A Detailed Lesson Plan in English 4

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in English 4

Prepared by: JUHARY O. ADAP

At the end of the discussion, pupils will be able to:

1. Identify the key elements of a short story in the fables.

2. Describe the character/s, setting/s, problem/s and resolution/s in the fables.
3. Explain their own words the moral in the fables.


TOPIC: Aesop’s Fables (The Fox and the Grapes, The Two Crabs and The
Mischievous Dog).
MATERIALS: Cartolina, Pentelpen, and Printed materials



A. Preliminaries
a. Prayer
Before we begin the class, can anyone who
can a prayer? Al- Jazairie? Yes, Sir?

Lead the prayer please. Everybody stand up!

‫الرحِ ي ِْم‬
َّ ‫الرحْ مٰ ِن‬
َّ ِ‫ّٰللا‬
‫بِس ِْم ه‬

َ‫ب ْالعٰ لَمِ يْن‬

ِ ‫ا َ ْل َح ْمدُ ِ هّلِلِ َر‬

‫الرحِ يْم‬
َّ ‫الرحْ مٰ ِن‬

‫الدي ِْن‬
ِ ‫مٰ لِكِ َي ْو ِم‬

ُ‫اِيَّاكَ نَ ْعبُدُ َواِيَّاكَ نَ ْست َ ِع ْين‬

‫ط ْال ُم ْست َـ ِقي َْم‬

َ ‫الص َرا‬
ِ ‫اِ ْھ ِدنَا‬

َّ ‫علَ ۡي ِه ۡم َو ََل ال‬

َ‫ضآل ِۡين‬ ِ ‫علَ ۡي ِه ۡم ۙ غ َۡي ِر ۡال َم ۡغض ُۡو‬
َ ‫ب‬ َ َ‫ط الَّذ ِۡينَ ا َ ۡنعَمۡ ت‬
َ ‫ص َرا‬
You may sit!

b. Greetings
Assalamu’alaykum and Good Morning
class! Alaykumissalam warahamatullahi
Wbarakatoh and Good Morning Sir Juhary!
How are you today? I’m fine thank you, how are you too?

I’m fine too, thank you.

c. Checking of Attendance None po Sir.

who are the absent today?

Okay very good!

d. Reminders
Before I start to discuss, please be guided to
our rules and regulations inside the class okay?
Okay po Sir.
Before anything else, listen carefully and avoid
being noisy during the discussion.

e. Motivation
it seems like you need a motivation for you to
awaken yourself, okay ready? Everybody
stand-up again!
(they are all standing)
Do you know the song chikading chikading?
Yes, Sir!
Okay, we are going to sing that song, get ready,
Chikading chikading palipad-lipad (2x)
May apat na chikading na dumapo sasanga,
lumipad ang isa tatlo lang ang natira.

Chikading chikading palipad-lipad (2x)

May tatlong chikading na dumapo sasanga,
lumipad ang isa dalawa lang ang natira.

Chikading chikading palipad-lipad (2x)

May dalawang chikading na dumapo sasanga,
lumipad ang isa, isa lang ang natira.

Chikading chikading palipad-lipad (2x)

May isang chikading na dumapo sasanga,
lumipad ang isa, wala nang natira.

Okay very good class, you may take your sit.

B. Review
Okay class, who among of you can remember
the topic discussed by Teacher Amirah last?
Sir it is all about the elements of a short-story.
Okay very good, who can still remember what
are those elements of a short story?
I Sir.

Yes, Niseshan go ahead.

The elements of a short story are, the
characters, the settings, the problems and the
Okay very good Nieshan.
So, now who can tell me what is character,
setting, problem and resolution?
(they can answer differently).

Okay very good class, so now I will discuss the

three fables to you then you are going to listen
carefully because after this, we will have our
activity. You have to identify the elements of a
short story in each fable.
Yes, Sir.
C. Presentation
Okay, the first fable entitled The Fox and The
grapes. Are you familiar with this story?
(they can answer differently).
Okay listen! I will read the fable and the
meaning in tagalog or Meranao then you are
going to listen to me.
Okay po, Sir!
The Fox and the Grapes

One hot summer's day a Fox was strolling

through an orchard till he came to a bunch of
Grapes just ripening on a vine which had been
trained over a lofty branch.

"Just the thing to quench my thirst," quote he.

Drawing back a few paces, he took a run and a
jump, and just missed the bunch. Turning
round again with a One, Two, Three, he
jumped up, but with no greater success.

Again and again he tried after the tempting

morsel, but at last had to give it up, and walked
away with his nose in the air, saying: "I am
sure they are sour.

Yes, Sir.
Okay let us try first if you really understand the
story before I proceed to the next fables. Who
is/are the character/s in the fable?
(they may answer differently)
Okay very good class!

So, now we will proceed to the next fable, are

you ready class?
Yes, Sir.
Okay the next fable is the,

The Two Crabs

One fine day two Crabs came out from their

home to take a stroll on the sand.

"Child," said the mother, "you are walking

very ungracefully. You should accustom
yourself, to walking straight forward without
twisting from side to side."
"Pray, mother," said the young one, "do but set
the example yourself, and I will follow you."

Yes, Sir.
Okay let us try again! Who among of you can
tell what or where is the setting/s of the story?
(may they answer differently).
Okay good! Are you ready for the last fable?
Yes, sir.
Okay listen carefully, the next will be the,

The Mischievous Dog

What do you mean by mischievous?

(may they answer differently).
The meaning of mischievous is showing a
playful desire to cause trouble or to cause
annoyance. Syabot!
Yes, Sir.
Okay let’s start.

A Dog used to run up quietly to the heels of

those he met, and to bite them without notice.

His master sometimes suspended a bell about

his neck, that he might give notice of his
presence wherever he went, and sometimes he
fastened a chain about his neck, to which was
attached a heavy clog, so that he could not be
so quick at biting people's heels.

The Dog grew proud of his bell and clog, and

went with them all over the market-place.

An old hound said to him: "Why do you make

such an exhibition of yourself? That bell and
clog that you carry are not, believe me, orders
of merit, but, on the contrary, marks of
disgrace, a public notice to all men to avoid
you as an ill-mannered dog". Understood
Yes, Sir!

Okay very good! Let us also try if something

you have learned from the fables. Okay! What
do you think is the problem to the fable?
(may they answer differently).

Okay very good class! So now, I am going to

check if you really understand the fables we
and discussed today.

Look at your book on page 12, letter B.
INSTRUCTION: Using the fables you have
read, complete the chart with the correct
elements of a fables.
Title characters Setting/s Problem Resolution Moral
(may they answer differently).

Title characters Setting/s Problem Resolution Moral

2. Analysis
How was the activity class? How was your
answer? Did you answer it correctly?
(may they answer differently).

3. Abstraction
(After collecting the activity 1, ask them
base on the questions given in activity 1. They
will answer for this also base on their answer
on activity 1. They are going to answer orally
using their preferable language) it will serve as
their oral recitation.
(may they answer differently).

4. Application
INSTRUCTION: In a three groups, divide
the class into three groups. Among the three
fables, you are going to pick one fable and
together as group, you are going to
demonstrate the moral lessons that teach them
from the fables.
You may demonstrate your works as
DRAWING, DRAMA, or ESSAY base on the
moral you’ve got from the fables.

D. Generalization
Any clarification, suggestion or
recommendation? Okay again, in determining
the elements of a short story you have to read
and comprehend the story. The characters are
those who are acting the story, they are the
actors from the story. The setting, where the
story happens, the day, time, month and years.
The problem is the conflict found out in the
story and the last one is the resolution, it is the
solution or found out solution to a conflict in
the story.


INSTRUCTION: In a short bond paper, draw at least one of the characters in the fables we read
and describe the chosen character.

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