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HOMEWORK I. Complete the article. Use the past simple, past continuous or past perfect of the verbs in brackets. AVALANCHE SURVIVORS IN GOOD HEALTH ‘A survivor of Monday’s avalanche described his experience to reporters yesterday. Duncan Wood and his friend Steven Taylor (1) climb when the avalanche (2) .. ccecsessven (hit) them, “We @) (check) the weather reports before leaving, of course, and we (4) (chose) an area that was safe - we thought,” Mr Wood said. ‘The weather was OK - it (5) : cesses (not snow). We (6) . (walk) down the mountain when suddenly, the snow under me (7) . | (start) moving and (8) (carry) me down the mountain. I was terrified! Snow and rocks (9) . seve (fall) everywhere around met “When it (10) . ceeteicteeeeessne (stop), I was covered in snow, but I could still see the sky above me. I (11) (manage) to dig a hole and get out. Then I (12) (return) from a (see) an arm in the snow near me. Steven (13) . (land) right next to me! T (4) scscssssssistsnseisnsennese (dig) & hole for him and he (15) (get) out. We weren't badly injured and we feel fine now. We were very lucky.’ II. Quickly read the passage and choose the most suitable heading A, B, or C for each paragraph. A. Nomadic children’s lives B, The importance of cattle to nomads C. The nomads’ home 16. ceeeeeee . We don’t live a normal life like many other people, We live a nomadic life. This means we move two or three times a year to look for new pastures - grasslands - for our cattle. The cattle provide most of our needs: dairy products, meat, and clothing. 17. ceeeeeseee We live in a ger, our traditional circular tent. It keeps us cool in summer and warm in winter, even when the temperature drops to -50°C. It can be put up then taken down and transported. 18. For most of the year, we are surrounded by vast pastures, rivers and mountains. We see few people from the outside world. When we are small, we play on our land and with the animals. The horse is our best friend. Any nomadic child can ride a horse. We learn from an early age to help in the family, from household chores to heavier work like herding the cattle. We also learn to be brave. LISTENING Fill in the blanks. Briony: Did you get any information on the reading for the other (1) ......ccccseeeee OF OU work? ‘TRUNG TAM NGOAI NGO NQ EDUCATION Dia chi: Ting 3, toi nhi 29T2- NOS, B. Hoing Deo Thiy, P. Trung Hoa, Q, Chu Gidy, Hi NO: SBT: 090, 240, 8989 6 Arthur: Briony, Arthur: Briony: Arthur: Briony, Arthur: Briony: Arthur: Briony: Yes, I did. You mean the Art and Society module? Yes. ‘Yes, I met Simpson himself as we were waiting for a train at Norchester station so I (2) to ask him. Any lucl Yes, I've got the notes I took here. He told me, of course, to start with Greenberg, who covers contemporary art and the up-to-the-(3) about the modem movements really. As far as the economic (4) concerned, a basic text is the Parliamentary report on art and the UK econom This gives lots of monetary facts and figures, but the figures are not very satisfactory as, of course, a lot of the information is confidential and can’t be (5) “Art Now! Art Wow!” by someone called Dennison sounds exciting and is about how art anid ‘gate aUM(6) , presented for buyers and sold in the US. It's about the whole (7) in art as a phenomenon. Like a product, like washing powder. Yes .... That’s the idea of the book, anyway. And there’s another one here, oh yes, by someone called Hampton. It’s a book called American Art which Simpson says is full of discussion on the relationship of art to the other (8) .... of culture, such as film, television, books and so on. Popular culture, I suppose. Not just popular... culture of (9) . sorts, I imagine, Finally, for the spiritual and more abstract aspects of art, he recommends Art and the Mind of Modem Man by Frick. It’s sort of about how art (10) 4 . to how we think. He did have lots of other recommendations, but luckily his train arrived before he could move on to them. These seem enough to me. Yes. They're a good place to start, We will be busy, movements in America. It's .. of art is ‘TRUNG TAM NGOAI NGC'NQ EDUCATION Dac Ting 3, toi nh 2972- NOS, B. Hoing Dgo Thiy, P. Trung Hoa, Q. Chu Gidy, HA NO: SBT: 090, 240, 8989 7

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