English 18

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To refer to* “Taking Sometaing for your own use. | Associated wit someone / Sometaing: : — Of Some+ing - Becoming Strongly attached to. Shae EEE LON: =| Desideriym:, Bent lglg fo Soneshing Cmeags THE ARDEE SCHOOL 1 feel it does ada +0 the Vator 1 What does it ada +o the Story < 2 P any texts that use : Can you Hank 0 luisual elements ? _Yes,visual elements help cveate O Clearer imuge ___|of the story In the veaders mie Ond along _ ith Hat it Gdds interest ancl a Sense of fur ee eCHOOL i eee ee a — | Legacy: Bequest, inheritance , consequences Vavious types of sentences: | Simple 29 t Simple: me les oaci element wae tn sence |Suloject , ver! a EX: T am not Sure aloout +ne univerce: THE ARDEE SCHOOL. + Note: Compound Sentences clon't depend o each ote . { | | Q) |i JooR for Mayy and Samantha. They arrive Fe the lous Sttition. ct noon. Th +018 the — lous before T_ arrived: rh tee Sernten ice o— Unto compound Sentences. _ * A) T took foe M for Mavy and Samanta laut, “asy, diet te biatie. potoe TL_avrived. re pence find ator 6 ui Ov Ver | SoC aceonyyn for settsbng ong ajunctian’ ‘THE ARDEE SCHOOL a “plat form digging furtner ne found ¥ MaRe Motes on te different people whom Mave Seavened for the treasure. According to Me Ove. What oid each group / person do_ and wwat alr ihey find? i “ The firs+ person’ Otremptedl +o find +reaSuve wer was Daniel McGinnis, tn 1740 set, He dug lLmetve below he a sett ot ands ercaraye Wan, ae £5; Wwonge feelings but ended Ue with nothing. Tne Second - Atremp+ was made toy The Old Savage group _—hin14 04, they clug 34 metres down lout og411 — ended _up wit motaigg. The third attempr — dug 72 metres oun and gor no treasure — yout ne Sent a Cumera clown and gor iis md wooden che Stree me nole ema 2_brothers THE ARDEE SCHOOL. art Sy —_ 03. Explain what is maplred by te Pinay : . sentence: The Watance loetween Who they have Spent and what they have found seems very unequal. what CfPeny « do you dunk tae writer imtend ed to nave. bby ending Hats way 2_ Aa. = Seems that tne writer wants po é Reems et ; ag +o tel) | | sine. fuslince tne-Omount of money THE ARDEE SCHOOL a blag lacs Wsylol the Pay, /Acillavy: of lower | secondary class or vant | Cadyective) Ex: One ancitiary wenefit of Beatrice’s JOlo | ___ a+ he Movie theater IS tne _aloility to pee Catcln ay Gry glimpse of new Weleuses .— : ‘THE ARDEE SCHOOL Noe Se ee nett Boni, Hat tell humans to Stop what Mey are doing yee — Make brief notes on:— What cloes this Statement mean 7 The statement describes conscience . ‘Lin Simple words Conscience is like a voice iin your head Haat tells you if Your actions are eds vig or wrong, — Q2) How it wks to the ideas ang explanation, ; - Shown im the vest of tne article. AB), this statement has loriefly described _———}_Oonsaremre. “The vest of Ine avticie _ ; FOURS Aloout what Conscience is, Inui ¢ Levelon eck Q Conserence hetworks of Ine byron treat ¢ =I ‘ RA rar ete aa — 03) Reread tne reat. What ts the effect of the (diferent Sentences Combinaton the writer (Was used Choose 2 emp examples and write re poavcage cla explaining how (+ neips +he purpose of the avtcle. AS) Humans are very yood at remenmioering wig thas helped us ancl Who (rast We like tnose wlan helo. We clon + like Seipisi pevyle.” ) In th ample the writer uses a compound +0 _présent us with -+ne opposite : ____ types of people. The simple Sentences Haein — mit Rindge Sonat cee e to enc of Line Opposites. Tt malees tne poilat clear and 1s_ THE ARDEE SCHOO easier to follow. * Humans are Social loatings: We live tin Qncl_ work sr together +o get ting Tn tis example tne writer uses si nple Seuttnce to make a Statement of a Whaicl 15 Potlowed a, Ese tO_Extend cnc _devetd +e pont + ep — | aul’) | advice 4, Structure © questions Me | Brrat Sto S iene Yc. ™~ A | young learners tg ——— rag ee , nel? pur p9s¢ a} “guaienc®! Hay audience mg ees ight need wehprem EIMOHOn guid youn) vearn ers ‘alat. want 10 real His, The co Ng : [or ony so Buidence, now tS organiseol ' lnnked a ves of wit es ouller powits 10 answer tne ile ah ennai ay erences ena vie nr. an imperanve qone inyper S) Qppeq) Meuy 5. How | Why oudien J easier Aind +h | curios: 9) w tue S ce: Tne, Short pargraphs makes ; i for eeaders- to read and understy Fe hn. e questions— provide read lers with al. ty wanting 10 ead more. — a ‘THE ARDEE SCHOOL ga)whar Ore te atitudes of the writers towards “yne towards ane toptes ? ag) te. first text writec has Serious athitude jowards Sulaject and focuses on includiiag wnformation tat is Supported lay taeorical science Aled definations Haat can be accessed easily Te text is explaniauag to_extend ne yeade'S ening. (U( D0CG2 Pasage™ De 1008+ 202% Gand text writer has q light necrtecl ati tude Aiad_isiat Claimniiag Ony experience, _makig— i+ clear that Hey Proloaialy will not not be S6tteesed. a bie +o follow thee own instruction anyway. A Sense Of togetherness ee ene se xaraicd cls bere ym the first’ We read, Find an exaxaple. _of_auraty olfactory and visual no | explaiia they efPect. ne a What is the use of He Symbol | The fork’? Al) Aural wmage! "the Silence was Prue witn unpleasant Sound of. S. ‘al anima) serurryiing cloag-Hae ————— tunnel. Es Dosis SLY fevrdo ws a di a “foul Smeliin | J pipactory ag meee Pata. \ a) ways and Strangest | parstant® ne ( Migs eff nd patdhebiauny. 4D Visual wag ery! “They seemed! to Ship, was taat. real, or AS. Y_efFect Ju Prec. cause, loy ane Pidinaiing torches anol. tow ceiling +” pa The. fora’ Symbolizez. oneoig-tunnel THE ARDEE SCHOOL ap ere | bate 2108+ 2023 palaces doves the Munir Stee aloout He area ond wnat 1s woeing impiieol Aout Coober | [pea 3) wnat iS your InHal wmpression of the uoriter "E yorce ancl atituce. an) _ ates wieder ane tne | idle of Sout Australian dessert ust THE ARDEE SCHOOL Ag) We writer mentions Hat sh, OX ected Coower Pedy +0 ve , uC ous’ anal Ic os Re She Cxpec, Key. Pecteg , Sa ¥ vace +0 WE moye Aevelop: bal aie thi modern Tt seems RE +ne w+ aidwt actually Mave a wonder ful HMe lout She experienced Something nex (ON he OB LOZ @ wnat are the 4wo (or mod (roy issue ? | i | why-Oaiimals shouldnt pe USeal for ent ertatiy ment Aud ly Zoos are, Good. @) sides of tris 2) whe ave the most yocal groups speateing on duis issue? pople who work in tne zon ancl A wile } 1 jorganizc 8) Se pijecs: ve of each group. eo _| the Pacst text convinces people. tinat Onion mats _ THE ARDEE SCHOOL “@)whar is your impression of Rosaieen ? @) How would_you de Scriloe tne voice of tne voviter? @) wnat is tne effect of *ne first person = ___ | morration 2? How olves it netp tne reacler __ understand issues _loour disawitity and —_ THE ARDEE SCHOOL Q) What ts tne overall efpect of the article 2 Ree 13:04: 2023 Explain the. otlowing proses in. your words. lana occult Rnowledge *hrough wich: they __ wWrougyt miracies . By v) remains an enigma c) veduceal Soil erosion _d) ir is Strategically located andl readi ly olePended. _&) the manicured lawe lawns provide a loattery

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