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K. Kingsley Chukwujindu

To prune is to trim (a tree, shrub or bush) by cutting away dead or overgrown (wild) branches or
stems, especially to encourage growth. Being cut back makes the branch rely on the root of the
tree to nourish it to bring forth the new shoot. At the time of pruning, the branch must remember
its root from which to draw the lifeblood of the tree. Without remembering the root, the branch
will wither, die and eventually be cut off completely. Just like the branch has to depend on the
lifeblood of the tree for survival & fruitfulness, apart from Christ, we can do nothing – John

The way vines need pruning from time to time, to remove dead branches or areas where there is
overgrowth, Christians need to be pruned or reshaped at different times in different areas of our
lives. There are sins or distractions in our lives that need to be cut out. There are influences or
habits in our lives that are ungodly. They need to be pruned away, cut out of our lives if we are
going to bear more fruit. Although the pruning process is generally not pleasant, when it is over,
we're much better off spiritually, emotionally and physically.

Jesus likened the disciples to branches. Not just branches, but branches of a vine. A vine is a
peculiar plant that cannot be cultivated by stems. They can only be cultivated by seed.
Allegorically, every Christian is born by the seed of God. We do not join the church by
enrollment; rather we are born into the church – born of the seed of what 1John3:9.

Jesus Christ is the Vine - the true Vine. He is the embodiment of human and divine natures, and
the fullness of the Spirit in him, can be likened unto the root of the vine made fruitful by the
moisture from a rich soil. We (Christians) are branches of this Vine. The root is unseen, but bears
the tree and diffuses sap to it. In the same vain Christ supports and supplies nourishment, by His
spirit to all who are joined to Him by faith. There are two types of branches - those that are
fruitful and those that are fruitless. Fruitfulness refers to Christian character that brings glory to
God. Pruning implies the removal of hindrances to the believer’s spiritual growth, to allow for
fruitfulness in the things of God. Pruning could also mean spiritual training; the checking of
natural impulses and affections, and the removal of everything which can misdirect or weaken
our spiritual life and thus diminish fruitfulness, even though the process may sometimes be as
painful as the sharp edge of the pruner’s knife. Just like we look for grapes from a vine, from a
Christian, we expect as a minimum a mild temper, good disposition, and an exemplary life style.

Just like a plant cannot fulfill its potential without being in relationship with the soil, so we
cannot fulfill our true potential without God. Thus Jesus says: “I am the true vine”. The potential
of the branches and the vine needs the attention of the gardener. The gardener works in the
vineyard trying to bring as much life as possible out of the vines. Often he prunes the vines
because he knows there is more life down in the roots. Since he is aware that he is not getting the
full capacity of the vine, he begins to clip some of the branches. Cutting off the old leaves that
stop the vine from producing its full potential, the gardener cleans up the vine.

Pruning can be likened to chastening. It is a son God loves that He chastens. Indeed, branches
that do not bear fruit are cut off, but those already bearing fruit are pruned or chastened, so that
they can bear more fruit. “Now no chastening seems to be joyful for the present, but painful;
nevertheless, afterward it yields peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained
by it” – Heb 12:11. The fruit of righteousness which are the features of a well pruned life include
but are not limited to;

 Peaceful Relationships - Relationships are not optional – Gen 2:18. Man was not
created to be a loner. Relationships (marriage, fellowship, parenting, work life etc.)
enable us to develop into what God wants us to be and most effectively learn and live
God’s truth. A well pruned life, handles relationships with humility, love, patience and
understanding – Eph5:25-31, Eph 6:4 – 7, Heb 12:14.
 Disciplined Mind – What goes into the mind always influences what comes out. A well
pruned life is one that possesses the mind of Christ. A mind fully submitted to the will &
word of God, empty of self, entertains only honorable thoughts, has no room for carnal
desires, and walks circumspectly, knowing friendship with the world is enmity with God.
A well pruned life has a mind controlled by the Spirit of God. The mind controlled by the
Spirit is like a fountain of life gushing forth with the potential of God through the Spirit
of God – Phil 2:5 -7, Phil 4:8, Jas 4:4, Rom 8:5
 Deep Devotion – A well pruned life like Enoch walks devotedly with God every day of
the year – Gen 5:23-25. Devotion is an unflinching loyalty to God, manifesting in the
discipline of studying & meditating on the word, living by the tenets of the word and
fervent prayers. The more a Christian is devoted to God, the more the character of Christ
is etched in him/her – Psa. 119:105, Psa. 40:8, Gal. 2:20
 Integrity of the Heart – Integrity is the quality of being honest, with strong moral
principles. A well pruned life will manifest the quality of integrity, with the benefits of;
good character, a clear conscience, which enables a deep intimacy with God. Integrity is
allowing God’s Word draw our lines of conduct, speech, actions, backed by the courage
to keep our word and stand up for our convictions – Prov.12:22; Eph. 4:15, 1Pet 3:15-16
 Bridled Tongue – The true test of a man’s spirituality is not his ability to speak, but
rather his ability to bridle his tongue! In fact the bible states “If anyone thinks he is
religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person’s religion is
worthless” (James 1:26). A well pruned life offers him/herself to God on the altar, and
his/her tongue takes on an awesome power for good, because it has been tamed through
submission. The tongue of a pruned man does not lie, gossip, curse or indulge in vain/idle
talk – Jas 3:6-8, Prov.10:19-20
 Controlled Appetite - The enemy uses these three things; the lust of the flesh, the lust of
the eyes, and the pride of life, to entice men to sin. Scripture shows this process has been
at work from the Garden of Eden to the Mount of Temptation and continues to work until
date. Indeed the greatest battle we all face in our lives is the battle within, the battle
between the flesh and the spirit. A well pruned life manifests the quality of a controlled
appetite, where the flesh is made subordinate to the Spirit of God within and brought
under service of the will of the mind. A well pruned life is one that has allowed the flesh
to be mortified, such that there is no room to be undisciplined or allow temptations to
overpower us, with holiness as the final outcome. – Gen.3:6, Matt.4:3-9, 1John2:15-16,
Rom.8:6-8, 13, 1Cor.9:27

Are there some old leaves in your life that have been hanging around for five, ten or fifteen
years? Do you need to quit a habit or two so your life better reflects the potential of the One who
made you? How much of your life are you losing to disobedience and rebellion? Allow the
gardener to prune your life through grace for discipline and obedience to God - He desires to see
you maximize your calling. Remember, all God’s commands and laws are given to maximize
your performance and free your potential, to assure your life brings glory to God – His true
desire for every believer.

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