022 The Theosophist 5

Cycles and Longing

they are not static. There are three things “longing” — sometimes expressed as as-
that HPB says are eternal — space, piring or yearning. The great mystic Rumi
duration (from which we derive our under- made the statement: “I could have never
standing of time), and motion. Move- known what love is had I never felt this
ment and its corollary, change, are eternal. longing.” He was not talking about roman-
In Buddhism there is a strong emphasis tic love, but about the love of the Divine
on understanding samsâra, the cycle or Beloved — the mutual love flowing be-
wheel of birth, death, and rebirth, we are tween the lover and the Beloved. Our
trapped in by virtue of our ignorance. Life sense of separation is the beginning point.
after life it repeats and we experience We know our connection exists, but some-
similar self-caused sufferings. But, it, too, how the linking thread has become weak.
is not static. As we recognize the possi- In the Christian Bible there is a beau-
bility for enlightenment we enter a dif- tiful story that talks about the journey of
ferent, more expansive cycle, beyond our the soul, the story of “The Prodigal Son”.
current capacity to understand. It is the story of the soul moving from a
HPB’s purpose in presenting these state of oneness, to incarnation, and then
three fundamental propositions was so the return, enriched by experience, to a
that we could properly introduce our- state of oneness.
selves to the system of thought that un- The key moment in the entire story
derlies occultism, which involves more occurs when the soul, which has travelled
than thinking. Confinement in the realm from its Divine home to the Far Land of
of thought severely limits our interaction. incarnation in flesh, awakens from its
We can be knowledgeable without being deep involvement and fascination with
wise. So for our purposes, particularly as all things worldly, and remembers the
members of the Theosophical Society “Father’s House”, the condition of being
(TS), what draws us here is some deeper united. Remembrance and longing initiate
purpose than mere acquaintance with a the journey of return. Longing for that
system of thought, however vast it may seemingly lost or diluted sense of union
be. The question arises: What is it that not with our source, expresses itself as a
only leads us to this system of thought, spiritual path, or genuine religious living.
but which transforms such a system into These are some of the ways that we
a spiritual path? What is the catalyst that see the influence of this catalyzing factor
transforms knowledge, even of the highest of longing. I do believe that very often
type, into something more? what moves us into this theosophical
In the language of mystical traditions setting is a keen awareness of that quality
there is a term that comes up time again within ourselves. Over time we allow
and again. Within us the catalyst that what begins as a flame to be dulled down
moves us toward some requested, even to an ember.
demanded, union with our source is In Light on the Path, Mabel Collins

6 The Theosophist Vol. 144.3, December 2022

Cycles and Longing

addresses the quality of longing. First she because the request is made with the
says, (1) “Desire only that which is within mind only. It is not made from the deeper
you”; then, (2) “Desire only that which is sense of longing. She says that to ask in
beyond you.” The two seem to be incom- a genuine way is to feel “a hunger within”,
patible! Then she says, (3) “Desire only a yearning of spiritual aspiration. When
that which is unattainable.” We are asked we ask in this manner we are responding
to think about these graded steps. To to a soul hunger that requires nourish-
clarify the idea of the unattainable it says: ment. The hunger is our aspiration to
“You will enter the light, but you will never move in the direction of spirit.
touch the Flame.” If we persist, listen, and Light on the Path begins with the
actually hear, ultimately we “will enter the admonitions to “Kill out ambition”, “Kill
light”, but its source is unattainable. out desire of life”, and “Kill out desire
As a final point she speaks about the of comfort”, then goes on to list the
nature of “asking”. We are told to ask, to many things and many ways that we must
request deeper wisdom, deeper connec- desire. One deals with personality,
tion. She says that people are always another one with reality.
asking for something. It is the nature To end with HPB’s Proem in SD:
of being human to want and to ask for “Such are the basic conceptions on
it. Mostly such requests go unrealized, which The Secret Doctrine rests.” ²

* This visible universe of spirit and matter, they say, is but the concrete
image of the ideal abstraction; it was built on the model of the first
divine idea. Thus our universe existed from eternity in a latent state.
The soul animating this purely spiritual universe is the central sun,
the highest deity itself. It was not himself who built the concrete form
of his idea, but his first-begotten; and as it was constructed on the
GEOMETRICAL figure of the dodecahedron [Plato: “Timaeus”], the
first-begotten “was pleased to employ twelve thousand years in its

H. P. Blavatsky, Isis Unveiled, vol. I, Science,

ch. X, The Inner and Outer Man. A Fragment of Hermias, p. 342.

* This text relates to artist Mr Joma Sipe’s image on the cover of this issue and the
cover caption on p. 3.

Vol. 144.3, December 2022 The Theosophist 7

The Hidden Side of The Theosophist — I

The Hidden Side of The Theosophist — I


the Theosophical Society in 1875. The

network of this teaching had spread by
correspondence and controversy in the
Press (chiefly the Spiritualistic Press)
about America, to England, France and
Germany, and to Corfu, Greece, before
the two Founders left the United States
to settle in India in 1879.
(Originally published in The Theosophist, October- Now that both East and West were
December 1929. Quotations from The Mahatma Letters to involved in the field of endeavour, a
A. P. Sinnett are from its first edition (1923), T. Fisher journal was the fittest means of com-
Unwin Ltd, London. Quotations from The Letters from H. P.
Blavatsky to A. P. Sinnett are from its first edition (1925),
munication; for the correspondence of
Theosophical University Press, Pasadena, California.) the Founders had reached unwieldy
proportions. And so on October 1, 1879,
When, in the last quarter of the last THE THEOSOPHIST came into existence.
century, the Masters moved to come into Colonel Olcott tells the story of its
more direct contact with the world, in genesis in his Diary thus:
order to stem the tide of materialism
which threatened to overwhelm it and to July 4, 1879. Consultation which decided us
to issue THE THEOSOPHIST at once.
guide the equally threatening tidal-wave
of spiritualistic phenomena into safer 9th. Corrected proof of the Prospectus of
channels, various means and personalities THE THEOSOPHIST.
were chosen for the purpose. 15th. Had visit in body of the Sahib! Sent
They began their direct teaching Babula to my room to call me to HPB’s bun-
through Mme Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, galow, and there we had a most important
who, attracting to herself Col. [Henry private interview. Alas! how puerile and
Steel] Olcott and a small nucleus of seekers vain these men make one feel by contrast
after the occult in New York, founded to them.

Ms Mary K. Neff (7 Sept. 1877– 10 Dec. 1948) was an American theosophist of the Theosophical Society
in Adyar, Chennai, India, a lecturer and historian. After teaching for fifteen years in Akron, Ohio, she
traveled extensively in India, learning Hindi and Urdu, followed by eight years in Australia.

8 The Theosophist Vol. 144.3, Dcember 2022

The Hidden Side of The Theosophist — I

31st. Wim[bridge] made design for- the cover instructions he received in The Occult
of THE THEOSOPHIST. World, Esoteric Buddhism, Karma, and so
Aug. 22nd. Evening. With HPB revised on, which books being printed in England
articles for THE THEOSOPHIST. and arousing much comment in the
English and Continental Press, spread a
Sept. 2nd. Wim began engraving heading knowledge of occult philosophy in Europe,
for THE THEOSOPHIST. as THE THEOSOPHIST was doing more parti-
11th. Workmen fitting up Theosophist cularly in India and The United States.
Office in the new compound. To return to the particular channel
20th. Ran off first form (8 pages) today. under consideration, note how at its very
Much pleased with the paper; think it will inception three Masters, at least, had a
find public favour and secure many hand: “the Sahib” (Master Morya), “the
subscriptions. revered Gentleman” (Master Jupiter, the
Regent of India, called also the §shi
27th. Made up last form today; and now
Agastya), and Master Serapis. The
all difficulties having been surmounted —
proprietary interest of the Brotherhood
as it were — we will make our periodical
in the journal is implied in Master
bow to the world from our own rostrum.
Morya’s statement regarding misrepre-
28th. Up at 5.30, to find printer and make sentation of the Adepts in Hume’s
certain changes ordered by the revered Old pamphlet, Hints on Esoteric Theosophy:
Gentleman late last night.
If we wanted anything about our lives and
29th. Preparing for the birth of the paper. work to be known, is not the Theosophist
30th. Waiting. Evening. The first 400 copies columns open to us? Why should we
of the THE THEOSOPHIST were received. Wel- dribble facts through him, to be dressed for
come, stranger. the public meal with a curry of nauseous
Oct. 1st. All hands busy, pasting and directing doubts and biting sarcasm fit to throw the
wrappers, making city and country lists, send- public stomach into confusion.1
ing peons to deliver in the city, receiving con- Their policy in regard to the magazine
gratulations, and taking new subscriptions. may be gathered from a statement made
3rd. Order about the paper received, signed by Master KH in October, 1882:
by Serapis. First word from him in some time.
Whatever the personal views of the two
The next year [1880] still another Founders, the journal of the Society has noth-
channel of communication was opened ing to do with them, and will publish as will-
between the Masters and the world when, ingly criticism directed against Lamaism
at Simla, Master Koot Hoomi [KH] as against Christianism. . . . The Theo-
began correspondence with Messrs sophist making room as willingly for hymns
Sinnett and Hume; for, though the latter on the Lamb as for slokas on the sacredness
proved futile, the former embodied the of the cow. . . . M. [Morya] thinks that the

Vol. 144.3, December 2022 The Theosophist 9

The Hidden Side of The Theosophist — I

Supplement ought to be enlarged if I am anxious that the journal should be

necessary, and made to furnish room for more successful this year than it has been
the expression of thought of every Branch, hitherto.5
however diametrically opposed these may
To accomplish this improvement, it
be. The Theosophist ought to be made to
would seem that the Masters determined
assume a distinct colour, and become a
to take a more active part in the production
unique specimen of its own. We are ready
of the magazine. In December 1881, we
to furnish the necessary extra sums for it.2
find Master Morya writing to Mr Sinnett:
That the Masters were not too well My object is . . . [to] help the journal
satisfied with the earliest volumes by infusing into it a few drops of real
appears in some of their comments; thus literary good blood. Your three articles are
in February, 1881, Mahatma KH says: certainly praiseworthy.6
The British President [of the TS] labours And in March 1882, Mr Sinnett, then
under the most original ideas about us, editor of The Pioneer of Allahabad, was
whom he persists in calling “Yogis”, adjured by Master KH, half seriously,
without allowing the slightest margin to half humorously, and altogether quaintly:
the enormous difference which exists
even between “Hatha and Râja Yoga”. This Neglect then not, my good Brother, the
mistake must be laid at the door of Mrs humble, the derided journal of your Society;
B. [Blavatsky] — the able editor of The and mind not either its quaint pretentious
Theosophist, who fills up her volumes with cover, nor the “heaps of manure” con-
the practices of diverse Sannyâsis and other tained in it — to repeat the charitable and
“blessed ones” from the plains, without ever to yourself the too familiar phrase used
troubling herself with a few additional lines often at Simla. But let your attention be
of explanations.3 rather drawn to the few pearls of wisdom
and occult truths to be occasionally dis-
And again he says: covered under that “manure”. Our own ways
and manners are, perchance, as quaint and
So, while a better selection might have been
as uncouth — nay, more so. . . . Many
made for the Theosophist in the way of
of us would be mistaken for Madmen, by
illustrative anecdotes, as, for instance, well
your English gentlemen. But he who would
authenticated historical cases, yet the theory
become a son of Wisdom can always see
of turning the minds of the phenomenalists
beneath the rugged surface. So with the
into useful and suggestive channels, away
poor old Journal. Behold its mystically
from mere mediumistic dogmatism, was
bumptious clothing, its numerous blemishes
the correct one.4
and literary defects, and with all that cover
While in the autumn of 1881, at the the most perfect symbol of its contents: the
opening of the magazine’s third year, he main portion of its original ground, thickly
still more emphatically remarks: veiled, all smutty and as black as night,

10 The Theosophist Vol. 144.3, Dcember 2022

The Hidden Side of The Theosophist — I

through which peep out grey dots, and position of Theosophy on the subject of
lines, and words, and even — sentences. evolution. The issue of December 1881
To the truly wise, those breaks of grey may published an article on “The Theo-
suggest an allegory full of meaning, such sophists” by Gerald Massey. He had
as the streaks of twilight upon the Eastern been impelled to write it through noting
sky, at morning’s early dawn, after a night quotations from THE THEOSOPHIST made
of intense darkness; the aurora of a more by M.A. Oxon (Stainton Moses) in the
“spiritually intellectual” cycle. And who Spiritualistic journal, Light, for September
knows how many of those who, undis- 17th. Mme Blavatsky in her capacity of
mayed by its unprepossessing appearance, editor added a note by way of reply,
the hideous intricacies of its style, and the which is nearly twice the size of the article
other many failures of the unpopular itself. Master Morya was not satisfied
magazine, will keep on tearing its pages, with a certain portion of her note:
may find themselves rewarded some day The ring of doubt in the sentence, “If the
for their perseverance! Illuminated sen- Theosophist were also an evolutionist”,
tences may gleam out upon them at some forces us to become painfully aware of the
time or other, shedding a bright light on fact that Mr G. Massey is no reader of THE
some old puzzling problems. Yourself, THEOSOPHIST — if he has ever seen it.
some fine morning while poring over its Otherwise he could not have been ignorant
crooked columns with the sharpened wits of the fact that two-thirds of the members of
of a well-rested brain, peering into what the Theosophical Society are “evolutionists”,
you now view as hazy, impalpable specu- and that their Journal is preeminently so.
lations having only the consistency of
vapour — yourself, you may perchance The Master wrote to her, quoting the
perceive in them the unexpected solution above passage of her prepared note and
of an old, blurred, forgotten “dream” of remarking:
yours, which once recalled will impress You do not seize the meaning at all. Ask
itself in an indelible image upon your outer Mr Sinnett to do this for you; he’ll see what
from your inner memory, to never fade the man means and answer him. . . . Let
out from it again. All this is possible and him then who acquitted himself so neatly
may happen; for our ways are the ways of one thing do this one likewise, and so
of “Madmen”.7 oblige his
“illustrious” friend
Mr Sinnett’s earliest efforts at theo-
sophical journalism had been made a few
months previously, perhaps in the three Such a veto of her explosive retorts
articles found so “praiseworthy” by by her Master or Mahatma KH was not
Master Morya. He was now entrusted with infrequent, and once elicited from her the
a piece of work which is noteworthy as exclamation,
being the first attempt to indicate the
I begin to think our Brothers chicken-
Vol. 144.3, December 2022 The Theosophist 11
The Hidden Side of The Theosophist — I

hearted for refusing to make the most of Is it not obvious, if the blind materialist is
my war-like disposition.9 not to be accepted as a sufficient guide to
the mysteries of the universe, that there must
The version which appeared in print
be some vast process of spiritual evolution
in THE THEOSOPHIST (Mr Sinnett’s) is as
going on in the universe pari passu with
the physical evolution?
“If the Theosophist were also an evolu-
tionist,” says Massey, “perhaps he would
be able to fix the fleeting forms of his
vision, and perceive some of the spirits of
Man’s predecessors on the earth.” If the
European scientists, whose fancy has for
the first time been caught within these last
few years by the crude outlines of an evo-
lutionary theory, were less blankly ignorant
of all that appertains to the mysteries of life, Alfred Percy Sinnett
they would not be misled by some bits of This brief outline, or rather mere
knowledge concerning the evolution of the indication, of Man’s spiritual evolution
body, into entirely absurd conclusions evidently met with the approval of the
concerning the other principles which enter Master. The next year, in the October and
into the constitution of Man. But we are November issues, Mr Sinnett sketched
on the threshold of a far mightier subject “The Evolution of Man” in Fragments
than any reader in Europe who has not of Occult Truth, Nos. IV and V, which
made considerable progress in real occult were later embodied in Esoteric Buddhism.
study is likely to estimate in its appalling Another effort to deal with spiritual
magnitude. Will any . . . make an effort to evolution was made in Man: Fragments
account, even in the most shadowy and of Forgotten History, published in 1885;
indistinct way, for the history of the six but it was only many years later, when
higher principles in any human creature the public was more ready to “digest and
during the time when his body was being assimilate” it (in the Master’s phrase),
gradually perfected, so to speak, in the that this statement was really elaborated,
matrix of evolution? Where and what were first by Mrs Besant in The Pedigree of
his higher principles when the body had Man, and later jointly by Mrs Besant and
worked into no more dignified shape than Mr Leadbeater in Man: Whence, How
that of a baboon? . . . or, to go a step back in and Whither?
the process, how account for the presence Not only was the able editor of India’s
of the animal soul in the first creature with most prominent Anglo-Indian daily thus
independent volition that emerges from the giving his aid to their journal, but a num-
half-vegetable condition of the earlier forms? ber of the Masters themselves became

12 The Theosophist Vol. 144.3, Dcember 2022

The Hidden Side of The Theosophist — I

contributors. The years 1882 and 1883 Fragments of Occult Truth, No. V, on
are specially rich in these hidden treasures, Devachan, he writes:
those of 1882 being mostly from the pen
You are wrong in pandering to the pre-
of Mahatma Koot Hoomi, who seems to
judices and preconceptions of the Western
have exercised a constant and varied super-
vision, from proofreading to furnishing readers . . . Hence my orders to a chela to
the material for articles and the substance reproduce, in an appendix to your article,
for replies to enquiring or controversial extracts from this letter and explanations
letters, when not writing them himself. calculated to disabuse the reader, etc.
Thus, HPB writes to Mr Sinnett: [There are Appendices A, B, C and D.]11

KH was so kind as to dictate to me last night Master Morya was one of the
nearly all of my answer to Massey. “Brothers” who aided in the work of
publishing THE THEOSOPHIST. For instance,
This answer appeared in THE THEO- on one occasion he interposed his strong
SOPHIST of August, under the title of “Isis hand when the attacks on his chela
Unveiled and the Theosophists on Rein- became too severe. On March 3, 1882,
carnation”. Evidently it did not meet he wrote to Mr Sinnett:
with Mr Sinnett’s approval; for we find
Master KH remarking: There never was a woman more unjustly
abused than H[P]B. See the infamous
I am sorry you do not find her answer, insulting letters she was sent from England
written under my direct inspiration, “very for publication against herself and us
satisfactory” . . . [And later] . . . Both your- and the Society. You may find them un-
self and C. C. M.[assey] were unjust to dignified perhaps. But the “Answers to Cor-
Upasika and myself, who told her what to respondents” in Supplement are written by
write; since even you mistook my wail and myself. So do not blame her. I’m anxious
lament at the confused and tortured expla- to know your frank opinion on them.
nations in Isis (for its incompleteness no Perhaps you might think she might have
one but we, her inspirers, are responsible).10
done herself better.12
Again, commenting on Sinnett’s (To be continued)

1. The Mahatma Letters to A. P. Sinnet, p. 260. 7. Ibid., p. 278.
2. Ibid., pp. 317, 319–20. 8. Letters of H. P. Blavatsky to A. P. Sinnett, p. 364
3. Ibid., p. 33. 9. Ibid., p. 364.
4. Ibid., p. 35. 10. The Mahatma Letters, pp. 183 and 172–3.
5. Ibid., p. 207. Re Isis, the Master says: “She obeyed our
6. Ibid., p. 254. orders, and wrote, purposely veiling some of

Vol. 144.3, December 2022 The Theosophist 13

The Hidden Side of The Theosophist — I

her facts . . . In reality there is no contradiction more than they could possibly assimilate, and
between that passage in Isis and our later teaching. before they had digested the “two souls”; and thus
. . . It was at the beginning of a new cycle, the further subdivision of the trinity into seven
in days when neither Christians nor Spiritualists principles was left unmentioned in Isis. . . . ‘You
ever thought of . . . more than two principles in will write so and so, give so far and no more,’
man — body and soul, which they called Spirit. she was constantly told by us when writing
. . . It was HPB who, acting under the orders of her book . . . It really ought to be rewritten
Atrya, . . . was the first to explain . . . the for the sake of the family honour.” — which it
difference between . . . psyche and nous . . . — was, as we know, in The Secret Doctrine. Ibid.,
soul and spirit. . . . And, as there happened such pp. 289, 290, 130.
a war over it, endless polemics and objections to
11. Ibid., p. 195.
the effect that there could not be in man two souls
— we thought it was premature to give the public 12. Ibid., p. 273.

The path to the heart of the universe is one and yet different for
every human being. The meaning is that every human being himself is
that pathway — that pathway which is builded of thought and
consciousness and of the fabric of your own being. It is builded of the
stuff of Nature’s heart.

There is a long road; it is also broad. It is the road whereon you have
nature’s streaming current of energy with you, and following this road
you will reach perfection in due time; but this is the road of long-
enduring slow evolution, moving ahead little by little in each life, through
the incalculable ages.

G. de Purucker
Golden Precepts of Esotericism
3rd & revised ed., 1979
Theosophical University Press, Pasadena, California

14 The Theosophist Vol. 144.3, Dcember 2022

The Mystery of the Ego — II

The Mystery of the Ego — II


IF life after life every time one starts assurance that there are those who have
to negate and encounters the void, one been able to resolve for all what indi-
flees back into the world, a pattern is viduals find so difficult to resolve for
established which cannot be sustained themselves, each will be helped.
indefinitely. Suppose that such an indi- In the end, each must plunge into the
vidual comes into contact with beings stream. All must engage in individual self-
who have gone through the void and see study, asking again and again, “What is
no difference between the void, them- important to me? What am I prepared to
selves, and all other beings. Such Men of let go? Have I the courage to die and be
Meditation do not entertain any emotions reborn?” A person who is in earnest will,
below the level of cosmic Eros, and they without losing a sense of proportion and
do not engender any thought currents humour, set aside periods in which to
except those in the context of mahat, the take specific steps in the direction to-
universal mind. wards the Path. This centres upon what
Contact with such beings is an im- H. P. Blavatsky called the mystery of
mense opportunity, but also an immense the human ego, of each human being.
challenge, an instrument of precipitation. The need for self-study bears directly
The entire riddle of the entrapment of upon the discovery of the thread of indivi-
consciousness, when moved from the dual continuity, the sutrâtman. This thread
general plane to a particular person, can of consciousness in every person is
only be solved by the individual. The only an aspect of the monadic essence of
perspective can be given, the metaphysical which one is a ray. It is what makes of a
maps provided, but each person must person a monad, a particular being, or an
examine why he or she is in a particular individual, separate only in the functional
condition in terms of memories, feelings, capacity to reflect the universal. Every
or ideas. By keeping in the forefront of human being is a unique lens capable
awareness a conception that is larger than of self-consciously reflecting universal
any habitual view of self, and with the light. If that is what all individuals

Prof. Raghavan N. Iyer (10 March 1930–20 June 1995) was educated at Oxford and taught at UC Santa
Barbara for over 20 years. He also co-founded the United Lodge of Theosophists (ULT) in Santa Barbara.
From Hermes, March 1985, Theosophy Trust Books. <>.

Vol. 144.3, December 2022 The Theosophist 15

The Mystery of the Ego — II

are in essence, when they are manifest- and through wish-fulfilment producing
ing through personalities bound up with unreal psychic states. All must banish
name and form and involved in the this obscuration on their own. In the
world of differentiated matter, they be- end, however, one cannot activate that
come caught up in a psychic fog that golden cord, as Plato called it, without
obscures the clarity of the monadic vision the exhilaration of self-transcendence.
of the true meaning and purpose of the Paradoxically, when you are truly your-
pilgrimage of life. self, you forget yourself. To be calmly
Nevertheless, in that fog there remains engaged in the manifestation of the golden
a residual reflection of what the monad in thread is to increase awareness of all other
its fullness knows. This is what may be beings and the whole of life. Self-study,
called the golden sutrâtmic thread with- then, has further depths of meaning. When
in every human being. The thread is a person in a period of true contemplation
activated during deep sleep, but during has a vision of the sutrâtmic Self, brought
waking life it cannot very easily be acti- down from above and enriching con-
vated. It is involved in the baby’s first cry sciousness through the activation of
at birth, and is glimpsed at the moment divine thought, then suddenly there will
of death. It can be self-consciously be a kickback arising from the resistance
activated in meditation. The true, sacri- of the lesser self. One will painfully dis-
ficial meaning of the Theosophical Move- cover that the mind cannot stay for very
ment is to give human beings in waking long on a sufficiently abstract and imper-
life points of contact with what they truly sonal level, and that the heart cannot conti-
know themselves to be in deep sleep, and nuously hold that which is the collective
to do this in a manner that can give to misery of humankind and bear love to all
each the strength of a collective affirmation. beings. It falls back to lesser concerns.
“To live and reap experience, the mind Self-study becomes a way of studying
needs breadth and depth and points to the lesser self with firmness and honesty,
draw it towards the Diamond Soul. Seek together with a sense of humour towards
not these points in Maya’s realm.” The the ridiculousness of the lesser self, the
golden thread can only be lit up as a impostor that shuts out the richness and
constant basis of light by each one indi- potentiality of the Self. True self-study
vidually. Every person must clean out the takes the form of studying those periods
mirror-like mind which gathers dust while of waking life where there is a forget-
it reflects. Each person by self-study and ting and therefore a denial of the Self.
self-examination helps to mitigate the Self-study is a way of minimizing the pro-
obscuration of the golden thread-light pensity to forget and the need for too
which is broken up into details, lost in the many reminders, and above all, safe-
externals, caught up in particular events, guarding against the need to have one’s
through memories looking backwards knuckles rapped by admonitions that

16 The Theosophist Vol. 144.3, Dcember 2022

The Mystery of the Ego — II

come from the life process. To choose interaction of men in terms of the reality
one’s reminders rather than have them they assign to the finite, the ever-fleeting,
come from outside is to adjust the ratios and the false. They are able to reverse it
of moments of time that are well spent to so completely that they see with the eyes
those that are wasted through being caught of pity and participate in the illusions of
in forgetfulness of the golden thread. those with a constant inward awareness
These wasted moments constitute the of mahat and cosmic Eros.
tragedy of the crucifixion of the Christos. Such individuals display an existential
The more one finds this happening, consciousness of immortality which goes
the greater the necessity to get to the root beyond external tokens and marks, be-
of the problem. Self-study can never be yond forms, words, and concepts. It is that
made the object of schemata because it consciousness which ultimately must
must vary for every individual, and any become the basis by which one thinks,
person may find that repeated efforts yield and therefore by which one lives, and each
only limited results. There may be parti- one must cultivate this independently.
cular moments when there is a brilliant Few individuals will reach that point in
flash, and one sees through so much in life before the moment of death where
the masquerade, that one is freed. But this they have gained the power to slay their
is something about which no general lunar form at will.
rules can be made because it involves the After death every human being has to
interaction of complex variables and the linger in a state in which there is a purga-
emanations of consciousness in the life of torial dissipation of the lunar form made
every individual, and so it constitutes part up of illusions, fears, and anxieties en-
of the mystery of the ego itself. gendered during life. All of these constitute
As taught and exemplified by Socrates, the substance of what people call “living”
philosophic self-study during life is an and “the self”, and to dissipate them in
integral part of a continual preparation for life means to have periods where one
the moment of death. A fruitful source for can see right through oneself. Most hu-
study and reflection is the Bhagavadgitâ. man beings are blocked in this because
Robert Crosbie suggests, in his remarks they have developed the tendency of
on the eighth chapter, that there is a real seeing through others more than they
danger that fruits of effort will not carry see through themselves.
over to the next life. The measure of dif- On the Path, one is not concerned to
ficulty in truly availing oneself of the see through anything in anyone else,
teaching is identical to that involved in without an appropriate compassion that
becoming immortal. Those for whom the can only be real, if based upon knowledge
teaching becomes a reality are able to gained by having broken through com-
reverse the false image given by the mâya parable illusions in oneself. One must first
of the life process and by the moulds of build into daily life an awareness that

Vol. 144.3, December 2022 The Theosophist 17

The Mystery of the Ego — II

negates illusions, sifting, and selecting This is a long and difficult process, but
between what is quintessential and what given the mystery of the ego, people do
is not in every experience. Until this be- not really know why they failed in the past
comes a steady current, one is not going when they made such attempts and they
to be able to dissipate the lunar form at have no right to despair in advance. They
will before death, but for those who have do not know, through what seem to be
done this, dying is like the discarding small steps taken with integrity, that great
of clothes. Life in the ordinary sense has results might accrue to them. Sometimes
no hold over them and therefore their the first earnest steps may be taken very
coming into the world is not involuntary. late in life. Fortunate is the man who
This is very difficult for most human begins this very early in life. But whether
beings to understand. As they go through early or late, it can be tested in relation to
a painful process of acting in one direc- reduction of fears and an elevation of all
tion, reacting in another direction, they encounters with other beings.
may suddenly hope that by some con- The Theosophical Movement seeks
fession or ritual they can wipe out the to maximize the opportunity for human
past, but since that is impossible, the beings to gain strength, support, inspir-
wheel of life is extraordinarily painful, ation, and instruction in working upon
monotonous, and meaningless for them. the maintenance of conscious continuity
They keep being propelled back into of awareness. That awareness helps them
life, repeating the same oscillations of to develop an eye for essentials in daily
illusion. This is graphically described life, enabling them to distinguish the
by Plato in the Myth of Er. ever-lasting from the ever-fleeting
There is a sense in which convention- and not to mistake the ephemeral for the
ally good people choose the life that they enduring, not to mistake appearances and
envied. If their goodness is caught up in forms for archetypal realities.
appearances, they are going to be misled To do this again and again and to make
by external trappings. To be above the it ultimately a line of life’s meditation is
realm of appearances is to see to the very the only constructive way in which a
core of life, to see the essential justice of person can prepare for the moment of
all things; and to be able to handle such death. This is to put the issue in psycho-
insight one will need true compassion. To logical terms. It could also be put in terms
exemplify this authentically and continu- of the sound that a human being can utter
ously is in fact to be able to ceaselessly at the moment of death. That sound can
negate one’s own self and to see that self be chosen only in a limited sense, because
as being ultimately linked up with every the whole of life is going to determine a
other being on every plane. At its root it dominant thought and feeling, and these
is nothing; it is not conditioned, it is not will determine what sound is uttered at
in the process, it is beyond. the moment of death. The line of life’s

18 The Theosophist Vol. 144.3, Dcember 2022

The Mystery of the Ego — II

meditation is reflected in the particular constantly affirm, on behalf of all, the

aperture in the human body through which Upanishadic invocation: “Lead me from
the life-current withdraws. A very wise the unreal to the real. Lead me from
being who looks at a corpse will see darkness into light. Lead me from death
straightaway through which orifice life to immortality.” When one can make a
departed, and hence will know a great positive inner affirmation of the Divine
deal about the consciousness of the soul. within, this becomes a potent current of
The wisest beings during life gather up thought and feeling, energy and life.
all their energies, like the shy and watch- Without words, all one’s actions will
ful tortoise, into that which is within convey to others a sense that, behind the
and above them. At the moment of death games of life, there is a deeper reality of
they will have a sublime gnostic experi- pure joy in which there is dignity to every
ence which is an affirmation of immor- individual. As a preliminary training in
tality, a joyous discarding of all awareness making this invocation, every night before
of conditions. Having put themselves going to sleep one should renounce all
beyond conditions, they are able to ex- identification with the body and the
perience not only immortal longings, brain, with form, with all likes and dis-
but through the continuity of uncondi- likes, with all memories and anticipa-
tioned cosmic Eros and through the con- tions. One should invoke the same affirm-
tinuity of an unconditional awareness of ation upon rising, as well as at other
mahat, they experience spiritual freedom. chosen times, and spontaneously when-
This detachment may look at times ever possible. If it is to be meaningful
austere, but it is combined with an inex- in the context of a universe governed by
haustible compassion and immense vital- the boundless ideation of mahat, or spirit-
ity. If they live right, without being caught ual consciousness, and suffused by the
in the process, every burden lies lightly beneficence of cosmic Eros, this invo-
upon them. They are constantly stripping cation must be made not only for oneself,
away even as other men are draining them- but for all.
selves in the gardens of illusion. They (Concluded)

Saith the pupil:

O Teacher, what shall I do to reach to wisdom? O wise one, what, to gain
Search for the paths. But O Lanoo, be of clean heart before thou startest on thy
journey. Before thou takest thy first step, learn to discern the real from the
false, the ever-fleeting from the everlasting. Learn above all to separate head-
learning from Soul-wisdom, the “eye” from the “heart” doctrine.

H. P. Blavatsky, The Voice of the Silence

Vol. 144.3, December 2022 The Theosophist 19

Daily Steps towards Brotherhood — II

Daily Steps towards Brotherhood — II


The Value of Unity1 mathematics, too, has its own paradoxes

A lack of mutual understanding is, to resolve for which we need to deepen
quite often, the reason why people cannot our understanding of the subject, and find
unite. Sometimes, we find it difficult to a suitable context in which a mathematical
find a common language with another expression can be given without con-
person. It would be a good thing to learn tradictions. Reflection on some of these
to speak in such a manner that others can paradoxes will be fruitful not so much
understand us at once. But often misunder- for the development of logic, but for the
standings can be easily overcome if you strengthening of brotherhood feelings
consider the words of our opponent in among people. How is this possible?
the right context. In this regard, any Let us consider the idea based on the
collective action will be useful, as it will following examples. Refer Table 1.
allow us to better understand the way The expression 1+1=2 is clear to
everyone and most likely will be accepted
other people think. Yet, we find it difficult,
by everyone without objection as reliable.
sometimes, to find a common language,
But we can write another expression:
because we are too greatly attached to
1+1=3. True, it seems to contradict the
our own contexts, to the prevailing images former, but only because it is considered
and concepts, to certain meanings of in the former context. Yet, as soon as the
words and interpretations of concepts. latter expression is given in a different
In similar situations, we need to find context, it turns out to be true as well.
such examples of a more universal lan- For example, it can describe a family in
guage that could allow us to overcome which parents give birth to a child. In this
the rigidity of thinking. Here mathematics context, the expressions 1+1=4, =5, and
can come to our rescue, taken as a uni- so on, will also be true, depending on the
versal language, strict and logical, for size of the family.
describing the world. Unemotional and Another context where the expression
concise, it often enables us to bypass 1+1=3 is also true would be the evolution
differences and reach a consensus. Yet, of the universe: with the emergence of

Mr Pavel Malakhov, former Presidential Representative of the TS in Russia, made a presentation

based on this article at the Russian National Theosophical Congress of November 2021. Published
in Sovremennaya Teosofskaya Mysl (Modern Theosophical Thought), 2022-1 (13).

20 The Theosophist Vol. 144.3, December 2022

Daily Steps towards Brotherhood — II

Table 1

Expression Context

1+1=2 Things and objects – an ordinary computation method.

1+1=3 A family; a birth of trinity out of duality.

1+1=10 The interior (threefold) world and the exterior (sevenfold) world give rise to
the tenfold Universe.

1+1=∞ The interweaving of spirit and matter forms an infinite world; the
relationship between two people can develop infinitely.

duality (spirit and matter, 1+1) there mathematics enable us to see how impor-
immediately arises a third aspect of the tant context is for resolving contradictions.
universe — a relationship between them, Any spoken or written word is a mere form
which can be interpreted as force, fohat used to express a thought, behind which
or consciousness — depending on the one has to recognize the thought itself.
interpretation key applied. Also, the Acting Together or Alone — What
interweaving of spirit and matter gives Is Better? What Stands in the Way
all the 10 aspects of the world (3 of which of Unity?
express the internal nature, and 7 express It is a widely known maxim that
the external), which means that the together you can do more than alone.
expression 1+1=10 will also be true. As Yet, the peculiarities of some people
we proceed to apply the same cosmogonic give reverse examples (see Table 2
key and expound the idea of differ- further below).
entiation of the One Principle through 1) Some people are stubborn, unwill-
duality, trinity, and so on ad infinitum, ing to meet halfway, negotiate, or seek a
we come to the validity of the expres- compromise. Obviously, you cannot get
sion 1+1=∞. very far with them as they are just unable
The same expression 1+1=∞ can be to take part in simple joint actions.
given in a different context. Mutual rela- 2) There are also people who are so
tionships between two persons can destructive that taking them on a team will
develop infinitely if both keep in mind paralyze or destroy the activities of everyone
the plus sign between them, expressing else. These are primarily cynics, pessimists,
the idea of complementing and increasing and nihilists, for whom there are no
one by means of the other. In this context, authorities or bright sides in life. These are
a plus is a process, not a one-time action. extinguishers of fires and initiatives.
Thus, these examples of rigorous 3) Attempting to unite with a fanatic

Vol. 144.3, December 2022 The Theosophist 21

Daily Steps towards Brotherhood — II

or a narrow-minded person is compli- people who have the above qualities to

cated by the fact that such people do not a greater or lesser extent. That is what
accept anything that goes beyond their the world will be like until it becomes
understanding and beliefs. Any dissent perfect, that is, for a very long time: and
is perceived by them not as an addition, if we are to use theosophical terms — to
but as an encroachment on authorities the end of time, in the literal sense.
and commonly accepted principles. However, the following few thoughts
Uniting with such people is possible can come to our aid in order to find
only at the expense of narrowing your more or less suitable answers to these
own worldview and limiting your own questions, according to each case.
scope of actions. • Am I myself free of the negative
4) Interaction with complete egoists qualities I see in others?
and introverts (if the possibility of such • Fate brings us together with those
interaction happens) is also unproduc- who can help us improve ourselves most
tive. Such people are thoroughly useless effectively.
to those with whom they associate. Their • Our inner circle, for example, our
own progress may be quite high, but their family and friends, is what acts as the
benefit to others is just nought. most powerful catalyst accelerating the
5) Some people are so obscure social process of our self-transformation.
enigmas that it is not clear altogether • The interior nature of each person
what might come out of communicating is good, kind, and perfect. Only, some
with them. The way they think and individuals have these qualities con-
motivate their actions are so confusing cealed rather deeply for the time being
that they make it difficult to plan and so that many still need special conditions
work together. They are referred to as for the qualities to manifest themselves
“playing some deep game”. Sometimes, in full. Yet, this state will become a natural
it is not clear whether you can find a condition of all mankind some day.
common language with them at all, or • One should not impose on others or
even establish common grounds with force anybody to do anything — any pro-
them. They can fail you, disrupt joint cess takes its time. This applies both to how
plans, they do not keep their promises, we treat others and how we do ourselves.
constantly making some kind of excuse • It is only our lower nature, our per-
for avoiding working together. sonality, that is inclined to be upset,
Is it possible and useful to express annoyed, or offended, while our higher
brotherly feelings towards all of the above and real self, our individuality, does not
categories? What is the use of associat- experience negative emotions, feelings
ing with such people? How can our inter- and states.
action with them help us, them, or others? • Everything changes over time.
Perhaps, these are questions that should We must also admit that, quite often,
remain open to us for a lifetime, since, most of us need rest — a break not only from
every now and then, we will encounter
22 The Theosophist Vol. 144.3, December 2022
Daily Steps towards Brotherhood — II

Table 2
Expression Context
1+(-1)=0 A stubborn, wayward person.
If, in the presence of different
points of view, it is not possible
to find a compromise, the
union will be fruitless.
10+(-1)=0 A destructive cynic, pessimist,
and nihilist. Taking such an
individual on a team can
paralyze or destroy the
activities of everyone else.
1+0.1=0.1 A narrow-minded fanatic.
Uniting with such people is
possible only at the expense
of narrowing your own
worldview and limiting your
own scope of actions.
1+0=1 An egoist or introvert, focused
on his own Self. Individuals of
this type are unable to share or
spend time or any material,
emotional, or intellectual
resources on others.
1 √ Social enigmas playing a deep
1+1= 1+ 3 2 2
game. The unpredictability of
0 − 3
their actions complicates
+ 4 4 =? cooperation: it is not clear
3 whether a person of this kind
can be relied upon, whether he
will follow the agreement.

our work and communication, but also force, but to bypass, not to overcome, but
from our efforts towards self-improvement. to submit. Just as steel is tempered via tem-
Therefore, whenever we feel we are about perature fluctuations, so our aspirations
to lose our temper or explode, it would should be tempered by activity fluctuations.
be useful to remember that it is impos- As the proverb goes, haste makes
sible to solve all issues and problems at waste. If we find ourselves unable to
once. Sometimes the right decision would get through to someone, we should leave
be not to press ahead, but to wait, not to this person alone for a time. If we see that

Vol. 144.3, December 2022 The Theosophist 23

Daily Steps towards Brotherhood — II

Table 3

Expression Context

1+∞=∞ The possibilities of any of us are limited, but when united with others,
they increase to infinity.

0+∞=∞ We become omnipotent even if, initially, we know nothing and cannot do

17 All our unsightly sides, sharp corners, and roughness are smoothed out
9 +∞=∞ and corrected as we strive to unite with others.

17 To achieve wholeness and completeness, one has to contain in himself

9 +∞ =1 the diversity of the world in its entirety.

we cannot get rid of some of our weak- perhaps, will also always remain open,
nesses, we should switch our attention since the answer to it largely depends on
to cultivating our strengths. The main a number of reasons: our maturity
thing is to keep moving and prevent gusts, (biological, psychological, mental, and
breaks, cracks, burnouts, and so forth, spiritual), our outlooks, our reasoned
including in our relationships with other social position, the books we read, the
people. Then these relationships will people we meet, the failures or successes
only grow stronger, even if we keep we experience, and it may depend just
away from each other for a while. Such on our moods.
a position would allow us to keep the Following the chosen scheme, we will
focus on brotherhood, even in difficult examine several considerations on this
and hostile times. subject, expressed mathematically and
Arguments in Favour of Unity taken in the appropriate contexts. Due
Whenever we talk about the need to to the symbolism of mathematics, the
strive for brotherhood, we do not wish proposed expressions can likewise be
to emphasize the fact that all people given in other contexts, which everyone
belong to the human race or the planet. can choose according to their taste
This indisputable fact would inspire but (see Table 3).
only a few people to fraternal relations. Argument 1. The benefit of any as-
Some other facts and arguments are sociation lies in overcoming both inter-
needed in order to realize not only the nal and external restrictions. The abilities
necessity of such relations, but also their of any of us are limited, but when united
usefulness and practicality. What exactly with others, they increase invariably. In
are these arguments? This question, their ultimate state, when we reach

24 The Theosophist Vol. 144.3, December 2022

Daily Steps towards Brotherhood — II

universal unity, these abilities will ex- ing mathematically, we are not always
pand to infinity. equal to one. Worse, our complex and
Argument 2. Even if we know no- contradictory inner nature does not even
thing and cannot do anything, even if we allow us to understand what exactly our
consider ourselves useless grains of sand, state is equal to at every given moment.
by uniting with others, we grow and However, our aspiration to be useful to
increase by the size of those we join. others will help us in resolving this issue
Gradually, by identifying ourselves with — not so much in understanding our true
the group we operate in, we come to value (this may come as a concomitant
realise that we are not as helpless, weak, result), but in realising that our incom-
and insignificant as we previously thought pleteness is not fatal, incorrigible, or
and what we have done in cooperation final while association with the rest will
is quite tangible and significant. Further contribute to make us more complete.
on, we may discover that our small group All our unsightly sides, sharp corners
is actually part of some larger group, and and roughness are smoothed out and
as we begin to identify ourselves with corrected as we strive to unite with others.
the latter, we move on to the realisation Zooming in always results in small details
of the fact that there are still greater and falling out of view. Thus, by expanding
far more significant results and achieve- the scope of our interests and activities,
ments to which we have contributed. Thus, we naturally get rid of personal short-
by expanding our identification with comings. By dedicating our lives to the
others, we gradually become omnipotent, interests of others, by shifting our focus
but with one qualification: the personal from the personal to the public, we grad-
aspect of this omnipotence disappears, ually get rid of everything personal, includ-
since the “I” becomes “we” at this level. ing personal shortcomings. This would
Moreover, this transformation occurs be a smoother and less painful way for
gradually and painlessly in the process us to get rid of them than a direct fight
of our involvement in the common work. against them and suppression by willpower.
An employee of any large enterprise Argument 4. There are many people
provides a good example of the 1st and who constantly feel they miss something
2nd arguments. He, following this path, to feel truly integral. Interaction with
can go through the following stages other people, in this event, will help one
of transforming his perception of him- to complete the missing elements, pro-
self: individual — department — division perties and qualities. In this way, we can
— enterprise — national industry — na- restore our integrity, achieve this feel-
tional economy — international industry ing, become a unit or a single whole. If
— humanity. we lack concentration, in a team with a
Argument 3. It is not always that we focused and purposeful person we will
represent an integral person, or, speak- be able to complete the work we have

Vol. 144.3, December 2022 The Theosophist 25

Daily Steps towards Brotherhood — II

begun. If we do not have enough intel- since it has one source. Likewise, the
lectual power to understand some issue, general direction of movement remains
by associating with a person endowed unchanged for all, despite the turbulences
with this quality we can gradually receive and deviations caused by free will.
answers in a form we clearly understand. All the above arguments reflect the
If we lack warmth and tact, by unit- idea of merging an individual with
ing with those living in such an atmo- infinity — an idea that frightens many,
sphere, we will certainly begin to melt since this state is understood as a loss
and our coarse, rough, and angular forms of individuality, one’s complete disap-
will gradually begin to acquire a more pearance or final death. But those who
stream-lined, attractive, and harmonious have progressed much further than we
look. Thus, we will gradually begin to have in this direction say that we have
acquire a sense of wholeness, and this nothing to fear. The cyclic law will not
feeling itself will grow more and more fail to provide us with such a period of
while manifesting in us as it will pass unconscious existence; it may be a night’s
through a different understanding of sleep between two days, an afterlife be-
ourselves as: tween two incarnations, a pralaya be-
I — We — All tween two manvantaras, and so on; but
and, accordingly, through the following it is the same law that will certainly return
perceptions of ourselves: us to conscious individual activity.
1. Self-sufficiency, integrity of one- Each of us has a separate body, separate
self, but not understood as something feelings, and separate thoughts. Although
separate from everything else, but rather each of their individual elements may
as having everything necessary for a resemble a great deal those present in
full-fledged existence and activity. another person, even though each of
2. Involvement — I am a part of some- these elements may be far from unique
thing bigger, each of us depends on the in itself, every combination of them is
other and influences the other. Absolute still unique. And it will always remain
independence is fundamentally impos- our individual objective to find ways
sible, we constantly and invariably — for this unique combination to be used
consciously or unconsciously, whether in the interest of some useful work
we want it or not — change each other done within the framework of our com-
because we are in one bundle, atoms of mon evolution.
one molecule, cells of one organism. Proceeding from Reflection to Action
3. All are one — throughout the world, A human being is understood, first
there is only one movement, dissected of all, as a rational consciousness. Con-
by time into different streams, the essence sciousness, like intelligence, is move-
of which does not change. The energy ment. Movement may be fast or slow,
that sets them in motion remains the same, going in the right or wrong direction. Yet,

26 The Theosophist Vol. 144.3, December 2022

Daily Steps towards Brotherhood — II

by hook or by crook, the process of only through the manifestation of the

transformation is on the go permanently. former (a person), which, from a practical
Therefore, if we manage to tune our- point of view, means that we cannot aspire
selves into cooperation, if we find the towards the universal brotherhood as long
necessary motivation for ourselves and as we ignore those close to us or try to
involve ourselves in activities for the get rid of them. “We cannot” not in the
benefit of other people, we will then sense that this cannot be avoided (as
significantly accelerate our own develop- it is precisely the ignoring of the
ment, thereby saving ourselves from neighbour that occurs at the first stage
unnecessary or erroneous movements. of our striving for the ideal), but in the
Of course, our primal focus must be on sense that it is the people next to us who
improving ourselves: correcting our own create exactly the working environment
shortcomings and developing precisely we need for the implementation of our
our own strengths is the safest way,2 but aspirations. It is through them that our
if, while doing so, we will also prove able goal can be achieved.
to find such ways of interacting with an- We must add, in this regard, that no
other person that will help him to over- true achievement is possible unless we
come his shortcomings and change in a are involved in the work. Reflection and
positive sense greater (or faster) than in theory are just where the human journey
a negative one, the effectiveness of our begins. Actually, its full implementation
activity will increase significantly. The should take place on all planes of our
improvement of each individual will existence, which means that along with
lead to the benefit (in the literal sense) a deeper awareness of our ideals, we
of the world, of mankind at large, since must be active to translate them into life.
the whole consists of parts, and an im- Therefore, each one striving for brother-
provement in any part means an im- hood, self-improvement, and desirous to
provement in the whole. help others should take part in joint
The connection between a human projects and meetings. Only by doing so
being and humankind is mutual. This is can we identify our strengths and weak-
something one must always keep in mind. nesses, know ourselves better, and trans-
The latter (mankind) can find existence form ourselves ultimately. ²

1. See this MTT issue [No. 2022-1 (13)], article “The Creating Power of Egoship” to read more about
this and the role of altruism in self-development.
2. Based on the round-table discussion “Practical Value of Theosophists’ Unity” at the National
Theosophical Congress 2021. During debates, quite a number of interesting and diverse opinions were
voiced by the participants.

Vol. 144.3, December 2022 The Theosophist 27

Fragments of the Ageless Wisdom

Fragments of the Ageless Wisdom

By what path will you lead the Buddha

of infinite range of perception, the Pathless One,
whose conquest of passions cannot be undone,
into whose conquest no one in this world enters?

By what path will you lead the Buddha

of infinite range of perception, the Pathless One,
in whom there is not that entangling and poisonous craving
which leads one astray (to another state of birth)?

Those wise ones who are absorbed in meditation,

who take delight in the inner calm of renunciation,
such mindful and perfectly awakened ones
even the devas (gods) hold dear.
Difficult is it to be born as a human being;
difficult is the existence of mortals;
difficult is the hearing of the Sublime Truth;
rare is the appearance of the Enlightened Ones (Buddhas).

Dhammapada: Wisdom of the Buddha

The Enlightened One — Canto XIV, verses 179 to 182
— trans. Harischandra Kaviratna

28 The Theosophist Vol. 143.9, June 2022

The Olcott Panchama Free School — II

The Olcott Panchama Free School — II


Religious Instruction the shape of various familiar objects; waste

To prevent the missionaries from mak- paper is utilized for the “papier-mache”
ing inroads into the Pariah community by work; with pieces of ordinary charcoal left
getting them to convert to Christianity, over from their fires, the children make
Col. Olcott, whose researches revealed their drawings on common white or brown
that originally the Pariahs were Buddhists, paper; with cheap, coloured powders
helped those who wished to go back to bought in the bazaar, they are shown how
their original religion again. He also en- to mix colours in such a way as to produce
sured the secular nature of the schools by quite artistic effects in their brushwork;
having prayers from the major religions out of small cloth samples received from
in the assembly every morning. The some of the shops, they are taught how to
celebration of the important festivals of make little pincushions, bags, pen wipers,
the different faiths also ensured both and needle books, while the larger pieces
tolerance and respect for all religions get transformed into many coloured coats
among the children. This again was anoth- and jackets, which they afterwards wear
er first among schools in India at that time. with great pride. In two of the schools
where there are no mistresses, the sewing,
Paucity of Funds is taught by the masters, who had first to
Imbued with great fervor and spirit of be taught themselves. The vegetables
service and undeterred by the extreme which the youngsters have cultivated
paucity of funds, the management of the themselves in the school gardens, they
schools attempted to do much with the take home with great glee and many a one
little available to them as is narrated in tries to turn an empty little patch of ground
the 1911 Report: near his home into a flower garden.
We try to do everything in as inexpensive There was little school furniture, a
a way as possible, with such materials as few benches for the bigger ones while
the pupils might easily get in their homes. others sat on the sand or on sample
In the dry sand on the ground the first let- pieces of oil cloth received from one
ters and drawings are formed; clay, as of the shops or on small leaf mats
found in the nearest pond, is modeled into which they themselves had plaited.

Dr Geetha Jaikumar, who retired as an Associate Professor and Principal of a Women’s College in
Chennai, has also for many years managed and edited magazines related to the TS and Theosophy,
including the Adyar Newsletter and Wake Up India. She is currently doing research at the Adyar Archives.

Vol. 144.3, December 2022 The Theosophist 29

The Olcott Panchama Free School — II

of the children was pathetic, the condition

of the teachers was lamentable. Poorly
paid, as the funds available were meager,
nevertheless they had to put in long
hours and work with dedication, putting
aside their own problems for the moment,
as they concentrated on helping to educate
the children, as needy as themselves.
The teachers had to take care not only
of themselves but also in many cases,
large families. Many lived outside the
Kindergarten exercise at Tiruvalluvar School city limits, where rents were cheaper and
The schools relied totally on donations land more easily available to put up their
made by theosophists from all over the own mud huts. Then the teacher had to
world who were moved by the plight of be neatly dressed and had other minor
the Panchamas and the Colonel’s valiant expenses arising out of his position,
attempt to improve their lot. Special men- which a coolie, for example, had not.
tion should be made here of the financial While it was tough to make ends meet
support provided by Mr A. Schwarz, who even when the going was smooth,
became the Secretary-Treasurer of the matters became well-nigh impossible
Schools in 1908, and quietly contributed when there was illness or death in the
varying sums from Rs 1,000 to Rs 5,000 family and the consequent additional
annually — totalling up to nearly half a expenditure. Most ended up borrowing
lakh of rupees, a huge sum in those times from the local moneylender at usurious
— to meet the ever present deficits. rates of interest which pushed them and
He also reconstructed the building of their family into a life of indebtedness
the Olcott Panchama School (where the and servitude.
Social Welfare Centre is presently located) Some pitiable cases came to the know-
at his own cost and this was inaugurated ledge of the Superintendent, Ms Kofel. For
by Dr Annie Besant on 1 October 1928, example, one man’s father had by degrees
her 81st birthday. And nowhere does he contracted a debt of Rs 117 which the son
say anything about his generosity. The was obliged to take upon himself. So out
deficits are met — that is all. But then, of his Rs 13 salary he had to pay Rs 7
without his generosity, these schools per month interest; his wife, two children
might have ceased to exist long ago. and himself had to live on Rs 6. No
wonder after a while all this told on his
Commitment of the Teachers general appearance.
This entire educational venture would Another’s father died leaving a debt
not have borne fruit without the dedication of Rs 85. The creditors were on the spot
and sincerity of the teachers. If the plight and would not allow the body to be

30 The Theosophist Vol. 144.3, December 2022

The Olcott Panchama Free School — II

removed until the son had bound himself boys from each school. The movement
over to discharge his father’s debt on proved to be extremely popular and
their own conditions, and that they were was invaluable in building character and
not light ones can easily be imagined. discipline, and also in promoting a spirit
Most times the teachers would not inform of helpfulness and selfless service.
the management of their distress. It was Filled with scout spirit and eager to be
only when one noticed their worn looks useful and render assistance wherever
and questioned them, or when they were possible, the scouts acquitted themselves
pressured by a creditor, that they would commendably on a number of occasions.
come out with their tale of woe and At the TS Adyar Headquarters, the
appeal for help. scouts and older students of the school
It might be remarked that these were given ample opportunity to dis-
money affairs had no direct bearing on play their scouting spirit. They served
the functioning of the schools. Yet they as volunteers during the international
were significant because when people Conventions held in the campus, and
are underfed and weighed down by a also during the Great Diamond Jubilee
crushing burden of debt, it is difficult for Convention, and acquitted themselves
them to do justice to their work. Constant very creditably. During the big temple
efforts were therefore undertaken by the festivals in Mylapore, the scouts assisted
School management to collect funds to the police in maintaining law and order,
enable them to give a better wage to the earning praise from them.
teachers and other staff. There is a heart-warming story narrated
in the 1925 Annual Report of the TS
Teachers’ Training about one of the Olcott School scout, a
As most of the teachers were not par- Panchama, who had taken to a vegetarian
ticularly proficient in academics, a diet, since he felt that to lead the life of a
weekly class for their instruction was scout according to the Sixth Scout Law,
held and model lessons on different namely that a scout should be kind to
subjects were frequently given. Once a animals, he should not be eating animal
year some public demonstration lessons, food. The boy even took the trouble to
called “The Teachers’ Institute” were convince his parents and the whole
held in one of the schools over several family became vegetarian! This small
days; these were attended by several incident speaks volumes about the
supervisors and teachers from various influence of scouting in the moulding of
districts, as ordered by the Educational character and fostering of the spirit of
Department, which realized the value of service and unselfishness in children.
this training.
Developing a Sense of Self-Worth
Introduction of Scouting Apart from various quantifiable
In 1916 Mrs Besant started the Boy achievements, there were others which
Scout movement in the Schools and a defied measurement but were equally if
beginning was made with a patrol of ten not more important, in contributing to the

Vol. 144.3, December 2022 The Theosophist 31

The Olcott Panchama Free School — II

upliftment of the Panchama community. After this success, photos of the drill
In spite of being reduced to an abject team with the Governor of Madras ap-
state of misery by poverty, illiteracy, and peared in all the Madras newspapers, but
social ostracism, the Olcott Panchama the thrilled students also wanted to be
Free Schools were able to rehabilitate a photographed with Mr Sri Ram, then
class of totally downtrodden people, President of the TS, along with their
restore their dignity and sense of self- trophy. Elaborate preparations were
worth, and thus humanize them. This made and when all was ready Mr Sri
possibly was the most significant achieve- Ram was called and took his place and
ment of the educational venture started the “picture was taken”. Two or three more
by Col. Olcott. shots were taken to ensure that a good
Felix Layton, former Principal and picture was obtained. The assembly
Correspondent of the Schools, writes broke up, and Mr Sri Ram had left, when
about some interesting incidents which suddenly the photographer gave a gasp
happened during his time there, in a pam- of horror and exclaimed: “I forgot to put
phlet brought out in 1970 to mark the film in the camera!” Such experiences,
75th anniversary of the founding of the devastating at the time, make very good
Olcott Harijan Free Schools. stories later.
He narrates how the introduction of Mr Layton also tells an amusing story
mass drills and physical demonstrations about the daily medical visits to the school
boosted the self-respect and pride of the by one Dr Sherin Dorab during the course
children in themselves and their school. of which she prescribed and administered
And when uniforms were finally obtained simple treatments, referring the more
for these performances, the joy of the serious cases to the hospitals. Early in her
children in washing, ironing, and caring
experience she could not understand the
for them was a joy to behold. One of the
reason for the sudden epidemic of acute
greatest boosts to student morale came in
cough among the children. Then she
1963 when this team won the Governor’s
realized that her cough medicine was
Trophy, on Republic Day, for the best
sweet and appetizing!
parade and drill display in Madras.
The School had earned a name for the
skill and talent exhibited by its students
in the various crafts which were taught to
them. The 1937 Annual Report of the
Theosophical Society mentions that on 17
February, in connection with the Foun-
ders’ Day celebration, a week-long Art
and Craft Exhibition was held which was
organized, managed, and conducted en-
tirely by the members of the Olcott
Olcott students doing rhythmic exercises Students’ Union, and proved to be a great

32 The Theosophist Vol. 144.3, December 2022

The Olcott Panchama Free School — II

eye-opener not only to the teachers but could to give the children small treats
also to the children, of their capacities which they enjoyed immensely. They
and talents. It was so well appreciated took them on hikes to nearby places and
that H. H. the Maharaja of Travancore organized camps which were eagerly
asked the students to showcase the looked forward to by the children.
demonstration and exhibition again in Mr Felix Layton narrates how one day,
his direct presence at his palace at Adyar when the tide was low and the sea calm
— a rare honour which came as a shot and safe, a party was organized to go to
in the arm for the students whose con- the beach to swim. Before going in, a
fidence in their capabilities increased by head count revealed the presence of 103
leaps and bounds. students. Afterwards another count
An Atmosphere of Joyousness and revealed 104! A boy from the nearby
Freedom fishing village had joined!
Schools in those days tended to be Occasionally, with financial help from
grim and formidable affairs, with students well-wishers, it was even possible to take
constantly gripped with the fear of being small groups to places like Mysore. This
disciplined by the teachers for major or was a thrilling experience as many had
minor infringements. Corporal punish- never travelled beyond Madras city.
ment was common and the adage “spare With sponsorships from generous donors
the rod and spoil the child” was the norm. and friends, it was possible to celebrate
The Olcott Panchama Free Schools the birthdays of the Founders and other
however, swam against the tide of that theosophists by giving the children a
time, adopting a truly revolutionary sumptuous meal which they thoroughly
approach to education. Col. Olcott gave enjoyed. Through these and other ways,
strict instructions to the teachers to be an attempt was made to bring some joy
kind, loving, and compassionate, and into the lives of the children whose stark
the Superintendents of the Schools like poverty on the home front made for a
Ms Sarah Palmer, Ms Kofel, Ms Court- depressing scenario.
right, and others who succeeded them,
adopted this as the guiding principle in
The success of Colonel Olcott’s
the running of the schools. The freedom
enjoyed by the children, the total absence attempt at bringing about social reform
of fear, coupled with a zestful happiness can be gauged by the fact that many high
and curiosity to learn was so remarkable caste Hindu parents who earlier would
that this was repeatedly mentioned in the not have wanted their children to have
reports of the school inspectors who made any contact with Harijan children, started
mandated, periodic visits to the schools. sending them to the Olcott Harijan Free
Though strained finances proved to School, as is reported in the 1936 Annual
be a major obstacle, the management and Report of the Theosophical Society.
teachers attempted to do whatever they Since its inception in 1884, the Olcott

Vol. 144.3, December 2022 The Theosophist 33

The Olcott Panchama Free School — II

Schools had been steadily gaining pro- social reform. To quote a small passage:
minence over the years through the . . . the Colonel’s hammer on the moun-
many pioneering initiatives introduced tain — symbolic of his whole theosophical
and excellence in education. So much so, work — set loose the rocks that started
that many eminent persons who visited an inexorable landslide. The very names
the Schools, including Mr J. Krishnamurti, by which these people were known have
Mme Maria Montessori, Ministers of vanished. We no longer hear of Untouch-
Education, Judges, and School Inspectors, ables, Outcastes, Pariahs. The first name
had all pronounced it as a model insti- change was to Panchamas, and then through
tution whose practices were worthy of the compassionate vision of Mahatma
emulation by other schools. Gandhi they were called Harijans (Children
In conclusion, it seems appropriate of God). What a difference! The new name
to quote from a very insightful bio- represents a new outlook, a new conscience
graphy of Olcott penned by Howard toward these people.
Murphet, titled Hammer on the Moun-
tain, which narrates the almost super- And though the mountain of prejudice still
human struggle and turbulent periods remains, who shall say that Olcott’s brave
which marked the life of Olcott, both in hammer and mustard seed of faith did not
establishing the Theosophical Society start the disintegration that will eventually
and in bringing about much needed wash it away to the all-leveling seas? ²

1. The Poor Pariah, Henry Steel Olcott, Booklet, Adyar, Madras, June 1902.
2. “Incorporation of the Panchama Schools”, Henry Steel Olcott, The Theosophist, pp. 219–225,
December 1905.
3. The Olcott Panchama Free Schools, Report, C. Kofel, Superintendent, Adyar, December 1911.
4. The Olcott Memorial High School, Pamphlet, Adyar, 1937.
5. The Olcott Memorial School, Booklet, Vasanta Press, Adyar, Madras, February 1954.
6. The Olcott Memorial School — Social Change through Education of the Underprivileged,
Pamphlet, Adyar, undated.
7. Olcott Harijan Free Schools: 75th Anniversary Celebrations, Booklet, Adyar, February 1970.
8. Olcott Memorial Middle School: Laying of Foundation Stone of New Buildings, Booklet,
Adyar, January 1972.
9. Hammer on the Mountain, Howard Murphet, The Theosophical Publishing House, Wheaton,
Illinois, p. 281, 1972.
10. Olcott Memorial High School; Centenary of the Theosophical Society, Booklet, Adyar,
Madras, December 1975.
11. The Annual Reports of the Theosophical Society, 1905, 1925, 1926, 1927, 1928, 1929,
1930, 1933, 1934, 1935, 1936, 1937, 1938, 1940, 1941.

34 The Theosophist Vol. 144.3, December 2022

Convention Programme


Theme: “Our Responsibility in the Interconnected World”
31 December 2022 to 4 January 2023
Friday, 30 December 2022
8.30 am General Council Meeting
3.00 pm Flower Ceremony by the Order of the Round Table

Saturday, 31 December 2022

Prayers of the Religions, Universal Prayer
Greetings from the Sections, Associations, Agencies
Invocation and opening by the International President
9.30 am Report of Activities of the TS worldwide during 2021–22
Tim Boyd, International President, TS Adyar
“Science: How far can we go?”
Dr Manu Jaiswal, Associate Professor at the Department of Physics,
Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India
7.30 pm Ritual of the Mystic Star

Sunday, 1 January 2023

“The Common Ground on which Responsible World Citizens Stand”
Pradeep Gohil, National President of the TS in India
“Brahmavidya Ashrama”
Erica Georgiades, Director of the School of the Wisdom Adyar, Greece
“Realizing the Relationship”
Shikhar Agnihotri, India
“Knowing Being Doing”
Vibha Saksena, India

Vol. 143.3, December 2022 The Theosophist 35

Convention Programme


“Altruism and Regeneration: the Responsibility We Have for One Another”
Stephen McDonald, National President of the TS in Australia
3.00–4.00 pm WORKSHOPS
Mini-School of the Wisdom
“Theosophy and Ecology:
Practical Wisdom for Living in the Contemporary World”
Linda Oliveira, Former National President of the TS in Australia
Chanting workshop
Jaishree Kannan, Officer in Charge of Surendra Narayan Archives
Science and Compassion workshop
Janne Vuononvirta, General Secretary for the TS in Finland
World Music and Dance workshop
Facilitators from LEAP Boundary Breakers
“Individuation and Global Responsibility:
the Subtle Magic of Lincoln, Eisenhower, and Mandela”
Dr James Tepfer, United Lodge of Theosophists, USA
Global Rhythms Around the World
With facilitators and participants of the World Music and Dance workshop

Monday, 2 January 2023

8.30 am Devotional Meeting
Chandrika Mehta, India
Presentation by Nancy Secrest
TOS International Secretary, USA / Resident at Adyar, India
3.00–4.00 pm WORKSHOPS
Mini-School of the Wisdom
“Theosophy and Ecology:
Practical Wisdom for Living in the Contemporary World”
Radha Raghunathan, Director (Sanskrit Studies), Adyar Research Centre

36 The Theosophist Vol. 143.3, December 2022

Convention Programme

3.00–4.00 pm WORKSHOPS (contd)

Chanting workshop
Jaishree Kannan, Officer in Charge of Surendra Narayan Archives
Science and Compassion workshop
Janne Vuononvirta, General Secretary for the TS in Finland
Learning and Growing with Transformative Education
Sonal Murali, Director of the Theosophical School of Academy
“Wisdom of the Ancients”
Sri M, Spiritual Teacher, Social Reformer, Educationist, Author,
and Global Speaker, India
7.30 pm Theosophical Quiz
Pedro Oliveira, Australian Section

Tuesday, 3 January 2023

“Service across Communities for Humans and Animals”
Mr Douglas Keene, Vice-President of the TS in America and
Mr Shravan Krishnan, Coordinator of Besant Memorial Animal Dispensary
Interviewer Patrizia Calvi, Secretary of the TS in Italy
“Our Responsibility in the Interconnected World”
Deepa Padhi, International Vice-President of the TS, India
Enrique Reig, President of the Inter-American Theosophical Federation, Mexico
Tran-Thi-Kim-Dieu, Chairperson of the European Federation
of the TS, France
Narendra Shah, General Secretary for the TS in East & Central Africa, Kenya
3.00 4.00 pm WORKSHOPS
Mini-School of the Wisdom
“Theosophy & Ecology:
Practical Wisdom for Living in the Contemporary World”
Pradeep Gohil, National President of the TS in India
Chanting workshop
Jaishree Kannan, Officer in Charge of Surendra Narayan Archives
Science and Compassion workshop
Janne Vuononvirta, General Secretary for the TS in Finland

Vol. 143.3, December 2022 The Theosophist 37

Convention Programme

3.00 4.00 pm WORKSHOPS (contd)

Learning and Growing with Transformative Education
Sonal Murali, Director of the Theosophical School of Academy
“One Without a Second”
Dr Ravi Ravindra, Prof. Emeritus, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada
Malavika Sarukkai, Dancer-Choreographer-Mentor
Wednesday, 4 January 2023
Catalina Isaza-Cantor, Colombia, Resident at Adyar
Francis Lim, Member from TS in Singapore
Sara Ortega van Vloten, Member of the TS in Spain
Tim Boyd, Marcos de Resende, Pedro Oliveira
Presentation of World Federation of Young Theosophists (WFYT)
Reports from the workshops
“The Choice to Be Whole”
Tim Boyd, International President, TS Adyar
Tim Boyd, International President, TS Adyar

Exhibitions daily at 1.30–3.00 pm
LIBRARY, CONFERENCE HALL — Art Exhibition by Artist Shiva Ram
LIBRARY DISPLAY — Old manuscripts and rare & old books
MUSEUM — Refreshed permanent exhibition
— 100 years — Brahmavidya Ashrama and the School of the Wisdom

38 The Theosophist Vol. 143.3, December 2022

Vol. 144.3, December 2022
The Theosophist
Theosophical Work around the World

Italian TS member, Mr Enrico Stagni, served as interpreter for the Trân-Thi-Kim-Diêu (from right) with
talks given by Ms Trân-Thi-Kim-Diêu at the Silent Reatreat in Milan Elena B. Camplone and Sara Gencarelli (from left)

The Theosophist
Theosophical Work around the World

General Secretary of the Italian Section of the TS Adyar, Mr Antonio Girardi (standing, far right), addressing participants
of the Silent Retreat conducted by Ms Trân-Thi-Kim-Diêu (first row, seating, far right) in Milan on 8 October 2022

Vol. 144.3, December 2022

The Journey of Awakening

Theosophical Work around the World

Italy — Silent Retreat in Milan forerunner to a new edition of the
A seminar day on the subject of medi- Silent Retreat planned for 2023.
tation, masterfully conducted by Ms Trân- Recent Appointments
Thi-Kim-Diêu, outgoing Chairperson of Mrs Sabine Van Osta, General
the European Theosophical Federation Secretary of the Belgian Section of
(see Recent Appointments entry on this the TS in Adyar, Chennai, India, was
page), was held in the Milan premises of elected as the new Chair of the
the Theosophical Society (TS) in Italy European Theosophical Federation
on 8 October 2022. The event was at- on 7 October 2022. She will officially
tended by 36 participants, booking all the succeed Ms Trân-Thi-Kim-Diêu in
available seats. The day was intense and mid-December.
harmonious, with alternating theoret- Mr Leandro Cesano became the
ical sessions and practical experiences, new General Secretary for the TS in
leaving ample space for dialogue between Argentina on 8 December 2022,
the speaker and tthe audience. In the succeeding Mr Esteban Langlois,
delicate and valuable work of trans-lation, who served his Section well for two
Enrico Stagni and Elena Bessie Camplone consecutive terms, or 6 years.
alternated successfully. Mr Marko Kauppinen has been
All participants were given a canvas appointed as Acting General Secre-
backpack with the emblem of the Theo- tary of the TS in Finland until their
sophical Order of Service, a loving work election takes place next year.
of Sara Gencarelli and Tobia Busca- The Covenant Lodge, in Israel,
glione. Theosophical Order of Service which is attached to Adyar, elected
(TOS), a loving work of Sara Gencarelli Mr Abraham Oron as Lodge chair-
and Tobia Buscaglione. This inspired man on 20 Nov. 2022, succeed-
spontaneous fundraising for TOS ac- ing Mrs. Bracha Elron, who asked
tivities. The Milan experience was the to be relieved. ²

This is a serious affair the [Theosophical] Society is engaged in,

and . . . they [the members] should begin the work as seriously by
making their own lives theosophical.
C. Jinarajadasa
Letters from the Masters of the Wisdom,
First Series, Letter 4.

Vol. 144.3, December 2022 The Theosophist 41


Date Section General Secretary, etc. Address Magazine Email address

1947 Africa, East and … Mr Narendra M. Shah … PO Box 14525. 00800, Westlands, … The Theosophical Light
Central Nairobi, Kenya
1909 Africa, South … Mr Desmond Chapman … 31 Streatley Ave, cnr.Lothbury Ave, Auckland … The South African Theosophist
Park, Johannesburg PO Box 91523
1956 Africa, West … Dr K. A. Tutu … PO Box 720, Accra, Ghana … The West African Theosophist
1929 America, … Mrs Beatriz Elisena … Colonia Universitaria Norte, Calle Julio
Central * Martinez Pozas Mejia, Poligono, E-7 Mejicanos,
San Salvador, EL SALVADOR
1920 Argentina … Mr Leandro Cesano … Rivadavia 533, San Lorenzo, Provincia de Santa Fe … Teosofía en Argentina
1990 Asia, East and … Mr Chong Sanne … 540 Sims Avenue, No. 03-04 … Newsletter
Southeast † Sims Avenue Centre, Singapore 387 603
1895 Australia … Mr Stephen Mcdonald … Level 2, 162 Goulburn St., Surry Hills, NSW 2010… Theosophy in Australia
1912 Austria * … Mr Albert Schichl … Oberbaumgarten 25, 4204 Haibach im Mühlkreis … Theosofie Adyar
2013 Bangladesh † … Mr Subrata Chowdhury … Urban Gardenia, Flat 5B, House 45A,
Road 3A, Dhanmondi, R/A Dhaka 1209
The Theosophist

1911 Belgium … Mrs Sabine Van Osta … Place des Gueux 8, B1000 Brussels … Le Lotus Bleu
1965 Bolivia † … Mrs Maria Luisa Cabrera … c/Valdivieso Nº 541 Cochabamba … Revista Teosófica Boliviana
1920 Brazil … Mr Sergio Carvalho de Moraes,Jr … SGAS Quadra 603, N. 20, … Sophia
CEP 70200-630 Brasilia (DF)
1924 Canada * … Mr Robert Béland … 1120 Chemin de la Rivière, Val David, . … The Light Bearer
P.Q., Canada J0T 2N0
1920 Chile * … Mr Victor Aguayo … Casilla 11 Sucursal Paseo Estacion, … Revista Teosófica Chilena
Estacion Central, Santiago
1937 Colombia † … Mr Armando Motta Zapata … Carrera 6, # 56-40, Bogotá (Chapinero Alto) … Selección Teosófica
1997 Costa Rica † … Mrs Cecilia Calderón … San José, 1350, Costa Rica
2007 Croatia p … Mr Darko Majstorovic … Siget 11, 10000 Zagreb, Republic of Croatia … Teozofija
1905 Cuba … Mr. Fidel Carrazana Macías … Apartado de Correos 6365, La Habana 10600
1987 Dominican Rep. † … Mrs Magaly Polanco … Calle Santa Agueda 1652 Les Chalet Col
San Juan Puerto Rico Apartado 23 00926
Vol. 144.3, December 2022

1888 England … Mrs Jenny Baker … 50 Gloucester Place, London W1U 8EA … Esoterica
1907 Finland … Mr Marko Kauppinen (Acting) … Teosofinen Seura, Vironkatu 7 C 2, Fin 00170, … Teosofi
1899 France … Ms Maxence Ondet … 4 Square Rapp, 75007 Paris … Le Lotus Bleu
1902 Germany … Mrs Manuela Kaulich … Hauptstr. 39, 93138 Lappersdorf … Adyar
1928 Greece … Dr Alexandros Bousoulengas … 25 Voukourestiou St., 106 71-Athens … Ilisos
1907 Hungary † … Mrs Adrienne Nagyiday … H-1085 Budapest, Horánszky u. 27. fsz. 10 … Teozófia
1921 Iceland … Mr Haraldur Erlendsson … PO Box 1257 Ingolfsstraeti 22, 121 Reykjavik … Gangleri
1891 India … Mr Pradeep H. Gohil … The Theosophical Society, Kamachha, … The Indian Theosophist
Varanasi 221 010
1912 Indonesia … Mr Widyatmoko Nekara … Dsn. Parelegi no. 21, RT 02/ RW 09, … Theosofi
Desa Purwodadi, Kecamatan Purwodadi,
67163 Pasuruan, Jawa Timur
1919 Ireland * … Mrs Marie Harkness … 97 Mountsandel Road, Coleraine, UK BT52 1TA …
1954 Israel p … Mr Abraham Oron … PO Box 9114, Ramat-Gan, Israel 5219002 … Or
1902 Italy … Mr Antonio Girardi … Viale Quintino Sella, 83/E, … Rivista Italiana di Teosofia
36100 Vicenza
Vol. 144.3, December 2022 1997 Ivory Coast * … Mr Pierre-Magloire Kouahoh … Yopougon, 23 Rue Princesse … Sophia
B. P. 3924, Abidjan 23
1919 Mexico … Mrs Juana Leonor Maldonado Ruíz … Ignacio Mariscal 126, Col. Tabacalera
Mexicana, Mexico, D.F. 06030
1897 Netherlands, The … Mr Wim Leys … Tolsraat 154, 1074 VM Amsterdam … Theosofia
1896 New Zealand … Mr John Vorstermans … 18, Belvedere Street, Epsom, Auckland 1051 … TheoSophia
1913 Norway * … Mr Audun Solberg … Knapstadveien 8, 1823 Knapstad
1935 Orlando p … Mr Carl Metzger … 1606 New York Ave. Orlando, Florida,
32803-1838, USA
1948 Pakistan † … … Jamshed Memorial Hall, M. A. Jinnah Road, … The Karachi Theosophist
opp. Radio Pakistan, Karachi 74200
1925 Paraguay p … Sr. Blas Osvaldo Añazco López … Eligio Ayala Nro. 1.833 e/ Mayor Fleitas y Gral.
Aquino Asunción
1924 Peru † … Mr Julio Pomar Calderón … Av Republica de Portugal 152, Breña, Lima 5 … Búsqueda
1933 Philippines, The … Mr Charlton Romero … Corner P. Florentino and Iba Streets, … The Philippine Theosophist
Quezon City, Manila
1921 Portugal … Mr Carlos Guerra … Sociedade Teosófica de Portugal, … Osiris
Rua José Estêvão, 10 B, 1150-202 Lisboa
1925 Puerto Rico † … Mrs Magaly Polanco … Apartado 36-1766 Correo General. … Heraldo Teosófico
The Theosophist

San Juan, Puerto Rico 00936-1766

2012 Qatar p … Mr Lijo Joseph . . . Crewing Officer, Teyseer Services Company
P.O. Box 2431, Doha
2013 Russia † … Mr Alexey Besputin … 159-52, Novomytischinsky prospekt, . . . Teosoficheskoe Obozrenie
Mytischi, Moscow region, 141018 (The Theosophical Review)
1910 Scotland * … Mr Gary Kidgell … Christine Gear 32 Newmains Road … Circles
Kirkliston Edinburgh EH29 9AL
1992 Slovenia * … Mrs Irena Primc … Kajuhova UI 9, 3000 Celje … Teozofska Misel
1921 Spain … Mrs Angels Torra Buron … Av. Vall d’or, 85-87 … Sophia
08197 - Valldoreix(Spain)
1926 Sri Lanka † … Mr D. A. L. Wanigasekera … 146 Anderson Rd, Dehiwala, … The Sri Lanka Theosophist
1895 Sweden … Mrs Birgitta Skarbo … Karla Plan 5 B, 11460 Stockholm … Tidlös Visdom
1910 Switzerland † … Mr Andrea Biasca-Caroni … Via Collina 19, 6612 Ascona, CH-6612 … The Lotus
1997 Togo * … Mr Kouma Dakey … S.O., A.R.T.T., BP 76, Adeta
2013 Ukraine … Mrs Svitlana Gavrylenko … Office 3, 7-A Zhylianska St., Kiev 01033 … Svitoch
1886 USA … Dr Barbara B. Hebert … PO Box 270, Wheaton, IL 60187-0270 … The Quest
1925 Uruguay * … Mrs Ema Ma. de Souza Leal … Javier Barrios Amorín 1085,
Casilla de Correos 1553, Montevideo
1925 Venezuela † … Mrs Nelly Nouel … Romualda a Socarrás, Edif. de Oro
Piso 12, Apto. 122 – Caracas
1922 Wales * … Mrs Julie Cunningham … Bryn Adda, Brynsiencyn, Llanfairpwll, …
Anglesey, LL61 6NX UK
Date refers to the date of formation * Regional Association † Presidential Agency p Lodge attached to Adyar

The Council of the European Federation of National Societies: Chair: Mrs Sabine Van Osta, Place des Gueux 8, B1000 Brussels.
Inter-American Theosophical Federation: President: Mr Enrique Reig, And. Nte 17 Villa Las Americas, San Andres, Cholula, Puebla, Mexico.,

Indo-Pacific Theosophical Federation: President: Mr Gerard Brennan, 42 Melbourne Street, Concord, 2137, Sydney, Australia.
Pan-African Theosophical Federation: Chairman: Mr Navin B. Shah, P.O. Box 14804.00800, Nairobi, Kenya. <>. Phone no.: +254 733-935525.

(Effective from 1 September 2013)



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Vol. 144.3, December 2022

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Some issues of The Theosophist are now available online and can be read and/or downloaded from:
Edited by Mr Tim Boyd, ‘Olcott Bungalow’, The Theosophical Society, Adyar, Chennai (TS),
Published by Mr S. Harihara Raghavan, ‘Arundale House’, TS, and Printed by Mr V. Gopalan, ‘Chit Sabha’, TS, at the
Vasanta Press, TS, Besant Garden, Besant Avenue, Adyar, Chennai (Madras) 600 020, India, on behalf of the President, The Theosophical Society.

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