Course Outline Communication Skills Arid Univ PDF

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Course Outline
Faculty Faculty of Social Sciences
Program BS Economics
Course Title Communication Skills
Level Undergraduate
Credit Hours 3(3-0)
Assessment Scheme Sessional (Mid Term, Assignments/Presentations):
Mid Term: 18% Assignments/Presentations: 6 Final Exam: 36%

Description Total No in a Weight

Assignment/ 06% or
Presentation 06%
Mid Term 18%
End Term 36%

Semester offered

Course Objectives •To develop among students the skills necessary for effective oral and
written communication in their profession and life in general
• To develop students’ ability to read and understand relatively
challenging reading texts
• To sharpen their listening competence
• To develop their pronunciation
• To enable them to write fluently and accurately in English
• To expand their word power (The students will have to learn 15,00
carefully selected words during the semester)
• To enable the students to express themselves in English
Learning Outcomes By the end of the course students would be able to:
• demonstrate understanding of the generic fundamentals of
• understand the dynamics and important dimensions of four skills:
Reading, Writing ,Listening and Speaking
• communicate effectively both verbally and non-verbally
• relate to the interpersonal and organizational dynamics that affect
effective communication in organizations
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Teaching Methodology The course will be taught mainly through lectures, activities, drills, tutorials,
group discussions, simulations and student presentations.

Teacher Noor ul Ain

Lecture Details

Week: 1

Topic: Introduction to Communication Skills

Definition of Communication
Importance of Effective Communication
Lifeblood of every organization

Activity: Conduct an interview with partner and try to explore the most interesting thing in your partner.


Week: 2

Topic: Effective Reading: How to get maximum out of your reading?

Details: Types of Communication: Internal Communication & External Communication

(Downward Communication.
Upward Communication.
Horizontal Communication.
Oral and written communication ,
Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication

Activities and Tasks:

Week: 3

Topic: Components of Communication.

Sender (Encoder)
Receiver (Decoder)
Activities and Tasks: Oral Activity (Dialogues/ Conversations)

Activities and Tasks:

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Week: 4

Topic: Topic:
Principles of Communication:
The Seven Cs of Effective Communication
Importance of seven Cs

Activities and Tasks:


Week: 5

Topic: Communication Barriers:

Language barriers , Physical barriers
Perceptual barriers, Emotional barriers
Cultural barriers, Gender barriers
Interpersonal barriers.

Week: 6

Topic: Effective Reading: How to get maximum out of your reading?

Details: How could a reader get maximum out of reading? Reading Strategies: Skimming, Scanning,
Implied Meaning, Inference, Reading the lines, Reading between the lines, Reading beyond the
lines/Critical Reading, Rauding, Extensive vs Intensive reading, Text and context, Guessing meaning from
the text, Vocabulary and reading Speed, Reading with full comprehension, Who is an expert reader and
what makes him so?, How to develop writing skills through reading?

Activities and Tasks: 1) To read the given passage and apply reading strategies to enhance reading
speed and get the gist of it.
2) And after reading the passage answer the questions

Week: 7 Phonetics and Phonology

Topic: Significance of correct pronunciation, Accent and Pronunciation, Vowels, Consonants and
Diphthongs, Places and Manners of articulation, English Sounds, Stress, Intonation, Assimilation, Elision,
Phonetic Symbols, Tongue Twisters, difference b/w British English and American English

Activities and Tasks:

• To recognize the phonetic symbols
• To see phonetic transcriptions in English dictionary
• To transcribe the selected words

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Week: 8

Topic: Recognizing Phonetic Features in Real English Conversations

Details: Practice

Activities and Tasks: To listen to the recordings and identify various features of phonetics and
To identify the speech pattern from the selected conversations

Week: 9 Mid Term Exam

Week: 10

Topic: Effective Listening Skills

Details: How can best develop listening skills? Listening vs Hearing, Effective strategies and techniques,
What makes listening difficult, kinds & types of listening skills, Listening to the digital books, speeches,
documentaries, conversations and debates conducted by the native speakers

Activities and Tasks: To listen the recordings and answer the given questions to experience the diverse
accent of speakers

Assignment: To listen to a selected conversation and transcribe it.

Week: 11

Topic: Speaking Skills (Art of Public Speaking)

Details: Public Speaking in English; Why and How? Strategies to improve speaking skills, Speech
Patterns, Use of fillers and discourse markers. Basic Structure of Speaking, Barriers in Speaking, Steps to
Enhance Speaking skills, Avoidance in Speaking,

Activities and Tasks: To do role play in pairs

To do groups discussion on themes assigned by the teachers by making sticky notes

Assignment: To prepare one-minute speech on the assigned topics

Students need to give answers to the questions related to their assigned topics.
Students will have to make questions related to the topics and will ask at the end.

Week: 12

Topic: Presentations Skills

Presentations Skills, Basic Skills for Presentation, The Presentation Sequence, Creating
Effective Visual Aids, Effective Presentation Techniques,

Activity: Group Presentations(students would be split into groups and they will be
assigned projects/topics for presentation)

Assignment: Group presentations on the topics closely related to Communication Skills

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Week: 13

Topic: Group Presentations

Activity: Group Presentations(students would be split into groups and they will be
assigned projects/topics for presentation)

Assignment: Group presentations on the topics closely related to Communication Skills

Week: 14
Topic: Communicating Effectively in Job Interviews, Dialogues and Conversation Skills

Details: Key Communication Skill requires for an Effective Job Interview, How to introduce yourself,
Appropriacy of language, General Questions and their appropriate answers, Some essential & common
phrases and language expressions and related vocabulary for job interview. Preparedness for an interview,
essential skills required for an interview. Useful phrases in dialogues and conversation, Important common
phrases and vocabulary specified to different situations.

Activities and Tasks: Mock-interviews would to be conducted, identifying the perfect phrases and related
vocabulary for an effective interview.
Activities and Tasks: Having dialogues with the partner on the given topics and will reach to the
solution for that

Week: 15

Topic: Role of Communication in Personality Development & behavior Change

Details: To build a positive personality of students and make them able to contribute effectively in the

Week: 16 End Term Exam

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