10 Inspirational Rags To Riches Celebrity Stories

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10 Inspirational Rags to Riches Celebrity

A success story is a pleasure to read. Particularly, when the success story involves the protagonist fighting
against all odds and overcoming adversity to taste the fruits of success. Many a film and novel with such
stories have become popular. Moving away from the world of fiction, there are many such real life
stories. These are stories of people who started with nothing and ended up becoming millionaires .
When these stories involve celebrities, it naturally makes it more interesting to read about.
Many celebrities moved from rags to riches in life’s journey. Starting from a humble background, faced
with poverty and other problems, these celebrities learned how to overcome all that fate threw at them.
They moved forward with a single-minded determination to achieve success. Having earned millions
today, these celebrities are classic examples of the results of hard work and determination. To quote the
celebrated Zig Ziglar, “Sometimes adversity is what you need to face in order to become successful.”

The stories we present here exemplify this quote. These are stories of well-known celebrities who
achieved success the hard way. Their stories are inspirational as they affirm that nothing is impossible.
Reading success stories of celebrities can inspire others. After all, these celebrities have a huge fan
following, their life stories can inspire their fans to work towards success. ‘If they could do it, why can’t
we?’ – this is what should be in your mind when you read such rags to riches stories.
We present to you ten such rags to riches stories of popular celebrities who are multimillionaires. We
are sure you would find their story interesting and inspiring.
1. J K Rowling
J K Rowling is an acclaimed author who created the magical world of Harry Potter. She has taken the
literary world by storm and became a billionaire, thanks to her literary achievements. Her journey to
success was not easy by any means. Her life started with poverty troubling her at all stages. She was a
single mother, who struggled to make ends meet. She even had to face a situation, where she did not have
money for food. She did not allow her troubles to impede her quest for success. She knew that she could
write and was determined to achieve success.

Even though she had to survive on welfare, she continued to write with the hope of achieving success.
Her manuscript was rejected twelve times. Her agent told her that she could never hope to make a living
out of writing. This would be sufficient to make most people give up. Fortunately for the world of
children’s fiction, she did not give up. She persisted and finally, her story was accepted for publication.
The rest is history! Her story tells us not to give up whatever may be the obstacles we encounter.

2. Shania Twain
The story of Eileen Edwards is yet another inspiring rags to riches tale. We know her better as Shania
Twain, an internationally renowned singer. Her life story is one of pain and suffering. Her parents
divorced when she was young. Her stepfather was a violent man who attacked her on many occasions.
With not much money, she could not hope to pursue her singing career. She even had to stay in a foster
home for some time. She had to work part-time to sustain herself. Fate dealt a cruel blow when her
parents died in an accident. In her early twenties, she now had the responsibility of taking her of her
younger siblings.

She got a singing job that could help earn a livelihood. At no stage, did she give up on her dream of
becoming a singer. She wrote songs when she could and continued in her quest to achieve her dream.
Finally, she ended up in Nashville and got her first break. Even though her first album was not a big hit,
she was now ‘on the way’, which is the meaning of her first name Shania. Hit after hit and she achieved
success and is now a superstar. Hardships are no obstacles to success. This is what we can learn from her
3. Jim Carrey
Comedy actor Jim Carrey is a favorite among all those who love this genre. His performance in
the Maskandother such movies has won him fans world over. The stories of his early days though are one
of sadness. When he was 12 years, his father lost his job and the family lost their only source of income.
With no money, they could not even afford a house and to stay in a van. With the family in a desperate
situation, Carrey had no option but to drop out of school and take up work.
He worked as a janitor and security guard to earn money for his family. His situation did not make him
lose hope or give up. He believed he had a natural flair for comedy and pursued this line. Soon he got into
the comedy circuit and people started to take note of him. This opened up a career in Hollywood with
movie offers. He went on to become one of the top actors with a great fan following. A multi-millionaire
now, he would never have reached this far had he given hope in those difficult days. The lesson we learn
is to pursue what you love, no matter what the troubles you may have.

4. Selena Gomez
One of the top music, movie, and TV stars Selena Gomez has achieved International fame. A favorite of
the paparazzi, she is one of the well-known celebrities in the world. A millionaire leading a life of luxury
today, her early days were not so easy. The adulation and fame that she is enjoying today came by
overcoming many difficulties. Her mother was a single parent and raised Selena on her own. In fact, her
mother was just 16 when Selena was born. She went through many difficulties to make a living.

Selena had a tough childhood with no money and no access to the facilities that other children. Her
mother soon remarried. Her mother was a performer and Selena learned from her mother. Her mother’s
focus on her work inspired Selena who aspired to be like her. Soon her talent was recognized by Disney
and at the age of 7, she entered the world of television. She became a well-known child star on TV. This
was followed by movies, music, and fame. Her success would not have come about had she been
overwhelmed by the situation she faced when she a child. Talent and determination brought her this

5. Mila Kunis
Mila Kunis is from the Ukraine, a former country of the Soviet Union. Following the dissolution of the
USSR, the country was in turmoil and life was difficult. That was when the Kunis family decided to leave
the country and move to the US in the hope for a better life. Those days were difficult for the family.
Poverty and hardship were what Kunis faced in her childhood. It was even difficult to get a square meal
to eat. She had to work as a teen to sustain her family. She chose acting and focused herself on being

She got a break in That 70s show, which led to her being noticed by Hollywood. The world of movies
soon followed and fame came her way. From a life of poverty, with only ketchup soup as food to being a
millionaire today, Mila Kunis has come a long way. She has not forgotten what she went through and has
vowed that she and her husband Ashton Kutcher would not raise entitled children. The struggles she faced
and how she overcame them to find successis what we can learn from her story.
6. Snoop Dogg
A popular and well-known rapper Snoop Dogg is one of the top stars in the world of rap music. In the
90s, he specialized in gangsta rap music. This is based on his life and his experiences. His success and the
wealth he has earned today has come through extreme difficulties. His is a story of someone who came
from a very difficult background and worked hard to achieve success. His childhood and young days were
spent on the California streets, where he experienced crime firsthand.

He had bitter experiences with the law and his surroundings were sinking him into the world of crime.
He, however, did not allow this to happen. He worked hard and used his difficult circumstances to
achieve success. His songs talk about his struggles and his life. That has won his many fans and fame.
The turnaround he achieved and how he used his experiences to achieve success is what we can learn
from his story.
7. Leonardo Di Caprio
One of the top stars of Hollywood, Leo at one time was the highest paid actor in the world of movies. He
is a millionaire many times over and has earned name and fame. His path to superstardom though was not
so easy. He was born in a poor family and struggled through his childhood. The neighborhood where he
stayed in LA exposed him to the evils of society. Drugs, violence, prostitution, crime – Leo was exposed
to all this at a young age. It can be an experience that can make a youngster go wayward on a path
difficult to come back from.

Leo, though, did not lose hope. He remained focused on what he wanted from life. He got a scholarship to
a private school. He did not get acceptance and faced bullying and beatings. This did not make him lose
hope. He worked hard with a focus on his goal. He soon ended up in Hollywood. Titanic made him an
International star and there was no looking back after that. The importance of focusing on a goal,
irrespective of the obstacles is what we can learn from his story.
8. Sarah Jessica Parker
One of the top actors on Television, Sarah Jessica Parker has become a household name. Her success has
made her a multi-millionaire. The fame and money did not come easily. It has been a life of struggle for
Sarah to come up in life. Hers is a true rag to riches story. Born in a family that faced poverty daily, she
faced difficulties every day of her life. She had to depend on the free lunch at school to get through. There
was nor even electricity and telephone at home as her family could not afford to pay the utility bills.

Unlike other children, there were no birthday parties and celebrations. It was an extremely difficult life,
where the road ahead seemed to have only darkness. After a divorce, her mother remarried and helped
Sarah to focus on her talent on acting. She began working as a child to earn money for the family. She
soon got a break in Broadway. Her performance in the title role of Annie changed her career. She found
success, followed by her entry into TV, after which there was no looking back. Overcoming obstacles and
focusing on a talent is what we learn from her story.
9. Kelly Clarkson
Kelly Clarkson is one of the top singers in the world today. Having won three Grammies, she is at the top
of her field. Success and money came her way and she is today a millionaire. The riches did not come
easily. It was a life of struggle that helped her come up in life. Her childhood was difficult with her family
broken up after her father left them. She did not lose focus because of her difficulties. She graduated from
college and decided to pursue a career in music. Working at odd jobs, she struggled to achieve success.

She got her first break in American Idol. Her performance won her many fans and the appreciation of
her judges. She was the first winner of the show. From then on, she moved ahead in the world of music
and hit after hit followed. Her success in the world of music has come because she did not allow negative
circumstances and obstaclesto affect her.
10. Mark Wahlberg.
One of the leading stars of Hollywood, Mark Wahlberg is a millionaire and at one time was the highest
paid actor in the industry. Rag to riches exemplifies his life. His childhood was not difficult, but terrible.
One of nine children in a poor family, he faced only difficulties at childhood. With no money, he had no
option but to enter the world of crime.

He had to sell drugs to make money and faced abuse and violence. He spent 45 days in prison and was on
the verge of entering the world of crime when he managed to pull away. He took an oath to be focused on
his career. He dabbled in singing before moving to movies and attaining fame. His story tells us that even
when everything seems dark, there is still light ahead if you can focus on it.

Each one of these successful persons achieved their dreams by sheer effort with a single-minded focus on
their goals. We can learn from their stories and similarly focus ourselves with the hope of achieving our
goals. We hope these stories were inspiring for you.

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