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1. Id Full Name

2. Id Full Name

Your Answer

1. Brief description of the CarMatch system (150 words) (but full requirements).
- Identify/find actors: A system actor is any individual or entity that interacts with the system
and expects a response. In the Carmath case study, the roles interacting with the system
include clerk, receptionist, supervisor, franchise, web server, accountant, insurance company
system, insurance administrator, insurance clerk, credit card company, credit card system,
and automated bank transfer system. To input car sharer information, the clerk, receptionist,
or supervisor can enter the data, so a separate actor for each role is not necessary.
Therefore, they are named "Carmatch administrators."
- Identify goals for actors: Goals are the functional requirements of the system performed by
actors such as car match administrator, franchise, web server, accountant, and credit card
company. These goals include activities like registering car sharers, matching them, recording
sharing agreements, and processing payments.
- Identify use cases and their relationship: The use cases identified in the car sharing case
study are: register car sharer, manually add car sharer, transfer car sharer from web server,
add car sharer web service, process payment, process card payment, process direct debt,
match car sharer, record sharing agreement, produce performance report. The functional
requirements of the system include registering a car sharer manually and adding car sharer
through web services, transferring car sharer from the web server, matching car sharer
based on geographical basis, paying membership fee, and processing payments.
- Select system boundary: System boundaries are utilized to visualize the huge system, as was
mentioned in the prior document. In essence, it serves as a barrier between actors and the
system. After determining the actors and their individual objectives, insert the system
boundary into UC.
2. List the main functions of the CarMatch system. In the use case diagram, distinguish between
include and extends?

3. Do you think this system is suitable for the actual situation in Vietnam? If not

suitable, what function should be improved?

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