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Nama :

Kelas :
Choose the correct Answer

Dina :”Hi Dewi, Good morning”
Dewi:“Hello Dina, ……..”
a. Good morning b. Good afternoon c. Good night
2. Dika :”How are you denis?”
Kiky :”I am……,Thankyou”
a. How b. Fine c. Blue

3. he is ….
a. Father b. Grand Father c. Grand mother

4. She is…
a. Mother b. Grand Mother c.Aunt

5. What is this ?
a.Toy car b. Ball c. Teddy Bear

6. look at the picture, What is that?

a.Toy car b. Ball c. Teddy Bear
7. My ambition is to be a…
a. Police b. Nurse c.Doctor

8. he is a ….
a. Policeman b. Dentish c.Teacher

9. Saudara laki-laki in English is….

a. Sister b.Uncle c.Brother

10. Ibu in English is….

a. Brother b.Aunt c.Mother

B. Answer and fill in the blanks.

1. Minggu in English is………
2. Mira is ……….. noodle.
3. We are ………….. English
4. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and then………
5. “Playing Football” in Indonesian is………..

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