Week 5 Secondary Newsletter 28 09 23

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Secondary School Newsletter

Term 1 Week 5
28 September 2023

Dear Parents,

It has been a shorter but busy week in school this week. On Monday, G6 students presented a superb
assembly reminding us of the importance of the Prophet’s Birthday followed by a wonderful presentation for
the whole Secondary school delivered by students from G6-8 and led by Mr Alaa and the Arabic and Islamic
team. The MPH looked beautiful!

The school leadership team were delighted to welcome parents into school this week for a Coffee morning
and enjoyed meeting parents from different age groups to answer questions and talk about our school vision
for 2023-24. This was the first of a series of coffee mornings that will take place this term.

On Monday, we are delighted to host a University Careers fair in school. Please see the flyer in this
newsletter for details.

May I also please draw your attention to a parents’ letter regarding lanyards included from Miss Siobhan.

Wishing you an enjoyable extended weekend with your families.

Mrs Elizabeth Clancy - Head of Secondary
Fabulous presentation from the
Arabic team to commemmorate The
Prophet's Birthday this week
Heart Day
Healthy heart checks in
school today for World
Heart Day
A reminder of the
Home Learning Timetable
KS3 Grades 6,7,8

Day of the Week Faculty

Monday Mathematics
Tuesday English
Wednesday Humanities (including History,
Geography, ICT)
Thursday Arabic, Social Studies, Islamic
Friday Science (biology, chemistry, physics)
Student Council 2023 - 2024
First meeting will take place next Wednesday

We look forward to working with our student

representatives and learning more about their new
،‫أولياء األمور الكرام‬
Dear Parents,

If you do not yet have a yellow ‫في حال لم تستلموا عالقتكم الصفراء حتى‬
lanyard, please make sure you get a ‫ فيرجى التأكد من الحصول على شارة‬،‫اآلن‬
visitor badge from security and ‫الزائر من مكتب األمن في المدرسة وعرضها‬
visibly display this at all times when ‫بشكل واضح طوال فترة تواجدكم في‬
you are in school. This must be worn ‫ يجب أن يتم ارتداؤها وأن تكون‬.‫المدرسة‬
and clearly visible. .‫مرئية بوضوح‬

Thank you for co-operating with our ‫نشكركم على تعاونكم مع متطلبات الحماية‬
safeguarding requirements. As a ‫ فإن قادة مدرستنا في مجال‬،‫ للتذكير‬.‫لدينا‬
reminder, our school leads for
)‫الحماية هم شيفون ديكرسون (نائبة المدير‬
safeguarding are Siobhan Dickerson
‫ إذا‬.)‫وفضيلة اليماحي (منسقة شؤون الطالب‬
(Vice Principal) and Fadheilah Al
‫ فيرجى التواصل مع‬،‫كان لديكم أي تساؤالت‬
Yammahi (Student Affairs Co-
ordinator). If you every have any .‫أي منهما في المدرسة‬
concerns, please contact either at
the school.
Secondary students should now
have received all of their notebooks
and textbooks. Please inform your
form teacher if you are missing any
of these so that they can be
followed up.
Our Week in Science
Our week in Science

Grade Summary
6 Animals and Plant organ system.
7 Food and Nutrition: Healthy eating – Food groups & Nutrients
8-Chem Exploring different separation techniques for mixtures.
8-Phy Scaler and vector quantity (Distance and Displacement)
9 Bio Nutrients: Food labelling & Testing for nutrients in food items
9 Chem Ionic bonding- Giant ionic lattice and it’s characteristics.
9 Phys Reviewing calculations in power and energy ready for an End of Topic Assessment next
week Our week in science
10 Bio Describing the topic genes and inheritance including the monohybrid inheritance
10 Chem Exploring structural isomers of alkanes and alkenes
10 Phys Triple students are investigating turning forces using practical experience, whilst double
students are reviewing atoms and radioactivity ready for their assessment.
11 Bio Cell membrane structure and properties
11 Chem Looking at atomic orbitals and electronic configuration
11 Phys Using data from a previous investigation to plot a graph and then finding the gradient in
order to calculate the viscosity of a liquid
12 Bio Finding net primary productivity in trophic levels
12 Chem Calculating the pH of strong and weak acids.
12 Phys Radial Electric Fields – Verify the inverse square law of electrostatic force and separation
Some fantastic History work in
Secondary lessons this week.
Well done for completing your
The Sydney competition has been
extended to the 8th October.
Grade 11 pupils have been creating an
advertising campaign for this linking
with sustainability.
25- 29 September
English Update
• Students have been utilising
the library space extensively
this week as they work
toward improving
their reading levels
• We thank Mr. Faisal for
hosting our students in a
welcoming, friendly
Students have been focused on extended
transactional writing this week. The
display below is an example of one of Ms.
Jista’s writing lessons. This is always an
exciting process as students unlock new skills
that they can apply in the real world.

In The Classroom
Mr. Tom
Word of the week

Pronounced- kleen
Free from dirt or pollution-
‫خالية من األوساخ أو التلوث‬
Learning this week
• G6- Fractions; addition, subtraction, multiplication, division
• G7-Fractions; addition, subtraction (LCM) multiplication, division
(improper fractions)
• G8-Limits-Upper and Lower bounds

• G9H-Formulae, changing the subject, expanding single brackets

• G9F-Simplifying ratios, sharing in a given ratio, proportionality

• G10 H-Sequences, nth term, quadratic sequences

• G10F- Set notation/ Venn Diagram/ Probability diagrams
• G11-Integration
• G12-Differentiation
• Keywords for the week

• Factors
• Multiples
• Primes
• Lowest common multiple
• Highest common factor
• Mixed number
• Denominator
• Percentage
• Multiplier
Mathematics In real life
If you use internet banking you want to ensure it is secure and safe

Banks use code data using products of prime factors

Customers have prime numbers assigned and they are matched to the
banks numbers.

The prime numbers used are over 200 digits.

Banks reset and change these codes to ensure added security

Spotlight on a Mathematician
• Carl Friedrich Gauss

• Carl Friedrich Gauss was a German mathematician,

physicist, and astronomer who made significant contributions
to many areas of mathematics and science during the late
18th and early 19th centuries. He is often referred to as the
"Prince of Mathematicians" and is considered one of the
greatest mathematicians in history.
• Number Theory: Gauss made groundbreaking
contributions to number theory, particularly in the field of
modular arithmetic. His work laid the foundation for many
important concepts in number theory, including modular
forms, the law of quadratic reciprocity, and the distribution of
prime numbers.

This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND.

Art and Design

• Spotlight : Drawing Techniques

• Pencil Power: Learn the basics and

elevate your sketches.
• Charcoal Charm: Discover dramatic
contrasts and blending.
• Ink Inspiration: Master line quality
and depth.
• Digital inspirations : Get creative in
the digital realm.
Secondary Physical education
Girls are focusing on shooting skills and
defensive tactics such as intercepting and
blocking in handball. They are refining
their handball skills as they apply them
during game plays whilst they are tasked
with working with their peers.

Boys are working on their footwork as

they apply it to badminton
drills. Students are also learning and
practicing strategies used in doubles
matches in badminton.

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