Kings of Sardinia

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Kings of the Kingdom of Sardenia (later Kings of Italy}

Anne Marie
Amadeus II of
d'Orléans, 31 Octo
Savoy 14 May 1666
Princess of 1732
17 February Turin
France Moncal
1720 – 3 son of Charles Emmanuel II, Duke of Savoy and Marie Jeanne of Savoy
10 April 1684 aged 6
6 children

Anne Christine
of Sulzbach
15 March 1722
1 child

Charles Polyxena of
Emmanuel III Hesse-
27 April 1701 Februa
of Savoy Rotenburg
Turin 1773
3 September 20 August 1724
son of Victor Amadeus II of Sardinia and Anne Marie d'Orléans, Princess of France Turin
1730 – 20 6 children
aged 7
February 1773
Therese of
5 March 1737
3 children
Kings of the Kingdom of Sardenia (later Kings of Italy}

Amadeus III of Maria Antonietta 16 Octo
 1796-1797, Napoleon first excursion into Italy
Savoy of Spain 1796
 26 June 1726 Turin
20 February 31 May 1750 Moncal
son of Charles Emmanuel III of Sardinia and Polyxena of Hesse-Rotenburg
1773 – 16 12 children aged 7
October 1796

Emmanuel IV Marie Clotilde of 6 Octob
of Savoy France 1819
 4 May 1751 son of Victor Amadeus III of Sardinia and Maria Antonietta of Spain
16 October 27 August 1775 Rome
1796 – 4 June No children aged 6

Victor  1805 Napoleon proclaimed Emperor and King of Italy, appointed Viceroy (stepson). In Maria Teresa of 10 Janu
Emmanuel I of 1805 annexed Venetia, Dalmatia, and Istria. Austria-Este 1824
Savoy  1806 Napoleon occupies Naples and Joseph Bonaparte (brother) becomes King of 21 April 1789 Moncal
4 June 1802 – 7 children aged 6
 1808 J Bonaparte becomes King of Spain and French Genera Murat
12 March 1821  1809 Napoleon annexed Rome and held the pope, Pius VII prisoner
 1815 March to July (100 days) Napoleon returns form 11 month exiled inElba
 1816 Sicily and Naples reunited by Congress of Vienna
 1820s revolutionary cells emerged throughout Europe. In Italy the Carbonari
 1820 Spanish Revolution. Created instability in Naples at the hands of the “Carbonari”.
King Ferdinand 1 responded by granting the Carbonari a new constitution and a
Parliament in the south. In 1821 the Carbonari obtained a constitutional monarch and
Kings of the Kingdom of Sardenia (later Kings of Italy}

liberal reforms from the kingdom of Sardinia (V. Emanuel I . When the Holy Alliance in
March 1821 marched against Naples (not tolerating alliances with revolutionaries
defeated southern insurgents. King Victor Emanuele I undecided abdicated in favor or
brother Charles Felix who sought Austrian help and in April 1921 the Habsburg army
defeated the rebels and uprisings triggered by Carbonari collapsed.
 24 July 1759Turin
son of Victor Amadeus III of Sardinia and Maria Antonietta of Spain

 April Feb 1831 several cities in Papal States rose against Papal rule and Pope Maria Cristina of
Charles Felix 27 Ap
Gregory XVI asked for Austrian help, and decimated the Carbonari who had Naples and
of Savoy 1831
marched on Rome. The old Carbonari guard realizing could not take Austrian Sicily
12 March 1821 Turin
Army started new movement Giovani Italia led by nationalist Giuseppe Manzini 7 March 1807
– 27 April 1831 aged 6
 6 April 1765 Turin, born No children
 Son of Victor Amadeus III of Sardinia and Maria Antonietta of Spain

 1842 Cavour becomes Prime Minister of Kingdom Sardinia

 1848-49 First Italian War of Independence. Kingdom of Sardinia attacked Austria in
Piedmont. Started after riots in Milan against Austria and then Venice declared war
against Austria. Won by Austria and Piedemontese Army retreated form Milan to Maria Theresa
Charles Albert 28 Ju
Kingdom of Sardinia.. Attempt to renew war following year resulted in another of Austria
of Savoy 1849
Austrian Vicoty effectively ending war of independence. 30 September
27 April 1831 – Porto
 Hungarian Revolution 1848. Almost one independence from Austria but 200,00 1817
23 March 1849 aged 5
Russians joined Austrians 3 children
 1848 Sicilian War of Independence from Spain (Kingdom of Two Sicilies
 2 October 1798 Turin
son of Charles Emmanuel, Prince of Carignan and Maria Cristina of Saxony
Kings of the Kingdom of Sardenia (later Kings of Italy}

 1859 Kingdom of Sardinia became ally of France and Britain in the Crimean War
Adelaide of
 1859 Franco-Austrian or Austro-Sardinian War. Second French Empire/Kingdom of
Victor Sardinia against Austrians. Year prior to the War Sardinia/France formed an
12 April 1842
Emmanuel II of alliance giving Duchy of Savoy and County of Nice to France. Austrians defeated at 9 Janua
8 children
Savoy Battle of Magenta pushing Austrians back to Lombardy. Austrians ceded Lombardy 1878
23 March 1849 to France who then gave it to Sardinia. Armistice of Villafranca signed in July after 4 Rome
Rosa Vercellana
– 17 March month war. Sardinia then annexed the United Provinces of Central Italy (Tuscany, aged 5
18 October
1861 Parma, Modena and Reggio, and Papal regions in 1860.
 14 March 1820Turin 2 children
son of Charles Albert of Sardinia and Maria Theresa of Austria

In 1861, after the annexation of other states in the Italian peninsula, the parliament of the Kingdom of Sardinia passed a law (Legge n.
4671, 17 marzo 1861) adding to the style of the sovereign the title of King of Italy. The monarchs retained the designation of King of

Kings of Italy[edit]
House of Savoy, 1861–1946[edit]
Name Portrait Birth Marriage(s) Death

Adelaide of Austria
12 April 1842
14 March 1820
Victor Emmanuel II of Savoy 8 children 9 January 1878
17 March 1861 – 9 January Rome
son of Charles Albert of Sardinia and Maria Theresa of
1878 Rosa Vercellana aged 57
18 October 1869
2 children
Kings of the Kingdom of Sardenia (later Kings of Italy}

14 March 1844
Umberto I of Italy Margherita of Savoy 29 July 1900
9 January 1878 – 29 July 21 April 1868 Monza
son of Victor Emmanuel II of Savoy and Adelaide of
1900 1 child aged 56

11 November 1869 Elena of Montenegro 28 December 194

Victor Emmanuel III of Italy
Naples 24 October 1896 Alexandria
29 July 1900 – 9 May 1946
son of Umberto I of Italy and Margherita of Savoy 5 children aged 78

15 September 1904
Marie José of Belgium 18 March 1983
Umberto II of Italy Racconigi
8 January 1930 Geneva
9 May 1946 – 12 June 1946 son of Victor Emmanuel III of Italy and Elena of
4 children aged 78

The Kingdom of Italy was disestablished by an institutional referendum on 2 June 1946 and the Italian Republic was proclaimed.
Coat of arms[edit]

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