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Phys. Educ. 58 (2023) 035015 (6pp)

Energy and mass

Peter J Riggs
Department of Quantum Science and Technology, Australian National University,
Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia


Eight misconceptions involving energy and mass are identified and
corrected. Examples are included in order to illustrate errors in the presented
misconceptions. It is important to identify such misconceptions so that
physics/chemistry courses and textbooks do not perpetuate them.

Keywords: energy, mass, weight, physical misconceptions

1. Introduction recent examples, see [2–5]). A proportion of these

Energy and mass are accepted as obvious phys- articles from the last 70 years have attempted to
ical quantities in daily life. In classical physics, the deal with a few of the issues raised in the cur-
energy of a physical system is defined as the sys- rent paper (but not always successfully). Debates
tem’s capacity to do work (i.e. to carry out a phys- over which approaches are most suitable will con-
ical process). Mass, in classical physics, is taken tinue but what will be especially important for
to be a measure of an amount of matter, i.e. ‘mass’ the future of physics and chemistry education is
is understood as a quantification of the substance that past misconceptions about both energy and
comprising an object [1]. The significance of mass mass are acknowledged and do not keep on being
is determined through its role in the equations perpetrated.
of physics and chemistry, where its magnitude is There are a number of misconceptions
empirically ascertained by well-established meas- frequently attached to energy and mass. This
urement procedures. paper highlights eight such misconceptions and
There have been a large number of art- sketches out why these are incorrect. Examples
icles devoted to the teaching of energy pub- are included which illustrate errors in these mis-
lished since the 1950s. Teaching the concept conceptions. Readers are strongly encouraged
of energy has always presented challenges with to follow up on the citations given as these will
there being a variety of approaches (for some provide additional confirmation of, and further
information on, these misconceptions.

Original content from this work may be used 2. Common energy and mass
under the terms of the Creative Commons misconceptions
Attribution 4.0 licence. Any further distribution of this work
must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the Let us now consider eight misconceptions con-
work, journal citation and DOI. cerning energy and mass which are readily found.

1361-6552/23/035015+6$33.00 1 © 2023 The Author(s). Published by IOP Publishing Ltd

P J Riggs

2.1. There are many different forms of accord with the law of energy conservation. All
energy the energy in the decay process is accounted for by
It is often claimed that energy exists in many dif- summing the rest energies using Einstein’s relativ-
ferent forms (or types), e.g. mechanical, thermal, istic mass-energy relation (i.e. E = m c2 , where E
chemical, nuclear, gravitational, electromagnetic, is energy, m is inertial mass and c is the speed
hydro, wind, etc. However, these are not actually of light in vacuum) and the kinetic energies of
different forms of energy but are merely conveni- the individual particles (see [18] for quantitative
ent labels attached to different sources of energy. details).
At a fundamental level, there are only two forms In any physical processes, all energy can be
of energy—kinetic and potential, i.e. energy of kept track of through particle interactions and/or
motion and (for want of a better technical term) by physical fields. Energy is not an independ-
stored energy, respectively [6–11]. (The issue of ently existing physical entity but instead, is a prop-
mass as it relates to energy is discussed below.) erty of particles and of fields [19–22]. No energy
The other supposed forms of energy can all exists separate from particles and/or fields (see
be shown to reduce to kinetic and/or potential also [23]). Another indicator that energy is a prop-
energies. A well-known example which illustrates erty rather than an entity is that a given value of
this dichotomy is that of hydro energy, i.e. the energy in a physical process is not Lorentz invari-
energy of flowing water. Since water always freely ant on change of reference frame [24].
flows ‘downhill’, gravitational potential energy is
transformed into the kinetic energy of the water 2.3. Objects gain and lose potential energy
molecules in order for them to perform mech-
anical work, e.g. to drive a turbine. It is some- Most physics textbooks state that objects can gain
times the case that more complicated reductions potential energy such as when positioned at a par-
to kinetic and/or potential energies are required, ticular height above the Earth (i.e. when an object
e.g. for nuclear, as it needs the use of relativistic is raised up in the Earth’s gravitational field). The
and quantum relations. object is then supposed to have acquired gravita-
tional potential energy. However, it is the case that
only physical fields have potential energy. Posit-
2.2. Energy is a physical entity in its own ing potential energy to objects in this way is a con-
right venient ‘shortcut’ for what is field energy. This
It keeps on being stated that some physical ‘shortcut’ method simplifies calculations in cir-
processes, such as nuclear bomb detonations cumstances where a particle/object is within an
or matter-antimatter annihilations, produce ‘pure external field [25].
energy’ (e.g. see [12–17]), i.e. that energy is some The situation is further complicated because
sort of physical entity which can exist independ- elementary particles themselves have associated
ently of anything else. One reason for this atti- fields related to one or more of the fundamental
tude about energy is that it can be transferred and forces of nature (e.g. electrically charged particles
retained—characteristics usually associated with are surrounded by their own small electric fields)
entities. However, energy is not an entity in the and these fields too possess potential energy.
sense that it can exist in isolation. This can read- In addition, molecular bonds contain potential
ily be seen from an examination of the energies of energy (see § 2.7 below). These potential energies
particles involved in nuclear decay reactions. Con- are not what is being discussed here.
sider the example of a neutron (n) at rest decay- In order to make clear that it is physical fields
ing into a proton (p), an electron (e−) and an anti- which have potential energy, consider the example
electron neutrino (ν): of an electrically charged particle placed between
two identical, conducting, parallel metal plates. If
n → p + e− + ν. a fixed voltage source is applied to the plates, an
electric field of constant strength will be generated
The left-hand and right-hand sides of the between them. Suppose that the charged particle
above equation balance in terms of energy in is deposited at rest between the plates and then let

May 2023 2 P hy s . E d u c . 5 8 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 0 3 5 0 1 5
Energy and mass misconceptions

go. On release, the particle will accelerate towards of matter remain the same. Clearly then, the
the plate of opposite charge to itself, i.e. it gains amount of matter in a body is not given by its mass
kinetic energy and will continue to do so until it value nor by weighing it, despite being so assumed
collides with the plate. in everyday life.
Where has the particle’s kinetic energy come
from? The kinetic energy cannot have originated
with the particle itself as it was initially at rest 2.5. Mass is a well understood concept
and its own small charge remains unaffected. The Although ‘mass’ is regularly used as a synonym
only source of energy for the particle is the electric for ‘matter’ in ordinary language, they are concep-
field between the plates and this energy content is tually distinct. Mass is a basic physical quantity as
readily calculable [26]. This field energy must be much of physics and chemistry depends on mass.
potential energy and a small amount of it is trans- Given the equivalence of inertial and gravitational
formed into the particle’s kinetic energy (see also masses, inertial mass is also taken as a measure
[27]). of the amount of matter comprising a body. Iner-
tial mass is defined with reference to Newton’s
Second Law but this definition does not provide a
2.4. The amount of matter of a body is clear distinction between mass and inertia (i.e. res-
found by weighing it istance to acceleration). Moreover, as shown in §
A body’s mass is determined in day-to-day situ- 2.4, the amount of matter in a body is not quan-
ations and in most (non-atomic/non-nuclear) sci- tified by its mass value. Difficulties in making a
entific contexts by weighing the body. Weighing a coherent and consistent definition of mass have
body is, of course, the technique of measuring the been highlighted previously (e.g. see [35–38]) and
vertically directed gravitational force exerted on the reader is referred to the relevant literature for
the body by the Earth (i.e. its weight). A value for background.
the body’s mass (which is conventionally taken as It remains the case that mass is not well
a measure of amount of matter in the body [28]) is understood as a physical concept for there is still
then derived using its weight measurement and the no comprehensive theory of the nature and ori-
local gravitational acceleration value [29]. How- gin of mass in physics [39]. This is in spite of the
ever, both the amount of matter in a body and the experimental confirmation of the Higgs Mechan-
energy of its fundamental constituents contribute ism in particle physics by which quarks, leptons,
to its weight. This is because a body’s energy con- and some bosons (formally) attain their mass
tent also ‘gravitates’ as shown by the General The- [40]. The Higgs Mechanism postulates a univer-
ory of Relativity [30]. sal, scalar field. The interaction with the Higgs
Consequently, the assumption that the field results in these particles resisting accelera-
amount of matter in a body is quantified by its tion which is interpreted as the gaining of inertial
mass value is incorrect. A prime example is the mass [41]. However, the Higgs Mechanism may
mass of an atom. The vast majority of the mass of also be considered as providing a degree of inertia.
an atom (about 99%) arises from the kinetic and
potential energies of the quarks bound within its
protons and neutrons and not the amount of matter 2.6. Relativity theory shows that mass and
which constitutes the quarks themselves [31, 32]. energy are inter-changeable
Further, a body that has had energy added Textbooks regular assert that mass may be con-
to it (e.g. by heating) will increase in weight verted into energy and vice-versa (e.g. [42]). It
even though the amount of matter in the body is is alternatively asserted that mass is a form of
unchanged [33, 34]. There is an important point to energy. Debate over the interpretation of Ein-
acknowledge here—since a body’s internal ener- stein’s mass-energy relation has been going on
gies contribute to its mass value, the mass may for well over a century and depends somewhat
change during a physical process but the amount on how mass is conceived. We saw in § 2.2 that

May 2023 3 P hy s . E d u c . 5 8 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 0 3 5 0 1 5
P J Riggs

energy is not a physical entity, and in § 2.4 that 2.7. Exothermal chemical reactions result in
mass value is not a measure of the amount of a loss of matter
matter. It then follows that mass cannot be, nor In chemistry, the mass of a substance is taken as
be converted into, energy (as energy is not an a measure of amount of matter (often expressed
entity) so that energy and mass cannot literally in moles—the chemical SI unit of the amount
be inter-changeable. What Einstein’s relativistic of matter). Occasionally it is claimed that the
mass-energy relation provides is a numerical equi- heat produced in chemical reactions arises from
valence between quantitative values of energy and a very minute mass loss (i.e. a destruction of mat-
mass in relevant physical interactions. ter) [45], as quantified by Einstein’s mass-energy
An example of matter-antimatter annihila- relation. However, this heat comes from the cre-
tion, say of an electron and a positron, will serve ation of chemical bonds and not from any loss of
to clarify. This example is of particular con- matter.
sequence as electrons and positrons are structure- During the formation of a molecule, for
less particles and therefore cannot be ‘split’ into instance, a lowering of the total potential energy
constituents [43] which would otherwise carry occurs as chemical bonds (such as the covalent
some energy away. The outcome of an electron bond) are created [46]. This change in potential
(e−) and a positron (e+) meeting at rest is oppos- energy appears as heat which is given off [47]. The
itely propagating gamma rays (γ): amount of matter present remains constant. The
only physical processes where matter is destroyed
e− + e+ → 2γ. are nuclear and high energy particle ones.
The burning of carbon is a highly relevant
(At least two gamma rays are required in example, i.e. the reaction between the oxygen
order to satisfy conservation laws.) In this inter- molecule (O2 ) and the carbon atom (C). When
action, matter and antimatter are completely anni- these two chemicals are freely combusted, they
hilated whilst gamma radiation is generated—not form carbon dioxide (CO2 ). The creation of the
energy alone (recall that energy is a property of bonds in CO2 is strongly exothermic which is why
particles and/or fields whereas gamma radiation wood and coal fires have always been a source
is a form of propagating electromagnetic field). of heat (and more generally of energy) for human
Neither matter nor antimatter is conserved here as civilizations [48].
the particle pair (e− & e+ ) ceases to exist and no
other matter or antimatter particles are created in
their place.
If each particle has a mass value m then 2.8. A body in motion increases in mass
the relativistic mass-energy equation for the Some physics textbooks (mostly older ones)
process is: describe a relativistic particle as having an iner-
tial ‘rest mass’ (inertial mass in its rest frame)
E = mc2 + mc2 = 2mc2 . and a ‘relativistic mass’ (inertial mass with respect
to reference frames other than its rest frame).
The above equation shows that the amount of The relativistic mass increases without limit as a
energy of the gamma rays equals the energy cre- particle’s speed approaches the speed of light in
ated when the electron and positron are mutually vacuum and this increase is supposed to explain
annihilated, i.e. equal to the rest energies of the why the speed of light cannot be reached.
pair. Bearing in mind that energy is a property and If relativistic mass is used to provide a phys-
‘mass’ is not the same as ‘matter’ (or ‘antimat- ical explanation then it cannot be merely a case
ter’), it must be emphasised again that mass is not of definition or just a helpful pedagogical device
converted into energy. Rather the substance of the (as claimed by some physicists). A majority of the
pair is destroyed in a process which produces elec- physics community now accepts that the concept
tromagnetic radiation of a specific energy (given of ‘relativistic mass’ is not physically valid [37,
by the mass-energy equation), although this is still 49–52]. The only physically valid inertial mass
not completely understood [44]. is a Lorentz invariant quantity which is a body’s

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Energy and mass misconceptions

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