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A IMRAD Presented to the Senior High School

Faculty of Senior High School
Balanga City, Bataan

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Subject Requirements In Research Project
Grade 12 HUMSS A - Amorsolo
S.Y. 2021 – 2022

The Researchers

Navarro, Diosmar Ezekiel D.

Estrella, Joshua Daniel R.
Paguio, Maria Catalina C.
Alarcon, Richaela Mae B.
Veloria, Daizer Dence V.
Tablan, Aira Melissa T.

April 2022
Soaring interests in Korean popular music across the high-school student cohort of

Tomas del Rosario College comprise only a small subset of the domination of the rising

trend amongst teenagers. Whether or not it is a mere fad that will achieve only short-lived

popularity can give impressions indicating the negative. One may attribute the collective

behavior response toward K-pop to its potential lyrical relatability, perhaps K-pop involves

witty or relatable storytelling that reaches out easily to its listening audiences that inspires

its musical development in their class of culture—yet, predominantly, non-Korean

teenagers, especially in and of Western populations, commonly do not understand the lyrics;

this hypothesis appears not to explicate the attraction behind its material.

The growing interest of this trend is colloquially referred to as the “Korean wave” and

students are to be selected as participants of this study. Factors contributing to the Korean

wave that intend to be assessed will belong to the following three dynamics: personal (effects

on attributes and capacities made exclusive to an individual), social (effects on the degree and

mode of networking within a given interacting population) and educational (effects on class

participation, the quality of student studies and overall institutional learning with respect to

the school curriculum). The study is to be conducted via a survey in the setting of an online-

interactive environment and outside of school hours, such that the manipulation of likely

confounding variables is intended to be controlled. The seriousness of the research problem

is found in its incredible influence over the teenage youth, however the causal rationale behind

the motivation for its alarmingly widespread and accelerating musical growth remains

arguably not as transparent, thus a more perceptive analysis thereof constructs the purpose of

this study

The primary reason why the researchers conduct this study is to know the main

factor of the Korean wave on the students and to know why students like or love Korean

wave. The other High school students are really love the Korean culture or wave because

it is really popular and the Korean wave are fantastic in the eyes. Some of the students are

really addict in the Korean wave and forgetting to prioritize the projects, assignments, and


The general problem of the study is: What is the main factor on the growing interest

in the Korean wave of high school students in Tomas del Rosario College?

Specifically, the study seeks answers to the following questions:

1. How may the demographic profile of high school students may be described in terms


1.1 Age;

1.2 Year Level; and

1.3 Sexuality?

2. How does the growing interest in the Korean wave affect the students in terms


2.1 School-Related Factors;

2.1.1 Class Participation

2.1.2 Latest General Average

2.2 Social Related Factors; and

2.2.1 Household Chores

2.2.2 Interaction with Others

2.3 Personal Related Factors?

2.3.1 Self Care

2.3.2 Relationship Status

3. How will this study contribute to raising awareness about the Korean wave to the

students in terms of balancing time for school, social, and personal life?

The following results of this study will be salutary to the following beneficiaries.

Benefiting the study are the various sectors as follow:

The Korean wave fans will benefit this study because the output of this study will

be able to analyse which element or branch of the Korean wave is getting popular rapidly

the Korean wave fans will more appreciate and gain new knowledge to the other waves

like the Korean martial art Taekwondo. The Korean wave fans will be more happy and

smarter because of the new knowledge that fans’ gained. The future researchers can

continue the study. It can give the idea in case the future researchers conduct a study about

Koreans. The future researchers can use this study as reference and information to the study

that future researches will conduct. The high school students will benefit this study because

the high school students will learn what has inspired the growth of these trending interests

and will gain a more insightful or in-depth understanding of K-pop culture. High school

students will know other amazing knowledge and things because of the interest in Korean

waves. The addict high school students in Korean wave will have a limit and control and

will learn how to prioritize the important things first.

According to John Watson (1913) the behaviorism learning theory focuses on the

idea that all behaviors are learned through interaction with the environment of the learner.
The behaviorism learning theory states that behaviors are learned from the environment.

Some factors that affect the student are from the student’s environment.

In the study of Medway, F. J. (2016) he conducted causal attribution for school-

related factors to problems of teachers. 2 studies with a total of 54 teachers to examine

classroom teachers' attributions for severe school problems. In both studies, teachers who

had referred a student for psychological services were asked to assign causality for the

referral problem. In Exp II, teacher praise and criticism of referred students were examined

as functions of causal attributions. Both studies show that teachers held student factors

more responsible for classroom problems than teacher factors and that teachers' attributions

varied somewhat for learning vs behavior problems. Exp II indicated that problem students

perceived as lacking motivation were criticized more often by their teachers. The

relationship of the results to attribution theory and teacher attribution research is discussed,

and further research conducted in naturalistic settings is recommended.

Therefore, the objective of this study is seeks to know if there is significant

relationship between the demographic profile towards the effects on the growing interest

in the Korean wave of students.


This chapter includes population and sampling techniques, materials, procedures,

methods and analysis techniques that the researchers used for this study.
Computation of Population and Sample Size

Respondents Population Sample

Grade 10 students of Tomas del Rosario 215 140


Grade 11 students of Tomas del Rosario 268 161


Grade 12 students of Tomas del Rosario 233 147


Total 716 448

The table shows the population of the study which are grade 10, grade 11, grade 12

students of Tomas del Rosario. The researchers got 140 students in grade 10 students of

Tomas del Rosario, while in grade 11 got 161 students, then 147 students got in grade 12

students. By getting the sample size of the population, the researchers used the Slovin’s

formula which resulted to four hundred forty-eight (448) respondents. A formal message

was sent to the advisers of the grade 10, grade 11 students of Tomas del Rosario College

and requested permission to send the google docs and answer it to the chosen respondents

in grade 10, grade 11, grade 12 of Tomas del Rosario College. Due to the pandemic the

researchers distributed the questionnaire through messenger. The students involved in the

study has been informed to the study that the researchers will conduct. The respondents

were guided accordingly for an effective and efficient answering of the questionnaire. At
the same time, The information of the respondents were secured. Right after the

questionnaire were answered and collected from the respondents, data was tabulated,

analyzed, and presented for the realization of the purpose of this investigation.

Through the investigation and compilation of the data, the important statistics and

information would be evaluated. The opinions and answers of the respondents would be

listed, allied, and arranged in a tabular form and statistically treated using different

statistical tools. Using Slovin’s formula, the researcher will evaluate the total number of

populations, and samples of the respondents will be listed. Correlation statistics try to show

whether and how strongly pairs of variables are related. The scoring in the last five

questions of the questionnaire will be going to base on the Likert’s scale. Giving the weight

of 5 – for always, 4 – for often, 3 – for sometimes, 2 – for rarely, 1 – for never. Frequency

count, Percentage, and Weighted Mean were going to be used to measure and determine

the demographic profile of the respondents, and the effects of the Korean wave on the

students of Tomas del Rosario College into three-factor: school-related factors, social-

related factors, and personal-related factors.


This chapter presents the findings of the study. The data gathered were presented,

analyzed, and interpreted to come up with the results essential to the investigation.

Table 1

The Mean of Different Variables

Variables Mean

Class Participation 3.99

Household Chores 2.87

Interaction with others 2.56

Self Care 3.06

The table 1 shows the mean and the computed mean of each variable. The School

related factors variable which is the class participation has a mean of (2.99). Followed by

the household chores has a mean of (2.87) and also the interaction with others which has

the mean of (2.56). Lastly the self care has a mean of (3.06)

Table 2

Significant Relationship per Variable

Variables Result (Pearson)

Demographic profile and the effect on 0.02

the growing interest in the Korean wave
of students

The table 2 shows the significant relationship of the variable. The left side of the

table represents the demographic profile and the effect on the growing interest in the

Korean wave of students. On the other side of the table is representing the results which

is 0.02 the results are computed using the Pearson’s correlation.

This chapter presents the findings of the study based on the gathered data

together with the conclusion and recommendations drawn from the findings and


With the data gathered, interpreted, and analyzed, there is a sufficient evidence

that the null hypotheses were rejected, and the alternative hypotheses were accepted.

Furthermore, there is a significant relationship between the demographic profile and

effects on the growing interest in the Korean wave of students based on the alternative

hypothesis that was accepted. Using the Pearson r Correlation, it shows the relationship

of the variables to the study. The demographic profile of the respondents does affect the

growing interest of the Korean wave of students with a general average of 0.02356.

However, this study shows that some students are have effects of the Korean wave

and some students are really embracing the Korean wave. The researcher suggests that if

you will conduct a study that about Korean wave It is important to stay consistent with

age groups when bringing the topic to minimize results and improve accuracy. Further

study can be conducted amongst neighboring schools or from different regions for more

abstract results. Also, you have to manage your time to avoid the cramming or a panic.

Additionally, the researchers should understand the chosen study more thoroughly from

the start of the journey to avoid confusion and wasting time discussing the chosen topic

again in making papers.

In conclusion, the growing interest in Korean wave of the students has an effect

to the learners. Based on the results of the google docs that distributed by the researchers

to the selected section in Tomas del Rosario College, many students are really love the

Korean culture also known as Korean wave. Sometimes the time of the students for the
other things is being dominated by watching, listening to the Korean entertainment. The

study proves that some students are being Korean wave fan or Korean wave lover, most

of the students are taking the products from Korea and taking the culture of Koreans like

saying a Korean words to other people and some students are little bit affecting their

academic performance.


John Watson (1913) The bevahiorism theory Retrieved from:

Medway, F. J. (2016). Retrieved from APA Psychnet: 06292-001

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