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Adelaide School-Philippines
Don Matias Burgos, Pangasinan
S.Y. 2022-2023

Name: _____________________________________________________Date:___________________Score:_________________
GENERAL INSTRUCTONS: Minimize erasures. Read each instruction carefully. Use BLACK BALLPEN ONLY

I. MULTIPLE CHOICES: Read the questions carefully. Choose and write the letter of the BEST answer in the space provided before
each number.
_____1. What are the key concepts in the study of the origins of modern humans?
a. Biological and cultural evolution c. Industrial and Technological evolution
b. Cultural and sociocultural evolution d. Political and Sociocultural evolution

_____2. There are changes to the development in cultures from a simple form to a more complex form of human culture. This
concept refers to?
a. Biological and cultural evolution c. Industrial and Technological evolution
b. Cultural and sociocultural evolution d. Political and Sociocultural evolution

______3. After conducting numerous studies regarding the changes that occur among plants, fossils, animals, and different breeds of
pigeons, concluded that each species was not created at one time in a Fixed form.
a. Ember b. Louis Lartet c. Eugene Dubois d. Charles Darwin

_____4. Which of the following statements accurately distinguishes between biological evolution over cultural evolution?
a. Biological evolution primarily involves the transmission of knowledge and customs from one generation to the next.
b. Cultural evolution relies on genetic mutations and natural selection for adaptation.
c. Biological evolution is concerned with genetic changes in a population over generations.
d. Cultural evolution is exclusively driven by environmental factors.

_____5. What would be an example of how the use of tools and language might have influenced early human cultural development?
a. Tools allowed early humans to create art, fostering a sense of community.
b. Language enabled early humans to adapt to changing climates.
c. Tools and language had no significant impact on early human culture.
d. Tools and language directly influenced genetic mutations.

_____6. Among the biological capacities of humans to develop culture, how would they demonstrate facilitating pertinent skills such
as seeing, speaking, and smelling?
a. Their thinking capacity c. Their speaking capacity
b. Their gripping capacity d. Their walking capacity

_____7. What is one of the key advantages believed to be associated with the evolution of bipedalism in early humans?
a. Greater speed for hunting prey. c. Improved energy efficiency for long-distance travel.
b. Enhanced agility for climbing trees. d. Increased protection against predators.

_____8. They were the first hunters with improvised tools such as axes and knives, and were the first to produce fire.
a. Hominids b. Homo Habilis c. Homo Erectus d. Homo Sapiens

_____9. They were the first to make stone tools.

a. Hominids b. Homo Habilis c. Homo Erectus d. Homo Sapiens

_____10. They were described as manlike primates.

a. Hominids b. Homo Habilis c. Homo Erectus d. Homo Sapiens

_____11. They were the first to produce art in cave paintings and crafting decorated tools and accessories.
a. Hominids b. Homo Habilis c. Homo Erectus d. Homo Sapiens

_____12. What distinguishes Homo sapiens from other hominin species in terms of their cognitive abilities?
a. Homo sapiens had smaller brain sizes compared to other hominins.
b. Homo sapiens had a more limited tool-making capability.
c. Homo sapiens exhibited advanced cognitive functions, such as complex language and symbolic thinking.
d. Homo sapiens had a primarily vegetarian diet.

_____13. What is a key feature that distinguishes hominids from other primates?
a. Opposable thumbs for grasping objects.
b. Quadrupedal locomotion (walking on four limbs).
c. Bipedalism (walking on two legs).
d. A diet primarily consisting of fruits and leaves.

_____14. Which of the following statements best summarizes a key aspect of the evolutionary process from early hominids to Homo
a. Early hominids primarily relied on quadrupedal locomotion, while Homo sapiens developed bipedalism.
b. The evolution of Homo sapiens involved the development of advanced cognitive abilities, including complex language and
symbolic thinking.
c. Early hominids had a diet consisting primarily of meat, while Homo sapiens transitioned to a vegetarian diet.
d. The evolution from hominids to Homo sapiens was marked by a decrease in brain size and cognitive capabilities.

_____15. What significant factors contributed to the development of Homo sapiens into modern humans?
a. The adoption of a primarily carnivorous diet.
b. The reduction of brain size and cognitive capabilities.
c. The development of agriculture, settlement in communities, and the growth of advanced civilizations.
d. The isolation of Homo sapiens from other hominin species.

_____16. What crucial developments characterize the transition from early hominids to modern humans in terms of their anatomy and
a. A shift from bipedalism to quadrupedal in locomotion.
b. A decrease in brain size and cognitive complexity.
c. The emergence of advanced tools and the development of complex social structures.
d. A transition from a diet primarily consisting of leaves to a carnivorous diet.

_____17. He discovered the human remains of ‘Java Man’ at Java, Indonesia in 1891.
a. Ember b. Louis Lartet c. Eugene Dubois d. Charles Darwin

_____18. Which of the following hominins are being referred to as “handy man”?
a. Hominids b. Homo Habilis c. Homo Erectus d. Homo Sapiens

_____19. The Homo Erectus lived in Asia, Africa, and Europe in how many years ago?
a. 40 million years ago c. 2.4-1.4 million years ago
b. 500,000 years ago d. 250,000 years ago

_____20. They were the first to produce art in cave paintings and crafted decorated tools and accessories.
a. Homo Erectus c. Neanderthal Man
b. Homo Habilis d. Cro-Magnon Man

_____21. This is also widely known as the ‘computer age’.

a. Paleolithic period c. Metal Age
b. Neolithic period d. Age of Modern Technology
_____22. Trading flourished in and among tribes, kingdoms, empires and later on state
a. Paleolithic period c. Metal Age
b. Neolithic period d. Age of Modern Technology

_____23. This tool is being used for preservation and storing of water.
a. Basket b. Weaving of cloth c. Plough d. banga

_____24. What materials they produced or made to help them in harvesting crops?
a. Basket b. Weaving of cloth c. Plough d. banga

_____25. What marked the transition from early hominids to modern humans in terms of social, cultural, political, and economic
a. A shift from egalitarian social structures to hierarchical ones.
b. A decline in the use of tools and technology.
c. The emergence of nomadic lifestyles.
d. A decrease in the complexity of language.

II. TRUE OR FALSE: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and write FALSE otherwise.
______26. Artifacts and fossils are primarily valuable for their aesthetic appeal rather than their ability to provide insights into human
______27. Fossils are essential for understanding the cultural practices of ancient civilizations.
______28. Artifacts, such as pottery and tools, can offer valuable clues about the economic activities of past societies.
______29. The study of fossils is unrelated to understanding the political structures of ancient civilizations.
______30. Artifacts and fossils are static objects that do not evolve or change over time.
______31. Apes and human have similarities in biological anatomy and capacity for culture.
______32. As the environment changes, our society and way of life also change.
______33. Stone tools offer archaeologists hints about the lifestyle of early homo sapiens.
______34. Earliest people believed in supernatural being or gods.
______35. The practice of agriculture was known during the late Paleolithic period.
______36. The oldest and most basic way of economic subsistence is hunting and gathering.
______37. In the industrial society, their economy lies primarily on agricultural but much surplus; increased market exchange and
substantial trade.
______38. Horticultural and pastoral societies rely primarily on the cultivation of crops and domestication of animals for their
sustenance and livelihoods.
______39. Agricultural societies are characterized by their nomadic lifestyle and constant movement in search of fertile land for
______40. Horticultural societies tend to have a higher level of technological advancement in agriculture compared to agricultural

III. IDENTIFICATION: Read the following statements. Identify and write what is being asked.
_______________41. The Paleolithic period occurred around 3 million years to 8,000 BC. It was also referred to as?
_______________42. It was a certain period of time when early humans have their dependence on domesticated plants or animals.
_______________43. Compared to other Hominin species, this species made sophisticated and smoothened tools and had more
developed shelters and advance technology.
_______________44. The Cro-Magnon man was believed to be the first to produce art in caves, whilst the Neanderthals in?
_______________45. In the context of evolution, what is the term used to describe the mechanism by which species with traits better
suited to their environment tend to survive and reproduce more successfully, leading to a gradual change in a population over time?
_______________46. A place where artifacts and even remains where preserved people can understand the history that underlies
behind the object.
_______________47. It is the capacity of humans to develop culture in which the brain is the capacity source of humans to
comprehend sound and provide meaning to it.
_______________48. A type of grip which enables humans to hold and pick objects steadily using fingers.
_______________49. Comparing to other primates, humans have a larger brain, weighing how many kilograms?
_______________50. The place where the painting of Cro-Magnon man is discovered.

1.4 kg Precision Grip Speaking Capacity Power Grip Museum

Natural Selection Hunting and Fishing Painting New Stone Age

Old Stone Age Homo Sapiens Homo Erectus Southern France

Dusseldorf Germany Painting Biological evolution

IV. TABLE COMPLETION: Complete the table by supplementing the correct information. Refer your answers on the
table below.
Type of Society Technology Economy Settlements Social Organizations
A. Hunting and
Gathering Society

B. Horticultural and
Pastoral Society

C. Agrarian Society

D. Industrial Society

 Bare necessities – no  Very simple – fire,  Permanent – urban  Complex set of

surplus arrow, baskets. living predominating. interdependent
 Simple crop  Irrigation,  Semipermanent – institutions.
cultivation, some Fertilization, some cities  Family loses significance
surplus and Metallurgy, Animal- occasionally as distinctive religious,
exchange. drawn plow. kingdoms. political, and economic
 Industrial – few  Digging sticks,  Nomadic 25-40 system emerged.
engage in agriculture occasionally blade people.  Family-centered.
or direct production; tools.  Permanent  All resting within family.
 Largely agricultural  Advance sources of urbanization
but much surplus; energy;

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