An Introduction To Animal Diversity

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An introduction to Animal Diversity implantation occurs, the blastocyst

becomes a developing fetus

 The Animal Kingdom – extends far beyond
 Zygote – a fertilized egg/ovum, the union of
humans and other animals we may
a sperm cell and an egg cell
 Cleavage – division of zygote, subdivided
 Biomagnification – method of accruing
into smaller cells
toxic elements by different organisms
 the blastula undergoes gastrulation –
within a food chain
resulting in the formation of embryonic
 Chemosynthesis – biological process by
tissue layers and a gastrula
which chemical energy is converted into
 Blastula or Blastocyst – hollow sphere of
carbohydrates for the organisms food,
cells, produced during the development
ex. of animals that use this are snails,
of an embryo by repeated cleavage of a
scale worms and limpets
fertilized egg
 Animals have their own characteristic
 Blastoderm (germinal disc, blastodisc) –
 Animals are heterotrophs that ingest their
cells of the blastula form an epithelial
(covering) layer
 Animals are multicellular eukaryotes, their
 Blastocoel – enclosing a fluid-filled cavity
cells lack of cell walls
characteristic of animal embryos at the
 cell walls protect the plants
blastula stage
 cell lobes are not digestible; their bodies
 gastrula – early multicellular embryo
are held together by structural proteins
 gastrulation – an embryo transforms from a
such as collagen
one-dimensional layer of epithelial
 when your body cannot produce collagen,
cells (blastula) and reorganizes into a
your body will fall; reason why adults
are having a low collagen because of no
structure (gastrula)
proper diet
 Archenteron – blind pouch formed by
 Nervous tissue and muscle tissue are
gastrulation, opens to the outside via
unique to animals, they have nervous
the blastopore
tissue to stimuli and send to muscle
 Layers of embryonic tissues: ectoderm
tissue to contract or allow to move to
(outer), endoderm (inner)
 Only animals have WOX genes that regulate
 sea jelly (jelly fish) has nerve net – nervous
the development of body form
system to give jellies a sense of up and
 Hox family of genes has been highly
conserved – can produce a wide
 Most animals produce sexually – with the
diversity of animal morphology
diploid stage usually dominating the life
 Choanoflagellates – unicellular, free-living,
eukaryotic protists that form colonies,
 Oocyte – is a remarkable single cell that
closest living relatives of the animals,
grows and matures within the ovary
precursors of the animals who shared a
 Oocyte’s function – to fuse with sperm
common ancestor
after fertilization, transform into an
 Neoproterozoic era (1 bill – 524 mill yrs
embryo, then blastocyst and undergo a
ago) – include the ediacaran fauna
process called implantation where it
 Ediacaran fauna – unique assemblage of
attaches to the wall of the uterus, when
soft-bodied organisms preserved
worldwide as fossil impressions in  Acoelomate – flatworms lack a body cavity
sandstone between the digestive tract and outer
 Paleozoic era (542-251 mill yrs ago) – body wall, body covering (from
Cambrian explosion – marks the first ectoderm), digestive tract (from
fossil appearance of major groups of endoderm), tissue filled region (from
living animals mesoderm)
 Mesozoic era (251-65.5 mill yrs ago) –  Animals can be categorized as one of two
dinosaurs were the dominant terrestrial developmental modes:
vertebrates, coral reefs emerged,
Protostome Deuterostome
becoming important marine ecological
Development Development
niches for other organisms
Cleavage Spiral and Radial and
 Cenozoic era (65.5 mill yrs ago to present) –
determinate, determinate
modern mammal orders and insects, Ex. molluscs, annelids, Ex. echinoderms,
followed mass extinctions of both arthropods chordates
terrestrial and marine animals Coelom schizocoelous enterocoelous
 Animals have radial symmetry – like flower formation development – solid development –
pot, ex. sea anemone, it radiate from masses of mesoderm folds of
the center split and form coelom archenteron form
 Some animals have bilateral/two-sided coelom
symmetry – ex. lobster, it has left and Fate of the Blastopore becomes Blastopore
right side Blastopore the mouth becomes the anus
 Bilaterally symmetrically animals:
 Dorsal (top) side, Ventral (bottom) side  Points of Agreement
 Right and left side (lateral)  All animals share a common ancestor
 Anterior (head), Posterior (tail) ends  Sponges are basal animals
 Cephalization, development of a head  Eumetazoa is a clade of animals with true
 Body cavities – may be present or absent tissues
 True body cavity – called coelom, derived  Most animal phyla belong to the clade
from mesoderm bilateria
 Coelomate – such as annelids have a true  Vertebrates and some other phyla belong
coelom, digestive tract (from to the clade deuterostomia
endoderm), body covering (from  Disagreement over the Bilaterians
ectoderm), tissue layer lining coelom  Divides the bilaterians into two clades:
and suspending internal organs (from deuterostomes and protostomes
mesoderm)  Two sister taxa to the protostomes rather
 Pseudocoelom – a body cavity derived from than one: ecdysozoans and
the blastocoel rather than from lophotrochozoans
emsoderm, digestive tract (from  Ecdysozoans common characteristic: - they
ectoderm), muscle layer (from shed their exoskeletons through
mesoderm), body covering (from process called ecdysis
ectoderm)  Lophotrochozoans common characteristic:
 Organisms without body cavities – -feeding structure called lophophore
acoelomates  Other phyla – through distinct larval stage
called trochopore larva
 Future Directions in Animal Systematics
 Phylogenetic – provide further insights into
animal evolutionary history

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