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Adelaide School-Philippines
Don Matias Burgos, Pangasinan
S.Y. 2022-2023

Name: _____________________________________________________Date:___________________Score:________________
GENERAL INSTRUCTONS: Minimize erasures. Read each instruction carefully. Use BLACK BALLPEN ONLY
I. MULTIPLE CHOICES: Read the questions carefully. Choose and write the letter of the BEST answer in the space provided
each number.
_____1. When a society’s parts work together to maintain stability, functionalists refer to this as?
a. Equilibrium b. social solidarity c. Anomie d. Latent function

_____2. He is the German Philosopher and sociologist whose work is closely tied to a form of political philosophy and social
a. Jurgen Habermas b. Talcott Parsons c. George Herbert Mead d. Robert Merton

_____3. The amount that has to be paid or spent to obtain or to have something.
a. Cost b. Benefit c. Price d. Condition

_____4. a social science concept that suggests individuals make decisions by weighing the costs and benefits of various options and
choosing the one that maximizes their own self-interest or utility.
a. Symbolic interactionism c. Structural functionalism
b. Rational choice theory d. Marxism

_____5. One of the assumptions of Rational choice where individuals choose their actions optimally, given their individual
preferences as well as the opportunities or constraints with which the individuals face.
a. Individualism b. Optimality c. Structures d. Rationality

_____6. He stated that gestures are important in communication. He was also an influential in the field of symbolic interactionism.
a. Jurgen Habermas b. Talcott Parsons c. George Herbert Mead d. Robert Merton

_____7. Refers to non-verbal communicative actions or movements that people use to convey meaning during social interactions
a. Interactions b. body language c. gestures d. symbols

_____8. You are studying the decision-making process of consumers when choosing a vacation destination. According to rational
choice theory, which of the following is most likely to influence their decision?
a. The destination's popularity on social media
b. Recommendations from friends and family
c. The destination's proximity to their current location
d. The cost of the vacation package and available discounts

_____9. This occurs when an individual has the means and desire to achieve the cultural goals socialized into him.
a. Conformity b. Rebellion c. Retreatism d. Ritualism

_____10. In a small town, the mayor is responsible for making decisions about local infrastructure, while the police chief ensures
public safety, and the school principal oversees education. Which concept from structural functionalism best explains this division of
a. social conflict b. social integration c. social stratification d. social institutions

_____11. A company is divided into different departments, each with specific roles and responsibilities. The human resources
department handles hiring, the marketing department promotes products, and the production department manufactures goods. Which
aspect of structural functionalism is exemplified in this organizational structure?
a. Manifest functions c. Division of labor
b. Latent functions d. social change

_____12. In a traditional family, the father typically assumes the role of the primary breadwinner, while the mother takes care of the
household and children. According to structural functionalism, what is the primary function of this division of roles?
a. To create social conflict c. To ensure social stability
b. To promote social change d. To challenge social norms

_____13. It occurs when an individual continues to do things as prescribed by society but forfeits the achievement of the goals
a. Conformity b. Rebellion c. Retreatism d. Ritualism

_____14. It refers to the innate qualities of individuals.

a. achievement orientation c. Ascription
b. affective neutrality d. Diffuseness

_____15. Which of the following sociological approaches emphasizes the role of social structures and institutions in shaping the self,
one's actions, and interactions, highlighting the impact of larger societal forces?
a. Symbolic interactionism c. Structural functionalism
b. Rational choice theory d. Marxism

_____16. A stage of development where the child imitates the behaviors of others.
a. preparatory stage b. game stage c. play stage d. generalized other

_____17. In George Herbert Mead's theory of socialization, which stage involves children taking on the roles of multiple others and
considering the attitudes and expectations of society as a whole?
a. preparatory stage b. game stage c. play stage d. generalized other

_____18. During this stage of social development, children mimic the actions and behaviors of significant individuals in their lives,
such as parents and caregivers. They have not yet developed a full understanding of social roles and rules. Which stage is this?
a. preparatory stage b. game stage c. play stage d. generalized other

_____19. In this stage, children learn to consider the perspectives and expectations of others by participating in organized games with
rules. They start to understand the roles of various individuals in these games. Which stage is being described?
a. preparatory stage b. game stage c. play stage d. generalized other

_____20. Children engage in imaginative play during this stage. They take on roles and act out scenarios, often pretending to be
someone else. They begin to grasp the concept of "I" and "me." Which stage is this?
a. preparatory stage b. game stage c. play stage d. generalized other

_____21. n this advanced stage, individuals have developed a sense of the broader social context and can consider the attitudes and
expectations of society as a whole. They can anticipate how others will view their actions and understand their roles within the larger
community. Which stage is this?
a. preparatory stage b. game stage c. play stage d. generalized other

_____22. Sara and Tom are in a romantic relationship. They often use inside jokes and gestures to express their affection for each
other. According to symbolic interactionism, which concept best describes this aspect of their relationship?
a. social conflict b. Symbolic interaction c. social strain d. social approach

_____23. When role obligations are extended outside the defined role – expectations
a. achievement orientation c. Ascription
b. affective neutrality d. Diffuseness

_____24. Places an importance on the performance and emphasizes individual.

a. achievement orientation c. Ascription
b. affective neutrality d. Diffuseness

_____25. He is an American sociologist and functionalist who attempted to develop and perfect a general analytic model suitable for
analyzing all types of collectivities.
a. Charles Darwin c. Karl Marx
b. Emile Durkheim d. Talcott Parson

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