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Ins tute of Interna onal Professionalism

Academic Year 2023 – 2024

Semester 1
Year 7 – Physics
Tutorial – 1

Name _______________________________ Class _________________

I. Choose the most suitable answer and write the corresponding letter (a, b, c
or d) with the brackets provided. (5 marks)
1. What is the unit for weight?
(a) Joule (b) Watt
(c) Newton (d) m/s2
( )
2. A person would weigh less on the Moon than on the Earth because . .
(a) Moon has more mass, and therefore more gravity.
(b) Moon has less mass, and therefore more gravity.
(c) Moon has more mass, and therefore less gravity.
(d) Moon has less mass and therefore less gravity.
( )
3. The curved path in which a planet, satellite, or spacecraft moves in a circle around
another object. The path one object takes around another.
(a) rotate (b) orbit
(c) moon (d) revolve
( )
4. Jennifer wants to know if students do better on their homework if they listen to
classical music or hip hop music. What is the independent variable in this experiment?
(a) Students' grades on homework (b) The age of the students
(c) The volume of the music (d) The type of music
( )
5. Which is the best example that something has kinetic energy?
(a) car parked on a steep hill (b) a tennis ball rolling across the court
(c) a picture hanging on the wall (d) a piece of coal before it's burned
( )

II. Answer the following questions. (9 marks)

1. Write mass or weight next to each statement in the second column of this table.
(4 marks)
Statement Mass or weight
The force of gravity acting on an object
Measured in kilograms
Get much less if you go to the Moon
Can be represented by a force arrow
Measured in Newtons
‘Add 50 g of salt to 1 kg of water.’
Stays the same even if you are far out in
5 apples are about 5N

2. The diagram shows the Earth moving around the Sun. (2 marks)

(a) Which causes day and night on Earth? Tick the correct box.
The Earth moves around the Sun once every 24 hours.

The Earth spins on its axis once every 24 hours.

The Sun moves around the Earth once every 24 hours.

The Sun spins on its axis once every 24 hours.

(b) Two students are discussing the Sun and the Moon.

Bryan says: The Sun gives out light that it produces itself.

Anya says : The Moon does not give out light. It only reflects light from the Sun.

Who is correct? Tick the correct box.

Bryan only

Anys only

Both Bryan and Anya

Neither Bryan nor Anys

3. Hot air ballons travels through the air. (3 marks)

The air inside the balloon is heated by burning propane fuel.

Tick the three correct answers.

The air inside the balloon has the most kinetic energy.
The hot air balloon has the most kinetic energy
after is has landed on the ground.
The chemical energy in the propane fuel is changed into thermal energy.
The hot air balloon has no light or sound energy
when it is travelling through the air.
The hot air balloon has the most potential energy

when it is highest in the sky.

III. Answer the following questions. (6 marks)

Use the word from the list to fill the gaps in the sentences which follow. You will
have to use some words more than once.

chemical electrical gravitational potential

thermal light
1. At 6 o’clock this morning, my alarm clock went off. The clock has a battery, which is
a store of ……………………………………….energy.

2. I switched on the light. Energy is transferred to the light by ……………………. in the


3. Two types of energy spread out from the light:

…………………….. energy, which we can see with our eyes, and ………………….
energy, which feels warm.
4. I picked up my heavy bag of books and put it on the table. This increased the
………………………….. energy of the bag.

5. I ate slices of bread to make sure that I had good store of …………………. energy
in my body for the day ahead.

6. When I picked my cup of tea, I found that it was cold. Its store of …………………..
energy has spread out into the surroundings.

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