Final Research Paper

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Guide - Mr. R. M. PATIL.
Sharad Institute of Technology Polytechnic (Yadrav-Ichalkaranji)

Tohidealam Firoj Nadaf Aman Chandso Momin

Student Student
Department of Computer Engineering Department of Computer Engineering

Rakib Rafik Momin Aabid Yunus Mulla

Student Student
Department of Computer Engineering Department of Computer Engineering

Abstract — This research paper presents a lab allocation system designed to check the
availability of classes and labs in academic institutions. The system indicates the status
of a lab or class as either “free” or & “allocated” based on whether it is currently in use
or available. The system does not handle equipment or resource allocation. The lab
allocation system aims to improve the efficiency of academic institutions by simplifying
the lab allocation process and reducing scheduling conflicts. The paper provides a
detailed description of the system’s architecture, features, and functionality. The
implementation of the system is discussed, and its effectiveness is evaluated through a
series of tests. Overall, the lab allocation system provides an effective and practical
solution to lab scheduling issues in academic institutions. The lab allocation system also
includes features to manage reservations, such as the ability to view, modify, or cancel a
reservation. Authorized users can easily reserve facilities through a user-friendly
interface and view their availability status. The system optimizes the allocation of
facilities through a scheduling algorithm, ensuring that the most appropriate facility is
assigned for a given reservation. Email notifications are sent to authorized personnel
upon reservation and cancellation of facilities to ensure that all stakeholders are
informed of any changes to the schedule. The lab allocation system proposed in this
research paper is a step towards a more efficient and organized allocation of resources
in academic institutions.

Index Terms— Lab allocation, Laboratory and Classes scheduling.


In academic institutions and colleges, the efficient allocation of classrooms and labs is a
challenging task. With limited resources and increasing student enrolment, it is becoming
difficult to allocate classes and labs effectively. This problem can be addressed through the
use of a lab allocation system. A lab allocation system is a software application that manages
the allocation of classrooms and labs in an academic institution.
The lab allocation system is not concerned with the allocation of resources or equipment but
focuses only on the allocation of classes and labs. It checks the availability of classes and labs
and indicates their status as either free or allocated. The purpose of this system is to provide a
user-friendly interface for academic institutions to allocate classrooms and labs efficiently.
In this research paper, we will discuss the lab allocation system in detail. The paper will
cover the features and benefits of the system, the importance of the system for academic
institutions, and the methodology used to develop the system. We will also discuss the results
of the study and draw conclusions based on our findings


The proposed lab allocation system is a web-based application that will enable authorized
personnel to access the system through their respective login credentials. The application will
allow authorized users to view the availability of classes and labs and reserve the desired
facilities by selecting the available time slots. Once a facility has been reserved, its status will
be indicated as allocated in the system, and it will not be available for further reservations
during that time slot.

To ensure the efficient allocation of facilities, the system will implement a scheduling
algorithm that considers factors such as the type of lab or classroom, its capacity, and its
availability. The scheduling algorithm will enable the system to automatically allocate the
most appropriate facility for a given reservation, based on the availability and capacity of the
available facilities.

The lab allocation system will also provide features for managing reservations, such as the
ability to view, modify, or cancel a reservation. The system will send email notifications to
the authorized personnel upon reservation and cancellation of facilities, ensuring that all
stakeholders are informed of any changes to the schedule.


The proposed lab allocation system was implemented using Java, SQLite database, and
Android studio. The system was designed to provide a streamlined and efficient method for
managing the availability of classes and labs. The user interface was designed using Android
studio and the back-end was developed using Java. The data was stored in a SQLite database,

which allowed for easy access and manipulation of the data. The scheduling algorithm was
implemented using Java, which enabled the system to automatically allocate the most
appropriate facility for a given reservation, based on the availability and capacity of the
available facilities. The functionality of the system was tested using a series of test cases.
Finally, the system was deployed on an Android device for user testing.

System architecture

The architecture of the lab allocation system consists of two main components – the user
interface and the back-end. The user interface was designed using Android studio, which
enables the users to view the availability of classes and labs and reserve the desired facilities
by selecting the available time slots. The back-end was developed using Java and SQLite
database, which stores all the data related to the system. The back-end also implements the
scheduling algorithm, which enables the system to automatically allocate the most
appropriate facility for a given reservation.

Features and Benefits

A. User-friendly Interface: The lab allocation system provides a user-friendly interface that
is easy to navigate and use. The interface is designed to be simple and intuitive, allowing
users to quickly and easily check the availability of classes and labs.

B. Easily give the information about classes and lab status: The lab allocation system
enables users to easily check the status of classes and labs. Users can view the status of each
class and lab, and see whether it is free or allocated.

C. Time and Resource Optimization: The lab allocation system optimizes time and
resources by making it easier to allocate classes and labs. The system reduces the time and
effort required to manage classes and labs, and helps to optimize the use of resources.

D. Efficient Record Keeping: The lab allocation system provides efficient record keeping
capabilities. The system allows users to keep track of the allocation of classes and labs,
making it easier to manage schedules and resources.


Although the lab allocation system provides a useful tool for managing classes and labs in
academic institutions, there are some limitations to the system. One limitation is that the
system only checks the availability of classes and labs, and does not manage the allocation of
resources or equipment. This means that the system may not be suitable for institutions that
require a more comprehensive resource management system. Another limitation is that the
system relies on manual updates from users to indicate the status of classes and labs, which
may lead to inaccuracies if users do not update the system in a timely manner.


The lab allocation system is designed to provide a streamlined and efficient method for
managing the availability of classes and labs in academic institutions. In addition to checking
the availability of classes and labs, the system also includes the functionality to take
attendance. The system allows authorized personnel to view the availability of classes and
labs, reserve desired facilities, and take attendance of students in those facilities.

Key Features of the Lab Allocation System:

1. User-Friendly Interface: The Lab Allocation System has a simple and intuitive
interface that allows users to easily view the availability of classes and labs and
reserve the desired facilities.

2. Automated Scheduling Algorithm: The system implements an automated

scheduling algorithm that allocates the most appropriate facility for a given
reservation based on factors such as the type of lab or classroom, its capacity, and its

3. Attendance Management: The system allows the management of attendance for

classes or labs that are reserved, providing an accurate record of student attendance
and reducing the need for manual record-keeping.

4. Reservation Management: The system allows users to view, modify, or cancel a

reservation, providing flexibility in managing schedules.

5. Email Notifications: The system sends email notifications to authorized personnel

upon reservation and cancellation of facilities, ensuring that all stakeholders are
informed of any changes to the schedule.

6. Access Control: The system has built-in access control, allowing only authorized
personnel to access and manage reservations.

7. Reports and Analytics: The system generates reports and analytics that provide
insights into lab and class usage patterns, helping institutions to optimize their

8. Mobile Compatibility: The system is designed to be compatible with mobile devices,

allowing users to manage reservations from anywhere, at any time.

9. Resource Allocation: While the system does not handle equipment or resource
allocation, it can be integrated with other systems that specialize in managing these
aspects of lab and class scheduling.

10. User Access Levels: The system includes different access levels for users, such as
administrators, faculty members, and students, to ensure that only authorized
personnel can reserve or modify facility reservations.

11. System Integration: The system can be integrated with other academic systems such
as student information systems and learning management systems, to provide a more
comprehensive solution for managing academic facilities.

12. Testing and Evaluation: The effectiveness of the system can be evaluated through
various tests and assessments, such as user testing and feedback, system performance
testing, and security testing.

13. Future Enhancements: The system can be further enhanced by adding new features
such as predictive scheduling, which can use historical data to predict the availability
of facilities and reduce scheduling conflicts.

14. Benefits for Academic Institutions: The lab allocation system provides several
benefits to academic institutions such as efficient resource allocation, reduced
scheduling conflicts, improved facility management, and better attendance tracking.

Future Work

There are several areas for future work on the lab allocation system. One area for
improvement is the integration of the system with a resource management system to allow for
more comprehensive management of resources and equipment. Another area for
improvement is the development of a real-time update feature that automatically updates the
status of classes and labs based on user activity. Additionally, the system could be expanded
to include features such as automated scheduling and conflict resolution to further improve
the efficiency of lab allocation. Finally, future work could focus on the development of a
mobile application to allow for easy access to the system from any location.


In conclusion, the lab allocation system presented in this research paper offers a practical and
effective solution for managing the availability of classes and labs in academic institutions.
The system is designed to simplify the allocation process and reduce scheduling conflicts. It
allows authorized users to view the availability of facilities and reserve them easily through a
user-friendly interface. The scheduling algorithm implemented in the system optimizes the
allocation of facilities, ensuring that the most appropriate facility is assigned for a given
reservation. Additionally, the lab allocation system provides features for managing
reservations, such as the ability to view, modify, or cancel a reservation. The email
notifications sent to authorized personnel upon reservation and cancellation of facilities
ensure that all stakeholders are informed of any changes to the schedule. Further research and
development in this area can improve the system's capabilities, such as adding the ability to

allocate resources based on user preferences or integrating the system with other academic
institution management systems. Lab allocation systems can be an invaluable tool to help
academic institutions manage their resources efficiently, resulting in a more productive and
streamlined academy.


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