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The first passage was influence by the character in life to people’s consideration.

Author started his opinion by giving the readers conversation he heard in airport, a
traveller complain German tone will affect people. Author had curiosity about
connection between people’s thinking and language. Author proved his idea by
showing Whorf’s argument, people will have different image in their mind although
by same words. Whorf made another example, Hopi people. They have no concept of
“time”, they feel the life in a different way. Whorf get idea of “linguistic
determinism”, people’s definition toward environment is determined by speaking. The
second passage was history of colour blue. Author talked a story about the colour
black and white were often appeared in works, but the blue colour never appeared,
even in the epic story Odssey. This phenomenon was the language inventor never seen
the blue colour before, the only people first had the concept of blue is Egyptian
because only they owned culture of making blue dye. An example from Davidoff’s
study on Himba people’s language, there were five classifications of colour but none
of them contained blue. Thus the conclusion was if people cannot distinguish the
colour in language, then people cannot feel the difference in daily life.

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