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Independence Day Assembly Script

Good morning, everyone! Respected Director mam, Principal mam, esteemed teachers,
dear students, and honored guests, a very warm welcome to our 76th Independence Day
celebration. Today, we gather here with pride and joy as we recall the day when India
unfurled its tricolor flag and embraced freedom 76 years ago. Let us celebrate the spirit
of unity, diversity, and patriotism that defines our incredible nation.
(“Swaraj is my birthright and I shall have it” by bal gangadhar tilak)

Today, as we embark on this auspicious occasion, we have a lineup of events that

will remind us of the significance of this day and reignite our love for our motherland.
Let us begin with the flag-hoisting ceremony. I kindly request the director mam and
principal mam to do us honor and hoist the Indian flag as we stand together in
reverence and pride.

दिन वो फिर आया है

तिरं गा खल
ु कर मस्
ु कुराया है

तोड़ कर पराधीनता की बेड़ियों को

दे खो ध्वज़ कैसे मस्

ु कुराया है ।

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