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Before we begin, let’s set our expectations right between us and what you should
expect out of this program


1)If you are a 100kg human, approximately 5’11’ height and if you are expecting
to have six pack abs or sexy figure in the 12/24 weeks program, then your
expectations are all wrong

I cannot promise you that you will lose so and so number or inches. But what I can
confidently tell you is, you will be a changed person after the program ends.

Of course, if your dream is to target for abs and curves, then you are not wrong.
Just that you should be considerate of what you are asking and show some
patience. If you already have a lower body fat, then there is no harm in expecting

But if you are overweight or even extremely underweight, then expecting that
huge magic in 12 weeks is not fair. As i always say, Fitness is a journey and not a
one stop halt. It should be lifelong. Always strive for betterment and fitter
lifestyle. After this 12 weeks you will be more confident, fit, healthy, powerful and
a person with a lot of willpower.

2) Though as per the package you have chosen, you are entitled for Phone /
Messenger / Skype support once in 7 - 10 days, but if you have any medical
emergency , please call me up directly. If I am not picking up the call, please call
our customer call. In between if you have doubts or queries, you can message me
on Whatsapp. But don’t expect me to reply right away. If it’s really important, I
will reply as soon as I read it. If it’s not important, I may just read and reply back
whenever I am free. So please don’t expect me to reply at the same moment even
if I have read that in that very moment. Be rest assured, that you will get your
reply within 24 hours. Please add me up on whatsapp 6355723845 and ping.

3) You are supposed to Check-in with me every 7-10 days.

4) You can follow my fitness journey and fitness related motivation and tips on my
instagram page :

Personal Info

1. Name:- sumit shivaji bagade

2. Age:- 36
3. Sex:- male
4. Weight:- 100 kg
5. Height:- 178 cm
6. Body fat %(not mandatory): - dnt know
7. Measurements(chest,waist,thighs,arms,hips):- ( to be uploaded in the fittr
8. your medical history/injury – knee ligament surgery before 1.5 years
9. Any genetic medical history?:- no
10.Your regular daily schedule: tight work schedule

Note : Weight has to be taken in the morning on fasted state without eating or
drinking anything after washroom to get accurate weight.

Dietary Details
11.Your last 1 weeks eating habits and schedule (please write this in detail and
as accurate as possible):

Breakfast :

Mid Snack :


Evening Snack:


12.Do you smoke? If yes how often? :

13.Do you drink alcohol? If yes, how often? :
14.Are you a complete vegetarian? Non Vegetarian? Eggetarian? “:
15.Are you willing to use any supplement if required? If no, then why? :
16.What’s your favorite food item to cheat upon? Include everything you like
the most :-
17.What are the food items you hate or would like to avoid in your diet? :-
18.Mention the kind of diet food you would like to include in your diet:- eggs ,
chicken , fish , and vegetarian also
19.Would you prefer audio calls / video calls during the update day ? - any


20.Have you gone under any fitness consultation prior to SQUATS? if Yes,
Elaborate with the number of Calories you were put on. Dieting Strategy
used, etc :- no
21.What do you expect out of this 12 weeks transformation? :- fat and weight
22.What’s your fitness dream? Be Specific , Descriptive, Blunt and honest :-
lean body with abs and core strength
23.What do you expect out of me ? – sincere coaching
24.Are you okay with posting your post transformation pictures ( it can be
below the neck too if you aren’t comfortable showing your face )? - no


25.Have you ever worked out before? If yes what was the total duration and
routine followed :- yes did gym ,but now not much….
26.Are you aware of any Gym training or home body part workouts? If either
of them is yes, mention the exercises you are aware of. - gym
27.Are you fine with joining the Gym? :- yes
28. At what time during the day will you prefer to workout? :- morning 8 am
29.Rate your lifestyle from the below : a) sedentary (desk job) b) sedentary
but somewhat active (desk job+walking) c)Active (having few gymming
sessions and desk job) d) very active (manual labour work + gymming ) – a)
30.If you are going to the gym how many days are you going in a week ? - I can
for 5 days
31.If you are working out from home what all equipments do you have ? - no

32.You latest Full length Picture(sides,back and Front from head to toe ) . You
have to upload it on the fittr app under tools – progress tracker :(THIS IS
33.If you are a male a shirtless picture would be more preferred , for women
please wear any sport apparel or atleast a tight tshirt (photos will remain

Any two days when you would like to talk on phone in a week :

Please buy the following items:

- Multivitamin
- Food Weighing Scale

 Please give me atleast 24 – 48 hours to prepare your m

after you send me this questionnaire .

 Without Pictures I won’t be able to make your plans .

 You wont get varieties in your food options . So Please

 Please upload your weight , measurements and picture

progress tab.

Few Important Instructions

1. BCA reports are not mandatory. If you are getting it done for free, then do it, or else n
2. You need to click your progress pictures weekly starting from week 0 throughout week
3. You need to measure your body parts(mentioned in details required) weekly and upda
pictures mandatorily
4. You need to at least take out 40-50 minutes out of your schedule to workout
5. Please order or buy Food weighing scale and measuring tape. Also if working out from
go with ‘Aerofit Resistance band’
6. You need to show me the utmost discipline and excellence to bring the best transform

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