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Pronouns – Kinds of Pronouns

(Can be Subject
Pronoun Possessive
or Object)
(This / That / (Does NOT
These / Those come before a
NOT Before a Noun)
Interrogative Relative
Word Pillar Pronoun
(Acts as a
Pronouns conjunction -
(Who / Whom /
who / whom /
What / Which /
whose / that /
which - Joins

Reflexive Indefinite
Pronoun Pronoun
Emphatic (Non-specific -
(Refers to the Pronoun someone,
subject - Used everyone, etc.)
(Lays emphasis
as an object) on the Noun or
pronoun - does
not change the
meaning of the
Contact: | 9833 932 812 | 9833 362 362
Iden%fy the Pronouns and State their Kinds:
1. A) The woman saw somebody walk past the
window at night.

B) She wondered, "Who could it be?"

2. A) Can anyone help him pick up this heavy box?

B) This is not good for his back!

C) He needs to rest before he injures himself.

3. A) Nothing was leK unLdy when I leK the room in the morning.

B) I myself cleaned it up.

C) The cat cleaned itself in a corner of the house. The cat is not mine.

Word Pillar
4. A) Many were interested in the seminar which was conducted by her.

B) It was flaQering

C) Who had aQended the meeLng?

D) That is an interesLng quesLon. It might have been the CEO himself.

5. A) Several have complained about the hawkers.

B) These are the people who are occupying the footpaths.

C) This is cruel to them. Where will they go?

D) They are trying to earn a livelihood for themselves.

Fill in the blanks with possessive pronouns:

1. This belongs to my sister. It is _____________.
2. Elsa and Anna are queens of a kingdom. The kingdom is _____________.
3. Sam and I submiQed this project. This project is _____________.
4. Put these books in your bag. These books are _____________.
5. I got a new phone yesterday. This phone is _____________.
6. Chef Tom wrote the recipe for this dish. The recipe is _____________.

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