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1. Grammar:
Identify if the contraction expands to the correct form of 'be':

a) I’m: (I am / I is)
b) She’s: (She is / She are)
c) We’re: (We are / We is)
d) It’s: (It is / It has)
e) They’re: (They are / They is)
f) He’s: (He has / He is)

2. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of 'be':

a) ___ you OK?
b) He ___ from Brazil.
c) They ___ happy now.
d) Where ___ she from?
e) We ___ not tired.
f) Laura and Mark ___ siblings.

3. Correct the sentence:

a) She's Japan.
b) We am from Russia.
c) I isn't happy.
d) Are she from Canada?
e) You am right.
f) They is playing.
4. Unscramble to reveal the country:
a) sRiusa
b) niatBir
c) nihCa
d) nSpia
e) apnJa
f) liBzra

5. Match the country to the right description:

a) Famous for sushi
b) Known for the Queen's Guard
c) Home of the Great Wall
d) A land with a famous carnival and samba
e) Country with matadors and flamenco
f) Land of vodka and the Trans-Siberian Railway

6. Choose the correct sentence:

a) Who's she? or Who she is?
b) What’s her name? or What her name is?
c) She’s from China. or She from is China?
d) They’re playing football. or They is playing football?
e) Laura’s American. or Laura she's American?
f) I’m right. or I am is right?

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