Sci - ST 1

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- Central organs that facilitate the exchange of gases along with the associated
airways and blood vessels

- Responsible for breathing air

- Located in the thoracic cavity or chest and are enclosed within the ribcage

Right lungs
- Larger than left
- Comprises three lobes; superior lobe, middle lobe, inferior lobe

Left lungs
- It gives spaces for the heart

Parts of the Respiratory system

- Nasal cavity/nose
- Oral cavity/mouth
- Larynx → windpipe
- Trachea
- Lungs
- Diaphragm

- serves as passageway of air into the lungs

- two branching tubes that connect the trachea to the lungs.

- hairlike tubes that connect to the alveoli

- airsacs that allow gas exchange in the lungs
- muscle below the lung that permits us to breath in and out of the lungs
(inhal:contracts, exhale: relaxes)


Pressure OUTSIDE the Higher Lower

lungs (Before)

Pressure INSIDE the lungs Lower Higher


Diaphragm Contracts Relaxes

Direction of movement Down/downward Up/upward

Size of chest cavity Increased (Enlarges) Decreased (to normal size)

Movement of the air Enter the lungs Exit the lungs

Pressure OUTSIDE the Lower Higher

lungs (During)

Pressure INSIDE the lungs Higher Lower


Circulatory system
- Responsible for transporting materials throughout the body
- Transport nutrients, water, and oxygen to your billions of body cells nd carries
away wastes such as carbon dioxide that body cells produce

Which gases are transported to and from the body’s cells by the blood flowing in
the circulatory system?

- Oxygen is the gas needed for respiration and is transported to the body’s cells

Two types of blood

Oxygen-rich blood (deoxygenated)

- Blood travelling to the body cells
- High oxygen content
- Low carbon dioxide content

Oxygen-poor blod (oxygenated)

- Blood travelling to the body cells
- Low oxygen content
- Hight carbon dioxide content

Parts of the Circulatory system

1. Heart - organ that pumps the blood throughout the body

2. Blood Vessel - carries the blood throughout the body

● Arteries - carry oxegenated away from the heart to the cells, tissues, and
ogans of the body
● Veins - carry deoxygeneted blood back to the heart
● Capillaries - the smallest blood vessels in the body, connecting the
smallest arteries to the smallest veins.

3. Blood - carries the materials ( such as oxygen and other vital nutrients)
throughout the body
Human Heart

The human heart has 4 CHAMBERS with specific tasks to do: two ventricles and two

Atria/Atrium - receiving chambers of the heart/collects blood that enters the heart
● Right Atrium - accepting blood from the body
● Left Atrium - accepting blood from the lungs

Ventricles - are the pumping chambers

● Right Ventricle - moving blood to the lungs
● Left Ventricle - moving blood into the body

- There is a valve between each atrium and ventricle to prevent the blood from
flowing backwards. Valves control movement of blood into the heart chambers
and out to the aorta and the pulmonary artery.

Septum - separates the left and right chambers

4 valves:
- Tricuspid valve
- Pulmonary valve
- Bicuspid valve
- Aortic valve

Artery - carries blood AWAY from the heart

Veins - carries blood TOWARDS from the heart
NOTE: All of the muscle tissues of the heart do not contract at the same time. Different
parts of the heart contract at different times. When the top portion contracts, the
bottom part relaxes. When the bottom contracts, the top relaxes. When a chamber
contracts, it becomes smaller and the blood inside gets squeezed or pumped out.

Flow of Blood through the Heart ( Oxegenated to De-oxegenated)

- Alveoli
- Capillaries
- Pulmonary vein
- Bicuspid Valve
- Left Ventricle
- Aortic valve
- Aorta
- Arteries
- Cells
- Capillaries
- Veins
- Superior and Inferior Vena Cava
- Right Atrium
- Tricuspid Valve
- Right Ventricle
- Pulmonary Valve
- Pulmonary Artery

1. Pulmonary Circulation
- Movement of blood from the heart, to the lungs, and back to the heart

2. Coronary Circulation
- Movement of blood through the tissues of the heart

3. Systemic Circulation
- Movement of blood from the heart to the rest of the body, excluding the
lungs (Movement of blood throughout the body, except the lungs)

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