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w-lhlCUCr ww wZ7-Tw ~r~wowro a a September 1, 2072} STATCON Class Rutes : Video - on * ASK immediareay ‘gieation “OFF. absent for clanificano 3rd. hosence. ORoOP Beadle: arvin Garda STATUTORY CONSTRUCTION bs Hierarcny OF Legon Norms (O°) Constination (1981) Yunderties all subjects ‘fundamental preset “NO LAW mar viorates Provisions Y Supreme Y nighest () Starure “*Naument of tegistamre mat has me winding fore o¢ law (©) treary a “international Law agreement G+) Court Rures © RULGS Of Procedure : Y Remediay Law reer NOt eMacred oy legitiarace fe gee ~ PrOMUI gatect by Supreme Cou rk exeLU very Congress “NO powet to ammend Rures of - proceduray norms ©) Adminiswas ver Ree uations subordinate egistation * MUSt CONFOFM ro Me consti Court ® stamte “CLASSIFY: ordinances “Sangguniang Bayan “Sang uniang Pantalawi gan . Sangguniang Pantunsead VY Locas Legisiation + mur EVERY STATUTE. 2. Constitution previous conform to Me ,poinrers MUST CONFORM yo THE CONSTITUTION *sentinentary peopie “-MALOLOS CONSTITUTION - SPAIN \dog - Never governed tne country enjoyed sovereignty over PH Treaty of Paris _ “spain > ug a-1935 _constimution : We are Sr under me Amencans. = _evenmar independence Presidential Sysrem 7 Bi-camerat Legisiatuce PV parerned after us Constirutionar 'o 1973 constitution *_Conshturonal convention * President Diesdade Maca, Dottordle Degree < EE Qemicg ‘Deiegares of Cagayan Peopie : Laggui Cruguegaras) ‘mronio CAtcata) Molina Cauguey) - Parliamentary Govemment - Strong President = unicameral reqisiature ? Barasang Pambansa *CLASSIFY- “SUEEEHOSGDOG00G on” a ee ee, orn Era 1973 19345-1913 Marral Law Youboject ro previsions of et Nationality of 1935 consti. Fernando poe —p President 91935 consti i¢ naturat worn Fairer! Pinoy Mama: Foreign CA merican”) legitimate chiig 7 took nationality of Mother Cc. Freedom consi tution EDSA i DS Evolusion - (973, * Aquino took over and abolished consk. - Provisional consnturon “Cory Aquino exercised loorh: ? Execunve Mareos diccatoe? a : No diffeence wi Aquine? o Leaislative - 1986 - 1987 A- 1937 Constitution “ dracted wy an appointed constintion co “reverted Fresidential system with a Ricameral Legislature Independent commissions Y Civil Service (esc) Vv COMELEC ¥ COA Bicameral - Legislature - 2 chambers: Hous® - Local Pen pective, Senate * National Penpecavey unicamecl - | chamoet ~ Batasang pombansq, Ws 1973 constimtion *CLASSIFY: TNISSIO NN. aaa Many stares avesed bicameral waste of Hime 3. Statutes Cunder Americans) American Aoks Phitipping Regime Purtic Acts commission + Forerunner of Our congress ~ Commenweaith kas CCAD ‘ one of * AC: NO- 8815 - under me AmencanS + me Acts “1935 constinution : Republic Acts CAR 4 - G000 +) Pre- Mortal Law Martial Law - Presidential Decrees CP.p.s) 1973 const. Baras Pamvansa (8-P.) B-P.22 Bouncing check: an s Sources of Atnenciment® Starures No-@ P.D.5 EDSA Revolution Pr tcutive orders Freedom conshtution eXCuri ve Order 204 Family Code ‘ . revered Re ti : ePpuiolic pers JAST Constr o —ost eben (2800 *) ‘ Pemmissive 7 1973 - Experiment w) Pactiomeniay Advantage: Passage OF Legisiarion wasnt time consuming Pill OF DUNS? Oury to vore under 14713. Could Woe PENAK2d fr NOT VOTING ” : ing mgq senader nq ungas Fdaming M9 “CLASSIFY: Judiciary ~ common eiement in all 3 consHtutions 1935 ~ justices I913 19397 - \S Jusvices Pin alawak ang Review Jurisdicnon Enlaged cemiorari Power y Provisions on Nanonatity based on Year of consti ANY cights Acquired ‘oy previous consk. can't be Ccan no longer we) taken awa 11 consHeuki on ~ DOCTRINE OF vesTED RIGHTS YAS pire the mange 2018 - President Durerte, Y committee to Study me 1987 consti Draft, o CONSHtution for A cedleral system ) Provisions - non-sei¢ executory J Principles — \egistarure * Se Guide jJudicg; Poles ~inverpretarre On be Law y unitary Sustem sovereignty Srl itrele exeises ¥ cover, “CLASS ReeeRaD REGIONS | 4: kd Ministrative Re gutarions ent Subordinate legisiation cannot execute, enone and implement me taw Legisiature \ LAW > EXEC BRANCH * CANNGt poss the Law —_——™ "Cannot smplement Relevant Regulatory Agen + OOLE = medals 9 Adminisearve Reguiations + HLURB : Legal Education Board b+ Administrative gen L granted P Requiarnry Swers Ruler rp APPLY , entorre, L_isue implement me, Law « , G+ General Provisions ——> Details of implementation Law Y Administrarive. net Laws Ruies out tne, NwWe me force of taw oF Law ¥ duty ro and: ‘mptemene * apply me law case of vS- egal. Sra 50 cinasqny | pime! Baer) AQ batas? | “Court CON dectare | my OW inegay | *CLASSIFY> SC upheta PrisSaT Con Qress LEBMD acti sau Adar . ° V “or aarmiteten to. - Constitutional R.A. 3662 LOW School musty POSS Philsar v 2. Minimum orade uncontriK onal LE. Baa, i B+ Penaity for raw * determine to regucren'y femoo\ may “Tea ce ee ie Lega “education viola me Rue, ere ae renon, Need ACADEMIC . FREEDOM, d. Congress Execunve 4 v 7 Adtminisative, 7 yeraion LAW Reguiaton Agency > Rules sk 16 depen: eine 100) is dedared 7 ar on me tan) VNONSTVTONAL ( will me Admin aries remain? ALL WILL BE ALSO UNCONSNTVHONAL, &- Independent Conshturonal Commissions “COA, COMELEY, cso given tei power ©Yy KM .g Congress 4 CoA RX egrusion NOC LAW C8 — RR, srann” can isue nie Arpengens on-constiration Re If nates mar mew issue wlth congress can't cnange the isprudence, 1, interprets Y aepiies ame tow Dispure Conse], mnles YArt.g “CLASSIFY- suris prudence: VY comes gom me courts a+ Not Law , 0- Binding on ALL Branunes of covn't C+ Part of the Philippine Legal sysrem ; A+ supreme coun: creates jurspmadence 7 unmake junsprudencey Art} 26 Family code Mamage waween Filipino Foreigner vibe eftined “appries for divorce “to ee marry Venkied to re-mary \ weuran't we, fai & : oe Purpose of tne Law? clear is obtained by Fiipine, no cight ce-mary 7 alien spovse mat Sus for divorce dot je me Filipino becomes o natratized atien, Ne and nis ) Jit if divore spouses Y right to re-marry Noming ia mat Provision mar States me Atien b Showed obtain divorce seo: ; SC ca > 1 Filipino obtains divone and me ™mane and Min can re-ma me Filipino Mamake, ali rm ary Ve NUNS Prdence, \ also can me-mamy Lares v Binding we need it ~m oe STABLE ) adopt conducr actdg. Law Rapid changes ~ Benovioral * Sodas Insta tiny *CLASSIFY- i I ae a neterrarimriniiatittameeaitat : ) ) ) ) . Allow surisprudene Pe nang If surispmdene is not cnangind . A Tie Wi weceme oppressive 19 me ign OF Changing carumstances +. 2 » onginating fem judicial woody Aourinal inurpetation of me law “otMer courts cannot Aepan Eom juripmaence Example? _CB- cenrai_ Bank SSL say CBP vs. CB _emptoyees Miocianon anon Law above jai ES Taare [emo Ee Commo rank act = wi Piva 25 ig SGIO 7 ous eae ) SS} aericat loeiow Ji? consriturionat Classi@carion? tis Low i Reasonable discriminatory Classifications are always suspece Subsequently: “GSS J2* 1M the tight yen : $$S SE engin soles be odiclupus A HK ncaio; + phiikealth on Mote is now ° + Govn't Finand ab . eanintationat Ins tunons 7 cnates no distinction Bring-a-copy of: NEXT MEETING: 7 Rot, Vomded recraton VY Civil Code Family ade, VY AAMINIsCAH Ve. Code oF 1997 -CLASSIFY- emma

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