OB Bible

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1. Trust vs.

Mistrust (Infancy - 0 to 1 year):

- How did your caregivers respond to your emotional needs as an infant?

- Can you recall instances when you felt safe and secure as a baby?

- Have there been situations where you struggled to trust others, even as an adult?

- Describe your early experiences with bonding and attachment.

- Have you ever had difficulties trusting medical professionals or authority figures?

2. Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt (Toddler - 1 to 3 years):

- Share memories of your early attempts at self-expression and independence.

- How did your caregivers react to your early efforts to explore the world?

- Can you think of a specific situation where you felt embarrassed or shamed for your actions?

- Discuss the role of praise and encouragement in your development during this stage.

- Have you ever faced challenges in asserting your autonomy in adult life?

3. Initiative vs. Guilt (Preschool - 3 to 6 years):

- Describe a memorable initiative or project you undertook during childhood.

- How did your caregivers and peers react to your creative endeavors?

- Share an example of when you experienced guilt or anxiety about something you did.

- Discuss your early experiences with rules, boundaries, and moral development.

- Have you noticed any patterns of guilt or self-doubt in your decision-making as an adult?

4. Industry vs. Inferiority (Elementary School - 6 to 12 years):

- Talk about your experiences with school and extracurricular activities during this period.

- How did your teachers and parents influence your sense of competence?

- Can you recall an achievement that made you feel especially industrious?

- Share an instance when you felt inferior or less competent compared to others.

- Discuss the role of peer relationships and friendships in shaping your self-esteem.
5. Identity vs. Role Confusion (Adolescence - 12 to 18 years):

- Describe your early exploration of roles and identities, including hobbies and interests.

- How did you respond to societal and peer pressures during adolescence?

- Can you recall moments of identity crisis or confusion about your future?

- Discuss your experiences with peer groups and how they influenced your identity.

- Share a significant decision or realization that helped solidify your sense of self.

6. Intimacy vs. Isolation (Young Adulthood - 18 to 40 years):

- Discuss your experiences in forming and maintaining romantic relationships.

- Can you describe a time when you felt emotionally close and connected to someone?

- How do you handle conflicts or differences within your intimate relationships?

- Share a moment when you had to balance your need for independence with your desire for intimacy.

- Have you ever experienced a period of social isolation or loneliness in adulthood?

7. Generativity vs. Stagnation (Middle Adulthood - 40 to 65 years):

- Reflect on your contributions to your family and community.

- Can you share a specific example of mentoring or guiding others in their development?

- Discuss your career and personal achievements during this stage.

- How do you view your legacy and the impact you've had on future generations?

- Have you ever felt a sense of stagnation or restlessness in middle adulthood?

8. Ego Integrity vs. Despair (Late Adulthood - 65 years and older):

- Reflect on your life's journey and the wisdom you've gained.

- Can you share moments of acceptance and contentment with your life as a whole?

- How do you cope with physical and cognitive changes that come with aging?

- Discuss your relationships with younger generations and the role you play in your family.

- Have you ever experienced feelings of regret or despair about unfulfilled life goals?

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